
「担当者」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(61ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 3353


2 統合的リスク管理部門を独立した態様で設置しない場合(例えば、他のリスク管理部門と統合した一つのリスク管理部門を構成する場合のほか、他の業務と兼担する部署が統合的リスク管理を担当する場合や、部門や部署ではなく責任が統合的リスク管理を担当する場合等)には、当該金融機関の規模・特性及びリスク・プロファイルに応じ、その態勢のあり方が十分に合理的で、かつ、機能的な側面から見て部門を設置する場合と同様の機能を備えているかを検証する。例文帳に追加

3 When a department or a post other than the Board of Directors or equivalent organization to the Board of Directors is empowered to allocate staff and assign them authority, the inspector shall review, in light of the nature of such a department or post, whether or not the structure of the Comprehensive Risk Management Division is reasonable in terms of a check-and-balance system and other aspects.  - 金融庁

2 自己資本管理部門を独立した態様で設置しない場合(例えば、自己資本管理に関する諸機能が複数の異なる管理部門で分担されている場合のほか、他の業務と兼担する部署(統合的リスク管理部門等)が自己資本管理を担当する場合や、部門や部署ではなくある責任が自己資本管理を担当する場合等)には、その態勢のあり方が十分に合理的で、かつ、機能的な側面から見て部門を設置する場合と同様の機能を備えているかを検証する。例文帳に追加

2 When the Capital Management Division is not established as an independent division (e.g., when the division is consolidated with other risk management division to form a single division or when a division in charge of other business also takes charge of capital management or when a Manager or Managers take charge of capital management instead of a division or a department), the inspector shall review whether or not such a system is sufficiently reasonable and provides the same functions as in the case of establishing an independent division commensurate with the scale and nature of the institution and its risk profile. - 金融庁

1 信用リスク管理部門を独立した態様で設置しない場合(例えば、他のリスク管理部門と統合した一つのリスク管理部門を構成する場合のほか、他の業務と兼担する部署が信用リスク管理を担当する場合や、部門や部署ではなく責任が信用リスク管理を担当する場合等)には、当該金融機関の規模・特性及びリスク・プロファイルに応じ、その態勢のあり方が十分に合理的で、かつ、機能的な側面から見て部門を設置する場合と同様の機能を備えているかを検証する。例文帳に追加

1 When the Credit Risk Management Division is not established as an independent division (e.g., when the division is consolidated with another risk management division to form a single division or when a division in charge of other business also takes charge of credit risk management or when a Manager or Managers take charge of credit risk management instead of a division or a department), the inspector shall review whether or not such a system is sufficiently reasonable and provides the same functions as in the case of establishing an independent division commensurate with the scale and nature of the institution and its risk profile.  - 金融庁

2 資産査定管理部門を独立した態様で設置しない場合(例えば、他のリスク管理部門と統合した一つのリスク管理部門を構成する場合のほか、他の業務と兼担する部署が資産査定管理を担当する場合や、部門や部署ではなく責任が資産査定管理を担当する場合等)には、当該金融機関の規模・特性等に応じ、その態勢のあり方が十分に合理的で、かつ、機能的な側面から見て部門を設置する場合と同様の機能を備えているかを検証する。例文帳に追加

2 When an Asset Assessment Management Division is not established as an independent division (e.g., when the division is consolidated with another risk management division to form a single division or when a division in charge of other business also takes charge of asset assessment management or when a Manager or Managers take charge of asset assessment management instead of a division or a department), the inspector shall review whether or not such a system is sufficiently reasonable and provides the same functions as in the case of establishing an independent division commensurate with the scale and nature of the institution and its risk profile. - 金融庁


2 市場リスク管理部門を独立した態様で設置しない場合(例えば、他のリスク管理部門と統合した一つのリスク管理部門を構成する場合のほか、他の業務と兼担する部署が市場リスク管理を担当する場合や、部門や部署ではなく責任が市場リスク管理を担当する場合等)には、当該金融機関の規模・特性及びリスク・プロファイルに応じ、その態勢のあり方が十分に合理的で、かつ、機能的な側面から見て部門を設置する場合と同様の機能を備えているかを検証する。例文帳に追加

2 When the Market Risk Management Division is not established as an independent division (e.g., when the division is consolidated with another risk management division to form a single division or when a division in charge of other business also takes charge of market risk management or when a Manager or Managers take charge of market risk management instead of a division or a department), the inspector shall review whether or not such a system is sufficiently reasonable and provides the same functions as in the case of establishing an independent division commensurate with the scale and nature of the institution and its risk profile.  - 金融庁


1 流動性リスク管理部門を独立した態様で設置しない場合(例えば、他の業務と兼担する部署が流動性リスク管理を担当する場合や、部門や部署ではなく責任が流動性リスク管理を担当する場合等)には、当該金融機関の規模・特性及びリスク・プロファイルに応じ、その態勢のあり方が十分に合理的で、かつ、機能的な側面から見て部門を設置する場合と同様の機能を備えているかを検証する。例文帳に追加

1 When the liquidity risk management division and the funds management division are not established as independent divisions (e.g. when divisions in charge of other business also take charge of liquidity risk management and funds management operations or when Managers, instead of divisions or departments take charge of liquidity risk management and funds management), the inspector shall review whether or not such a system is sufficiently reasonable and provides the same functions as in the case of establishing independent divisions commensurate with the scale and nature of the institution and its risk profile.  - 金融庁


We support and welcome efforts to facilitate the introduction of energy-efficient vehicles throughout the APEC region by streamlining procedures and regulations related to the importation of small numbers of non-salable advanced and alternative fueled demonstration motor vehicles with adequate level of safety, and call on officials to identify common elements of procedures and regulations in this regard by the November Leaders’ Summit. - 経済産業省

3.2 我々は、自動車ダイアログ、貿易投資委員会、及び貿易担当大臣が、APEC全域におけるエネルギー効率的な乗り物の導入を促進するため、十分な安全レベルを確保しつつ、少数の非販売用の先端的及び代替燃料実証動力車の輸入に関する手続きと規制の円滑化に尽力していることを支持・歓迎し、11月の首脳サミットまでに、本件に関する手続きと規制の共通の要素を明確にすることを政策担当者に要請する。例文帳に追加

3.2 We support and welcome efforts to facilitate the introduction of energy-efficient vehicles throughout the APEC region by streamlining procedures and regulations related to the importation of small numbers of non-salable advanced and alternative fueled demonstration motor vehicles with adequate level of safety, and call on officials to identify common elements of procedures and regulations in this regard by the November Leaders’ Summit.  - 経済産業省

2 海上保安留置業務管理は、海上保安留置施設の規律及び秩序の維持その他の理由により必要があると認める場合には、海上保安留置担当官に、未決拘禁以外の海上保安被留置の面会(弁護人等との面会を除く。)に立ち会わせ、又はその面会の状況を録音させ、若しくは録画させることができる。例文帳に追加

(2) In cases where it is deemed necessary for the maintenance of discipline and order in the coast guard detention facility or for any other reasons, the coast guard detention services manager may have a coast guard detention officer attend a visit (other than those visits by a defense counsel, etc.) for the coast guard detainees other than unsentenced person, or make a sound or video recording of it.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第十六条 映画の著作物の著作は、その映画の著作物において翻案され、又は複製された小説、脚本、音楽その他の著作物の著作を除き、制作、監督、演出、撮影、美術等を担当してその映画の著作物の全体的形成に創作的に寄与したとする。ただし、前条の規定の適用がある場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 16 The authorship of a cinematographic work shall be attributed to those who, by taking charge of producing, directing, filming, art direction, etc., have creatively contributed to the creation of such cinematographic work as a whole, excluding, however, authors of novels, [play/film] scripts, music or other works adapted or reproduced in such cinematographic work; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply where the provisions of the preceding Article are applicable.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第二十五条の五 意見聴取担当入国審査官は、必要があると認めるときは、被聴取以外のであつて当該在留資格の取消しの処分につき利害関係を有するものと認められる(以下この条において「利害関係人」という。)に対し、当該意見の聴取に関する手続に参加することを求め、又は当該意見の聴取に関する手続に参加することを許可することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 25-5 (1) When an immigration inspector in charge of a hearing finds it necessary, he/she may request or permit a person other than the party to the hearing who is found to have an interest in the disposition of the revocation of the status of residence concerned (hereinafter referred to as "interested person" in this Article) to participate in the procedures relating to the hearing.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

この際、監査人は、「Ⅱ 財務報告に係る内部統制の評価及び報告」3.(7)① ハ.ニ.ホ.ヘ.に記載の内部統制の記録の閲覧や経営及び適切な管理又は担当者への質問等により確認を行うが、財務諸表監査を通じて、財務報告に重要な影響を及ぼす業務プロセスの存否に係る検証が既に行われている場合には、その利用が可能であることに留意する。例文帳に追加

In the confirmation, external auditors may perform procedures including the review of the internal control records described in Section 3(7)[1], C to F, of Chapter II, “Assessment and Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting,” querying of the management and appropriate managers or responsible personnel, or other procedures. However, they should note that if they have already examined the existence of business processes that have a significant impact on the financial reporting while in the process of the Financial Statement Audit, the result of such an examination may be used.  - 金融庁


Concerning business processes which have been included in the scope of assessment, external auditors should evaluate the management’s assessment of the effectiveness of the operation of internal controls, judging whether they are appropriately operated as designed and whether the manager or responsible personnel performing internal controls has authority and competencies necessary for fulfilling the task.  - 金融庁

そのため、監査人は、経営の内部統制の運用状況に関する「Ⅱ 財務報告に係る内部統制の評価及び報告」3.(7)に記載の内部統制の記録を入手し、関連文書の閲覧、適切な管理又は担当者に対する質問等により、内部統制の実施状況(自己点検の状況を含む。)を検証する。例文帳に追加

For that purpose, external auditors should obtain the records on the management’s operation of internal controls described in Section 3(7)[1] of Chapter II, “Assessment and Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting” and evaluate the operation of internal controls (including the status of self-assessment), by reviewing relevant records, querying appropriate managers or responsible personnel or through other procedures.  - 金融庁

① 代理・媒介業に係る業務の健全かつ適切な運営を確保するための措置を講ずる責任を有する部署を設置し又は担当者を配置する等、代理・媒介業の適切な監督を行うための態勢が整備されているか(代理・媒介業に対する業務監査態勢を含む。)。例文帳に追加

(i) Whether the primary business operator has developed a control environment for ensuring appropriate supervision of agency/brokerage service providers, through actions such as establishing a division responsible for the implementation of measures to ensure the sound and appropriate conduct of business operations related to agency/brokerage services, or appointing a person responsible therefor (including a control environment regarding audits of the business operations of agency/brokerage service providers).  - 金融庁


A. Whether the primary business operator has developed a control environment for ensuring appropriate supervision of agency/brokerage service providers through measures such as establishing a division responsible for the implementation of measures to ensure the sound and appropriate conduct of business operations related to agency/brokerage services or appointing a person responsible therefor (including a control environment regarding audits of the business operations of agency/brokerage service providers).  - 金融庁


To provide a study and training support system which lowers a study and training cost, is high in the rate of achievement in the study and training of trainees and enables persons in charge of education to easily recognize the conditions of attending the lecture of the trainees by utilizing network and adopting printing media for teaching materials and setting plural passwords by each of network user IDs. - 特許庁


To provide an electronic medical chart system having a retrieval function based on comparison including measurement data itself to be obtained at an inspection state when a doctor in charge retrieves patients of similar cases showing symptoms and inspection results similar to those of a new patient from cases in the past stored in the electronic medical chart system when the doctor in charge gives diagnosis regarding causes of disease of the new patient. - 特許庁


When the user performs access, the information of product production procedure corresponding to the access is specified from an existing product group of the business related to the access, a position of present business progress in the information of product production procedure is specified from the existing product group to specify a person in charge of the next process, and control related to possibility/impossibility of the access of the user is performed. - 特許庁


The system 10 includes first terminals 11-1m each of which includes a video camera 41, a microphone 42 and a PC 43 for an applicant to market himself, and second terminals 21-2n each of which includes a server 31, a video camera 61, a microphone 62 and a PC 63 for the recruitment staff of an employer such as a company to market the company. - 特許庁


Meanwhile, the reader 2 displays the image of a person in charge proper to a user by using preliminarily stored confidential information and a one-way function to let the user confirm that the device can be trusted when the member ID is previously inputted and then successively reads the password and performs prescribed authentication from the read password and the member ID previously read. - 特許庁


To provide a system that enables a person in charge of room service of a karaoke room to serve drink and food in timing when a user does not sing a song so that the atmosphere of singing is not spoiled, no hindrance is given to the singing, or the singing does not leak out to trouble other users. - 特許庁


To provide an anonymity certificate technology including two functions: a function <1> by which a manager apparatus can freely deny an arbitrary user apparatus as a valid user apparatus in anonymity certificate independently from a process of anonymity certificate between the user apparatus and a verifier apparatus: and a function <2> by which an apparatus for user specifying person in charge can specify the user apparatus from data when performing verification. - 特許庁


A data acquiring part 101 acquires construction records and cost management data corresponding to construction records, and a contract cost rate calculating part 102 calculates the contract cost rate of each construction based on the construction records and the cost management data, and outputs the contract cost rate and the respective factors of contractors, persons in charge and traders in association with each other. - 特許庁


A delivery information management server 100, which accepts the entry of electronic information from a information provider 2 and then has received delivery information having information for specifying a destination of users, divides the same electronic information to from a customization processing server A101 to a customization processing server D104 and sends the delivery information to customization processing servers which take charge of customization of the users. - 特許庁


To provide a system which controls persons in charge of services to be able to deliver foods and drinks at a timing when users are not singing in a case of providing room sevices of foods and drinks to karaoke rooms, and thereby avoids damaging the singing atmosphere, hindering the users from singing, or troubling other users due to leakage of singing outside. - 特許庁


The insurance business support device 100 acquires such attribute information as the insured person, and prescribes a compensation content (service) which can be selected by the insured person according to the generated insurance application object case based on the acquired attribute information and the inputted insurance application object case, and outputs it through an intracompany network 20 to the terminal 200 of the person in charge of insurance. - 特許庁


The individual nursing plan information stored in the database 200 by an extraction condition designated by the medical worker is extracted according to the counted frequency information by an extraction part 16, the information about the preparator having prepared the individual nursing plan information and/or the information of the medical worker in charge having performed a nursing act is extracted, and an output screen including an extraction result is generated. - 特許庁


Case: When in order to prevent the damage from unjustified demand by a so-called sokaiya (corporate racketeer), etc., an entity acquires information about the individual person in charge in the sokaiya concerned and mutually exchanges such information with other entities and when notifying the person of the Purpose of Utilization or publicly announcing it are likely to entail that the informer who is a third party is harmed by the sokaiya, etc. concerned with unjustified resentment  - 経済産業省

6 職業安定法第三十六条第二項及び第四十二条の二の規定の適用については、同項中「前項の」とあるのは「被用以外のをして職業能力開発促進法第二十六条の六第一項に規定する訓練担当者の募集に従事させようとするがその被用以外のに与えようとする」と、同条中「第三十九条に規定する募集受託」とあるのは「職業能力開発促進法第二十六条の六第四項の規定による届出をして同条第一項に規定する訓練担当者の募集に従事する」と、「同項に」とあるのは「次項に」とする。例文帳に追加

(6) With regard to the application of the provisions of Article 36, paragraph (2) and Article 42-2 of the Employment Security Act, the term "set forth in the preceding paragraph" in the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "which a person, who intends to make persons other than his/her employed workers engaged in labor recruitment for persons in charge of training as prescribed in Article 26-6, paragraph (1) of the Human Resources Development Promotion Act, intends to pay to said persons other than his/her employed workers;" and the term "a commissioned recruiter provided in Article 39" in the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "a person who makes a notification as prescribed in 26-6, paragraph (4) of the Human Resources Development Promotion Act to be engaged in labor recruitment for persons in charge of training as prescribed in Article 26-6, paragraph (1) of the same Act;" and the term "in said paragraph" in the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "in the following paragraph."  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 留置施設に係る留置業務に従事する警察官(以下「留置担当官」という。)には、被留置の人権に関する理解を深めさせ、並びに被留置の処遇を適正かつ効果的に行うために必要な知識及び技能を習得させ、及び向上させるために必要な研修及び訓練を行うものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) The police officers who engage in the affairs of the detention in the detention facilities (hereinafter referred to as "detention officers") shall be given training and discipline necessary for promoting a better understanding of the human rights of detainees and for acquiring and improving knowledge and technique necessary for appropriate and effective practice of treatment of detainees.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 海上保安留置施設に係る留置業務に従事する海上保安官及び海上保安官補(以下「海上保安留置担当官」という。)には、海上保安被留置の人権に関する理解を深めさせ、並びに海上保安被留置の処遇を適正かつ効果的に行うために必要な知識及び技能を習得させ、及び向上させるために必要な研修及び訓練を行うものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) The coast guard officers and assistant coast guard officers who engage in the affairs of the detention in the coast guard detention facilities (hereinafter referred to as "coast guard detention officers") shall be given training and discipline necessary for promoting a better understanding of the human rights of coast guard detainees and for acquiring and improving knowledge and technique necessary for appropriate and effective practice of treatment of coast guard detainees.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4 前二項に規定する場合において、留置業務管理の命令を待ついとまがないときは、留置担当官は、その命令を待たないで、拘束衣又は防声具(前項後段の規定により使用する捕縄又は手錠を含む。)を使用することができる。この場合には、速やかに、その旨を留置業務管理に報告しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(4) In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if there is no time to wait for the order from the detention services manager, then detention officers may use a restraint suit or gag (including the use of arresting ropes and handcuffs pursuant to the provision of the latter part in the preceding paragraph) without the order. In the case of the foregoing, the detention officers shall report promptly to this effect to the detention services manager.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


According to '韓国事務引継顛末概要' (Summary of Korean communication business takeover) written by a transition chairman in charge of the takeover process, Japanese postal authority continued to employ 773 out of 1044 staffs (government officials and frontline workers) of 通信 (Communication Institute) who had worked for communication services, but other 271 staffs either rejected the appointment or were fired for allegedly resisting against takeover.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

・ 品質管理のシステムに係る方針及び手続を定めた「監査の品質管理規程」を監査実施に配付するとともに、新規採用時及び当該規程の更新時にその内容を説明することとしているにもかかわらず、品質管理担当者は、新規採用時及び内部規程等の更新時にその内容を説明していない。例文帳に追加

9. The internal rules of the firm provided that, when a new employee joined the firm or when the firm's policies and procedures concerning its quality control system were amended, the partner in charge of quality control should explain those policies and procedures to the audit staff; however, the partner did not explain those policies and procedures to them in a timely manner.  - 金融庁


At each of the firms, especially where joint audits were implemented by the Big Four firms, cases were found where an audit team did not have sufficient communication with the other audit team because the firms had not clearly agreed upon the concrete policies and procedures for the joint audit, or, once particular roles had been assigned to the other party, the audit team left them entirely up to the other audit team in charge.  - 金融庁


Management should check the operation of process-level controls by applying procedures that include reviewing relevant records, making inquiries to appropriate staff personnel on internal controls, observing the application of specific controls, examining records regarding the operation of internal controls, and investigating the progress in the self-assessment on the operation of internal controls, etc.  - 金融庁


B. Whether the division in charge of customer due diligence has prescribed a specific method for identifying and keeping track of the actual state of the financial instruments intermediary service provider’s solicitation for investment and has communicated the method to them, and is striving to establish a control environment that ensures the effectiveness of the method by identifying and examining the implementation and reviewing and revising the method when necessary.  - 金融庁


In relation to this, as part of their development of operational control systems to prevent conflicts of interest related to the credit rating business, Article 306(1)(vii)(A) of the FIB Cabinet Office Ordinance requires credit rating agencies to implement measures, etc. designed to prevent their persons in charge of rating from conducting sales, purchases or other transaction of securities, etc. with a potential conflict of interest (see III-2-1(6)).  - 金融庁

冒頭私から一点ございまして、IAIS(保険監督国際機構)執行委員会の副議長の件でございます。本日の報道発表資料でご案内のとおり、保険監督国際機構の執行委員会が先週の10月17日にハンガリーのブタペストで開催され、執行委員会の副議長に、総務企画局の山崎 達雄参事官(国際担当)が選任されましたのでご報告いたします例文帳に追加

First, I have one matter to report to you. As we announced in a press release today, Tatsuo Yamasaki, who is Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs of the FSA (Financial Services Agency), was elected Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) at the committee’s meeting held in Budapest, Hungary, on October 17.  - 金融庁


Does the Manager, in order to ensure appropriate legal compliance at each division, make sure to monitor the status of compliance on an ongoing basis by requiring each division in a regular and timely manner or on an as needed basis to report the status of its compliance, to collect information from persons in charge of enforcing compliance on an ongoing basis or to conduct a field survey, for example?  - 金融庁


Does the Customer Information Supervisory Manager ensure appropriate handling of customer information at divisions engaged in the relevant business as well as at sales branches and proper functioning of a check-and-balance system against them by securing, through the person in charge of managing customer information, compliance with the Customer Information Management Rules and the Customer Information Management Manual, etc.? Does the Manager implement specific measures for securing the effectiveness of the arrangement?  - 金融庁


the Nullity Division shall be responsible for petitions for revocation, for a declaration of nullity or lack of title, for a declaration of dependence of patents (Section 50), for the naming of a person as inventor under Section 20(5), for recognition of the right of prior user (Section 23), for a declaration under Section 163, and for the grant of compulsory licenses;  - 特許庁


As soon as the applicant’s reply has been submitted, or the period for its submission has expired, the rapporteur in charge of the case shall issue instructions relating to any further correspondence that may be necessary, the hearing of the parties, the taking of evidence offered by the parties, the taking of evidence and, in general, any other measures required for the establishment of the facts.  - 特許庁


An information output section 34 outputs evaluated information to the diagnosis based on the reading of the image to be read by the person in charge specified by the user according to the comparing result of the diagnosis result corresponding to the feature image group to which respective feature images belong and the diagnosis result shown by the diagnosis result information included in the diagnosis information in which the feature images included. - 特許庁


To provide an information processing system wherein the condition where information of urging reference to reference-object information is output to a person in charge for the reference to the reference-object information, along with referencing from a user belonging to each group, of the reference-object information that is an object referred to from the plurality of groups, and to provide a program. - 特許庁


A data analyst and a requester for the analysis refer to a data analysis system 301, an analyzed data system 302, and an information data system 303 when analysis results are analyzed, and each analyst can implement analytical services by using a pointer for an independent operation while the data analyst and the requester for the analysis are concurrently using their voice communication devices. - 特許庁


An enterprise information register means 11 and a wage information register means 13 use home pages or the like over an information communication network 7 to register various information related to wage decision, which are transmitted from a terminal 3 of the person in charge or a manager terminal 4 of the enterprise, in an enterprise information database 21, a wage information database 22, and a wage list database 23. - 特許庁


The job skill registration management system operated independently by the department of practical business affairs is set, job skill items registered by report of persons having individual job skill are disclosed in a company, and the job skill registration management system receives question items and mediates for request for answer to the person having required skill in order to obtain a solution of the questions. - 特許庁



To provide a supporting system which enables operating persons in charge, etc., who have no skilled design technique to readily conduct designing without having the depend on persons having expert design knowledge or choice works about complicated building component data, and which enables them efficiently use data corresponding to each house model on the design stage. - 特許庁


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