
「国産」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(11ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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我が国にとって、こうした取組は比較的新しい試みであり、2006 年11月に安倍総理がベトナムを公式訪問した折、我が国産業界による130 名規模の経済ミッションを伴ったことは、先駆的な事例として注目される。例文帳に追加

For Japan, these efforts are relatively new experiments. On the occasion of the official visit of Prime Minister Abe to Vietnam in November 2006, the economic mission of 130 people from Japanese industry which accompanied him was notable as a pioneering example. - 経済産業省


In the case of products and services offered in Japan, for which the same type are offered also in foreign countries, the distribution of such products and services after adding value, which may be created by anyone, would often put such products and services into intense competition, and it would be difficult to make them lucrative. - 経済産業省


Advancement in acceptance of inward direct investment would be an extremely effective means for promoting tie-ups between Japanese-owned companies and foreign-capital or foreign-owned companies and for enhancing competitiveness and cosmopolitanism of Japanese-owned companies. - 経済産業省


Authorized business restructuring plans that have been submitted for the removal of overall excess equipment from industries in Japan encompass a wide range of industries such as steel, banks, automobiles, information and communication equipment, and department stores, which amount to 420 cases as of March 31, 2008. - 経済産業省



It is said that the reasons for this decrease in the self-sufficiency ratio are (1) shifts in foodpreference,” (2) the fact that citizens increasingly eat foods and meals from “external sources” where generally local agricultural products are not positively used. - 経済産業省



For example, it is necessary to strategically promote an increased demand for “tastyrice, fruits, vegetables, fish, seafood, etc. by using high-quality domestic products such as cooking ingredients for school lunch served in compulsory education schools, which almost all the Japanese children consume. - 経済産業省


It may be inconsistent with the national treatment obligations (Item 2, Article 3 of GATT) in that the possibility of exemption from the vehicle recycling fee is only given to domestic cars and it is ruled out for imported cars.  - 経済産業省


Almost all Japanese export products are high-grade steel used in ultra supercritical boilers in coal-fired power plants. As there are no competing companies with Japanese export products in China now, it seems to be no injury to the Chinese domestic industry.  - 経済産業省


In this column, we have shown the prescription as to how Japanese industries could respond by using the TBT Agreement when faced with trade-restrictive regulations on products by foreign governments.  - 経済産業省


2008 年 9 月のリーマンショックに端を発した世界的な経済危機が発生して以降、自国産業支援や雇用確保のためと思われる保護主義的措置の導入を求める政治的圧力が各国で高まった。例文帳に追加

After the outset of the global economic crisis triggered by the Lehman Shock in September 2008, countries experienced a surge of political pressure demanding the introduction of protectionist policies that would support domestic industries and secure domestic employment. - 経済産業省


そのうち自動車は、世界経済危機の影 響に加え、ロシア政府による大幅な関税引上げや国産 車優遇措置などにより2009 年に大きく落ち込んだものの、安定した個人消費に支えられ、その後回復の傾 向にある。例文帳に追加

Of these, despite a significant decline in 2009 due to a large increase in tariffs and economic measures to protect domestic cars implemented by the Russian government as along with the global economic crisis, export of automobiles is recovering since then thanks to steady consumer spending. - 経済産業省


In January 2009, at the International Automotive Electronics Technology Expo, Tokai Denshi announced the nation’s first in-car alcohol interlock device, which makes it so that a user cannot start the engine if alcohol is detected, and this is planned for sale from July. - 経済産業省


Greater effort by Japanese industry in acquiring external demand is necessary in order to expand real GNI and, as was mentioned in Section 2, in order to overcome differences between companies. - 経済産業省


As seen in Section 1, active acquisition of external demand by industry is largely limited to companies listed on the stock exchange, external demand acquisition by industry overall is not always that active. - 経済産業省

中国は、2001 年12 月のWTO 加盟時から2007 年3 月までの間に既に117 件(我が国産品が対象に含まれる案件はそのうち26 件)ものAD 調査を開始しており、加盟前に比してその数が急増している。例文帳に追加

Since China's accession to the WTO in December 2001, it has initiated 117 anti-dumping investigations (as of March 2007), 26 of which involve Japanese products. The number of anti-dumping investigations in China has risen markedly compared to the period before its accession. - 経済産業省


These plant factories can meet consumer needs for safe, secure domestic foods and create new jobs for young and aged people. - 経済産業省


The breakdown figures by business type show the sales-profit ratio of foreign M&A companies in the financial industry as being higher than the industry average in Japan, indicating an improvement in earning capacity for the main business through M&A. - 経済産業省


human resources within companies as described later, and the need for highly professional human resources with the ability to serve as immediate and effective resources has been increasing to meet the dramatic changes in the management environment. - 経済産業省


It is also working to develop the parts / primary materials industry, which was seen as a weak point for South Korean industry, aiming to enhance the competitiveness of industry as a whole. - 経済産業省

規制緩和を通じて自国産業の国際化と自国経済の成長を実現した例としては、英国が1986 年に実施した「ビッグバン」(ロンドン証券取引所を中心とする証券市場改革)が挙げられる。例文帳に追加

The UK’s “Big Bang” (stock market reform led by the London Stock Exchange) implemented in 1986 is an example which achieved domestic economic growth through deregulation and internationalization of domestic industry. - 経済産業省


Specifically, products of developing countries were put on display and sale corners set up at Japan’s major airports in tie-up programs with JETRO and other entities. Events such as exhibitions of the Mekong and Pacific islands, and an African fair were also held. - 経済産業省


Trade creating effect in this context refers to an increase of trade volumes within the region, based on the generation of new demand for intra-regional imports, replacing domestic products and imports from outside the region. This can expand the economic welfare of both importing and exporting countries in the region. - 経済産業省

上記のとおり、EPA / FTAは一般に域外から域内への輸入相手国の転換を促し、域内国の域外国産品に対する需要を弱めることとなる。例文帳に追加

As discussed above, an EPA/FTA generally encourages the diversion of exporters from those outside the region ruled by the agreement to those inside the region. An EPA/FTA also weakens the regional demand for products from outside the region. - 経済産業省


The final responsibility for deciding to rescue US industry from competition with imports and for determining or implementing measures to this end lies with the US president. - 経済産業省


Moreover, as a consequence of the economic crisis, each nation now faces rising political pressure to seek protectionist measures, supposedly aimed at supporting domestic industries and securing stable employment. - 経済産業省

1929 年のウォール街の株価大暴落を契機として世界経済は恐慌に陥ったが、その際、各国は他国の輸出機会を抑え、自国産業の保護に傾斜した。例文帳に追加

Amid the global depression triggered by the Wall Street stock market crash of 1929, each nation was inclined to restrict other nations' export opportunities, so as to protect their own domestic industries. - 経済産業省


As part of the initiative, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan (METI) and Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)launched the international version of the "One Village, One Product" campaign in February 2006 to implement support programs to raise awareness of products of developing countries and expand the sales channels. - 経済産業省

2006年2月には、経済産業省本館において、アジア、アフリカ及び中南米からなる22 の途上国産品を来訪者に紹介する一村一品展示会を実施。例文帳に追加

In February 2006, the "One Village, One Product Exhibition" was installed in the main building of METI to exhibit products made in 22 developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Central and South America. - 経済産業省


In Japanese industry, strategic countermeasures supporting the utilization of India's and China's technical resources are required, including the creation of appropriate infrastructure to reinforce internal controls195. - 経済産業省


Furthermore, besides undertaking these R&D activities geared towards the exploitation of local markets, by strategically utilizing local technological resources, it is believed that Japanese industry will further strengthen its competitive advantages. - 経済産業省


First of all, it is hoped that demands will be satisfied through the provision of goods and services that meet local needs, and that a system for facilitating the consumption thereof will be improved, including the improvement of retail finance. - 経済産業省


Under such circumstances, it is anticipated that Asia will become one large consumer market possessing a certain common intention: becoming a new mother market for the Japanese industry. - 経済産業省


On the requests of both Japanese industry and the GCC, the FTA negotiations had begun with the announcement of a joint communique by then Prime Minister Koizumi and Saudi Arabia Prince Sultan in April 2006. - 経済産業省


An economic mission of about 130 Japanese industry leaders accompanied the then-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe when he made an official visit to Vietnam in November 2006. This is regarded as a pioneering case of such an economic mission. - 経済産業省


In addition, we will vitalize Japanese industry by establishing a Japan Brand in Asia in conjunction with the strategy for content business, improving the demand chain, and gathering pan-Asian consumption-related information in Japan. - 経済産業省


Preferential treatment provided to the national cars, which are practically domestic products, in terms of the excise tax may be in violation of the "National Treatment on Internal Taxation" referred to in Paragraph 2, Article 3 of the GATT Agreement. - 経済産業省


There are cases in which countries dissatisfied with the results of trade adopt policies that instruct their trading partners to achieve specific results in terms of market share or import value for certain foreign products (numerical targets). - 経済産業省


At the same time, quantitative restrictions impair access of foreign products enjoyed by consumers and consuming industries in the importing country. By increasing prices and reducing the range of choice, the economic benefit for these groups is vastly diminished. - 経済産業省


Also, governments may implement standards and conformity assessment systems under the guise of the legitimate objectives mentioned above when, in fact, they are designed to limit imports or to subject imports to discriminatory treatment. In such cases, standards and conformity assessment systems can be trade-restrictive. - 経済産業省


The combination of a USDA mark of inspection and an AMS EV Program provide assurance that U.S. meat and poultry products offered for export may be certified as meeting all U.S. food safety standards and importing country trade requirements. - 厚生労働省


The combination of a USDA mark of inspection and an AMS EV Program provide assurance that U.S. meat and poultry products offered for export may be certified as meeting all U.S. food safety standards and importing country trade requirements. - 厚生労働省

第三条 産業技術力の強化は、産業技術力が産業構造の変化、技術の進歩等の内外の経済的環境の変化に適確に対応して我が国産業の持続的な発展を図るための基盤であることにかんがみ、我が国産業の発展を支えてきた技術の改良に係る産業技術の水準の維持及び向上を図りつつ、国、地方公共団体、大学及び事業者の相互の密接な連携の下に、創造性のある研究及び開発を行うとともに、その成果の企業化を行う能力を強化することを基本として行われるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 3 (1) In light of the fact that Industrial Technology Capability is the foundation for furthering sustainable development of Japanese industries by accurately responding to changes in the internal and external economic environment, such as changes in industrial structure and technological progress, etc., Industrial Technology Capability shall be enhanced with the basic objectives of enhancing the capability to implement creative research and development under mutually close coordination of the national government, local governments, universities and business operators, and of enhancing the capability to implement the commercialization of results thereof, based on a foundation of striving to maintain and improve the industrial technology standards related to technology improvement that have supported our nation's industrial development.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Regarding this, Takashi MORIYAMA, Chairman of Japan Eel Importers Association commented that even though the above-mentioned substances were detected in the eels imported to the United States, 'Chinese eels that are imported to Japan have passed inspections by the Chinese government, voluntary inspections at each factory, and mandatory inspections in Japan, and therefore they are safe' and that 'fear in consumers is stoked by eels continuously being reported as dangerous, and the sale of eels is rapidly decreasing. I would like to see an understanding of the reality of how much effort we make to make them safe items.' (refer to the safety of foods from China).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

国立医薬品食品衛生研究所や内閣府食品安全委員会において収集している海外での食中毒の発生や違反食品の回収等の情報に基づき、平成 18 年度においては、イタリア産ナチュラルチーズのリステリア・モノサイトゲネス汚染、米国産長粒種米への未承認遺伝子組換え米混入、中国産米及びその加工品への未承認遺伝子組換え米混入などの問題について、輸入時の監視体制の強化及び国内の流通状況の調査(表 9)を行った。例文帳に追加

Regarding the Occurrence of Food Sanitation Issues Organizations such as the National Institute of Health Sciences and the Food Safety Commission in the Cabinet Office collect information from overseas, such as on the occurrence of food poisonings and the recall of food products that are in violation of law. Based on this information, during FY2006, the system for monitoring items at the time of importation was enhanced, and the domestic distribution was examined, for such issues as the contamination of natural cheese produced in Italy with Listeria monocytogenes, the blending of unapproved genetically modified rice with long-grain rice produced in the US, and the blending of unapproved genetically modified rice with rice and processed rice products produced in China, (Table 9). - 厚生労働省

2 前項第三号に掲げる生産地の表示は、国内産のものにあっては当該生産地の属する都道府県名をもって、外国産のものにあっては当該生産地の属する国名をもってこれをしなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) The indication of the place of production under item 3 of paragraph (1) of this Article shall be done, in the case of a domestic product, by stating the prefecture in which the said place of the production is located, and, in the case of a foreign product, by stating the country in which the said place of the production is located.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Originally in the mythologies appearing in Records of Ancient Matters and Chronicles of Japan, the husband and wife deities Izanagi and Izanami, who were assigned with a job of completing the land formation, thrust Amenonuboko into the chaotic earth and stirred the earth with the halberd, and when they pulled the halberd up, a drop of the chaotic earth (or salt) which dripped from the point of the halberd turned into Onogoro Island (Kuni-umi; the birth of the land of Japan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Because the main material, zelkova wood, has been insufficient from domestic production in recent years, shioji wood (Fraxinus platypoda) mainly, or sometimes quince (leguminous), and oak from overseas are used, with using these hard woods, a swollen hollow cylindrical trunk is made by hollowing out a timber or by assembling the boards together.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Based on the craftsmen like the Hata clan, domestic production of paper was promoted and Yamashiro Province taking pride in advanced techniques for paper making, played the role as the technical center of Japanese paper, and accordingly, with the increase of paper demand the supply of materials such as hemp and kozo came to depend on the provinces.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Showing its policy to continue gyudon sales, Gyudontaro started to take measure around the mid-February, when it was about to run out the stock of beef; for example, it mixed pork temporarily (from the mid-February to mid-March), switched over to Australian beef, and revised the price.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



On March 17, Yoshinoya announced to start round-the clock gyudon sales for the first time in four years and a month because it was successful to expand the supply source of US beef, a main ingredient of the gyudon, and became capable of securing the quantity of beef required for regularly offering 24-hours serving at about 1040 outlets nationwide..  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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