
「発見期間」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 55



After said term, only the elimination of deficiencies found by the examiner shall be authorized.  - 特許庁


To realize a display method for quickly and efficiently discovering the violation of a constraint at the time of designing a print circuit board. - 特許庁


To provide a tube leakage detection method capable of shortening a time to find tube leakage in a boiler. - 特許庁


To find the occurrence of illegal data and a disk failure at an early stage and to reliably store even data that are not read for a long time. - 特許庁



In an information processor 10, an external apparatus 18 with which the information processor is capable of communicating by radio by a radio communication device 131 is found in the period of a power-off state, identification information of the external apparatus 18 found in this finding step is stored, and information of the external apparatus 18 found in the finding step is displayed on a sub-display 21. - 特許庁


(1) 特許に関する紛争において,訴訟を裁判所に提起するための期間は,被害当事者が自己の権利が侵害された事実を発見したか又は発見したと考えられる時から3年とする。例文帳に追加

(1) In disputes regarding patents, the time period for the bringing an action to a court shall be three years from the time when the aggrieved party found out or was supposed to find out the fact that his or her rights have been infringed. - 特許庁


To provide a method for estimating a test process period in software development capable of accurately calculating a test process period based on the information of the number of finished test items and the number of discovered errors until a cretin point of time in a test process. - 特許庁


(Example) There are cases where a program warranty period (such as within XX days of delivery) is set in the license agreement. If the user has discovered a bug which constitutes a product defect after the expiry of that period, can he question the responsibility of the Vendor?  - 経済産業省


To enable an optical disk device, equipped with a self-diagnostic function, to recognize that the duration of its use reaches immediately before a warranty period, in order that timing when a user sends it out for fix is made to fall into the warranty period without burden of expense even when failure, and the like, is detected by the self-diagnostic function. - 特許庁



By embedding a lead 28 for detection in a seal boot 21, it is detected by a detector 29 that the lead 28 for detection is disconnected and that the seal boot 21 is broken. - 特許庁



If upon receipt within the term referred to in paragraph (1) a formal requirement has not been satisfied, the Office shall so notify the patent holder without delay, stating the requirement that has not been satisfied and the term within which the defects that have been found may be remedied. - 特許庁

2 審査官は、特許権の存続期間の延長登録の出願について拒絶の理由を発見しないときは、延長登録をすべき旨の査定をしなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) Where no reasons for refusal are found for the application for the registration of extension of the duration of a patent right, the examiner shall render an examiner's decision to the effect that the extension is to be registered.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十六条 審査官は、政令で定める期間内に商標登録出願について拒絶の理由を発見しないときは、商標登録をすべき旨の査定をしなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 16 Where no reasons for refusal are found in connection with an application for trademark registration within the time limit provided by Cabinet Order, the examiner shall render a decision to the effect that the trademark is to be registered.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 審査官は、防護標章登録に基づく権利の存続期間の更新登録の出願について拒絶の理由を発見しないときは、更新登録をすべき旨の査定をしなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) Where no reasons for refusal are found in connection with an application for registration of renewal of the duration of a right based on defensive mark registration, the examiner shall render a decision to the effect that the renewal is to be registered.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


However in "Kojiki" (The Records of Ancient Matters), after the demise of Emperor Seinei, there was no Crown Prince and thus Iitoyo no himemiko addressed affairs of state, but later (that is, during her administration period) Oke no mikoto's brothers were found and she welcomed the brothers from Harima Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

審査官は、特許権の存続期間の延長登録の出願について拒絶の理由を発見しないときは、延長登録をすべき旨の査定をしなければならない(第67条の3 第2項)。例文帳に追加

If no reasons for refusal are found for the application to register a patent term extension, the examiner will render a decision to register the extension (Article 67-3 (2) of the Patent Act).  - 特許庁


If after the lapse of the term stated in paragraph 9 of the preceding article O.B.I. discovers the orderly but not complete filing of the application, this shall be considered as not filed.  - 特許庁


Failure and generation frequencies of events of the print apparatus are recorded from the log data and compared with reference values determined for a certain period, thereby automatically finding and reporting, for example, a deterioration of parts and problems of usage methods. - 特許庁


If the target vehicle can not be found within a prescribed term, the loan provider terminal transmits a guarantee request notice to the insurance provider server. - 特許庁


To provide a method for diagnosing a deterioration of a building material which can early find the deterioration of the building material, and can reduce a mending cost and shorten duration for mending and clarify an evaluation of degree of the deterioration of the building material. - 特許庁


When any abnormal situation is discovered in a temperature controller, the control state of the temperature controller is monitored in each prescribed log recording cycle within a prescribed log collecting period. - 特許庁


To shorten the period up to the restoration with the earlier discovery of erratic stopping by judging whether the behavior of the reels is normal or not at a cycle shorter than the specified cycle. - 特許庁


If the examination finding is that the application does not comply with the requirements of form, the competent office shall serve notice on the applicant to rectify the defects within a period of30 working days following the said notice. This period shall be renewable once for an additional 30 working days without loss of priority. If the defects have not been rectified within the period specified, the application shall be rejected. - 特許庁


By having a time when the electric power is not supplied to the flame detecting device for the main burner when the non-combustion of the main burner 10 is set, the electric power can be saved, and further by having a time to supply electric power to make the flame detecting device be intermittently functioned, a failure such as defective blocking of fuel supply to the main burner 10 can be found. - 特許庁


When a mismatch of cash balances is found on a trial balance display screen 100, after tracking for specifying a period, a click on a "Cash" button in a book processing selection field displays a cashbook screen to display journal data in the period specified on the trial balance screen 100, so that a user can scroll the screen to find and correct error data. - 特許庁


It has been discovered that the synergetic composition of specific vitamins, minerals and trace elements stimulates the capability of a cell to eliminate intracellular lipid deposits, thereby helping to reduce weight within a very short period of time without any side effect and without the rebound effect often observed at the end of diet regimen. - 特許庁


The monitoring inspection shall be subsequently carried out on a higher proportion of the imported foods and for more inspection items for a certain period of time so that inspection will identify violations with a certain statistical reliability and if no violation is identified, the inspection order shall be cancelled (however, if a violation is identified during the period of reinforced monitoring inspection, an inspection order will be issued immediately). - 厚生労働省


If, during the whole or part of that period, the proprietor of the registered trade mark is under a disability; or is prevented by fraud or concealment from discovering the facts entitling him to apply for an order, an application may be made at any time before the end of the period of 6years from the date on which he ceased to be under a disability or, as the case may be, could with reasonable diligence have discovered those facts. In subsection (2), disability has the same meaning as in subsection (2) of section 4 of the Limitation Act  - 特許庁


Where, during the whole or any part of the period referred to in subsection (1), the registered proprietor-- is under a disability, or is prevented by fraud or concealment from discovering the facts entitling him or her to apply for an order, an application under section 61 may be made at any time before the expiration of 6 years from the date on which the applicant ceased to be under a disability or, as the case may be, could, with reasonable diligence, have discovered those facts. - 特許庁

(1)にいう期間のすべて又はその一部の間において,登録商標所有者が, (a) 能力の障害下にあり,又は (b) 詐欺又は隠匿により,命令を申請する権利を自らに与える事実の発見を妨げられる場合は, 申請は,自らの能力の障害が消滅した日,又は場合により,適切な努力により当該事実を発見することができた日から起算する6年の期間の満了前に,随時することができる。例文帳に追加

If during the whole or part of the period referred to subsection (1) the owner of the registered trade mark-- (a) is under a disability; or (b) is prevented by fraud or concealment from discovering the facts entitling him to apply for an order, an applicaton may be made at any time before the end of the period of 6 years beginning on the date on which he ceased to be under a disability or could with reasonable diligence have discovered those facts, as the case may be.  - 特許庁

2 前項の規定による命令を受けた者は、同項の期間内に当該水産動物が輸入防疫対象疾病にかかり、又はかかつている疑いがあることを発見したときは、農林水産省令で定めるところにより、農林水産大臣の行う検査を受けなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) In the event that the person who is ordered pursuant to the provision set forth in the preceding paragraph finds during the period in said paragraph that such aquatic animals are, or could be, infected with a disease or diseases subject to import quarantine, he/she shall receive an inspection conducted by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as provided for in the Ordinances of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第百三十五条 登記官は、登記が前条第一項各号のいずれかに該当することを発見したときは、登記をした者に、一月をこえない一定の期間内に書面で異議を述べないときは登記を抹消すべき旨を通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 135 (1) In cases where a registrar has found that the registration falls under any of the items of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article, he/she shall give notice to the person who has made said registration to the effect that the registration will be cancelled unless said person files an objection in writing within a fixed period not exceeding one month.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


When developing a plan for the assessment and reporting of internal controls, it is advisable toleave some additional time before the final assessment date (fiscal year end date), so that control deficiencies and material weaknesses identified in the assessment can be remediated in time.  - 金融庁


When developing a plan for the assessment and reporting of internal controls, it is advisable to leave some additional time before the final assessment date (fiscal year end date), so that control deficiencies (including material weaknesses) identified in the assessment can be remediated in time.  - 金融庁

(1) 当該出願が権利の移転又は変更の記録のために受領された場合,当局の指令により,その書類の中に欠陥が発見されたか否かについて通知されるべきものとし,関係当事者に通知し,そのような欠陥を克服するために,2月の猶予期間を設けるものとする。例文帳に追加

1. The application having been received for recordal of transfer or of change to the right, official action shall be declared if defects are observed in the documentation, notifying the interested party to enable them to overcome such defects within a two-month term. - 特許庁


If the registration authority finds, after its decision to grant a registration and before the period for filing oppositions has expired, that the decision to grant the registration is based on an obvious error in processing, the registration authority may revoke its incorrect decision and take a new decision on the matter.  - 特許庁


To provide a method for confirming an ion implantation status in which ununiformity of ion implantation caused by malfunctions of equipment during the ion implantation, or the like is detected in a early stage and without any difficulty to permit the quality stabilization of a product and the reduction of the failure period thereof; and a method for manufacturing a semiconductor wafer utilizing the same. - 特許庁


An abnormality of the configuration data S4 in the nonvolatile memory 60 during the period when the nonvolatile memory 60 is left as it is after the completion of the configuration operation can be detected at an early stage previously to the execution of the next configuration operation to be able to perform preventative maintenance. - 特許庁


To provide an apparatus which can diagnose psychogenic disease without an expert and enables early detection and early treatment without training many experts in a short period for increasing patients with psychogenic disease which is one of issues in the current stressful society. - 特許庁


To reduce useless simulation time and to find an abnormality generation cause in an early stage in the case that abnormality is generated in the middle of executing the simulation of a computer system, to shorten the development period of the computer system and to reduce a product development cost. - 特許庁

1 主務大臣は、登録外務員について、その登録が不正の手段によりなされたことを発見したとき、又は登録外務員が次の各号のいずれかに該当するときは、当該登録を取り消し、又は当該登録外務員に対し、二年以内の期間を定めてその職務の停止を命ずることができる。例文帳に追加

(1) If the competent minister discovers that a Registered Sales Representative has been registered by wrongful means or if a Registered Sales Representative falls under any of the following items, he/she may rescind said registration or order said Registered Sales Representative to be suspended from its duties for a fixed period not exceeding two years:  - 経済産業省


The monitoring inspection shall be subsequently carried out on a higher proportion of the imported foods and for more inspection items for a certain period of time so that inspection will identify violations with a certain statistical reliability and, if a violation is identified, an inspection order will be issued immediately. - 厚生労働省

第二百四条 主務大臣は、登録外務員について、その登録が不正の手段によりなされたことを発見したとき、又は登録外務員が次の各号のいずれかに該当するときは、当該登録を取り消し、又は当該登録外務員に対し、二年以内の期間を定めてその職務の停止を命ずることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 204 (1) If the competent minister discovers that a Registered Sales Representative has been registered by wrongful means or if a Registered Sales Representative falls under any of the following items, he/she may rescind said registration or order said Registered Sales Representative to be suspended from its duties for a fixed period not exceeding two years:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The role of supervisory departments under this framework of supervision is to continuously collect and analyze information during intervals between inspections and quickly identify problems that may affect the soundness and appropriateness of the business operations of Financial Instruments Business Operators, etc., while taking supervisory measures, including administrative actions, as necessary, thereby encouraging the correction of problems before they become serious.  - 金融庁


To provide a simple method for measuring the quantity of urinated creatinine, a method for measuring urine components by use of the measured quantity of creatinine, and an urine component measuring apparatus, usable for accurately determining, without the need to accumulate urine, the total quantity of discharged urine components and the quantity of urine in a certain period which are used as indices for discovering diseases and for providing guidance to health management. - 特許庁


To provide a characteristic evaluation method of a photoelectric conversion device capable of improving development efficiency and production efficiency of a solar cell by reducing a period required for evaluation of stabilized output, reducing dead stock risk by achieving early detection of nonconforming items related to the characteristic of the solar cell, and reducing expense required for evaluation of the stabilized output; and a manufacturing method of a photoelectric conversion device. - 特許庁

第七十一条 登記官は、権利に関する登記を完了した後に当該登記が第二十五条第一号から第三号まで又は第十三号に該当することを発見したときは、登記権利者及び登記義務者並びに登記上の利害関係を有する第三者に対し、一月以内の期間を定め、当該登記の抹消について異議のある者がその期間内に書面で異議を述べないときは、当該登記を抹消する旨を通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 71 (1) When a registrar has found, after completing a registration of a right, that the registration falls under Article 25, item (i) to item (iii) or item (xiii), he/she shall specify a period not exceeding one month and give notice to the person entitled to register, person obliged to register and any third party who has an interest in the registration to the effect that the registration will be cancelled unless any person who has an objection to the cancellation of the registration files an objection in writing within such period.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Where a transaction for which it is impossible to determine whether it is necessary to give notification of suspicious transactions has been detected based on a reference casebook depicting examples of suspicious transactions and information about the transaction, it is necessary to confirm the information that is necessary for determining whether the relevant money exchange falls under suspicious transactions. Where a specified business operator has determined that the transaction does not fall under suspicious transactions, it is necessary for the specified business operator to record the content of confirmation and preserve it for the period specified by the specified business operator as the period necessary to give notification of suspicious transactions.  - 財務省

(o) 出願人が本法又は規則に基づく要件を満たすために瑕疵を修正するのに要した期間。 (i) 出願人が当該要件を満たさなければならない期日から出願人が当該要件を満たすために当該瑕疵を修正した日までが計算され,かつ (ii) 登録官又は登録局が出願人の当該要件を満たさない瑕疵を発見し又は当該瑕疵を出願人に知らせるのに要した期間を含める。例文帳に追加

(o) the period taken by the applicant to rectify any failure to comply with any requirement under this Act or the rules, such period -- (i) to be calculated from the date by which the applicant is required to comply with the requirement to the date on which the applicant rectifies the failure to comply with the requirement; and (ii) to include any period taken by the Registrar or the Registry to detect or to notify the applicant of the applicant's failure to comply with the requirement; - 特許庁


残留農薬等に係る検査命令(ただし、不検出基準に係るものを除く。)対象食品等であって、2年間にわたり違反事例がなく、かつ、検査命令の実施件数が 300 件以上あるものについては、検査命令を一時的に解除し、その後、統計学的に一定の信頼度で法違反を検出することが可能となるよう、当該輸入食品等及び検査項目に係るモニタリング検査の検査率を引き上げて一定期間継続して実施し、違反事例がない場合(ただし、当該モニタリング検査強化期間中に違反が発見された場合には、直ちに検査命令を発動する。)例文帳に追加

For imported foods subject to an inspection order concerning residual agricultural chemicals, etc. (excluding those that should not be detected) for which there have been no violations for the last two years and the number of the imported foods inspected under the order is more than 300, where no violation occurs when the inspection order is temporarily cancelled and monitoring inspection is subsequently carried out on a higher proportion of the imported foods and for more inspection items for a certain period of time so that inspection will identify violations with a certain statistical reliability (however, if a violation is identified during the period of reinforced monitoring inspection, an inspection order will be issued). - 厚生労働省


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