
「fought」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(29ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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In 1546, Yoshiharu fought Harumoto (in the Battle of Eguchi), lost and escaped to Omi Sakamoto, during which time he gave the shogunship to his son and heir to the throne, Yoshiteru ASHIKAGA, and helped the still juvenile shogun as his guardian. 例文帳に追加

天文15年(1546年)、義晴は晴元と対立して敗れ(江口の戦い)、近江坂本に避難したが、このときに嫡男・足利義輝に将軍職を譲り、以後は幼少の義輝の後見人となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In February of 1527, Kyoto was invaded by Takaharu YANAGIMOTO and Motonaga MIYOSHI, and Takakuni's force fought in the Battle of Katsuragawa; however, the Takakuni side was defeated and thus had no choice but to escape to Omi-Sakamoto supporting Yoshiharu ASHIKAGA. 例文帳に追加

大永7年(1527年)2月には逆に柳本賢治や三好元長らに京都に侵攻され、桂川で迎撃したが敗れ、足利義晴を擁して近江坂本に逃れた(桂川の戦い)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The event that triggered his movement to the Kanto area was the Battle of Tachigawara in the Province of Musashi in September of 1504, in which Soun, on the side of Tomoyoshi UESUGI, fought with Ujichika IMAGAWA and defeated Akisada YAMAUCHI-UESUGI. 例文帳に追加

こうした関東進出の大きな画期となったのは、永正元(1504年)8月の武蔵国立河原の戦いであり、上杉朝良に味方した早雲は、今川氏親とともに出陣して山内上杉顕定に勝利した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the "Shinsengumi Shimatsuki" by Kan SHIMOZAWA, Todo understood Nagakura's intention, but he couldn't throw away his pride or abandon his comrades, so he fought against the Shinsengumi and was cut down by Tsunesaburo MIURA. 例文帳に追加

子母澤寛の『新選組始末記』によると、永倉の深意はくみ取ったものの、魁先生と呼ばれたプライドと同士を見捨てられないので、新選組に立ち向かって三浦常三郎に斬られたとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Shinsen-gumi masterless warrior party, including SAITO, came under the command of the domain of Aizu and fought in the Battle of Shirakawaguchi on the 26th of intercalary month of May, as well as the Battle of Bonari-toge on October 6. 例文帳に追加

斎藤をはじめとする新選組は会津藩の指揮下に入り、閏4月5日には白河口の戦いに参加、8月21日の母成峠の戦いにも参加した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Initially, the western army was dominant and Mitsunari's army of 6,900 could hold out against more than twice that number led by Tadaoki HOSOKAWA, Nagamasa KURODA, Yoshiaki KATO and Yoshimasa TANAKA, because Sakon SHIMA, Satoie GAMO and Hyogo MAI fought so bravely. 例文帳に追加

当初は西軍優勢であり、石田隊は6900人であったが、細川忠興・黒田長政・加藤嘉明・田中吉政ら兵力では倍以上の敵に攻められたものの、島左近・蒲生郷舎・舞兵庫らの奮戦もあって持ちこたえた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was on a good terms with Gotairo (Council of Five Elders) member Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, but fought like cats and dogs with Mitsunari ISHIDA, despite both being Gobugyo members following Hideyoshi's death. (This has been questioned in recent studies.). 例文帳に追加

五大老の徳川家康とは親しい関係にあり、秀吉死後は同じ五奉行でありながら石田三成と犬猿の仲にあったとされる(これには近年になって疑問も提示されている。近年の研究)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the death of Nobunaga ODA, in 1583, he fought alongside Masanori FUKUSHIMA and Kiyomasa KATO at the Battle of Shizugatake, between Hideyoshi and Katsuie SHIBATA, a Hitto-Garo (or high-ranking samurai) of the Oda Family, and was counted as one of the "Shichihonyari of Shizugatake." 例文帳に追加

織田信長死後の天正11年(1583年)には、秀吉と織田家筆頭家老の柴田勝家との間で行われた賤ヶ岳の戦いで、福島正則、加藤清正らと共に活躍し、『賤ヶ岳七本槍』の一人に数えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1583, he fought alongside Masanori FUKUSHIMA and Kiyomasa KATO at the Battle of Shizugatake in Omi no Kuni, becoming known as one of the Shichihonyari (Seven Spears) of Shizugatake and receiving 3,000 koku for his achievements. 例文帳に追加

天正11年(1583年)、近江国賤ヶ岳の戦いで福島正則や加藤清正らと共に活躍し、賤ヶ岳七本槍の一人に数えられ、その戦功により3000石を与えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He was also praised for his actions during the rescue of Kiyomasa KATO, served with the naval forces when the Japanese invasion began, and fought with the land forces in the battle to take Namwon Castle in August. 例文帳に追加

また、加藤清正の救援などでも武功を挙げ、日本軍の侵攻作戦が始まると水軍として進撃するが、8月の南原城攻略作戦では陸上兵力として使用された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He fought on the side of Nagamasa AZAI until the fall of Odani Castle following Nobunaga ODA's siege from 1570 to September 1, 1573.例文帳に追加

元亀元年(1570年)から天正元年(1573年)9月1日(旧暦)にかけての織田信長による浅井長政への攻撃に際しては小谷城の落城まで一貫して浅井方として戦った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In May 1583, after Nobunaga's death, he fought alongside Masanori FUKUSHIMA and Kiyomasa KATO during the Battle of Shizugatake (Ika-gun, Omi no Kuni) against the Katsuie SHIBATA, becoming one of the 'Shichihonyari (Seven Spears) of Shizugatake' 例文帳に追加

天正11年(1583年)5月、信長死後に対立した織田家の柴田勝家との賤ヶ岳の戦い(近江国伊香郡)で福島正則や加藤清正らと共に活躍し、「賤ヶ岳七本槍」の一人に数えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Otate Disturbance, Kagekatsu occupied the donjon and treasure-house of Kasugayama Castle immediately after Kenshin's death on the false premise that it was bequeathed to him by Kenshin, and then he fought against Kagetora, who holed up in Otate (the residence of Norimasa UESUGI) located outside the walls of Kasugayama Castle. 例文帳に追加

御館の乱において、景勝は謙信の死の直後に謙信の遺言と詐称して春日山城本丸と金蔵を占拠し、春日山城城下の御館(上杉憲政の屋敷)に立て籠もった景虎と戦った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

She is famous for having worn her hair bobbed, been dressed like a man, rendered service with gunnery, an art handed down from her father to her and fought hard in the battle where Aizu Wakamatsu-jo Castle was besieged, during the Boshin Civil War. 例文帳に追加

戊辰戦争時には断髪・男装し、家芸であった砲術を以て奉仕し、会津若松城籠城戦で奮戦したことは有名である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shigemori, leading the imperial army, guarded the Kanin dairi palace and fought against the armed priests, but he accidentally created a scandal when an arrow shot by one of his family members hit the portable shrine. 例文帳に追加

この時、官兵を率いた重盛は閑院内裏を警護して大衆と対峙していたが、家人の放った矢が神輿の当たるという不祥事を引き起こした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Starting the next month (December) the search-and-destroy tactics escalated, but hard-fought battles still continued in Omi, the search-and-destroy army was blocked in the front by the rebel army and they were harassed from the rear by groups of priests from Onjo-ji Temple and Enryaku-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

翌12月から追討が本格化するが、近江で早くも反乱軍に行く手を阻まれ、園城寺・延暦寺の大衆に後方を攪乱されるなど苦戦が続いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His grandfather, TAIRA no Kiyomori, was furious, saying that he should have fought to death even if he ended up exposing his body to the enemy and that running back home as a loser was a shame of the clan, and forbade him from entering Kyo. 例文帳に追加

祖父・平清盛は維盛の醜態に激怒し、なぜ敵に骸を晒してでも戦わなかったのか、おめおめと逃げ帰ってきたのは家の恥であるとして維盛が京に入る事を禁じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Being a warrior belonging to the Hosokawa clan under the Ashikaga clan, he fought against the Southern Court in Shikoku region such as Awa, Sanuki and Iyo and was on the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) side during the Kanno Disturbance. 例文帳に追加

足利氏の一門である細川氏の武将として、阿波、讃岐、伊予など四国地方における南朝(日本)方と戦い、観応の擾乱では幕府方に属す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After succesfuly doing away with Nobunaga at Honno-ji Temple, he took an active role in the Battle of Yamazaki, which was fought against Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI upon his return from the Chugoku region; however, his forces were routed and he fled. 例文帳に追加

本能寺にて信長を討った後、中国地方から引き返してきた豊臣秀吉との山崎の戦いでは先鋒として活躍するが、敗れて逃走した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Battle of Kawagoe-jo Castle (the so-called Night Battle of Kawagoe), though the Ogigayatsu-Uesugi force fought bravely, Tomosada, the head of the Ogigayatsu-Uesugi family, died on the battlefield, and the remains of the allied forces were scattered, shattering Tomosada's dream of recapturing Kawagoe-jo Castle. 例文帳に追加

河越城の戦い(いわゆる河越夜戦)で扇谷上杉軍は善戦するも当主朝定は討死、他の連合軍は四散し河越城奪還の夢は砕かれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Astride his horse, Masakado fought valiantly on the battlefront, but his fleet footed horse, which had been galloping like the wind, began to tire and lost its pace, leaving Masakado at a loss for a means to drive forward with his heroic battle, and he died in battle when a loosed arrow struck him on the forehead. 例文帳に追加

将門は自ら馬を駆って陣頭に立ち奮戦するが、風のように駿足を飛ばしていた馬の歩みが乱れ、将門も武勇の手だてを失い、いずくからか飛んできた矢が将門の額に命中し、あえなく討死した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In June 1091, Kyoto was shocked when Yoshiie's retainer, FUJIWARA no Sanekiyo and MINAMOTO no Yoshitsuna's retainer, FUJIWARA no Norikiyo fought over the rights to the estate in Kawachi Province and shook Kyoto by mobilizing Yoshiie and Yoshitsuna armies. 例文帳に追加

1091年(寛治5)6月 義家の郎党藤原実清と源義綱の郎党藤原則清が、河内国の所領の領有権を争い、義家・義綱兵を構える事件がおき、京を震撼させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He fought with the Western Army during the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, defending the inner bailey of Sawayama-jo Castle with Masazumi, but under Hideaki KOBAYAMA's furious attacks, the castle fell within half a day and Masatsugu committed suicide with his sword. 例文帳に追加

1600(慶長5)年関ヶ原の戦いでは西軍に与し、正澄とともに佐和山城にいて本丸を守備するも、小早川秀秋らの猛攻に遭って半日も持たずに敗退、落城に際して正継は自刃した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Takauji ASHIKAGA and Yoshisada NITTA, who lived in Kozuke Province, fought well and defeated Kamakura bakufu, the Kenmu Restoration was started by Emperor Godaigo, and Doyo was appointed as a judge of the Zasshoketsudansho (a type of civil court). 例文帳に追加

足利尊氏、上野国の新田義貞らの活躍で鎌倉幕府は滅亡し、入京した後醍醐天皇により建武の新政が開始されると、雑訴決断所の奉行人となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, in 1441, during the Kakitsu era, Mitsusuke AKAMATSU, who had killed the sixth Shogun, Yoshinori ASHIKAGA, and raised an army in Harima Province, fought in support of Yoshitaka ASHIKAGA, who was said to be a grandson of Tadafuyu, and with the death of Mitsusuke as a result of his being defeated in battle, Yoshitaka was also killed. 例文帳に追加

また、嘉吉元年(1441年)に6代将軍の足利義教を殺害し、播磨で挙兵した赤松満祐は、直冬の孫であるという足利義尊を擁立して戦っており、満祐の敗死に伴い義尊も討ち取られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shigeaki KUBOTA, who was a child of the Saigoku gundai (an intendant of Western Province) and Kamachi clan-descendent Shigekatsu KUBOTA (Shigekatsu KAMACHI) and who received a 2,000 koku stipend directly from the shogun, fought and died in battle in the Battle of Toba-Fushimi during the closing days of the Tokugawa shogunate and a funeral service was conducted at Taiyu-ji Temple in Osaka. 例文帳に追加

蒲池氏の末裔でもある西国郡代の窪田鎮勝(蒲池鎮克)の子で二千石の旗本の窪田鎮章が、幕将として幕末の鳥羽伏見の戦いで討ち死にした際、大坂の太融寺で葬儀が行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because the Isshiki clan fought with the Western army in the Onin War, their position as Shugo was for a period of time lost to the Takeda clan of neighboring Wakasa Province and, moreover, during the Sengoku period, power was forcibly taken by the Shugodai (Deputy Governor) Nobunaga clan, which led to a decline in fortunes. 例文帳に追加

一色氏は応仁の乱において西軍に与したため、守護職を一時隣国の若狭国武田氏に奪われるなど没落し、さらに戦国時代には守護代延永氏の下克上により衰退していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He fought from time to time with Motomitsu TAKEDA of Wakasa Province for control of the Tango/Wakasa region although no settlement was reached; on the contrary, it is said that the influence of the Isshiki clan declined. 例文帳に追加

若狭国の武田元光と丹後・若狭地方の支配権をめぐってたびたび争ったが、決着はつかず、かえって一色氏の勢力を衰退させたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

One year later, thanks to mediation by Ieyasu, the misunderstandings with Hideyoshi were cleared up and he could return to Kyoto, but Ieyasu and Hideyoshi fought fiercely each other in the Komaki-Nagakute War in 1584, and Sakihisa's position became shaky again and hid himself in Nara. 例文帳に追加

一年後、家康の斡旋により秀吉の誤解は解け京都に戻るが、天正12年(1584年)小牧・長久手の戦いで両雄が激突したため、またもや立場が危うくなった前久は奈良に身を寄せた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On February 13, 1160 (December 27, 1159, in old lunar calendar), the decisive battle was fought between Kiyomori and Yoshitomo; Yorimasa, who found no meaning in following Nobuyori, ultimately took sides with Kiyomori who supported the Emperor. 例文帳に追加

12月27日、清盛と義朝の決戦が行われたとき、信頼に従う意味を失った頼政は最終的には二条天皇を擁する清盛に味方した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Benkei's death is very much similar to the death of Dian Wei in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms in that the hero fought a great fight for his master and died on his feet as he was shot by so many arrows. 例文帳に追加

主君を守るために奮戦し大量に矢を射られ直立不動で死ぬという点で、三国志演義における典韋の死に様と酷似している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He also recruited samurai, including TAIRA no Kiyomori, and after arranging for memorial services for Retired Emperor Toba when he passed away in July 1156, he fought in the Hogen War, actively adopting MINAMOTO no Yoshitomo's plan for a night raid. 例文帳に追加

平清盛ら武士の起用も進め、1156年7月鳥羽上皇が亡くなるとその葬儀の準備を行い、続いて保元の乱が起こると、源義朝の献策を積極採用して、夜襲作戦を採用した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the end, in the Battle of Dan-no-ura, Noritsune fought desperately in a lost battle and tried to jump on MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune but failed to catch him when Yoshitsune escaped by jumping from one boat to another, eight boats in total, and, at last, Noritsune died by jumping into the sea holding two big men under his arms. 例文帳に追加

最後は壇ノ浦の戦いの敗戦の中さんざんに戦い、源義経に組みかかろうとするが、八艘飛びで逃げられ、大男2人を締め抱えて海に飛び込んで死んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Enshin fought against its advance team composed of the Ito clan at Mitsuishi-jo Castle; the leader Koremure ITO, who came to heel, remained at Mitsuishi-jo Castle as the reserve force of Saigoku bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun); Enshin started toward the east. 例文帳に追加

しかし、その先発隊である伊東氏と三石城で戦いその盟主である伊藤惟群を服従させ、これを西国幕府軍の備えとして三石城に残し東上を開始した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tadaaki fought with Takauji, who had returned to Kyoto with an army he had formed in Kyushu, but was defeated and killed by Tadayoshi ASHIKAGA's forces in Nishi Sakamoto, Omi Province (Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture). 例文帳に追加

九州で勢力を整えて翌年に再び京都へ迫った足利方と戦い、近江国西坂本(滋賀県大津市)で足利直義の軍に敗れ戦死する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Along with FUJIWARA no Yoshiyuki, the third ranking officer of the Tsuibushi Hankan (the Office of Police and Judicial Chief) and OKURA no Haruzane, the fourth ranking officer of the Sankan (secretary), he fought FUJIWARA no Sumitomo's army, who attacked the Dazaifu, at Hakatatsu. 例文帳に追加

追捕使判官(第3等官)藤原慶幸、主典(第4等官)大蔵春実等と共に、大宰府を襲撃した藤原純友軍を博多津にて撃退する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With his father and brothers he fought TAIRA no Kiyomori in the Heiji no Ran (Heiji Rebellion) but they were defeated and, while on the way to the Eastern provinces with his father and brothers he was wounded in encounters with fleeing troops, the wounds deteriorated, and he died. 例文帳に追加

父や兄弟とともに平治の乱で平清盛と戦うが敗れ、父や兄弟とともに東国へ落ちる途中で落ち武者狩りに遭い負傷、傷が悪化して死亡した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1455, internal strife within the Chiba clan, the head family of the To clan, broke out in Shimotsuke Province, and as ordered by Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA, the Barbarian-subduing General, Tsuneyori supported the bereaved children of Tanekata Chiba, Sanetaka and Yoritaka, and fought in the Kanto area. 例文帳に追加

1455年(康正元年)下総国で起きた本家にあたる千葉氏の内紛を収めるため、征夷大将軍足利義政の命により、嫡流の千葉胤賢の遺児千葉実胤と千葉自胤を支援し関東を転戦した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1352, when Masanori KUSUNOKI, Akiyoshi KITABATAKE and Akitsune CHIKUSA, who supported the Southern Court, attacked Kyoto, Yoriharu fought a battle to protect Yoshiakira ASHIKAGA and died near Shichijo-Omiya at the age of 49 or 54. 例文帳に追加

1352年に 南朝の楠木正儀、北畠顕能、千種顕経らが京都へ攻勢をかけると頼春は尊氏の子の足利義詮を守り、七条大宮付近で戦死する、享年49、もしくは54。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He fought in the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute in the following year and in a battle against Masayuki SANADA during the attack on Ueda-jo Castle in Shinano Province led by Mototada TORII in 1585. 例文帳に追加

翌年の小牧・長久手の戦い、天正13年(1585年)の鳥居元忠を大将とする信濃国上田城攻めでの真田昌幸との対戦などに参戦した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1019, FUJIWARA no Takaie, who served as Dazai gon no sochi (Provisional Governor-General of the Dazai-fu office in Kyushu) and fought off the attack of foreign pirates in Toi invasion, requested that his men be given rewards for their military contributions, and in response to his request, rules regarding local governments were discussed among high court officials. 例文帳に追加

寛仁3年(1019年)、刀伊の入寇を撃退した大宰権帥藤原隆家が部下らに対する恩賞を懇請し、これに対して諸国申請雑事定が公卿らによって行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He then won the trust of Masatane Chiba and accepted Chiba's younger sister as his legal wife, strengthened the relationship with Muneie Chiba and the Gohojo clan, fought against Yoshiaki and the Satomi clan, and took the Hojo side and contributed to their victory in both of the two battles of Konodai. 例文帳に追加

その後は千葉昌胤の信任を受けてその妹を正室に迎え、千葉宗家や後北条氏との関係を強めて義明や里見氏と対抗、二度の国府台合戦ではいずれも北条方について勝利に貢献する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Iemoto's death, the two sons fought each other over who was the legitimate line of the Konoe family, and this conflict continued into their sons' generation, and Tsunetada was in a fierce competition with Tsunehira's child, Mototsugu KONOE. 例文帳に追加

家基の死後、2人の息子はどちらが近衛家の嫡流かを巡って対立し、その争いはそれぞれの息子の代にも続き、経忠は経平の子・近衛基嗣と激しく争った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the election in 1974, Ninagawa fought an uphill battle for his seventh term against the opposing candidate (Kazutaka OHASHI, a former Japan Socialist Party member of House of Councilors) who was backed by the Liberal Democratic Party, the Komeito Party, the Democratic Socialist Party, and also a part of the Japan Socialist Party. 例文帳に追加

しかし、7期目を目指した1974年の知事選では自民・公明党・民社党に加えて社会党の一部までが組んだ対立候補(前社会党参議院議員だった大橋和孝)に大苦戦。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He has been serving as retainer for three generations of the Imagawa clan: Ujiteru IMAGAWA, Yoshimoto IMAGAWA and Ujizane IMAGAWA and acted as Sunpu zaibanshu (castle guards of Sunpu), also fought in various regions following the Imagawa clan's military tactics, then Ujizane IMAGAWA gave him a position of Daikanshiki (a local administrator) in 1559. 例文帳に追加

今川氏輝、今川義元、今川氏真3代にわたり家臣として仕え、駿府在番衆を務めたほか、今川氏の軍略に従い各地を転戦し、永禄2年(1559年)には今川氏真から代官職を与えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Norimune fought in the Onin War on the side of the Eastern army to recapture the former fief of the Akamatsu clan from Sozen YAMANA, and as a result, the Akamatsu clan recaptured the fief and were appointed to shugo of Harima, Bizen and Mimasaka Provinces. 例文帳に追加

応仁の乱では山名宗全から領国を奪回するために東軍に属して戦い、赤松氏が旧領国を回復し播磨、備前、美作の守護に任じられたのは則宗の力によるところが大きい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While Koremasa WADA, Chikafusa ITAMI and Fujihide fought against the Miyoshi clan, Fujihide became one of Yoshiaki's close advisors, showing his administrative ability. 例文帳に追加

その後も和田惟政・伊丹親興とともに三好氏との戦いに参加する一方、行政官僚としての手腕を発揮して義昭の側近の一人となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He fought with Tamekane for the position of editor of the collection of poems selected under the imperial order, and Tameyo lost while Tamekane was chosen to collect and edit poems for "Gyokuyo Wakashu" (Jeweled Leaves Collection, Fourteenth imperial anthology). 例文帳に追加

1309年(延慶(日本)2年)頃、為兼と勅撰和歌集の撰者の地位をめぐって争い、為世は敗れて為兼が『玉葉和歌集』を撰進することとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Rokkaku family fell when the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) was ruined and, under the Ashikaga Administration, stayed under the Kyogoku family and, although Ujiyori assumed the position of Shugo (provincial constable) of Omi Province, the matter wasn't clear, and he fought with Doyo SASAKI of the Kyogoku family for the position of Shugo. 例文帳に追加

六角家は倒幕において没落し、足利政権では京極家の風下に立っており、氏頼は近江守護に在職しているが不明瞭であり、守護職をめぐり京極家の佐々木導誉と争っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Isshiki clan, Yoshinao ISSHIKI who had fought on the Western Camp side returned his allegiance to the Eastern Camp and it was decided that Yoshinao would retire and surrender the headship of the family to his heir Yoshiharu. 例文帳に追加

一色氏ではこれまで西軍に属して戦ってきた一色義直が東軍に帰順、隠居して家督を嫡男義春に譲ることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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