
「this was made by him.」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > this was made by him.に関連した英語例文





this was made by him.の部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 23


This was made by him. 例文帳に追加

これは彼によって作られました。 - Weblio Email例文集

This castle was made by him. 例文帳に追加

この城は彼によって建てられた。 - Weblio Email例文集

This song was made by him.例文帳に追加

この曲は彼によって作曲されました。 - Weblio Email例文集

Toshiyori of the Onogawa stable of sumo wrestlers apologized and this incident was settled, but Hikojiro UCHIYAMA, the yoriki of the office of Osaka Town Magistrate, made an issue of this incident; this angered KONDO, and UCHIYAMA was later assassinated by Shinsen-gumi (there are different views regarding who assassinated him). 例文帳に追加

相撲部屋(小野川部屋)の年寄が詫びを入れてことは治まったが、大坂町奉行所与力内山彦次郎がこれを問題にして近藤を怒らせ、のちに新選組により暗殺されている(内山を暗殺した者については異説もある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A Customer enjoyed sushi specially made for him/her by taking a seat in front of sushi chef familiar to him/her and ordering this and that like ordering cocktail at a bar, and a sushi chef invented new sushi one after another in order to respond to a customer's request using a character of Maki-zushi that it was easier to give a variety to Maki-zushi than to Nigiri-zushi. 例文帳に追加

客は、なじみの職人の前に陣取りあれこれと注文して、バー(酒場)でカクテルを注文するがごとく自分だけの特別な寿司を楽しみ、職人も、握り寿司より巻き寿司の方がバラエティがつけやすいため、これに応じて次々に新しい寿司を考案していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Registrar may, upon application being made to him by any person under this subsection, delete from the register any details in relation to a deemed standard patent where it appears to him that the corresponding 1949 Act or 1977 Act patent was not in force in the United Kingdom at the commencement date. 例文帳に追加

登録官は,対応1949年法又は1977年法特許が施行日に連合王国において有効でなかったと思われる場合において,本項に基づいて何人かから請求があったときは,みなし標準特許に係る詳細を登録簿から抹消することができる。 - 特許庁

In this government, the Emperor ruled the politics directly without regents or chancellors [chief advisers to the Emperor] as a matter of form, and his time, which was admired as 'Engi no chi (the peaceful era of Engi),' continued for 34 years; however, it is said that the Shotai no Hen (the Shotai Incident), which occurred in 901 when SUGAWARA no Michizane's position was lowered to Dazai no Gon no Sochi after Tokihira made a false charge against him, was the biggest mistake of the government ruled by a son of Heaven. 例文帳に追加

その治世は34年の長きにわたり、摂関を置かず形式上の親政を行っていたため、後世「延喜の治」と崇められたが、昌泰4年(901年)、時平の讒言を聞き菅原道真を大宰権帥に貶めた昌泰の変は、聖代の瑕と評されることであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This waka was made when the Emperor, who came to know that a guy secretly had an affair with his daughter, the imperial princess who had served as Saigu at Ise-jingu Shrine, prevented him from seeing her again by guarding her with more of her aides. 例文帳に追加

「伊勢の斎宮わたりよりまかり上りて侍りける人に、忍びて通ひけることを、おほやけも聞こしめして、守り女など付けさせ給ひて、忍びにも通はずなりにければ、詠み侍りける」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later, at the time of Unekita-ikki, the incident at Taihei-ji Temple was raised as an issue; this led Hideyoshi to issue an order to track down and kill Toshihisa which made him commit suicide by disembowelment (seppuku) at Ryugamizu. 例文帳に追加

その後、梅北一揆に伴い、この祁答院での件が再燃、秀吉による島津家への歳久追討令を受け、竜ヶ水にて責任をとり切腹した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There is a story that he was so enraged during seppuku (suicide by disembowelment) that he flung his entrails away; however, not only has this been proven impossible from a medical standpoint, but also due to the manner of Kaishaku (to assist someone in committing hara-kiri by beheading him), his head must have been cut off the moment the sword entered his abdomen, so the story is fictitious, and it is likely that the death haiku or rakushu (satire) was made up along with it. 例文帳に追加

切腹の際に怒りのあまり臓物をなげつけたという説もあるが、医学的検証からそのようなことは不可能であること、腹に刀をいれたとたん介錯するという作法があることから、そういった逸話とともに創作された辞世の句か落首の類とも考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Putting this theory aside for the moment, perhas they had become vassals of Toyotomi only after have first resisted him with arms, unlike the other daimyo, the fact that there were a number of excessive demands made upon the Shimazu clan, such as the construction of Daibutsu-den (the Great Buddha hall) of Hoko-ji Temple, that they were ordered to immediately dispatch troops to Korea, and that there was an incident in which Yoshihisa was ordred to execute Toshihisa by Hideyoshi because of the Umekita Uprising (an uprising by a retainer of the Shimazu family, Kunikane UMEKITA), leaving him no choice but to comply, show that Yoshihisa and other members of the Shimazu clan were at odds with the Hideyoshi administration. 例文帳に追加

この説はともかく、他大名と異なり豊臣秀吉に抗戦した後の降伏・臣従という経緯であったためか、島津家には方広寺の大仏殿建立など過大な負担が要求されることが多かった上に、矢継ぎ早に朝鮮出兵への命令、更にその時に起こった梅北一揆で歳久が一方的に秀吉に処罰を申し渡され処刑せざるを得なかった事件など、義久はじめ島津家臣団と秀吉政権の間に確執があったのは事実のようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In proceedings against any person for infringement of a patent it shall be a defence to prove that at the time of the infringement there was in force a contract relating to the patent made by or with the consent of the plaintiff or a licence under the patent granted by him or with his consent and containing in either case a condition or term void by virtue of this section. 例文帳に追加

何人かに対する特許侵害訴訟において,侵害時に,原告により若しくは原告の同意を得て作成された特許に関する有効な契約があり,又は原告により若しくは原告の同意を得て許諾された特許に基づくライセンスがあって,何れの場合にも,本条により無効となる条件を含んでいたことを証明することは抗弁である。 - 特許庁

(2) In proceedings against any person for infringement of a patent, it shall be a defence to prove that at the time of the infringement there was in force a contract relating to the patent made by or with the consent of the plaintiff or a licence under the patent granted by him or with his consent and containing in either case a condition or term void by virtue of this section.例文帳に追加

(2) 何人かを相手とする特許侵害手続において,原告によりなされたか若しくはその同意を得てなされた特許に関する契約,又は当該特許に基づき原告により又はその同意を得て付与されたライセンスであって,何れの場合も本条により無効とされる条件を含むものが当該侵害の時点で有効であったことを立証することは,抗弁として認められる。 - 特許庁

Any document purporting to have affixed, impressed or subscribed to or on it the seal or signature of any person authorized by this section to take a declaration or affidavit, in testimony that the declaration or affidavit was made and subscribed before him, may be admitted by the Registrar without proof of the genuineness of the seal or signature or of the official character of the person or his authority to take the declaration or affidavit. 例文帳に追加

当該人の面前で宣言書又は宣誓供述書が作成され,署名されたことの証言として,本条により宣言書又は宣誓供述書をとることを授権された者の捺印又は署名を付したとされる書類は,当該人の捺印,署名,若しくは公式の身分又は宣言書若しくは宣誓供述書をとる権限の真正性の証明なしに,登録官により受理される。 - 特許庁

No public disclosure of information shall be considered as affecting patentability if it was made by the applicant, author or by any other person who obtained it from him directly under which the information about the substance of an invention became publicly open not earlier than twelve months before the date of file of an application or before the priority date if it is sought. The obligation of proof of this fact lies with the applicant.例文帳に追加

情報の公開は,出願人,創作者又はその者から直接その情報を取得した他人によってなされたものであって,それに基づいて発明の実体に関する情報が出願日(又は優先日が請求されている場合は優先日)前の12月以内に公衆に公開となった場合は,特許性に影響を及ぼすものとみなされない。この事実の証明責任は,出願人が負う。 - 特許庁

According to the "the origin and the history of rakusui-shi production" written by Kozo TAMURA, the fifth head of the Tamagawa-do Store, 'While domestic Chinese paper production requires a large amount of materials and labor, Chinese paper made in China is cheaper. In addition, the usage of Western paper is increasing more and more, which can interfere with continuing this domestic Chinese paper production over a long period. Thus, this "rakusui-shi" paper was invented as a result of tremendous trials of designs and ideas during the first year of the Meiji period (1868). Now, "Tamagawa" is only valid as a store name, and a paper mill has been operated in Sugamo village, named after a waterfowl, which is located in the north end of Tokyo where birds sing. We have produced this paper every day as our principal occupation. This paper, however, was not completely invented by myself. The original idea was hit upon by the previous head (Sakichi TAMURA) and I completed it. Because his pseudonym was "Rakusui," I named this paper as "rakusui-shi" after him.' 例文帳に追加

玉川堂五代目田村綱造の『楽水紙製造起源及び沿革』によると、「和製唐紙の原料及び労力の多きに比し、支邦製唐紙の安価なると、西洋紙の使途ますます多きに圧され、この製唐紙業の永く継続し得べからざるより、ここに明治初年大いに意匠工夫を凝らしし結果、この楽水紙といふ紙を製することを案出し、今は玉川も名のみにて、鳥が鳴く東の京の北の端なる水鳥の巣鴨の村に一つの製紙場を構え、日々この紙を漉くことをもて専業とするに至れり。もっとも此の紙は全く余が考案せしものにはあらず、その源は先代(田村佐吉)に萌し、余がこれを大成せしものなれば、先代号を楽水といへるより、これをそのまま取りて楽水紙と名ずける。」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(1) Notwithstanding anything in any rule of law, an invention made by an employee shall, as between him and his employer, be taken to belong to his employer for the purposes of this Act and all other purposes if -- (a) the invention was made in the course of the normal duties of the employee or in the course of duties falling outside his normal duties, but specifically assigned to him, and the circumstances in either case were such that an invention might reasonably be expected to result from the carrying out of his duties; or (b) the invention was made in the course of the duties of the employee and, at the time of making the invention, because of the nature of his duties and the particular responsibilities arising from the nature of his duties he had a special obligation to further the interests of the employer's undertaking.例文帳に追加

(1) 如何なる法規の如何なる規定にも拘らず,従業者により行われる発明は,同人とその使用者との間では,次の場合は,本法の適用上及び他のすべての目的で,当該使用者に帰属すると解される。 (a) 当該発明が当該従業者の通常の職務の過程又は同人の通常の職務外であるが特別に同人に割り当てられた職務の過程で行われ,かつ,何れの場合の状況も同人の職務遂行の結果として発明が期待されて当然であった場合,又は (b) 当該発明が当該従業者の職務の過程で行われ,かつ,当該発明が行われた時点で,当該従業者の職務の性質上及び同人の職務の性質から生じる特定の責任により,同人に当該使用者の事業の利益を促進する特別の義務があった場合 - 特許庁

This is said to be a plan made by the Nanki group, but some stated that Iesada, although being almost disabled or in a critical condition, did not lose his mental capacity completely and appointed Yoshitomi whom he liked personally because he disliked his rival Yoshinobu (according to the reflection of Kansui ASAHINA who was Iesada's attendant page and later served as kanjo bugyo [commissioner of finance], Iesada hated Yoshinobu because 'Yoshinobu was more handsome than him'). 例文帳に追加

これについては南紀派による画策であると言われているが、家定自身も廃人もしくはそれに近い重態ではあったものの、完全に意思能力が失われていたわけではないため、本人の意向で自分の対抗馬である慶喜を嫌って個人的に気にかけていた慶福を指名したとする見方もある(家定の側小姓で後に勘定奉行などを歴任した朝比奈閑水の回想によれば、家定は「自分より慶喜の方が美形」という理由で慶喜に反感を抱いていたと記している)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(4) Where an application is made in the prescribed manner by the registered proprietor of a trade mark who proposes to assign it or by a person who claims that a trade mark has been transmitted to him or to a predecessor in title of his since the commencement of this Act, the Registrar, if he is satisfied that in all circumstances the use of the trade marks in exercise of the said rights would not be contrary to the public interest, may in writing approve the assignment or transmission and an assignment or transmission so approved shall not be deemed to be or to have been invalid under this section but this provision shall not have effect unless application for the registration under section 47 of the title of the person becoming entitled is made within six months from the date on which the approval is given or, in the case of a transmission, was made before that date.例文帳に追加

(4) 自己の商標を譲渡しようとする登録所有者,又はある商標が自己若しくは自己の前権利者に移転されたことを主張する者が,本法の施行後に所定の方式で申請した場合において,登録官は,一切の事情に照らし前項に述べる排他的権利の行使としての当該商標の使用が公共の利益に反さないことに納得するときは,当該譲渡又は移転を書面により承認することができるものとし,このような承認を得た譲渡又は移転は本条に基づき無効とみなされることはない。ただし,この規定は,権利取得者の権原の第47条に基づく登録申請が,承認の日から6月以内になされなかったとき,又は移転の場合は承認の日の前になされなかったときは,効力を有さない。 - 特許庁

Provided that in any such case, on application in the prescribed manner by the proprietor of a trade mark who proposes to assign it, or by a person who claims that a registered trade mark has been transmitted to him or to a predecessor in title of his since the commencement of this Act, the Registrar, if he is satisfied that in all the circumstances the use of the trade mark in exercise of the said rights would not be contrary to the public interest, may approve the assignment or transmission, and an assignment or transmission so approved shall not, unless it is shown that the approval was obtained by fraud or misrepresentation, be deemed to be invalid under this section or section 40 if application for the registration under section 45 of the title of the person becoming entitled is made within six months from the date on which the approval is given or, in the case of a transmission, was made before that date. 例文帳に追加

ただし,その何れの場合でも,商標を譲渡しようとする所有者又は本法施行以来自己若しくは前権利者に既に商標の移転を受けていると主張する者が,所定の方法により申請する場合において,登録官が,その権利を行使して当該商標を使用しても,あらゆる状況から公共の利益に反さないものと認めるときは,登録官は,その譲渡又は移転を許可することができる。許可された譲渡又は移転は,当該許可が詐欺又は不実表示によって取得したことが明らかでない限り,本条又は第40条により無効とはみなされない。ただし,権利を取得した者が,第45条により権原の登録申請を,当該許可された日から6月以内又は移転の場合は当該許可の日前にしたときに限る。 - 特許庁

(4) Where in any case the longest period for making a request for the sealing of a patent allowable in that case by or under the foregoing provisions of this section has been allowed, and it is proved to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that hardship would arise in connection with the prosecution by an applicant of an application for a patent in any country outside New Zealand unless that period is extended, that period may be extended from time to time to such longer period as appears to the Commissioner to be necessary in order to prevent that hardship arising if an application in that behalf is made to him, and the prescribed fee is paid, within the first-mentioned period, or in the case of a second or subsequent application under this subsection, within the period to which that period was extended on the last preceding application thereunder.例文帳に追加

(4) 特許証への捺印を求める旨の請求をすることができる最長の期間であって本条の前記規定により又はそれに基づいて許可することができる期間が許されていた場合に,ニュージーランド以外の何れかの国における特許出願の出願人による手続に関連して,当該期間を延長しない限り,困難な事情が生じる筈のことを局長の納得するように明らかにするときは,当該期間は,前記の困難な事情を生じさせないために必要と局長が認める期間まで更に随時延長することができる。ただし,最初に挙げた期間内に,又は本項の規定による第2回目若しくはその後の申請があるときはその先行する最新の申請により期間延長された当該延長期間内に,局長宛てにそれに関し申請し,かつ,所定の手数料を納付することを条件とする。 - 特許庁

A person shall not be eligible to be registered as a patent agent, if he - (i) has been adjudged by a competent court to be of unsound mind; (ii) is an undischarged insolvent; (iii) being a discharged insolvent, has not obtained from the court a certificate to the effect that his insolvency was caused by misfortune without any misconduct on his part; (iv) has been convicted by a competent court, whether within or outside India of an offence to undergo a term of imprisonment, unless the offence of which he has been convicted has been pardoned or unless on an application made by him, the Central Government has, by order in this behalf, removed the disability; (v) being a legal practitioner has been guilty of professional misconduct; or (vi) being a chartered accountant, has been guilty of negligence or misconduct. 例文帳に追加

ある者が次に該当するときは,特許代理人としての登録資格がないものとする。 (i) 管轄裁判所から心神喪失者である旨の宣告を受けたとき (ii) 債務弁済未了の破産者であるとき (iii) 債務弁済完了の破産者であって,その者の破産がその者の側に何らの不法行為がなく災難により生じたものである旨の証明書を裁判所から未だ取得していないとき (iv) インド国内又は国外を問わず管轄裁判所から,有期の拘禁刑をもって処罰されるべき犯罪について有罪判決を受けたとき。ただし,その者の有罪判決対象の犯罪が赦免された場合又はその者による申請に基づいて中央政府が本件についての命令により資格喪失を免除した場合は,この限りでない。 (v) 弁護士であって,業務上の違法行為について有罪の判決を受けたとき,又は (vi) 公認会計士であって,過失又は不法行為について有罪の判決を受けたとき - 特許庁


Where an officer of customs has formed an opinion that any goods that have been imported and are under customs control may be goods to which a notice accepted under paragraph of section 82 relates, those goods shall forthwith be detained by him until ? the Controller of Customs has been served with an order made in proceedings under section 87 that the notice be discharged; the Controller of Customs has been served with an order made in proceedings under section 87 that the goods be released; any proceedings under section 87 (including any appeal) have been determined by a decision that the goods are not infringing goods; any proceedings under section 87 (including any appeal) have been abandoned; or 10 days have elapsed since notice was served under section 85 and the Controller of Customs has not been served with notice of proceedings brought under section 87 by any person other than the importer or consignee, whereupon the goods shall, subject to this section, be released to the person entitled to them. 例文帳に追加

税関職員が輸入され税関の管理下にある商品が第82条に基づいて受理された通知に関わる商品である可能性があるとの意見を有する場合,これら商品は速やかに税関職員によって次にいたるまで差押えられる。税関長が,第87条に基づく手続において発せられた当該通知を無効にする命令の通達を受けた,税関長が,第87条に基づく手続において発せられた当該商品を引き渡す命令の通達を受けた,当該商品が侵害商品でないという決定により第87条に基づく手続(全ての上訴を含む)が決定された,第87条に基づく何れかの手続(全ての上訴を含む)が放棄された,又は,第85条に基づき通知が送達されてから10日経過し,当該輸入者又は荷受人以外の者より第87条に基づき提起された手続の通知が税関長に対して通知されていない。これらに至った場合,当該商品は,本条に従うことを条件として,その権利を有する者に引き渡される。 - 特許庁


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