
「eldeſt」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(26ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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Ushio TACHIHARA, born in Kamakura in 1948 in Kamakura as the eldest son of Masaaki TACHIHARA, learned cooking under Yoshitsugu NAKAHIGASHI at Miyamaso, and opened 'Tachihara' for kaiseki cuisine (originally dishes for tea-ceremony) in Ebisu in 1991 (now moved to Ginza). 例文帳に追加

立原正秋の長男立原潮(たちはらうしお1948年鎌倉生まれ)は、「美山荘」で中東吉次の料理を学び、1991年、恵比寿(現在は銀座に移転)に懐石「立原」を開く。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Kasui-en garden was built in 1925 by Hakuyo, the eldest son of the seventh Jihe OGAWA, imitating the garden of Sanbo-in of Daigo-ji Temple in Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City. 例文帳に追加

また、佳水園庭園は7代目小川治兵衛の長男白楊により、大正14年(1925年)に作庭され、醍醐寺三宝院(京都市伏見区)の庭を模して造られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

FUJIWARA no Shoshi, the eldest daughter of Michinaga and Empress of Emperor Ichijo, used this residence to give birth to Imperial Prince Atsuhira (later Emperor Goichijo) and Imperial Prince Atsunaga (later Emperor Gosuzaku). 例文帳に追加

道長の長女・一条天皇中宮藤原彰子が里邸として、ここで敦成親王(後の後一条天皇)と敦良親王(後の後朱雀天皇)を出産した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At that time, primogeniture was becoming the common practice, and Tsunenori claimed that according to primogeniture the Kujo Family, the descendant of the eldest son of Michiie, should inherit the family estate. 例文帳に追加

当時、長子相続制が一般的になりつつあり、その論理に従えば道家の長男の子孫の九条家こそが家督を継ぐべき嫡流に当たるというのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Hachiro Saionji's third son, Fujio SAIONJI, married the eldest daughter of Yoshisuke AYUKAWA and became the president of Nissan Kogyo K.K., a subsidiary company of the Nissan Konzern Company Group. 例文帳に追加

なお西園寺八郎の三男・西園寺不二男は鮎川義介の長女を娶り、自らも日産コンツェルン傘下の日産興業社長に就いている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Moreover, as Sanetsune TOKUDAIJI's eldest daughter Junko married Hiromichi TAKATSUKASA (an army major-general and the grand chamberlain), the father of Nobusuke TAKATSUKASA, the Takatsukasa and Tokudaiji families have a finely meshed pattern of strong blood connections. 例文帳に追加

さらに、徳大寺実則の長女順子は、鷹司信輔の父である鷹司煕通(陸軍少将、侍従長)へ嫁ぐ、というように、鷹司家と徳大寺家は網の目のような連綿とした濃い血のつながりがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Do temple building became Otani-byodo Mausoleum, a site respected and worshiped by followers of the Jodo Shinshu sect as the Mausoleum of Shinran, which led to its administration as a position of caretaker by Kakue, the eldest son of Kakushin-ni. 例文帳に追加

大谷の堂は親鸞の廟として浄土真宗の門徒の尊崇を集める大谷廟堂となり、覚信尼の長男である覚恵が留守職としてその管理を行うこととなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At that time Kyonyo, who was the eldest child of Kennyo and insisted on continuing the resistance despite the intentions of Kennyo, had a falling out with Kennyo, and when Kennyo died in 1593, the third son Junnyo was welcomed as the successor. 例文帳に追加

このとき顕如の意向に反して抵抗を続けることを主張した長子教如と顕如は仲違いし、1593年に顕如が示寂すると、三男の准如が後継者に立てられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Thereafter, in the era of Emperor Kammu, FUJIWARA no Tsugutada, the son of Toyonari (Muchimaro's eldest son), and FUJIWARA no Korekimi, the son of FUJIWARA no Otomaro (Muchimaro's third son) successively became the minister of the right, whereby the power of the Southern House was maintained. 例文帳に追加

その後も桓武天皇朝において、武智麻呂の長男豊成の子藤原継縄と、三男藤原乙麻呂の子藤原是公が続いて右大臣となり、南家は勢力を維持した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1340, Doyo and his eldest son Hidetsuna SASAKI got angry about an incident where their subjects were beat up by soldier priests of the Imperial Court of Myohoin, who was the youngest brother of Emperor Kogen, and set fire to the Imperial Court to burn down Kennin-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

興国元年/暦応3年(1340年)、道誉と長男の佐々木秀綱は、家臣が光厳天皇の弟である妙法院の御所の僧兵に殴打された事を怒り、御所に火をかけ建仁寺を延焼させる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As his successor, Motofusa appointed not his eldest son, Fujiwara no Takatada (later to become the Minister of the Left), but Moroie MATSUDONO who was only eight years old on the basis that Moroie's maternal grandfather was the Grand Minister of State. 例文帳に追加

しかも、基房は生母の父が太政大臣であるからという理由で長男の藤原隆忠(後の左大臣)ではなく、わずか8歳の松殿師家を後継者にした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshinaga was also the grandfather of IRIE's eldest daughter, Wakaba IRIE (born Wakaba TAMURA, fathered by Michiyoshi TAMURA a former actor), who became known appearing in movies produced by the Toei Movie Studios and later in work by Nobuhiko OBAYASHI.. 例文帳に追加

入江の長女で、東映京都撮影所作品、のちに大林宣彦作品で知られる女優入江若葉(出生名田村若葉、父は元俳優田村道美)の祖父に当たる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshinaga retired in 1911, and his eldest son, Masanaga HIGASHIBOJO, succeeded to the title and the court rank, but in 1923 a year after Yoshinaga's death in 1922, the family's residence in Tokyo was half-destroyed in the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 and the Higashibojo family found itself in the unfortunate position of having to relinquish its estate. 例文帳に追加

徳長は1911年に引退し爵位を長子東坊城政長が継いだが、1922年徳長の没後、翌1923年の関東大震災によって東京の家屋敷は半壊、東坊城家はそれを手放す憂き目に遭った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the Imperial Prince Munetaka, the second son of the Emperor Gosaga, retired from the list of the sixth Kamakura Shogun, Imperial Prince Koreyasu, the eldest son of the Imperial Prince Munetaka, became the seventh Shogun and was given the surname of Minamoto, to call himself MINAMOTO no Koreyasu. 例文帳に追加

後嵯峨天皇の第二皇子宗尊親王が第6代鎌倉将軍一覧を退いた後、その一男で7代将軍に就任した惟康親王に対し、源姓が賜与されて「源惟康」となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tokitsune's brothers were: Tokinao NISHINOTOIN (Sangi, Junii) (1584-1636) who was a close retainer of the Emperor Gomizuno (eldest brother); Tadayasu NAGATANI (Minbusho (Ministry of Popular Affairs), Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank)) (1612-1669), the founder of the Nagatani family (younger brother); and Tokisada KATANO (Daizenshiki (Office of the Palace Table)), the founder of the Katano family (younger brother). 例文帳に追加

後水尾天皇の側近だった西洞院時直(従二位・参議)(1584年-1636年)は長兄、長谷家の祖長谷忠康(正三位・民部省)(1612年-1669年)及び交野家の祖交野時貞(大膳職)は弟に当たる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The founder of the family was Kaneyori HAGIWARA (Shosanmi - Senior Third Rank) (1588-1660) who was the eldest son of Kaneharu YOSHIDA (Hyoe-fu - Headquarters of the Middle Palace Guards) (1565-1616) during the early stage of the Edo Period and adopted by Kanemi YOSHIDA. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代前期の吉田兼治(兵衛府)(1565年-1616年)の長男で吉田兼見の養子となった萩原兼従(かねより)(正三位)(1588年-1660年)を祖とする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that this family was founded during the Kamakura Period with Toshisada BOJO, who was a son of Tsunetoshi YOSHIDA, but there is another view that the founder was Toshizane BOJO (grandson of Toshisada), who was the eldest son of Sadasuke BOJO, who in turn was the son of Toshisada. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉時代に吉田経俊の子・坊城俊定を祖として創設されたといわれているが、俊定の子である坊城定資の長男坊城俊実(俊定の孫にあたる)を祖とする説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Taking Chikauji MATSUDAIRA as the first generation, Ieyasu emerges as the 9th Matsudaira generation (6th generation of the Yasuyoshi MATSUDAIRA family) who founded the Tokugawa shogun family dynasty (eldest son lineage of the Chikauji branch of the Matsudaira clan) who in turn formed the head family of the clan. 例文帳に追加

松平親氏を初代とする松平家九代(安祥松平家六代)の家康が起こした親氏流松平氏嫡流である徳川将軍家(徳川宗家)がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

What is important about this event is, not that the Matsudaira family (in entirety) changed its name to Tokugawa but rather, Ieyasu was the sole individual permitted to use the surname 'Tokugawa' and as such, opinion is divided whether his eldest son (Nobuyasu MATSUDAIRA) appropriated the Tokugawa name, or not. 例文帳に追加

ここで重要なのは、松平一族が徳川に改姓したのではなく、「徳川」は家康個人のみに許される称号であったことである(嫡男の松平信康については、名乗った説とそうでない説がある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The founder of the Date clan and Hitachi-nyudo Nensai are identified as Tamemune (although it might be a writing error as the eldest son of Nensai is also identified as Tanemune), and both Tokitsuna and Yoshihiro are described as sons of Nensai. 例文帳に追加

伊達初代も常陸入道念西も為宗(念西の長子も為宗となってるので誤記か?)とし、時綱・義広の兄弟を念西の子とする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, in the period of Nagatoki, the eldest son of Nagamune, it was defeated by Shingen TAKEDA from Kai who was aiming to territorialize Shinano, at the Battle of Shiojiritoge, and Nagatoki was exiled from Shinano and the Fuchu-Ogasawara clan went to ruin. 例文帳に追加

しかし、長棟の長男の長時の時代になると塩尻峠の戦いで信濃の領国化を目指す甲斐の武田信玄に大敗し、長時は信濃から追われて府中小笠原氏は滅亡する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the same time, the third son of Hidemasa, Tadatomo OGASAWARA was given Kitsuki Domain, Bungo Province (presently Kitsuki City, Oita Prefecture) holding 40,000 koku and the eldest son of Tadanaga, Nagatsugu was given Nakatsu Domain, Buzen Province (presently Nakatsu City, Oita Prefecture) holding 80,000 koku. 例文帳に追加

同時に秀政の三男の小笠原忠知には豊後国杵築藩(現在の大分県杵築市)4万石が、忠脩の長男の長次には豊前国中津藩(現在の大分県中津市)8万石が与えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On May 27, the Imperial Household Agency announced Princess Noriko's engagement to Senge Kunimaro, the eldest son of the chief priest of Izumo Taisha in Shimane Prefecture.例文帳に追加

5月27日,宮(く)内(ない)庁(ちょう)は(高(たか)円(まど)宮(のみや)家の)典(のり)子(こ)さまと島根県にある出(いず)雲(も)大(たい)社(しゃ)の宮(ぐう)司(じ)の長男である千(せん)家(げ)国(くに)麿(まろ)さんの婚約を発表した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

On May 6, a ceremony was held to mark the bell's return and Nakagawa Shikataro, Chiyoji's eldest son, and Ban Ki Moon, the U.N. secretary-general, rang the bell.例文帳に追加

5月6日,鐘が戻ったことを記念する式典が行われ,千代治さんの長男である中川鹿(しか)太(た)郎(ろう)さんと,藩(パン)基(ギ)文(ムン)国連事務総長が鐘を鳴らした。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

By way of example, the format includes entry blanks corresponding to the graduations, for the by-buildings costs (rough estimate), by-buildings maintenance timings, owner's age, eldest son's age, etc.例文帳に追加

邸別情報記入欄は、例として、邸別コスト(概算)、邸別メンテナンス時期、御主人年齢、御長男年齢等の記入欄が、上記目盛りに対応して設けられている。 - 特許庁

When her eldest son said he would not proceed to senior high after finishing middle school, Representative Director Atsuko Asayama realizedToday’s children do not have a clear role in their communities and families, and have limited opportunities for contact with adults. 例文帳に追加

同法人の朝山あつこ代表理事は、長男の「高校に進学しない。」という言葉を契機に、「現代の子ども達は、地域や家庭における明確な役割がなく、大人と接する機会も少ない。 - 経済産業省

The eldest of the company - the water gourd hung at his girdle, and on his head was a little bag of unleavened bread - drew a square in the sand with his staff, and wrote in it a few words out of the Koran, 例文帳に追加

ベルトに水筒をぶらさげ、発酵させていないパンをいれた小さな袋を頭にのせた一団のリーダーが、棒で砂の上に四角をかき、コーランからの数言をその中にかきいれました。 - Hans Christian Andersen『絵のない絵本』

who, when he died, left him (Orlando being then very young) to the care of his eldest brother, Oliver, charging Oliver on his blessing to give his brother a good education and provide for him as became the dignity of their ancient house. 例文帳に追加

卿は死ぬときオーランドゥを(当時彼がごく幼かったので)長男であるオリヴァの手に託し、弟に立派な教育を与え、家柄にふさわしい待遇を与えるように祝福をこめて命じた。 - Mary Lamb『お気に召すまま』

Maria gave the bag of cakes to the eldest boy, Alphy, to divide and Mrs. Donnelly said it was too good of her to bring such a big bag of cakes and made all the children say: 例文帳に追加

マリアはケーキの袋をいちばん年上の少年、アルフィに分けるようにと渡し、ドネリー夫人はそんなに大きなケーキの袋をいただいてほんとにありがとうと言い、子供たち皆にも言わせた。 - James Joyce『土くれ』

After that, there were several Oe such as Yatatamakatsu no Oe, who was a son of Emperor Kinmei; Oshisaka no hikohito no Oe, who was a son of Emperor Bidatsu who succeeded Emperor Kinmei; Tachibana no toyohi no Oe (later, Emperor Yomei), who was an older maternal half-brother of Emperor Bidatsu; Yamashiro no Oe, who was the eldest son of Shotoku Taishi, a son of Emperor Yomei and a regent for Empress Suiko; and Furuhito no Oe, who was the eldest son of Emperor Jomei, however, only a few of them succeeded to Amenoshita shiroshimesu ookimi. 例文帳に追加

その後の大兄には欽明天皇の子である箭田珠勝大兄(やたたまかつのおおえ)、欽明天皇を後継した敏達天皇の子である押坂彦人大兄皇子(おしさかのひこひとのおおえ)、敏達天皇の異母弟である橘豊日大兄(たちばなのとよひのおおえ、用明天皇)、用明天皇の子聖徳太子(推古天皇の摂政)の長子である山背大兄王(やましろのおおえ)、舒明天皇の長子である古人大兄皇子(ふるひとのおおえ)がいるが、これらの大兄のうち治天下大王位に就いた例の方が少ない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

She lived happily with her husband Tadatoki, bearing their eldest daughter Katsuhime (later Enseiin) in 1618 and eldest son Yukichiyo in 1619. However, after Yukichiyo died in 1621 at the age of three, she suffered repeated miscarriages, having difficulty in bearing a child (this was rumored to be the curse of Hideyori). In 1626, she lost her husband Tadatoki, mother-in-law Kumahime and mother Sugenin, one after another. After a series of these unfortunate events, she left the Honda family together with her daughter Katsuhime to go to Edo-jo Castle and later became a Buddhist priest, calling herself Tenjuin. 例文帳に追加

夫・忠刻とも夫婦仲睦まじく、翌元和4年(1618年)には長女・勝姫(円盛院)、元和5年(1619年)には長男・幸千代が生まれるが、元和7年(1621年)に幸千代が3歳で没したのを始め、その後は流産を繰り返すなど子宝に恵まれず(これは秀頼の祟りだと言われた)、寛永3年(1626年)には夫・忠刻、姑・熊姫、実母・崇源院が次々と没するなど不幸が続き、本多家を娘・勝姫と共に出て江戸城に入り、出家して天樹院と号す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is now generally considered as the actual and correct genealogy that "Tokitane was the eldest son of Tanetsuna and the elder brother of Yasutane," because those descriptions in "Genpei Tojoroku" (a record of Genpei battles) considered to be authored by the members of the Chiba clan in late Kamakura period and stating the title of the Chiba clan to be successively passed down to the eldest son of the Chiba family would be inconsistent, or the fact that Yasutane could not take over the Chiba clan after Tanetsuna's death even though he was the "elder brother" would be inexplicable. 例文帳に追加

また、時胤が胤綱の長男でないとした場合、鎌倉時代後期に千葉氏関係者によって書かれたと言われている『源平闘諍録』に千葉氏の当主が長男に継承され続けたとする記述との矛盾や胤綱の没後「兄」である泰胤が千葉氏を継承できなかったことの説明が付かないという点で問題点が発生するため、「時胤は胤綱の長男・泰胤の兄」が実際の正しい系譜であると考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The eleventh Kennyo, who was the monshu of Hongwan-ji Temple at that time, withdrew Ishiyama Hongwan-ji Temple with the group that supported overall peace, but Kyonyo, the eldest son of Kennyo, temporarily stayed at Ishiyama with the group that supported do-or-die resistance and solicited support for the resistance group even after withdrawal. 例文帳に追加

当時の本願寺門主であった11代顕如は、全面講和を支持する勢力と行動を共にし石山本願寺を退去したが、顕如の長男教如は、徹底抗戦派と共に一時石山に留まり、退去後も抗戦派への支持を募った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In concert with this appeal, Kocho's eldest son Kosho (also called Konyo) OTANI, the Hoshi (successor of principle, also called Shinmon) of Shinshu sect Otani school, promoted the separation of Tokyo Hongan-ji Temple (also called Asakusa Monzeki Temple), a branch temple of Shinshu sect Otani school in Tokyo, at which he had once worked as a chief priest, with the result that the separation was certified on June 15, 1981. 例文帳に追加

光暢の長男で真宗大谷派の法嗣(新門)であった大谷光紹(興如)は、これに呼応し、自身が住職を務めていた真宗大谷派東京別院東京本願寺(浅草門跡)の独立を進め、1981年(昭和56年)6月15日に認証された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But in 1483, with the death of his eldest brother Junnyo, Jitsunyo was once again made successor (and for that reason, there are actually two letters of inheritance, used by his father the chief priest to name his successor, in existence that designate Jitsunyo his heir), and in 1489, he succeeded his father Rennyo and became the ninth abbot of Hongan-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

1483年(文明_(日本)15年)長兄である順如の死没により改めて法嗣となり(そのため、法主が後継者指名に用いた譲状が実如には2枚存在する)、1489年(延徳8年)父蓮如のあとを受けて本願寺第9世となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the death of Teika's son FUJIWARA no Tameie, the Mikohidari family's lineage split into three branches: the Nijo family (a separate lineage from the Nijo family famous for being one of the Go-Sekke, the five families that produced regents) and their ancestor Tameuji, Tameie's eldest son and heir, the Kyogoku family, which was descended from Tameie's second son Tamenori, and the Reizei family, descended from Tameie's third son Tamesuke. 例文帳に追加

藤原定家の子である藤原為家の死後、御子左家の家系は為家の嫡男為氏を祖とする二条家(五摂家の1つである二条家とは別系)、次男為教を祖とする京極家、三男為相を祖とする冷泉家の3家に分かれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the main lineage (i.e., from the eldest son) of the Mikohidari family, members of the Kyogoku school fell into conflict with adherents of the Nijo school, who had forged close ties with the Daikakuji imperial lineage (which would afterwards become the Southern Court); Tamekane, welcomed as Emperor Fushimi's tutor in the art of waka poetry, took advantage of his closeness with the Jimyoin imperial lineage (which later became the Northern Court) to create a waka circle at the Imperial Court, working to ensure his fresh new poetic style would become popular. 例文帳に追加

御子左嫡流で、大覚寺統(のちの南朝(日本))と結びついた二条派に対し、為兼は伏見院の歌道師範として迎えられたのを契機に持明院統(のちの北朝(日本))宮廷において歌壇を築き、斬新な歌風を流行させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also famous is successful inkyo Terumune DATE in 1584 when he was just 41 in his virility, he handed over the reigns of the family to his legitimate eldest son Masamune DATE, and brought under control of the conflict between Masamune and his younger brother Kojiro DATE for succession, and it gave Masamune a chance to take a giant step. 例文帳に追加

また、天正12(1584)年に41歳の男盛りだった伊達輝宗が嫡男の伊達政宗に家督を譲ったことで、政宗とその弟伊達小次郎の後継者争いを抑え、政宗が飛躍する足がかりを作ったことも、隠居の成功例として有名だ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This will was dated March 9, 2000, stating that among the company stocks owned by Nobuo, the eldest son Shintaro inherits 80% and the fourth son Kikuo (who was involved in the business but later retired in 1996) inherits the remaining 20% (inheritance in this manner would result in about 62% company stock owned in the names of Shintaro and Kikuo). 例文帳に追加

この遺言書は、2000年3月9日付で作成されたもので、内容は信夫保有の会社の株式80%を長男・信太郎に、残り20%を四男・喜久夫(家業に関わっていたが1996年退社)に相続させるというものであった(この通りに相続すれば、信太郎・喜久夫両名で会社の株式の約62%を保有)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Heizo HASEGAWA who appeared in Shotaro IKENAMI's television period drama "Onihei Hankacho" only assumed the role as it was said that Ikenami took inspiration from Koshiro MATSUMOTO VIII while writing (the role of Onihei was succeeded by Hakuo MATSUMOTO I's eldest son, Kichiemon NAKAMURA II). 例文帳に追加

また池波正太郎のテレビ時代劇『鬼平犯科帳』で演じた長谷川平蔵は、池波が八代目幸四郎をイメージして書いたといわれるだけに当たり役となった(『鬼平』は次男の中村吉右衛門(2代目)によって継承されている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

J. Osawa Co., Ltd. built and opened the 'J. O. Studio' for rent at Uzumasa Kaiko no Yashiro Station in Kyoto that used a pioneering talkie system imported by Yoshio OSAWA, who was the eldest son of the CEO of the same company, Tokutaro OSAWA. 例文帳に追加

1933年(昭和8年)3月、大沢商会グループ(J.OsawaCo.,Ltd.)が京都・太秦蚕ノ社駅に貸しスタジオ「J.Oスタヂオ」を建設・開所、同社社長・大沢徳太郎の長男・大沢善夫が輸入したトーキーシステムを導入した先進的なものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When sekke (line of regents and advisers) were established among court nobles starting at the end of the Heian period, and the social status and family status became fixed, the so called genpeitokitsu, or the Minamoto clan, Taira clan, Fujiwara clan, and Tachibana clan, became the only four family names allowed to become kugyo (Later, the Sugawara clan, Abe clan, and Kamo clan were allowed, but limited to those in the lineage of eldest son). 例文帳に追加

平安時代末期より公家の中で摂家が確立するに至り、貴族の格式、家格が固まってくると公卿になれるのは源氏・平氏・藤原氏・橘氏のいわゆる源平藤橘の四姓だけになった(後に菅原氏・阿倍氏・賀茂氏なども嫡流に限って認められた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Seiwa-Genji, MINAMOTO no Mitsunaka who was a son of MINAMOTO no Tsunemoto, and Mitsunaka's eldest son, the leader of the Settsu-Genji (Minamoto clan), MINAMOTO no Yorimitsu, and Mitsunaka's fourth son, the leader of the Kawachi-Genji, MINAMOTO no Yorinobu, as well as leaders of the Kawachi-Genji such as MINAMOTO no Yoriyoshi and MINAMOTO no Yoshiie ascended to that rank. 例文帳に追加

清和源氏では初代 源経基その子の源満仲、また満仲の長男 摂津源氏の棟梁、源頼光、同じく満仲の四男で河内源氏の棟梁 源頼信はじめ源頼義、源義家など河内源氏代々の棟梁がその位に昇った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that Masatsura KUSUNOKI, the eldest son of Masashige KUSUNOKI, together with his families and retainers, paid a visit to the imperial tomb of Emperor Godaigo in this temple and wrote his death poem 'Since I will never come back alive, I am writing down the names of my fellows and me, who are to be numbered among the dead,' when leaving for the front in the Battle of Shijonawate in January 1348. 例文帳に追加

正平2年12月(1346年)、楠木正成の長男・楠木正行が四条畷の戦いに出陣するに際し、一族郎党とともに当寺にある後醍醐天皇陵に詣で、辞世の歌「かへらじとかねて思へば梓弓なき数に入る名をぞとどむる」を詠んだという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There was a regulation in terms of Imperial succession in those days such as the succession between brothers, the succession of eldest brothers, being nominated by aides, following the will of a former Emperor, etc, (there was a theory developed from a recent study that there was an age limit, up to thirty years old, for succeeding to the throne), it is presumed after fulfilling such complicated requirements, Imperial succession was decided. 例文帳に追加

この頃の皇位継承のルールには、兄弟承継、大兄承継、群臣推挙、先帝遺詔(更に近年では即位要件に年齢制限(30歳以上)があったとする説もある)などがあり、これらが複雑にからんで皇位継承が行われていたと推定されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, after Emperor Tenji's Imperial line learned its lesson from Emperor Tenmu's Imperial line and since the era of Emperor Konin, the Imperial throne was succeeded between brothers (the practical return of the succession between the eldest brothers), and it was responsible for a continuous dispute for Imperial succession, starting from the incident to assassinate FUJIWARA no Tanetsugu and ended with the Showa Disturbance. 例文帳に追加

かくして光仁以来の天智系皇統が天武系皇統を教訓にして取り入れた兄弟継承の相続(大兄制の実質復活)は、藤原種継暗殺事件から承和の変に至る皇位継承を巡る内紛の連鎖の招来に終わった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to Imperial Family Law, expanded regulation Article No.1 issued by the Emperor February 11, 1907, and Article No. 25 of the regulation of Imperial rank, for the Princes of the descendants of a great-great grandchild of the Imperial Family, if the Prince does not appeal entreat, they will be forced to become nobles by receiving surnames by the Emperor's order excluding eldest son's grandchildren's line up to four generations. 例文帳に追加

皇玄孫ノ子孫タル王明治40年2月11日勅定の皇室典範増補第1条及ヒ皇族身位令第25条ノ規定ニヨリ情願ヲ為ササルトキハ長子孫ノ系統4世以内ヲ除クノ外勅旨ニ依リ家名ヲ賜ヒ華族ニ列ス - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Great-great grand children of the Imperial Family would still be called members of the Imperial Family, other descendants were to be demoted from nobility to subject, except for the eldest son who will succeed to the Miyake, and in this case four generations after a great-great grandchild of the Imperial Family, would still be called members of the Imperial Family, after that, the descendants were to be demoted from nobility to subject. 例文帳に追加

具体的には、皇玄孫までを皇族としその子孫は臣籍に下すこと、ただし宮家を継承する長男のみは例外とするが、これも皇玄孫のさらに4世(玄孫)までを皇族としそれ以降の世代は臣籍に下すことになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After his father, the Cloistered Emperor Kameyama died when he was three years old, he inherited most of his father's assets due to his father's will, he ordered his grandchild, Emperor Gonijo to let Imperial Prince Tsuneaki succeed to the throne for next Emperor from the Daikakuji Imperial line, instead of Emperor's eldest Prince, Imperial Prince Kuniyoshi, also pronounced Kuninaga. 例文帳に追加

3歳の時、父である亀山法皇が病死するが遺詔でその財産の多くを与えた上に、自分の孫に当たる後二条天皇に対しては次の大覚寺統の皇位は天皇の嫡男邦良親王ではなく、恒明親王を立てるように命じたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As an example, in the British Imperial Household, the eldest son in the direct line is preceded in order of succession; Duke of York, the third child of Queen Elizabeth has a higher priority than Princess Ann, the second child of Queen Elizabeth in order of succession; Duke of York is the forth in line to the imperial throne while Queen Ann is the tenth having a lower priority than her younger brothers and their families 例文帳に追加

一例として、イギリス王室は直系男長子優先の継承順位であるため、継承順位は、エリザベス女王の第2子アン王女よりも、第3子ヨーク公の方が継承順位は上で、ヨーク公が4位、アン王女は弟王子2人とその家族よりも下の10位である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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