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Wall paintingsの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 149


It is believed to have once been decorated by wall and sliding screen paintings by artists including Motonobu KANO and Mitsunobu TOSA but these were lost during the turbulence lasting from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji Restoration. 例文帳に追加

また、かつて狩野元信や土佐光信などの障壁画を飾っていたとされるが幕末から明治維新の混乱期に失われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Constructed in 1636 using funds donated by a wealthy merchant from Kyoto named Masakatsu GOTO and contains wall and sliding door paintings by Dasoku SOGA and Tohaku HASEGAWA. 例文帳に追加

寛永13年(1636年)に京の豪商・後藤益勝の寄進により造営されたもので、曽我蛇足(そがだそく)や長谷川等伯の障壁画が伝わる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A shingled roof building restored by Yusai HOSOKAWA of which the interior is decorated with wall and sliding panel paintings by Tohaku HASEGAWA. 例文帳に追加

細川幽斎により再興された柿皮葺屋根の建物で、内部は長谷川等伯筆の障壁画で飾られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The building is highly representative of Momoyama period hojo architecture and the interior is decorated with wall and sliding door paintings by Shoei KANO and his son Eitoku KANO. 例文帳に追加

桃山時代の方丈建築を代表する建物で、方丈内部は狩野松栄(しょうえい)・狩野永徳父子による障壁画で飾られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One of the oldest Buddhist wall paintings, whose antiquity is comparable to that of Horyu-ji Temple Kondo (golden hall), was excavated and it caught people's attention. 例文帳に追加

法隆寺金堂壁画と並ぶ日本最古級の仏教壁画が初めて出土し、社会的に注目された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The sozo were found from the areas of Kondo as well as the middle and southern pagodas, while the wall paintings were found only from the Kondo area. 例文帳に追加

塑像は金堂跡、中・南塔跡とも周辺から、壁画は金堂周辺のみからの出土である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the head of Kano school, Eitoku served Nobunaga ODA and Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, who took control of the country, and he created wall paintings for places such as Azuchi-jo Castle, Jurakudai residence and Osaka-jo Castle. 例文帳に追加

狩野派の棟梁として、織田信長、豊臣秀吉という天下人に仕え、安土城、聚楽第、大坂城などの障壁画を制作した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was involved in the official painting project of Edo Castle, Nijo Castle and Nagoya Castle, as well as producing wall paintings in famous temples, including Daitoku-ji Temple and Myoshin-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

江戸城、二条城、名古屋城などの公儀の絵画制作に携わり、大徳寺、妙心寺などの有力寺院の障壁画も制作した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After his father Eitoku died in 1590, he became the leader of the Kano school, and created wall paintings at the Nagoya-jo Castle in Higo Province and the house of Hidetada TOKUGAWA. 例文帳に追加

1590年(天正18年)に父永徳が没した後、狩野派の指導者となり、肥後国名護屋城や徳川秀忠の邸宅などの障壁画を作成している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although he specialized in Sansui-ga (Chinese-style landscape painting) and Kacho-ga (painting of flowers and birds), Aizan engaged in wall paintings at the Kyoto Imperial Palace with Gyokusen MOCHIZUKI and others when it was repaired in 1855. 例文帳に追加

山水画、花鳥画を得意としたが、安政2年(1855年)、京都御所の修復時、望月玉泉らと障壁画を描いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


November 14, 1996: As the renovation work of Oiwake Station was completed, four Otsu-e (Otsu paintings, named after the town of Otsu in Shiga Prefecture) drawn by a local artist were hung on the wall of the platform. 例文帳に追加

1996年(平成8年)11月14日-追分駅改修工事竣工、ホームに地元作家の書かれた「大津絵」4枚が掲げられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the mural paintings were discovered in 1972, the stone chamber was filled with sediment running from an opening in the south wall, which was made by looters. 例文帳に追加

1972年の壁画発見当時、石室内には南壁の盗掘孔から流れ込んだ土砂が堆積していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Agency for Cultural Affairs has started to remove deteriorating wall paintings inside the Kitora tomb in Asuka Village, Nara Prefecture. 例文帳に追加

文化庁は,奈良県明(あ)日(す)香(か)村にあるキトラ古墳内の劣(れっ)化(か)した壁画をはぎ取り始めた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

The wall paintings of the Takamatsuzuka tomb in the village of Asuka, Nara Prefecture, are badly damaged by mold. 例文帳に追加

奈良県明(あ)日(す)香(か)村(むら)にある高(たか)松(まつ)塚(づか)古墳の壁画が,カビによってひどく損傷を受けている。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

In recent years, wall paintings inside the Takamatsuzuka tomb in the village of Asuka, Nara Prefecture, have rapidly deteriorated. 例文帳に追加

ここ数年,奈良県明(あ)日(す)香(か)村にある高(たか)松(まつ)塚(づか)古墳内の壁画が急速に劣化している。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

Full-size reproductions of the wall paintings inside the Takamatsuzuka tomb are now on exhibit at Kansai University in the city of Suita, Osaka Prefecture. 例文帳に追加

高(たか)松(まつ)塚(づか)古墳内部の壁画の実物大の複製が現在,大阪府吹(すい)田(た)市にある関西大学で展示されている。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

the great halls stand desolate, and where gorgeous paintings hung of yore, the naked wall now peers through. 例文帳に追加

大きなホールには人気がなく、昔ははなやかな絵画がかざられていましたが、今はなにもかかっていない壁がじかにみえます。 - Hans Christian Andersen『絵のない絵本』

More ancient wall paintings have been discovered as methods or techniques available to unearth ruins and tombs have become advanced, but it is a future issue as to how to protect the delicate wall paintings not exposed to outside air or humidity for a long time, from deterioration caused by molds and light and how to present them for public view. 例文帳に追加

古代の壁画は、遺跡や墳墓の発掘調査の進展と共に多く見つかるようになっているが、長年外気や湿気に触れなかった繊細な壁画はカビや光で痛む可能性があるため、どのように保護し、また観覧に供するかは今後の課題である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Northern Ireland, after the 1970s, politically-minded wall paintings were drawn on many buildings based on the ideology of the Unionist who were wishing their area to remain or become part of the United Kingdom and the ideology of the Nationalist who wanted their area to become independent from the United Kingdom, and some of these wall paintings caused controversy and co lignite a conflict, and were eventually redrawn. 例文帳に追加

北アイルランドは、1970年代以降、建物の多くにイギリスとの連合維持を求めるユニオニストやイギリスからの独立を求めるナショナリスト双方の主張を交えた政治的な壁画が描かれ、そのいくつかは紛争をあおるとして論議を呼んだり塗り替えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Paintings of the Four Sages of Mount Shang: Depictions of the four elderly sages who fled from the turbulence of the late Qin dynasty to Mt. Shang riding on donkeys and accompanied by servants in paintings for which wall and sliding door panels with the same title can be found at the Shinju-an sub-temple of Daitoku-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

商山四皓図(しょうざんしこうず)-中国秦末の国難を避けて商山の山中に隠棲した4人の高士が従者を伴い,ロバに乗る姿を描いたもので、大徳寺・真珠庵にも同じ画題の障壁画を描いている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As an inner partition, there is 'Kenjo no shoji' (sliding screens with paintings of thirty-two Chinese sages, which form the main wall behind the Shishinden (formal ceremonial hall) of the Kyoto Imperial Palace) at the border of moya and kita-hisashi, and moya and nishi-hisashi (room in the western surrounding building) are divided by a wall. 例文帳に追加

内部の仕切りとして、母屋と北廂の間の境に「賢聖の障子」を設け、母屋と西廂の間は壁で仕切られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Japan, its works are seen in various places such as the Kondo Hall Wall Paintings of Horyu-ji Temple, Suien (the Water Flame) of Yakushi-ji Temple Toto (East Pagoda), the background of Hoo-do Hall (the Phoenix Pavilion) of Byodo-in Temple, and Amida Hall Mural Painting of Hokai-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

日本では法隆寺金堂壁画や薬師寺東塔水煙、平等院鳳凰堂後背、法界寺阿弥陀堂壁画などにその作例が見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1897 when The Law for Ancient Temples and Shrines Preservation (the prior law to establish The Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties) was proclaimed, it was considered to preserve the mural wall paintings by covering with glass, but that never happened. 例文帳に追加

古社寺保存法(文化財保護法の前身にあたる旧法)が公布された1897年(明治30年)には壁画をガラスで覆って保護することが検討されたが実現はしなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the Horyu-ji Temple on each January 26 (the memorial day of the fire in the Kondo), 'Kondo hekiga shoson jishuku hoyo' (Buddhist memorial service in self-discipline for the burnout of wall paintings within the main temple structure) is held at the Kondo and the repository, and a fire drill is carried out afterwards. 例文帳に追加

法隆寺では、毎年1月26日(金堂火災の起きた日)、金堂と収蔵庫にて「金堂壁画焼損自粛法要」が営まれ、その後防火訓練が行われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the volume of 'Yadorigi' (the volume of mistletoe) the fusuma-shoji of yamato-e paintings and the fuku-shoji (a kind of fusuma-shoji that is used as a movable wall) showing a picture of birds over running water painted on a silver ground were painted in the room used for breakfast in the Seiryoden (Literally "Limpid Cool Hall," an imperial summer palace). 例文帳に追加

「宿木」の巻では、清涼殿朝餉の間には大和絵の襖障子と、銀地に流水飛鳥の図を描いた副障子(可動式の壁として使用した、嵌め込み式の襖障子の一種)が描かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Particularly in regions hit by the volcanic disasters and covered quickly with ash such as Santorini Island, Pompei and Herculaneum, well-preserved wall paintings were discovered in the debris of the buried buildings. 例文帳に追加

特にサントリーニ島やポンペイ、ヘルクラネウムなど火山災害に襲われて瞬時に埋まった地域では建物の中から保存状態の良い壁画が発見されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Around the 10th century after the Moche Culture disappeared, the Sican Culture developed mainly in Batan Grande along the Jequetepeque River located north of the North Coast, and there are wall paintings in the Ventanas Shrine built at that time. 例文帳に追加

またモチェより後に北海岸で北方のヘケテペケ川中流域のバタン=グランデを中心に10世紀ごろ繁栄したシカン文化のベンタナス神殿にも見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Wall paintings in Lascaux Cave were damaged by carbon dioxide exhaled by visitors and mold carried in with visitors and the cave has been shut down, and it is a lucky case in whereby restoration begun before it almost ruined. 例文帳に追加

ラスコー洞窟は観覧者の吐く息の二酸化炭素や持ち込んだカビ類で洞窟壁画が傷み、閉鎖されているが、これは保存が間一髪で間に合った幸運な例である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, local people including students in a certain areas, work together and attempt to produce wall paintings in order to prevent graffiti in public places and shops and also make the community network stronger. 例文帳に追加

また、公共の場所や商店街への落書き防止や、地域共同体の結びつきを深めるために、学生を含めたみんなで壁画を作る運動もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it is believed that Sashiba was regarded as a symbol of power or used for showing person's dignity in Chinese aristocratic society, while it was used as a tool for showing the dignified appearance in the ritual ceremony at tumulus in Japan, according to the picture and sentences left on the wall paintings. 例文帳に追加

中国貴族社会では権威の象徴あるいは威儀具、日本では古墳壁画の図文から、主に古墳祭祀にかかわる威儀行列の道具として用いられたとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the report from the scholars, all the figures in the wall paintings of the Takamatsuzuka Tomb, both male and female, wear their clothes with right side over the left. 例文帳に追加

現在の研究者たちの報告によると、高松塚古墳の壁画の人物像では、男女ともに全ての衿の合わせ方が左衽(さじん)、つまり左前だったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There are some wall paintings to decorate stone and earthen walls in the remains of Buddhist temples at Bamiyan, Kizil, Miran, Bezeklik, and so on, and we see that they are influenced from various styles such as Rome, India, China and so on. 例文帳に追加

バーミヤーン、キジル、ミーラン、ベゼクリク等の仏教寺院遺跡には、石・土の壁を飾る壁画があり、ローマ、インド、中国など様々な様式の影響がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A total of 120 sliding screen and paper wall paintings, all dedicated Important Cultural Properties, done by artists of the Kano school adorn the rooms of the Ohojo which includes the willow room, musk room, lunch room, flower and bird room (west room), crane room and Narutaki room. 例文帳に追加

大方丈には狩野派の絵師による障壁画があり、柳の間・麝香の間・御昼の間・花鳥の間(西の間)・鶴の間・鳴滝の間の各間にある襖や壁貼付など計120面が重要文化財に指定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, not a trace remains of these once great temple complexes - a fact that makes Byodo-in Temple, established by Heian period nobles and with its surviving architecture, Buddhist imagery, wall paintings and gardens irreplaceable. 例文帳に追加

しかし、歴史書に名をとどめるこれらの大伽藍も今は跡形もなく、平安時代の貴族が建立した寺院が建物、仏像、壁画、庭園まで含めて残存するという点で、平等院はかけがえのない存在となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Monochrome ink and light colored painting on paper of portrait of Ikkyu Sojun by Josen: The portrait best portraying the face of the rebellious and eccentric Zen Buddhist priest Ikkyu Sojun by Josen who was said to be the son of Dasoku who painted the wall and sliding panel paintings in the hojo. 例文帳に追加

紙本墨画淡彩一休宗純像 紹仙筆-反骨と風狂の禅僧一体の面目をいちばんよくしのばせる一休宗純像で、紹仙(じょうせん)は方丈に障壁画をのこした蛇足の息子だといわれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the time of restoration, the statue of Sanzon Triad of 4.85 m was settled in the Kondo as the principal image and its background wall was partially decorated with the paintings of larger-sized Buddhist motifs of halo and lotus pedestal. 例文帳に追加

改修時には金堂に丈六三尊像が本尊として安置され、壁画も一部、創建時より大きいモチーフで「光背」や「蓮台」など仏像の背景的なものが描かれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, he was closely-linked to the Konoe family, the head of Gosekke (five families whose members were eligible for the positions of Sessho and Kanpaku) and drew wall paintings for Sakihisa KONOE's residence in 1567 and 1568 (described in "Tokitsugu Kyoki"). 例文帳に追加

また、五摂家の筆頭である近衛家とも関係が深く、永禄10-11年(1567年-1568年)には近衛前久(さきひさ)邸の障壁画を描いている(言継卿記)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In his early days, Tanyu produced bold Eitoku KANO-style paintings; however, later on in his life, his major creation was the wall painting on Daitoku-ji Temple, a serene water ink drawing with a large unpainted space. 例文帳に追加

若年時は狩野永徳風の豪壮な画風を示すが、後年の大徳寺の障壁画は水墨を主体とし、余白をたっぷりと取った穏やかな画風のものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, he used the pictures which subjects originating from Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism for ceiling and wall paintings at the Tenshu of the Azuchi-jo Castle, and he did not ban the religious activities of the Jodo Shinshu sect (the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism) and Enryaku-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

また一方では安土城天主内の天井、壁画に仏教、道教、儒教を題材とした絵画を使用したり、浄土真宗や延暦寺の宗教活動自体は禁止しなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He oversaw the rennovation of the wall paintings of Nishinomaru Palace of Edo Castle from 1838 to 1839, and Honmaru Palace of it from 1844 to 1846. 例文帳に追加

天保9年から10年(1838年から1839年)には江戸城西の丸御殿、天保15年から弘化3年(1844年から1846年)には本丸御殿の障壁画再建の総指揮を執った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The entire castle is designated a national historic relic, Ninomaru Palace is a National Treasure, the 954 wall paintings in 22 buildings and in Ninomaru Palace are Important Cultural Properties, and Ninomaru Garden is a Special Scenic Spot. 例文帳に追加

城全体が国の史跡に指定されている他、二の丸御殿が国宝に、22棟の建造物と二の丸御殿にある計954点の障壁画が重要文化財に、二の丸御殿庭園が特別名勝に指定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The most murals remained richly-colored, although some parts of the paintings such as the right half of a man in the mural of the east wall had been damaged by sediment and groundwater. 例文帳に追加

東壁の男子群像の右半分など、土砂や地下水の影響で画面が汚染されている部分もあったが、壁画の大部分には鮮明な色彩が残されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In June in the same year (2004), "National Treasure Takamatsuzuka Tumulus" (supervised by the Agency for Cultural Affairs and published by Chuo Koran Bijutsu Shuppan) revealed the deterioration of the mural paintings, in particular, the significant deteriorated "Byakko" on the west wall. 例文帳に追加

同じ2004年6月には『国宝高松塚古墳』(文化庁監修、中央公論美術出版刊)が発刊され、壁画の劣化、特に西壁の「白虎」の著しい劣化が明らかとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the Agency, Suzaku was cut out from the south wall by February 15, 2007, by which the removing work of all the mural paintings discovered was completed (except for the astronomical chart on the ceiling). 例文帳に追加

同庁によれば、2007年2月15日までに南壁の朱雀がはぎ取られ、確認されている壁画のはぎ取り作業は(天井の天文図を除き)完了した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, in the "Nanboroku" there is a description that 'During the period of Joo, yojohan zashiki had been partially improved, replacing haritsuke (fixed walls which are pasted paintings on paper) to tsuchikabe (clay wall), wooden latticework to one of bamboo, and the Koshiita (baseboard wood paneling and finishing trims) of Shoji has been removed, and toko is covered with a thinner coating or plain wood, and the room with the interior above is called "Kusa no Zashiki" (hut of grass; tea hut).' 例文帳に追加

『南坊録』には更に「紹鴎になりて、四畳半座敷ところどころ改め、張り付けを土壁にし、木格子を竹格子にし、障子の腰板をのけ、床の塗りふちをうすぬり、または白木にし、之を草の座敷と申されしなり」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Regarding the Cultures of the Andes, even in the pre-Inca period, there are colored reliefs produced on sun-dried brick (adobe) walls of shrines in the Lima Culture and Moche Culture and also, wall paintings colored directly with El Brujo and Panamarca in the shrines. 例文帳に追加

アンデス文明では、プレ・インカの時代からリマ文化やモチェ文化などの神殿のやわらかな日干し煉瓦(アドベ)の壁面に施された浮き彫りに彩色されている事例のほかにエル=ブルーホ、パニャマルカがなどで直接彩色した壁画が見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Motonobu's works are notable for melding the Tosa school style of Yamato-e painting onto the ink-wash painting method of the Kanga style (typically monochrome, Chinese style paintings), and establishing a particularly Japanese style of partition wall painting, suitable for the decoration of buildings of the traditional Shoin-zukuri architectual style. 例文帳に追加

元信の作品は、漢画(大和絵に対して中国風の画を指す)系の水墨画を基礎としつつ、大和絵系の土佐派の様式を取り入れ、書院造建築の装飾にふさわしい日本的な障壁画様式を確立した点に特色がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Shincho Koki" (in the biography of Nobunaga ODA), he drew wall paintings for Azuchi-jo Castle from 1576 through 1579, then for Osaka-jo Castle and Jurakudai residence as well in 1583 and 1586 respectively; in this way, he was given important posts by lords such as Nobunaga ODA and Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI. 例文帳に追加

天正4-7年(1576年-1579年)には安土城に障壁画を描き(信長公記)、天正11年(1583年)には大坂城、天正14年(1586年)には聚楽第の障壁画を担当するなど、織田信長や豊臣秀吉をはじめとする権力者に重く用いられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The following are his main paintings; Eisei-Bunko Museum keeps "U-zu" (Cormorant), "Shomen Daruma-zu" (Bodhidharma Facing Front), "Menpeki Daruma-zu" (Bodhidharma Facing Wall), "Monpuku Hotei-zu" (Laughing Hotei) and "Rogan-zu" (Goose by Reed Leaf); Matsui-Bunko Incorporated Foundation keeps "Royo Daruma-zu" (Bodhidharma by Reed Leaf) and "Yaba-zu" (Wild Horse); Kuboso Memorial Museum of Arts, Izumi keeps "Koboku Meigeki-zu" (Shrike on a Withered Branch); the Okayama Prefectural Museum of Art keeps "Shu Moshuku-zu" (Zhou Maoshu), "Yugamo-zu" (Playing Duck) and "Hotei-zu" (Hotei); Fukuoka Art Museum keeps "Hotei Kan-Tokei-zu" (Hotei Watching a Cockfight). 例文帳に追加

主要な画として、「鵜図」「正面達磨図」「面壁達磨図」「捫腹布袋図」「芦雁図」(以上永青文庫蔵)「芦葉達磨図」「野馬図」(以上松井文庫蔵)「枯木鳴鵙図」(和泉市久保惣記念館蔵)「周茂叔図」「遊鴨図」「布袋図」(以上岡山県立美術館蔵)「布袋観闘鶏図」(福岡市美術館蔵)などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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原題:”What the Moon Saw”

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