
「これは何なんですか?」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 213



Or if that ain't to your fancy, some of my hands being rough and having old scores on account of hazing, then you can stay here, you can.  - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』

ports-base サブコレクションが 最新状態であるかどうかの確認は、 よりも最初にやらなければならないことなのです例文帳に追加

Building ports/INDEX with a partial tree is not supported. See the FAQ.  - FreeBSD


I believe that the meeting of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision was just wrapped up. Is there any report that has been brought to your attention on this?  - 金融庁


This helps with fetching data from some sort of "event" table in a database.  - PEAR



for he knew what it was at once, having been very observant during the week when he was an ordinary boy.  - James Matthew Barrie『ケンジントン公園のピーターパン』


もし、度も質問に答えるのが面倒であれば、 稼働中のシステムのファイルを更新しておきましょう(ただしこれは、そうできればの話です例文帳に追加

If you get tired of going through the dialogues you can simply update the files on your running system once (Only if this is an option.  - FreeBSD


Frankly speaking, I am appalled by the seriousness of this problem and wondering what the auditing firm system is for and whether certified public accountants are really exercising their functions. What should be done to deal with this case?  - 金融庁


As I said earlier, it is basically the responsibility of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to authorize employee pension funds.  - 金融庁

pVax などのいくつかのマシンでは、このフラグは効果を持ちません。 なぜならこれらのマシンでは標準の呼び出し手順が自動的にフレームポインタの設定を行なってしまい、これが存在しないとしたところでも節約ができないからです例文帳に追加

p On some machines, such as the Vax, this flag has no effect, because the standard calling sequence automatically handles the frame pointer and nothing is saved by pretending it doesn't exist.  - JM



You see, she saw them in their beds so often in her dreams that she thought this was just the dream hanging around her still.  - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』



This is an extraordinary case in that a local government is the bank’s major shareholder and it has made various moves such as repeated capital increases, so it is necessary to take appropriate action.  - 金融庁


Also, fiscal expenditure may be directly used, and that will require the involvement of the Ministry of Finance. So, we are working on matters like that behind the scenes. All of us are racking our brains to come up with ideas, so I would like to act speedily.  - 金融庁


Regarding the case of SFCG, it was revealed at a press conference that the company has 50,000 SME borrowers, so concern has been expressed that a lack of loans could cause chain-reaction bankruptcies. Are there any measures the FSA is considering in relation to this?  - 金融庁


Questions of this kind have assuredly often arisen, but it might have been long before they received such expression as would have commanded the respect and attention of the scientific world, had it not been for the publication of the work which prompted this article.  - Thomas H. Huxley『ダーウィン仮説』


Now, you understand the ground of the impropriety of many of the arrangements among the houses of the poorer classes, by which the air is breathed over and over again, for the want of a supply, by means of proper ventilation, sufficient to produce a good result.  - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』


It is important that you take the time to help users understand your policy and why that policy needs to be signed or what will happens if they act directly against the policy (the policy should also state this). - Gentoo Linux


He determined a priori how many species of animals must exist, and shows on general principles why animals must have such and such parts.  - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』


(This is why there are no component-specific add-parameter methods.)  - PEAR


Diet affairs are hard to predict. However, I believe that the top priority should be speedy implementation of the comprehensive economic package intended to ensure life security.  - 金融庁


Frankly speaking, I appreciate Basel III for largely reflecting Japan's arguments. That is because until now, the United States and the United Kingdom have been strongly tilted toward financial capitalism.  - 金融庁

だからこれは蒸気じゃありえません。なにか変化しない気体なんです。なんでしょうか。水素かな? それともか別のもの? じゃあ調べてみましょう。例文帳に追加

There it is standing over the water, and it cannot therefore be steam, but must be a permanent gas of some sort What is it? Is it hydrogen? Is it anything else? Well, we will examine it.  - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』


At the G-20 summit held the other day in Brazil, there were various arguments over the need for the reform of the IMF. Do you intend to make any statements regarding this at the coming summit?  - 金融庁

これが Noddy オブジェクトの内容です -- このケースでは、ほかの Python オブジェクトが持っているものとら変わりはありません。 つまり参照カウントと型オブジェクトへのポインタですね。例文帳に追加

This is what a Noddy object will contain--in this case, nothing more than every Python object contains, namely a refcount and a pointer to a type object. - Python


As I already said, we will start considering this matter, including whether we should establish a new system or change the rules to prevent a further stock drop.  - 金融庁


Shoroku the second commented, "Since it is a quarrel of rough-spoken Edokko (a true native of Edo), it does not require things like Hara (a technique for conveying the qualities of a character without relying on the gestures or words). Especially, when acting the role of Tatsugoro, we should do it without Hara. Or rather, the form or style is the key; we have adopted a cool and smart approach."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the dark side, traffic accidents caused by taxi drivers doubled. Therefore, some law was revised again two years ago. While it is over-the-top for a government office to have complete authority to give approvals and licenses to adjust demand and supply, taxis are a means of public transport, so unnecessary deregulation tends to lead to such an outcome. Balance is required in that sense, as I have often said.  - 金融庁


As I have already said in response to a similar question on several occasions since yesterday, I believe that prices should be determined by market forces. Nonetheless, although perhaps I should not say this, I am hoping for a rise.  - 金融庁


and would be maintained by no one who had the smallest conception how many of the persons in greatest repute with the world, both for virtues and for attainments, are well known, at least to their intimates, to be unbelievers.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


I have another question related to this matter. In addition to the disclosure of officers’ remuneration on an individual basis, the latest revision of the legislation requires that the calculation method of officers’ remuneration be disclosed as well. However, if you take a look at companiesreports on disclosures at present, some companies present the standards quite clearly, but many others just make a statement along the lines ofsubject to determination depending on the circumstances”, making it difficult for investors to understand how the remuneration is justified. This seems to be inconsistent with what the policy had originally intended.  - 金融庁

お待たせしました−−新鮮なソースです! これでソースが手に入ったわけですから、コンパイルしてインストールするも良し、中をじっくり見るのも良し、でも好きなことをしてください。例文帳に追加

Well, there you are -- fresh sources! Now that you have the sources, you can go ahead and compile and install them, inspect them, or do whatever you like with them. - Gentoo Linux


The Monetary Policy Meeting, which concerns "what will be done," is starting today.After this meeting, Mr. Shirakawa is expected to be appointed as the new governor.Although it may have been difficult to prevent the Monetary Policy Meeting and Diet procedures over the appointment from coinciding with each other, I think there should have been some way or other to avoid this situation.What do you think?  - 金融庁


There is only one sure way to do accurate accounting. Get a printer that can tell you how much paper it uses, and attach it via a serial line or a network connection.  - FreeBSD


Financial institutions are currently developing many lending schemes which may be referred to as funds by using the BOJs new financing system for new platforms and fields for growth. I assume that the FSA intends to supervise such lending in some way and provide cooperation as much as possible. Please explain the FSA’s involvement in this.  - 金融庁


I have here a substance which is rather porous—a column of saltand I will pour into the plate at the bottom, not water, as it appears, but a saturated solution of salt which cannot absorb more; so that the action which you see will not be due to its dissolving anything.  - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』


Conventional wisdom would suggest that after a huge earthquake like that, deposits will decrease. When I asked for the cause of the increase, the chairman cited the earthquake insurance claims of 500 billion yen paid in Miyagi Prefecture alone as a probable cause.  - 金融庁

これは、問題点を見付ける正確な方法ではありませんが、もないよりましです。 このようなパニックメッセージを投稿している人はよく見掛けますが、このように、命令ポインタ値を、カーネルシンボルテーブルの中の関数とつき合わせて調べている人はまれです例文帳に追加

This is a less than exact mechanism for tracking down the point of failure, but it is better than nothing.  - FreeBSD


It will give you an idea, therefore, of the strange deficiency in these creatures, when I tell you that none made the slightest attempt to rescue the weakly crying little thing which was drowning before their eyes.  - H. G. Wells『タイムマシン』

各オプションはスペース区切りです。 --timeout=number: これは、rsyncが通信がタイムアウトしたと見なすまでに、秒間接続を待機させておくことができるかを定義します。例文帳に追加

Each option should be space separated.--timeout=number: This defines the number of seconds an rsyncconnection can idle before rsync sees the connection as timed-out.  - Gentoo Linux


As a once-in-a-millennium earthquake accompanied by a tsunami and a nuclear power station accident has occurred, we are facing a crisis, as I have repeatedly stated in the Diet.Therefore, the greatest political task is to do everything possible in disaster relief and achieve post-disaster restoration and reconstruction.  - 金融庁


The FSA has ordered Citibank to partially suspend business operations. This was the third administrative action taken against that bank. Do you have any comment on the FSA's responsibility as the supervisor?  - 金融庁


Withdrawal of loans by SFCG, a lender for small businesses, has emerged as a social problem. Although this is basically a matter under the jurisdiction of prefectural governments, could you tell me about your view on it?  - 金融庁

このエラーは、 実行しようとしたアプリケーションがあるカーネルシンボルを検索した結果、らかの理由でその検索に失敗した、ということを意味しています。 これは、以下に示すいずれかの理由によるものです例文帳に追加

The problem is that the application you are trying to run is looking for a specific kernel symbol, but, for whatever reason, cannot find it; this error stems from one of two problems:  - FreeBSD


As I have stated a number of times, we will use the precious savings amassed in the interests of the regional community, the nation and the world, as it is our responsibility to do so.  - 金融庁


I have another question concerning Mitsubishi UFJ Securities. At your press conference last week, you said you willkeep a close watch on the actions of Mitsubishi UFJ Securities,” rather thantake appropriate actions based on laws and regulationsas you said today. Has anything changed over the past week?  - 金融庁


As you can see from questions and answers in the Diet, there are strong calls from outside the ruling coalition, too, for the extension of the SME Financing Facilitation Act. Although this is a law with a sunset clause, there are opposition parties very eager to extend it, so I have strong expectations for the extension and I am not thinking of what to do if the bill to extend it is not enacted. In light of the current state of affairs and the critical importance of the law for the survival of small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), we will do all that we can do to have the bill enacted.  - 金融庁


I took questions in the Diet over and over again, and as I repeatedly said, the FSA does not handle policy-based finance or have jurisdiction over government-affiliated financial institutions. As you know, policy-based finance for SMEs is handled by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, while a housing financing scheme of Japan Housing Finance Agency, which was formerly known as Housing Loan Corporation, is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Policy-based finance for agriculture, forestry and fisheries, which are fields where policy-based finance play a very large role, is handled by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Financial institutions under the jurisdiction of the FSA should not be treated in the same way as financing schemes under the jurisdiction of those ministries. Basically, the financial source of private financial institutions is deposits and their basic premise is that they repay deposits with interest. Therefore, we cannot universally require them to provide no-interest loans.  - 金融庁


In relation to the debate on a comprehensive exchange, a meeting of Senior Vice Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries was resumed last weekend. Although the Financial Services Agency (FSA) wanted to conclude the debate by the end of January, it is already February. Could you comment on how the debate should be conducted in the future?  - 金融庁


I have a question for Mr. Sato. Looking back at the two years of your term, do you have anything that you regret?  - 金融庁

起きている結果を見てくださいよ。下の白いものから、かを分解して茶色いものを取り出してるんですな! じゃあこれもまちがいないはず:こんなふうにして、電極の片っぽを紙の裏のブリキにつけて――おお、なんとも見事に紙に反応が出てくるじゃないですか。字も書けちゃえそうですね、やってみましょう――いわば電報、ですかな 。例文帳に追加

Look here at the effect that takes place, and see how I have pulled something apart from the white—something brown; and I have no doubt, if I were to arrange it thus, and were to put one of the poles to the tinfoil on the other side of the paper—why, I get such a beautiful action upon the paper, that I am going to see whether I cannot write with it—a telegram, if you please.  - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』



Meanwhile, there is talk about various activities, including asset sales by foreign banks to Japanese banks as well as Japanese banks' plans to advance into overseas markets. In light of that, it may be presumed that expansion of yen-denominated transactions will become a major theme of next year and beyond. What are your thoughts on that?  - 金融庁


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原題:”Treasure Island ”

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(C) 2000 katokt
原題:”On Liberty”

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Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
原題:”The Belfast Address”

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(C) 2005 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
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原題:”Darwinian Hypothesis”

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Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2002 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
原題:”The Time Machine”

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