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When Emperor Showa passed away in 1989, the national ceremony called Taiso no Rei (the Rites of an Imperial Funeral) was held separately from the Imperial Family's ceremonies called Sojoden no Gi and Renso no Gi in order to comply with the principle of the separation of politics and religion according to the Constitution of Japan. 例文帳に追加

1989年の昭和天皇の場合には、日本国憲法の政教分離原則に反しない形で国家儀式の大喪の礼と皇室儀式の葬場殿の儀・斂葬の儀が分離された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the Empress Teimei had great respect for the conventions and traditions of the Imperial household and Shinto religion, she still invited scholars such as Yuka NOGUCHI and Kikuno GOKAN of The Modern Women Education discipline to the Imperial court as her advisors. 例文帳に追加

皇室や神道のしきたりや伝統を大切にした一方で、野口幽香、後閑菊野など近代女子教育の研究家を相談相手に宮中に招いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, it is used by a small proportion of amateur devotees of the conservative history of Japan and Japanese literature, persons concerned with Shinto religion (State Shinto), All Japan Iai Do Federation, etc. 例文帳に追加

その他にも、ごく一部の保守的な日本史や日本文学などのアマチュア愛好家、神道(国家神道)の関係者、全日本居合道連盟などが使用している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a theory that this anecdote was based on the story of the Nativity written in the Evangel of the New Testament, which was introduced to China by a heretic group of Christianity, 'Luminous Religion' (Nestorians). 例文帳に追加

これは中国に伝来したキリスト教の異端派である「景教」(ネストリウス派)がもたらした新約聖書の福音書にあるキリストの降誕を元にしたとの説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Because of this consideration, Prince Ohodo () might have had a relationship with the clans who worshiped Okuninushi no Mikoto (大国主命; chief god of Izumo from the southern Honshu Island, Japan, and the central character in the important cycle of myths established in that region) whose birthplace was in the eastern part of Izumo Province, as their ujigami (a guardian god or spirit of a particular place in the Shinto religion). 例文帳に追加

それに、出雲国東部を本貫とする大国主命を氏神とする一族との関連性も伺わせる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Masamoto however seemed to dislike the maelstroms of war, and started to express his desire go on a pilgrimage in the mountains of Mutsu to practice the ascetic religion, Shugendo, but was dissuaded from doing so by his retainer, Yukinaga MIYOSHI. 例文帳に追加

ところが、政元はこのような戦乱を嫌悪したのか、修験者として陸奥国で廻国修行をしたいと言い出して、家臣の三好之長の諫言によって断念させられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Chikafusa, thereby, was deeply influenced by Ieyuki's Shinkoku-shiso (thought of Japan as the land of the gods) (however, he seemed to be critical of the Ise-Shinto religion itself advocated by Ieyuki). 例文帳に追加

ここで親房は家行の神国思想に深く影響を受ける事になった(ただし家行の唱えた伊勢神道自体に対しては批判的であったといわれている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While maintaining this lifestyle, academically he repeatedly read texts such as "Tannisho" (Lamentations of Divergences) and while practicing self-discipline, he introduced his "being philosophical," which was the area of his specialty, and wrote "Shukyo Tetsugaku Gaikotsu" (The Skeleton of a Philosophy of Religion) and "Tarikimon Tetsugaku Gaikotsu" (The Skeleton of a Philosophy of Gate of the Other Power). 例文帳に追加

そんな生活を続ける中、学問の面でも『歎異抄』などをよく読み、その自戒生活の実践の中で得意の哲学的を駆使して『宗教哲学骸骨』『他力門哲学骸骨』を執筆する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the spring of 1880, he left his wife and son in Kofu to leave for Tokyo alone to seriously study religion and entered 'Toyo Eiwa School' of Azabu and performed missionary works at Ushigome Church while studying. 例文帳に追加

明治13年(1880年)春、本格的に神学を学ぶべく妻子を甲府に残し単身上京、麻布の「東洋英和学校」へ入学、勉強の傍ら牛込教会にて伝道を行う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Hakuseki ARAI explains that as follows because religious power at the time ignored the significance of religion integrated with worldly power and the corruption of priests. 例文帳に追加

当時の宗教勢力が世俗の権力と一体化して宗教としての意義を忘れていたことや僧侶の腐敗ぶりを鑑みてか、新井白石は以下のように評した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


`Shingen wishes to enter the Enshu, Mikawa, Mino, and Owari Province to rule those provinces, putting up a flag in a capital while Shingen is alive, and establish the Buddhist law, Oho (the law and customs for Buddhism), rules with Shinto religion and , properly handling the affairs of state.' 例文帳に追加

「遠州・三河・美濃・尾張国へ発向して、存命の間に天下を取つて都に旗をたて、仏法・王法・神道・諸侍の作法を定め、政をただしく執行はんとの、信玄の望み是なり」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, based on his own sense of religion, Atsutane willingly practiced research and analysis of various religious doctrines, including Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Christianity and the study of Western sciences, which was unusual for the time, and named his study Hakke. 例文帳に追加

また、篤胤は独自の宗教観に基づき、当時としては珍しく仏教・儒教・道教・蘭学・キリスト教など、さまざまな宗教教義なども進んで研究分析し八家の学と自ら称していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was denied officially as Izumo-ha school lost in the argument of enshrined deity in 1881, which greatly fixed the future course of Shinto and government-religion-relationship after the Meiji period. 例文帳に追加

近代以降の神道および政教関係を大きく方向付けることとなった1881年(明治14年)の祭神論争の出雲派の敗北で、公的には否定される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He believed that the chief god of the whole afterworld is Okuninushi but each region is ruled by kunitama no kami, Ichinomiya no kami, Ubusunagami (guardian deity of one's birthplace) and ujigami (a guardian god or spirit of a particular place in the Shinto religion) of the region. 例文帳に追加

幽冥界の全体の主宰神は大国主であるが、各地のことはその土地の国魂神、一宮の神や産土神・氏神が司るとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He wrote books including 'Jikakuko,' 'Shinto honron,' 'Hongenko,' 'Shingaku hyakke,' 'Kunshiron' (lords and subjects controversy), 'Jyakyoron' (The theory of bad religion), 'Gaikyo hisho,' 'Yomiron,' 'Muguraya bunshu,' 'Natahachimangu shosaiki' (Precise description of Natahachiman-gu Shrine) and 'Kagaku shinron.' 例文帳に追加

著書に「辞格考」「神道本論」「本言考」「神学百歌」「君臣論」「邪教論」「外教秘書」「妖魅論」「葎屋文集」「奈多八幡宮詳細記」「岩崎八幡宮由来記」「歌学新論」etcがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After holding the position of Jingikan Jingigon no taishi, Jingidaishi, Jingidairoku, and Kyobusho (Ministry of Religion) Kyobudairoku, in 1878 he became a lecturer at the University of Tokyo and Goyogakari (a general affaires official of the Imperial Household) at Shushikan (a national institute established to compile the official Japanese history). 例文帳に追加

神祇官神祇権大史・神祇大史・神祇大録・教部省教部大録を経て、明治11年(1878年)、東京大学講師と、修史館御用掛になる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was appointed as a tutor to Emperor Meiji in 1869, an official in charge of the Imperial Household at Daigaku (Bureau of Education) in the same year, a Jingi taifu (deputy minister of the institution for dedications at religious ceremonies) in 1870, and an aide to the Minister of Religion in 1872. 例文帳に追加

明治2年(1869年)には明治天皇の侍講、同年大学御用掛、明治3年(1870年)に神祇大福、明治5年(1872年)に教部大輔となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yashiro had already retired into religion and had a priest's name of Ryosa, but he changed his family name to KOHITSU to establish a KOHITSU family, called himself Ryosa KOHITSU, and became a leading appraiser of old writings. 例文帳に追加

弥四郎はすでに出家していて了佐の法名を名乗っており、改姓して古筆家をたて、古筆了佐と称して古筆鑑定の第一人者となったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Chion-in Temple and Rinno-ji Temple had a strong connection with the Edo bakufu, and with the Terauke seido (the system in which the public should be registered in one of designated temples to prove their Buddhist faith) established, the bakufu succeeded in placing religion completely under it. 例文帳に追加

これら知恩院・輪王寺は江戸幕府と強い繋がりを持ち、後の幕府による寺請制度等により幕府は宗教を完全に公儀の下に置くことに成功している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was commented in "Histoire de la religion cherétienne au Japon depuis 1598 jusqu'à 1651" by Leon PAGÉS, who was a Japanologist, as 'The cause of Hideyori's failure was his stubborn superstition and there is no reason to feel pity for him.' 例文帳に追加

また日本研究家レオン・パジェスの著書『日本切支丹宗門史』の中で「秀頼が失敗したのは彼の頑固な迷信のためで遺憾とするに当たらない」と評している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His love for Gohime was true, and it is said that his order to convert religion stemmed from the ineffectiveness of prayers said by priests of the Nichiren Sect of Buddhism when she came down with illness. 例文帳に追加

豪姫に対する愛情は事実で、豪姫が病に倒れたとき、日蓮宗の僧侶が祈祷で病を治せなかったことが改宗命令につながったとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He later married, renounced his religion, and lived in Nagasaki, but faced many ordeals; Yoshiaki OTOMO and Harunobu ARIMA who were his cousins hated him, a retainer of Harunobu assaulted him, and he died broken-hearted. 例文帳に追加

彼はその後結婚し、信仰も捨てて長崎で暮らしていたが、後半生はさまざまな苦難に会い、従兄弟にあたる大村喜前や有馬晴信からも疎まれ、晴信の家臣に暴行され、失意のうちにこの世を去った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is not known why Miguel renounced religion, but Martinho went to Nagasaki as a ward mayor of Japanese district of the Society of Jesus owing to his talent in Latin, and Mancio and Julian went to Macao to study Theology thoroughly. 例文帳に追加

ミゲルが信仰を捨てた理由は定かではないが、マルチノはラテン語の才能を評価されてイエズス会の日本管区区長として長崎へ行き、マンショとジュリアンは神学をより奥深く学ぶ為にマカオへ留学した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Starting with a personnel in Tokyo-fu Prefecture (a councilor) to a Taijo (Senior Secretary) in Kyobusho (the Ministry of Religion), he successively filled posts of Kenrei of several prefectures, including Sakata Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Fukushima Prefecture and Tochigi Prefecture, the head of engineering bureau (served concurrently as Kenrei) in prewar Ministry of Home Affairs (Japan) and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police commissioner. 例文帳に追加

東京府職員(参事)から教部省(大丞)を皮切りに、酒田県・山形県・福島県・栃木県の各県令、内務省(日本)土木局長(県令と兼任)、警視総監を歴任した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In January, 1908, Yoshiro SAEKI released his theory in "Uzumasa o ronzuru (Arguing on Uzumasa)" in "the 100th issue of Chiri-rekishi (Geography-history)" (edited by Sadakichi KITA), which stated that the Hata clan was Jewish believing in Luminous Religion (Nestorian Christianity). 例文帳に追加

佐伯好郎は1908年(明治41年)1月、『地理歴史百号』(主宰 喜田貞吉)収載論文「太秦(禹豆麻佐)を論ず」において秦氏は景教(ネストリウス派キリスト教)を信仰するユダヤ人一族であったとする説を発表した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His theory was based on the fact that Luminous Religion of Oriental Orthodoxy had been already introduced to Tang before the sixth century when the Hata family came to Japan and its temple was called the Daishin-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

秦一族が渡来する6世紀以前にすでに唐に東方キリスト教の「景教」が伝わっており、その寺院は大秦寺と呼ばれていたためである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, new Kanrei Yoshimoto was absorbed in self-protection, and he made Ikko Ikki (an uprising of Ikko sect followers) of rival religion attack Kenpon-ji Temple in Izumi Province with an attempt to debilitate the Miyoshi clan which was the strongest hikan (low-level bureaucrat) of Harumoto's army. 例文帳に追加

しかも、新管領・晴元は自らの保身に余念無く、それまで晴元軍の中核であった最有力被官・三好氏の弱体化を図り、和泉国の顕本寺(堺市)を敵対宗派の一向一揆に襲わせている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From July of the following year, 1891, he began publishing "Shin Nihon-shi" (New History of Japan), a book that was scheduled to be published in three volumes to analyze the history of the Meiji Restoration from the aspects of politics, diplomacy, economy and religion. 例文帳に追加

翌明治24年(1891年)7月より全3巻の予定で明治維新史を政治・外交・経済・宗教の側面より分析した『新日本史』を刊行を開始。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It became clear that he was involved in making up the case of high treason after the war, so now he is generally estimated to be 'yashi (a street stall vendor at shrines and temples) in the name of a person of religion.' 例文帳に追加

戦後、大逆事件のでっち上げに関与していたことが明らかとなり、現在は「宗教家の名前を借りた香具師であった」というのが一般的な評価である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since the ujigami (a guardian god or spirit of a particular place in the Shinto religion) is in the Izumo line and the Iwa clan had a name with 'kimi,' it seems that the Iwa clan was a clan of Izumo line and Kazutsune was a descendant of the clan. 例文帳に追加

その氏神が出雲系であること、「君」の姓を帯びていることから、伊和氏は出雲系統の氏族で、員経はその一族の後裔と推測されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1063, MINAMOTO no Yoriyoshi called on a deity of Tsuboi Hachiman-gu Shrine of Tsuboi, Ishikawa Country, Kawachi Province--ujigami (a guardian god or spirit of a particular place in the Shinto religion) for Kawachi-Genji (Minamoto clan)--to make a branch shrine at Yuigo Tsurugaoka (Zaimokuza, Kamakura City) as 'Tsurugaoka-wakamiya Shrine.' 例文帳に追加

康平6年(1063年)源頼義は由比郷鶴岡(鎌倉市材木座)に「鶴岡若宮」として、河内源氏の氏神である河内国石川郡壷井の壷井八幡宮を勧請した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Shinbutsu shugo shiso theory (the amalgamation of Buddhism with Shinto, the Japanese indigenous religion), Buddhist Dakiniten (Dakini - fairy-goddess) is honjibutsu (a Buddha, the true nature of a Shinto deity) of Ukanomitama no Mikoto (the headquarters of all the temples that worship Dakiniten is Toyokawa-inari). 例文帳に追加

また神仏習合思想においては仏法における荼吉尼天が宇迦之御魂神の本地仏とされる(その総本社は豊川稲荷)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A typical Shinsatsu is Jingu taima (or simply called Oonusa or Taima in the Shito religion), which Ise-jingu Shrine distributes directly or through Jinja-Honcho (the Association of Shinto Shrines). 例文帳に追加

伊勢神宮が直接頒布し、又は神社本庁経由で頒布する神宮大麻(じんぐうたいま)(または単に大麻(神道)(おおぬさ、たいま))が代表的である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In areas where such religion forms, life's necessities, including food, clothing, and shelter, are entirely dependent upon the rivers that flow from the mountain and through the forest area at the skirt of the mountain, and they feel blessed by the mountain being constantly in sight. 例文帳に追加

そのような信仰形態をもつ地域では、山から流れる河川や、山裾に広がる森林地帯に衣食住の全てに渡って依存した生活を送っており、常に目に入る山からの恩恵に浴している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Over time, he became interested in religion and psychic ability, and on March 1, 1898, went to the sacred mountain, Takakuma-yama, near Kameoka City with an oracle named Fuyo MATSUOKA (also known as 'Tengu') for week-long spiritual training. 例文帳に追加

やがて、宗教や霊能に関心を持つようになり、1898年3月1日、松岡芙蓉(または「天狗」と名乗ったとも)と名乗る神使に伴われて、亀岡市内の霊山・高熊山に一週間の霊的修業をする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Shinto religion, the divine spirit can be divided without limitation because it is believed that the original spirit power is not weakened and performs the same functions as the main shrine. 例文帳に追加

神道では、神霊は無限に分けることができ、分霊しても元の神霊の神威は損なわれず、分霊もまた本社の神霊と同じ働きをすると考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Japan, the term of Daikokuten normally refers to Japan's own deity that was created by combining it with Okuninushi no mikoto of the Shinto religion, such as the statue of Daikokuten (大国: Daikokuten) enshrined at Kanda Myojin Shrine. 例文帳に追加

日本で大黒天といえば一般的には神田明神の大黒天(大国天)像に代表されるように神道の大国主と神仏習合した日本独自の神をさすことが多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later, however, Brahma and Vishnu were absorbed into Daikokuten (Maha kala) to create a figure with three faces, six arms, and an angry countenance that corresponded to the Trimurti of the Hindu religion (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva). 例文帳に追加

さらには、ブラフマーとヴィシュヌをも吸収していき、ヒンドゥー教の三神一体(プラフマー・ヴィシュヌ・シヴァ)に対応した三面六臂の憤怒相の大黒天(マハーカーラ)も登場した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Japan's case, in which this sort of primitive religion survived the feudal and Medieval periods and reached the modern period intact, is almost unique. 例文帳に追加

また、原始宗教がそのまま封建社会や中世を経て、近代化されたあとも現在まで排斥されず、引き継がれる例はほとんどなく、日本独特ともなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When budo (martial arts) was resumed after being forbidden in school education by the General Headquarters following the World War II, the kamidana was removed from many public school dojos based on the separation of religion and state. 例文帳に追加

第二次世界大戦後の連合国軍最高司令官総司令部の学校教育への武道禁止の後、武道再開の際、政教分離によって多くの公立の学校道場から神棚が撤去された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, within the institutional confines of the Shinto religion, the existence of the Emperor as bloodline descendent of the sun goddess, Amaterasu Omikami, still occupies an important position, and the Emperor is positioned at the summit of the religious beliefs and practices. 例文帳に追加

だが、神道においては天照大御神の血を引くとされる天皇の存在は現在も大きな位置を占め、信仰活動の頂点として位置付けられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for the number 5, with the unification of the state and religion in the early days of the Meiji period, Koremi KAMEI and others at the Jingi Jimukyoku (Shinto Worship Bureau) promulgated a theory unifying Shinto and Confucianism maintaining that 'the Emperor' was consubstantial with 'heaven', and therefore omnipotent. 例文帳に追加

5.は明治の初期に祭政一致の国家体制を企図した神祇事務局の亀井茲監らが「天皇」と「天」とが同体しているという神儒合一的な観念によって全能の存在としたもの。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Controversely, in other countries, when the kami of the Shinto religion are discussed, in many cases they are grouped together as 'Kami', and distinguished from other deities, and the corresponding English language page on Wikipedia is also entitled, 'Kami'. 例文帳に追加

逆に外国において、神道の神を指す場合は「Kami」と略されて一般的な神とは区別されることが多く、英語版Wikipediaの項目名も「Kami」である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sumiyoshi no Kami was also a sea god, and the fact that the ujigami (a guardian god or spirit of a particular place in the Shinto religion) of Tsumori clan, the clan in charge of religious services at Sumiyoshi-taisha Shrine enshrining Sumiyoshi no Kami, was Owatatsumi-jinja Shrine, is indicative of the state of the relationship between Watatsumi no Kami and Sumiyoshi no Kami. 例文帳に追加

住吉神も海の神であり、住吉神を祭る住吉大社の奉祭氏族の津守氏の氏神が大海神社(おおわたつみじんじゃ)であることは、綿津見神と住吉神との関係の消息を暗示していよう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although this ancestor worship was general in uncivilized societies and ancient societies, it had declined because of world religion (Buddhism, Christianity) believing blood relationship only exists in the living world. 例文帳に追加

このような祖先崇拝は未開社会・古代社会では普遍的であっが、血縁を地上的なものに過ぎないと否定する世界宗教(仏教・キリスト教)によって衰滅した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some shrines don't even have a Honden or Haiden, the Shintai being a forest or the hill it stands on; these shrines have passed down Koshinto, an indigenous religion which worships nature and the dead. 例文帳に追加

なかには本殿や拝殿さえ存在しない神社もあり、森林やその丘を神体としているものなどがあり、日本の自然崇拝・精霊崇拝でもある古神道を今に伝えている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Koshinto, which is originally said to be a primitive religion, has values or beliefs based on the animism such as nature worship and worship of the dead and prays (communication with gods through prayers) as well as on the fortune-telling (prediction and foreknowledge depending on gods). 例文帳に追加

そもそも、古神道は原始宗教ともいわれ、自然崇拝・精霊崇拝といわれるアニミズムと祈祷(祈りによる神との交信)や占い(神が憑依による予言や予見)といった価値観や思想がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Yamato-hime no mikoto seiki" (one of the "Shito Gobusho" (five-volume apologia of Shinto religion)), Seoritsu-hime is another name for Yasomagatsuhi no kami, and it is recorded that Seoritsu-hime is the enshrined deity in Aramatsuri no miya Shrine of the associated shrine of the Inner Shrine of Ise-jingu Shrine. 例文帳に追加

『倭姫命世記』では八十禍津日神の別名とされ、伊勢神宮内宮の別宮の荒祭宮祭神は、瀬織津姫であることが記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While it seems that Seoritsu-hime was purposely deleted in the "Kiki" (refers to the "Kojiki" (Records of Ancient Matters) and "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan)) and other documents that follow, her name was clearly indicated in the norito (Shinto ritual prayer, congratulatory address) for oharae (the great purification); as such, Seoritsu-hime has long been a mysterious god among people involved in Shinto religion. 例文帳に追加

『記紀』からは意図的して徹底的に抹消されたようであり、一方大祓祝詞にはその名が記されているため、神道関係者の間でも長年、謎の神とされてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The word 'Miyaza' came into being after the early-modern times, especially in the areas around Western Japan (in Eastern Japan, a designated 'Sohonke' [main branch of a school or religion] mainly took in charge); however, the origin of the group was traced back to the end of the ancient times. 例文帳に追加

「宮座」という語が出現するのは近世以後なおかつ西日本を中心とした地域である(東日本では特定の「総本家」が主宰する事例が多い)が、その組織の由来は古代末期にまで遡る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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