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It is confirmed that Genpo translated 99 titles (nearly 160 volumes in total) including "Taisei Meii Iko" (literary, Western medicine), the first medical journal in Japan, "Geka Hitsudoku" (literary, essentials for surgery), "Sanka Kanmei" (literary, a brief explanation about obstetrics), "Oranda Bunten" (literary, grammar of Dutch language), "Hakko Tsushi" (literary, the overview of world history), "Suijosen Setsuryaku" (literary, a brief explanation about steamboat), "Seisei Kiko" (literary, records on the Western world) and his specialty ranged from medical science, language, history of the Western world, to military science and philosophy of religion. 例文帳に追加

日本最初の医学雑誌『泰西名医彙講』をはじめ、『外科必読』・『産科簡明』・『和蘭文典』・『八紘通誌』・『水蒸船説略』・『西征紀行』など阮甫の訳述書は99部160冊余りが確認されており、その分野は医学・語学・西洋史・兵学・宗教学と広範囲にわたる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although at base Shinto is a primitive religion, it has existed in Japanese culture for thousands of years and now has very deep roots, becoming sublimated to the point that up until the Meiji period, most professions held as sacred the principle of hard work, just as expressed in the Norito (Shinto prayer), and even apart from the official rituals of Shrine Shinto, there are many work-related ceremonies even today that originally came from Shinto rituals. 例文帳に追加

根本は原始宗教の体を成していても、数千年のなかで日本文化に根ざし、昇華してきため、明治以前からの多くの生業(職業)は、祝詞にもあるように勤しみ(いそしみ)が神聖視され、神社神道の神事とは別に、民間の中に息づく様々な職業儀式としての神事がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the faith that deities reside in a human activity, for example, rice production was a divine service in folk religion for rice cultivation in the agriculture and fishery, and, not only in the primary industry tightly connected to the nature but also in the secondary industry, it was believed that deities reside in construction, civil engineering, mining, industries of blacksmith and tatara (ancient iron-making in Japan), and food processing industry such as brewing. 例文帳に追加

人の営み「勤しみ(いそしみ)」にも神が宿ると考え農業・林業・漁業などにおいて、例えば稲作信仰の米作りは神事であり、これらの自然と密着した一次産業だけでなく、二次産業においても建築・土木・鉱業や鍛冶・たたら(日本の古式製鉄)の工業や醸造・酒造といった食品加工業にも神が宿ると考えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nowadays the main reasons could be that the expansion of Christianity in Kyushu was feared to transfigure political and military aspects like Jodo Shinshu (True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism) of that time, and Christians were also regulated as 'eight schools and nine schools' (Article Nine) and Christianity was regarded as a religion under the regime in the Memorandum on June 18, but was strictly regulated again as though it would 'spread evil belief' like reversing this in the Expelling edict on June 19. 例文帳に追加

現在では主要な理由は九州におけるキリスト教の拡大が当時の浄土真宗的な政治・軍事面への変貌を危惧した事と、6月18日(旧暦)の覚書ではキリシタンも「八宗九宗」(第九条)と規定して体制下の宗教と見なしていたが、19日の追放令ではこれを覆すかのように「邪法を授け」るものとしてキリスト教を厳しく規定しなおしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


"Nihon bijutsu-shi" refers to the chronological explanation - or the academic field - of Japanese art history, such as the trend of Japanese art, the transition of its style, the research of the representative works and artists in each period, their mutual influence, and the historical background of the works and artists - that is, the works' and artists' relation with Japanese politics, economy, religion, customs, society, literature and others. 例文帳に追加

日本美術史(にほんびじゅつし)とは、日本の美術の流れ、様式の変遷、各時代の代表的な作品や作家の研究、相互の影響関係、作品や作家を生んだ時代背景(政治、経済、信仰、風俗、社会、文学などとの関連)などについて述べたもの、またはそうした分野を研究する学問のこと。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to the sentences of the declaration, 'the Japanese government shall remove all obstacles to the revival and strengthening of democratic tendencies among the Japanese people' and 'Freedom of speech, of religion, and of thought, as well as respect for the fundamental human rights shall be established,' the General Headquarters of the Allied Powers (GHQ/SCAP) led by Douglas MACARTHUR demanded modification of the Constitution of the Empire of Japan. 例文帳に追加

同宣言には「日本国政府ハ日本国国民ノ間ニ於ケル民主主義的傾向ノ復活強化ニ対スル一切ノ障礙ヲ除去スベシ」「言論、宗教及思想ノ自由並ニ基本的人権ノ尊重ハ確立セラルベシ」等と定められたため、ダグラス・マッカーサー率いる連合国軍最高司令官総司令部(GHQ/SCAP)は、大日本帝国憲法の改正を日本政府に求めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The conservatives in the government opposed it because they thought that allowing Christianity could be an obstacle to establishing Shinto as a state religion, and because they doubted Europe and the United States would accept a revision of the unequal treaty immediately even if they lifted the ban on Christianity, but also because the religious world and people opposed it because they considered Christianity as "Heresy,", but in any case the government lifted the ban on Christianity and announced it to foreign countries on February 24, 1873. 例文帳に追加

神道国教化政策との絡みや、キリスト教を解禁しても直ちに欧米が条約改正には応じないとする懐疑的な姿勢から来る、政府内の保守派の反対のみばかりでなく、宗教界や一般民衆からも「邪宗門」解禁に反対する声が強く紛糾したものの、明治6年(1873年)2月24日禁制の高札を除去し、その旨を各国に通告した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The contents are classified into 30 sections, including sections of Ten (gods of the heavens), Saiji (events throughout the year), Chi (earthy section), Jingi (gods of heaven and earth), Teio (emperors), Kani (official ranks), Horoku (stipend), Seiji (politics), Horitsu (law), Senka (currency), Syoryo (measurement), Gaiko (diplomacy), Heiji (military), Bugi (martial arts), Hougi (technology), Shukyo (religion), Bungaku (literary), Reishiki (code of etiquette), Gaku (dance and music), Jin (personnel), Seimei (surname), Sangyo (industry), Fukushoku (garment), Inshoku (eat and drink), Kyosho (living home), Kiyo (art), Yugi (amusement), Dobutsu (animal), Shokubutsu (plant), and Kanaishi (metal). 例文帳に追加

内容は大きく分けて、天部、歳時部、地部、神祇部、帝王部、官位部、封禄部、政治部、法律部、泉貨部、称量部、外交部、兵事部、武技部、方技部、宗教部、文学部、礼式部、楽舞部、人部、姓名部、産業部、服飾部、飲食部、居処部、器用部、遊戯部、動物部、植物部、金石部の30部門からなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Department of Divinities had been considered superior, at least pro forma, to the daijokan (the Grand Council of State), and hence by the comparison the Ministry of Divinities may seem to have suffered a demotion given the fact that it was created as one arm of and under the daijokan, but in actuality Japan, under the principles laid out in the Imperial Edict (of 1870) for Establishment of Shinto, had embraced a theocratic form of government (saisei itchi, or "the unity of church and state") under the Emperor; consequently, the Ministry of Divinities had been created to strengthen the government's ability to participate in religious matters in order to achieve the objective of making Shinto the national religion of Japan. 例文帳に追加

形式上のみとはいえ、太政官よりも上位とされた神祇官に対して、太政官の1機関に格下げられた神祇省は一見すると地位が低下したようにも見受けられるが、実際には大教宣布の理念に基づいた天皇による祭政一致、ひいては神道の国家宗教化を目指す方針のために政府の関与を強めるためのものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, triggered by the dispute over naming of the Ikko sect (the issue that government attempted to enforce the name of 'Ikko' as an official name on the Jodo Shinshu sect even though the sect had officially rejected it), the repugnance against the government grew within the Jodo Shinshu sect, and the Jodo Shinshu sect withdrew from Kyobusho after the policy of Kyobusho reached a deadlock on the basis of the separation of religion and politics. 例文帳に追加

一向宗宗名論争(浄土真宗が公式に否認している「一向宗」を宗派名として強要しようとした問題)を機に浄土真宗内部からも政府への反発が高まってきたこともあり、教部省の施策が暗礁に乗り上げると政教分離の観点から脱退するといった動きを見せた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Initially, the Malla tribe that ruled Kushinagar (Kusinara), where Buddha died, expressed the view that Buddha's sariras should be solely owned by them, and a dispute arose over Buddha's sariras between the Malla tribe and other countries that had Buddhism as the state religion; consequently, Buddha's sariras were equally divided into eight pieces and, along with the case and remaining ashes, were dedicated to 10 temples in the surrounding countries within and outside Kushinagar. 例文帳に追加

釈迦入滅の地クシナガラの統治部族マウラ族は当初仏舎利の専有を表明し、仏教を国教とする周辺国との間に仏舎利を巡って争いが発生する事態となったが、結果として8等分され、それに、容器と残った灰を加えて周辺内外の10か所の寺院に奉納された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, since the shrine originally was located in precincts of Horaku-ji Temple (Shingonshu sect, founded by Prince Shotoku) in the same town as a chinju-sha shrine (Shinto shrine on Buddhist temple grounds dedicated to the tutelary deity of the area), then was transferred to the current place by the Ordinance Distinguishing Shinto and Buddhism in early Meiji period to take over ujigami (a guardian god or spirit of a particular place in the Shinto religion) of Kuroda village (confirmed by a pair of stone lantern with the inscription of the transferred year as '1770'), the present location of Ioto-jinja Shrine technically is not the palace site. 例文帳に追加

ただし、もともとは鎮守社として同町の法楽寺(真言宗、聖徳太子開基)の境内にあったものが、明治時代初期の神仏分離令により現社地へ遷座し黒田村の氏神として引き継がれたという経緯(旧地より移した「明和7年(西暦1770年)」の紀年銘をもつ石燈籠1対により確認できる)の為、現在の庵戸神社は厳密には宮跡とはいえない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At present, empirical as well as ethnological studies are being conducted on various themes, including socio-economic history, power structure of the Sengoku daimyo Takeda clan, individual study of vassals, finance, flood prevention projects, military and foreign affairs, urban problem, ruling of merchants/craftsmen, ruling of villages and religion etc. 例文帳に追加

現在では社会経済史的視点からの研究や戦国大名武田氏の権力構造の解明、家臣団の個別研究のほか、財政や治水事業、軍事や外交、交通や都市問題、商職人支配や郷村支配、宗教など各分野における実証的研究や民俗学的アプローチなど研究の地平が広っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To clean a layer of a gold plating without damaging when a passage of long years of a tangible entity for religion in which a silver or nickel plating is given to the surface of a copper bare metal, and a gold plating is given thereon produces a copper oxide which is rust of the bare metal on the surface of a decoration fitting, and to enable a recovery of a visual quality of the tangible entity, and religious value.例文帳に追加

銅製地金の表面に銀もしくはニッケルメッキを施し、かつ、その表面に金メッキを施した宗教用有体物が多年を経過することにより、その装飾金具の表面が地金の錆である銅酸化物により汚損された場合に、金メッキの層を損傷させることなく浄化して、宗教用有体物の見栄えと宗教的価値とを回復可能にさせる。 - 特許庁

The company is located in a residential area and its building site has no space for parking a tourist bus. The company has entered into a tie-up with a local shrine, wherein the company borrows the shrines parking lot, and offers its atelier/showroom tour including a priest’s brief explanation on the history of the Shinto religion and a tour to mikoshi-gura (sacred palanquin storehouse), to which tourists are usually not permitted access.例文帳に追加

住宅地の中にある同社には、敷地内に観光バスを駐車するスペースがないが、地元の神社と連携して神社の駐車場を借用する一方、工房兼ショールームの見学に、神職による神道の歴史の説明や普段は一般開放されていない御輿倉への案内を組み合わせている。 - 経済産業省

CSR has no clear shared definition because specific items of interest differ by country, region, religion and custom. Generally speaking, however, CSR is interpreted as follows: "companies become successful in business not only by complying with law but also by making well-balanced approaches on their own to economic, environmental and social problems in a manner that is beneficial to stakeholders surrounding companies, including citizens, local communities and society."例文帳に追加

CSRについては、国や地域、宗教、慣習によって具体的な関心事が異なるため、明確に共有化された定義はないが、一般的には、「企業が法律遵守にとどまらず、市民、地域及び社会等の企業を取り巻くステークホルダーに利するような形で、自ら、経済、環境、社会問題においてバランスの取れたアプローチを行うことにより事業を成功させること」等ととらえられている。 - 経済産業省

Much might be said on the unexpected and instructive fact, that an alleged new revelation, and a religion founded on it, the product of palpable imposture, not even supported by the prestige of extraordinary qualities in its founder, is believed by hundreds of thousands, and has been made the foundation of a society, in the age of newspapers, railways, and the electric telegraph. 例文帳に追加

新しい啓示と言い立てられているものと、それに基づいた宗教、その創始者の優れた性格という名声によって証拠立てることさえされていない明白なペテンの産物が、何十万人もの人に信じられ新聞と鉄道と電信の時代にある社会の基盤となっているという、思いがけない教訓的な事実については、多くのことが語られていることでしょう。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

You will remember that in the "Analogy of Religion," of which you have so kindly spoken, I did not profess to prove anything absolutely, and that I over and over again acknowledged and insisted on the smallness of our knowledge, or rather the depth of our ignorance, as regards the whole system of the universe. 例文帳に追加

「あなたが親切にも言及してくれた『宗教の類推』のなかで、私は何事も完全に証明すると公言しているのではないこと、それに宇宙の全体系に関しては、私たちの知識の小ささ、というより私たちの無知の深さについて、再三にわたり認めもし、強く主張してきたことを思い起こしてください。 - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』

Article 3 (1) The control and investigations for control under this Act shall be conducted only to the minimum extent necessary to achieve the purpose prescribed in Article 1, and shall not under any circumstances whatsoever be carried out, in deviation from the prescribed authority, to unlawfully infringe freedom of thought, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly and association, freedom of expression, academic freedom, the right of workers to organize and act collectively, or any other liberty or right of the people which is guaranteed by the Constitution of Japan. 例文帳に追加

第三条 この法律による規制及び規制のための調査は、第一条に規定する目的を達成するために必要な最小限度においてのみ行うべきであつて、いやしくも権限を逸脱して、思想、信教、集会、結社、表現及び学問の自由並びに勤労者の団結し、及び団体行動をする権利その他日本国憲法の保障する国民の自由と権利を、不当に制限するようなことがあつてはならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Although Nichiren the fifty fourth of Taiseki-ji Temple put application 'to be independent temple of Taiseki-ji Temple' to Kyobusho (Ministry of Religion) in 1873 and continued to seek approval, it was not accepted, and in 1876, Hachihonzan (eight head temples) of Taiseki-ji Temple, Shimojo Myoren-ji Temple, Kitayama Honmon-ji Temple, Kyoro Yobo-ji Temple, Koizumi Kuon-ji Temple, Hota Myohon-ji Temple, Nishiyama Honmon-ji Temple and Izu Jitsujo-ji Temple, which were belonged to the Fujimon School, were categorized as Konon Schools of Nichiren Sect (later renamed Nichiren Honmon Sect). 例文帳に追加

大石寺第54世日胤は、1873年に教部省へ「大石寺一本寺独立願」を提出し、以降も数度にわたって諌暁を繰り返したが遂に容れられず、結果的に1876年より、富士門流の系列に属する大石寺・下条妙蓮寺・北山本門寺・京都要法寺・小泉久遠寺・保田妙本寺・西山本門寺・伊豆実成寺の八本山は行政上、日蓮宗興門派(後に日蓮本門宗と改称)として分類された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was reported in an official organ of Soka Gakkai, 'Soka Shinpo' that in Argentina, Mother Teresa was told that Nichiren Shoshu Sect was the only appropriate religion and others are not, and this was considered as criticizing other religions, or after they conducted an opening ceremony for a propagation office without gaining approval from the government, and the group lost the license to be a corporate body and the monks were forced to leave the country; currently, the propagation office held the opening ceremony and the activities of the temples are continuing. 例文帳に追加

アルゼンチンではマザー・テレサへの日蓮正宗のみが正しい宗教で他の宗教は邪教とする基準での評価が誹謗中傷と判断されたことと、政府の許可を得ずに布教所の開所式を行ったことによって、現地の法人格を抹消されて僧侶も国外退去処分を受けたと創価学会機関紙「創価新報」では報じられているが、現在は布教所は儀式を奉修して、寺院活動は継続されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was supposed that Echizen Province would be an ideal place to encourage the spread of his religion as many believers of Jodo Shinshu (the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism) or other related religious sects lived in the area, and from Kyokaku's point of view, since there was conflict between the Asakura clan and the Kai clan, who were the Shugodai (deputy of Shugo, provincial constable) of Echizen Province at that time, and there was continuous embezzlement of the manors by them, Kyokaku expected Rennyo, who was his disciple and who he trusted, to act as local governor of Kawaguchi no Sho. 例文帳に追加

越前一帯には浄土真宗やそれ以外の浄土教系の諸宗派の信者が多く住んでいるために蓮如の布教には最適である事、逆に経覚の立場からしてもその頃越前国の守護代であった朝倉氏と甲斐氏の争いの影響で両氏による荘園の横領が続いており、信頼のおける甥分である蓮如に河口庄の代官的な役割を期待していたとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In general, Genpuku was held in order to declare that a boy, who became 15 years old (age according to the traditional Japanese system), reached manhood, and in the rite, the boy changed into adult clothes in front of the shrine of his ujigami (a guardian god or spirit of a particular place in the Shinto religion), changed his hairstyle from the hairstyle for children called agemaki (mizura: trefoil knots) to the hairstyle for adults called kanmurisita no motodori (the hair is bundled up on the top of the head and made to stand up to accommodate a crown), and was crowned by eboshioya (a person who put on an eboshi (formal headwear for court nobles) during the genpuku ceremony); in Court nobles and the Taira families of samurai, the boy often had heavy makeup, hikimayu (painted eyebrows) and ohaguro (black painted teeth), while in the Minamoto families of samurai, the boy mostly did not have any makeup.)例文帳に追加

一般に15歳(数え年)に達した男子が成人したことを表すために行われ、氏神の社前で大人の服に改め、総角(角髪(みずら))と呼ばれる子供の髪型を改めて大人の髪(冠下の髻(かんむりしたのもとどり))を結い、烏帽子親により冠をつける(公家、及び、平氏系の武家では、厚化粧、引眉にお歯黒も付ける、源氏系は付けない場合が多かった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though they may differ depending on the culture and religion, some concrete examples are egested things, rotten things, blood, body fluid, period, child birth, particular or general animals and foods, all contacts and acts between women and between men and women (very rarely, sexual relations and acts between men and people of the same sex,) people outside own community (people of other prefectures, foreigners and different races,) culture, people of particular blood line or rank (scheduled castes,) particular occupations (entertainment, financial and meat industries) and particular parts of a human body (a left had can not be used for eating, etc.) 例文帳に追加

具体例を挙げると、文化・宗教によって大きく異なるが、排泄物・腐敗物、血・体液・月経・出産、特定または一般の動物・食物、女性・男女間のあらゆる接触ならびに行為(ごくまれに男性、同性間の性関係ならびに行為)・自らの共同体以外の人(他県人・外国人・異民族)やその文化・特定の血筋または身分の人(不可触賎民など)・特定の職業(芸能、金融業、精肉業等)・体の一部(左手を食事に使ってはならない等)などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shintoists of the Hirata-ha school, who sympathized with Atsutane HIRATA's way of thinking, and scholars of Japanese classical literature from Tsuwano Domain proposed that the spirit of the Meiji Restoration should be based on the spirit of Emperor Jimmu and the restoration of imperial rule should make modern Japan a country of 'saisei icchi' (unity of religion and state) and the declaration of the restoration of imperial rule contains the phrases "restoration of imperial rule" and "Emperor Jimmu"; the restoration of imperial rule and 'doing everything as in the time of Emperor Jimmu,' which until then had been advocated as ideals, became reality when building an actual country and took on public significance with the slogan of 'renewal of everything.' 例文帳に追加

平田篤胤の思想に共鳴した平田派の神道家たち、また津和野藩出身の国学者たちは明治維新の精神を神武天皇の精神に基くものとし、近代日本を王政復古による祭政一致の国家とすることを提唱していたが、王政復古の大号令には王政復古と神武天皇の語が見え、従来理想として唱えられていた王政復古と「諸事神武創業ノ始ニ原」くことが、実際の国家創生に際して現実性を帯び、「万機御一新」のスローガンとして公的な意義を持つようになったのであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In his treatise, Nichiren criticized other competing Buddhist sects, arguing that these sects, including Jodoshu (Pure Land Buddhism), which led people to believe in false teachings (evil teachings) other than the Lotus Sutra, the only true teachings of Buddhism, were the reason for the disasters, that leaving Jodoshu and other heretical sects unattended would lead to a civil war in Japan and invasion by foreign countries and that the only way to provide the nation and the people with peace and security would be to establish the Lotus Sutra as the true religion. 例文帳に追加

この中で日蓮は災害の原因を人々が正法である法華経を信じずに浄土宗などの邪法(邪悪な教え)を信じているからであるとして対立宗派を非難し、法華経だけではなく鎮護国家の聖典とされた金光明最勝王経なども引用しながら、このまま浄土宗などを放置すれば国内では内乱、外国からは侵略を受けると唱え、逆に正法である法華経を中心とすれば(「立正」)、国家も国民も安泰となる(「安国」)と主張したのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, factors behind the increase in entities offering funds include: (a) the ability to contribute to the development of the Islamic world through the fund business activities and so forth, besides funding operations that are in compliance with the doctrine of the Islamic religion, and (b) an increased sense of security for entities offering funds, particularly in recent years, resulting from progress being made in terms of transparency and governance in Islamic finance, as business practices based on general finance are becoming common, partially due to the efforts of major international financial institutions.例文帳に追加

一方、資金の出し手が増加している背景としては、①イスラム教の教義にのっとった資金運用が可能となる上、その資金を利用した事業活動等によりイスラム世界の発展にも貢献し得ること、②特に近年は、大手の国際的金融機関の取組もあって一般の金融に準じた取引慣行が主流となりつつあり、イスラム金融においても透明性やガバナンスの面で高度化が進んでいることから、資金の出し手にとっての安心感が高まっていること、などが挙げられる。 - 経済産業省

But if it be any part of religion to believe that man was made by a good Being, it is more consistent with that faith to believe, that this Being gave all human faculties that they might be cultivated and unfolded, not rooted out and consumed, and that he takes delight in every nearer approach made by his creatures to the ideal conception embodied in them, every increase in any of their capabilities of comprehension, of action, or of enjoyment. 例文帳に追加

しかし、人間は良き神によって創られたと信じるのが宗教の一部であるなら、この神があらゆる人間の能力を授けたのは、それを育んで発展させるためであって、根絶やしにし消耗するためではないということ、そして神はその被造物が自分の内に組込まれている理想的な概念へ一歩づつ近づくごとに、また理解し行動し享楽する能力をなにがしか増大させるごとに、お喜びになるということを信じるのは、その信仰とより首尾一貫したことなのです。 - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


During the Kyoho and Genbun era, 20 yoriki (a police sergeant) and 50 doshin (a police constable), who used to serve for each of the East and West Magistrates, came to be dispatched to separate divisions such as Ban-kata responsible for lawsuit registration and city guard, Kessho-gata responsible for bidding and managing confisticated properties, Shomon-gata responsible for issuing paper bills and various certificates as well as checking the religion, gun-owning and ronin status, Niinomi-gata responsible for urban development including construction registration and checking as well as road management, Metsuke responsible for auditing the Magistrate both internally and externally (later merged with Niinomi-gata to be collectively called Metsuke-gata), Kanjo-gata responsible for the Magistrate's accounting, official bidding and collecting land taxes from the shogunate demesne, Kuji-kata responsible for general criminal investigation and administration, and Kawa-gata responsible for management of the Kamo-gawa River. 例文帳に追加

東西それぞれに与力20騎と同心50人が付いていたが、享保年間から元文年間にかけて訴訟の受付と市中警備を担当する番方、闕所された財物の処分を入札監督などを担当する闕所方、制札や各種証明書の発給や宗門改・鉄砲改・浪人改を行う証文方、建築の届出・確認や道路管理などの都市計画を行う新家方、奉行所内外の監察業務を行う目付(後に新家方を統合して目付方とも)、奉行所内の会計・公的な入札業務及び天領の年貢収納を行う勘定方、一般の刑事・行政を扱う公事方、鴨川の管理を行う川方といった担当部門に分離されてそこに与力・同心が配置されるようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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原題:”The Belfast Address”

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(C) 2005 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
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原題:”On Liberty”

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