
「protest」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(8ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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Of the secondary losses that arose in the process of collecting jusen loans, which totaled around 1,390 billion yen, the government shouldered around 690 billion yen, as I remember it. At that time, I was a Diet member of the ruling party and there was a sit-in protest in the Budget Committee. 例文帳に追加

確か(住専債権の回収に伴い生じた二次損失約1兆3900億円のうち政府負担額は)約6,900億円だったと思いますが、私も当時、与党の国会議員でして、予算委員会で座り込みなどがございました。 - 金融庁

If a protest is not upheld, the Norwegian Industrial Property Office shall inform the protester of his right to request an administrative review pursuant to section 25 ff. of the Designs Act.例文帳に追加

異議申立が認容されない場合は,工業所有権庁は,自己の権利を主張して異議を申し立てた者に対して意匠法第25条以下に定める行政審理を請求することができる旨を通知するものとする。 - 特許庁

If, before the patent has been granted, the Norwegian Industrial Property Office receives a protest that is of significance to the assessment of the application, the Norwegian Industrial Property Office shall notify the applicant thereof.例文帳に追加

特許付与前にノルウェー工業所有権庁が出願の評価にとって重要である異論を受領する場合は,ノルウェー工業所有権庁は,これを出願人に通知しなければならない。 - 特許庁

If the protest contains a claim regarding obvious use of the invention, it will, as a general rule, only be set down for assessment after the expiration of the time limit for the submission of protests and only if the same claim is also made in an opposition.例文帳に追加

異論が発明の明白な実施についての主張を含む場合は,一般的には,これは異論の提出期限の到来後に限り,かつ,同一の主張が異議申立においてもなされた場合に限り評価されるものとする。 - 特許庁


Mr. Sherlock Holmes was leaning back in his chair after his whimsical protest, and was unfolding his morning paper in a leisurely fashion, when our attention was arrested by a tremendous ring at the bell, 例文帳に追加

ミスター・シャーロック・ホームズが、先の奇抜な主張を終えて椅子に持たれかかり、ゆとりにあふれる態度で新聞を広げようとしていたそのとき、呼び鈴が大音量で鳴り響いて我々の気をひいた。 - Arthur Conan Doyle『ノーウッドの建築家』


However, after that, Nippu the fifty fifth and Nichio the fifty sixty continued to protest several times against the situation and for other seven honzan temples to stop the activity to the government, and finally they got approval for the group to be independent Honmon Sect and it was officially called Fuji School of the Nichiren Sect in 1900. 例文帳に追加

しかしその後、第55世日布・第56世日応と、数度にわたり政府への抗議活動と他の七本山に対する破折活動が続けられた結果、ようやく1900年、本門宗からの分離独立が認可されて日蓮宗富士派と公称するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In August of 1308, the retainer TAIRA no Masatsura handed 'Remonstration by TAIRA no Masatsura' as a warning in protest against him, and we can see that Masatsura abandoned government affairs and become addicted to sake (rice wine) from the expressions in the document such as 'he knows little of political affairs now' and 'he should stop having drinking parties every day.' 例文帳に追加

1308年(延慶元年)8月御内人の平政連が貞時を諌めるため提出した「平政連諫草(たいらのまさつらいさめぐさ)」には「今は、漸く政要に疎し」「早々と連日の酒宴を相止め」と、政務を放りだし酒に溺れていた様が覗える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In fact, he was evaluated as having poor political skill, thus when he assumed the position of Gon Chunagon, FUJIWARA no Koremichi resigned from his post in protest, and when he died in 1133, FUJIWARA no Munetada attacked him in "Chuyuki" (diary written by FUJIWARA no Munetada) saying that an 'Incapable person should never have assumed the position of Nagon'. 例文帳に追加

しかし実際には、その政治手腕に対する周囲の評価は低く、権中納言就任にあたっては藤原伊通が抗議の意味で致仕しているし、1133年に死去した際には、藤原宗忠の日記『中右記』の中で「無才の人、納言に昇るはいまだかつてあらず」と非難されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In August 1486, when Obama, Wakasa Province, which had been Yoshinao's fief, was given to Kuninobu TAKEDA according to the wishes of the imperial palace, Yoshinao went down to Tango Province to protest it and did not join the attack against Takayori ROKKAKU by Yoshihisa ASHIKAGA in 1487 and sent his son, Yoshihide, instead. 例文帳に追加

文明18年(1486年)8月、禁裏の意向により義直の知行地である若狭国小浜が武田国信に与えられると、抗議のため丹後へ下向、翌長享元年(1487年)の足利義尚による六角高頼攻めにも参陣せず、代理に子の義秀を参陣させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to one theory, Kazurayama made a strong protest against the conciliation so tenaciously that he finally died of indignation, but according to the other theory, in order to show an example to the revolt, the leaders of the force, who did not pick up Shimada nor Ozeki because both of whom were younger and obedient to their seniors, deliberately chose Kazurayama, who was hot-blooded and fearless even in front of the leaders, to silence him and close the case, putting all the responsibility upon him. 例文帳に追加

葛山が、最後まで頑強に抗議したための憤死とも、反発への見せしめのために3人の軽輩者の内、年長者で従順な島田や、尾関ではなく、血の気の多く首脳陣に怖じない葛山に責任を負わせて手打ちにしたともいわれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since Naosuke II, who had been commanded the shogunate government as Tairo (chief minister) at the cabinet officials of the Shogunate after a Roju (senior councilor) Masahiro ABE died, signed The Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the United States and Japan in 1858, Yoshikatsu went to the Edo-jo Castle untimely with Nariaki TOKUGAWA of the Mito-Tokugawa family to protest against Ii. 例文帳に追加

幕閣において老中阿部正弘の死後に大老となり幕政を指揮していた井伊直弼が、安政5年(1858年)にアメリカ合衆国と日米修好通商条約を調印したため、慶勝は水戸徳川家の徳川斉昭らとともに江戸城へ不時登城するなどして井伊に抗議した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The decisive actions of Ii, provoked a stream of criticism, including action taken by Nariaki TOKUGAWA (the lord of the Mito clan) and Yoshikatsu TOKUGAWA (the lord of the Owari clan), who went to Edo-jo Castle to protest, but they were in fact punished by II for not gaining permission to enter the castle beforehand. 例文帳に追加

こうした井伊の強権的手法には反撥が相次ぎ、徳川斉昭・徳川慶勝(尾張藩主)・松平慶永らは抗議のため登城するが、無断で登城したことを理由に逆に井伊によって謹慎処分を受けることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1968, top star Jiro TAMIYA submitted a protest to Daiei for his name being listed fourth in the credits for the film "Fushin no Toki" (When in Doubt; written by Sawako ARIYOSHI) in spite of leading actor and was summarily fired by Daiei's president Nagata, unable to make appearances in motion pictures or TV dramas under the five-party agreement among the film companies. 例文帳に追加

1968年、看板俳優の田宮二郎が映画『不信のとき』(原作:有吉佐和子)に主演したが、クレジットが4番目であることを抗議すると激怒した永田社長により一方的に解雇され、五社協定にもかけられ他社の映画・テレビドラマにも出演できなくなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In this theory, historians and experts stressed two important factors - Cloistered Emperor Goshirakawa ordered the Taira clan to suspend battle preparations against Minamoto on March 26, 1184, and in the post war period, Munemori wrote a protest letter to the Emperor, "When the Taira clan believed the order to suspend the battle, the Minamoto clan attacked and killed many members of the Taira clan family, so I was of the belief that this order was an unconventional tactic (a pretense to set the Taira clan for defeat in battle)." 例文帳に追加

この説では、合戦直前の2月6日の後白河法皇の休戦命令と、合戦後の宗盛の「休戦命令を信じていたら、源氏に襲われて一門の多くが殺された、(平氏を陥れる)奇謀ではないのか」という法皇への抗議の書状を重視している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hirotsugu dismounted from his horse and said 'I do not oppose to any order of the Imperial Court. I just wish to punish two persons (KIBI no Makibi and Genbo) who disturb the Imperial Court. If I protest an order of the Imperial Court, the gods of heaven and earth will punish me.' 例文帳に追加

すると、広嗣は下馬して拝礼し「わたしは朝命に反抗しているのではない。朝廷を乱す二人(吉備真備と玄昉)を罰することを請うているだけだ。もし、わたしが朝命に反抗しているのなら天神地祇が罰するだろう」と言った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Unexpectedly, Sano, the Minister of the Treasury who was in direct line from Okuma, expressed objection, besides Takayuki SASAKI, close advisor to the Emperor Meiji embracing the will of the Emperor, lodged a protest that the proposal contradicted with the 'Emperor's Thoughts on Diligence and Thriftiness' announced by the Emperor Meiji the year before. 例文帳に追加

そして、意外にも大隈直系の佐野大蔵卿も反対を表明、更に明治天皇側近の佐々木高行が天皇の意思を奉じて、前年に明治天皇が出した「勤倹の聖旨」と本提案は矛盾すると申し入れを行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although captain of fleet as well as the French consulate proclaimed the protest for this exceptional action, and there were many arguments amont many international law experts, this incident pioneered an example of punishing not only those who are obviously on military duty of hostile country, but also those who merely intend to be involved in. 例文帳に追加

本件に関しては船長ならびにフランス領事の抗議を受け、国際法学者の間にも種々、論議があったが、要するに、本件は、ただ敵国のために軍事上の任務に従事するもののみならず、従事しようとする企図のあるものをも処分する例を開いたものとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Okubo and Saigo plotted the disempowerment of the Tokugawa Family at the occasion of the Decree for the Restoration of Imperial Rule by demanding Yoshinobu to jikan (resign the government post as the Minister of the Center) and nochi (return the Tokugawa land to the Emperor) by issuance of an Imperial order, but faced protest from Yodo YAMAUCHI and Shungaku MATSUDAIRA, both legislature, so the consideration was suspended until Kogosho Conference. 例文帳に追加

大久保や西郷としては、王政復古の大号令の際に、慶喜の辞官(内大臣の辞職)・納地(徳川家領の返上)の勅命を出させ、徳川家を無力化させることを企図していたが、議定山内容堂・松平春嶽らの抵抗により、審議は小御所会議にずれ込んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Norwegian Industrial Property Office shall take into consideration information received in connection with a protest during processing of an application to the extent that the information applies to matters that shall be assessed by the Norwegian Industrial Property Office when considering the application for registration, cf. sections 17 and 29 of the Designs Act.例文帳に追加

工業所有権庁は,出願処理中に異議申立に関連して受領した情報を,それが意匠法第17条及び第29条に基づき工業所有権庁が登録出願の審査において考慮すべき事項に該当する範囲で審査の対象とする。 - 特許庁

If other novelty-destroying elements than obvious use of the invention are claimed in the protest, the Norwegian Industrial Property Office shall immediately examine whether this means that the applicant should be notified thereof in writing.例文帳に追加

発明の明白な実施以外に新規性を無効にする要素がその異論で主張される場合は,ノルウェー工業所有権庁は,それが出願人においてその通知を書面で受けるべきことを意味するか否かを直ちに調査しなければならない。 - 特許庁

Also, the company's decision to discontinue a contract with PT Doson Indonesia, an Indonesian contract factory, as part of factory closures in the wake of production cutbacks, invited fierce protests by local employees and local residents, leading to a protest movement by NGOs and a court battle.例文帳に追加

また、生産縮小に伴う工場撤退に際して、インドネシアの契約工場ドーソン・インドネシアの契約打ち切りを決定したが、この決定に対して現地従業員や地域住民が強烈に抗議し、NGOによる抗議運動へと発展して訴訟にまで至った。 - 経済産業省

Yet in 1038, once Myoson of Onjo-ji Temple became the Tendai-zasu (the highest post of Tendai sect), the "sansoron" (the mountain debate) broke out; Ryoen, who was expected by Yorimichi to persuade the priests residing in Enryaku-ji Temple, was defeated in the debate, and what's worse, the following year he was blamed for gathering the clergy around him and inciting a crowd of 3000 priests to march on Yorimichi's Takakura palace and stage a goso (forceful protest). 例文帳に追加

ところが、長暦2年(1038年)、天台座主に園城寺明尊が任ぜられたことから勃発した「山相論」において、頼通から延暦寺大衆(仏教)の説得を期待された良円は説得に失敗したのみならず、翌年には彼らに擁されて頼通の高倉殿に大衆3千人と強訴する事件を引き起こして罪に問われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the so-called 'old capital tax issue' in which Kyoto City Government severely fought against Kyoto Prefecture Buddhist Organization and Kyoto City Buddhist Organization from 1982 to 1988 leading to suspension of viewing in may temples and submission of an administrative lawsuit, he spearheaded the protest campaign as a president or a chairman of the Buddhist Organizations. 例文帳に追加

1982年(昭和57年)から1988年(昭和63年)まで京都市と京都府仏教会・京都市仏教会とが深刻な対立抗争を繰り広げ、ついには多くの寺院の拝観停止や行政訴訟の提起にまでいたった、いわゆる「古都税問題」では、仏教会の理事長あるいは会長として反対運動の先頭に立った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Kanmon Nikki" (Diary of Imperial Prince Fushimi no miya Sadafusa) suggests that although this event appears as a result of dire poverty, due to the fact that the bakufu at that time attempted to have Imperial Prince Mihito (later Emperor Shoko), the prince of Emperor Gokomatsu, take over the throne, contrary to the conditions of peace (ryoto tetsuritsu (alternate accedence from two ancestries of imperial families), it may have been an act of protest by the Cloistered Emperor Gokameyama, who was unhappy with such developments. 例文帳に追加

この事件について、『看聞日記』には生活上の困窮によるものと見えるが、当時の幕府が講和条件(両統迭立)に反して後小松天皇皇子の躬仁親王(後の称光天皇)の即位を目論んでいることから、そのような動きに不満を抱く後亀山法皇の抗議行動であったとも考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hisamitsu continued to keep power in the Satsuma domain (Kagoshima Prefecture), however, it is said that when Haihan-chiken (abolition of domains and establishment of prefectures) was declared by the Grand Council of State under the leadership of Takamori SAIGO and Toshimichi OKUBO participating in the central government on August 29, 1871, he got very angry and ordered to set off fireworks the whole day in Kagoshima as a message protest. 例文帳に追加

久光は明治維新後も薩摩藩(鹿児島藩)における権力を握り続けたが、政府に出仕していた西郷隆盛や大久保利通らの主導で、明治4年(1871年)7月14日に太政官より廃藩置県が布告されると、鹿児島の久光はこれに激怒、抗議の意を込めて一日中花火を打ち上げさせたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kyoto City also opposed the construction of a railway in the vicinity of Momoyama Goryo-mae Station, objecting to the railroad crossing that might be produced on the approach to the Momoyama Goryo Tomb; therefore, the company made a plan to construct a subway line, but that also failed because of the protest of the sake brewers association of Fushimi Ward, which was worried about the depletion of underground water, and finally as the last expedient, the railway was constructed with an elevated structure. 例文帳に追加

また、桃山御陵前駅の前後は、京都市も桃山御陵への参拝道に踏切が生じることを理由に反対したため地下線での建設を計画したが、伏見区の酒造組合が地下水の枯渇を理由に地下線での建設計画は頓挫し、残る高架方式での建設となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the same day, some students of Kyoto University had been protesting against the authorities who hadn't permitted the use of the campus till the end; after the protest finished, a group of about 100 students started marching to join the parade of Ritsumeikan University students and to participate in the Gakuen Fukko Kaigi (that day it was held at Ritsumeikan University); through Konoe-dori Street they were about to go across Kojin-bashi Bridge above the Kamo-gawa River (Yodogawa River system) toward the campus of Ritsumeikan University which was located right across the bridge. 例文帳に追加

同じ日、京大の学生たちは会場使用を拒否した大学への抗議行動を終えたのち、わだつみ像歓迎のデモ、および立命大で開催中の復興会議に参加するため、約100名がデモ隊列を組んで近衛通を経由して鴨川(淀川水系)にかかる荒神橋を渡ろうとした(当時鴨川の対岸には立命大キャンパスが存在した)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Hotta could not get permission primarily because the Emperor Komei strongly objected to the ideas of allowing foreigners to come into Japan and concluding a commercial treaty, though he did give permission for supplying fuel and water in mercy, and also because many aristocrats including Tomomi IWAKURA criticized Kujo for his attitude towards the shogunate (see the incident that 88 high-ranking aristocrats went on a sit-in protest). 例文帳に追加

しかし、孝明天皇は撫恤のための薪水給与は認めていたが、通商条約や異国人の入国には強く反対しており、また岩倉具視ら多くの公家が関白の幕府寄りの姿勢を批判したため(廷臣八十八卿列参事件参照)、堀田の工作にもかかわらず勅許は得られなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For instance, Kaoru KINJO points out that while the display of the Okinawa people were successfully cancelled due to protest movement by residents in Okinawa, the exhibition of other ethnic groups continued to the last, and he insists "Even some of the people in Okinawa felt humiliated to have people from Okinawa displayed with other ethnic groups and they were also in a position to discriminate". 例文帳に追加

たとえばこの事件に関して、金城馨は、沖縄県の人々の抗議により、沖縄県民の展覧中止が実現したものの、他の民族の展覧が最後まで続いた点に注目し、「沖縄人の中にも、沖縄人と他の民族を同列に展示するのは屈辱的だ、という意識があり、沖縄人も差別する側に立っていた」と主張している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Especially when supporters of his close advisors in the Imperial court demanded Ito to resign from the Imperial Households Minister in 1887 in protest against the revision of the treaty and his Europeanization policy, the Emperor did not accept Ito's resignation and, instead, ordered him to continue to serve as the Imperial Households Minister and to work on the draft constitution, and also when Tateki TANI, the Minister of Agriculture and Commerce on the side of Emperor's close advisors in the Imperial court, attempted to report against the proposal for revision of the treaty to the throne, the Emperor would not see Tani against Motoda's advice, saying he should not violate the duties of the Minister of Foreign Affairs according to the principles of 'Kimu rokujo' and allowed to remove Tani. 例文帳に追加

特に、1887年に条約改正や欧化政策に対する反発から伊藤に対して宮内大臣を辞任を要求する意見が宮中側近側より出た際には、天皇は伊藤の辞任を認めず、引き続き宮内大臣の職と憲法草案作成の職務にあたるように指示し、宮中側近側にあった農商務大臣谷干城が条約改正案反対の上奏を行おうとした際には元田による谷への謁見の勧めにも関わらず、「機務六条」の原則を理由に外務大臣の職務を犯すべきではないとしてこれを受け入れずに、谷の更迭を許した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


And then Gratiano, who loved to copy what his lord did, thought he must make a speech like Bassanio's, and he said, in Nerissa's hearing, who was writing in her clerk's dress by the side of Portia, "I have a wife, whom I protest I love; I wish she were in heaven, if she could but entreat some power there to change the cruel temper of this currish Jew. 例文帳に追加

そのときグレイシアーノは、主人のやることをまねるのが好きなたちだったから、自分もバサーニオがやったような演説をしなければいけないと考えた。そして、ポーシャのそばで書記の格好をして記録を取っているネリッサが聞いているところでこう言った。「私には妻がおります。妻を愛していると誓います。ですが、妻がこの卑劣なユダヤ人の残酷な性質を変えるだけの力を乞い求めることができないのなら、妻には天国にいっていただきたいものです。」 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


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原題:”The Adventure of the Norwood Builder”

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原文:「The Return of Sherlock Holmes」所収「The Adventure of the Norwood Builder」
プロジェクト杉田玄白正式参加テキスト。最新版はhttp://www005.upp.so-net.ne.jp/kareha/にあります。 Copyright &copy; Arthur Conan Doyle 1903, expired. Copyright &copy; Kareha 2000-2001, waived.
This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.
SOGO_e-text_library責任編集。Copyright(C)2001 by SOGO_e-text_library
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