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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 第50に関連した英語例文






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Gains derived by a resident of a Contracting State from the alienation of shares or other comparable rights in a company that is a resident of the other Contracting State and that derives at least 50 percent of its value directly or indirectly from real property situated in that other Contracting State may be taxed in that other Contracting State, unless the relevant class of shares is traded on a recognized stock exchange specified in subparagraph (b) of paragraph 5 of Article 22 and the resident, and persons related thereto, own in the aggregate 5percent or less of that class of shares.  - 財務省


a company, if: (i) the principal class of its shares, and any disproportionate class of its shares, is listed or registered on a recognized stock exchange specified in clause (i) or (ii) of subparagraph (b) of paragraph 5 and is regularly traded on one or more recognized stock exchanges; or (ii) at least 50 percent of each class of shares in the company is owned directly or indirectly by five or fewer residents entitled to benefits under clause (i), provided that, in the case of indirect ownership, each intermediate owner is a person entitled to the benefits of this Convention under this paragraph; (d) a person described in subparagraph (c) of paragraph 1 of Article 4;  - 財務省


2. Gains derived by a resident of a Contracting Party from the alienation of shares in a company or of interests in a partnership or trust may be taxed in the other Contracting Party where the shares or the interests derive at least 50 per cent of their value directly or indirectly from immovable property referred to in Article 6 and situated in that other Contracting Party, unless the relevant class of the shares or the interests is traded on a recognised stock exchange and the resident and persons related or connected to that resident own in the aggregate 5 per cent or less of that class of the shares or the interests.  - 財務省

(i) 有価約因の有無を問わず,国内標章に関する所有の個人的権利若しくは財産権又は保証の権利を設定し,変更し又は移転する生存者間の証書 (ii) (i)にいう権利に関する分割の証書,会社の証書,贈与財産の証書及び放棄の証書 (iii) (ii)にいう証書が予め記録されていない場合には,その証書の存在を確立する判決記録された証書の無効,失効,取消,撤廃又は廃止を確立する判決は,それらが関係する証書の記録の余白に記載しなければならない。更に,本条にいう判決を受けることを目的とした法的請求を記録することができる。この場合,判決の記録の効力は,その法的請求の記録の日に遡及して生ずる。 (iv) 適法な遺言書を残さない相続を立証する遺言書及び証書並びにこれらに関連する判決第50例文帳に追加

(1) deeds inter vivos, whether for valuable consideration or not, constituting, modifying or transferring personal or property rights of possession or guarantee rights in respect of national marks; (2)deeds of partition, company deeds, deed of settlement, deeds of release relative to the rights referred to in the preceding item; (3) judgments establishing the existence of the acts referred to in the preceding items, where such acts have not been previously registered. Judgments establishing the invalidity, annulment, termination, rescission, revocation of a registered act must be noted in the margin of the registration of the act to which they refer. Furthermore, judicial claims to obtain the judgments referred to in this Article may be registered; in such case, the effects of the registration of the judgment shall be retroactive to the date of registration of the judicial claim; (4) wills and acts proving the intestate succession and the judgments relative thereto. - 特許庁


年長フリーター等の正規雇用化を推進するため、① 年長フリーター等(25〜39歳)を積極的に正規雇用(ア直接雇用、イ「若年者トライアル雇用」を活用、ウ「ジョブ・カード制度」の雇用型訓練のうち「有期実習型訓練」修了者を正規雇用、の場合がある)する事業主又は② 採用内定を取り消されて就職先が未決定の学生等を正規雇用する事業主に対する奨励金(「若年者等正規雇用化特別奨励金」)を平成20年度2次補正予算において新たに創設したところであり、対象者1人につき中小企業には100万円、大企業には50万円を支給(3年間にわたり3回に分けて支給)することとしている。例文帳に追加

In order to promote regular employment among older Freeters, establishment of a grant (Special Grant to Promote Regular Employment among the Youth, etc. was newly financed in the FY 2008 second supplementary budget for employers who will proactively hire older Freeters (aged 25-39) as regular employees (a) direct employment, b) utilizing the “youth trail employmentor c) employing those who have finished the fixed-term on-the-job training program of theJob Card System’s” employment-based training as regular employees) or hire graduates whose place of employment remain unsettled, due to withdrawal of their job offers, and 1 million yen for person for small and medium sized enterprises and 500 thousand yen for person for large companies will be provided (over 3 years in 3 separate payment periods). - 厚生労働省



Penalty for applying false trademarks and false trade description, etc. -If a person- (a) falsifies any trademark, (b) falsely applies for any trademark or to goods or services, (c) makes, disposes of, or has in his possession, any die, block, machine, plate or other instrument of the purpose of falsifying, or of being used for falsifying a trademark, (d) applies any false trade description to goods or services, (e) applies to any goods to which an indication of the country or place in which they were made or produced or the name and address of the manufacturer or producer or supplier, as the case may be, or person for whom the goods or services are manufactured, produced or supplied is required to be applied under section 108 of this Act, a false indication of such country, place, name or address, (f) tampers with, alters or effaces an indication of origin which has been applied to any goods or services to which it is required to be applied under section 108, or (g) causes any of the things mentioned from clause (a) to (f) to be done. he shall, subject to the provisions of this Act be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend 2 (two) years but not less than 6 (six) months or with fine which may extend to taka 2 (two) lac but not less than 50 (fifty) thousand or with both and for a second or subsequent conviction, with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 (three) years but not less than 1 (one) year, or with fine which may extend to taka 3 (three) lac but not less than 1 (one) lac, or with both.  - 特許庁

一方の締約国の居住者が次の(a)から(g)までに掲げる者のいずれかに該当する場合には、当該一方の締約国の居住者は、各課税年度又は賦課年度において適格者とする。(a)個人(b)適格政府機関(c)法人(その主たる種類の株式が、7(c)(i)又は(ii)に規定する公認の有価証券市場に上場され若しくは登 録され、又は当該公認の有価証券市場において取引が認められ、かつ、一又は二以上の公認の有価証券市場において通常取引されるものに限る。)(d)個人又は法人以外の者(その主たる種類の持分証券が、7(c)(i)又は(ii)に規定する公認の有価証券市場に上場され若しくは登録され、又は当該公認の有価証券市場において取引が認められ、かつ、一又は二以上の公認の有価証券市場において通常取引されるものに限る。)(e)四条1(b)又は(c)に規定する者(同条1(b)に規定する者にあっては、当該課税年度又は賦課年度の直前の課税年度又は賦課年度の終了の日においてその受益者、構成員又は参加者の五十パーセントを超えるものがいずれかの締約国の居住者である個人である年金基金又は年金計画に限る。)(f)個人以外の者((a)から(e)までに掲げる適格者であるいずれかの締約国の居住者が、議決権の五十パーセント以上に相当する株式その他の受益に関する持分を直接又は間接に所有する場合に限る。)(g)信託財産又は信託財産の受託者(次の(i)又は(ii)に掲げる者が、当該信託財産の受益に関する持分の五十パーセント以上を直接又は間接に所有する場合に限る。)(i)(a)から(e)までに掲げる適格者(ii)7(e)(i)に規定する同等受益者例文帳に追加

A resident of a Contracting State is a qualified person for a taxable year or chargeable period only if such resident is either: (a) an individual; (b) a qualified governmental entity; (c) a company if the principal class of its shares is listed, registered or admitted to dealings on a recognised stock exchange specified in clause (i) or (ii) of subparagraph (c) of paragraph 7 of this Article and is regularly traded on one or more recognised stock exchanges; (d) a person other than an individual or a company if the principal class of units in that person is listed, registered or admitted to dealings on a recognised stock exchange specified in clause (i) or (ii) of subparagraph (c) of paragraph 7 of this Article and is regularly traded on one or more recognised stock exchanges; (e) a person described in subparagraph (b) or (c) of paragraph 1 of Article 4 of this Convention, provided that in the case of a person described in subparagraph (b) of that paragraph as of the end of the prior taxable year or chargeable period more than 50 per cent of the person’s beneficiaries, members or participants are individuals who are residents of either Contracting State; (f) a person other than an individual if residents of either Contracting State that are qualified persons by reason of subparagraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) of this paragraph own, directly or indirectly, shares or other beneficial interests representing at least 50 per cent of the voting power of the person; or (g) a trust or trustee of a trust in their capacity as such if at least 50 per cent of the beneficial interests in the trust is held, directly or indirectly, by persons who are either: (i) qualified persons by reason of subparagraphs(a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) of this paragraph; or (ii) equivalent beneficiaries as defined in clause (i) of subparagraph (e) of paragraph7 of this Article.  - 財務省


Our teacher dedicated his life to the study requiring great pains; as to "Koshi-den", at the end of the Bunka era (1804-1818), he began to write the draft, and by the early Bunsei era (1818-1830), about 12 volumes had been completed; however, by that time, he had also gradually gained an insight into the study and understood the teachings of the master of Suzunoya (Norinaga MOTOORI), then he realized that this world was the product of our great gods of Japan, so he decided to suspend "Koshi-den" temporarily, and first explore and read through all the past annotations of the histories of our country as well as those of India and Europe to use new knowledge to his advantage in writing "Koshi-den"; therefore, since the middle of the Bunsei era, he intensly studied foreign literature and culture mainly, and during a period of over 20 years, he completed almost all his works, which he left for us, including "Sekiken Taiko-den" (Japanese Early History); although he was never satisfied with his works, his students, of course, including myself, with a feeling of gratitude, thought that our master had succeeded in completing most his researches and studies, and were concerned about the delay in completing "Koshi-den" and because of our master's age, we repeatedly begged him to restart the writing, then thankfully at about the 10th year of the Tenpo era (1839), he restarted; however, he was requested to write on linguistic methods so he began to write "Goju Ongi" (Pronunciation and Meaning of 50 Kana) and suspended "Koshi-den" again; after a year, he was banished to Akita Province by order of the former bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), fortunately since Akita was his hometown and there were many relatives of his, besides the former load treated him very kindly, they relieved him off poor living, although under those conditions, he had no time to finish the remaining works; he was always concerned about those unfinished works, and after only a few years, he became sick and regrettably died.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

2の規定にかかわらず、一方の締約国内において生ずる利子であって、次のいずれかの場合に該当するものについては、他方の締約国においてのみ租税を課することができる。(a)当該利子の受益者が、当該他方の締約国の政府、当該他方の締約国の地方政府若しくは地方公共団体、当該他方の締約国の中央銀行又は当該他方の締約国の政府が全面的に所有する機関である場合(b)当該利子の受益者が当該他方の締約国の居住者であって、当該利子が、当該他方の締約国の政府、当該他方の締約国の地方政府若しくは地方公共団体、当該他方の締約国の中央銀行又は当該他方の締約国の政府が全面的に所有する機関によって保証された債権、これらによって保険の引受けが行われた債権又はこれらによる間接融資に係る債権に関して支払われる場合(c)当該利子の受益者が、次のいずれかに該当する当該他方の締約国の居住者である場合(i)銀行(ii)保険会社(iii)証券会社(iv)(i)から(iii)までに掲げるもの以外の企業で、当該利子の支払が行われる課税年度の直前の三課税年度において、その負債の五十パーセントを超える部分が金融市場において発行された債券又は有利子預金から成り、かつ、その資産の五十パーセントを超える部分が当該居住者と九条1(a)又は(b)にいう 関係を有しない者に対する信用に係る債権から成るもの(d)当該利子の受益者が当該他方の締約国の居住者である年金基金又は年金計画であって、当該利子が、当該年金基金又は年金計画が直接又は間接に事業を遂行することにより取得されたものでない場合(e)当該利子の受益者が当該他方の締約国の居住者であって、当該利子が、当該他方の締約国の居住者により行われる信用供与による設備又は物品の販売の一環として生ずる債権に関して支払われる場合例文帳に追加

Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article, interest arising in a Contracting State shall be taxable only in the other Contracting State if: (a) the interest is beneficially owned by the Government of that other Contracting State, apolitical subdivision or local authority thereof, or the central bank of that other Contracting State or any institution wholly owned by that Government; (b) the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State with respect to debt-claims guaranteed, insured or indirectly financed by the Government of that other Contracting State, a political subdivision or local authority thereof, or the central bank of that other Contracting State or any institution wholly owned by that Government; (c) the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State that is either: (i) a bank; (ii) an insurance company; (iii) a securities dealer; or (iv) any other enterprise, provided that in the three taxable years preceding the taxable year in which the interest is paid, the enterprise derives more than 50 per cent of its liabilities from the issuance of bonds in the financial markets or from taking deposits at interest, and more than 50 percent of the assets of the enterprise consist of debt-claims against persons that do not have with the resident a relationship described in subparagraphs (a) or (b) of paragraph 1 of Article 9 of this Convention; (d) the interest is beneficially owned by a pension fund or pension scheme that is a resident of that other Contracting State, provided that such interest is not derived from the carrying on of a business, directly or indirectly, by such pension fund or pension scheme; or (e) the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State and paid with respect to indebtedness arising as a part of the sale on credit by a resident of that other Contracting State of equipment or merchandise.  - 財務省


3 2の規定にかかわらず、一方の締約国内において生ずる利子であって、次のいずれかの場合に該当するものについては、他方の締約国においてのみ租税を課することができる。(a)当該利子の受益者が、当該他方の締約国の政府、当該他方の締約国の地方政府若しくは地方公共団体、当該他方の締約国の中央銀行又は当該他方の締約国の政府が所有する機関である場合(b)当該利子の受益者が当該他方の締約国の居住者であって、当該利子が、当該他方の締約国の政府、当該他方の締約国の地方政府若しくは地方公共団体、当該他方の締約国の中央銀行又は当該他方の締約国の政府が所有する機関によって保証された債権、これらによって保険の引受けが行われた債権又はこれらによる間接融資に係る債権に関して支払われる場合(c)当該利子の受益者が、次のいずれかに該当する当該他方の締約国の居住者である場合(i)銀行(ii)保険会社(iii)証券会社(iv)(i)から(iii)までに掲げるもの以外の企業で、当該利子の支払が行われる課税年度の直前の三課税年度において、その負債の五十パーセントを超える部分が金融市場において発行された債券又は有利子預金から成り、かつ、その資産の五十パーセントを超える部分が当該企業と九条1(a)又は(b)に規定する関係を有しない者に対する信用に係る債権から成るもの(d)当該利子の受益者が当該他方の締約国の居住者である年金基金であって、当該利子が、当該年金基金が直接又は間接に事業を遂行することにより取得されたものでない場合(e)当該利子の受益者が当該他方の締約国の居住者であって、当該利子が、当該他方の締約国の居住者により行われる信用供与による設備、物品の販売又は役務の提供の結果として生ずる債権に関して支払われる場合例文帳に追加

3. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2, interest arising in a Contracting State shall be taxable only in the other Contracting State if: a) the interest is beneficially owned by the Government of that other Contracting State, a political subdivision or local authority thereof, or the central bank of that other Contracting State or any institution owned by that Government; b) the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State with respect to debt-claims guaranteed, insured or indirectly financed by the Government of that other Contracting State, a political subdivision or local authority thereof, or the central bank of that other Contracting State or any institution owned by that Government; c) the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State that is either: (i) a bank; (ii) an insurance company; (iii) a securities company; or (iv) any other enterprise, provided that in the three taxable years preceding the taxable year in which the interest is paid, the enterprise derives more than 50 per cent of its liabilities from the issuance of bonds in the financial markets or from taking deposits at interest, and more than 50 per cent of the assets of the enterprise consist of debt-claims against persons that do not have with the enterprise a relationship described in subparagraph a) or b) of paragraph 1 of Article 9; d) the interest is beneficially owned by a pension fund that is a resident of that other Contracting State, provided that such interest is not derived from the carrying on of a business, directly or indirectly, by such pension fund; or e) the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State and paid with respect to indebtedness arising as a consequence of the sale on credit by a resident of that other Contracting State of any equipment, merchandise or service.  - 財務省



2. A resident of a Contracting State is a qualified person for a taxable year only if such resident is either: a) an individual; b) the Government of a Contracting State, any political subdivision or local authority thereof, the Bank of Japan, the Central Bank of the Netherlands or a person that is owned, directly or indirectly, by the Government of a Contracting State or a political subdivision or local authority thereof; c) a company, if the principal class of its shares is listed or registered on a recognised stock exchange and is regularly traded on one or more recognised stock exchanges, provided that, if the shares are listed or registered on a recognised stock exchange specified in clause (iii) or (iv) of subparagraph c) of paragraph 8, the primary place of management and control of the company is in the Contracting State of which it is a resident; d) a person that is either: (i) a person as described in subparagraph b) or c) of paragraph 1 of Article 4, provided that in the case of a person described in subparagraph b) of that paragraph: (aa) as of the end of the prior taxable year more than 50 per cent of the person’s beneficiaries, members or participants are individuals who are residents of either Contracting State; or (bb) more than 75 per cent of the contributions made to the person is derived from residents of either Contracting State which are qualified persons; or (ii) a bank, an insurance company or a securities company that is established and regulated as such under the laws of the Contracting State of which it is a resident; or e) a person other than an individual, if residents of either Contracting State that are qualified persons by reason of subparagraph a), b), c) or d) of this paragraph own, directly or indirectly, shares or other beneficial interests representing at least 50 per cent of the voting power of the person. - 財務省


People employed by enterprises have thus generally grown more risk averse in recent years. Regarding the relationship between the decline in the prospective entry rate and recent changes in the labor market such as those described in Chapter 2, attention may be drawn to the following: (1) the seniority-based pay systems found primarily at large enterprises up to the 1990s were recognized as having become entrenched as "Japanesestyle employment practices," and the future wages expected by people rose; (2) the negative effects of the deflationary economy in the 1990s first manifested themselves in the form of an increase in bankruptcies and exits among small enterprises such as the selfemployed, and there was a conspicuous decrease in the incomes and a conspicuous increase in the risks of selfemployment expected by people; (3) as full-fledged employment adjustment did not really impact on employees of large enterprises until the latter half of the 1990s, it took considerable time for future expected wages to fall; and (4) the instability of income after mandatory retirement even with "Japanese-style employment practices" has long been recognized, enterprises restructured their middle-aged and older workers in the 1990s, conditions in the elderly reemployment market remained severe, and wages of employees in their fifties underwent adjustment from a comparatively early stage, creating the possibility that for the middle-aged and elderly, the opportunity cost of entry compared with changing jobs has fallen, in addition to which people in this age group were comparatively less affected by the effects of the collapse of the bubble, such as the decline in home prices. - 経済産業省



Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2, interest arising in a Contracting State shall be taxable only in the other Contracting State if: (a) the interest is beneficially owned by that other Contracting State, a political subdivision or local authority thereof, or the central bank of that other Contracting State or any institution wholly owned by that other Contracting State; (b) the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State with respect to debt-claims guaranteed, insured or indirectly financed by the Government of that other Contracting State, a political subdivision or local authority thereof, or the central bank of that other Contracting State or any institution wholly owned by that other Contracting State; (c) the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State that is either: (i) a bank (including an investment bank); (ii) an insurance company; (iii) a registered securities dealer; or (iv) any other enterprise, provided that in the three taxable years preceding the taxable year in which the interest is paid, the enterprise derives more than 50 percent of its liabilities from the issuance of bonds in the financial markets or from taking deposits at interest, and more than 50percent of the assets of the enterprise consist of debt-claims against persons that do not have with the resident a relationship described in subparagraph (a) or (b) of paragraph 1 of Article 9; (d) the interest is beneficially owned by a pension fund that is a resident of that other Contracting State, provided that such interest is not derived from the carrying on of a business, directly or indirectly, by such pension fund; or (e) the interest is beneficially owned by a resident of that other Contracting State and paid with respect to indebtedness arising as a part of the sale on credit by a resident of that other Contracting State of equipment or merchandise.  - 財務省


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