
「機動力」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 機動力の意味・解説 > 機動力に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 119



To provide a power converter which has an AC/DC switched-mode power converter that converts AC power into DC power for powering an attached electronic device, in which power can be conserved by automatically placing the power converter circuit in a low-power standby mode of operation whenever the electronic device is detached from the power converter. - 特許庁

四 巻上げ装置にあつては、電動機、動伝達装置、巻胴、ブレーキ、ワイヤロープ、ワイヤロープ取付金具、安全装置及び各種計器の異常の有無例文帳に追加

(iv) Abnormalities in a motor, a power transmission mechanisms, a drum, a brake, a wire rope, a wire rope fittings, a safety device and various meters for a winching system.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Therefore, the soldiers were lightly outfitted and it make it easy for them to move, and they were able to constantly move forward, backward, to the right and left without stopping the horse to attack the enemy with the bows.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Owing to his outstanding abilities and to the fact that he is a son of a principality of the Zeon military, a character in Mobile Suit Gundam, he has captured the hearts of many with his astonishing charisma.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It also allowed mobility and enabled individual units to take a detour on complex land formations, as well as instantaneous transition from the marching formation to a battling array, but its impact of head-on collisions was quite inferior.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Since swift horses were used on the front lines, a Konidatai was a troop with inferior mobility and fighting capability that carried provisions on daba (packhorses) and carts by ashigaru (common foot soldiers) and laborers (servicemen) levied from farming villages.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Shuba Party was the military group that used cavalry as the basis for maximizing their mobile power, and the 'tsuwamono' that tried to defeat it should have been samurai with cavalry.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Even in an open battle on the continent, one of the main tactics of the Yuan army was to damage the enemy by shooting arrows from horseback, maintaining certain distance from it and taking advantage of the mobility of the cavalry.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also, to convert them into domestic demand-driven economies in the medium and long term, it is essential for them to have more flexible monetary policies, to implement fiscal policies that will fully take into account long-term sustainability, and to promote the disposal of non-performing assets.  - 財務省



Thus, leakage current and unnecessary power consumption can be reduced by controlling the voltage levels of the word lines and bit lines according to the operating modes such as the standby operating mode and the normal operating mode. - 特許庁



Therefore, it is possible to provide a missile 1 having a higher supersonic speed and a higher maneuverability without generating very high pressure and temperature at the front surface thereof. - 特許庁


To establish a cogeneration system utilizing the LGN cryogenics which realizes remotely decentralized power source from an existing LNG plant facility, and dynamically feeds the power and the heat in an interlocking manner to an external load. - 特許庁


The CPU 16 of an operating part control circuit 15 outputs a signal by which a relay 3 is turned off (S630), and a PSU 22 is turned off, so that the operation is returned to the standby operation state (S505). - 特許庁


To provide a gas supply device capable of minimizing a buffer tank installation space, securing a gas supply flow rate without increasing power of an auxiliary machine, and effectively inhibiting pulsation of the supplied gas. - 特許庁


To prevent a through current resulting from an unstable signal outputted from a circuit block to which power supply is shut off, in an integrated circuit having circuit blocks to which power supply is controlled due to standby operation or the like. - 特許庁


To improve gap-corrosion resistance and fretting resistance by reducing the trouble of high contact stress fretting and abrasion in a turbine or a compressor rotating blade on the contact surface between the turbine or the compressor wheel of a turbo machine. - 特許庁


To provide a permanent magnet type rotary electric machine that performs either inductor operation or synchronizer operation, and reduces power consumption by improving total efficiency. - 特許庁


To efficiently transmit drive power transmitted from a power unit to a road surface, to reduce a turning radius and to enhance mobility in a saddle riding type rocking four-wheel vehicle. - 特許庁


A mobile portable terminal is utilized, and the check items of each facility equipment are screen-displayed on a portable terminal equipment along a prescribed route, and check inputs are successively operated in an interactive format according to the displayed check items. - 特許庁


To provide a cutting device with a ring saw capable of being attached to a shovel type excavator having high mobile power as an attachment in a freely detachable manner and capable of appropriately attaching ring saws having different diameters. - 特許庁


To provide an X-ray tube device, in which a power consumption is less, a start up time of filaments by heating is short, and which is having a good maneuverability, and provide an X-ray device using the X-ray tube device. - 特許庁


To provide a switching regulator which can materialize a function of supplying small power at waiting action, etc. of load in simple constitution and can lessen the audible sound from a transformer, to the increase of load. - 特許庁


When the freezing apparatus is not operated for a long period of time, the season on/off switch 42 to interrupt standby operation whereby the power supply to the crank case heater is interrupted to reduce standby electric power. - 特許庁


To compensate for lower maneuverability with the insufficient friction force of a tire by giving a short braking distance to an automobile, smoothing starting operation and stabilize directivity, independently of the existence of snow or the like on a frozen road surface. - 特許庁


To provide a fuel cell electric power generation system which improves system electric efficiency, simplifies the entire equipment configuration and realizes accessory machine with reduced power consumption. - 特許庁


A method for reducing power in an SRAM is achieved by applying a first voltage to all bit lines in a portion during a standby operation of the SRAM and applying a second voltage to all bit lines in a portion during a normal operation of the SRAM. - 特許庁


To provide a leg type moving robot device improved in mobility in changing directions and moving straight or in a translational state, in ability to get over a step, and in the power of expression. - 特許庁


In areas that are still suffering an impact from the Great East Japan Earthquake, the government is swiftly taking the following human resources development for recovery/reconstruction from earthquake damage.  - 経済産業省


By making use of their small structure, they raise the level of teamwork, and demonstrate the flexibility to adapt quickly to new circumstances while the management makes agile judgments and takes leadership. - 経済産業省


To provide a traveling working vehicle provided with a motive power transmission structure capable of efficiently distributing working machine motive power and traveling motive power without speed-change shock at a real time and capable of further switching an output shaft for selectively transmitting motive power to a wheel drive system at an intermediate/low speed and at a high speed traveling. - 特許庁


On national defense, our aim is to make expenditure more rational and efficient through measures such as reducing costs. We will also take steps to develop a dynamic defense capability with particular priority on immediate response and mobility, based on the formulation of new National Defense Program Guidelines and a Mid-Term Defense Program.  - 財務省


Thus, optional control force can be generated by one nozzle 4, and the mobility of the missile can be improved with the simple constitution without degrading the turning performance due to increase of the mass of the airframe, and reducing the flying distance due to thrust loss even under the condition of low dynamic pressure. - 特許庁


The flight system 1 further includes a wing 13 which is vertically (perpendicularly) installed, and obtains a driving force by vertical wind generated by changes of altitude using the air sac 7 without using mobile power from a gasoline engine or the like. - 特許庁


To allow a vehicle using a motor to be conveniently and simply used in the vehicle using a secondary battery of a power source for power supply to a motive-power generator (hereinafter described as the motor) for drive of a conventional vehicle or movement of vehicle itself. - 特許庁


By the development of Special Measure Law for Reviving Industrial Vitality, etc., it is necessary for the companies to flexibly promote the strategic allocation and the concentrated investment of management resources, and facilitate the business restructuring, and the industrial reorganization that leads to the strength of competitiveness. - 厚生労働省


In order to overcome deflation, the government will strongly and comprehensively make policy efforts to the utmost extent. While maintaining close information exchange and collaboration with the Bank of Japan, the government expects that the Bank of p Japan will support the economy through appropriate and flexible monetary policy management. - 厚生労働省


He certainly used humorous expressions in many films such as "Dixieland Daimyo," but some scenes of "Blood Type: Blue," in which riot policemen rushed into a public meeting to give severe blows to the participants, show that he was anti-authority, and it looks like a movie made by a certain baby-boomer director (the generation born after the World War II and was washed by the wave of student movement).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition to these, Japan will provide grant aid and technical assistance worth $2 billion over the next two years. These are a part of our crisis response, and we intend to provide them as quickly as possible.  - 財務省


For the government’s part, we will make maximum use of JBIC and other related institutions to this end. Therefore, as well as making capital provisions for these institutions, we will take steps to strengthen the functions of JBIC through its spin-off from the present entity, thereby ensuring the independence and transparency of its fiscal administration and strengthening its operational efficiency, professional expertise, and so on.  - 財務省


To shorten response time in active operation and improve driving capabilities by selectively driving a transistor controlling the final drive end during a standby operation or a self-refresh operation, and the active operation. - 特許庁


During acceleration or constant speed running of the vehicle, when storage amount of the battery 45 is a set value V1 for discharge or larger, the controller 51 performs control, so that the motor generator 41 performs electric motor operation only by electric power supplied from the battery 45. - 特許庁


A control portion 12 controls the compressor 7 by reading a compressor operation temperature and a compressor stop temperature set corresponding to a set temperature from a memory 12a, when the set temperature is input from a temperature adjustment portion 11 by dial operation. - 特許庁


To provide a refrigeration cycle system for transport vehicle and a refrigeration cycle system, capable of suppressing the increase of a compressor motive force inexpensively, in a refrigeration cycle system in which a liquid refrigerant is injected to a compressor. - 特許庁


By the guide vane control device, the occurrence of distortion is detected by the pressure sensors arranged in the circumferential direction on the upstream side of the compressor, the installing angle of the inlet guide vanes in a generated circumferential position is controlled, and an inflow angle to a compressor moving blade is optimally kept. - 特許庁


To eliminate a vehicle body stabilizing mechanism such as an outrigger, make a vehicle weight light and assure its mobility by eliminating a tire for use in dampening an input from a running road surface, the dampening function of a suspending device when a cargo or the like is hung with a boom and stabilizing the vehicle body with respect to the ground surface. - 特許庁


The outside installation type cooling unit is provided with a plurality of motors MA and MB mutually parallel-connected in an output side of the controller 50 and capable of operating the generator, fans FA and FB respectively connected to rotors of the motors, and heat exchangers 110 arranged in ventilation paths of the fans. - 特許庁


To provide a power supply control tap and a power monitoring device capable of effectively utilizing space in a rack, also flexibly coping with expansion of a server, etc., and accordingly improving earning of an IDC operating company. - 特許庁


To provide an estimating method for ground displacement in a shield machine passage in a tunnel for the hard ground, estimating the ground displacement in the periphery of the shield machine with high accuracy using the displacement of an excavated surface produced in the process of shielding obtained by a shield machine dynamic model. - 特許庁


Thus while the quality of "strengths" of individual enterprises varies, it is possible to generalize and say that large enterprises exhibit strengths in terms of their "advancedness" and sales strength, and SMEs have an advantage when it comes to flexibility of organization, maneuverability and level of service. - 経済産業省



Many SMEs engage in forms of innovation that take advantage of this organizational flexibility and maneuverability, and one example of an enterprise taking advantage of its "strengths" as an SME is described in Case 2-1-4. - 経済産業省


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