
「あまがつじにしまち」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 176



According to the description in the shrine's biography of Tamatsushima-jinja Shrine, when Empress Jingu advanced the troops to the peninsula, the god of Tamatsushima showed extreme miraculous power, so the Empress paid back by enshrining a branch shrine for the deity in Amano, Katsuragi-cho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Nomo Hideo will form an amateur baseball team in his hometown of Osaka.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


To miniaturize an electric motor by reducing the width dimension vertical to an armature shaft and an output shaft of a gear case. - 特許庁


Consequently, magnetic flux flows to the projection part 9 to reduce magnetic saturation occurring to the center portion of the armature 5, and the area of confrontation between the magnetic poles 1a and 1b of the yoke 1 and the armature 5 in an adsorption direction increases to pass more magnetic flux, thereby the armature 5 obtains a larger adsorptive power. - 特許庁



The armature short circuit 50 constituted at control stopping time of an electric power converter 30 is arranged on the AC output side of the electric power converter 30. - 特許庁



A power converter 30 is provided in its AC output side with a circuit 50 of armature short circuit constituted when control is stopped of the power converter 30. - 特許庁


To provide a cup type beverage automatic vending machine capable of preventing waiting time required for extraction of coffee from becoming unmanageable by enabling the customer to directly check the extraction of a selected coffee beverage. - 特許庁


Monouri, not often seen today, are people who do business with a unique 'yobigoe' (call) and a musical instrument while walking through town, and since they used to pull along products stacked on large carts and bicycles, they were also called hikiuri.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A stator 4 is fixed by press fitting in a yoke 1 formed in U shaped cross-section, a spacer 6 is disposed between the yoke 1 and stator 4, a friction surface 1a is formed on the outer side pole part of the yoke 1 opposite the armature 8, and a friction surface 4b is also formed on the stator 4 opposite the armature 8. - 特許庁



After his older brother, Nagoyoshi, opened an osier (raised cloth picture) shop in the Minamidenmacho district, Kunichika studied under the artist of the Hasegawa school Chikanobu TOYOHARA to learn how to draw portraits of kabuki actors; he went on to draw original paintings for hagoita battledores (some says that he took on a job at hagoita maker Rinshun's studio).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Although he had served (as kinju [attendant] or yuhitsu [private secretary]) Yoshinao ASHIKAGA, the ninth Seitaishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the eastern barbarians") in the Muromachi Period, he became a priest after Yoshinao died in battle (in 1489) and led a secluded life in Amagasaki of Settsu Province and Takigi-mura Village of Yamashiro Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While, a recessed part 130b being an annular recess having a triangular cross section, and arranged on the circumference is arranged on a concentric circle on the armature plate 110 side so as to correspond to the respective projecting parts 130a. - 特許庁


Today, this Misasagi is considered similar to the Horaisan-kofun tumulus (a large, keyhole-shaped tomb mound 227 meters in length) in Amagatsujinishi-machi, Nara City, Nara Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Similar stories also remain all over Japan: In two towns and one village of Kanra-gun, Gunma Prefecture; Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture; Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture; Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture; two towns and one village of Hata County, Kochi Prefecture; Kama City, Fukuoka Prefecture; the Island of Fukue, Goto-retto Island, Nagasaki Prefecture: and it is assumed that those stories were made with a mutual influence on each other.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

pこれらの警告をオプションにした理由の一つは、GNU CC がまだあまり賢くなくて、あるコードが一見間違いを含むかのように見えてもそれは実は正しいものかもしれない、ということを GNU CC が理解できない、というものです。 ここにその 1 つの例を挙げます。例文帳に追加

p These warnings are made optional because GNU CC is not smart enough to see all the reasons why the code might be correct despite appearing to have an error.  - JM


There are many other programs, including 'Motomachi Yose Rengatei' (held by Harukoma KATSURA in Kobe City), 'Beicho KATSURA Rakugo Workshop' (held by the Beicho KATSURA family in Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City), 'Amagasaki Rakugo Workshop' (organized by the Beicho KATSURA family in Amagasaki City) and 'Kyoto Citizen's Yose' (in Kyoto City).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In this mixed injection member 1, a plug body 5 having at least one projected part 6 formed thereon and having a slit 7 formed on the projected part 6 from a top face downward is fitted to the top face of a cylindrical body 3 projected from a body 2, and a cap 4 is fitted to the upper outer periphery of the cylindrical body 3. - 特許庁


Hongan-ji Temple originated after the death of sect founder Shinran Shonin when his youngest daughter Kakushinni had a mausoleum constructed in what is modern-day Rinka-cho, Higashiyama-ku Ward, Kyoto City (in the vicinity of the Sotaiin sub-temple of Chionin Temple) into which his remains were interred in 1272.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Slats 2 are horizontally arranged at the stiles and rails of this rain shutter door, and operating sliders 15, 16 constituting first and second swing mechanisms 17, 18 face a center rail 14 easy for an inhabitant to operate. - 特許庁


When a holding current flowing through the coil of the electromagnet becomes larger than a prescribed value, it is determined that the armature has fallen off, so that a restoration operation of applying a voltage to the coil can be quickly carried out. - 特許庁


Although the seaports in Hyogo Ward, Kanzaki in Amagasaki City, and Sakai City attract attention in the Osaka Bay, Watanabe no tsu was continuously functioning as the seaport at the river mouth of the Yodo-gawa River through the Heian period, the Kamakura period and the Muromachi period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

左右の電磁クラッチC_L ,C_R のコイル23_L ,23_R は同時に励磁することはないため、共通のアマチュア32が左または右に移動することにより、左右の電磁クラッチC_L ,C_R を支障なく作動させることができる。例文帳に追加

Since the coils 23L, 23R of the left and the right electromagnetic clutches CL, CR are not simultaneously excited, the left and the right electromagnetic clutches CL, CR can be actuated without troubles by movement of the common armature 32 left or right. - 特許庁


A brush holder 25 provided with a pair of brush-side connection terminals to be electrically connected to the brushes is attached to the inside of a motor yoke 15, and an armature shaft 18 is rotatably supported by the motor yoke 15 and the brush holder 25. - 特許庁


The sweetener composition contains thaumatin and neotame preferably in an amount of 0.04-4 pts.wt. of neotame based on 1 pt.wt. of thaumatin. - 特許庁


Kozaisho took the letter tentatively; however, she mistakenly dropped it just in front of Josaimonin (Imperial Princess Muneko) when served, and Josaimonin picked it up and said "Too much strong-mindedness is not favored" citing an example of ONO no Komachi who was said to have died a miserable death, and Josaimonin ordered an ink stone to be brought and prompted Kozaisho to write a reply to him.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Now Paris could not terrify them, yet for all that the men of the town would not part with Helen, whether because she was so beautiful, or because they thought it dishonourable to yield her to the Greeks, who might put her to a cruel death.  - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』


The moving magnet is attracted to one of the pair of stationary magnets 110, 120 by attraction magnetic force generated when current conducts to an electromagnet 130 for magnetization. - 特許庁


Left and right coils 22L, 22R are stored in both ends in the axial direction of a core 21, and left and right armatures 23L, 23R arranged on the outsides in the axial direction of the coils 22L, 22R are mutually connected by a common transmission member 25. - 特許庁


The premises occupied a vast area of approx. 436meters (or approx. 873meters according to one theory) that were surrounded by Rokujo-oji Street on the south side, by Rokujo Bomon-koji Street on the north side, by Higashi Kyogoku-oji Street on the east side and by Madeno-koji Street on the west side, and it is said that he built a garden imitating a landscape of Shiogama, Mutsu Province, and enjoyed making salt with a baking method from 30-koku (approx. 180 litters/koku) seawater brought from Amagasaki every month.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Because 188 households in Hiyoshi-cho were to be submerged through the building of this dam, the residents formed 'Hiyoshi Dam Taisakukyogikai Amawaka Domei' (Amawaka Association, Hiyoshi Dam Opposition Movement) in 1961 when the plan to build 'Miyamura Dam' was announced, and they staged an uncompromising opposition movement against the plan involving people of the whole town for twenty-four years until September 1984 when the compensation negotiations were settled.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Thus, the connection members 60 and 70 can be provided with no looseness relative to the armature shaft 24 and the worm shaft 43, preventing occurrence of noises and early degradation of connection members 60 and 70. - 特許庁


To provide a new form of transaction for a literary work by which an amateur writer personally and easily publishes his/her own literary work and a reader who is interested in the literary work can purchase the literary work. - 特許庁


A weight 102 which is eccentric is fitted to one end side of a rotary shaft 101, an armature 120 is fitted to the other end side, and bearings 103 and 104 hold the rotary shaft 101 rotatably therebetween. - 特許庁


To provide a new opening/closing mechanism for a building opening capable of positively preventing infiltration of rainwater, powdery snow, or the like into the indoor side without complicating the structure of a sill and a lower rail. - 特許庁


Then, this choke coil 66 is arranged in piles in axial direction of an armature shaft on the spring member 53, in a word, on the extension on gear housing side of a spring member 53. - 特許庁


The contact pole pieces 21a and 21b are compact compared to a conventional type and the mass is reduced, the moment acting on the armature 21 is small at the time of moving or application of external force, thus the impact resistance is improved compared to a conventional type. - 特許庁


An armature 36 for an outlet side gate valve 3 has a throttle groove 36b provided near a suction face 36a in proximity to a valve body 31 so that part of a magnetic flux bypasses the suction face 36a during carrying a current. - 特許庁


To provide a manufacturing method of an electromagnetic relay capable of increasing attractive force of an electromagnet against an amateur without cost increase and with easy thickness control during yoke manufacturing. - 特許庁


Even if a portion between the armature shaft side coupling member 70 and the worm shaft side coupling member 80 has the clearance, the accuracy of detecting the rotating shaft of the worm shaft 43 is not affected by the clearance, and the accuracy of detecting the rotating state of the worm wheel is free from any trouble. - 特許庁


Since the impact of the armature shaft 15 is relaxed by the elastic member 40 during rotation of the armature shaft 15, the generation of abnormal sounds from the connecting sections of each shaft 15 and 29 is inhibited and a silent sound is attained. - 特許庁


To provide a communication system capable of suppressing deterioration in the S/N ratio of data signals by AM broadcast wave or interference wave such as amateur radio wave guided to a transmission line to increase reliability of communication. - 特許庁


It had been long since people argued that Takamanohara reflected an actual place, and after the World War II, amateur researchers were main advocates of the Korean Peninsula theory.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To the server (lesson reservation intermediation device) of a lesson reservation intermediation system, the professional/amateur using the system perform user registration and professional profile/schedule registration through a professional terminal and an amateur terminal (steps S1-S3). - 特許庁


The motor 10 includes a magnet 11 having four thick-walled parts 16 and four thin-walled parts 17 that are arranged alternately in the peripheral direction, a yoke 21 disposed on the outer peripheral surface 13 of the magnet 11, an armature rotor 31 disposed on the inner peripheral surface 12 of the magnet 11, and a rotating shaft 41 fixedly disposed at the center of the armature rotor 31. - 特許庁


The tip of the sensor core 21b is slidably fitted into a hole 23c formed in the armature 23L so that the extent of the magnetic flux flowing in the sensor core 21b is hardly changed by the fluctuation of the air gap G, then the detection precision of the magnetic flux density is improved. - 特許庁


In 1429, through the financial assistance of Sojun KOSODEYA, a wealthy merchant of the Rokkakudo-cho in Kyoto, Honno-ji Temple (, one character in its name was altered to be 本能 in 1433, but pronunciation remained unchanged) came under the patronage of Mitsumoto HOSOKAWA and became one of the central temples of the Happon School, the other being the recently established Amagasaki Honko-ji Temple (in Amagasaki City).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Honno-ji Temple, which was renamed to Honno-ji with different Chinese characters in 1433, had been founded in 1429 with the support of a wealthy merchant Sojun KOSODEYA in Rokkakudo-cho, and the temple became one of the main temples for the Happon school together with Honko-ji Temple in Amagasaki (Amagasaki City), which was founded under the auspices of Mitsumoto HOSOKAWA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In Nihonshoki, Takamimusubi is a god who merely appears in the Arufumi (supplement volumes of explanatory notes in Nihonshoki) Vol. 4 which covers the beginning of heaven and earth, and in Chapter 15 "Kenzo-ki" (Records of Kenzo period), wherein its name appears in an episode of Abe no omi no kotoshiro (a representative of Abe clan in present-day Ueno, Iga City, Mie Prefecture) making a stopover at the islands of Iki and Tsushima when he was dispatched to Mimana (countries in the southern Korean Peninsula).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The connection members 60 and 70 can be provided between the armature shaft 24 and the worm shaft 43 in such condition as elastic forces F (reaction force f) of presser projections 73f cause the separation of them. - 特許庁



This soft candy-like chewing gum is such as to contain a gelatinizer, is characterized by containing a swollen material comprising a gelatinizer and saccharine sweetener, and the other objective method for producing the soft candy-like chewing gum is provided. - 特許庁


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