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royal familyの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 275


Repeal section 12(4)and substitute: "section 24 of the Trademarks Act 2002 (which relates to the representation in trademarks of Her Majesty or any members of the Royal Family). "例文帳に追加

第12条(4)(b)を廃止し,次に掲げる文言に取り替える。「2002年商標法第24条(これは商標における女王陛下又は王室構成員の表示に関係する。)」 - 特許庁

This liquid composition having improved temporal stability is characterized by compounding royal jelly and an extract of Nandina domestica or Nandina domestica var. leucocarpa of family Berberidaceae.例文帳に追加

ローヤルゼリーを配合した液剤組成物において、メギ科植物ナンテンの抽出物を配合したことにより、経時的安定性が向上したことを特徴とする液剤組成物。 - 特許庁

There are chauffeur-driven cars for daily official business with normal number plate: TOYOTA Century for the Emperor and Empress, TOYOTA ALPHARD for the family of the royal prince and Nissan FUGA for the Akishinonomiya family (the car models vary). 例文帳に追加

通常のナンバープレートが付けられている日常公務用の送迎車もあり、天皇・皇后用はトヨタ・センチュリー、皇太子一家用はトヨタ・アルファード、秋篠宮一家用は日産・フーガ(それぞれ違う車種の場合もあり)が用意されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1882, Shuzo AOKI, who had accompanied Imperial Prince Arisugawanomiya Taruhito visiting Europe, sent a letter to ITO to tell him that he felt resentful about the cold shoulder the Imperial Prince received at the place where they stayed in, different from the treatment of a member of other European royal family, and on the other hand, in 1886, Yoshitane SANNOMIYA, who had traveled with Imperial Prince Komatsunomiya Akihito spending time in Europe, also sent a letter to ITO to let him know that he was moved by the kind treatment same as a member of the other European royal family where they stopped by. 例文帳に追加

1882年に有栖川宮熾仁親王のヨーロッパ訪問に同行した青木周蔵が、伊藤に対して親王が訪問先で他の欧州王室の一員と違った冷遇を受けた事への憤慨を記した手紙を送っているが、1886年に小松宮彰仁親王のヨーロッパ訪問に同行した三宮義胤が、伊藤に対して訪問先で他の欧州王室の一員と同様の礼遇を受けた事への感慨を記した手紙を送っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the mid Heian period, Kurododokoro came to handle matters concerning all domestic governing institution of the Imperial Family which were called '-sho' or '-dokoro' such as Naijudokoro (Royal Pages Office), Mikushige-dono (the place handling clothes in the Imperial palace), Shinmotsudokoro (Serving Office), Outadokoro (an organization that provided the education and management for ancient Japanese music, Uta, and traditional instruments), Gakusho (chamber of music), Tsukumodokoro (a palace office responsible for making accessories and furnishings), Goshodokoro (an office to maintain books in the Imperial Court), Ippon-goshodokoro, Uchi no goshodokoro (the place that kept Emperor's books), Edokoro (Imperial office treating about pictures) and so on. 例文帳に追加

平安時代中期になると内豎所・御匣殿・進物所・大歌所・楽所・作物所・御書所・一本御書所・内御書所・画所など「所」といわれる天皇家の家政機関一切をも取り扱うようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


From then on, the Shrine has been devotedly worshiped by the imperial family/imperial court, as the god protecting the imperial palace, the god of royal powers/water transport, that protect Urakimon located at south west of Kyoto, facing Mt. Hiei Enryaku-ji Temple, and visits by Emperors/ Retired Emperors/Monk Emperors to the Shrine amount to more than 250. 例文帳に追加

以来、京都の北東にある比叡山延暦寺と対峙して京都の南西の裏鬼門を守護する王城守護の神、王権・水運の神として皇室・朝廷より篤い信仰を受け、天皇・上皇・法皇などの行幸啓は250余を数える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After this incident, Prince Takaoka lost power, and the Emperor felt guilty for having set his biological son up as the crown prince; Prince Otomo, his half-brother, became the second prince who was willing to descend and leave the royal family (which was an indirect cause of the Showa Incident). 例文帳に追加

この結果、高岳親王は廃されるが、実子を立てる事に気まずさを感じたためか今度はかねてから臣籍降下を望んでいた異母弟の大伴親王(淳和天皇)を強引に皇太弟に立ててしまった(これが承和の変の遠因となる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But in the 1980s, the possibility that the creation of "Joguki" which records the origin of Keitai would go back to the reign of Empress Suiko (Hiromichi MAYUZUMI 'A Denealogical Study of Emperor Keitai' "Ritsuryo kokka seiritsushi no kenkyu"[Study of the establishment of the Japanese nation under the ritsuryo codes] Yoshikawa Kobunkan Inc. 1982), was brought to light and the collateral line royal family theory regained momentum. 例文帳に追加

ところが1980年代に入り、継体の出自を伝える『上宮記』の成立が推古天皇朝に遡る可能性が指摘(黛弘道「継体天皇の系譜について」『律令国家成立史の研究』吉川弘文館、1982年)されて、傍系王族説が再び支持を集めるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The parade of the Emperor heading to Kyoto consisted of two army captains at the head, following a palanquin which the divine mirror of Kashikodokoro (Imperial Sanctuary) enshrined, a coach-and-six which Emperor Showa rode, a coach-and-four which Empress Kojun rode, a coach of the Naidaijin (minister of the center) (Nobuaki MAKINO), a representative of royal family, and the Prime Minister (Giichi TANAKA). 例文帳に追加

京都へ向かう天皇の行列は2名の陸軍大尉を先頭に賢所の神鏡を奉安した御羽車、昭和天皇の乗る6頭立て馬車・香淳皇后の乗る4頭立て馬車・皇族代表・内大臣(牧野伸顕)・内閣総理大臣(田中義一)の馬車と続いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After serving Shirakawain as Kurodo and Emperor Horikawa as Rokui-Kurodo (kurodo with the Sixth Rank), he was appointed as kebiishi and Saemon no jo, and then was awarded the rank of jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) in November 1096, and in January 1098, he was appointed as Samurai-dokoro betto (the superior of the Board of Retainers (shikiji (another term for a royal secretary, kurodo, especially one who is concurrently posted as a controller)) for the family of FUJIWARA no Moromichi (according to "Gonijo Moromichi-ki" (The Diary of Fujiwara no Moromichi)). 例文帳に追加

白河院蔵人、堀河天皇の六位蔵人を務めた後、検非違使、左衛門尉を経て永長元年(1096年)11月に従五位下に叙され、翌12月には藤原師通家の侍所別当(職事)に任じられる(『後二条師通記』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In connection with the policy of receiving Kazunomiya, a granddauthter of her elder brother Sanehisa, into the royal kitchen of the 14th general Iemochi TOKUGAWA as part of the Kobugattai (combining noble and general) process, Anegakoji is said to have asked many times the Hashimoto family and her niece Keiko HASHIMOTO (Kazunomiya's mother) for the rank-down marriage of Kazunomiya. 例文帳に追加

兄・実久の孫娘・和宮を公武合体の一貫として14代将軍・徳川家茂の御台所に迎える政策で、姉小路は和宮の降嫁を橋本家や姪の橋本経子(和宮の母)に何度も要求したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some people view that the story about Toyokino-mikoto is one of the stories concerning subjugation of the whole country by the royal family, relating to the dispatch of Shido-shogun (generals dispatched to four circuits) and the legend about Yamato Takeru, and suggesting how the early Yamato sovereignty (the ancient Japan sovereignty) extended its right of control over regional areas. 例文帳に追加

豊城命の説話は、四道将軍の派遣やヤマトタケル伝説などとも関連する王族による国家平定説話の一部であり、初期ヤマト王権による支配権が地方へ伸展する様子を示唆しているとする見解がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Until recently, three other prefectures (Okinawa, Hokkaido, and Kumamoto) also did not have any national treasures, but each got one in the last few years; regarding Okinawa, in 2006 the materials related to the Daini shoshi (the second royal family) of the Ryukyu Kingdom were named a national treasure, while Hokkaido's clay figurines were named a national treasure in 2007, and the main hall and so forth of Aoi Aso-jinja Shrine in Kumamoto were designated national treasures in 2008. 例文帳に追加

以前国宝が存在しなかった沖縄県では2006年(平成18年)に琉球王国第二尚氏関係資料が、北海道では2007年(平成19年)に土偶が、熊本県では2008年(平成20年)に青井阿蘇神社本殿他がそれぞれ国宝に指定された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The clans who were given the title of Omi were powerful clans that were once in the position to stand on par with the royal family and occupied the highest position in the Yamato sovereign, including such clans as the Katsuragi clan, the Heguri clan, the Kose clan, the Kasuga clan, and the Soga clan (these clan names were the place names in Yamato (around Nara Basin).) 例文帳に追加

葛城氏(かつらぎ)、平群氏(へぐり)、巨勢氏(こせ)、春日氏(かすが)、蘇我氏(そが)のように、ヤマト(奈良盆地周辺)の地名を氏(ウヂ)の名とし、かつては王家と並ぶ立場にあり、大和王権においても最高の地位を占めた豪族である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(1) The Registrar may refuse to accept an application for the registration of a trade mark which contains or consists of any of the following marks or a mark so nearly resembling any of those marks as to be likely to be taken for that mark: - (a) the word or wordsPatent”, “Patented”, “By Royal Letters Patent”, “Registered”, “Registered Design”, “Copyright”, “To counterfeit this is a forgery”, or a word or words or symbol or symbols to the like effect; (b) a representation of the Sovereign or of a member of the Royal Family; (c) a representation of (i) the Royal Arms, crests, armorial bearings, insignia or devices; or (ii) any of the Royal crowns; or (iii) the national flag of a part of the Queen’s dominions; or (d) the wordRoyalor any other word, or any letters or device, likely to lead persons to think that the applicant has or has had Royal or Government patronage or authority; (e) a representation of the National Flag, National Emblem, National Motto or National Seal or of the flag, emblem, motto or seal of a province; (f) a representation of the flag or emblem of a city or town or Local-level Government or of a statutory body or instrumentality in Papua New Guinea; (g) a mark prescribed as being, for the purposes of this section, a prohibited mark.例文帳に追加

(1) 登録官は,次に掲げる標章若しくはそれらの標章のいずれかにほぼ類似しており,その標章と取られる可能性のある標章を含む又はそれらから構成される商標登録出願を拒絶することができる。 (a) 「特許」,「特許権取得済」,「王室特許状による」,「登録済」,「登録意匠」,「著作権」,「これを改ざんすることは偽造です」という言葉又は同じ効果を有する記号 (b) 国王若しくは王室の一員の表示 (c) 次に掲げるものの表示 (i) 王室紋章,クレスト,紋章,記章若しくは意匠 (ii) 王冠のすべて,又は (iii) 女王陛下の領土の一部の国旗,又は (d) 出願人が王室若しくは政府の任命権若しくは権限を有する若しくは有していたと人に思わせる可能性のある「ロイヤル」又はその他の言葉若しくは文字若しくは意匠 (e) 国旗,国章,国の標語若しくは国の印章の表示,又は地方の旗,章,標語若しくは印章の表示 (f) 市町村等の地方自治体の旗若しくは章の表示,又は国家機関若しくはパプアニューギニア国内の下部機関の旗若しくは章の表示 (g) 本条の適用上,禁止標章として規定された標章 - 特許庁

Later, Article 12 of Koshitsu Giseirei (the act that sets the ceremonies of the Imperial Court, crests of Imperial family, banners, seating arrangements in Imperial ceremonies, etc.) (Taisho 15 nen Koshitsurei Dai 7 go - No. 7 of the Imperial family's Act in 1926) enacted in 1926 defined that 'the crest of the emperor, grand empress dowager, queen mother, empress, crown prince, crown princess, son of the crown prince, and daughter of the crown prince shall be Jurokuyo-yaegiku-omotekikugata (eightfold Chrysanthemum with sixteen leaves facing up),' and Article 13 of the act officially specified as 'the crest of the Imperial Prince, Imperial Princess, Imperial or Royal princess, king, princess, and queen shall be Jushiyo-hitoe-urakiku (Chrysanthemum with onefold blossom facing down and fourteen leaves).' 例文帳に追加

その後、1926年(大正15年)に制定された皇室儀制令(大正15年皇室令第7号)第12条に「天皇太皇太后皇太后皇后皇太子皇太子妃皇太孫皇太孫妃ノ紋章ハ十六葉八重表菊形」と定められ、第13条に「親王親王妃内親王王王妃女王ノ紋章ハ十四葉一重裏菊形」と正式に定められている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the court nobles' society, there were various members ranging from one like the Konoe family who had a marital relationship with the Ashikaga shogun's family and maintained a social status to a certain extent by coordinating between local daimyo/samurai and the royal court to those who were ruined after being robbed of territory by samurai and becoming poor and having no personal connection to evacuate the province. 例文帳に追加

ただし、公家社会でも近衛家のように足利将軍家と婚姻を結び、地方の大名・武士と朝廷との間を取り持つことで社会的な地位をある程度まで保った層から家領を武士に奪われて生活に困窮し地方に疎開するだけの人脈も持てずに没落した層まで様々であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

An Onmyodo ceremony 'Tensochifusai' (following the example of the Royal Family, this ceremony was always performed for the Tokugawa samurai Shogunate each time the new shogun received the Emperor's order to assume the position of Seii taishogun) that had invariably been performed every time a new emperor ascended to the Chrysanthemum throne from Emperor Goyozei in ancient times to the last emperor of the Edo Period Emperor Komei, was not held for Emperor Meiji. 例文帳に追加

古くは後陽成天皇のころから江戸時代最後の天皇である孝明天皇の代まで必ず行われてきた、天皇の代替りのたびに行われる陰陽道の儀礼「天曹地府祭」(これは天皇家に倣って、武家の徳川将軍家においても新将軍が将軍宣下を受ける度に代々欠かさず行われていた)も、明治天皇に対してはついに行われなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the old days it was believed that Emperor Uda came to power due to his strict Buddhist belief; however, one recent theory says the reason was that dominant political control had been taken away from the Fujiwara clan, or that it was done to stop the complaints from the royal families after Emperor Uda came into power by coming back to the Imperial Family, although he had become an allegiant (as indicated by the retired Emperor Yozei in his remark in "Okagami (The Great Mirror)," which is described below). 例文帳に追加

天皇の譲位については古くは仏道専心説が有力であったが、近年では藤原氏からの政治的自由を確保するためとする説、一旦臣下から皇族に復帰して即位したためにこれに不満を抱く他の皇族の皇位要求の動きに先んじた説などがある(後述の『大鏡』の陽成上皇の発言はその暗示ともされる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In May 663, former generals of Baekje including Gwisil Boksin raised a large-scaled rebellion for revival of Baekje joining hands with Buyeo Pung of the royal family, which resulted in causing the Battle of Hakusukinoe between the allied forces of Baekje and Japan and the allied forces of Tang and Silla, where the Japanese navy was completely defeated and the hope of restoring Baekje disappeared. 例文帳に追加

663年5月からは百済の旧将の鬼室福信らが王族の扶余豊璋を迎えて百済復興の大規模な反乱を起こし、百済・倭国の連合と唐・新羅の連合との間に白村江の戦いが行なわれたが、この戦いにおいて倭国の水軍を壊滅させ、百済の再興の望みを断ち切ることになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Takashi YOSHIDA's view states that the reason SOGA no Iruka strove for the concentration of authority by destroying Prince Yamashiro no Oe was to do with the coup carried out by Gaisobun EN in Goguryeo, and furthermore; Isshi Incident was easily accepted by the officials since it was similar to the enthronement of the Queen under the Royal Family based on the political structure formed after the suppression of Pidam War done by Yushin KIM in Silla. 例文帳に追加

蘇我入鹿が山背大兄王を滅ぼし権力集中を図ったのは、高句麗における淵蓋蘇文のクーデターを意識しており、乙巳の変は新羅における金ユ信らによる毗曇の内乱鎮圧後の王族中心体制の元での女王推戴と類似していたが故に諸臣に受け入れられやすかったとする吉田孝の見解がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, even a rumor went around that government officials sexually assaulted women in the fancy ball (according to the record of Michitsune MISHIMA) because they were accused of holding a costume ball in the prime minister's official residence on April 20 despite the death of Imperial Princess Shizuko HISANOMIYA on April 4, 1887, (in fact, they merely let a venue for the dance at the request of the minister to Britain), and were also accused of taking place Tenran Kabuki (Kabuki the royal family attend to watch) in the house of Kaoru INOUE on April 26. 例文帳に追加

更に1887年4月4日に久宮静子内親王が亡くなったにも関わらず、4月20日に首相官邸で仮装舞踏会を開催(ただし、実際は駐英公使の依頼により会場を貸しただけであった)し、4月26日に井上馨邸で天覧歌舞伎が行われた事に対する非難から、仮装舞踏会では政府高官による婦女暴行が行われているという風説(三島通庸の記録より)まで飛んだのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a result, a steady stream of the 'official onmyoji' in Onmyoryo subsequently began to go along with the flow of the times and their actions were far from their duties as prescribed by the original ritsuryo and by arbitrarily indoctrinating lucky and unlucky directions or aspects of stars, they intruded into controlling private activities of the Emperor/Royal family and kugyo/kuge (court noble) and started to manage the inner space of the nerve center of the Imperial Court, working behind the scenes in the shadow of the administration going beyond the normal duties based on the official system. 例文帳に追加

すると陰陽寮の「正式な陰陽師」においてもこの風潮に流される者が続出し、そのふるまいは本来律令の定める職掌からはるかにかけ離れ、方位や星巡りの吉凶を恣意的に吹き込むことによって天皇・皇族や、公卿・公家諸家の私生活における行動管理にまで入り込み、朝廷中核の精神世界を支配し始めて、次第に官制に基づく正規業務を越えて政権の闇で暗躍するようになっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Where a portrait of Her Majesty or of any member of the Royal Family, or a reproduction of the armorial bearings, insignia, orders of chivalry, decorations, or flags of any country, city, borough, town, place, society, body corporate, institution, or person, appears on a design, the Commissioner, before proceeding to register the design, shall, if he so requires, be furnished with a consent to the registration and use of the portrait or reproduction from such official or other person as appears to the Commissioner to be entitled to give consent, and in default of such consent he may refuse to register the design.例文帳に追加

女王陛下若しくは王族の肖像,又は紋章,記章,騎士勲章若しくは勲章の複製,又は国,市,区,町,場所,協会,法人,機関,若しくは個人の旗の複製が意匠に掲載された場合は,局 長が必要とすれば,当該肖像又は複製の登録若しくは使用に対する同意書を,同意を与える権利を有すると局長にとり思料される公務員,その他の者から当該意匠の登録手続前に提出させなければならず,当該同意書のない場合は,局長は当該意匠の登録を拒絶することができるものとする。 - 特許庁


However, only those close to the shogun who came from the Royal Family or the court noble class were devoted to Onmyodo, whereas, the Regent Hojo clan was indifferent and, from Bando hachi Heishi (the Taira clan in Eastern Japan) to the class of warriors originating from all regions throughout the country who later became known as 'kokujin' (people of the country) serving under the Hojo clan were not interested in prestige of the Imperial Court nor were they in the habit of consulting onmyoji on the code of conduct, onmyoji never acquired the power of spiritual influence to trample on the entire samurai class, limiting their visibility to within the powerless Imperial Court as well as the world of kugyo and court nobles. 例文帳に追加

ただ、皇族・公家出身の将軍近辺のみ陰陽道に熱心なのであって、実権を持っていた執権の北条一族は必ずしも陰陽道にこだわりを持っておらず、配下のいわゆる関東八平氏から全国の地域地盤に由来する後に「国人」と呼ばれるようになった武士層に至るまで、朝廷代々の格式を意識したり陰陽師に行動規範を諮る習慣はなかったため、総じて陰陽師は武家社会全般を蹂躙するような精神的影響力を持つことはなく、もっぱら傀儡である皇族・公家出身将軍と、実権を失った朝廷や公卿・公家世界においてのみ、その存在感を示すにとどまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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