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western worldの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 99


Collaborative Organizations:The ASEAN Secretariat World Health Organization, Western Pacific Regional Office (WHO/WPRO) International Labour Organization (ILO) Office for Japan Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)例文帳に追加

協力機関:ASEAN事務局、世界保健機関西太平洋地域事務局(WHO/WPRO)、国際労働機関(ILO)駐日事務所、独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA) - 厚生労働省

Dr. Shigeru Omi President, Japan Public Hospital Group financed by Pension and Health Insurance Contributions / Regional Director Emeritus, World Health Organization, Regional Office for Western Pacific例文帳に追加

-尾身 茂 独立行政法人年金・健康保険福祉施設整理機構理事長 名誉世界保健機関(WHO)西太平洋地域事務局長 - 厚生労働省

Comment:Dr.Omi, President, JAPAN Public Hospital Group financed by Pension and Health Insurance Contributions / Regional Director Emeritus, World Health Organization, Regional Office for Western Pacific例文帳に追加

・コメント:尾身 茂 独立行政法人年金・健康保険福祉施設整理機構理事長 名誉世界保健機関(WHO)西太平洋地域事務局長 - 厚生労働省

After the Second World War, the one which people use by sitting on (called yoshiki (Western style)) and the urinal for males were imported from Western Europe and became common. 例文帳に追加

第二次世界大戦後には西ヨーロッパから座って用を足す便器(洋式(ようしき)と呼ばれている)や男性用小便器が輸入され、一般的になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This deficiency in the system for lawsuits was one reason why the Western powers were unable to give Japan legal protection for its private rights equal to those of Western countries after it opened itself up to the rest of the world; consequently, Japan was forced to accept unequal treaties such those granting extraterritorial rights. 例文帳に追加

また、こうした訴訟体制の不備が日本の開国後に欧米列強から、欧米並みの私権の法的保護を受けられないとする証拠とされ、治外法権などの不平等条約を押し付けられる一因となった - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The second phase of Japanese rule was from 1915 when the Silaian Incident broke out to 1937 when the Marco Polo Bridge Incident occurred, during which time the authority of colonialism by the Western countries fell and nationalism emerged due to the change of the world situation, especially after World War I. 例文帳に追加

日本統治の第2期は西来庵事件の1915年から1937年の盧溝橋事件であり、国際情勢の変化、特に第一次世界大戦の結果、西洋諸国の植民地統治の権威が失墜し、民族主義が高揚した時期である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Until the Cold War ended, only a tiny portion of the current world population of 6.8 billion were viewed as the world's major consumption market (product sales destination), namely, Western industrial countries (with a population at the time of 900 million).例文帳に追加

冷戦が崩壊する前まではこの世界の約68 億人のうち、ごく一部、いわゆる西側先進国(当時で約9 億人)のみが世界の主要な消費市場(製品の販売先)とされていた。 - 経済産業省

From the viewpoint of abstract art, Japan can boast about its garden design style to the world, that also contains a mysterious Oriental image that meets the expectations of what Western culture pursues, and it has become famous worldwide. 例文帳に追加

抽象芸術という観点から日本が世界に誇る庭園様式とみなされて世界に発信されていくが、西洋文化が求めた東洋の神秘的イメージに合致して世界的にも有名になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, within the world of sankyoku focus is placed on 'tegotomono,' in which the instrumental aspect developed during the Edo period and which was also influenced by the Western music that was introduced since the Meiji Restoration. 例文帳に追加

一方、三曲界内部においては、明治維新以来の西洋音楽の導入に伴って、その器楽的部分に影響を受け、江戸時代を通じて器楽的に発達していた「手事物」に注目されることも多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A movement pursuing photorealism was gradually intensified with the back-to-nature movement launched during the Renaissance which brought the modernization of Western culture, as well as with the modern perspective developed in the world of art which attempted to depict figures as they were. 例文帳に追加

西洋近代を告げるルネサンスにおいては自然回帰運動が起き、芸術の世界では具象をありのままに捉えようとする近代的パースペクティヴが発展し、写実性を求める動きが次第に強まった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Masao KOGA who played a critical role in the development of this genre produced works reflecting the influence of ethnic music around the world, including music in Korea where he spent his boyhood, Roma music and western music. 例文帳に追加

またこのジャンルの発展に決定的な役割を果たした古賀政男は、少年時代を過ごした朝鮮をはじめロマなど世界各地の民族音楽や西洋音楽からの影響も作品に盛り込んでいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During this period, as a country of imperialism, Japan ranked with the western powers, which invigorated them to join the victorious side in World War I, and the whole nation were thrilled with the enhancement of the national prestige. 例文帳に追加

帝国主義の国として欧米列強と肩を並べ、勢いを得て第一次世界大戦にも参戦、勝利の側につき国中が国威の発揚に沸いた時代である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the world of western confectionery the technique and artistry are exerted, but on the other hand, amezaiku of Japanese confectionery is regarded as exclusively one of street performance or traditional performing arts, except for something like aruheizaiku. 例文帳に追加

洋菓子の世界ではパティシエがその技術と芸術性を発揮できる分野である一方、和菓子の飴細工は有平細工のような例外を除いて、もっぱら大道芸、伝統工芸の1つと見なされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the inconvenience of monpe (women's work pants) was recognized during World War II and there was a mass influx of western clothes as part of American aid when there was a shortage of clothing during the postwar chaos. 例文帳に追加

しかし、第2次世界大戦中に、もんぺの不便さが認識されたこと、戦後混乱期に衣類市場が空白になったところに、アメリカの援助物資としての洋服が大量流入した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Most of the paintings of 'kado,' Japanese ikebana, that were introduced to the Western world at the end of 19th cenury under the boom of Japanese culture were those of Enshu school. 例文帳に追加

19世紀末に西洋で隆盛を得たジャポネスクブームとともに紹介された日本のいけばな「華道」の花姿はほとんどが遠州流の花の図であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is the significance of housing Bhaisajyaguru in the east and Amitabha in the west, and indeed the eastern bank with its three-storey pagoda could be considered as this world while Amitabha's western bank represents nirvana. 例文帳に追加

薬師如来を東、阿弥陀如来を西に安置することにはこうした意味があり、三重塔のある東岸は「此岸」(しがん、現世)、池をはさんだ西岸は阿弥陀如来のいる「彼岸」であるという見かたもできる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the right stands Hokken no Shaka Nyorai ("Hokken" refers to the sending of people from this world to the next) and on the left stands Raigei no Amida Nyorai (who welcomes souls into the Western Pure Land Paradise). 例文帳に追加

向かって右に発遣(ほっけん、現世から来世へと送り出す)の釈迦如来、左に来迎(西方極楽浄土へ迎え入れる)の阿弥陀如来が並び立つ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After World War II it was decided to replace Japanese books, Chinese classic books and Western books by cultural science, social science, and natural science and to invite the representative authorities of these three fields. 例文帳に追加

第2次世界大戦後には、これまでの和書・漢籍・洋書を改めて人文科学・社会科学・自然科学の3分野として各界の権威者を招くようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mushika came from 'Mujika' meaning music in Spanish, and Sorin was so impressed after listening to Western music and dreamed of a peaceful ideal world like its melody. 例文帳に追加

ムシカとはスペイン語で音楽を意味する「ムジカ」に由来し、宗麟はかつて西洋の音楽を聴いて非常に感銘を受け、その旋律のように平和な理想郷を夢見た。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He founded Hoensha, an Igo organization, and supported the Igo world in the Meiji period which had lost patronage from the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), and made the first step to spread and popularize Igo in Western Europe. 例文帳に追加

江戸幕府の庇護がなくなった明治期に囲碁結社方円社を主宰して囲碁界を支え、さらに西欧にまで広める端緒をつくった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, his collection of paintings, sculptures, and Ukiyoe (Japanese woodblock prints) which Matsukata had bought in Europe during the First World War, when he was prospering as president of Kawasaki Dockyard, had come to be known as "Matsukata collection," a part of which became a base of The National Museum of Western Art. 例文帳に追加

また川崎造船所社長として隆盛を誇った第一次世界大戦の際、ヨーロッパで買い集めた絵画、彫刻、浮世絵は松方コレクションの名で知られ、その一部は国立西洋美術館の母胎となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Society of Jesus, which aimed at world wide missionary work, dispatched its members to the state of Goa, a Portuguese colony on the western coast of India under the orders of King John III of Portugal. 例文帳に追加

当初より世界宣教をテーマにしていたイエズス会は、ポルトガル王国王ジョアン3世(ポルトガル王)の依頼で、会員を当時ポルトガル領だったインド西海岸のゴア州に派遣することになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1880, negotiations were held in Beijing through the arbitration of ex-US President Ulysses Grant, who had a meeting with Emperor Meiji during his world tour and advised that both Japan and Qing compromise to prevent the intervention of western powers. 例文帳に追加

世界巡遊中の前合衆国大統領ユリシーズ・グラントが明治天皇との会見で西欧列強の介入を防ぐための日清両国の譲歩を助言したこともあり、1880年北京で日清の交渉が行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some samurai such as Takamasa OKUNI of Tsuwano Domain supported the principle of Daijoiron, which was the concept that, to resist pressure from the allied western powers, it would be best to temporarily open the country to the world and give priority to uniting the whole country and fukoku kyohei (strengthening the military). 例文帳に追加

また、津和野藩の大国隆正らによって、欧米列強の圧力を排するためには一時的に外国と開国してでも国内統一や富国強兵を優先すべきだとする大攘夷論が唱えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As outlined above, Toei is categorized as a company which was established after World War Two, but both its eastern and western studios took over those of Teikoku Kinema Engei Kabushiki Gaisha (Imperial Cinema Entertainment Company), Shinko, and Daiei Second (Toyoko) and as with these studios, Toei specifically focused on mass entertainment. 例文帳に追加

上記のように企業としては戦後派であるが、撮影所は東西ともに帝キネ→新興→大映第二(東横)を引き継いでおり、徹底して大衆娯楽路線を重視する路線なども似ている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that Western countries expressed admiration for the fact that Japan, an island nation in the Far East which had been closed off the world for a long time, completed own railways in only several years after the Meiji Restoration. 例文帳に追加

なお欧米では、極東の鎖国をしていた島国であった日本が、明治維新より僅か数年で自前の鉄道を完成させたということには、驚嘆の声が上がったといわれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The anti-Christian way or anti-western 'evil deeds' of the Boxers were not in line with a 'civilization', and as word of these barbaric acts spread across the world, China was severely criticized. 例文帳に追加

そのような中で起きた義和団のアンチ・キリスト的、あるいは非西欧的「悪行」は、「文明」に悖る野蛮な行為としてすぐさま世界に広まり、激しい非難が中国に寄せられることになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He intended to correct gradually assumption by Sinocentrism that deemed the western world as iteki by making international law widely understood in China (through translating work for "Bankoku Koho"). 例文帳に追加

その国際法を(『万国公法』の訳出を介して)中国に普及することで、西欧を夷狄視する中華思想的思いこみを徐々に是正していこうと考えたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although it was initially considered strange architecture made by carpenters with no knowledge of authentic Western architectural techniques, it has gradually become highly regarded within the re-evaluation of Meiji architecture since the end of the Second World War. 例文帳に追加

当初は、西洋建築の正しい知識を持たない職人が造った奇妙な建築と見られてきたが、第二次世界大戦後の明治建築再評価の中で、次第に高く評価されるようになってきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Oitekaze, his stable master, said, "He probably knows how to fight from his experience in western-style wrestling. He is also quick to learn Japanese and the customs of the sumo world." 例文帳に追加

彼の親方の追(おい)手(て)風(かぜ)親方は,「レスリングの経験から戦い方を知っているのだろう。日本語も相撲界のしきたりも覚えるのが早い。」と言う。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

Based on the research accumulated by Professor Kenzo Takada in the Institute for Genetic Medicine in Hokkaido University the company developed a "fully human antibody" using solely domestic technology without relying on any patent developed in western world.例文帳に追加

北海道大学の遺伝子病制御研究所高田賢蔵教授が蓄積してきた研究成果を基に、欧米の特許に依存しない純国産技術を用いた「完全ヒト抗体」を開発している。 - 経済産業省

However, it was too difficult for Western European countries, which declined after the two World Wars, to deal with those issues alone, so they had to find a way towards reconstruction by joining forces.例文帳に追加

しかし、二度の世界大戦で衰退した西欧諸国にとって、独力での取組は困難だったため、各国は協力することによって復興への活路を見いだした。 - 経済産業省

The final war, that is, the war between the way of rule by virtue and the way of rule by military might is ultimately a war to decide whether the believers or the non-believers in the Emperor shall prevail; more specifically, it is a war to decide whether the Emperor is to be the Emperor of the world or whether the president of the Western world is to be the leader of the world, making it an unprecedented event in the history of humankind. 例文帳に追加

最終戦争即ち王道・覇道の決勝戦は結局、天皇を信仰するものと然らざるものの決勝戦であり、具体的には天皇が世界の天皇とならせられるか、西洋の大統領が世界の指導者となるかを決定するところの、人類歴史の中で空前絶後の大事件である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This idea of Geido, which is peculiar to Japan, seems to interest foreigners, such that when German philosopher Eugen Herrigel was at Tohoku University, for example, he was so impressed by how different the practice of Kyudo (Japanese archery) was from that of western-style archery that he wrote "Zen in the Art of Archery," a book that has been introduced to the Western World through various means. 例文帳に追加

外国人にはこうした日本固有の芸道観念が興味深くうつるらしく、ドイツ人の哲学者オイゲン・ヘリゲルが、東北大学に在任中、洋弓(アーチェリー)とは違った日本の弓道の修業の仕方に感銘を受けて『弓と禅』をあらわしたのを嚆矢として、欧米世界にさまざまに紹介されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the period 'from the Meiji Restoration to the surrender in World War II,' how to take a Japanese identity before the overwhelming civilization and advanced culture of Western countries was an issue under the international environment where imperialistic countries unfolded captures of colonies. 例文帳に追加

「明治維新以降-第二次世界大戦降伏まで」の時代には、帝国主義国が植民地争奪を繰り広げる国際環境の中、西洋の圧倒的な文明と先進文化を前に日本のアイデンティティをどう捉えるかが課題であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A calendar which had its new year's day on March 1st of the ancient Roman calendar was used until 1797 in the Republic of Venezia and from 988 to the end of the 15th Century in Russia and, in Russia, September 1st was new year's day from the end of the 15th Century to the introduction of the western calendar in 1700 (in Russia, before this introduction, the years had been counted from the mythic creation of the world). 例文帳に追加

古代のローマ暦の1Marchを正月とする暦は、ヴェネツィア共和国で1797年まで、ロシアで988年~15世紀の終わりまで用いられていた、ロシアでは15世紀の終わりから1700年の西暦導入まで、9月1日が正月だった(ロシアではそれ以前、神話的世界の創造から年を数えていた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The concept of 'Kuhon Ojo' is advocated in 'Kanmuryoju-kyo' (The Sutra of Visualization of the Buddha of Measureless Life, meaning Amida), which preaches that there are nine stages or categories on Gokuraku Ojo (to rebirth from this world into Amitabha's Western Pure Land Paradise) from those who correctly adhere to Buddhist teachings to the most evil people. 例文帳に追加

「九品往生」とは「観無量寿経」に説かれる思想で、極楽往生(人が現世から阿弥陀如来のいる西方極楽浄土へと生まれ変わる)のしかたには、仏の教えを正しく守る者から、極悪人まで9つの段階ないし種類があるという考えである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Who is Ogai Gyoshi ?' (criticism on the literary world), 'Naojiro HARADA' (about western painting in the modern period of Japan), 'Ryokyuroku' (about modern art), 'If I were a wealthy man in Kyushu' (about social issues), 'Observations on one aspect of the Boxer Uprising' (lecture records), 'Joint review on new society' (a criticism of "New Society" written by Ryukei YANO, in which mentioned socialism and so on). 例文帳に追加

「鴎外漁史とは誰ぞ」(文壇時評)、「原田直次郎」(日本の近代西洋絵画)、「潦休録」(近代芸術)、「我をして九州の富人たらしめば」(社会問題)、「義和団の乱の一面の観察」(講演録)、「新社会合評」(矢野竜渓『新社会』の評論で社会主義などを記述)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition to the above, western countries modernized rapidly through industrial revolution in the latter half of the 18th century, and for their own political and economic reasons, started debouching into various places around the world to acquire their own colonies for the purpose of seeking resources and markets for their own industries, rather than for the simple purpose of 'adventure' during the Age of Geographical Discovery. 例文帳に追加

それに加えて、18世紀後半の産業革命によって欧米諸国は急速に近代化しており、それぞれの政治経済的事情から大航海時代の単なる「冒険」ではなく、自らの産業のために資源と市場を求めて世界各地に植民地獲得のための進出を始めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Among East Asian countries where the powerful countries of Western Europe were watching for a chance to invade, Japan was the first country that opened itself to the world and became a modern state through the Meiji Restoration, and it began to establish modern international relations not only with the West European countries but also with Asian countries around Japan. 例文帳に追加

他方、西欧列強が迫っていた東アジア諸国の中で、いちはやく開国し明治維新により近代国家となった日本は、西欧諸国のみならず、自国周辺のアジア諸国とも近代的な国際関係を樹立しようとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, in many countries other than Japan especially in Western Europe, there were examples of civil officers who were appointed to the position of Military Minister even after the World War II, and the Civilian Control philosophy which claims the superiority of military affairs over politics was established. 例文帳に追加

一方、日本以外の国、特に西欧諸国においては、第二次世界大戦以前においても軍部大臣に文官を任用する例も多く、政治の軍事に対する優位を原則とするシビリアン・コントロールの理念が確立している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Hojo-ji Temple (defunct) built by FUJIWARA no Michinaga, Hossho-ji Temple, as erected at the wish of the Emperor Shirakawa, and Byodoin Hoodo (the Phoenix Hall or Amida Hall of Byodoin), etc., to the west of a pond is where the Amida hall was constructed, which symbolized reverence to higan (the Western paradise where Amitabha dwells) in this world. 例文帳に追加

藤原道長建立の法成寺(廃絶)、白河天皇発願の法勝寺(廃絶)、平等院鳳凰堂などでは池の西岸に阿弥陀堂が建ち、現世において彼岸(阿弥陀如来の住する西方極楽浄土)を拝するという意味があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Buddhism, which began in northern India as a world religion, is mainly categorized into Theravada Buddhism (Nanden bukkyo [Buddhism that spread from India to Sri Lanka and Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia]) which spread in southeast Asia (Khmer Dynasty, Sriwijaya Kingdom), and Mahayana Buddhism (Hokuden bukkyo [Buddhism that spread from India to northern Asia]) which spread to China, the Korean peninsula, and other regions through the western regions of China (Central Asia). 例文帳に追加

北インドの地で生まれた世界宗教としての仏教は、主として東南アジア方面(クメール王朝、シュリーヴィジャヤ王国)に伝播した上座部仏教(南伝仏教)と、西域(中央アジア)を経由して中国から朝鮮半島などへ広がった大乗仏教(北伝仏教)に分かれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The most generally accepted theory is that the yakiniku culture that had revolved around establishments such as the Edo period restaurant Momonji-ya underwent changes due to the influence of Western European barbeque following the Meiji Restoration, and developed further as a result of exposure to grilled meat dishes from around the world (European steak, North American barbeque, etc.) to become modern Japanese yakiniku. 例文帳に追加

最も一般的な説では江戸時代のももんじ屋などでひっそり続いていた焼肉文化が明治維新後に西欧のバーベキューの影響を受けて変化し、更に世界各国に存在する肉を焼く料理(ヨーロッパのステーキ、北米のバーベキューなど)の影響をも受けて変化したのが現在の日本料理の焼肉であるとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As western powers colonized Asian countries and Japan forced Korea to open the country to the world and intervene in it, Qing, as a result, was spurred into using this war to try to transform the conventional relationship between Qing and Korea based upon a concept of a family with the same origin into a modern suzerain-dependency relationship (suzerain-colony relationship) and keep Korea under control. 例文帳に追加

アジア諸国の西欧列強による植民地化と日本による朝鮮王朝の開国と干渉に刺激された結果、清国と朝鮮の関係を伝統的な宗属関係から近代的な宗主国と属国の関係(宗主国と植民地の関係)に改めて朝鮮を自勢力下に留めようとした戦争。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The general officer of the Imperial Japanese Army, Kanji ISHIWARA said 'Where all the human beings believe in the Arahitogami, the civilization of the rule of Right shows its real value for the first time. The last war, the final match between the rule of right and the rule of might is in fact a match between people who believe in the Emperor and people who don't. So the war is to decide if the Emperor becomes the Emperor of the world or the Western President becomes the leader of the world. This is the biggest event of all time in our history.' 例文帳に追加

大日本帝国陸軍参謀であった石原莞爾は、「人類が心から現人神(あらひとがみ)の信仰に悟入したところに、王道文明は初めてその真価を発揮する。最終戦争即ち王道・覇道の決勝戦は結局、天皇を信仰するものと然らざるものの決勝戦であり、具体的には天皇が世界の天皇とならせられるか、西洋の大統領が世界の指導者となるかを決定するところの、人類歴史の中で空前絶後の大事件である。」と主張した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The final battle, that is, the decisive war between righteous monarchy and military rule, is the final battle between those who worship the Emperor and those who do not; specifically, it will be the most important incident in the history of mankind, determining whether the Emperor will be the Emperor of the world or whether Western presidents will lead the world" and with the rise of militarism after the Showa Restoration movement, the military appropriated the authority of the Emperor to intervene in politics. 例文帳に追加

最終戦争即ち王道・覇道の決勝戦は結局、天皇を信仰するものと然らざるものの決勝戦であり、具体的には天皇が世界の天皇とならせられるか、西洋の大統領が世界の指導者となるかを決定するところの、人類歴史の中で空前絶後の大事件である。と極論を展開するなど、昭和維新運動以後の軍国主義の台頭によって、天皇の威を借りた軍部による政治介入が頻発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The labor force participation rate of women in Japan, unlike in Western European countries where the rate has risen substantially in the past 40 years, was higher than in other countries at the time of the 1920 Population Census , which put the figure at 53%, due to the high proportion of self-employment including in farming households. The rate fell until the mid-1970s owing primarily to the decline in the ratio of self-employed households after the Second World War, and then went through a period of increase due to the spread of part-time employment of full-time housewives in salaried workers' households (Fig. 3-1-2).例文帳に追加

我が国の女性の労働力率は、西欧諸国においてこの40年間に大きく上昇したのとは異なり、農家を含めた自営業の比率の高さのため1920年の国勢調査においても53%と諸外国より高く、戦後自営業世帯比率の低下を主因として1970年代半ばまで低下し、その後サラリーマン世帯の専業主婦のパート労働の普及により上昇するという変動過程を経てきた(第3-1-2図)。 - 経済産業省


The IMF (2008) lists the following three risks as being faced by the economies of Central and Eastern European countries: (a) the risk of Western European banks withdrawing finance to Central and Eastern European countries in order to compensate the losses arising from the US subprime mortgage problem, or, faced with rising capital costs and risk spreads, reducing the capital or tightening their loan conditions for Central and Eastern Europe; (b) the risk of rapid declines in international competitiveness or decreases in investments from overseas due to wages rising in excess of the rate of productivity growth, or, in cases where much of the finance has been invested in the housing market in the form of mortgages, of credit risks being reviewed as a consequence of a shrinking housing market; and (c) presuming that much of the funds flowing into Central and Eastern Europe are the funds of oil-producing countries and primary commodity exporters, the risk of these funds drying up as the world economy slows.例文帳に追加

IMF(2008)では、中・東欧諸国経済が抱える3つのリスクとして、①米国サブプライム住宅ローン問題の損失を補填するために西欧の銀行が中・東欧諸国向け融資を引き上げたり、資本コストやリスク・スプレッドの上昇に直面した西欧の銀行が、中・東欧向け融資を縮小したり、融資条件を厳格化するリスク、②生産性上昇率を上回って賃金が上昇することで国際競争力が急速に低下し、海外からの投資が減少したり、融資の多くが住宅ローンの形で住宅市場に投資されているようなケースで、住宅市場の縮小によって信用リスクの見直しが行われるリスク、③中・東欧に流入する資金の多くが、産油諸国や一次産品輸出者の資金と推測される中、世界経済が減速して、これら資金の流入が枯渇するリスクを挙げている。 - 経済産業省


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