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該当件数 : 29



A stopper 2 consisting of a smooth side face recessed part and a smooth apex projecting part to receive a wire 30 is arranged on an outlet side plate 13 of a wire coiler 11 of a wire hot rolling line, an adjustment apparatus to adjust a protruding quantity above the outlet side plate, of the stopper 2 corresponding to a wire diameter is arranged. - 特許庁


The panel-like suspended heat transfer pipe group is constituted by aligning a large number of heat transfer pipes 2 and suspended in a high temperature gas atmosphere, wherein a bracing fitting 4 not projected outside from a panel surface of the heat transfer pipe group is installed between the heat transfer pipe 2 and the heat transfer pipe 2. - 特許庁


Further, the service life is prolonged by applying a thin layer of a refractory on the heat transfer tube 1 with the metal gauze and the expand metal 2 taken as a frame. - 特許庁


Also, many monuments, mounds and memorial towers, such as hocho-zuka (mound of kitchen knives), ningyo-zuka (mound of dolls) and dogu-zuka (mound of tools), were constructed at various places in Japan in order to assuage the anger of Tsukumogami.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The GaN self-supporting 21 is conveyed to a flux crystal growth apparatus and a crystal is grown on the surface 21s in a sodium/gallium flux under high temperature and high pressure conditions to form a nitride gallium layer 3 having a layer thickness of 2 mm (1.E). - 特許庁



An extension side of the adjust belt 5 joined to a length adjust fitting mounted on the shoulder strap is taken as a side 1, and in order to make a lower angle 4 of the shoulder strap, the side 1 is bent and sewn up by a joint part 7 to be taken as a knapsack body joint side 2. - 特許庁


More specifically, product differentiation for increasing price bargaining power has two shades of meaning: (1)"differentiation of products themselves," in which highly original technologies and products that cannot be copied by competitors (or which cannot be hit upon by competitors) are developed; and (2) "differentiation of product image," in which customers' level of recognition and image of one's own products is increased by aggressively appealing based on the strong points of one's own products. - 経済産業省


A W-shaped connector 1 is abutted on the back sides of side end parts 3, 3 adjacent to each other of right and left panel bodies 2, 2, and both end parts of the connector 1 are locked on locking metals 4, 4, respectively fitted to the right and left panel bodies. - 特許庁


When a flush-type handle 3 is grasped to turn and open a cover 2 at a designated angle, the cover 2 is turned on a hinge pivot 7a so that a placing plate 6 fixed to the cover 2 by an L-shaped metal fitting horizontally appears on the upper opening part of a safe main body 1. - 特許庁



This steel sill 1 is characterized in that a pair of channel steel 2 having a cross section of a line symmetry shape are arranged on a foundation 7 so that mutual web parts 2a rise back to back, and connecting hardware 3 or a spacer is fixed in a state of being sandwiched by the web parts 2a of the channel steel 2. - 特許庁



In this invention of holder for cooking utensils with handles, each cooking utensil with a handle is stored by inserting it to a net-shaped board having a grid larger than the diameter of the handle but smaller than the main part so that the main part is hung on the net of the grid 2 with the handle down. - 特許庁


In claim 2, the sliding member is detachable from the facing surface to which the sliding member is to be attached in the fishing reel described in claim 1. - 特許庁


As described in Chapter 2, with the increase in the cross-border flow of people, materials, money, technology, and knowledge associated with globalization, global value chains that include Japanese industries develop further and the processes and operations remaining in the country become the target of selection and concentration. Under such conditions, Japan’s policies for industrial structure adjustment must also be modified on the assumption of globalization. - 経済産業省

(1) いかなる者が商標登録のために第17 条に基づく出願書類を提出する場合も、省は、附則2(C)規定の見本様式で、出願人の名義においてかかる商標を登録し、必要な調査を行が行われ、出願人自身の十分な防御の機会を与え、かつそれを登録することが適切かどうかの更なる審査を行うものとする。例文帳に追加

(1) In case any person files an application under Section 17 for registration of trademark, the department shall register such trademark in the name of the applicant the specimen form indicated in Schedule 2 (c), shall conduct necessary investigation and provide sufficient opportunity to defend him/herself and also conduct further inquiry if finds it appropriate to register it. - 特許庁


Although this has nothing to do with the cabinet meeting, I would like to talk about our continuing efforts regarding the facilitation of financing for small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs).  - 金融庁


an inherited condition marked by the following: (1) one or more first- or second-degree relatives (parent, sibling, child, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, or uncle) with malignant melanoma; (2) many moles, some of which are atypical (asymmetrical, raised, and/or different shades of tan, brown, black, or red) and often of different sizes; and (3) moles that have specific features when examined under a microscope.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版

本発明は、 I.水中に溶存する微量のフッ化物イオン、砒酸イオンあるいは亜砒酸イオンを効率的 に除去することが可能、すなわち、高い吸着性能を長期間維持し、繰り返し使用が でき、 II.取り扱い易く、 III.そして安価な吸着体を提供する。例文帳に追加

To provide an adsorbent (1) capable of effectively removing a trace amount of fluoride ions, arsenate ions or arsenious acid ions which are dissloved in water, more specifically, to provide (2) an easy handling and (3) a low-cost adsorbent capable of maintaining high adsorption performance for a long time and being used in repeated fashion. - 特許庁


Now, I would like to talk about the three measures included in "Regarding Future Measures to Facilitate Financing for Small- and Medium-Size Enterprises," which was released on Tuesday, September 2. The first measure is to carefully examine the actual state of financing and strengthen monitoring, in order to ensure smooth financing for SMEs, and the second measure is to ask financial institutions to make efforts to facilitate financing. The third measure is to promote appropriate inspection and supervision that reflect the actual state of affairs. We will strive to facilitate financing for SMEs through these three measures.  - 金融庁

(5) 共同特許出願人の間で出願の手続をするべきか否か又は如何なる方法によりこれを手続するべきかについて紛争が生じるときに,局長は,何れかの当事者から所定の方法による申請がされ,かつ,関係当事者全員に聴聞を受ける機会を与えた後は,必要に応じて,当事者の1若しくは2以上の名義のみにより出願の手続をすることを可能にさせるため,若しくは出願の手続をする方法を調整するため,又はこれら2つの目的のために,自己が適切と認める指示を発することができる。この場合に局長は,当事者の1又は2以上の名義により出願の手続をすることを許可することができる。例文帳に追加

(5) If any dispute arises between joint applicants for a patent whether or in what manner the application should be proceeded with, the Commissioner may, upon application made to him in the prescribed manner by any of the parties, and after giving to all parties concerned an opportunity to be heard, give such directions as he thinks fit for enabling the application to proceed in the name of one or more of the parties alone or for regulating the manner in which it shall be proceeded with, or for both those purposes, according as the case may require. In any such case the Commissioner may authorise the application to proceed in the name of one or more of the parties. - 特許庁


The wheelchair fixing device 2 comprises a belt 21 having a connecting member 23 attachable and detachable to/from a fixing metal fitting 3 installed on the floor and a winding means 22 capable of winding and storing the belt 21, and the winding means 22 is installed to the wheelchair 1. - 特許庁

(2) 出願人が,(1)に規定された宣言を適時に提出することを異常な事情によって妨げられた旨を,納得させるように証明することができるときは,特許庁は,出願人に対して適正な期間延長を許可しなければならない。この期間延長は,特許付与の決定の発出日を超えてはならない。この日まで阻害事由が継続しているときは,特許庁は,追加の延長を許可する。その期限の到来より 6月前に,特許庁は,特許所有者に対し,特許所有者がその通知の送達から 6月以内に所定の宣言を提出しないときは,特許は消滅する旨を通告する。 特許を付与すべき旨の決定が行われるときまでは,出願の内容は,出願の対象の範囲を拡大しないことを条件として,補正することができる。ただし,審査請求(第 44条)が提出されるまでは,明白な誤りの訂正,審査課によって指摘された不備の除去又はクレームの補正のみが容認される。出願の対象の範囲を拡大する補正からは,如何なる権利も導き出すことができない。例文帳に追加

(2) When the applicant can credibly show that he has been prevented by exceptional circumstances from submitting in due time the declarations prescribed in subsection (1), the Patent Office shall grant said applicant a reasonable extension of the time limit. The time limit should not be prolonged beyond the date of issuance of the decision to grant a patent. If by this date the aforesaid preventative circumstances still exist, the Patent Office shall grant another extension. Six months before expiration of the time limit, the Patent Office shall notify the patentee that the patent will lapse if he does not submit the prescribed declarations within six months of service of the notification. Up to the time of the decision to grant a patent, the contents of an application may be amended on condition that the scope of the subject matter of the application is not extended; however, until a request for examination is filed (Section 44), only the correction of obvious mistakes, the removal of defects pointed out by the Examining Section or amendments to claims shall be admissible. No rights may be derived from amendments which extend the scope of the subject matter of the application.  - 特許庁


The electrophotographic photoreceptor comprises: a conductive support 2; and a photo-sensitive layer 3 disposed on the conductive support, wherein the photo-sensitive layer 2 comprises the functional layer 7 comprising a cured product of a curable resin composition, the curable resin composition comprising the alcohol-soluble, curable resin and a polyether-modified silicone oil. - 特許庁


In order to achieve real GNI growth in the midst of globalization, while at the same time spreading the fruits of such growth broadly throughout the economy and building an affluent national economy, it will be necessary 1) to acquire external demand through aggressive trade investment (expand real GDP through growth in exports, expand income earnings overseas through greater overseas investment), 2) improve terms of trade (improved trading gains/losses) and 3) achieve a smooth repatriation of wealth acquired overseas into Japan (generation of domestic demand). - 経済産業省


(2) The President of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations shall appoint eight members from attorneys at law, six from judges, public prosecutors and government officials, with two from each category, and one from persons with relevant knowledge and experience; provided, however, that the members who are judges, public prosecutors or government officials shall be appointed based on the recommendation of the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General or the Minister of Justice, respectively, and the other members, on the resolution of such organ of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations as stipulated by the Articles of Association of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第14条(2)に従うことを条件として,特許代理人登録簿へ名称を記入するため,第14条にいう特許代理人資格試験を受験する予定の年の3月31日において次の要件を満たす者は,当該試験を受験する資格を有する: (a) カナダに居住し,かつ,特許庁の審査職員として少なくとも12月の期間雇用されたことがある者,又は (b) カナダに居住し,かつ,カナダにおいて出願の準備及び手続を含むカナダ特許法及びその実務の分野において少なくとも12月の期間従事していたことがある者例文帳に追加

Entry of Patent Agents on Register of Patent Agents (1) Subject to subsection 14(2), for the purpose of having their name entered on the register of patent agents, a person is eligible to sit for the qualifying examination for patent agents referred to in section 14 if, on March 31 of the year in which the person proposes to sit for the examination, (a) the person resides in Canada and has been employed for a period of at least 12 months on the examining staff of the Patent Office; or (b) the person resides in Canada and has worked in Canada in the area of Canadian patent law and practice, including the preparation and prosecution of applications, for a period of at least 12 months.  - 特許庁

(a)出願人が本規則に規定する期間内に出願を遂行しなかった場合は,当該出願は,取り下げられたものとみなされる。 (b)応答期間は,適切かつ十分な理由がある場合に限り,かつ,指定された合理的な期間にわたり,延長することができる。当該延長の請求は,出願人による応答の期限が到来する日以前にしなければならない。審査官は,最大2回まで延長を認めることができるが,ただし,応答書を提出するために認められた当初期間を含む合計期間は,当該応答を求める庁の処分書の郵送日から6月を超えないものとする。 (c)出願が取り下げられたとみなされないようにするための出願の遂行には,当該事案の事情から必要とされる完全かつ適切な行為を含むものとする。庁による最終処分に応答していない補正は,当該出願を取り下げたとみなされることを防ぐことができない。 (d)出願人による行為が,事案を最終処分に進めるための善意の試みであり,審査官の処分に対する実質的には完全な応答であるにも拘らず,ある事項の検討又はある要件の遵守を不注意により怠っている場合は,取下の問題を検討する前に,当該不作為を説明し,埋め合わせる機会を与えることができる。 (e)署名が脱落した又は署名が不適切な文書の場合においては,正しく署名された写しの速やかな追認又は提出が認められる。例文帳に追加

(a) If an applicant fails to prosecute his application within the required time as provided in these Regulations, the application shall be deemed withdrawn. (b) The time for reply may be extended only for good and sufficient cause, and for a reasonable time specified. Any request for such extension must be filed on or before the day on which action by the applicant is due. The Examiner may grant a maximum of two extensions, provided that the aggregate period granted inclusive of the initial period allowed to file the response, shall not exceed six months from mailing date of the official action requiring such response. (c) Prosecution of an application to save it from withdrawal must include such complete and proper action as the condition of the case may require. Any amendment not responsive to the last official action shall not operate to save the application from being deemed withdrawn. (d) When action by the applicant is a bona fide attempt to advance the case to final action, and is substantially a complete response to the Examiner’s action, but consideration of some matter or compliance with some requirements has been inadvertently omitted, opportunity to explain and supply the omission may be given before the question of withdrawal is considered. (e) Prompt ratification or filing of a correctly signed copy may be accepted in case of an unsigned or improperly signed paper. - 特許庁


That is what the strong yen does, and that is the kind of recession we are in. As I just mentioned, 99.7 percent of companies in Japan are SMEs, and more than 40 million people in fact work at SMEs. In that sense, I believe the SME Financing Facilitation Act is timely legislation. It is temporary legislation that is due to expire at the end of March, after covering the calendar year end and the fiscal year end-the end of the accounting term-twice. I have been told that it was made temporary legislation with a two-year timeframe based on the expectation that the economy would recover by then. Regrettably, however, the economy is currently in such a state. The deadline is fast approaching for us to take these circumstances into consideration, take a positive approach, and make the decision to postpone its expiration.  - 金融庁


As individual ministries and agencies have maintained strong powers in their areas of jurisdiction over the 65 years since the end of World War II, politicians, even the Prime Ministers, did not succeed in tearing down the wall of sectionalism. Mr. Yoshiro Mori (a former Prime Minister) supported the umbrella organization for kindergartens, while nursery schools basically had the support of Mr. Ryutaro Hashimoto. As nursery schools were divided into two groups, Mr. Hashimoto supported one of them and I supported the other. From my experience, I know that there was fierce sectionalism during the era of LDP government and the wall that separated ministries was really thick. I have the impression, based on my experience of spending my time in a governing party, an opposition party and a governing party again, that that situation has eventually led to the change of government. While I am ready to accept criticism straightforwardly, I believe that this must be done from the standpoint of the people following the change of government.  - 金融庁



2. The two Prime Ministers welcomed the report of the Joint Study Group and expressed their satisfaction over the work undertaken by the Working Group and the Joint Study Group. The two Prime Ministers fully concurred that trade and investment liberalisation and facilitation would help create a larger market which would provide greater opportunities and larger economies of scale for Japanese and Malaysian businesses. The two Prime Ministers acknowledged that meaningful bilateral co-operation in various areas including capacity building through sharing of expertise would further accelerate economic growth. The two Prime Ministers expressed their hope that the JMEPA would have a positive and demonstrative impact on other economies, particularly in East Asia, and that it would help further develop and enhance the comprehensive economic partnership between Japan and ASEAN.  - 経済産業省


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