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Japanese mannersの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 51


manners and customs of JapanJapanese literature 例文帳に追加

御国風{ぶり} - 斎藤和英大辞典

He knows Japanese manners.例文帳に追加

彼は日本の礼儀を心得ています。 - Weblio Email例文集

Japanese ladies have graceful manners. 例文帳に追加

日本の婦人は動作がしとやかだ - 斎藤和英大辞典

the manners and customs of the Japanese例文帳に追加

日本人の風俗習慣 - Eゲイト英和辞典


in Japanese Zen sects, the rules concerning daily manners 例文帳に追加

禅宗において,日常の作法をきめた規則 - EDR日英対訳辞書


Japanese table manners refer to the manners of dining in Japan. 例文帳に追加

日本の食事作法(にほんのしょくじさほう)とは、日本において食事をする際の作法(マナー)である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, when you are not confident in those Japanese manners, it is advisable for you to declare in advance that you are just in the process of studying Japanese dietary culture and manners. 例文帳に追加

作法などに自信のないときは、あらかじめ日本の食事文化や作法は勉強中であることを断っておくといい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the university, he started the Japanese club and studied manners of English gentlemen. 例文帳に追加

大学では日本人クラブを設立し、英国紳士のマナーを研究した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, recent advance of Japanese cuisine overseas is gaining foreigners' understanding of Japanese table manners. 例文帳に追加

また、昨今の日本料理の海外進出により、日本の食事作法も理解されつつある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


She knows a good deal about table manners, kimonos and Japanese art.例文帳に追加

彼女はテーブルマナー,着物そして日本の芸術についてとてもよく知っている - Eゲイト英和辞典


Inuoumono is one of the manners of the art of Japanese archery that started from the Kamakura period. 例文帳に追加

犬追物(いぬおうもの)は鎌倉時代から始まったとされる日本の弓術の作法の一つ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This section is specially written to help non-Japanese people to easily understand and practice the manners when they take dinner in Japan. 例文帳に追加

特に日本人以外の人が、日本で食事をする時に判りやすいように紹介する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In modern Japan, however, it may be said that not all Japanese are cognizant in those manners. 例文帳に追加

ただし現代の日本では、必ずしも日本人の全てがこれら作法に精通している訳ではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, many Japanese are tolerant (or less critical) of any improper manners if is notified in advance. 例文帳に追加

また多くの日本人は、まえもって断りを入れた無作法に対しては寛容(あまり批判しない)である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Karakasa-kozo (It is also inscribed in different manners such as in all hiragana, one of the Japanese phonetic characters, or in all kanji, Chinese characters) is a yokai (supernatural beings) into which an old umbrella changed. 例文帳に追加

からかさ小僧(からかさこぞう,唐傘小僧)は、古い傘が変化した妖怪。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the time, Japanese people did not understand the rules and manners of the balls very well. 例文帳に追加

また当時舞踏会のマナーやルールをあまり理解できてなかった日本人。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The pattern of the fan painting reflected the public tastes, which allowed the appearance of fan part with literature (seventeen-syllable verse, Japanese poem, and Chinese poem) and Ukiyoe (Japanese woodblock prints of manners and customs). 例文帳に追加

図柄もその好みが反映されるようになり、文芸(俳諧、和歌、漢詩)や浮世絵も扇部にあらわれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Japan, although it is common that people raise eating utensils to their lips to enjoy the smell of meal, in some regions, they don't have a food culture that 'holding dishes such as plates and bowls in their hands,' or Japanese eating manners are considered to be rather lack of manners (in South Korea and North Korea). 例文帳に追加

日本では、食器を口元に上げ香りを楽しむことが一般的ではあるが、「皿や椀といった食器を手に持つ」という食文化のない・あるいはかえって無作法となる地域(韓国、北朝鮮)もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Japanese swords have repeatedly been transformed along with historical factors of the day including politics, economics, culture, manners and customs. 例文帳に追加

日本刀は、政治、経済、文化、風俗、習慣など、その時々の歴史的要因とあいまって変貌を繰り返してきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, the Takehara family inherited it and at Jishukan, a domain school of the Kumamoto Domain, Yabusame of Takeda-ryu became a compulsory subject along with Nijyo style waka (Japanese traditional poems) and manners. 例文帳に追加

以後は竹原家が継承し、熊本藩藩校時習館では二条流和歌や礼法とともに武田流の流鏑馬が必修科目とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, although Donburimono originated from such Japanese table manners by chance, its introduction provided the opportunity to develop new cooking methods. 例文帳に追加

しかし、こういった日本の食事作法から丼物が生まれたことは偶然の産物であるが新しい調理方法を生み出すきっかけとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He excelled in prose and poetry, edited 'Honcho monzui' (Anthology of waka poems and prose written in classical Chinese) and 'Honcho shuku' (Exemplary Lines by Japanese Poets) and wrote 'Shinsarugoki' (a kind of textbook about manners and cultures of Kyoto in the Heian period), 'Meigo Orai' (Meigo's Correspondence) and so on. 例文帳に追加

詩文に秀で「本朝文粋(ほんちょうもんずい)」「本朝秀句」を編修し、「新猿楽記」「明衡往来」などを著している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Aobyoshi is a book on the customs and manners of samurai, written by Hiroki ONO (also called Gonnojo or Ninken), a shogun's retainer and a scholar of Japanese classical literature in the late Edo period. 例文帳に追加

青標紙(あおびょうし)とは、江戸時代後期の幕臣・国学者の大野広城(権之丞・忍軒)が著した武家故実書。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This was a small-sized folded book to be placed in a pocket, in which the customs and manners necessary for the samurai serving the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) were compiled. 例文帳に追加

江戸幕府に仕える武士に必要な知識である武家故実についてを編集して懐中用の小型折本としたもの。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He taught 'kyuhotekiden' (a generic term given to Japanese archery, horsemanship, and etiquette and formal manners) of the Ogasawara school to Masamoto HOSOKAWA, who was a kanrei (deputy to the shogun) of the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), and this led him to serve Shogun Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA as a teacher of Japanese archery and to take charge of the Mushadokoro (a division in charge of guarding over a residence of a retired emperor or a cloistered emperor). 例文帳に追加

本家小笠原氏に倣って「糾法(弓法)的伝」(小笠原流)を室町幕府の管領細川政元に伝授した縁で、将軍足利義政の弓道師範、更に武者所を兼任するに至った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a characteristic which is broadly seen in traditional performing arts, traditional sports, or in manners in Japanese daily life such as bowing, civility and rules of etiquette and table manners, a respect for 'kata' (standard form of a movement, posture, etc. in martial arts, sport, etc.) (or called katachi (pattern)) is pointed, and has been considered to be a virtue of Japan. 例文帳に追加

伝統芸能や伝統のスポーツ、あるいは日常生活におけるお辞儀・礼儀作法・日本の食事作法などにおいて、広範に見られる特徴として「型(形)」の尊重という点が挙げられ、日本の美点ともされてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hikime-kagibana is a typological and stylized description technique for the eyes and nose of a person's face, used in the Yamato-e paintings (traditional Japanese style painting of the late Heian and Kamakura periods dealing with Japanese themes) and fuzokuga (pictures of manners and customs) during the Heian and Kamakura periods. 例文帳に追加

引目鉤鼻(ひきめかぎばな)は、平安時代、鎌倉時代の大和絵、風俗画におけるヒトの顔の眼および鼻の類型的、様式的な描写技法である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the Nara period, manyo gana, making use of Chinese manners of reading to read Japanese, had been used; from this period, however, kana (hiragana and katakana --- both Japanese syllabary characters) began to be used. 例文帳に追加

奈良時代から日本語を表記するため漢字の音訓を借りた万葉仮名が使われていたが、この時代になって仮名(文字)(ひらがな、カタカナ)が広く使われるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The "Ryoha shigen" (Words on the Wine Cup of the Pleasure Quarters, 1728) and "Shirin zanka" (Remaining Flowers of the Historical Forest), published in the Kyoho era and humorously describing the manners and customs of Yoshiwara in Edo (the most famous pleasure quarter during the Edo period) in kanbun (Sino-Japanese) style, are regarded as the first well-known sharebon works. 例文帳に追加

洒落本の元祖と目されるのは享保年間出版の『両巴巵言(りょうはしげん)』(1728年)、『史林残花』で、漢文体で江戸・吉原の風俗を滑稽に描いたものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sometimes the rules and manners for bathing are displayed in the dressing rooms of public bathhouses, especially for people who are unfamiliar with Japanese-style bathing. 例文帳に追加

特に日本式の風呂になじみの無い者のために、浴槽の中で体を洗わないなど入浴のルールや作法を脱衣場などに掲示しているところもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Iaido is a self-discipline that represents not only training in technique but also the maturing of the person by learning how to use a Japanese sword such as drawing it, sheathing it and other manners. 例文帳に追加

居合道とは、日本刀を用い、抜刀から納刀、および諸作法を通し技能の修練のみならず人格の涵養なども含めた各自による自己修練のこと。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, there is a theory that says that the manners and customs of Chinese civilization were superposed onto the ancient Japanese values of pure and impure, hence losing a clear distinction. 例文帳に追加

したがって、日本古来の清めと穢れの価値観の上に中華文明の風俗習慣が入って来たことによって明確な区別が無くなったとの説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In these years, this kata was replaced by manners due to westernization of lifestyle, and there is an opinion worrying that these traditional Japanese senses of respect for rules and models may lose substance. 例文帳に追加

近年では生活様式の欧米化によりマナーなどに置き換えられ、これらの日本の伝統的な規範意識の形骸化を憂慮する声もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Sengoku Period (Period of Warring States) (Japan), dominant Shugo daimyo (Japanese territorial lord as provincial constable) and Shugodai (the acting Military Governor) who were preserving Inuoumono manners perished one after another, and those who could maintain the manner even to the Edo period were only the Shimazu clan and the Ogasawara clan. 例文帳に追加

戦国時代(日本)に入ると、作法を保持していた有力な守護大名・守護代が次々と滅び、江戸時代まで作法を継承できたのは島津氏と小笠原氏だけとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In everyday life, the term is used for teaching manners as in the expression "there is no zan-shin" or "zan-shin is not performed well", when one forgets to close or roughly handles fusuma (Japanese sliding door) or shoji (partitions that can divide the interior of a building into separate rooms), or when an apprentice of craftsmanship neglects cleanup. 例文帳に追加

生活の中では、襖や障子を閉め忘れたり乱暴に扱ったり、また技術職の徒弟で後片付けなどを怠ると「残心がない」や「残心が出来ていない」といって躾けとして用いられる言葉でもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tsutomu EMA, a scholar of the Japanese manners and customs, categorized the origin (yorishiro) of yokai into five groups of people, animals and plants for the living creatures, and tools (man-made tools) and natural things for non-living things, and gave examples. 例文帳に追加

風俗史学者の江馬務は、生物としての人・動物・植物と、生物以外の器物(人工の道具など)・自然物その妖怪の由来(依り代)となる物を5つに分類し類例とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A jidaigeki often features quasi-historical events and famous figures from throughout Japanese history, but customs, manners, sound effect, dialogue and language in addition to the characterisation of these figures are significantly fictionalised to appeal to a mass audience. 例文帳に追加

歴史上にありえた日本の事件や日本史の人物を登場させることも多いが、その人物像をはじめ慣習、風俗、効果音、台詞、言語においても大胆にフィクション化され、大衆受けするように加工されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Japanese food culture, eating style that people hold dishes in their hands and bring dishes closer to their mouths with their back ramrod-straight are considered to be good manners, therefore, bending their back and bringing their faces closer to eating utensils is avoided. 例文帳に追加

日本の食文化では、背筋を伸ばして食器を手に持って口に近づける食事姿勢を良しとするマナーがあるため、背を曲げて口を食器に近づける姿勢は忌避される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In cultural areas where people don't hold dishes such as plates, Japanese people have to be careful that if they hold eating utensils carelessly and bring them closer to their mouths, that is against good manners. 例文帳に追加

これら皿などの食器を手に持たない文化圏では、日本人が不用意に食器を持って口元に近づけると、マナーに反することにもなるので注意が必要である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It contained a great variety of information about time line, map of Japan, Bukan (a book of heraldry), Sado (Japanese tea ceremony), Kado (flower arrangement), manners, fortune-telling, recipes, and so on, which had no relation to the entry words listed below. 例文帳に追加

年表・日本地図・武鑑・茶道・華道・作法・占い・料理法など多種多様な知識が載せられ、下欄の用語と関係のないものとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Japan, disregarding the act of smuggling, negotiated with China in hard-line manners under plea of the issues of territorial sea and of the Japanese (rising sun) flag, and demanded an apology and compensation for damage of a hundred thousand yen. 例文帳に追加

日本側は密輸行為を無視し、領海問題、日章旗問題を口実に中国と強硬な交渉を行い、謝罪と10万円の損害賠償を要求した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The temple architectural style was originally introduced from China, and it was developed in sophisticated manners to suit Japanese tastes in the Kokufu Bunka (Japan's original national culture) period of the Heian period. 例文帳に追加

もともと寺院建築の様式は中国から伝わってきたものであるが、平安時代の国風文化の時代に日本人好みに洗練されていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This concept can normally be seen in the various Nihon bujutsu (Japanese martial arts) and the Yusoku kojitsu (traditional protocol of the imperial court and samurai families) or reishiki (etiquette) that are derived from the practices and manners observed by court nobles in the Edo period; it can also be seen in fields where skills are passed down from one generation to the next, ranging from performing arts such as Nohgaku, Kabuki, and Ningyo Joruri (traditional Japanese puppet theater), Hogaku (traditional Japanese music), Sado (tea ceremony), Kado (flower arrangement), Kodo (traditional incense-smelling ceremony), Shodo (calligraphy), Bontei (tray garden) to traditional handicrafts and classic gardening. 例文帳に追加

通常は、各種の武芸である日本武術、江戸期の公家家職に由来する有職故実・礼式、そのほか能楽、歌舞伎、人形浄瑠璃などの芸能、邦楽、茶道、華道、香道、書道、盆庭などをはじめとして、伝統工芸的な手工業、古典園芸など、ひろく技術を伝承する分野においてこうした観念が見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Within buke-kojitsu, there was practical kojitsu on kyuba (archery and horsemanship) and battle as well as kojitsu on ceremonies and manners for when in front of the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) or one's lord, and while the former became perfunctory due to changes in military tactics, the latter blended with kuge kojitsu and spawned the Ogasawara school and Ise school. 例文帳に追加

武家故実の中でも弓馬や軍陣における実践的な故実と幕府や主君の前における儀礼や作法などの故実が存在したが、戦法の変化によって前者は形式的なものになったのに対して、後者は公家故実とも融合して、室町時代に小笠原流や伊勢流が生まれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some are derived from Indian culture such as Buddhism, Esoteric Buddhism and Hinduism, some originates from manners and customs of civilization in China such as five seasonal festivals and Nijushisekki (24 divisions of the old calendar), and in some cases these elements have been blended together with the Japanese traditional Shinto. 例文帳に追加

仏教、密教、ヒンドゥー教などのインド文化を起源とするものや五節句や二十四節気など中華文明の風俗習慣を起源に持つ物も存在し、それらが日本古来の神道と渾然一体となっているものもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, when Westerners compare eating style in Japan with that in Korea, they consider that Japanese style eating manners such as holding bowl and bringing mouth closer to them is displeasing, while they praise that eating style in Korea such as bringing food to their mouths with spoon is decent. 例文帳に追加

しかし、西欧人が日本の食事風景と朝鮮の食事風景の双方を見比べた場合に、日本式食事マナーの椀を手に持って口に近づけるほうが見苦しいとし、匙で口に運ぶ朝鮮式の食事マナーを気品あるものと賛美している例もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When a daughter of Ujiyasu HOJO, busho (a Japanese military commander) in the Sengoku Period, was marrying Ujitomo KIRA who was an adopted son of Yoriyasu HOJO, Ujiyasu's granduncle, Genan HOJO, wrote a letter to the Ujiyasu's daughter in which he taught her in detail about family traditions and formalities of the Kira clan, daily manners and preparedness necessary for her to remain a lawful wife in the Kira family, and so on. 例文帳に追加

戦国武将北条氏康の娘が、北条頼康の養子吉良氏朝に嫁すことになった際、氏康の大叔父にあたる北条幻庵は氏康の娘に書状をしたため、吉良氏の家風や格式に関わること、吉良家の正室としての日常の作法やたしなみなどを細かく教え授けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, he and Nobumitsu TAKEDA, Yukiuji UNNO and Shigetaka MOCHIZUKI were called 'the big four in the archery and equestrianism' and he became the grand master of Kyuho (manners in time of peace and campaign strategy in times of war; Japanese horse-back archery technique) founded by MINAMOTO no Yoritomo when he was 26 years old; with these activities he built the base of the Ogasawara clan as shogunal retainer of the Kamakura Shogunate. 例文帳に追加

また武田信光・海野幸氏・望月重隆と並んで「弓馬四天王」と称されて、26歳のときに源頼朝の糾法(弓馬術礼法)師範となるなど、鎌倉幕府の御家人としての小笠原氏の基礎を築いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Particularly with regard to the traditional performance arts, court nobles and the founders of a particular style of performing art (philosophy) would pass on the knowledge and skills of their tradition to their descendants; this would result in a kind of family business and even today heredity is commonly found in Kabuki, Noh drama, Kyogen (farce played during a Noh play cycle), swordsmanship, martial arts, Japanese archery and manners. 例文帳に追加

ことに伝統芸能については公卿やその芸道(哲学)の開祖が子々孫々その伝統を継承したことから家業となし、今日でも歌舞伎、能、狂言をはじめ、剣術・武道、弓術、礼法などでは世襲が一般的にみられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an overlap-type Kimono (Japanese clothes) having a newly improved structure, so that a woman can systematically dress the Kimono in a short time even though she is never experienced in dressing conventional Kimonos nor correctly dresses them, the Kimono is not worn out of shape even though she actively moves, and it is realized that she can stylishly dress the Kimono in various manners.例文帳に追加

着用経験が無く、着物を正しく着付けることができない人であっても、短時間の中に整然と着用可能で、しかも活発な動きにも着崩れせず、変化に富んだ着物の着こなしを実現、可能とする新規な構造からなる重ね着型着物を提供する。 - 特許庁


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こんにちは ゲスト さん






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