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該当件数 : 50



In this respect, we welcome China`s commitment to rebalance growth.  - 財務省


In this respect, we are committed to a quick resolution and effective implementation of the Doha Round.  - 財務省


Focus internal goals and external commitments on the issues and opportunities that matter most  - 経済産業省


Meeting our commitments notably on banks, OTC derivatives, compensation practices and credit rating agencies, and intensifying our monitoring to track deficiencies  - 財務省



We also commit to foster dialogue with international organisations and relevant stakeholders.  - 財務省



For our part, Japan has already committed firmly to providing support with a particular focus on the participatory process for PRSPs.  - 財務省


We are committed to advance and complement our respective bilateral and multilateral initiatives in this regard, including removing barriers to trade and investment.  - 財務省

このにつき,我々は,能力構築を通じて行うことも含み,良き規制慣行の実施を強化する 2011 年のコミットメントを再確認する。例文帳に追加

In this regard, we reaffirm our 2011 commitment to strengthen implementation of good regulatory practices, including through capacity building. - 経済産業省

我々は、現在のクォータ計算式における欠及び弱に対処するために 2013 年1月までにクォータ計算式の包括的見直しを完了し、2014 年1 月までに次期クォータ一般見直しを完了することにコミットしている。例文帳に追加

We are committed to completing the comprehensive review of the quota formula, to address deficiencies and weaknesses in the current quota formula, by January 2013 and to complete the next general review of quotas by January 2014.  - 財務省



We commit to maintaining a focus on inclusive green growth as part of our G20 agenda and in the light of agreements reached at Rio+20 and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).  - 財務省



Jurisdictions with strategic AML/CFT deficiencies that have not committed to an action plan developed with the FATF to address key deficiencies as of October 2010.  - 財務省

資金洗浄・テロ資金供与対策に戦略上重大な欠陥があり、それら欠陥に対応するため FATFと策定したアクションプランに、2010年 6月時コミットしていない国・地域。例文帳に追加

Jurisdictions with strategic AML/CFT deficiencies that have not committed to an action plan developed with the FATF to address key deficiencies as of June 2010.  - 財務省

FATFの努力にもかかわらず、この国は 2010年 2月時で FATFまたは FSRBと建設的な連携をとっておらず、国際的な資金洗浄・テロ資金供与対策基準にコミットしていない。例文帳に追加

Despite the FATF’s efforts, this jurisdiction has not constructively engaged with the FATF or an FSRB as of June 2010 and has not committed to the international AML/CFT standards.  - 財務省

資金洗浄・テロ資金供与対策に戦略上重大な欠陥があり、それら欠陥に対応するため FATFと策定したアクションプランに、2010年6月時コミットしていない国・地域。例文帳に追加

Jurisdictions with strategic AML/CFT deficiencies that have not committed to an action plan developed with the FATF to address key deficiencies as of June 2010.  - 財務省


Despite the FATF's efforts, these jurisdictions have not constructively engaged with the FATF or an FSRB as of February 2010 and have not committed to the international AML/CFT standards.  - 財務省


Jurisdictions with strategic AML/CFT deficiencies that have not committed to an action plan developed with the FATF to address key deficiencies as of February 2010.  - 財務省


We welcome its first publication today and commit to take all necessary actions to progress in the areas where deficiencies have been identified.  - 財務省


We commit to raise the quality and efficiency of aid by concentrating on the highest impact interventions and increase the focus on concrete results and overall impact on development.  - 財務省


Recognizing the benefits of the Framework, we agreed to expand and refine the countryled,consultative MAP by including monitoring of the implementation of our commitments and assessment of our progress toward achieving our shared objectives.  - 財務省


Five countries - Bolivia, Mauritania, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda - have thus far reached their decision points under this new framework, bringing total committed debt relief under the HIPC Initiative to more than $14 billion;  - 財務省


In response to the needs of developing countries, Japan stands ready to support the formulation of poverty reduction strategies with a particular focus on participatory process.  - 財務省


The lower pipelines may continue execution until the mispredicted branch instruction confirms and all uncommitted instructions at that time are flushed from the lower pipelines. - 特許庁


The US companiesPR activities include setting up R&D bases in China, showing their long-term commitment to the China market, and providing scholarship for academically excellent university students. - 経済産業省


We discussed various ways to achieve free trade in the region, including the possibility of developing a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) as a long term prospect. In this regard, we reaffirmed our commitment to the Bogor Goals. - 経済産業省


A management server 12 calculates the amount of stock of each component retained by each base for the predetermined future period, based on the expected number of orders for each component with each base for the predetermined future period, the commitment rate of each base for the retention of each component, and the amount of stock of each component retained by the lower base. - 特許庁


A management server calculates the amount of holding stock of each part in each foothold during a predetermined period of time in the future based on the expected number of order acceptance of each part in each foothold, a holding commit rate of each part in each foothold, and the amount of holding stock of each part in a subordinate foothold. - 特許庁


As part of these reforms, we are committed to completing the comprehensive review of the quota formula, to address deficiencies and weaknesses in the current quota formula, by January 2013 and to complete the next general review of quotas by January 2014.  - 財務省


In cases where an investment corporation makes a forward commitment, etc. (referring to a postdated sales contract under which payment and delivery shall be made at least one month after the conclusion of the contract, or any other contract similar thereto; hereinafter the same shall apply in (ii)), attention shall be paid to the following points.  - 金融庁


The Seoul Consensus complements our commitment to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and focuses on concrete measures as summarized in our Multi-Year Action Plan on Development to make a tangible and significant difference in people’s lives, including in particular through the development of infrastructure in developing countries.  - 財務省


We reaffirm our commitment to rationalize and phase-out over the medium term inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption, with timing based on national circumstances, while providing targeted support for the poorest.  - 財務省


With these reform commitments, we are building not just bigger MDBs, but better MDBs,with more strategic focus on lifting the lives of the poor, underwriting growth, promoting security, and addressing the global challenges of climate change and food security.  - 財務省


To enhance credibility, we encourage countries to articulate publicly their adoption of standards, announce their plans of action and participate in IMF-led assessment programs. In this regard, we welcome the commitments by the G-20 Ministers and Governors and by the Western Hemisphere Finance Ministers.  - 財務省


When a database update program 2 outputs an update request for the records, a database access means 11 determines whether the journal before update about a block same as an update objective block containing the update objective record is outputted or after the latest commitment point. - 特許庁


Then, after the end of processing accompanied by access to various kinds of databases, when data updating is established (committed) by synchronous point acquisition, the state where a record is added to the commitment completion information is attained and it is determined that data updating is completed (416). - 特許庁

我々は,個々のエコノミーの状況も考慮しつつ,アジア太平洋地域での物品及びサービスの移動の時間,費用,不確実性を削減する観から,2015 年までにサプライチェーン能力を 10%改善させる APEC全体の目標を達成するというコミットメントを再確認する。例文帳に追加

We reaffirm our commitment to achieving an APEC-wide target of a ten percent improvement in supply-chain performance by 2015, in terms of reduction of time, cost, and uncertainty of moving goods and services through the Asia-Pacific region, taking into consideration individual economy's circumstances. - 経済産業省


In this light, we reaffirmed and extended our commitment through the end of 2015 to refrain from raising new barriers to investment or to trade in goods and services, imposing new export restrictions, or implementing WTO-inconsistent measures in all areas, including those that stimulate exports.  - 経済産業省


In this regard, we strongly reiterated the importance of translating our political commitment into concrete actions toward a final conclusion, delivering meaningful new trade opportunities in all areas and substantial reductions in trade distortions, in light of the development dimension as mandated. - 経済産業省


We reiterate our commitments to move more rapidly toward more market-determined exchange rate systems and exchange rate flexibility to reflect underlying fundamentals, and avoid persistent exchange rate misalignments and in this regard, work more closely with one another so we can grow together. - 財務省

当該国・地域から生じる継続的かつ重大な資金洗浄・テロ資金供与リスクから国際金融システムを保護するため、FATFが全ての加盟国及びその他の国・地域に対し、対抗措置の適用を要請する対象とされた国・地域1 資金洗浄・テロ資金供与対策に戦略上重大な欠陥があり、それら欠陥に対応するためFATFと策定したアクションプランに、2010年2月時コミットしていない国・地域。例文帳に追加

Jurisdictions with strategic AML/CFT deficiencies that have not committed to an action plan developed with the FATF to address key deficiencies as of February 2010.  - 財務省


We are committed to take action at the national and international level to raise standards, and ensure that our national authorities implement global standards developed to date, consistently, in a way that ensures a level playing field, a race to the top and avoids fragmentation of markets, protectionism and regulatory arbitrage.  - 財務省


We urge all the listed jurisdictions to demonstrate their commitment to improve their implementation of standards, for instance, through a public declaration of their intention to implement relevant international standards, completing assisted self-assessments of adherence to these standards, and eventually addressing shortfalls identified through detailed action plans.  - 財務省

我々は銀行資本の量と質の双方を改善し、過度のレバレッジを抑制するため、国際的に合意されたルールを 2010 年末までに策定することに改めてコミットした。これらのルールの実施は、2012 年末までを目標に、金融情勢が改善し景気回復が確実になった時で段階的に行われることとなろう。これらの新たなルールの実施は、強力な監督で補完されるべきである。例文帳に追加

We recommitted to developing by end-2010 internationally agreed rules to improve both the quantity and quality of bank capital and to discourage excessive leverage. These rules will be phased in as financial conditions improve and economic recovery is assured, with the aim of implementation by end-2012. Implementation of these new rules should be complemented by strong supervision.  - 財務省


In this electronic device, roll forward is automatically executed after restart after the occurrence of a tearing, and an application program operated at the time of the tearing occurrence comprises a means for knowing the fact of the tearing occurrence and the contents of a commit buffer area at that time after selecting the application program concerned after restart. - 特許庁


We committed to implement the Action Plan with a view to achieving an APEC-wide target of a ten percent improvement by 2015 in supply-chain performance, in terms of reduction of time, cost, and uncertainty of moving goods and services through the Asia-Pacific region, taking into consideration individual economy’s circumstances. - 経済産業省


Providing a higher, commercially useful, baseline de minimis value is a significant and measurable contribution to APEC Leaderscommitment to achievean APEC-wide target of a ten percent improvement in supply-chain performance by 2015, in terms of reducing the time, cost, and uncertainty of moving goods and services through the Asia-Pacific region, taking into consideration individual economy’s circumstances”.  - 経済産業省


This guideline adopted definition of safety culture from INSAG-4, and is prepared by referring to the concepts of degradation of safety culture of the IAEA (TECDOC-1321, 1329, INSAG-13, 15, Safety Report Series No.11, No.42 etc.) and OECD/NEA, paying attention to be in harmony with international standards. These are top management’s commitment, senior management’s clear policies and behavior, avoidance of incorrect decision-making process, consistently questioning attitude, reporting culture, good communication, accountability and transparency, compliance, learning organization, organization working on prevention of accidents and failures, self or 3rd party assessment, work management, alteration management and attitude and morale. - 経済産業省


We welcomed the commitment made by Ministers at the APEC Oceans-Related Ministerial Meeting in October in Paracas, Peru, to focus efforts on sustainably developing and conserving the marine environment, promoting free and open trade and investment in sustainably managed fisheries and aquaculture, addressing the adverse effect of climate change on oceans, and taking steps to ensure that fisheries and aquaculture will continue to be a secure source of food. - 経済産業省

3. 我々は、強固で持続可能かつ均衡ある成長を達成するための全ての G20 メンバーによる協調した政策措置へのコミットメントを再確認する。我々の主要な優先的政策措置は、トロントでのコミットメントに沿った、各国の状況によって差別化された中期財健全化計画の実施、適切な金融政策の実現、根底にある経済のファンダメンタルズをよりよく反映した、為替レートの柔軟性の向上及び世界需要を維持し、潜在成長を増大させ、雇用創出を助け、世界的なリバランスに貢献する構造改革を含む。我々は、ソウル・サミット以降の進捗を議論し、多角的協調を強化することにより、過度の不均衡を縮小し経常収支を持続可能な水準で維持することの必要性を強調した。我々は、統合された 2 段階のプロセスを通じて、政策措置を必要とするような継続した大規模な不均衡に焦を当てることを可能にする一連の項目に合意した。第 1段階に必要な作業を完了するため、我々の目標は、大規模な一次産品生産者を含む、国及び地域の状況を考慮する必要性を認識しつつ、4 月の次回会合までに、これらの項目それぞれを評価する参考となるガイドラインに合意することである。これらの参考となるガイドラインは、目標となるものではないが、以下の項目を評価するのに使用される: (i)公的債務と財政赤字、民間貯蓄率と民間債務、(ii)為替・財政・金融・その他の政策を十分に考慮しつつ、貿易収支、投資所得及び対外移転のネットフローから構成される対外バランス。我々はまた、強固で持続可能かつ均衡ある成長のための枠組みを実施し、既に行ったコミットメントをモニターする 2011 年版の行動計画の策定へ向けた予定表を採択した。ソウルで合意したように、我々は、IMF に対し、相互評価プロセスの一部として、対外的な持続可能性と政策の一貫性確保に向けた進捗についての評価を 10 月の会合において提供することを求める。その際、我々はまた、合意されたガイドラインに基づく継続した大規模な不均衡の原因に関する分析によって情報を得て、行動計画を含む MAP に関する報告のレビューを行う。我々はまた、ソウルでのコミットメントを達成するためになされた進捗の評価をレビューする。例文帳に追加

3. We reaffirm our commitment to coordinated policy action by all G20 members to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth. Our main priority actions include implementing medium term fiscal consolidation plans differentiated according to national circumstances in line with our Toronto commitment, pursuing appropriate monetary policy, enhancing exchange rate flexibility to better reflect underlying economic fundamentals and structural reforms, to sustain global demand, increase potential growth, foster job creation and contribute to global rebalancing. We discussed progress made since the Seoul Summit and stressed the need to reduce excessive imbalances and maintain current account imbalances at sustainable levels by strengthening multilateral cooperation. We agreed on a set of indicators that will allow us to focus, through an integrated two-step process, on those persistently large imbalances which require policy actions. To complete the work required for the first step, our aim is to agree, by our next meeting in April, on indicative guidelines against which each of these indicators will be assessed, recognizing the need to take into account national or regional circumstances, including large commodity producers. While not targets, these indicative guidelines will be used to assess the following indicators: (i) public debt and fiscal deficits; and private savings rate and private debt (ii) and the external imbalance composed of the trade balance and net investment income flows and transfers, taking due consideration of exchange rate, fiscal, monetary and other policies. We also adopted a timetable for developing the 2011 action plan that will implement our Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth and monitor the commitments already made. As agreed in Seoul, we call on the IMF to provide an assessment as part of the Mutual Assessment Process on progress towards external sustainability and consistency of policies at our October meeting. At that time, we will also review a report on the MAP including an action plan informed by the analysis on the root causes of persistently large imbalances based on the agreed guidelines. We will also review an assessment of progress made in meeting commitments made in Seoul.  - 財務省

このような背景の下、我々は、地域の金融セーフティネットである CMIM の強化にコミットし、全会一致により以下のに合意。(i) CMIM の資金規模について、現行の 1,200 億ドルから 2,400 億ドルへ倍増(ii) IMF デリンク割合について、2012 年に 30%へ引き上げ、一定の条件のレビューを前提として、2014 年に 40%へ引き上げ(iii) 満期及び最大支援期間について、IMF リンク部分は、各々現行の 90 日から 1年、現行の 2 年から 3 年へ延長。IMF デリンク部分は、各々現行の 90 日から 6か月、現行の 1 年から 2 年へ延長(iv) 危機予防機能(CMIM 予防ライン (CMIM-Precautionary Line (PL))を導入 我々は、サーベイランス、金融セーフティネット及び能力強化の分野において、IMF の関与を継続。例文帳に追加

Against this backdrop, we all committed to strengthening the CMIM as a part of the regional financial safety net, and unanimously agreed as follows: to double the total size of the CMIM from US$120bn to US$240bn; to increase the IMF de-linked portion to 30% in 2012 with a view to increasing it to 40% in 2014 subject to review should conditions warrant; to lengthen the maturity and supporting period for the IMF linked portion from 90 days to 1 year and from 2 years to 3 years, respectively; and those for the IMF de-linked portion from 90 days to 6 months and from 1 year to 2 years, respectively; to introduce a crisis prevention facility called "CMIM Precautionary Line (CMIM-PL)."  - 財務省



Growth in Africa remains robust, though it is still susceptible to shocks, including rising food and energy prices, which pose great challenges to the most vulnerable populations. As high, stable growth is critical to attaining broad-based development and the Millennium Development Goals, we are committed to working together with African countries to foster sustainable, private sector led growth, building on our commitments to double aid to Africa. In support of country specific growth strategies, we propose to focus on two pillars in our ''G-8 Action Plan for Private Sector Led Growth in Africa'': improving the investment climate; and strengthening the financial sector. In this regard, we are increasing contributions for the development of reliable infrastructures, such as cross-border transport corridors. We will support capacity building of small- and medium-sized enterprises and help African countries' efforts to promote their capacity to trade including through Aid for Trade. We affirm the importance of good financial governance, including long-term fiscal discipline for resource rich countries, and of broader implementation of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. Furthermore, we underline the necessity of enhancing a greater access to the formal economy. We will help strengthen local financial institutions, promote local currency financing for African borrowers, enhance local bond market development in African countries, and facilitate remittance flows.  - 財務省


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