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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 処分しますに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 160



As the supervisory authority, we also intend to conduct a survey targeting companies managing customers' assets based on discretionary investment contracts.  - 金融庁

(1)環境制 我が国では、毎年、約4.7 億トンという膨大な棄物が発生し、最終処分場の残余年数は一般廃物について15.6 年、産業廃棄物について7.7年とひ迫しています。このため、3R(リデュース・リユースリサイクル)や廃棄物対策の推進を必要としています例文帳に追加

In Japan, as many as 470 million tons of waste are generated ever y year, and the number of remaining sustainable years of final disposal sites is rapidly dwindling: 15.6 years for general waste and 7.7 years for industrial waste. Under these circumstances, it is necessary to promote measures concerning waste disposal and the 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycling).  - 経済産業省


In response to the administrative action taken on May 31, the Mizuho Group submitted business improvement plans to the Financial Services Agency (FSA) on Wednesday, June 29. I understand that the group announced the outline of the plans.  - 金融庁


Although you may want to know what administrative actions will be taken and when, I cannot answer your question at this time, since the FSA decides what actions to take by taking comprehensive account of the graveness and maliciousness of the illegal act, and the governance and business operation systems that constituted the background.  - 金融庁


なお、平成 20 年度の回収実績は 617 万台となって いますが、携帯電話等のリサイクルに対する認知度の 低さ及び多機能化、高付加価値化、高デザイン化によ り、機種変更後も旧機器を処分しないユーザー等も多 く、回収台数は低減傾向にあります例文帳に追加

The bodies of cell phones, re-chargers and batteries are voluntarily collected by distributors at no cost and they are recycled for metal materials. The“Environmental Impact Assessment for cellular phones and PHSwas established as a guideline for the manufacturers, and assessments were implemented.  - 経済産業省



This is a question for Mr. Mikuniya. Cases of misconduct at financial institutions are continuing. While the FSA has sometimes been criticized for what is seen as its excessive willingness to take administrative punitive actions, the people hope that the FSA will deal with misconduct in a strict manner. Could you tell us about your idea or stance on misconduct and administrative punitive actions?  - 金融庁


To easily recover a hydraulic fluid sealed from the inside of a double cylinder type hydraulic shock absorber to be disposed of by thoroughly extracting the hydraulic fluid outside including an oil drop. - 特許庁


To collect sealed hydraulic oil by fully extracting it to the outside from the inside of a hydraulic shock absorber to be disposed of with an extremely simple means. - 特許庁


When an optical sensor 55 detects the marking, a control means controls so that a master length for one plate including the marking is scrapped without being used for printing. - 特許庁



To easily drain and retrieve a working oil encapsulated in a used hydraulic shock absorber to be disposed of, without leaving any portion of residual oil. - 特許庁



While I am aware of the view that you mentioned in your question, I think that how banks will handle their shareholdings will vary, depending on the state of the portfolios of the banks and corporations that hold shares in the banks and on the management policies of the banks and the corporations.  - 金融庁


Regarding the administrative action that the FSA has taken against AIJ Investment Advisors, I am taking this incident very seriously. As I stated at the previous press conference, the FSA has decided to conduct a survey targeting all companies managing customers' assets based on discretionary investment contracts and will issue an order for the submission of reports within a few days.  - 金融庁


Excuse me for repeating what I've just said, but the FSA is intent on watching how the investigation will unfold and also on thoroughly following up on and strictly overseeing the implementation status and effectiveness of the business improvement plan of the Incubator Bank of Japan, which is subject to administrative measures.  - 金融庁


In relation to information management, you recently imposed a fine on and issued a business suspension order against a certified public accountant involved in an insider trading case. At the same time, an employee of a major securities company who allegedly provided insider information to the accountant was dismissed by the company. Under Article 51 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the FSA may take an administrative action even in the absence of an illegal act if necessary to protect investors. Could you tell us what administrative action the FSA is planning to take against this major securities company?  - 金融庁


Shokochukin will be converted from a cooperative institution into a stock company on October 1 this year, and I understand that it will be fully privatized in about five to seven years, with Shokochukin shares owned by the government to be released over this period.  - 金融庁


As a result of the inspection of AIJ Investment Advisors and ITM Securities that the SESC has been conducting since January this year, acts of legal violation, such as giving customers false information, have been recognized and accordingly, the SESC recommended yesterday that the FSA should take administrative actions.  - 金融庁


These three requirements will remain as additional regulations after the disposal of half of government-held shares. I would like you to understand that. I believe that the reform does not contravene the basic spirit of international commitments such as the WTO agreement.  - 金融庁


Meanwhile, as you know, Japan's 11 major banks incurred a total of 234.1 billion yen in losses related to the disposal of non-performing loans in the fiscal first half, up more than 90 billion yen from the same period of last year, and the country's 110 regional banks -- although two of them have not yet announced their financial results -- incurred 148.8 billion yen in such losses, up 66.5 billion yen from the same period of last year. I believe that the increase in such losses partly reflects growing downside risks for the economy, so we will keep a close watch on the effects of the economic condition on financial institutions.  - 金融庁


Yesterday, the Chairman and the President of Resona Holdings, Inc. paid a visit and offered to buy back preferred shares underwritten under the Deposit Insurance Act worth 400 billion yen in face value, and the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan (DICJ) filed an application with the FSA to process this. I have been informed that the repayment amount is 425.7 billion yen, and the gain on the disposal of the preferred shares is 25.7 billion yen.  - 金融庁


On June 23, in relation to the insider trading case involving a certified public accountant, we decided to impose a fine on the accountant and ordered the accountant to suspend business operations for three months based on the Certified Public Accountants Act.  - 金融庁


Article 51-if I remember correctly-of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, which was established as a revision of the Securities and Exchange Act, has introduced a new legal framework that provides for the implementation of administration action when a problem is found in a company's internal control environment for business execution.  - 金融庁


As you know, generally speaking, when a problem has been detected in the internal control system of a securities company, the FSA will consider whether or not to take disciplinary action giving due consideration to its seriousness and maliciousness and the underlying factors, such as the appropriateness of the control environment.  - 金融庁


In addition, I hope to ensure the enactment of the bill for the review of the postal businesses (Bill concerning the suspension, etc. of the disposal of shares in Japan Post Holdings Co., Japan Post Bank and Japan Post Insurance) by the end of the extended Diet session.  - 金融庁


A.Regarding the prospect of the economy, I would like you to ask Minister Ota. Generally speaking, a sharp increase in losses related to bad loan disposals is evidence of an economic downturn, so we must reverse this trend as soon as possible.  - 金融庁


To provide a process for producing a carbonized fuel, which is carbon neutral but can be a substitute for fossil fuel, from a biomass with high water content such as sewage sludge disposal of which is conventionally troublesome and a biomass with low water content, and to provide a device suitable to conduct the process. - 特許庁


To provide an efficient method of repairing a concrete structure using a simple masking method in place of conventional masking methods, eliminating the need for re-sticking after sticking while facilitating subsequent disposal of tape, and a sticking material for use therein. - 特許庁


Up until the decision, the FSA had been conducting inspections over the long term and also had been receiving reports from the bank. As a result of examining in detail the goings-on thus learned, we issued yesterday, as announced by the FSA Staff, the order to the bank by which the FSA tries to ensure the bank would properly fulfill its social function as a financial institution. I expect the bank to follow it in good faith.  - 金融庁


As the administrative action has been taken as a result of a system problem, we hope that the Mizuho Group will implement measures included in the business improvement plans with a sense of urgency. The FSA will examine the content of the business improvement plans and appropriately follow up on their implementation.  - 金融庁

循環型社会の形1 循環型社会形成の必要 これまで、大量生産・大量消費・大量廃棄型の済活動を続けてきた我が国においては、廃棄物の終処分場のひっ迫や有害物質の環境への影響など問題になるとともに、将来的な鉱物資源の枯渇も念されています。こうした環境制約と資源制約は、後、経済活動への制約や、経済活動の規模縮小の因になりかねない状況にあります例文帳に追加

(1) Environmental problems  - 経済産業省


In accordance with the Bank's statement thus filed and its financial condition, we just issued today an order that its operations and property be placed under the control of a financial receiver and also appointed the Deposit Insurance Corporation to serve as the financial receiver for the Bank. The Bank is now slated to strive for an appropriate business operation under the control of the financial receiver, making recourse to the civil rehabilitation procedures along the way.  - 金融庁


I have a question concerning administrative actions taken against financial institutions. Last week, the FSA took a series of administrative actions against financial institutions, including Mitsubishi UFJ Securities and Citibank. Their offenses were serious deficiencies concerning their basic functions as financial institutions, such as checking money laundering and managing customer information. Could you tell us how you feel about these cases?  - 金融庁


In a thermal decomposition melting processing method for waste by making use of a shaft furnace thermal decomposition melting furnace, fine particles are removed from waste buried in a final disposal place and again dug out, and are then mixed with general waste for thermal decomposition melting processing. - 特許庁


I have been informed that the evasion of inspection by the Incubator Bank of Japan was revealed in concrete terms as a result of financial inspection conducted by the FSA that spanned almost a year, which led not only to administrative guidance and administrative action but also to criminal charges on the grounds that the Bank had violated the Banking Law? I am no expert in criminal law, but such evasion deserves to be criminally charged. The administrative staff will provide you with more details later on.  - 金融庁


At 10 a.m. today, we will submit to the Diet the bill to suspend the sale of shares in Japan Post for the review of the postal businesses (the Bill on the Suspension of the Sale of Shares in Japan Post Holdings Co., Japan Post Bank and Japan Post Insurance) and the bill to prevent curbs on new loans and forcible collection of outstanding loans (Bill on Extraordinary Measures to Facilitate Financing for Small and Medium-size Enterprises).  - 金融庁


I understand that on April 13, the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission (SESC) recommended that the Financial Services Agency (FSA) take administrative action against SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. In the recent case of insider trading conducted by an employee of Chuo Mitsui Asset Trust and Banking Company, Nomura Securities provided information.  - 金融庁


So far, the focus has been put into downstream measures — the development of recycling technology for used products with the aim of reducing the amount of final disposal. However, the scope of the R&D should further be expanded to upstream measures — the development of manufacturing technology with due consideration to 3R from the stages of designing and manufacturing, thereby continuing to promote effective development of 3R technology that will realize a more efficient use of resources.  - 経済産業省


The administrative actions taken at this time are the cancellation of the registration of AIJ Investment Advisors, the issuance of an order for the company to improve business operation so as to facilitate the protection of customers' assets, the issuance of an order for ITM Securities to suspend business operation for six months and a business improvement order for the company so as to facilitate the protection of customers' assets.  - 金融庁


If a bank's capital adequacy ratio dropped to 3%, for example, the general public would worry that the bank may be at risk. Moreover, even if the government does not take administrative action against the bank, its stock would be sold should the market judge that it may be at risk.  - 金融庁


I have an additional question about customer information. The FSA took the unusual step of issuing a notice concerning the management of customer information and took administrative action against Mitsubishi UFJ Securities. I understand that the FSA has taken a tough stance on the leakage of sensitive information, such as credit card data, since you were the Director-General of the Supervisory Bureau. Nevertheless, incidents like these occurred one after another  - 金融庁


Secondly, in keeping with the structural reform of the financial system, we intend to impose new restrictions on shareholding by banks, and at the same time, with the aim of facilitating the disposal of shares held by the banks, we intend quickly to establish the banks' shareholdings purchase corporation as a provider of a safety net that could complement the sale of such stocks to the market.  - 金融庁

こうした事実は、金融商品取引法第52条第1項8号に基づく「投資運用業の運営に関して、投資者の利益を害する事実がある。」との処分事由に該当すると認められるため、投資者保護の観点から、当社に1か月間の業務停止命令及び業務改善命令を発出したところであります。 この業務停止命令と業務改善命令は、今日、朝8時15分というふうに私は聞いておりますけれども、発出をしたというふうに聞いております例文帳に追加

This situation is deemed to constitute the reason for the FSA to take an administrative action as specified in item 8, Paragraph 1, Article 52 of the FIEA, which reads, “Regarding the operation of the investment management business, there is a fact that undermines the interests of investors,” so the FSA issued orders for the suspension of business operation for one month and for business improvement. I have been told that these orders were issued at 8:15 this morning.  - 金融庁


We cannot confirm that the measures have achieved their intended results and brought about benefits until we see not only GDP growth but also quantitative evidence of an improvement in the people’s everyday lives, such as increases in disposable income and automobile sales.  - 金融庁


How does the FSA view the fact that a bank, whose screening function should enable it to identify a fictitious company, failed to do so while a bank employee was reportedly involved in the case? What administrative action is the FSA considering at the moment?  - 金融庁


Product assessment (pre-evaluation) means that manufacturers, prior to production, investigate, estimate and evaluate the safety and resource/environmental impact of their products at the stages of production, distribution, use, discharge, and recycling/disposal, and amend their product designs and production methods as necessary, thereby reducing the resource/environmental impact.  - 経済産業省


Now, I will turn to your question: is there not concern that the 14 principles agreed upon this time will be interpreted as rules that may be used as a basis for taking administrative disciplinary action? Will they not thus prompt financial service providers to overreact, like in the cases of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the rules on the internal control report system? As we made clear in our press release last Friday (April 18), these principles should be used as a reference for financial service providers to make voluntary improvement efforts or adopt best practices, and the FSA will not take disciplinary action solely on the basis of the principles.  - 金融庁


There seems to be some misunderstanding of the facts. The bank filed a statement under Article 74, paragraph 5 that it "is unable to make the full payment of debts with assets" and we took to ordering that its operations and property be placed under the control of a financial receiver in accordance with Article 74, paragraph 1, and what is expected to happen now is that the bank, which is under the control of a financial receiver or its new management, will file for proceedings under the Civil Rehabilitation Act today.  - 金融庁


To provide a masking material for coating excellent in workability of sticking on a complex curved surface of an object (curve-following properties) and excellent in coating quality at the edge line after coating and baking and capable of being incinerated as general waste, in the masking material for coating having a shape fittable to the shape of a non-coating surface of the object. - 特許庁

[3] 近年では、何人も自分の諸事を管理するに不適であると法的に宣告され、裁判費用は財産に賦課されるのですが、その財産が裁判費用を支払って十分余りあれば、その死後、遺産の処分権を無効にされることががあるのですが、その証拠とされるものには、なにか卑劣でぞっとするようなところがあります例文帳に追加

Note 3 There is something both contemptible and frightful in the sort of evidence on which, of late years, any person can be judicially declared unfit for the management of his affairs; and after his death, his disposal of his property can be set aside, if there is enough of it to pay the expenses of litigation—which are charged on the property itself.  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


The book value of stocks may vary between different financial institutions and management decisions as to whether or not to continue to hold stocks may vary from institution to institution. In any case, I am sure that this will be effective in providing a sense of relief so as to avoid a negative impact on the stock market.  - 金融庁



Last week, Nomura Securities issued a report on the findings of its internal investigation into the insider trading case involving a Nomura employee. Basically, the report focused on measures to prevent the recurrence of similar cases, including the introduction of severe disciplinary measures for senior employees, thorough management of information and employee training and education. How do you view the effectiveness of the preventive measures?  - 金融庁


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