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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 個別市場に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 77



As you know, we make it a rule to refrain from commenting on matters that concern management decisions of individual financial institutions. In any case, I welcome Japanese financial institutions' moves to pursue globalization based on appropriate management decisions amid the global integration of financial markets.  - 金融庁


If there is such a tendency, it is very regrettable. However, this is basically a matter concerning an individual company. As I mentioned earlier, it is essential that the Japanese market be fair, transparent and vigorous, so the FSA's role is, if I may use a sports analogy, to build the sumo wrestling ring.  - 金融庁


Regarding the case of Nomura Securities, I understand that you cannot make comments as this concerns a specific company. Although someone may have already asked this question previously, how grave an offense do you think a securities company’s involvement in an insider trading case is under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act?  - 金融庁


We will make sure to remove bottlenecks and bring about firm results such as improved agricultural productivity, extension of cultivated acreage, and increased per-capita income in farming villages.We will link the assistance for market access by farmers and for organizing farmers, focusing on community-level activities.  - 財務省


GATS 第4モードにおいては、高度な技術者から単純労働者まで自由に自由化約束の対象となり得るが、我が国を含む多くの加盟国は、分野横断的約束(horizontal commitment)のみを行い、個別サービス分野における市場アクセスについては、「各分野に共通の約束における記載を除くほか、約束しない。」としている。例文帳に追加

Mode Four of GATS covers a wide range of persons, from high-level engineers to unskilled workers, in its commitment to liberalization. However, many member countries, including Japan, have only madehorizontal commitmentsto date, and their Schedules of Commitments generally indicates, with regard to market access regarding specific service sectors, “Unbound except for measures concerning the categories of natural persons referred to in the market access column.” - 経済産業省



As it is difficult to differentiate products and increase their added value independently item by item, efforts should be taken to comprehensively combine local history/culture, traditional lifestyle or nature and goods or services specific to the region, so as to emphasize the uniqueness of the region. This is effective in that it reveals the intrinsic value of Japanese regional resources and raises their profile in international markets. - 経済産業省


With these examination results and the publication of individual data such as balance of government bond holdings at the banks, it was expected that concern over the fiscal situation of the banks would be eliminated. However, the market criticized that the assessment standards as too lenient, and some financial institutions accepted in the examination were soon pushed into failure - 経済産業省


Advances in genome and post-genome techniques have made it necessary for pharmaceutical companies to incorporate biotechnology and other unconventional new techniques into the drug discovery process, but, unlike drug discovery techniques to date, the biotechnology field has specific characteristics, such as a high degree of technological originality and individuality and a segmented market for the prospective application, which also make the path to commercialization highly risky. - 厚生労働省

2 法第百十一条第二号の主務省令で定めるものは、単一の対価の額又は約定価格等(法第百十一条第二号に規定する約定価格等をいう。以下同じ。)による競売買の方法により取引を行う商品市場にあっては、当該商品市場における毎日の成立した対価の額又は約定価格等とし、個別に形成される対価の額又は約定価格等による競売買の方法により取引を行う商品市場にあっては、当該商品市場における毎日の成立した最初の対価の額又は約定価格等、最高の対価の額又は約定価格等、最低の対価の額又は約定価格等及び最終の対価の額又は約定価格等とする。例文帳に追加

(2) The amount of the consideration for which transactions were closed or the Contract Price, etc. on a Commodity Market where transactions are carried out by the method of buying-in and selling-out with a single amount of the consideration or Contract Price, etc. (which means the Contract Price, etc. prescribed in Article 111, item (ii) of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) shall be specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 111, item (ii) of the Act. On a Commodity Market where transactions are carried out by the method of buying-in and selling-out with an individually determined amount of the consideration or Contract Price, etc., it shall be the first amount of the consideration of the day or the Contract Price, etc., the highest amount of the consideration or Contract Price, etc., the lowest amount of the consideration or Contract Price, etc., and the final amount of the consideration or Contract Price, etc. on said Commodity Market.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


2 法第百十一条第二号の主務省令で定めるものは、単一の対価の額又は約定価格等(法 第百十一条第二号に規定する約定価格等をいう。以下同じ。)による競売買の方法によ り取引を行う商品市場にあっては、当該商品市場における毎日の成立した対価の額又は 約定価格等とし、個別に形成される対価の額又は約定価格等による競売買の方法により 取引を行う商品市場にあっては、当該商品市場における毎日の成立した最初の対価の額 又は約定価格等、最高の対価の額又は約定価格等、最低の対価の額又は約定価格等及び 最終の対価の額又は約定価格等とする。例文帳に追加

(2) The amount of the consideration for which transactions were closed or the Contract Price on a Commodity Market where transactions are carried out by the method of buying-in and selling-out with a single amount of the consideration or Contract Price, etc. (which means the Contract Price, etc. prescribed in Article 111, item 2 of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) shall be specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 111, item 2 of the Act. On a Commodity Market where transactions are carried out by the method of buying-in and selling-out with an individually determined amount of the consideration or Contract Price, etc., it shall be the first amount of the consideration of the day or the Contract Price, etc., the highest amount of the consideration or Contract Price, etc., the lowest amount of the consideration or Contract Price, etc., and the final amount of the consideration or Contract Price, etc. on said Commodity Market.  - 経済産業省



In this sense, although the FSA has three separate functions - namely planning institutional frameworks, inspection (which in this context includes the monitoring of market developments and market transactions in the broad sense), and supervision of business sectors under its jurisdiction, exchanges, certified public accountants and other relevant parties - there is a common logic to all these functions. Nonetheless, planning institutional frameworks, inspection and supervision are different in nature. Thus, it is also important to ensure that common knowledge and standards are shared with regard to each business sector, and that a consistent logic is maintained when individual cases of institutional and supervisory matters are handled.  - 金融庁


In order to estimate the government bond interest rate, which is the theme of this committee, the price of the JGBs observed in the market constitutes one of the most important information. However, in the present JGB market, it is occasionally seen that the bond prices of individual issues are influenced by the demand/supply condition due to the great number of issues and investorspreferences and other factors. Should the JGB price information observed in the market be used directly for modeling, it is feared that the shape of the yield curve may be distorted reflecting the investorsappetites for specific issues from time to time. Consequently, it may not fit to our purpose of theappropriate conditions posing no disadvantages to both investors and taxpayers.”  - 財務省


In relation to the global financial crisis, the major authorities around the world have come to recognize the importance of the perspectives of macro-prudential supervision that take into consideration not only the financial soundness of individual financial institutions but also the interconnectedness among financial institutions and between financial institutions and the markets, as well as the feedback loop between the real economy and the financial system. These perspectives are also important in considering the above-mentioned (1) measures to prevent an excessive accumulation of imbalances that could trigger a financial crisis and (2) measures to curb the spread of a crisis  - 金融庁


B. Whether the investment corporation has, while taking into consideration the market environment, financing environment and the individual situations of the corporation, drawn up rules regarding the acquisition price of the property under a forward commitment, etc. and the maximum period from the conclusion of the contract until the delivery of the property, as well as the method for procuring funds for payment, and complies with such rules; in particular, in the case of a listed investment corporation, whether the corporation has developed a control environment for carefully considering a forward commitment, etc., under which it might have to pay an excessive penalty compared with the dividend resources, including the delisting requirements.  - 金融庁


There are a large number of regulations specific to individual industries. Therefore, we need to debate this matter after carefully examining institutional systems related to those regulations and the potential impact on the financial and capital markets. I would like to ask the Business Accounting Council to conduct free, lively and mature debate without any preconceptions and from various viewpoints, with a view to invigorating the Japanese economy.”  - 金融庁


To expand the utilization range of a prepaid voucher by directly printing out and recording an application amount and a balance in the prepaid voucher. - 特許庁


In order to promote the development of markets overseas by SMEs, JETRO will continue supporting exports, providing support for exhibiting at overseas trade fairs and exhibitions, matching SMEs with potential partner enterprises overseas, and assisting in business negotiations, endeavoring to identify proactive SMEs and products with latent potential throughout Japan to help them develop overseas markets, etc. In addition, JETRO will begin providing information and offering individual consultations on procedures regarding certificates of origin, the advantages of using economic partnership agreements, and other areas. - 経済産業省


How to address NTBs is important in terms of meaningful improvement in market access. Although Members are expected to express their specific areas or measures of interest in accordance with the Chairman's note on this matter, it is suggested that measures affecting or relating to the existing WTO codes etc. are basically discussed at relevant negotiation groups or committees. It is necessary to take up not only border measures on the importing side but also trade distorting measures on the exporting side such as export duties and export restrictions.  - 経済産業省


In terms of supply, it is believed that one of the major causes were fears about supply due to circumstances of oil producing countries including Russia and Venezuela amid scarce extra capacity in Middle Eastern countries as well as in the rest of the world, along with temporary declines in supplies as a result of damages to U.S. oil producing facilities incurred from hurricanes, among other causes. Amidst the increasingly tight supply-demand relationship, the influx of investment funds into the oil market further spurred the crude oil price hikes. - 経済産業省


With respect to the assertion that multiple ROOs should be harmonized or unified, one must pay attention to the fact that harmonization or unification of ROOs alone cannot be achieved without consideration of the details of tariff concessions. - 経済産業省


Meanwhile, I would like to refrain from commenting directly on the dispute involving Nipponkoa Insurance, as it is a matter concerning an individual company. Concerning the treatment of investors, our basic principle is to treat foreign investors and domestic investors equally. I believe that investors, including investment funds - whether they be domestic investors or foreign ones - should naturally follow market rules. Based on this premise, it is quite natural for an investment fund to make demands in its capacity as a shareholder.  - 金融庁


On the other hand, if temporary, extraordinary measures are continued for a long time, they will no longer be temporary or extraordinary. They may produce negative side effects. The timing of an exit from such measures was discussed at the summit meeting. However, when we consider what to do in practice, I believe that it is necessary to make careful judgment while taking into consideration the current conditions and future outlook, the effects of individual measures and international developments as well as the issue of market discipline.  - 金融庁


a resolution framework and other measures to ensure that all financial institutions can be resolved safely, quickly and without destabilizing the financial system and exposing the taxpayers to the risk of loss; a requirement that SIFIs and initially in particular financial institutions that are globally systemic (G-SIFIs) should have higher loss absorbency capacity to reflect the greater risk that the failure of these firms poses to the global financial system;more intensive supervisory oversight; robust core financial market infrastructure to reduce contagion risk from individual failures; and other supplementary prudential and other requirements as determined by the national authorities which may include, in some circumstances, liquidity surcharges, tighter large exposure restrictions, levies and structural measures.  - 財務省

9.IMF は、個別国のマクロ経済政策の持続可能性や安定性を評価するプロセス全体を通じて、G20各国と緊密に協議すべきである。 これらの原則を用いて、政策シナリオ案についての IMF の報告は、調整のもたらすグローバルな影響や幅広い指標に亘るメンバー国への影響を明確に記述すべきである。 我々は世界銀行に対し、グローバルな成長のリバランスの一環として、開発と貧困削減の推進に関する進捗について我々に助言するよう求める。また、我々は、金融セクター政策に関する FSB、労働市場政策に関する ILO、貿易政策に関する WTO、適切な場合における OECD と UNCTAD から等々の、他の国際機関からの貢献に期待している。例文帳に追加

9. The Fund should closely consult with G-20 countries throughout the process when assessing the sustainability and stability of an individual country's macroeconomic policy. In adopting these principles, the Fund's report on alternative policy scenarios should clearly describe the global effects of adjustment, as well as the implications for member countries across a spectrum of indicators. We will ask the World Bank to advise us on progress in promoting development and poverty reduction as part of rebalancing of global growth. We also look forward to contributions from other international organizations, including the FSB on financial policies, the ILO on labor market policies, the WTO on trade policies, and the OECD and UNCTAD where appropriate.  - 財務省


As for the achievement of a better regulatory environment, the Financial Services Agency has presented four fundamentals—the optimal combination of rule-based supervision (detailed rules to apply in each case are established) and principle-based supervision (some major principles are presented to promote voluntary actions of financial institutions along the lines of the principles), early recognition of and effective measures for priority issues such as measures against the risks inherent in the financial system, respect for the self-help efforts of financial institutions, and emphasis on the incentives for them, and improvement in the transparency and predictability of administrative measures. This aims to gain accurate understanding of market trends and improve the quality of the Financial Services Agency employees by enhancing the communication with financial institutions, improving the release of information (to both inside and outside the country), strengthening the ties with overseas authorities, and upgrading the research functions. - 経済産業省

次に掲げる行為は,特許所有者の排他権に対する侵害を構成しない。 1) エストニア共和国の領水に他国の船舶が一時的又は偶発的に入った場合で,かつ,発明の実施が専らその船舶の必要のためである場合に,その船舶内で(船体,機械,装具,無線航海装置その他の装置において)その特許発明を実施すること 2) エストニア共和国に他国の航空機又は車両が一時的に又は偶発的に入った場合に,その航空機又は車両の構造若しくは付属装置又は当該の輸送手段若しくはその装置の操作に関して特許発明を実施すること 3) 発明特許をその発明自体に関する試験のために実施すること 4) 特許発明を含む医薬品を処方箋に従って薬局で個別に調合すること及び当該医薬品を使用すること (1999年10月27日。2000年1月1日施行-RT I 1999, 84, 764) 5) 特許発明を私的に非営業的に実施すること。ただし,当該実施が特許所有者の利益を害さないことを条件とする。 (1999年10月27日。2000年1月1日施行-RT I 1999, 84, 764) 6) エストニア共和国における発明特許の使用,頒布,販売又は販売の申出であって,特許所有者により又は特許所有者の承諾を得て行われるもの 7) 特許所有者により又は特許所有者の承諾を得て市場に出された生物材料に係る繁殖又は増殖であって,当該繁殖又は増殖が,当該生物材料をその販売目的とされた用途で利用した結果必然的に生じるものである場合。ただし,取得された生物材料がその後,他の繁殖又は増殖のために使用されないことを条件とする。 (1999年10月27日。2000年1月1日施行-RT I 1999, 84, 764)例文帳に追加

The following acts do not constitute infringement of the exclusive right of the proprietor of a patent: 1) the use of the patented invention on board of ships of other states (within the hull, machinery, rigging, radio-navigation equipment or other equipment) if such ships are temporarily or accidentally in the waters of the Republic of Estonia and the invention is used solely for the purposes of the ship; 2) the use of the patented invention within the construction or auxiliary equipment of aircraft or land vehicles of other countries, or in the operation of the vehicles or equipment if such vehicles are temporarily or accidentally in the Republic of Estonia; 3) the use of the patented invention in testing related to the invention itself; 4) the single preparation of a medicinal product containing the patented invention on the basis of a prescription in a pharmacy and the use of such medicinal product; (27.10.1999 entered into force 01.01.2000 - RT I 1999, 84, 764) 5) the private non-commercial use of the patented invention if such use does not harm the interests of the proprietor of the patent; (27.10.1999 entered into force 01.01.2000 - RT I 1999, 84, 764) 6) the use, distribution, sale or offer for sale in the Republic of Estonia of the patented invention by the proprietor of the patent or with the proprietor’s consent; 7) the propagation or multiplication of biological material placed on the market by the proprietor of the patent or with the proprietor’s consent, where the multiplication or propagation necessarily results from the application for which the biological material was marketed, provided that the biological material obtained is not subsequently used for other propagation or multiplication. (27.10.1999 entered into force 01.01.2000 - RT I 1999, 84, 764)  - 特許庁


特許の効力は,次のものには及ばない。1. 非商業目的で私的に行われる行為2. 特許発明の内容に関係して実験の目的で行われる行為 2a. 植物新品種の育成,発見及び開発のための生物学的材料の使用 2b. 医薬品を欧州連合の市場に投入する販売許可,又は欧州連合の加盟国若しくは第3国における医薬品についての販売承認を取得するために必要とされる研究,試験及びその後の実務的要件3. 医師の処方に従って薬局内で個別に即席で行われる医薬の調合,又はそのようにして調合された医薬に関する行為 4.工業所有権の保護に関するパリ条約の他の加盟国の船舶が一時的又は偶発的に本法の施行水域に入った場合において,その船体に関し,又はその機械,索具,装置及びその他の付属物に関し,その船舶上で行われる特許発明の内容の使用。ただし,この内容が専ら当該船舶の必要のために使用されることを条件とする。5.工業所有権の保護に関するパリ条約の他の加盟国の航空機又は車両が一時的又は偶発的に本法の施行領域に入った場合において,航空機又は車両の構造若しくは操作,又は当該航空機又は車両の付属物における特許発明の内容の使用6. 1944年12月 7日の「国際民間航空に関する条約」第 27条(連邦法律公報1956,II, p.411)に明記した行為。ただし,当該行為が,同条の規定の適用対象である他国の航空機に関するものであることを条件とする。例文帳に追加

The effects of a patent shall not extend to: 1. acts done privately for non-commercial purposes; 2. acts done for experimental purposes relating to the subject matter of the patented invention; 2a. the use of biological material for breeding, discovery and development of a new plant variety type; 2b. studies and trials and the resulting practical requirements necessary for obtaining a marketing authorization to place a medicinal product on the market in the European Union or a marketing approval for a medicinal product in the Member States of the European Union or in third countries; the extemporaneous preparation of medicinal products in individual cases in a pharmacy in accordance with a medical prescription, or acts concerning the medicinal products so prepared; 4. the use of the subject matter of the patented invention on board of vessels of another member state of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, in the body of the vessel, in the machinery, tackle, gear and other accessories, should such vessel temporarily or accidentally enter waters to which the territory of application of this Act extends, on the condition that this subject matter is used exclusively for the needs of said vessel; 5. the use of the subject matter of the patented invention in the construction or operation of aircraft or land vehicles of another member state of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property or the use of accessories for such aircraft or land vehicles should these temporarily or accidentally enter the territory to which this Act applies; 6. the acts specified in Article 27 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation of December 7, 1944 (Federal Law Gazette [Bundesgesetzblatt], 1956, II, p. 411), where such acts concern the aircraft of another state to which the provisions of that Article are applicable.  - 特許庁


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