
「紋印」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(9ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 434



An image forming apparatus decides and generates a pattern consisting of a latent image portion and a background portion in accordance with a size of the character included in an original image when obfuscation printing is performed during copying, and synthesizes a tint block image including the pattern with the original image. - 特許庁


The ground tint printed matter includes: a background formed of a prescribed number of dots; a first character group formed of the number of dots greater than that of the background; and a second character group formed of the number of dots smaller than that of the background as watermarks (refer to Fig.7(a)). - 特許庁


To provide an image forming system, image forming apparatus, information processing device, image forming method, and image forming program in which a tint block image to be used for unauthorized copy suppression or the like can be formed while maintaining high-speed printing performance that the image forming apparatus has. - 特許庁


A coaster 1 comprises a sheet-like base material 2 and is made by printing an adsorbing resin layer 4 of a plurality of discretely successive arbitrary patterns on both of the front and back sides of the base materials 2 and drying them, treating them by thermal polymerization or ultraviolet curing, and pasting the protective sheet 5 of a transparent resin film thereon. - 特許庁



An image forming apparatus, when instructed to print, specifies a region left after removing drawing objects different from latent image drawing objects and background drawing objects from a patterned image as a blank region on the first page and disposes drawing objects on the second page in the specified blank region. - 特許庁



This wrapping paper used also as gift wrapping paper is capable of completing wrapping by standardizing paper for wrapping, printing a pattern of gift slip to the center of horizontally long wrapping paper and only attaching the wrapping paper from the upper surface of a gift box, etc., to the side. - 特許庁


A ground tint of a company logo is printed on a belt-shaped section of the peripheral part of a printer paper sheet for copying to device the functional section into the originality guarantee function on the peripheral part and the print-out function of copying at the center, thereby achieving both the duplicating function in duplication and the originality guarantee function compatible with each other. - 特許庁


In this processing, it is judged that the table is included when ruled lines or blank areas at predetermined intervals are present, and cells in the table are retrieved to decide whether the personal information is contained; and a copy restrained woven pattern generator 28 generates a restrained image, which is printed on the image data. - 特許庁


This enables a user to scan a character string of a document, an image such as a picture, a URL and an e-mail address printed on a name card, and the user's finger, and input textual information and fingerprint information in a state that the cellular phone 20 is held by the user's hand 12. - 特許庁



When the ground tint printed matter is copied, the first character group disappears (refer to Fig.7(b)) or the first character group and the background disappear (refer to Fig.7(c)) depending on the high/low read resolution of a copying machine to reveal parts of the watermarks. - 特許庁



A procession to nagashiba is headed by hosts of the funerals holding lanterns with their family crests and town caretakers holding their town lanterns, followed by young people holding long marker poles with an elaborate lantern on the top end called a 'shirushi toro,' gongs, and at the end, the shorobune (most shorobune have wheels) hauled by several adults clad in white happi coats (workman's livery coats).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A program for operating the image forming device reads a serial number and DNA pattern data from an IC tag of a DNA ink cartridge when DNA ink printing mode is selected (S102: YES), the DNA ink cartridge is installed (S103:YES) and the DNA ink cartridge is not short of ink (S104: NO), and also reads fingerprint pattern data of a printing person (S107). - 特許庁


To provide an image processing system and an image processing method capable of permitting the print output of the duplicate original of high image quality by using the original electronic data of an original in which a tint block pattern or the like is embedded in order to prevent unauthorized duplication in the case that duplication is permitted and suppressing the unauthorized duplication for the one which is printed and outputted. - 特許庁


When the synthesized original image of the tint block image (pattern) is printed and the original being a printed matter is copied by the image forming apparatus, the image of the original is copied in a duplication, a pattern consisting of the reproduced latent image portion and the background portion which is not reproduced appears and high contrast occurs between the latent image portion and the background portion. - 特許庁


For the purpose of section 55, state emblems of a Paris Convention country or a World Trade Organisation country (other than the national flag), and official signs or hallmarks, shall be regarded as protected under the Paris Convention or the World Trade Organisation Agreement (as the case may be) only if, or to the extent that ? that country has notified Brunei Darussalam in accordance with Article 6 of that Convention that it desires to protect that emblem, sign or hallmark; the notification remains in force; and Brunei Darussalam has not objected to it in accordance with Article 6 or any such objection has been withdrawn. For the purpose of section 56, the emblems, abbreviations and names of an organisation to which that section applies shall be regarded as protected under the Paris Convention or the World Trade Organisation Agreement only if, or to the extent that that organisation has notified Brunei Darussalam in accordance with Article 6 of that Convention that it desires to protect that emblem, abbreviation or name; the notification remains in force; and Brunei Darussalam has not objected to it in accordance with Article 6 or any such objection has been withdrawn.  - 特許庁

特許権者から購入したものでない物に,特許権者の同意なしに,特許権者の章,標章又は章を偽造若しくは模造する意図で,又はその物が特許権者により若しくはその同意を得て製造若しくは販売されたと欺瞞し若しくはこれを信じさせるよう誘導することを意図して,「特許(Patent)」,「特許証(Letters Patent)」,「女王又は国王の特許(Queen's or King's Patent)」の語,又はその他これに類する意味の文言を記し,描き,刷し,形作り,鋳造し,刻し,彫刻し,捺し,又はその他の方法で表示した者例文帳に追加

person without the consent of the patentee, writes, paints, prints, moulds, casts, carves, engraves, stamps or otherwise marks on anything not purchased from the patentee, the wordsPatent”, “Letters Patent”, “Queen’s (or King’s) Patent”, “Patentedor any word or words of like import, with the intent of counterfeiting or imitating the stamp, mark or device of the patentee, or of deceiving the public and inducing them to believe that the thing in question was made or sold by or with the consent of the patentee  - 特許庁


it was an oval coin with slightly angular edges, but which was more rounded than the Keicho-Oban, and bore the letters "ju-ryo GOTO" written on the face of the coin in ink by Jujo, who was the twelfth family head of the GOTO clan, then by Enjo the thirteenth family head, followed by Keijo the fourteenth family head, Shinjo the fifteenth family head, Hojo the sixteenth family head, and Tenjo the seventeenth family head, and bore the stamp of a paulownia in a circle on all four corners of the coin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


No legal protection is granted to industrial designs which contain the name of the Republic of Estonia or an administrative unit thereof, the current or historical name of an association or foundation registered in Estonia, or its abbreviation, flag, armorial bearings, emblem, seal, honorary distinction, symbol or an element of the symbol, unless a competent authority or official has given written consent thereto.  - 特許庁


those which contain signs, the registration of which would be refused or invalidated pursuant to Article 6ter of the Paris Convention, including coats of arms and flags of the member countries of the Paris Union, their official marks indicating control, quality, and warranty, and hallmarks, as well as emblems, flags, names of international organisations and their abbreviations, without authorization by the competent authorities - 特許庁


identical with, or is an imitation of or contains as an element, an armorial bearing, flag and other emblem, a name or abbreviation or initials of the name of, or, official sign or hallmark adopted by, any State, intergovernmental organisation or organisation created by an international convention, unless authorized by the competent authority of that State or organisation;  - 特許庁


A plurality of line segments radially arranged concentrically with an intersection of diagonal lines of the sheet 100 as a base point are formed on the area A, and a plurality of line segments different (at angle) in a direction at each adjacent area are formed on the area B, and a ground pattern layer 10 uniformly printed is provided on the overall surface of the sheet 100. - 特許庁


When a voltage pulse is applied on a resistive element 111, the fingerprint image is detected based on a differential signal between current corresponding to temperature at time ts as a time point of rise of the voltage pulse or immediately after the time and current corresponding to temperature at a time point of the fall of the voltage pulse or prescribed time later from immediately after the time point. - 特許庁


A client 110 generates an additive pattern such as watermark or ground tint, performs a processing for analyzing a PDL file to be processed and adding the generated additive pattern thereto by a PDL file regeneration means 13 to form a PDL file again, and transmits the PDL file formed by the PDL file regeneration means to a printer 120. - 特許庁

(i) 同盟国の1の何れかの地域若しくは都市の旗章,又は国家,地域若しくは都市の章,頂飾又は記章で,その旗章,章,頂飾又は記章が,条約第6条の3に基づいて伝達され,又は同条に基づくWTO協定の付属書類1Cに記載された知的所有権の貿易関連の側面に関する協定に基づく義務により伝達された一覧に記載されたものであって,登録官が当該伝達について公示したもの (i.1) 同盟国の1で適用された,監督又は保証を示す何れかの公式標識若しくは刻で,その標識若しくは刻が,条約第6条の3に基づいて伝達され,又は同条に基づくWTO協定の付属書類1Cに記載された知的所有権の貿易関連の側面に関する協定に基づく義務により伝達された一覧に記載されたものであって,登録官が当該伝達について公示したもの (i.2) 同盟国の何れか1の国旗 (i.3) 何れかの国際的な政府間組織の何れかの章,旗章若しくは他の記章,又は名称の略称で,その章,旗章,記章又は略称が,条約第6条の3に基づいて伝達され,又は同条に基づくWTO協定の付属書類1Cに記載された知的所有権の貿易関連の側面に関する協定に基づく義務により伝達された一覧に記載されたものであって,登録官が当該伝達について公示したもの例文帳に追加

(i) any territorial or civic flag or any national, territorial or civic arms, crest or emblem, of a country of the Union, if the flag, arms, crest or emblem is on a list communicated under article 6ter of the Convention or pursuant to the obligations under the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights set out in Annex 1C to the WTO Agreement stemming from that article, and the Registrar gives public notice of the communication. (i.1) any official sign or hallmark indicating control or warranty adopted by a country of the Union, if the sign or hallmark is on a list communicated under article 6ter of the Convention or pursuant to the obligations under the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights set out in Annex 1C to the WTO Agreement stemming from that article, and the Registrar gives public notice of the communication. (i.2) any national flag of a country of the Union. (i.3) any armorial bearing, flag or other emblem, or any abbreviation of the name, of an international intergovernmental organization, if the armorial bearing, flag, emblem or abbreviation is on a list communicated under article 6ter of the Convention or pursuant to the obligations under the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights set out in Annex 1C to the WTO Agreement stemming from that article, and the Registrar gives public notice of the communication.  - 特許庁

(3) 証明書には,次に掲げる事項が含まれる。 1) 国名-エストニア共和国 2) 国の章-エストニア共和国の小章 3) 特許証番号 4) 次の文言,すなわち「本特許証は,1994年5月23日に施行された特許法第5条に基づいて発行されたものである。特許は,特許出願日から20年間有効とする。特許の有効性を継続させるためには,各年度分の国の手数料を納付しなければならない。この特許証は,登録及び当該特許の所有者の発明に対する排他権を証明する。」 5) 特許証を発行した行政機関に関する情報(当該行政機関の名称及び所在地,当該行政機関の長の役職名,名称及び署名,当該行政機関の章) 6) 特許証の署名日例文帳に追加

(3) A certificate contains the following: 1) the name of the country - the Republic of Estonia; 2) the coat of arms of the country - small national coat of arms of Estonia; 3) the number of the letters patent; 4) the text “The patent is issued on the basis of § 5 of the Patents Act which entered into force 23 May 1994. A patent shall be valid for twenty years as of the filing date of the patent application. A state fee shall be paid each year for the continued validity of the patent. The letters patent certifies the registration and the exclusive right of the proprietor of the patent to the invention.”; 5) information on issuing agency (name and location of the agency, title, name and signature of the head of the agency, seal of the agency); 6) the date of signing the letters patent.  - 特許庁


those which, without authorization by the competent authorities given pursuant to the procedures set out in the statutory enactments of Latvia, contain the official heraldry approved by the State, national decorations, official Service insignia, as well as official marks indicating control, quality and warranty, official hallmarks, and signs indicating the safety of utilising goods which are used with respect to identical or similar goods or services in Latvia, or any other marks of high symbolic value, as well as religious symbols - 特許庁


Search under Art. 11 of the Law on Marks and Geographical Indications shall be conducted on the basis of: coats of arms, flags or other emblems, full or abbreviated official names of States or intergovernmental organizations; official Bulgarian or international control and warranty signs and stamps; list and catalogue kept by the Ministry of Culture of historical and cultural monuments of the Republic of Bulgaria; lists kept by the World Health Organization of the recommended free names of pharmaceutical substances; vocabularies, encyclopaedia and other reference books.  - 特許庁

商標登録の対象である商品又はサービスの全部又は一部について商標を使用するライセンスを商標所有者が自然人又は法人に付与する場合は, ライセンス契約は書面によるものとし,かつ, 契約当事者の署名, 指又は証は, 王国において締結されたライセンス契約の場合は公証人により認証されなければならず, 王国外において締結されたライセンス契約の場合は関連適用規則に基づいてサウジ外務省等の公的認証機関により認証されなければならない。例文帳に追加

If the owner of a trademark grants a license to any natural or corporate person to use the trademark for all or some of the goods or services in respect of which the trademark is registered, the license contract shall be in writing and the signatures, finger prints or stamps of the contracting parties shall be authenticated by a notary public, as to license contracts concluded in the Kingdom, or by the official authentication bodies, including the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in accordance with the relevant applicable rules as to license contracts concluded outside the Kingdom. - 特許庁


To provide a reversible thermal recording material capable of forming and erasing an image with a clear contrast, holding an image stably in the lapse of time in a daily life environment, easily removing contaminant such as dust, oil-based ink, paint, grease (including fingerprints), and mud sticking in use under practical conditions, causing no change in a surface state due to repeated printing and erasing, and having good repetition durability. - 特許庁

(1) 登録官は,次に掲げる標章若しくはそれらの標章のいずれかにほぼ類似しており,その標章と取られる可能性のある標章を含む又はそれらから構成される商標登録出願を拒絶することができる。 (a) 「特許」,「特許権取得済」,「王室特許状による」,「登録済」,「登録意匠」,「著作権」,「これを改ざんすることは偽造です」という言葉又は同じ効果を有する記号 (b) 国王若しくは王室の一員の表示 (c) 次に掲げるものの表示 (i) 王室章,クレスト,章,記章若しくは意匠 (ii) 王冠のすべて,又は (iii) 女王陛下の領土の一部の国旗,又は (d) 出願人が王室若しくは政府の任命権若しくは権限を有する若しくは有していたと人に思わせる可能性のある「ロイヤル」又はその他の言葉若しくは文字若しくは意匠 (e) 国旗,国章,国の標語若しくは国の章の表示,又は地方の旗,章,標語若しくは章の表示 (f) 市町村等の地方自治体の旗若しくは章の表示,又は国家機関若しくはパプアニューギニア国内の下部機関の旗若しくは章の表示 (g) 本条の適用上,禁止標章として規定された標章例文帳に追加

(1) The Registrar may refuse to accept an application for the registration of a trade mark which contains or consists of any of the following marks or a mark so nearly resembling any of those marks as to be likely to be taken for that mark: - (a) the word or wordsPatent”, “Patented”, “By Royal Letters Patent”, “Registered”, “Registered Design”, “Copyright”, “To counterfeit this is a forgery”, or a word or words or symbol or symbols to the like effect; (b) a representation of the Sovereign or of a member of the Royal Family; (c) a representation of (i) the Royal Arms, crests, armorial bearings, insignia or devices; or (ii) any of the Royal crowns; or (iii) the national flag of a part of the Queen’s dominions; or (d) the wordRoyalor any other word, or any letters or device, likely to lead persons to think that the applicant has or has had Royal or Government patronage or authority; (e) a representation of the National Flag, National Emblem, National Motto or National Seal or of the flag, emblem, motto or seal of a province; (f) a representation of the flag or emblem of a city or town or Local-level Government or of a statutory body or instrumentality in Papua New Guinea; (g) a mark prescribed as being, for the purposes of this section, a prohibited mark. - 特許庁

本条の如何なる規定も,次の何れかの標章を,商標その他として何れかの業務に関し採用,使用又は登録することを妨げない。 (a) 国又は本条により保護を受けることを意図したものと認められる他の者,団体,当局若しくは組織の同意を得た(1)に述べた標章,又は (b) 次のものから構成され,又は次のものと誤認を生じる虞がある程に類似する標章 (i) (1)(i.1)に記載する公式標識又は刻。ただし公式標識又は刻が採用されている商品と同一又は類似する商品に係わる場合を除く。又は (ii) (1)(i.3)に記載する章,旗章,記章又は略称。ただし標章の使用により,その使用者と当該組織間の関係を公衆に誤認させる虞がないことを条件とする。例文帳に追加

Nothing in this section prevents the adoption, use or registration as a trade-mark or otherwise, in connection with a business, of any mark (a) described in subsection (1) with the consent of Her Majesty or such other person, society, authority or organization as may be considered to have been intended to be protected by this section. or (b) consisting of, or so nearly resembling as to be likely to be mistaken for (i) an official sign or hallmark mentioned in paragraph (1)(i.1), except in respect of wares that are the same or similar to the wares in respect of which the official sign or hallmark has been adopted, or (ii) an armorial bearing, flag, emblem or abbreviation mentioned in paragraph (1)(i.3), unless the use of the mark is likely to mislead the public as to a connection between the user and the organization.  - 特許庁

次のものは,登録することができない:, 第9条(1)の意味での標章ではない標識 , 識別性を欠く標章 , 登録出願される商品又はサービスに関し,ブルガリア共和国における現行の言語又は確立された商慣行において慣習的となっている標識又は表示のみをもって構成される標章 , 標章であって,商品又はサービスに関する種類,品質,数量,用途,価額,原産地,商品生産の時期若しくは方法又はサービスの提供方法,又はその他の特徴を示す標識のみによって構成されるもの , 商品自体の性質に起因する形状 , 技術的効果を得るために必要な商品の形状 , 商品に対し実質的価値を与える形状 , 公の秩序及び承認された倫理基準に反する標章 , 商品又はサービスの内容,品質又は原産地について消費者に誤認させる虞がある標章 , 標章であって,パリ条約締約国の章,旗章若しくは他の記章又はそれらの模倣,並びに国際政府間機関の章,旗章その他の記章,完全な若しくは略式の公式名称によって構成されるか又はそれらを含むもの , 公的な管理及び保証のための標識及び証から構成されるか又はそれらを含む標章であって,その標識及び証が同一又は類似の商品を示すために使用されている場合 , 文化省によって指定されている,ブルガリア共和国の歴史的及び文化的記念物の名称又は表示によって構成されるか又はそれらを含む標章例文帳に追加

The following shall not be registered: signs which are not marks within the meaning of Article 9(1) , marks which are devoid of any distinctive character; marks which consist exclusively of signs or indications that have become customary in the current language or in the established practices of the trade in the Republic of Bulgaria with respect to the goods or services filed for registration; marks which consist exclusively of signs designating the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin, time or process of production of the goods or the manner of rendering of the services, or other characteristics of the goods or services; the shape which results from the nature of the goods themselves; the shape of goods which is necessary to obtain a technical result; the shape which gives substantial value to the goods; marks which are contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality; marks which may deceive the consumers as to the nature, quality or geographical origin of the goods or services; marks which consist of or include escutcheons, flags or other emblems of States party to the Paris Convention, or imitations thereof, as well as escutcheons, flags or other emblems or the full or abbreviated official names of international intergovernmental organizations; marks which consist of or include official control and warranty signs and stamps where such signs and stamps are used to mark identical or similar goods; marks which consist of or include the name or a representation of historical and cultural monuments of the Republic of Bulgaria, as specified by the Ministry of Culture;  - 特許庁


Registrability of trade mark that contains flag, State emblems, etc, of convention country The Commissioner must not, without the authorisation of the competent authorities of the country concerned, register a trade mark that contains a representation of the flag of a convention country unless the Commissioner considers that the use of the flag in the manner proposed is permitted without that authorisation; or the armorial bearings or any other State emblem of a convention country that is protected under the Paris Convention or the TRIPS Agreement; or an official sign or hallmark adopted by a convention country; and that indicates control and warranty in relation to goods or services of the same, or similar, kind as those goods or services in relation to which the trade mark is to be registered; and that is protected under the Paris Convention or the TRIPS Agreement. - 特許庁



-No mark or part of a mark shall be registered as a trademark- (a) which comprises or consists of any scandalous or obscene matter; or (b) the use of which would be contrary to any law for the time being in force; or (c) the use of which would be likely to deceive or cause confusion; or (d) which contains any matter likely to hurt the religious susceptibilities of any class of the citizens of Bangladesh; (e) which is identical with, or is an imitation of, or contains as a element, an armorial bearing, flag or other emblem, a name or abbreviation or initials of the name of, or official sign or hallmark adopted by, any state or international organization created by an international convention, charter or other instruments, unless authorized by the competent authority of that state or organization; or (f) which would otherwise be disentitled to protection in a court; (g) the application is made in bad intention and faith.  - 特許庁


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