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position of responsibilityの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 43


a position of responsibility 例文帳に追加

責任ある地位. - 研究社 新英和中辞典

a position with a great deal of responsibility 例文帳に追加

責任の重い役目 - EDR日英対訳辞書

he holds a position of great responsibility 例文帳に追加

彼は責任のある地位にいる - 日本語WordNet

The right to be in a position of responsibility?例文帳に追加

責任ある立場になる 資格が - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


The right to be in a position of responsibility?例文帳に追加

責任のある立場になる資格が - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


the position of responsibility of supervising a section of a company or a government office 例文帳に追加

会社や官庁の課の事務を総轄する役職 - EDR日英対訳辞書

the position in an organization of a person in a high rank, as is observed to be the symbol of responsibility that should be taken by the organization 例文帳に追加

討ち取られた人の首 - EDR日英対訳辞書

A man who lacks decision cannot hold a position of responsibility. 例文帳に追加

決断力に欠ける人は責任ある地位にはつけない. - 研究社 新和英中辞典

She gained a position of responsibility in the firm.例文帳に追加

彼女は会社の責任ある地位についた。 - Tatoeba例文


Really puts me and my colleagues in a position of responsibility.例文帳に追加

同僚や私の中に責任感が生まれます - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


In 1950, Join took the responsibility for the loss of the wall painting in the Kon-do Hall and resigned the position of kannushi. 例文帳に追加

昭和25年金堂壁画消失の責任を取って管主を辞任。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He looked as if he was [were] weighed down by the responsibility of his position. 例文帳に追加

彼はその地位の責任の重さに耐えかねているかのように見えた. - 研究社 新和英中辞典

a person whose occupational duty involves working directly for a person in a position of responsibility and handling their confidential business 例文帳に追加

要職にある人に直属して機密の事務を取り扱う役の人 - EDR日英対訳辞書

a consciousness of oneself as a member of society, a person invested with a position and responsibility to society 例文帳に追加

社会の一員として,なんらかの役割や責任を負わされた存在として意識された自分自身 - EDR日英対訳辞書

Let me ask another question related to Olympus. While the auditing firm apparently bears some responsibility, what about the responsibility of banks with which Olympus is doing business? I would like you to reply to this question from the standpoint of your position as the supervisor of banks in particular. 例文帳に追加

またオリンパスの話なのですけれども、監査法人の責任はあると思うのですけれども、オリンパスの取引銀行の責任というのはどう捉えていったらよいでしょうか。 - 金融庁

To provide an electric power steering device suppressing yaw responsibility to disturbance from a road surface near a neutral position of a steering wheel making the yaw responsibility during steering operation of a driver good.例文帳に追加

テアリングホイールの中立位置近傍における路面からの外乱に対して、ヨー応答性を抑制するとともに、運転者のステアリング操作時のヨー応答性は良好なものとする電動パワーステアリング装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

At the time of the Hogen Rebellion, Tameyoshi transferred responsibility for the family to Yoshitomo (although another theory states that Tameyoshi renounced Yoshitomo and transferred the position of head of the family to the fourth son MINAMOTO no Yorikata.) 例文帳に追加

保元の乱当時は、義朝に家督を譲っていた(一説に義朝を勘当し、四男の源頼賢に家督を譲っていたともいう)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In September of 1925, he assumed his position as the 24th Hoshu as a successor to his father, Shonyo, who stepped down in order to take responsibility for financial problems. 例文帳に追加

1925年(大正14年)9月、財政問題の責を負って退任した、父・彰如の後を受けて第24代法主に就任。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a substrate treatment device which possesses improved responsibility for substrate sucking action and is capable of transferring and holding a substrate and controlling its position with high throughput.例文帳に追加

基板の吸着動作の応答性を改善し、基板の移送、保持、位置制御などを高スループットで行う基板処理装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

Around the year of 977, the clan was given the surname of Miyoshi Ason, and among the members of the clan, Shigeaki MIYOSHI was appointed as Shuzeiryo (a position in Bureau of Taxation) in addition to Sanhakase (a position with responsibility for teaching mathematics and looking after mathematicians), the position that his descendants inherited for generations. 例文帳に追加

貞元(日本)2年(977年)頃に三善朝臣の姓が授けられ、その1人であった三善茂明が主税寮兼算博士に就任し、その子孫は代々算博士を継いだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To improve responsibility of the valve element of a flow passage opening closing device having a valve element moving between an opening position to allow a flow of gas and a closing position to block a flow of gas.例文帳に追加

ガスの流れを許容する開位置と、ガスの流れを阻止する閉位置との間で移動する弁体を備えた流路開閉装置における弁体の応答性を向上する。 - 特許庁

Although Kurodo no betto was in an organizational position to supervise the entire staff at the Kurododokoro, including the Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain), all of the general practical business at the Kurododokoro was the responsibility of the Kurodo no to and the Kurodo no betto was regarded only as a public representative and honorary position not involved in practical business. 例文帳に追加

組織上は蔵人頭以下を指揮する立場にあるが、所内の実務全般は蔵人頭が責任を負い、蔵人別当は対外的な代表者の地位にあり、実際の実務には携わらない名目的なものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

I asked about this in your previous press conference, but please allow me bring up again the subject of the recent arrest of former Incubator Bank of Japan Chairman Kimura. I would like to raise a question about the responsibility of then-Minister Takenaka, who gave Mr. Kimura senior position hear in FSA. 例文帳に追加

前回の記者会見でご質問させていただいたのですが、今回の日本振興銀行の木村元会長の逮捕に関しまして、木村さんを重用した当時の竹中大臣の責任というものはいかがなものか。 - 金融庁

1925: Failure of mining operations on the Korean Peninsula resulted in the disruption of Higashi Hongan-ji Temple's finances for which he took responsibility and retired, passing his position of Hossu onto his eldest son Kocho OTANI. 例文帳に追加

1925年(大正14年)、朝鮮半島における鉱山事業の失敗から、東本願寺の財政を混乱させ引責隠退し、長男の大谷光暢に法主を譲る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He resigned from the position of director of the Asahi Shimbun Company in 1945 due to responsibility for the war, and returned to the Asahi Shimbun Company seven years later after working as an elementary school teacher, a clerk for the university and a secretary of a supreme court judge. 例文帳に追加

1945年に戦争責任で朝日新聞の取締役を辞任し、小学校教師、大学事務官、最高裁判官秘書などを経たのち7年後に朝日新聞社に復帰。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that it was an agonizing choice, prompted by his awareness of his position as the head of Gosekke and to keep the Imperial family safe by preventing responsibility for the war from falling on Emperor Showa. 例文帳に追加

昭和天皇に戦争責任が及ばないようにという、皇室の藩籬として、そして五摂家筆頭としての自覚が促した、苦渋の選択だったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To inhibit the great increase of a processing time for every preset crank angle position during high speed rotation, eliminate the dispersion of responsibility and enable good valve timing control.例文帳に追加

高速回転時に、所定のクランク角度位置毎の処理時間の大幅な増大を抑え、応答性のバラツキをなくし、良好なバルブタイミング制御を可能にする。 - 特許庁

To provide an information display device capable of enhancing responsibility in the case of displaying an image at a touch position touched by an input unit in an information display area.例文帳に追加

情報表示領域における入力手段の接触位置に画像を表示する際の応答性を高めることができる情報表示装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

Anguished over the delayed and lengthened political duties, the emperor accepted a suggestion by Mototsune and admitted the failure of Hiromi; Hiromi lost his position while taking responsibility in the following year, in 888. 例文帳に追加

翌仁和4年(888年)、長期化する政務の停滞に心痛した天皇が基経の主張を受け入れ広相の非を認めたことから、広相は責を問われて失脚することとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For instance, Vikram Pandit, who replaced the former CEO of the largest US bank, Citigroup, Charles Prince—who resigned from the position to take responsibility for the losses incurred from the subprime mortgage loansis from India.例文帳に追加

例えば、サブプライム・ローン関連の損失の責任をとって辞任した米国の銀行最大手シティグループCEOプリンス氏の後任、ヴィクラム・パンディット氏はインド出身である。 - 経済産業省

His military exploits included the attack on Nagamasa ASAI of Omi Province in 1573, the Battle of Shizukatake in 1583, and the invasion of Korea that was launched after Hideyoshi inherited the responsibility to unify Japan following the death of Nobunaga, and he was later rewarded for his outstanding political skills when he was assigned the role of conducting the Taiko-kenichi (land surveys instigated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi) and appointed to the position of Kyoto Shoshidai (the shogunate's military governor, who was stationed in Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

1573年(天正元年)、近江浅井長政攻めをはじめに、1583年(天正11年)の賤ケ岳の戦い、信長の死後に秀吉が統一事業を継承すると朝鮮出兵などで武功を挙げ、またその卓越した行政手腕を買われて太閤検地を行い京都所司代を務めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He took responsibility of stopping the visit of the retired emperor and was temporarily demoted to Dazai no daini (Senior Assistant Governor-General of the Dazai-fu offices) on the following day but was reassigned to his former position and Shikibu shoyu (Junior Assistant of the Ministry of Ceremonial) without being sent off to the Kyushu region, and held the additional post as the Gon Sachuben (Provisional Middle Controller of the left). 例文帳に追加

なお、上皇の参内阻止の責任を取らされて翌日に大宰大弐に一旦左遷させられるが、翌月には九州へ出発することなく前職に復職、更に式部少輔に再任されて権左中弁を兼務している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a liquid jetting apparatus capable of easily obtaining necessary valve closing responsibility even if used as a valve apparatus used for so-called choke cleaning and relaxing the restriction of the arrangement position of an outlet in the valve apparatus, and to provide a liquid storing container.例文帳に追加

いわゆるチョーククリーニングに用いられる弁装置として使用しても、必要な閉弁応答性が得られやすいうえ、弁装置内における流出口の配置位置の制約を緩和できる液体噴射装置及び液体収容容器を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a focus control system for performing a focus control by an MF control and an AF control, wherein a difference between the instructed position of a focus lens group with respect to the operation position of an MF-control focus operation member and the actual position of the focus lens group is prevented from arising, and also, the moving responsibility of the focus lens group during the AF control is enhanced.例文帳に追加

MF制御とAF制御とによるフォーカス制御が可能なフォーカス制御システムにおいて、MF制御用のフォーカス操作部材の操作位置に対して指示されるフォーカスレンズ群の位置と、フォーカスレンズ群の実際の位置との差が生じないようにすると共に、AF制御時におけるフォーカスレンズ群の移動の応答性を良くする。 - 特許庁

I welcome the fact that a serious debate about an exit strategy has started because it is an indication of an improvement in sentiment around the world. While it would be too much to expect the DPJ to start out doing work perfectly, I hope that the party will recognize the need to discuss matters like a goal for fiscal consolidation and fiscal discipline once it assumes a position of responsibility. 例文帳に追加

民主党に今の段階で何から何まで求めるというのは無理な話ですけれども、いずれにしても責任ある立場になればやはり、財政の健全化目標とか財政規律とかというものは当然論じていただかなければならないことだと。 - 金融庁

To provide a position detector constructed by a combination of a light emitting object, a light receiving object, and a shading plate which can pass between these two objects, which has a function of compensating the temperature according to a change in ambient temperature and has a rapid responsibility.例文帳に追加

発光体と受光体及びこれらの間を通過可能な遮光板との組み合わせを用いた位置検出装置であって、周囲温度変化に応じた温度補正機能を有し、しかも高速応答性に優れた位置検出装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

Rokuon Soroku determined the ranks of and appointed head priests to all temples below the Gozan as well as managing territory and litigation, so had a great degree of influence even when compared to the bakufu, but the position later developed into an honorary position with individuals being appointed based on blood relationships to the Imperial Family and actual responsibility being taken by the inryoshiki who served as a liaison between the sofoku and the bakufu. 例文帳に追加

鹿苑僧録は五山以下の諸寺の寺格決定やその住持の任免、所領・訴訟などの処理を行うなど、幕府に対しても大きな影響力を有したが、後に名誉職化して皇族などが血筋によって僧録に任じられるようになると、僧録と幕府の連絡役であった蔭涼職(いんりょうしき)が実務の責任者となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Heian period, a plan was put out for making the Shinno, who was not able to become a Togu (crown prince) due to Emperor Kammu's policy, a Minister for one of the eight central ministries, but later, from a passive viewpoint towards putting political responsibility on a Shinno, it became a custom for a Shinno to take the position of an honorary office such as the Ministry of Central Affairs, Ministry of Military (Treasury code), Ministry of Ceremonial, Danjoin, and Dazai no sochi, where they received only stipends and did not participate in state affairs. 例文帳に追加

平安時代、桓武天皇の政策により東宮とならなかった親王を八省卿にする方針が打ち出されたが、後に親王に政治責任を負わせることに消極的な立場から中務省、兵部省兵部省(律令制)、式部省、弾正尹、大宰帥といった名誉職に就いて俸禄のみを得て、政務には携わらないという慣習ができた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for your first question about House of Representatives member Taira, I believe that I previously said that he, being a publicly-elected member of the national parliament, the highest organ of state power, naturally has moral responsibility that comes with such a position, but the matter is up to future members of a third-party committee, who are supposed to be fair and impartial, to decide in view of that point as well. That is all I would like to comment on in my capacity. 例文帳に追加

1点は、平衆議院議員のことについては以前も、当然国民から選んで頂いた国の最高機関の国会議員ですから、それは相応の道義的責任があるというふうに申し上げたと思いますが、そういったことも視野に入れながら第三者委員会になられる公平・公正な方がご判断されることだと思っています。私としては、そういったコメントです。 - 金融庁

Any person who, in the course of his work, employment, responsibility or position or in the pursuit of his profession or the conduct of his business has access to an industrial secret about the confidentiality of which he has been warned shall abstain from using the said secret and revealing it without just cause and without the consent of the person who is keeping it or is authorized to use it.例文帳に追加

自己の職責又は地位に基づく業務遂行過程で,又は専門職としての活動や事業活動の中で産業秘密に接しかつその秘密性について知らされる者は,正当な理由に基づきかつ当該産業秘密を所有し又はその使用の許諾を与えられている者の同意を得ない限り,当該秘密の使用や開示を行ってはならない。 - 特許庁

That is a very good question. He is overseas at the moment, is he? I did read in the newspaper that he has not responded to any interviews. I believe that after all, he cannot evade moral responsibility as a person who held a public position, was a member of the Diet and served as Minister for Financial Services in charge of financial regulation and supervision for nearly two years in Japan, given that (former Prime Minister) Mr. Koizumi and Mr. Takenaka were extremely high-profile political figures at the time. 例文帳に追加

それは大変的確な質問ですけれども、今海外に行っておられるのですか。何か私は新聞では、取材に一切応じないというようなことだけは読みましたけれどもね。私はやっぱり公職にあった人間として、国会議員であったこともあるわけですから、2年近く日本の金融行政をあずけてきた金融(担当)大臣、ましてや小泉さんと竹中さんという、当時まさに大変大きな政治的存在であったわけですから、やっぱり道義的責任というのは免れないと思っていますよ。 - 金融庁

Having quoted the saying, "never invite suspicions needlessly," I find that idea to be quite natural as a course of action to gain higher trust and as a possible future issue. All in all, it’s common sense that an advisor is a high position in the FSA as a matter of course. What I consider constitutes a basic philosophy of conservatism is not to "help the weak and crush the strong," but rather to "help the weak and have the strong assume responsibility," which is an idea that the PNP supports. I believe that those in a position to lead others should exercise strict oversight that the public can feel satisfied with, be it in the capacity of a publicly-elected Diet member or Minister for Financial Services, in comprehensive consideration of ethics, morals, commonsense or, in some countries, religions, before law. 例文帳に追加

今後の課題としてそんなことも当然、「瓜田に沓を納れず、李下に冠を正さず」といったわけでございますから、そこら辺はやっぱり世の中の常識と申しますか、信頼性の向上と申しますか、私はきちっと、顧問といえば当然金融庁の上の方ですが、国民新党も「弱きを助け強気をくじく」でなくて、「弱きを助け強きに責任を持たせる」というのが、私は保守の基本理念だと思いますから、上に立つ人はおのずと法律というものもございますが、同時に法律以前に倫理だとか、道徳だとか、一般の常識だとか、あるいは国によっては宗教だというのもあるわけですから、そんなことを総合的に勘案して、選挙で選ばれた国会議員として、金融庁の大臣としてきちっと国民の納得できることを、厳正な監督をやっていかねばならないというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁


I am Namikawa from Toyo Keizai. From your position as Minister in charge of the supervisory authority for moneylenders, please explain that in the event of the bankruptcy of a moneylender, whether it would be desirable for some members of the top management to remain in office under the Corporate Reorganization Act in the form of debtor-in-possession (DIP). Given that there are various problems such as shareholders being pursued for shareholder responsibility and borrowers who are entitled to claim reimbursement of overpayments not being able to have the interest refunded, would it be desirable for DIP-style reorganization in which the existing management executives remain in office as a way of holding them responsible for management? 例文帳に追加

東洋経済の浪川ですけれども、金融貸金業者を監督する官庁の担当大臣というお立場から、貸金業が倒産した場合、経営者が一部残る形の会社更生法形態、つまりDIP型というものは好ましいことなのかどうかということについて、お話を伺いたいのですが。つまり、株主は株主責任を問われるし、過払い権者は請求しても利息返還を非常に得られなくなるという、そういうような色々な問題がある中で、経営責任の問われ方として既存の経営者が残るDIP型というのが好ましいかどうかということについてのお考えをお聞きしたいと思います。 - 金融庁


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