
「Arts」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(50ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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(7) In order to pursue welfare of children and mentally retarded persons, a social security council and a Prefectural Child Welfare Council (or a Local Social Welfare Council, in the case of a prefecture provided in the proviso of paragraph (1); hereinafter the same shall apply in Article 27 paragraph (6), Article 46 paragraph (4) and Article 59 paragraphs (5) and (6)) may recommend performing arts, publications, playthings, playgames, etc., or give necessary recommendations to the persons, etc., who manufacture, perform or sell them. 例文帳に追加

7 社会保障審議会及び都道府県児童福祉審議会(第一項ただし書に規定する都道府県にあつては、地方社会福祉審議会とする。第二十七条第六項、第四十六条第四項並びに第五十九条第五項及び第六項において同じ。)は、児童及び知的障害者の福祉を図るため、芸能、出版物、がん具、遊戯等を推薦し、又はそれらを製作し、興行し、若しくは販売する者等に対し、必要な勧告をすることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Ryuha is a group of people who inherit a certain systematic expertise or technique in the field of sake brewing and Japanese art including: Noh (and its predecessor Sarugaku); Kyogen (traditional short comedic drama); Nihon Buyo (classical Japanese dance); Bo-no-te (Japanese traditional dance); Kado (Japanese flower arrangement); Sado (tea ceremony); Hochoshiki (schools of Japanese cuisine); Yusoku kojitsu (court and samurai rules of ceremony and etiquette); Emondo (traditional technique of dressing up for Junihitoe [a ceremonial Robe of a court lady]); Gagaku (Japanese traditional music and dance); shodo (calligraphy); Nihonga (Japanese-style painting); and Japanese martial arts such as kenjutsu (swordplay), battojutsu (the technique of drawing a sword), naginata jutsu (art of using a naginata halberd), kyujutsu (archery), hojutsu (gunnery) and gungaku (art of warfare), and is passed down from the Iemoto or Soke to their students. 例文帳に追加

流派とは、能(猿楽)、狂言、日本舞踊、棒の手、華道(生け花)、茶道(茶の湯)、包丁式、有職故実、衣紋道、雅楽、書道、日本画、剣術・抜刀術・薙刀術・弓術・砲術・軍学(兵法)などの日本武術などの芸道や日本酒造りなどの分野において、ひとつの体系化された技を継承する集団を指し、開祖の家元・宗家とその門弟により継承される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The position of 'Soke', or Grand Master, who was in charge of "Kyuho" and the Ogasawara style of etiquette, was passed down in Soryo-ke (the main branch of the family) for generations, but in 1562, to prevent the horseback archery technique from dying out, the 17th head of the family, Nagatoki OGASAWARA, and his son Sadayoshi OGASAWARA, who as daimyo (Japanese territorial lord) in the Sengoku period were involved in fierce battles against Shingen TAKEDA, handed the art of "kyuho", the family geneology and records to their cousin, Tsunenaga OGASAWARA, entrusting him with passing on the arts of archery, horsemanship and courtesy. 例文帳に追加

小笠原家は代々、総領家(本家)が糾法および小笠原流礼法全般をとりしきり「宗家」となっていたが、惣領家十七代の小笠原長時とその子小笠原貞慶は、戦国大名として武田信玄らと壮絶な戦を繰り広げる中、弓馬礼法の伝統を絶やさないため、永禄5年(1562年)、従兄弟筋にあたる小笠原経長に糾法的伝と系図、記録を携え、弓馬術礼法の道統を託した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nowadays, Keishosai OGASAWARA, a niece of the 32nd head of the main family, calls herself Soke and teaches classes at Lord Ogasawara's Residence, but she should be considered a 'self-appointed Soke' due to the following three facts: (1) her school goes against the main idea that the Ogasawara school has historically consisted of the three arts of archery, horsemanship and courtesy; (2) her school has not performed shinji (ritual ceremonies) in temples and shrines throughout Japan; and (3) archery and horsemanship are samurai skills and have historically have been handed down to one son only. 例文帳に追加

現在、総領家三十二世の姪、小笠原敬承斎なる宗家と称する者が小笠原伯爵邸を教場として教授しているが、(1)歴史的に小笠原弓馬術礼法の三法をもって小笠原流とする本流に反すること、(2)全国各地の神社での神事を行っていないこと、(3)弓馬術は武家作法で、歴史的に男系一子相伝、という3点の事実から、敬承斎は「自称宗家」と見るほうが適切。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Another theory is that at a place called "Dengakukubo" (in Kutsukake-cho, Toyoake City, Aichi Prefecture, and the name of the place "Dengakukubo" has survived to remain used in the address today), where one of Japanese classic popular performing arts, Dengaku, is said to have been played, the Imagawa side defeated by Oda side in the Battle of Okehazama were crucified, and the local residents around there began to call vegetables and freshwater fishes such as ayu (sweetfish, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis) on skewers they used to eat "Dengaku," associating the crucification method conducted there with the cooking method. 例文帳に追加

また、桶狭間の合戦の際、織田方に敗れた今川方が磔(はりつけ)などによって処刑された地が「田楽窪」(でんがくがくぼ)と呼ばれる、かつて古典芸能の田楽が行われていたのではないかと言われる地(現在も愛知県豊明市沓掛町内に大字名として残る)で、その処刑方法が当時当地で食されていた野菜や鮎などの川魚を串に刺して食していたものと似ていたため、それを田楽と呼んだという説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The ritsuyo system strictly prohibited all outsiders (everybody, not only oracles and monks but also general civil servants and private citizens) except for the persons appointed as trainees at Onmyoryo to learn astronomy, onmyo, reki, or measuring hours, or to discuss the occurrence of disasters, unusual phenomenon or auspicious events, it also prohibited any equipment relating to astronomical observation and measuring time, or documents about the various arts of onmyo, to be removed from Onmyoryo, and it even forbade private individuals from owning any of the foregoing equipment or documents. 例文帳に追加

律令においては、陰陽寮の修習生に登用された者以外の一切の部外者(神官・僧侶はもちろん一般官僚から民間人に至るまでの全て)が、天文・陰陽・暦・時間計測を学び災異瑞祥を説くことを厳しく禁止しており、天文観測や時刻測定にかかわる装置ないし陰陽諸道に関する文献について、陰陽寮の外部への持ち出しを一切禁じ、私人がこれらを単に所有することさえ禁じられていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

1990: Her 'Saikin Furosaki byobu' (a folding screen used for "Furo", a summer-style tea ceremony using a portable stove for boiling water) received the Excellence Award at the 42nd Kyoto Prefecture Fine Arts and Crafts Exhibition, 'saikin color box titled blooming flower' received Asahi Shimbun Award at the 6th Japan Traditional Art Crafts seventh District Exhibition, 'kogo titled Gosechi' (annual court ceremony of girls music) received Hounsai Chairman Soshitsu SEN Iemoto Special Section Award and Tankosha Publishing Co., Ltd Encouragement Prize at Japanese Tea Ceremony Art Public Contribution Exhibition for Tomorrow,' 'Heart and Skill Exhibition' went on a tour around Europe while being sponsored by Agency for Cultural Affairs, and held Saikin Exhibition at Frankfurt, Germany. 例文帳に追加

1990年第42回京都府美術工芸展にて「截金風炉先屏風 煌煌し」が優秀賞を受賞/第6回伝統工芸第七部会展にて「截金彩色小筥 花ひらく」が朝日新聞社賞を受賞/明日への茶道美術公募展にて「香盒 五節」が鵬雲斎千宗室家元特別選賞及び淡交社奨励賞を受賞/文化庁主催「心と技」展で作品が欧州各国を巡回展示/ドイツフランクフルトにて截金展 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

By 1469, Kanetaka MASUDA, a high-ranking vassal of the Ouchi family and known as a general distinguished in both literary and military arts, severed from his lord in Iwami Province and, joining hands with Chikashige OTOMO and Masasuke SHONI in Kyushu, invaded Ouchi's territory on the Western side under the banner of Noriyuki OUCHI; though this action was subdued, in 1471 Takakage ASAKURA who, in spite of his status as shugodai (deputy shugo), had led the main force of the Western camp, was personally appointed by Yoshimasa to the position of shugo of Echizen and went over to the Eastern side. 例文帳に追加

1469年(文明元年)になると、大内氏の重臣で文武両道の名将として知られた益田兼堯が石見国で離反、九州の大友親繁・少弐政資とともに大内教幸を擁して西軍方の大内領に侵攻、この動きは鎮圧されたものの、1471年(文明3年)には守護代でありながら西軍の主力となっていた朝倉孝景が義政自らの越前守護職補任をうけて東軍側に寝返ったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Most of the aforementioned sculptures designated national treasures are concentrated in the Kinki (Kansai) region, but there are some sculptures located outside the Kinki region, including the bronze seated statue of Amitabha Tathagata in Kotokuin Temple in Kanagawa (the Big Buddha of Kamakura), the wooden statue of Samantabhadra (Fugen Bosatsu in Japanese) riding an elephant in the Okura Shukokan Museum of Fine Arts in Tokyo (it is not known at which temple this statue originally resided), the statues and the canopy in the Golden Hall of Chuson-ji Temple in Iwate, the three wooden statues that comprise the Yakushi Triad housed in Shojo-ji Temple in Fukushima, and the Usuki Magaibutsu (the stone-cliff Buddha) owned by the city of Usuki in Oita. 例文帳に追加

既指定物件は近畿地方に集中しており、近畿以外の地区に所在するものは神奈川・高徳院の銅造阿弥陀如来坐像(鎌倉大仏)、東京・大倉集古館の木造普賢菩薩騎象像(本来どこの寺院にあったものか不明)、岩手・中尊寺の金色堂堂内諸像及天蓋、福島・勝常寺の木造薬師三尊像、大分・臼杵市所有の臼杵磨崖仏がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Muneyoshi YANAGI, who was the founder and key figure of the Mingei (National Art) Movement worked hard to discover beauty of folkish art craftworks by unknown craftsman of ceramic ware, dyeing and weaving, lacquer ware, and woodwork such as daily use ware in various places in Japan and art crafts in Korean Dynasties period and Buddha statues of traveling monk or mokujiki in the Edo period which had not been fairly evaluated and not fine arts or expensive antiquities in the western sense and introduced them to public. 例文帳に追加

日本民藝館の創設者であり民芸運動の中心人物でもある柳宗悦は、日本各地の陶磁器、染織、漆器、木竹工など、無名の工人の作になる日用雑器、朝鮮王朝時代の美術工芸品、江戸時代の遊行僧・木喰(もくじき)の仏像など、それまでの美術史が正当に評価してこなかった、西洋的な意味でのファインアートでもなく高価な古美術品でもない、無名の職人による民衆的美術工芸の美を発掘し、世に紹介することに努めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The expression "a person ordinarily skilled in the art of the invention" (hereinafter called "a person skilled in the art") means a person who have the common general knowledge of the inventions in the area as of the filing, are able to use ordinary technical means for research and development, are able to exercise ordinary creativity in selecting materials and changing designs, and are able to comprehend all technical matters for state of the arts technology Note 2 in the field of the claimed inventions. 例文帳に追加

「その発明の属する技術分野における通常の知識を有する者」(以下、「当業者」という)とは、本願発明の属する技術分野の出願時の技術常識を有し、研究、開発のための通常の技術的手段を用いることができ、材料の選択や設計変更などの通常の創作能力を発揮でき、かつ、本願発明の属する技術分野の出願時の技術水準にあるもの全てを自らの知識とすることができる者、を想定したものである。 - 特許庁

For details, after the claimed invention and one or more cited inventions have been identified, one of the cited inventions most suitable for the reasoning is selected, and the claimed invention and cited invention are compared to find the correspondences and differences between the matters used to specify the claimed invention and matters used to specify the cited invention. Then, reasons for denying the presence of an inventive step of the claimed invention are sought based on the details of this or other cited invention(s) (including well known and commonly used arts) and the common general knowledge. 例文帳に追加

具体的には、請求項に係る発明及び引用発明(一又は複数)を認定した後、論理づけに最も適した一の引用発明を選び、請求項に係る発明と引用発明を対比して、請求項に係る発明の発明特定事項と引用発明を特定するための事項との一致点・相違点を明らかにした上で、この引用発明や他の引用発明(周知・慣用技術も含む)の内容及び技術常識から、請求項に係る発明に対して進歩性の存在を否定し得る論理の構築を試みる。 - 特許庁

The claimed inventions that are selection from optimum materials from publicly known materials optimally or preferably modified numerical ranges, materials replaced by equivalents, or designs modified along specific application of techniques to solve certain problems are regarded to be arts derived from the ordinary creativity of a person skilled in the art. When the difference from the cited inventions only lies in any one of these modifications, the claimed inventions are usually regarded as obvious to a person skilled in the art, unless other grounds for presuming the presence of the inventive step in the claimed inventions are provided. 例文帳に追加

一定の課題を解決するために公知材料の中からの最適材料の選択、数値範囲の最適化又は好適化、均等物による置換、技術の具体的適用に伴う設計変更などは、当業者の通常の創作能力の発揮であり、相違点がこれらの点にのみある場合は、他に進歩性の存在を推認できる根拠がない限り、通常は、その発明は当業者が容易に想到することができたものと考えられる。 - 特許庁

However, the inventive step of the claimed invention derived from the cited inventions is not denied when applicants sufficiently assert or prove the circumstances by which connecting the arts provided in the cited inventions 1 and 2 are hindered. For example, it is commonly known that carbon disk brakes are free from a problem of attachment of dust on the surface, which is a different point from metal disk brakes, and providing grooves on the surface of the carbon disk brakes to remove dust is an improbable idea. 例文帳に追加

ただし、出願人が引用発明1と引用発明2の技術を結び付けることを妨げる事情(例えば、カーボン製のディスクブレーキには、金属製のそれのような埃の付着の問題がないことが技術常識であって、埃除去の目的でカーボン製ディスクブレーキに溝を設けることは考えられない等)を十分主張・立証したときは、引用発明からは本願発明の進歩性を否定できない。 - 特許庁

The claimed invention provides the numerical limitation " (sand) in which 90% of the contained grain have a grain mesh size within the range of 100 . 14" is numerically quite similar to the preferable limitation of the grain mesh size within the range of 50 . 12 provided in the cited invention, which shows no prominent difference in the working effect between the claimed and cited inventions. Accordingly, it should be interpreted that the claimed invention is an art that a person skilled in the art was able to easily invent based on the cited inventions and publicly known arts, when limiting the range of grain size, like the claimed invention is considered to be, those a person skilled in the art could conceive the invention without using specific creativity. 例文帳に追加

本願発明において「100メッシュないし14メッシュの範囲内にある粒度のものを90%以上含んでいる」とした点は、引用発明における望ましい粒度範囲50~12メッシュのものと数値的に極めて近似し、作用効果において、格別の差がないから、引用発明に基づき粒度範囲を本願発明のように限定することが、当業者が格別の創意を要せずになし得る程度といえる場合、本願発明は引用発明及び周知技術に基づき当業者が容易に発明できたというべきである。 - 特許庁

The cited inventions are found to be identical or similar to the arts described in the working example in the specifications or drawings of the claimed invention and any grounds to deny the inventive step of the claimed inventions are found, such as cited inventions providing the same manufacturing process as and a similar starting material to those described in the working examples, or cited inventions providing a similar manufacturing process and identical starting material to those described in the working examples. 例文帳に追加

本願の明細書若しくは図面に実施の形態として記載されたものと同一又は類似の引用発明であって進歩性否定の根拠となるものが発見された場合(例えば、実施の形態として記載された製造工程と同一の製造工程及び類似の出発物質を有する引用発明を発見したとき、又は実施の形態として記載された製造工程と類似の製造工程及び同一の出発物質を有する引用発明を発見したときなど) - 特許庁

To provide a method and apparatus for decomposing an organic halogen compound such as polychlorobiphenyl contained in an electrical insulating oil, a heating medium, an organic waste liquid or the like by dehalogenation, that do not require a device and a step for atomizing metallic sodium as well as agitation and nitrogen purge in an atomizing tank, and can reuse the added sodium without impairing a reaction efficiency of prior arts.例文帳に追加

電気絶縁油、熱媒体、有機性排液等に含有されているポリ塩化ビフェニル等の有機ハロゲン化合物を脱ハロゲン化して分解処理する方法とその装置に関し、金属ナトリウムを微粒子化するための設備を必要とせず、微粒子化の工程が不要となり、微粒子化タンクの攪拌作業や窒素パージも不要となり、しかも反応効率を従来より低下させず且つ添加されるナトリウムを再利用させうるような有機ハロゲン化合物の分解処理方法及び装置を提供することを課題とする。 - 特許庁

In 1998 the government of the United Kingdom established a Task Force to promote the growth of "Creative Industries." The "Creative Industries" concept is defined as "industries which have their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent and which have a potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property." This includes 13 specific fields: (1) advertising, (2) architecture, (3) the art and antiques market, (4) crafts, (5) design, (6) designer fashion, (7) film and video, (8) TV and computer game software, (9) music, (10) performing arts, (11) publishing, (12) computer software and services, and (13) television and radio.例文帳に追加

英国政府は1998年に創造的産業群(「Creative Industries」)を育成するためのタスクフォースを設立した。「創造的産業群」の概念を「個人の創造性や技術、才能に起源を持ち、知的財産の創造と市場開発を通して財と雇用を生み出す可能性を有する産業」と定義しており、具体的には次の13分野の産業を指している。①広告、②建築、③美術・骨董品市場、④工芸、⑤デザイン、⑥デザイナーズ・ファッション、⑦映画・ビデオ、⑧TV・コンピュータゲームソフト、⑨音楽、⑩舞台芸術、⑪出版、⑫コンピュータソフトウェア・コンピュータサービス、⑬テレビ・ラジオ。 - 経済産業省

The reasons for this follow; in the Edo period Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA prohibited hunting and the possession of a gun by farmers in principle; that the transfer of a gun was limited; that, commonly believed, the technological advance of guns stagnated from the influence of the exclusion of foreigners (national isolation); that a flintlock gun (flintlock system) had a stronger spring than a hinawaju and when the gunlock operating the impact was big and after trigger was pulled, the ignition mechanism for the explosive charge momentarily wavered and the accuracy of fire was bad and thus Japanese who liked to 'ippatsu hicchu' (hit with one shot), disliked the flintlock gun; that good quality flints could not be found in Japan and could not be mass-produced; and that, as a big factor, the art of gun was inherited probably in the form of a school-style gun for competitions like all the martial arts and as a result, the improvement of the weapon was necessarily avoided. 例文帳に追加

その理由として、江戸時代に入って徳川綱吉によって諸国鉄砲改めによる百姓の狩猟及び銃の原則所持禁止、銃器の移動制限がなされたことや、鎖国の影響による技術進歩の停滞という通説、フリントロック式は火縄式に比べ強力なバネが装着されており、撃鉄作動時の衝撃が大きく、引金を引いてから一瞬遅れて装薬に着火する機構のため銃身がぶれ、火縄銃に比べ命中率が悪く「一発必中」を好む日本人から嫌われたらしいことのほかに、日本では良質の火打石が産出せず大量生産ができなかったこと、またおそらくはすべての武術と同じく鉄炮術も一種の競技的な要素を含んで流派形式で継承されたため、その結果必然的に器具類の改変は避けられた、という要素も大きかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The "compositions comprising a specific quaternary ammonium salt for use in antifouling of ship bottoms" is different from "compositions comprising a specific quaternary ammonium salt for use as undercoating for electrodeposition" even if the compositions of both inventions do not differ in any aspects but the limitation of use, since the limitation of use represents the definition of "the compounds," wherein the use expressed by "for use as undercoating for electrodeposition" is derived from an attribute that enables electrodeposition on materials and improves adherence of overcoat layers and the use expressed by "for use as antifouling of ship bottoms" is a novel use that is derived from a discovered unknown attribute that prevents shells from sticking to the bottom of ships and is not included in the scope of the known arts derived from the attribute. 例文帳に追加

「特定の4級アンモニウム塩を含有する電着下塗り用組成物」と、「特定の4級アンモニウム塩を含有する船底防汚用組成物」とにおいて、両者の組成物がその用途限定以外の点で相違しないものであったとしても、「電着下塗り用」という用途が部材への電着塗装を可能にし、上塗り層の付着性をも改善するという属性に基づくものであるときに、「船底防汚用」という用途が、船底への貝類の付着を防止するという未知の属性を発見し、その属性により見いだされた従来知られている範囲とは異なる新たな用途である場合には、この用途限定が、「組成物」を特定するための意味を有することから、両者は別異の発明である。 - 特許庁


Sec.190 Importation for Personal Purposes 190.1. Notwithstanding the provision of Subsection 177.6, but subject to the limitation under the Subsection 185.2, the importation of a copy of a work by an individual for his personal purposes shall be permitted without the authorization of the author of, or other owner of copyright in, the work under the following circumstances: (a) When copies of the work are not available in the Philippines and: (i) not more than one copy at one time is imported for strictly individual use only; or (ii) the importation is by authority of and for the use of the Philippine Government; or (iii) the importation, consisting of not more than three such copies or likenesses in any one invoice, is not for sale but for the use only of any religious, charitable, or educational society or institution duly incorporated or registered, or is for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for any State school, college, university, or free public library in the Philippines. (b) When such copies form parts of libraries and personal baggage belonging to persons or families arriving from foreign countries and are not intended for sale: Provided, that such copies do not exceed three.例文帳に追加

第190条 個人的目的のための輸入 190.1177.6の規定に拘らず,ただし,185.2に規定する条件に従い,個人による,その者の個人的目的のための著作物の複製物の輸入は,次の状況のもとにある著作物の場合にあっては,著作物の著作者又は同著作物におけるその他の著作権者の承諾を得ないで,これをすることができる。 (a)著作物の複製物をフィリピンにおいて入手することができず,かつ,次の何れかに該当する場合 (i)一時に1個の複製物が厳密に個人的使用のためにのみ輸入されること (ii)輸入が,フィリピン政府の権限により,フィリピン政府の使用のために行われること (iii)輸入が,1の送り状における2個以下の複製物又は類似物からなるものであって,販売のためのものではなく,正当に設立され若しくは登録された宗教,慈善若しくは教育に関す る協会若しくは機構による使用のみのためのものであるか又はフィリピンにおける美術の奨励のため,若しくは国の学校,専門学校,大学若しくは無料の公共図書館のためのものであること (b)当該複製物が,外国から到着した者又は家族のものである蔵書及び個人的手荷物の部分であり,かつ,販売する意思のないものである場合 ただし,当該複製物の個数は3個を超えないことを条件とする。 - 特許庁


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