
「devoted」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(15ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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It is said that wherever she went, she kept strongly adhering to her faith and devoted herself to helping the abandoned weak people, nursing sick people, and encouraging desperate young exiles. 例文帳に追加

どの地においても熱心に信仰生活を守り、見捨てられた弱者や病人の保護や、自暴自棄になった若い流人への感化など、島民の日常生活に献身的に尽くしたとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later Tadahiko changed the base of his activities to Kanei-ji Temple where priestly Imperial Prince Kosho, the third son of Imperial Prince Tsunahito served as a chief priest, he devoted himself to writing a sequel almost independently. 例文帳に追加

その後忠彦は活動の拠点を、韶仁親王の三男・公紹入道親王が門主を務める江戸の寛永寺に移し、ほぼ独力で続編執筆に励む。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He is devoted to introducing Fukkyoku Noh (revived pieces) and Shinsaku Noh (new pieces); he revived "Matsura Sayohime" (The Tragedy of Princess Matsura Sayohime) in 1985, "Karukaya" (The Karukaya) in 1986, "Tadatsu no Saemon" (Saemon in Tadatsu) in 1987, "Koremori" in 1988, "U no ha" (Cormorant Plumes) in 1991, "Shikiji Monogurui" (a mad person play) in 1907, "Kanemaki" (original form of Dojoji) in 2000, and "Nagara" (The Nagara-no-hashi Bridge) in 2001. 例文帳に追加

復曲能や新作能にも積極的に取り組み、1985年『松浦佐用姫』、1986年『苅萱』、1987年『多度津左衛門』、1988年『維盛』、1991年『鵜羽』、1907年『敷地物狂』、2000年『鐘巻』、2001年『長柄』を復曲。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tsumura passed away suddenly one year later, however he devoted himself to his work as a Otsuzumi kata (large hand drum player) while receiving instructions from Kuro Tomoharu HOSHO from the head family of Hosho school, Kingo MISU in Kotsuzumi kata of Ko school, and Motonori KANZE in Taiko-kata Kanze-ryu (the Kanze school for drum performers). 例文帳に追加

一年後津村が急逝したが、宝生流宗家宝生九郎知栄、小鼓方幸流三須錦吾、太鼓方観世流観世元規らの指導を受けながら、大鼓方としての活動に精進した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When Naosuke was still a heyazumi (an adult-age eldest son who has yet to come into his inheritance), he devoted himself to many hobbies, including Sado, Nohgaku (the art of Noh theater), Confucianism, Japanese classical literature, the Soto sect of Zen Buddhism, calligraphy, painting, poetry, as well as Japanese martial arts: swordplay, spearmanship, Japanese archery, gunnery, and jujutsu. 例文帳に追加

部屋住みの時代に儒学、国学、曹洞宗の禅、書、絵、歌、剣術・抜刀術・槍術・弓術・砲術・柔術などの日本武術、茶道、能楽などの多数の趣味に没頭していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This was because he and his daughter Oi (Oi KATSUSHIKA), who had divorced and lived with her father Hokusai, devoted themselves exclusively to painting, so that they moved whenever their rooms became dirty or in wild disarray. 例文帳に追加

これは、彼自身と、離縁して父・北斎のもとにあった出戻り娘の応為(おうい。葛飾応為)とが、絵を描くことのみに集中し、部屋が荒れたり汚れたりするたびに引っ越していたからである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to one theory, on learning of Izo's arrest, TAKECHI became afraid that Izo's confession may put his comrades on line, and he even tried to poison Izo through a jail keeping government official who was devoted to TAKECHI. 例文帳に追加

一説によれば、以蔵の捕縛を知った武市は彼の自白によって他の同志が危険に晒されるのを恐れ、自分に心酔した牢役人を通じて以蔵に毒を盛ろうとしたとさえ言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In cooperation with Manshi KIYOZAWA, the first dean of the university, he devoted his energy to establishing modern research and educational institutes for Buddhist studies which were closely linked to related studies. 例文帳に追加

初代学監清沢満之と協力して、関連諸学との緊密な連繋の上に立つ近代的な仏教研究・教育機関の創設に力を注いだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With the revocation of the prohibition against Christianity in 1873, making Nagasaki his base, he devoted his energies to forming congregations of Christians, establishing facitilities for Japanese believers, and cultivating Japanese priests, as well as translating various scriptures and documents of religious doctrine into Japanese. 例文帳に追加

1873年(明治6年)にキリシタン禁制が解かれると、長崎を拠点にキリスト教布教や日本人信徒組織の整備と日本人司祭の養成、教理書や各種出版物の日本語訳などに力を注ぎ、 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After that, while Fukuchi became an adviser of Yamato Shinbun (newspaper company) of Saigiku JONO and continued critical activity, he had gradually devoted himself to Engeki kairyo undo (theatrical performance improvement movement) and establishment of theaters where it would be played. 例文帳に追加

その後の福地は条野採菊のやまと新聞の顧問に迎えられて評論活動を続けながら、次第に演劇改良運動とそれを実践する劇場の開設に執念を燃やすようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After the Tempo Reforms by which entertainment as a whole was strictly regulated, he stopped his painting activities leaving them to many of his disciples and devoted himself for literary pursuits including Gokan (bound-together volumes of illustrated books) and Kokkeibon (literally "comical book") under the appellation of Ippitsuan Kako. 例文帳に追加

娯楽全般に厳しく統制される天保の改革の時勢を迎えたのちは、画業はもっぱら多くの門人に任せて自らは描く事をやめ、一筆庵可候の号をもって合巻や滑稽本を主とする文筆業に専念した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though Genrin was born into a rich merchant family in Kyoto, his body was so weak that he abolished the family business, studied Sinology and medicine, and devoted himself as a town doctor. 例文帳に追加

元隣は、京都の裕福な商人の家に生れたが体が弱く家業を廃して、漢学・医術を修学して生涯を町医者として送った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kuninao DATE (November 2, 1835 - January 12, 1891) was a head of the Iwadeyama Date family, Sendai Domain Sept in the end of Edo Period, who devoted himself to development of Hokkaido after Meiji Restoration and laid the foundation of Tobetsu-cho. 例文帳に追加

伊達邦直(だてくになお、天保5年9月12日(旧暦)(1835年11月2日)-明治24年(1891年)1月12日)は、江戸時代末期の仙台藩一門・岩出山伊達家当主で、明治維新後は北海道開拓に身を投じ当別町の基礎を築く。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He devoted himself especially to erect memorial monuments to sumo and built monuments in many places in Japan including the 'Yokozuna Rikishi Memorial Monument' in Tomioka Hachimangu Shrine in Fukagawa, Tokyo in 1900. 例文帳に追加

特に相撲関係の建碑事業に奔走し、1900年(明治33年)に建立した東京・深川の富岡八幡宮の「横綱力士碑」など、全国各地に碑を建てた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was also devoted to restoring nature by planting trees on the Nishiakaishiyama mountain range that had become bold due to copper mine development, believing that it was their responsibility to restore greenery and nature's blessing there. 例文帳に追加

また、銅山の開発により荒れるがままになっていた西赤石山系の山々に「別子全山を旧のあおあおとした姿にしてこれを大自然にかえさねばならない」として、植林を施すなど、環境復元にも心血を注いだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mutsu, who was kept under restraint in Yamagata Prison, busily wrote letters to his wife Ryoko; on the other hand, he wrote a book and also devoted to translating a work by Bentham, a utilitarian philosopher of England. 例文帳に追加

山形監獄に収容された陸奥は、せっせと妻亮子に手紙を書く一方で、自著をあらわし、イギリスの功利主義哲学者ベンサムの著作の翻訳にも打ち込んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From around 1707 until 1723, he was active as joruri author at Toyotake-za Theater in Osaka and was a rival of Monzaemon CHIKAMATSU of the Takemoto-za Theater, but he devoted to haikai and kyoka since then. 例文帳に追加

1707年(宝永4年)から1723年(享保8年)頃まで大坂豊竹座の浄瑠璃作家として活躍し、竹本座の近松門左衛門と対抗していたが、それ以降は俳諧、狂歌に専念した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, he devoted himself into the art administration, and in 1914, he founded the Sanda Museum by using the administrative institution of the old Arima County to store his own collections. 例文帳に追加

この後は主に美術行政に専念し、大正3年(1914年)に旧・有馬郡の役所を利用して自身の収蔵品を展示する三田博物館を設立している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While Naoteru and Naoharu were too young to be involved at the time, their father Naohide was deeply devoted to support the loyalists for Emperor and they were struggling to make ends meet as a result of spending his own funds. 例文帳に追加

その当時、直輝や直温はまだ少年であり、あまり深く関わることはなかったが、父・直英は勤王に傾倒していたため、私財を投じて支援した結果、家計は火の車であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, he successively filled posts as director of Shiyaku (medical and pharmaceutical test) in the Health and Medical Bureau of the Ministry of Education and manager of both the Tokyo Shiyakujo and Osaka Shiyakujo (national medical and pharmaceutical products test laboratory organization), but retired from that work because he was prone to illness and after that, he devoted himself to literary work. 例文帳に追加

その後、文部省衛生局司薬監督、東京・大阪両司薬場長を歴任するが病気がちのために退官して、以後著述活動に専念した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since then, after experiencing the chief priest of Kairyuo-ji Temple (Hokkeji-cho, Nara City) for a certain period, he returned to Saidai-ji Temple in 1238 and devoted himself for restoration of Saidai-ji Temple, which had been devastated, for more than 50 years until he died at the age of ninety years old. 例文帳に追加

その後一時海龍王寺(奈良市法華寺町)に住した後、嘉禎4年(1238年)西大寺に戻り、90歳で没するまで50年以上、荒廃していた西大寺の復興に尽くした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to one theory, around the closing days of the Tokugawa shogunate, Shungaku MATSUDAIRA, the feudal lord of Fukui Domain, who was devoted to education, suggested to his people to put up a Tenjin-ga (painting of Tenjin), and this was proliferated by the drug sellers of Toyama. 例文帳に追加

これは幕末の頃に教育に熱心であった福井藩藩主松平春嶽が領民に天神画を飾るよう推奨し、それを富山の薬売りが広めたという説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Still, many members of the royalists (Iwao OYAMA, Tsugumichi SAIGO, Michitsune MISHIMA, Kunimoto SHINOHARA, and Yaichiro NAGAYAMA) stayed upstairs, but after Tsunayoshi OYAMA dropped his sword and burst into the room in a desperate attempt to persuade them, the rest of the devoted members in the royalists surrendered. 例文帳に追加

また2階には多数の尊王派(大山巌・西郷従道・三島通庸・篠原国幹・永山弥一郎など)がいたが、大山綱良らが刀を捨てて飛び込み必死の説得を行った結果、残りの尊王派志士たちは投降した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shinzei himself confiscated the lands owned by FUJIWARA no Yorinaga, who perished in the Hogen Rebellion, and nominally added these estates to the land already prescribed for the Emperor's use after he abdicated the throne, yet in reality devoted his undivided attention to making those lands into a buffer to guarantee his own financial footing. 例文帳に追加

信西自身は、保元の乱で敗死した藤原頼長の所領を没収して後院領に組み込み、自らはその預所になるなど経済基盤の確保にも余念がなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As it was a war between different cultures, however, commanders of Ming and Korea devoted themselves to the tact of holding the castle involving common people and, in many cases, they chose the fall of the castle involving common people rather than bloodless surrender of a defense general. 例文帳に追加

しかし、異文化間の戦争のため明・朝鮮の指揮官は民衆を巻き込んだ籠城に徹し、守将の降伏による無血開城よりも民衆を巻き込んだ落城を選ぶケースが多かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the example of the estate of Erin-ji Temple, the Takeda family's ancestral temple, in addition to the smallest unit of the lowest position of vassals devoted themselves to military arts, there were a band of farmers exempt from a part of their land taxes. 例文帳に追加

武田家菩提寺、恵林寺領の例を見ると家臣団の末端に位置して武芸を専らとする「同心衆」のほかに、年貢の一部負担を免除された「軍役衆」の存在が見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Japanese-style painter Nanyo INUI painted a picture that Sanetomi SANJO was reading out Charter Oath at the festival of the gods of heaven and earth and the lord of Tosa domain, the Yamauchi family devoted it to the Meiji-jingu Shrine in 1928. 例文帳に追加

天神地祇御誓祭で三条実美が御誓文を読み上げる光景を日本画家の乾南陽が描き、昭和3年に旧土佐藩主の山内家が明治神宮に奉納した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the beginning of this era, FUJIWARA no Fuhito, son of FUJIWARA no Kamatari, grasped the reins of government and devoted himself to establishing the ritsuryo system and strengthening the foundation of Fujiwara clan expansion through links to the Imperial Family. 例文帳に追加

この時代の初め、藤原鎌足の息子藤原不比等があらわれて政権をにぎり、律令制度の確立に力を尽くすとともに、皇室に接近して藤原氏発展の基礎をかためた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the same time, Daiei devoted itself to large-scale productions, such as joint productions with companies in Taiwan and other countries and 70mm film productions such as 'Shaka' (Shakyamuni) and 'Shin no Shikoutei' (Shi Hunagdi), both of which became box office hits. 例文帳に追加

一方で台湾など海外との合作による大作や70ミリ映画「釈迦」「秦・始皇帝」(2作ともヒット)を制作するなど超大作路線を歩む。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As described below, it can be said that Umayadono-Oji (Prince Umayado) is a different person from `Hiizurutokoronotenshi' (Prince Shotoku), and `Hiizurutokoronotenshi' was a person of the Kyushu dynasty who was deeply devoted to Kan I junikai (twelve grades of cap rank), the establishment of the Seventeen Article Constitution, the dispatch of Ken-suishi, and Buddhism. 例文帳に追加

以下のことから厩戸王子と「日出處天子」(聖徳太子)は別人であり、「日出處天子」は九州王朝の人物で、冠位十二階、憲法十七条制定、遣隋使派遣、仏教に深く帰依した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the attached greenhouse Kaga devoted his time to study and the selective breeding of orchids he had been obsessed with since his time in Britain, and he finally published a picture book of flowers called "Rankafu" (Genealogy of Orchids) before he died in 1954. 例文帳に追加

加賀は併設された温室でイギリス時代以来夢中だった洋蘭の研究や品種改良を進め、『蘭花譜』という図録を出版し、1954年に死去した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the Retired Emperor's bereaved child, Imperial Prince Tsunesada was deposed from princess due to the Jowa Incident and confined to Junna-in Palace, Imperial Princess Masako and Imperial Prince Tsunesada were quietly devoted to Buddhism training here. 例文帳に追加

更に承和の変によって上皇の遺児・恒貞親王が皇太子を廃されて淳和院に押し込められると、以後正子内親王・恒貞親王はここで静かに仏道修行に専念した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As mentioned above, since he devoted himself to painting when he was young, he lost his right to inheritance, and thereafter he lived as a painter and art collector and was on close terms with Ryusei KISHIDA. 例文帳に追加

前述のとおり若くして絵画に傾倒したため廃嫡され、以後画家・美術品収集家として過ごし、岸田劉生とも交流を持った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

I have devoted efforts to the various activities that I mentioned now. I hope that these activities will lead to the development of the Japanese economy as well as financial and capital markets. 例文帳に追加

私としては、このような様々な施策に全力を傾注して取組んでまいりました。こうした取組みが、我が国経済、金融資本市場の発展につながるものとなれば、幸いであります。 - 金融庁

Looking back at this situation, I would like to express my deep appreciation for the people who devoted efforts to the development of the scheme for dealing with failures and the regulatory framework concerning financial soundness. 例文帳に追加

こう振り返りますと、前回の危機があった後に、こういったセーフティネット、破綻処理スキーム、健全性規制の枠組みの整備に努力していただいた先人の方々に、深く感謝したい気持ちでございます。 - 金融庁

I have devoted much effort to English language speeches, and in my speeches, I mentioned matters like Japan’s lessons that I talked about earlier. 例文帳に追加

英語でのスピーチにも相当力を入れてきているつもりですし、その英語のスピーチの中に先ほど申し上げました日本としての教訓というようなものも織り込んでいるところでございます。 - 金融庁

However, when the activities of such an agent are devoted wholly or almost wholly on behalf of that enterprise he will not be considered an agent of an independent status within the meaning of this paragraph. 例文帳に追加

もっとも、当該代理人の活動が専ら又は主として当該企業に代わって行われる場合には、当該代理人は、この6に規定する独立の地位を有する代理人とはされない。 - 財務省

In 2000, roughly 40% of the Bank's annual business volume was devoted to Central and Eastern Europe, but it has decreased to less than 10% in 2007. The focus of EBRD's operation has shifted to the east and south of the region where transition to a market economy is still in its earlier stages. 例文帳に追加

また、2000年には年間事業規模の約 4割が中東欧諸国を対象としていましたが、2007年の中東欧諸国向け業務のシェアは1割未満となっております。 - 財務省

Now, I would like to turn to the Japan's policy efforts. In Japan, under the policy of "without reform there will be no growth," we have devoted ourselves to implement wide-ranging structural reform. Today, we're beginning to see the dividends of such reform efforts. 例文帳に追加

さて、我が国は、これまで、「改革なくして成長なし」との方針の下、諸般の構造改革に全力で取り組んできたところであり、現在、こうした改革の成果が現れつつあります。 - 財務省

the effort and skill which any other person has devoted to making the invention jointly with the employee concerned, and the advice and other assistance contributed by any other employee who is not a joint inventor of the invention 例文帳に追加

当該従業者と共同で発明を行うために他の者が傾注した努力と技量,並びに当該発明の共同発明者でない他の従業者によりもたらされた助言及びその他の援助 - 特許庁

The members of the Board shall be exclusively devoted to their duties and shall be subject to the incompatibilities laid down by law for the holders of public office; they may only be removed from their posts by virtue of a reasoned order issued by the National Executive. 例文帳に追加

当該3委員は,専任とし,公職人取締法に規定の不適格審査の対象となり,その地位の剥奪は正当な政令のみによるものとする。 - 特許庁

To provide a vehicle-mounted communication controller capable of informing the situation surrounding the vehicle concretely to a person on the outside of a vehicle when a driver is devoted entirely to operation of the vehicle.例文帳に追加

ドライバが車両の運転に専念しつつ、車外の人物に対して車両を取り巻く状況を具体的に通知することが可能な車載用通信制御装置を提供すること。 - 特許庁

To provide a sheet feed device allowing a user to easily set a roll sheet with ease comparatively without using a solely devoted roll sheet setting device.例文帳に追加

専用のロールシート装着装置を用いることなく、使用者が比較的楽に且つ容易にロールシートをセットすることが可能となる給紙装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

To eliminate necessity for provision of a guide sheave to be solely devoted for moving an upper spreader while a method to move the upper spreader between the boom base end and the tip using a hook windup rope and a jib derricking rope is adopted.例文帳に追加

フック巻上ロープとジブ起伏ロープとによって上部スプレッダをブーム基端側と先端側との間で移動させる手法をとりながら、上部スプレッダ移動専用のガイドシーブを設ける必要をなくする。 - 特許庁

Information inputted from an operation remote controller 121 devoted solely to the operating table made by another company is transferred to the communication transfer device 1 and is transferred once without exception to the system controller 100 through the USB cable 2.例文帳に追加

他社製手術台専用の操作リモートコントローラ121から入力された情報は、通信転送装置1に伝達され、必ず一旦USBケーブル2を通してシステムコントローラ100に伝達される。 - 特許庁

The DEF mode in which the air is chiefly blown out to a front window glass from a DEF opening, is set by a front DEF switch solely devoted thereto.例文帳に追加

主としてDEF開口部から空気が前側窓ガラスに向けて吹き出されるDEFモードは専用のフロントDEFスイッチにより設定される。 - 特許庁

To provide a successive forming method that needs no devoted supporting tool adjusted to a desired forming shape, that can realize forming with high latitude, and that causes less reduction in the thickness of a base material.例文帳に追加

所望の成形形状に合わせた専用支持具を必要とせず,自由度の高い成形が実現でき,素材の板厚減少が少ない逐次成形方法を提供すること。 - 特許庁

To provide an environment which a nursing service business applicant is easy to participate in and can be devoted to a nursing service by supporting an indirect business for operation of a nursing service business in order to a community-based care nursing.例文帳に追加

地域に根ざした介護を実現するため、介護事業の運営のための間接業務を業務支援することにより、介護事業希望者が参加しやすい、介護サービスに専念できる環境を提供する。 - 特許庁

To suppress a deterioration of the wear performance of lubricating oil caused by inclusion of water by using an engine lubricating oil of versatile type, without using a lubricating oil to be exclusively devoted to alcoholic fuel.例文帳に追加

アルコール燃料専用の潤滑油を用いることなく、汎用のエンジン用潤滑油を使用して、水分の混入による潤滑油の磨耗性能劣化を抑制すること。 - 特許庁


To provide a system and a method for creating/using an address book to dispense with the address book such as business cards and by which addresses of other persons and other companies are learned anywhere and a web server to be devoted to them.例文帳に追加

名刺等のアドレス帳を不要とし、どこにいても他人や他社のアドレスを知ることが可能なアドレス帳作成・利用システム及びアドレス帳作成・利用方法並びにこれに供するウェブサーバを提供すること。 - 特許庁


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