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Man and woman embracing each other satisfied, being free from everything and the master of everything, and being exalted is a clean mental state of Bosatsu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If remedial actions have been taken before the assessment date (the fiscal year end date), external auditors should evaluate the appropriateness of the management’s assessment of such remedial actions.  - 金融庁


If remedial actions have been taken before the assessment date (the fiscal year end date), external auditors should evaluate the appropriateness of the management’s assessment of such remedial actions.  - 金融庁


All we should do is to deal with each case impartially. There will not be any change in the principle of dealing with various cases in an appropriate manner on a case-by-case basis by accurately grasping facts.  - 金融庁



Although Wang Yangming said, 'if I reflect on myself and find nothing wrong, I cannot accept it as correct even if Confucius says it is,' he still treated the Classics respectfully.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



fails to remedy any deficiency notified to him in respect of subsection (2) of section 33, the application shall be deemed never to have been made; or  - 特許庁

サプライチェーンのGHG 算定・報告が、CDP などによって企業評価の一つのり口として使われることの例文帳に追加

Merits and demerits of utilizing accounting/reporting of supply-chain GHG emissions as a means of corporate evaluation conducted by such as CDP  - 経済産業省


Then, a means 1g converts the number of unaccepted request items into the number of improper processing items and detects a department having a prescribed number of improper request items or more. - 特許庁


・ Are systems of the company designed and operated based on an appropriate management philosophy and code of ethics so that detected behaviors deviating from the principles would be adequately remediated?  - 金融庁



I would very much appreciate it if the people in charge of Diet affairs would share our resolve to enact the bill during the current Diet session by whatever means necessary.  - 金融庁



Furthermore, by installing the wheel 129 to detect right and left and inclination at the upper part of a cutting blade unit, a means of processing the stable cross-sectional V groove is provided, by correcting setting error and inclination of a surface plate. - 特許庁


One reason for the betrayal by many warriors was that even though Kikuchi's side led a large force allied with almost all the powerful clans in Kyushu, most of them regarded the Southern Court side as superior and sided with Taketoshi KIKUCHI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


I strongly hope that lawmakershard work will quickly lead to a drafting of the final bill and its enactment so that we can take action at an early date.  - 金融庁


Thus, the imbalance of the flow of the magnetic flux with the yoke cutout 18b is corrected to avoid a trouble of generating the side force on the plunger 15 resulting form the imbalance of the magnetic flux. - 特許庁


If external auditors conclude that the supplementary information on remedial actions taken after the fiscal year end date that the management added to the Internal Control Report is appropriate, they should add it as additional information in the Internal Control Audit Report.  - 金融庁


For example, it applies to the case when external auditors conclude that the management’s assessment that there are material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting is appropriate, but at the same time concluding that the management’s statement in the Internal Control Report regarding the remedial actions taken after the fiscal year end date is not appropriate.  - 金融庁


For example, it applies to the case when external auditors conclude that the management’s assessment that there are material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting is appropriate, but at the same time conclude that the management’s statement in the Internal Control Report regarding the remedial actions taken after the fiscal year end date is not appropriate.  - 金融庁


Original Text: If, when I become a Buddha, the Bodhisattvas in the lands of the other quarters who hear my name should not all attain the samadhi called 'universal equality' and, while dwelling therein, should not always be able to see all the immeasurable and inconceivable Tathagatas until those Bodhisattvas too become Buddhas, may I not attain perfect enlightenment.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To avoid an adverse effect on the cutting capacity or the like of a cutting tool composed of a hard material such as cemented carbide and cermet by optimizing the existing form of free carbon whose exclusion to the utmost has been considered right while remaining as a premise. - 特許庁


A transmission type liquid crystal display device has a switching means 3 of switching to the mode of low power consumption, and upon the switching of the switching means, the lightness 5 of a back light, whether a choice of use of an image processing circuit 2, for example, an edge correction processing circuit is correct, and output sound volume 4 are controlled respectively. - 特許庁


In the case of emerging economies with rapid productivity improvement and high economic growth, currency appreciation reflecting market demand and supply is beneficial for these countries themselves, in terms of rising purchasing power, price stability, facilitating domestic consumption and correcting current account imbalances.  - 財務省


In order to prevent the lives of poor people, who are most vulnerable to crises, from deteriorating further, it is important for the IDB to encourage the implementation of appropriate measures to deal with poverty through dialogue with the governments of the region and to actively provide loans and technical assistance focusing on reduction of poverty and income disparity.  - 財務省


Is the information on control deficiencies obtained through the monitoring activities appropriately reported to senior managers involved in such activities and persons who are responsible for managing such activities and relevant internal controls and taking remedial actions?  - 金融庁


To provide a component crimping device that can maintain good crimping states of components by correcting sheet extending states by crimping components with a crimping tool and suitably grasp generation of a situation of necessity of sheet exchange such as sheet shortage. - 特許庁


Even when the possibility of entangling of the foreign matters according to a variety of circumstances such as the rotational speed of the induction motor 3c and the conduit resistance when fluid flows into the distributing water pipe 4 varies, the pump can be prevented from clogging with foreign matters in a state where the change is adequately corrected. - 特許庁


For example, Nichiren says, 'There is nothing superior to sansho (three norms to be used for discrimination between right and wrong in religion), and thinking of Zenmui and Ichigyo who suffered onan (横難) oshi (横死), and the ways Kukai and Ennin died, I wonder how true practitioners of shobo (the true teachings of Buddha) could be like them' (in his "Kyogyosho gosho," Kyogyosho-writings or letters of superior) and so on, and denies founders of the Singon Sect and so forth.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To efficiently carry out an appropriate printing schedule by judging whether or not substitute printing is to be implemented and timing of the implementation when abnormality occurs in a printer in a printing system organized by connecting a plurality of printers on a network. - 特許庁


When developing a plan for the assessment and reporting of internal controls, it is advisable toleave some additional time before the final assessment date (fiscal year end date), so that control deficiencies and material weaknesses identified in the assessment can be remediated in time.  - 金融庁


The total size and allocation of the current quotas do not appropriately reflect the reality of the world economy, as the past quota increases were not designed well enough to take proper account of global economic growth, increases in capital flows, and changes in the relative economic positions of member countries since the establishment of the IMF.As a result, at present, neither the amount nor the shares of members' allocated quotas are appropriate.  - 財務省


When developing a plan for the assessment and reporting of internal controls, it is advisable to leave some additional time before the final assessment date (fiscal year end date), so that control deficiencies (including material weaknesses) identified in the assessment can be remediated in time.  - 金融庁


The objective of the internal control reporting system required by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law is to ensure the reliability of financial reporting. Any deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting should be addressed and remediated appropriately prior to submitting the Internal Control Report.  - 金融庁

未妥結・仮納入や総価取引など現行の薬価制度・薬価調査の信頼性を損ないかねない不適な取引慣行の正を図るため、「医療用医薬品の流通改善に関する懇談会」において、個別テーマ毎に、引き続き、改善策の取りまとめに向けた検討を行っていく。(2007 年度)例文帳に追加

To correct inappropriate trade practices such as pending settlements, provisional deliveries and global pricing, which could undermine the trust in the current drug pricing system and surveys, the 'Council for the Improvement of Ethical Drug Distribution' shall hold itemized discussions with a view to compiling further remedial measures. (Fiscal 2007) - 厚生労働省


Original Text: If, when I become a Buddha, all the myriads of manifestations in my land, from the ground to the sky, such as palaces, pavilions, ponds, streams and trees, should not be composed of both countless treasures, which surpass in supreme excellence anything in the worlds of human and devas, and of a 1100 kinds of aromatic woods, whose fragrance pervades all the worlds of the 10 quarters, causing all Bodhisattvas who sense it to perform Buddhist practice, may I not attain perfect enlightenment.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


I agree that global imbalances do not pose an immediate risk to the world economy but, rather, pose a medium- to long-term risk.Global imbalances should be addressed primarily through a responsible implementation of sound macro-economic policies and effective structural reforms carried out by each participating member.  - 財務省

我が国は、このような場を通じ各国の国内法令が適に整備され、運用されているかに注意を払い、仮に協定整合的でない法令の制定や運用があった場合は、速やかにAD 委員会をはじめとするWTOの場で指摘を行い、正を求めていく必要がある。例文帳に追加

Japan must use these kinds of forums to ensure that the domestic laws of other Members are written and applied in conformity with the AD Agreement. - 経済産業省


After due notice and hearing, the Hearing Office shall order the setting aside or the discharge of the attachment if it appears that it was improperly or irregularly issued or enforced, or that the bond is insufficient, or that the attachment is excessive, and the defect is not cured forthwith, or the property being attached is exempt from execution. - 特許庁


We will just wait and see who will be appointed in the United States. In any case, I hope that the United States will quickly and boldly deal with the financial and economic crisis that erupted in its own markets, and I expect that Japan can provide support based on its own experiences. So we intend to ensure close communications with the United States and provide support where possible.  - 金融庁


Just as ordinary people stop all their worldly activities at night and start their work only when the sun rises, the masses can learn the correct teachings in broad daylight only when they have learned the eternal truths revealed in this great Nirvana Sutra at night after studying various sutras and practicing meditation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(3) The exploitation of the patented invention shall be limited to the purpose for which it was authorized and shall be subject to the payment to the owner of the patent of an adequate remuneration for such exploitation, taking into account - (a) the economic value of the Minister’s authorization as determined in the decision; and (b) where a decision has been taken under paragraph (1)(b), the need to correct anti-competitive practices. - 特許庁

ア) 監査実施者への研修等による周知及び品質管理のシステムの監視による正措置の実施などにより、全監査業務において適な対応を図るとしているものの、具体的な改善計画及び対応策を策定していないほか、監査実施者への研修等による周知が徹底されていない。例文帳に追加

16. The firm confirmed in writing that it would perform sufficient and appropriate measures to remedy deficiencies identified in the course of JICPA's quality control review, such as communicating the identified deficiencies to the audit staff, strengthening monitoring over the quality control system and so on; however, the firm did not develop a detailed plan for implementing the remedial action or appropriately communicate the identified deficiencies to its staff.  - 金融庁


However, when a compensation plate 18 with one side fixed to a first glass plate 32 and the other side fixed to a second glass plate 34 contracts/expands by the change in temperature, the first and the second glass plate 32, 34 relatively move, by which a first waveguide chip 16A and a second waveguide chip 16B relatively move along the cutting plane 30, with the condensing position corrected. - 特許庁


As it became clear that workers at the TEPCO's Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant had used masks without radiation filter during their tasks on 13th, TEPCO was instructed to fully enforce appropriate use of the masks including in cooperative companies. (June 13, 2011) - 厚生労働省

(10) 産業財産登録庁の申し立てる理由が,方式条件が充足されていないこと又は発明に特許性がないことを指摘する場合は,産業財産登録庁は,瑕疵を正するため又は出願人が適とみなす意見書を提出するため新たな猶予期間を出願人に与えるものとし,その後に特許付与について最終決定をするものとする。例文帳に追加

(10) Where the reasons given by the Registry specify that one of the formal conditions has not been met or that the invention is not patentable, the Registry shall allow the applicant another period to make good the defect or to put forward the arguments he deems appropriate and shall then take a final decision on granting the patent. - 特許庁


To provide a maintenance service support system that can increase the reliability of a food manufacturing plant and to reduce maintenance check costs by appropriately and quickly providing a plant user with an analysis of a factor in equipment failure found during a maintenance check of food manufacturing plant equipment and a corrective action on the factor. - 特許庁


In the case where risks not covered by capital management have non-negligible impact from the viewpoint of capital adequacy or where risks subject to capital management cannot be managed appropriately, does the Capital Management Division provide information necessary for the Board of Directors or equivalent organization to the Board of Directors to make decisions as to whether the financial institution should withdraw from or downsize the operations affected by those risks?  - 金融庁

(4) 商標により付与された権利が侵害された場合は,商標所有者は,自己の権利を侵害すること又はその虞があることの禁止を申請し,かつ,当該行為の結果を正する権利を有する。商標所有者はまた,金銭的補償を含め,適な補償を請求することができる。不当利得の引渡を請求し,かつ,損害賠償を請求する権利は,影響を受けない。例文帳に追加

(4) If an rights conferred by the trade mark were infringed, the proprietor of the trade mark shall have the right to apply for prohibition of an infringement or jeopardising of his rights and to remedy the consequences of such action; the proprietor of the trade mark may also claim appropriate satisfaction, including pecuniary satisfaction. The right to claim the surrender of unjustified enrichment and to claim the damages shall not be affected. - 特許庁


In the case where risks not covered by market risk management have non-negligible effects or where risks to be controlled through market risk management cannot be managed appropriately, does the Market Risk Management Division provide information necessary for the Board of Directors or equivalent organization to the Board of Directors to make decisions as to whether the financial institution should withdraw from or downsize the business affected by those risks?  - 金融庁


Therefore, although I have not heard him speak frankly of his support for inflation targeting as Mr. Haruhiko Kuroda (president of the Asian Development Bank and former vice minister of finance for international affairs) did, his stance on monetary policy will be indicated during the hearing process.I would like members of the DPJ to make a decision based on what he says.  - 金融庁


In the case where risks not covered by comprehensive risk management have non-negligible effects or where risks to be controlled through comprehensive risk management cannot be managed appropriately, does the Comprehensive Risk Management Division provide information necessary for the Board of Directors or equivalent organization to the Board of Directors to make decisions as to whether the financial institution should withdraw from or downsize the business affected by those risks?  - 金融庁



As you can see from questions and answers in the Diet, there are strong calls from outside the ruling coalition, too, for the extension of the SME Financing Facilitation Act. Although this is a law with a sunset clause, there are opposition parties very eager to extend it, so I have strong expectations for the extension and I am not thinking of what to do if the bill to extend it is not enacted. In light of the current state of affairs and the critical importance of the law for the survival of small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), we will do all that we can do to have the bill enacted.  - 金融庁


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