
「bon in」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(7ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索









bon inの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 328


For that reason, during the project of making a variorum for Genji Monogatari that he himself had been engaged in since 1926, he destroyed the notes that he had already composed based upon the manuscripts of the Kawachi-bon line, the very notes that he had once completed in 1931and had even held an exhibition to celebrate. 例文帳に追加

そのため、1926年(昭和元年)から自身が進めていた源氏物語の校本作成事業において、それまで河内本系統の写本を元に作業を進め、1931年(昭和6年)に一度は完成し、完成記念の展観会まで催された原稿を破棄した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though the specific origins of the Bon festival are unkown, it is believed that twice a year, once in early spring and once in early fall (said to be a remnant of when one year was counted as two six-month years), there were events held at the time of the full moon to celebrate the souls of the dead coming to visit their descendants 例文帳に追加

盆の明確な起源は分かっていないが、1年に2度、初春と初秋の満月の日に祖先の霊が子孫のもとを訪れて交流する行事があった(1年が前半年と後半年の2年になっていた名残との説がある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because there is a description in "The Tale of the Heike" to imply that the Emperor Antoku could have been a woman, in the story of Yoshitsune Sen-bon Zakura (Yoshitsune's one thousand cherry trees) of Joruri and Kabuki there is a story based on the possibility that Emperor Antoku was a woman (WATANABE, 199082; please refer to page 122). 例文帳に追加

また『平家物語』に安徳天皇は実は女子であったのではないかという疑念を起こさせるような記述があることをもとにして、浄瑠璃・歌舞伎の「義経千本桜」などでは、女子であったという筋立てを採用している(渡辺199082-122ページ参照)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Altar types used in Buddhism include a permanent altar called a shumidan which enshrines an image of the Buddha; a household altar referred to as butsudan; a temporary altar for funerals and religious ceremonies; an altar called a chuindan which is kept until the Buddhist memorial service held 49 days after a person's death; and an altar called a shoryudana (or bondana) which is used in the Bon festival (the festival of the dead). 例文帳に追加

仏教における祭壇の形態的には常設の祭壇として仏像を安置するための須弥壇、家庭内に設置する仏壇、仮設の祭壇として葬祭用の祭壇、四十九日まで設置される中陰壇、盆に設置される精霊棚(盆棚)などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The kotobagaki of emaki including "Genji Monogatari Emaki" that was mentioned earlier, Buddhist scriptures including "Heike-nokyo," the Genei-bon manuscript (a national treasure) with okugaki (postscript) in 1120 as a complete edition of "Kokin Wakashu" (A Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry) are the copied versions of the masterpieces established in the former period. 例文帳に追加

また前代に成立した作品を書写したものとしては、既述の『源氏物語絵巻』などの絵巻の詞書や、『平家納経』などの経典のほか、『古今和歌集』には元永本(国宝)があり、元永3年(1120年)の奥書を有し、完本である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A colored portrait of KI no Tomonori drawn on paper (a piece of the picture cut out of "Satake-bon Sanjurokkasen-emaki Scroll" (the picture scroll of the portraits of 36 poets originally owned by the Satake clan): It is said that the pictures were drawn by Nobuzane FUJIWARA and the writings were made by Yoshitsune Kujo: The portrait was included in the second one of the two-volume Sanjurokkasen-emaki Scroll descended in the Satake clan who was lord of the former Akita Domain. 例文帳に追加

紙本著色紀友則像(佐竹本三十六歌仙切)-絵伝・藤原信実、詞伝九条良経)-旧秋田藩主であった佐竹氏伝来の三十六歌仙絵巻(二巻本)の内、下巻に含まれていた紀友則像。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Sengoro family had scripts of Torahiro-bon (scripts written by Torahiro) that was gifted from the head family of the Kyogen school during Masatora's apprenticeship in Edo (present Tokyo), however, the times had changed and there were considerable differences in detail between these scripts and those of the Sengoro family, so it was required to newly rewrite the original scripts for the Sengoro family. 例文帳に追加

千五郎家には正虎が江戸での修行時代に家元より拝領した虎寛本系の台本があるにはあったが、既に時代も変わり、実際の千五郎家の狂言とは細部においてかなり違いが生じていたので、千五郎家の証本を新たに作り直す必要があったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The basic routine of religious service for self awareness (Nichiren Shoshu Sect) is to read and learn Hoben-bon of Myoho Renge-kyo Sutra (Skillfulness, chapter 2 of the Lotus Sutra), Nyoraijuryo-hon (Duration of the Life of the Tathagata, chapter 16 of the Lotus Sutra) (in chogo (prose) style, also known as Jigage), intone the Nichiren chant (to chant 'Namu Myohorenge-kyo') and they are proceeded with the ancient custom of 5 morning services and 3 evening services. 例文帳に追加

自行としての日常の勤行(日蓮正宗)は、妙法蓮華経方便品・如来寿量品(長行、自我偈)の読誦、唱題(「南無妙法蓮華経」の題目を唱えること)を基本構成とし、古来からの朝五座・夕三座の格式を守って行われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tokuhei YAMAGISHI believed that the text of the so-called "Sanjonishike manuscript," which had been conserved in the Imperial Household Archives as a shohon (a verified text), being closer to the text of books printed during the Edo period such as the Shusho Genji monogatari (Tale of Genji with Headnotes) and Kogetsusho (The Tale of Genji Moon on the Lake Commentary), was better than the text of this Oshima-bon manuscript. 例文帳に追加

なお、山岸徳平は、首書源氏物語や湖月抄などの江戸時代の版本の本文に近い本文を持つ宮内庁書陵部に証本として伝えられていたいわゆる『三条西家本』の本文のほうがこの大島本より良質の本文であるとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For example, IKEDA asked a foreign rich person living in Japan at that time to let him investigate an important manuscript called 'Abutsuni-bon,' then he recorded that 'Not only that I was treated with contempt but also I was not allowed to investigate the manuscript.' 例文帳に追加

例えば池田は当時日本に居住していたある外国人資産家に渡った「阿仏尼本」と呼ばれる貴重な写本について調査を申し入れたものの、「極めて屈辱的な扱いを受けた上写本の調査を許されなかった。」と記している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Though the Bon festival, regardless of whether it is held according to the lunar or the Gregorian calendar, has never been a public holiday or a national holiday in Japan, quite a few people take holidays around August 15th, even if they are weekdays, and most school children and students are on their summer vacation. 例文帳に追加

お盆は、旧暦・新暦・月遅れいずれも、日本ではいずれも過去に祝祭日や国民の祝日になったことがないが、新暦8月15日前後は平日であってもかなりの人が休日になることが多く、学校の児童・生徒であれば大多数は夏休み期間となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is also used as presents, a lucky charm (sold at a festival day), and used for enjoying festivals (enjoy dance holding it in Bon Festival Dance and other festivals), advertising, putting it on (as a fashion tool), following the current fashion (influenced by the pattern on the fan part), catching fireflies and driving insects away, sorting out paddy from rice husks, extinguishing fire (by fanning the sparks away, a large type was used). 例文帳に追加

贈答、祭(盆踊りなどで持って踊る)、縁起もの(縁日に売られる)、宣伝する(広告)、装う(おしゃれの小道具)、流行にのる(おしゃれ、描かれる模様)、狩る・追う(蛍狩り・追い、遊び)、選別(籾殻を、農耕)、火消し(火の粉を払う、村の共有品、大型のうちわ) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Jizo-bon is the day of the festival of Jizo Bosatsu (24th of each month), or the period of three days before the evening festival on July 24 of the old calendar in the Obon festival, or it also means the day of the festival of Jizo Bosatsu, which is chosen from the days of the festival.例文帳に追加

地蔵盆(じぞうぼん)は、地蔵菩薩の縁日(毎月24日)であり、尚かつお盆の期間中でもある旧暦7月24日に向け、その前日の宵縁日を中心とした3日間の期間を指し、またそのうちの日を選んで行われる地蔵菩薩の祭のことをいう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Coinciding with Jizo-bon (an event to commemorate Jizo as the protector of children), fantasy scenes are created by lighting up various sites of interest along the old travel road and within the district using different types of lighting such as colorful chochin lanterns (Japanese paper lanterns), lanterns and 'tankoro,' a bamboo andon (paper-covered lamp stand), in Furuichi, Sasayama City, which still retains the characteristics of an old inn town. 例文帳に追加

地蔵盆の時期にあわせ、古い宿場町の面影を残す篠山市古市の旧街道沿いや地区内に色とりどりの提灯、灯篭、竹の行灯「たんころ」をはじめ様々な灯りを点し各所見どころをライトアップし、幻想的風景を浮かび上がらせている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for "Uesugi-bon Rakuchu Rakugai-zu," one of his representative works, although there are various views on its patronage, date of creation, and the date of landscape it depicts, it is now considered to have been completed in 1565 according to scholarship at the end of the 20th century. 例文帳に追加

永徳の代表作の一つと見なされている上杉本『洛中洛外図』は、その注文者、制作年代、景観年代について多くの説があるが、20世紀末の研究の進展により、永禄8年(1565年)の完成と見なされるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In a photograph vending machine, a plurality of image regions "B", "O", "N" are set for a pattern image "BON" to be inputted and edited into a photographed image, and control information for controlling to display the image while changing the image according to a reference line based on the locus of a touch pen is set for each image region.例文帳に追加

写真自動販売機においては、撮影画像に編集入力される模様画像「BON」に対して複数の画像領域「B」,「O」,「N」が設定され、各画像領域に対して、タッチペンの軌跡に基づいた基準線に応じて変化させて表示する制御を行なうための制御情報が設定される。 - 特許庁

While people after death transmigrate in Indian Buddhism, go to Hell or Buddhist paradise in Japanese Buddhism, or the faraway world for the departed in Christianity, in the Shinto view of life and death, they stay close to the world of living things (the next world in mountains or on the sea), and come back to their descendants during the Bon festival (a Festival of the Dead or Buddhist All Soul's Day) and New Year. 例文帳に追加

神道の死生観では、人は死後、インドの仏教のように転生したり、日本の仏教のように地獄(仏教)や極楽へ行ったり、キリスト教のような遠い死者の世界に行ったりするのではなく、生者の世界のすぐ近く(山中や海上の他界)にいて、盆や正月に子孫の元に帰ってくると考える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Keichu advocated that the Manyoshu was initially completed in 16 volumes, and that volume 17 to 20 were added later to create a second version, there have been various opinions about the matter; there is a great deal of evidence to support the opinion that the Manyoshu was divided at volume 16, including that the table of contents goes up to volume 15 in old manuscripts like 'Genryaku Kohon' (revised version in Genryaku era) and 'Amagasaki-bon' (manuscript of Manyoshu found in Amagasaki), the citation of earlier sources, and the categorization by Budate. 例文帳に追加

契沖が万葉集は巻1~16で一度完成し、その後巻17~20が増補されたという万葉集二度撰説を唱えて以来、この問題に関しては数多くの議論がなされてきたが、巻15までしか目録が存在しない古写本(「元暦校本」「尼崎本」等)の存在や先行資料の引用の仕方、部立による分類の有無など、万葉集が巻16を境に分かれるという考え方を支持する証拠は多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Based on 'Juko Isshi Mokuroku' (Juko's diary about the method of judgment) in "Yamanoue Soji ki" (The Record of Soji YAMANOUE) (Nigatsu-bon), it had also been believed that Juko served Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA, 8th shogun of the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), as an instructor of the tea ceremony, but the results of current research on the history of the tea ceremony basically disputes this fact because the descriptions concerning Noami that are included in the same book are not correct in light of the year of his birth and death. 例文帳に追加

さらに『山上宗二記』(二月本)中の「珠光一紙目録」により、室町幕府8代将軍足利義政に茶道指南として仕えたともされたが、これは同書中の能阿弥に関する記述がその生没年と合わないことから、現在の茶道史研究では基本的に否定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Comparisons between the atmosphere of the official grand sumo tournament today and that in olden times show that there have been no remarkable changes except for the wood-frame foundations of the masuseki being replaced with steel-frame foundations and the disappearance of the tabako-bon since smoking, which had been permitted in masuseki, was totally prohibited at stadiums by a regulation established in 2005. 例文帳に追加

この間に変ったことといえば、枡席の土台が木組みから鉄骨組みになったこと、そしてそれまで枡席では認められていた喫煙が平成17年(2005)から全面禁止となり、枡席にあった煙草盆が姿を消したことぐらいなもので、今日目にする大相撲本場所の模様は、往時のそれとほとんど変わらないものとなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is because many Japanese people engage in rituals of multiple religions, holding the seven-five-three festival and other seasonal festivals at shrines and visiting shrines at the beginning of the New Year based on annual events and rituals developed in the natural climate from ancient ethnic religions of Japan, and by the influence of the temple guarantee system in the Edo period, holding funerals and bon festivals (a festival of the dead or Buddhist all soul's day) with Buddhist rites. 例文帳に追加

これは、日本古来の民族信仰の基盤の上に、自然風土の中で培われた年中行事や、祭礼などを通じて、多くの日本人が七五三や初詣、あるいは季節の祭りを神社で行い、江戸時代の寺請制度の影響で、葬式や盆などを仏教式で行うなど、複数の宗教にまたがって儀礼に参加しているためである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is also thought that 'organizing' old genealogies by Sanetaka SANJONISHI was not a work thoroughly carried out from the beginning, but he just revised the text of Aobyoshi-bon manuscript (in the Sanjonishi group) which he had arranged in order to make the existing old genealogy of The Tale of Genji a reliable book. 例文帳に追加

また、三条西実隆による古系図の「整理」も、一から全面的に作り直したのではなく、それまでに存在した源氏物語古系図の一本に証本にしようとして自らが整えた青表紙本の(三条西家系統の)本文に合うように手を加えるという形で行われたにすぎないと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is because of such a background that the conquest of three Korean countries by Jinguu Empress was believed as a truth and that Japanese who lived in an island country (except priests or merchants who had a chance to meet foreigners) were less conscious on abroad for a long time, as "Soga monogatari" (Myohonji-bon) written in Kamakura Period described western Japan as 'Kikai, Korea and Io-island'. 例文帳に追加

もっとも、かつては神功皇后の三韓征伐が史実と考えられていたこと、鎌倉時代の『曾我物語』(妙本寺本)においても日本の西の果てを「鬼界・高麗・硫黄嶋」と記されており、島国に住む日本人(外国と接する機会のある僧侶や商人などの例外を除く)における長年にわたる対外意識の希薄さが背景にあったと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On December 10, 1140, he obtained "Byobu Dodai" (the draft for a (Han) poem to be written on a screen) written by ONO no Tofu and "Hakurakuten Shikan" (Poetry Anthology of Bai Juyi) (TAKAMATSU no MIYA ke bon (TAKAMATSU no MIYA family version)) written by FUJIWARA no Yukinari, and managed to uncover that "Byobu Dodai" was written by Tofu at the age of 35, in December 928, and that "Hakurakuten Shikan" was written by Yukinari at the age of 47, on October 8, 1018, and noted these findings in their respective postscripts. 例文帳に追加

保延6年(1140年)10月22日、小野道風書の『屏風土代』と藤原行成書の『白楽天詩巻(高松宮家本)』を入手し、『屏風土代』は延長(元号)6年(928年)11月、道風35歳の書であること、『白楽天詩巻』は寛仁2年8月21日、行成47歳の書であることを鑑定し、それぞれの奥書きに記している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Oshima-bon manuscript, as the original text of "Genji monogatari taisei," contain many notes in black or red ink and deleted characters with a line, which seem to have been done by several people during the term from maybe not long after it was first transcribed till probably the late Edo period. 例文帳に追加

『源氏物語大成』の底本としての大島本についても、大島本という写本が、当初書かれた本文に対して時代の異なる、おそらく最初に書写されてよりあまり間をおかない時期から、おそらくは江戸時代末期ころまでの期間にわたる複数人によると見られる多くの墨筆・朱筆による書入れ・ミセケチ等が行われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Books' refers to various written works like sutras, monogatari (tales), waka poetry anthologies, and history books; among all these books, some works, like for example the Koyagire-bon (copied manuscript) of the "Kokin wakashu" (A Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry), are by past calligraphy masters and are considered historically valuable as calligraphy pieces but are still included in the Books sub-category, yet most of the items designated national treasures as books are more highly regarded for their value as ko denpon (ancient books transcribed and still extant) texts of literature or history rather than for their value as calligraphy works. 例文帳に追加

「典籍」は経典、物語、和歌集、歴史書などの著作物のことでこの中には高野切本(こうやぎれぼん)古今和歌集のように書道史上貴重な遺品も含まれるが、書道史上の価値よりも文学作品・歴史書などの古伝本・テキストとしての価値が評価されて指定されたものも多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, unlike the Golden Week holidays or the year-end and New Year holidays, when this period falls on Monday to Friday, they are regular weekdays, and public offices and banks have regular work, and many private companies, mostly in the non-manufacturing sector, do business, counting them as weekdays; in this case, people take their summer vacation and travel during July to September, avoiding the Bon festival when congestion and fares are at their peak. 例文帳に追加

ただし、大型連休や年末年始と異なり、カレンダー上は月曜日から金曜日に当たる日は通常の平日であるため、官公庁や金融機関は通常通りの業務を行っており、一般企業でも平日という建前から、非生産部門を中心に業務を行っているところも多いため、このような場合では7月から9月の期間中に夏休みを取り、混雑や料金が最ピークの旧盆時期を避けて旅行などをしたりすることも多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Regarding the comprehensive package of economic measures - this was also discussed at the FSA Commissioner's press conference yesterday - could you tell me about the specific themes that must be addressed in your areas of responsibility, such as the facilitation of financing for small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), for example? Also, Minister Yosano said he would like to formulate the outline of the package before thebonholiday period, expressing his resolve to work on this with a sense of urgency. Could you tell me what specific measures are likely to be included in the package? 例文帳に追加

総合経済対策なのですが、昨日の長官の会見でもあったのですが、例えば中小企業金融の円滑化みたいなところも含めまして、大臣の担当分野で具体的に今後取り組むべきテーマというのはどういうものがあるのかということが1つと、与謝野大臣はお盆の前までにその大枠、その骨格をまとめたいと、非常にスピード感を持ってこの課題に取り組みたいとあったのですけれども、具体的にどういうものになりそうなのかということも含めまして、大臣のほうからお話しいただければと思います。 - 金融庁


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