
「庭地」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(11ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 531



To present sorting contents of a specific product in a manner serving also as advertisement and apply accounting for the advertisement to a manufacturer or a dealer of the product to recognize the sorting contents of the specific product more finely and accurately in each home and reduce cost related to the presentation of the sorting contents in each local government. - 特許庁


Support fixing frames 4a, 4b, 4c are fixed in the surrounding outer frame 2 of an artificial garden to form an underground burying frame so as to insert a support 11 in the U-shaped receiving groove of the support fixing frame. - 特許庁


To provide a drainage system for connecting a buried pipe capable of draining living waste water from a home, while preventing surplus sump water from overflowing by excessively reserving in a buried pipe connecting basin when restoring the pipe, by pumping up and draining the surplus reservoir water in the buried pipe connecting basin onto the ground when restoring the pipe by easily setting in the buried pipe connecting basin. - 特許庁





To provide a safety device for a conventional door-opening stopper having a strut pole between a ceiling and a shelf in a building thereby preventing the conventional door-opening stopper from being shaken together with a building during the occurrence of an earthquake in order to assure a proper operation of the door lock for avoiding any other dangerous incidents. - 特許庁



To provide a decorative member for floor member capable of being fixed and constructed on a substrate member without using adhesive when constructing a floor surface and of being exchanged and bonded easily in a short time even by an amateur at ordinary house, having excellent resistance against scratch and water and excellent dimensional stability, and being living environment-friendly. - 特許庁


To provide a sewing thread that can exert an excellent deodorizing effect on malodor such as of ammonia, amines, hydrogen sulfide, mercaptanes or the like, aldehydes and acetic acid contained abundantly in tobacco smell and the like even if a fabric has no deodorizing performance, shows little deterioration in deodorizing properties after laundering and is excellent in sewability for use in industrial sewing, household sewing or the like and sightly stitch appearance. - 特許庁


A cultivation, harvest, sales, settlement and bill collection system is constructed to open a way to effective use of increasing idle land and to thereby enable the production of many agricultural products from a membership kitchen garden by urbanites, a unified brand of agricultural products, and sales via the Internet and the like, in a centralized scheme including an integrated manual and professional agricultural guidance. - 特許庁


To realize a transmission using a single cable without having to conduct large scale construction by multiplexing of a CS broadcasting signal, served via two satellites and ground wave broadcasting signals in the VHF and UHF bands and also BS broadcasting signal, in a system for shared receiving of television so as to transmit the received signal received by a common antenna to each household. - 特許庁



To provide sleep-assisting bedding utilizing an ion conversion substance and an infrared radiation substance which is widely usable for household use or in hospitals by mixing the ion conversion substance and the infrared radiation substance processed into micron-powder in ink, and printing the ink on the cloth surface of the bedding for promoting health by minus ions and infrared ray radiated from these substances. - 特許庁



A known communication system such as a DECT system including a base station and a transmitter and receiver, a digital household network system including a controller and some devices or a car radio system including a car radio and the front is based on the authorization process in which a new device is introduced or an old device that is previously introduced but whose connection is disconnected is connected to the communication system. - 特許庁


An audience rating survey system 100 transmits audience rating source information from home survey facilities 1 installed at an viewer's home, mobile survey facilities 2, and on-vehicle survey facilities 3 to an audience history gathering device 7 through a communications satellite 4 without any audience's operation, even in a region in which the communication state of a mobile phone is not proper by installing an antenna. - 特許庁


In Asia, a large volume of air-contaminating substitutes including sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxide (NOX) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are released into the air from various sources including the combustion of fossil fuel through the operation of thermal power plants, factories and automobiles, the combustion of coal at home, agricultural residual burning in the air, slash-and-burn agriculture and forest fires. - 経済産業省


In correspond with such a move, concierge companies who take in overseas luxury group are offering services in response to every needs for authentic experience by customers such as an arrangement of accommodation in a high-class hotel/ryokan (Japanese style inn), special lecture by a traditional craftsman, private jet or helicopter service as a means of transportation, nou-play and flower viewing in a private garden. - 経済産業省

今後政府が力を入れるべき事項として、社会保障にかかわる事項が上位にあがっている中、国民一 人一人が生涯にわたり、家・職場・域等において持てる力を十分に発揮、すなわち「自立」し、 ともに「支え合う」、という我が国社会の基本をしっかりとしたものにしていくことが、ますます重 要となっている。例文帳に追加

Issues related to social security rank high in the list of issues that the government should emphasize in the future. This suggests the growing importance of every member of society fully contributing his or her abilities to family, work, and the local community. In other words, consolidating the base of Japanese society, which consists of people's independence and mutual support, is essential. - 厚生労働省

的保育事業や域子育て支援拠点事業等の子育て支援事業を児童福祉法上位置づけること等を 内容とする児童福祉法等の一部を改正する法律案を2008(平成20)年通常国会に提出したが、衆議院で可決され参議院へ送付後、審議未了廃案となり、次期国会に再度提出される予定である。例文帳に追加

A bill to amend the Child Welfare Act and other laws was developed to legalize childcare support programs, such as those for home daycare and regional childcare support centers, under the Child Welfare Act and was submitted to the ordinary session of the Diet in 2008. Although the bill was approved by the House of Representatives, it was abandoned after having been sent to the House of Councilors and shelved there. The same bill will be submitted again in the next Diet session. - 厚生労働省


For the social security, the contents can be classified into three fields The security for the income for the economical foundation of independent living, the security for the social service supporting the community life and family life (health care, nursing care service and others), the security for the benefit and the service supporting the upbringing of the next generation who will shoulder the sustainable society (child allowance, service supporting child care and others) - 厚生労働省


For children in need of social care such as abused children, we will promote placement of such children under the custody of red and supported in a more family-like environment; we will provide subsidies for the rent of existing buildings and for facility improvement costs in order to promote group homes, small-scale group care, etc. - 厚生労働省


As health of an individual is affected by such social environment as family, schools,the community, and workplaces, it is important to endeavor to develop environment which support and protect health of individuals as overall society, thus we would establish environment which comprehensively support people’s health promotion movement by active involvement of the government as well as corporations and non-profit organizations. - 厚生労働省


The career of our play brought us through the dark muddy lanes behind the houses where we ran the gauntlet of the rough tribes from the cottages, to the back doors of the dark dripping gardens where odours arose from the ashpits, to the dark odorous stables where a coachman smoothed and combed the horse or shook music from the buckled harness.  - James Joyce『アラビー』

5 保護観察所の長は、前項の場合のほか、保護観察付執行猶予者について、法務省令で定めるところにより、当該保護観察所の所在を管轄する方裁判所、家裁判所又は簡易裁判所に対し、定めようとする又は変更しようとする特別遵守事項の内容を示すとともに、必要な資料を提示して、その意見を聴いた上、特別遵守事項を定め、又は変更することができる。ただし、当該裁判所が不相当とする旨の意見を述べたものについては、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(5) In addition to the case set forth in the preceding paragraph, the director of the probation office may establish or change the special conditions for the person under probation with suspension of execution of the sentence by presenting the contents and necessary materials, the special conditions that he/she intends to establish or change to, and by hearing the opinion of the district court, family court or summary court having jurisdiction over the place where the probation office is located as provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the special conditions for which such court expresses its opinion to the effect that they are not suitable.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To solve the following problem: a solar generator, which is well-known as measures against global warming which produces clean electric energy for free from sunlight without generating carbon dioxide, hardly spread because of high cost, while it gradually spreads and cost is being reduced thanks to progress in production technology and product quality, and increase of installation in business offices or houses anxious about the global warming. - 特許庁

第七十一条 方委員会は、保護観察所の長の申出により、少年院仮退院者が遵守事項を遵守しなかったと認めるときは、当該少年院仮退院者を少年院に送致した家裁判所に対し、これを少年院に戻して収容する旨の決定の申請をすることができる。ただし、二十三歳に達している少年院仮退院者については、少年院法第十一条第五項に規定する事由に該当すると認めるときに限る。例文帳に追加

Article 71 When the Regional Board finds that the parolee from the juvenile training school has failed to comply with the conditions, it may apply to the family court that has referred the parolee from the juvenile training school to the juvenile training school for a decision to return the parolee to the juvenile training school and commit him/her based on a proposal made by the director of the probation office; provided, however, that, with respect to a parolee from the juvenile training school who has reached 23 years of age, such application may only be made when it finds that the parolee falls under the reasons specified in paragraph (5) of Article 11 of the Juvenile Training Schools Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第七十九条 保護観察所の長は、保護観察付執行猶予者について、刑法第二十六条の二第二号の規定により刑の執行猶予の言渡しを取り消すべきものと認めるときは、刑事訴訟法第三百四十九条第一項に規定する方裁判所、家裁判所又は簡易裁判所に対応する検察庁の検察官に対し、書面で、同条第二項に規定する申出をしなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 79 If the director of the probation office considers, with respect to the person under probation with suspension of execution of the sentence, that the rendition of suspension of execution of the sentence should be revoked pursuant to the provision of item (ii) of Article 26-2 of the Penal Code, he/she shall submit a proposal in writing to the public prosecutor of the public prosecutors office corresponding to the district court, the family court or the summary court specified in paragraph (1) of Article 349 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

こうした急速な回復の要因としては、大震災直後の自粛ムードが早期に和らいだこと、産業界で節電や電力使用平準化の取組が浸透したこと、サプライチェーンの寸断による供給難から回復した自動車の生産・出荷が伸びたこと、7 月末の住宅エコポイント終了や上デジタル放送完全移行を受けた駆け込み需要が生じたこと、さらには、復興需要や、家での節電意識の高まりを背景とした、省エネルギー製品への買い換え需要の拡大等が挙げられる。例文帳に追加

Such quick recovery is attributable to several factors: including the rapid abatement of the mood of self-restraint immediately after the great earthquake, pervasive efforts in industry to save electricity and level power demand, growth in production and shipments in the automobile industry following its recovery from supply difficulties caused by disruption to supply chains, the spike in demand ahead of termination of the Home Eco Point Program at the end of July and Japan’s complete shift to digital terrestrial broadcasting, and the effects of reconstruction demand and replacement demand for energy-saving products prompted by increased energy awareness in the home.  - 経済産業省


In present-day society, self-employment has much to offer-its ability to balance family life and work and meet the demands of a society whose birthrate is falling and population is declining, its recognized strong affinity with social life in terms, for example, of enabling women and the elderly to remain in employment and contributing to the local community, its provision of diverse employment opportunities close to home, and its formation of a broad base among SMEs translating into improvements in economic structure and growth potential-and it is hoped that knowledge of these facts will be broadened. - 経済産業省


For example, students with intellectual disabilities are trained so as to develop a readiness to participate in society on their own by improving knowledge and skills necessary for workers and fostering the concept of work and occupation through monodzukuri-related experienced-based programs and practical lessons in the workplace that are provided in collaboration with local communities and local industries, mainly in the "occupation/home economics" subject at the junior high school level and the "occupation" subject at the senior high school level. - 経済産業省


To execute the employment support to raising women including mothers of fatherless families who want to get reemployment, we set up mother’s Hello Work, Mother’s Saloon and Mothers Corner to develop an employment for that they can visit there with children, and we also have implemented the general and consistent supports for reemployment such as securing employment based on finely tuned career consulting by a system of person in charge or its needs, additionally, providing information of nursery school in cooperation with local governments. - 厚生労働省

3 第三十条第一項ただし書の規定により被保護者を救護施設、更生施設若しくはその他の適当な施設に入所させ、若しくはこれらの施設に入所を委託し、若しくは私人の家に養護を委託した場合又は第三十四条の二第二項の規定により被保護者に対する介護扶助(施設介護に限る。)を介護老人福祉施設(介護保険法第八条第二十四項に規定する介護老人福祉施設をいう。以下同じ。)に委託して行う場合においては、当該入所又は委託の継続中、その者に対して保護を行うべき者は、その者に係る入所又は委託前の居住又は現在によつて定めるものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) In the case of having a person requiring public assistance admitted into a relief facility, a rehabilitation facility or any other appropriate facility, or entrusting such admission to any such facility, or entrusting nursing care to the home of a private individual, or in the case of providing long-term care assistance (limited to facility care services) to a person requiring public assistance by entrusting it to a long-term care welfare facility for the elderly (which means a long-term care welfare facility for the elderly prescribed in Article 8, paragraph (24) of the Long-Term Care Insurance Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) pursuant to the provisions of Article 34-2(2), the person who should provide public assistance to said person while said admission or entrustment remains valid shall be decided based on the place of residence or the current location of said person prior to said admission or entrustment.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

5 第一項及び第三項の規定の適用については、本案が家事審判法(昭和二十二年法律第百五十二号)第十八条第一項に規定する事件であるときは家裁判所に対する調停の申立てを、本案が労働審判法(平成十六年法律第四十五号)第一条に規定する事件であるときは方裁判所に対する労働審判手続の申立てを、本案に関し仲裁合意があるときは仲裁手続の開始の手続を、本案が公害紛争処理法(昭和四十五年法律第百八号)第二条に規定する公害に係る被害についての損害賠償の請求に関する事件であるときは同法第四十二条の十二第一項に規定する損害賠償の責任に関する裁定(次項において「責任裁定」という。)の申請を本案の訴えの提起とみなす。例文帳に追加

(5) With regard to the application of the provisions of paragraph (1) and paragraph (3), the filing of an action on the merits shall be deemed to be replaced with: the filing of a petition for conciliation with a family court if the case on the merits is a case prescribed in Article 18, paragraph (1) of the Act on Adjudication of Domestic Relations (Act No. 152 of 1947); the filing of a petition for labor tribunal proceedings with a district court if the case on the merits is a case prescribed in Article 1 of the Labor Tribunal Act (Act No. 45 of 2004); the procedure to commence arbitration proceedings if an arbitration agreement is reached in the case on the merits; and the application for an award on the liability for damages (referred to as an "award on liability" in the following paragraph) prescribed in Article 42-12, paragraph (1) of the Act for the Settlement of Environmental Pollution Disputes (Act No. 108 of 1970) if the case on the merits is a case to seek damages for suffering from environmental pollution prescribed in Article 2 of said Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



As we have done every year, we selected cases from the inspection results reported from July of last year to June of this year and published them in the form of the latest Compilation of Problem Cases Raised in Financial Inspections for the 2009 program year, as you've just pointed out, which I expect each financial institution to refer to when formulating its future internal control system. With the successful enactment of the SME Financing Facilitation Act when former Minister Kamei was in office, it is now ensured, as you know, that in times of an economic downturn like the one we currently find ourselves in, financial institutions should adequately address requests for easing lending terms or changing housing loan terms, etc. In a sense, this has achieved a substantial change, if not quite a sea change, from the way financial administration was run in the past, and we need to keep that in mind. I know an SME owner in my hometown who employs about 100 people, about 50 of them being permanent employees and the rest working on a non-permanent basis, and who says that he is able to barely survive thanks to the establishment of the SME Financing Facilitation Act but also speaks out, "Mr. Jimi, we are now desperate for more work." He also goes on to say that "I personally feel that I could close down the business, but I am hanging on, struggling with all my might - because every one of my 100 workers has a family."  - 金融庁


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