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On April, 21, 1701, although the lord of Ako Domain in Harima Province, Naganori ASANO, made an attempt to kill Yoshihisa KIRA, a member of the Koke-Hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu, who were in a privileged family under Tokugawa Shogunate), inside of the palace as an act of vengeance, he failed and was ordered to commit seppuku (Japanese ritual suicide). 例文帳に追加

元禄14年3月14日(旧暦)(グレゴリオ暦1701年4月21日、以下本記事中の年月日は旧暦、括弧内に西暦を添えた)に江戸城中で播磨国赤穂藩藩主の浅野長矩が高家旗本のに対して遺恨有りとして殿中刃傷に及ぶが、討ち漏らして切腹処分となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Asano Takumi no Kami was taken to Tatsuaki TAMURA's residence (domain of Ichinoseki in Mutsu Province) in Shibaatagoshita (current location of Shinbashi, Minato Ward, Tokyo) and was summoned and committed seppuku around 7 p.m. upon the arrival of Yasutoshi SHODA (ometsuke), Shigetomo OKADO (inspector) and Tadashige OKUBO (inspector) past 6 p.m. 例文帳に追加

浅野内匠頭は芝愛宕下(現東京都港区(東京都)新橋(東京都港区))の田村建顕(陸奥国一関藩)屋敷にお預けとなり、庄田安利(大目付)、多門重共(目付)、大久保忠鎮(目付)らが到着して浅野内匠頭を呼び出したのが六つ過(午後6時過ぎ)、切腹は六つ半(午後7時前後)といわれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Soon after the attack happened inside the palace, the lord of Tatsuno Domain in Harima Province, Yasuteru WAKISAKA, felt the resentment of the lord of his neighbor domain Naganori ASANO and intentionally bumped into Kira Kozuke no Suke who was being carried in order to dirty his crest with Kira's blood so that he was able to punch Kira saying 'what an insolent fellow.' 例文帳に追加

殿中刃傷があった直後、播磨国竜野藩主脇坂安照が隣藩の藩主である浅野長矩の無念を思いやって抱きかかえられて運ばれる吉良上野介とわざとぶつかり、吉良の血で大紋の家紋を汚すと、それを理由にして「無礼者」と吉良を殴りつける。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This was because the core vassals of the Asano clan came together during the time of Makabe Domain, Hitachi Province - the first domain formed with a Daimyo - before its transfer to Ako (its territory spread over Makabe County, Tsukuba County and Nihari County, Ibaraki Prefecture) and the time of Kasama Domain after its territory change and increase in property (its territory stretched to Kasama City, Ibaraki Prefecture and former land of Makabe Domain). 例文帳に追加

浅野氏の家臣団の中心は赤穂に転封される前の大名として初立藩した常陸国真壁藩(茨城県真壁郡・筑波郡・新治郡一帯を所領とする)と加増移封後の笠間藩(茨城県笠間市と旧真壁藩領を所領とする)時代に形成されているためである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Imperial Prince Kuninomiya Asahiko who had communicated with Aizu Domain and Satsuma Domain tried to recover from a setback, went to the Imperial Palace, and had the Emperor Komei postpone the Imperial Trip to the Yamato Province, prohibit Joi ha court nobles such as Sanetomi SANJO to come to the Imperial Palace, and dismiss the Choshu Domain from the position of palace gate guards. 例文帳に追加

会津藩、薩摩藩と気脈を通じた久邇宮朝彦親王が巻き返しを図り、参内して孝明天皇を動かし、大和行幸の延期と三条実美ら攘夷派公卿の参朝禁止、長州藩の御門警護解任を決めてしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After Hirano arrived in Tajima, he held a meeting with his comrades at the house of the wealthy farmer Tarobee NAKAJIMA on September 19, where they decided to hail one of the seven Joi-ha nobles protected in Mitajiri, Nagato Province as leader and raise an army on October 10 and to arrange a supply of weapons and ammunition from Choshu. 例文帳に追加

但馬に入った平野らは9月19日に豪農中島太郎兵衛の家で同志と会合を開き、10月10日をもって挙兵と定め、長門国三田尻に保護されている攘夷派七卿の誰かを迎え、また武器弾薬を長州から提供させる手はずを決定する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Endo clan ruled over the Gujo Domain of the Mino Province, and Tsunehisa ENDO was poisoned to death by his vassal at seven years old, in addition to the recurrence of trouble concerning reigns of the family among vassals; therefore, the Endo clan had its properties confiscated by the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) since Tsunehisa did not have an heir. 例文帳に追加

遠藤氏は美濃国郡上藩を領していたが、遠藤常久が7歳の時に家臣によって毒殺され、さらに先代から続いていた家督騒動が家臣団の内部で再燃したため、幕命により常久に嗣子が無かったために改易に処された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The sixth lord of the domain, Masaatsu HOTTA, was the eighth son of Munemura DATE, the lord of the Sendai Domain in Mutsu Province, and due to such relationship, Masaatsu took positions as wakadoshiyori (a managerial position in the Edo bakufu, Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and fuku-bugyo (vice magistrate) for reconstruction of Yushima Seido (Sacred Hall at Yushima), and also engaged in compilation of "Kansei Choshu Shokafu" (genealogies of vassals in the Edo bakufu). 例文帳に追加

第6代藩主・堀田正敦は陸奥国仙台藩主・伊達宗村(仙台藩主)の八男であり、その経緯から若年寄、湯島聖堂再建の副奉行、『寛政重修諸家譜』などの編纂を務めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For this reason, he became a close confidante to Hideyoshi, despite the small size of his domain, which was roughly only 10,000 koku (an unit of assessed crop yields of the land [1 koku: about 180 liter], which was also used to express the size of the land) in Harima Province and others, compared to those of Kiyomasa and Masanori, and was granted the use of the Hashiba name and was appointed as a Karo (chief retainer) of Toyotomi clan and custodian of Hideyori TOYOTOMI after the death of Toshiie MAEDA. 例文帳に追加

このことから、清正や正則らと違って所領は播磨国内などに1万石ほどしかなかったが、秀吉側近として重用され、羽柴姓を下賜された上、前田利家亡き後は豊臣氏の家老として豊臣秀頼の後見人を任されることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After that, Takamochi, who had fallen from aristocratic society in Kyoto, tried to restore his status by suppressing anti-Zuryo (provincial governors) movements, which were frequently being staged by tax collectors of the upper class in the province, and thereby highlighting his military prowess to the Imperial Court. 例文帳に追加

つまり、京の貴族社会から脱落しかけていた状況を、当時多発していた田堵負名、つまり地方富豪層の反受領武装闘争の鎮圧の任に当たり、武功を朝廷に認定させることによって失地回復を図ったとも考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A child of Takamochi, TAIRA no Yoshimasa (or Yoshimochi) who had territories in Sakura Domain, Shimousa Province and whose son Masakado served the Imperial Court in Kyoto as a mid-ranking official, also became a follower of FUJIWARA no Tadahira of the Fujiwara sekkan-ke (the family of regents) in order to improve his standing as a government official. 例文帳に追加

高望の子のひとり平良将(良持とも)は下総国佐倉市に所領を持ち、その子の将門は京都に上って朝廷に中級官人として出仕し、同時に官人としての地位を有利にするために摂関家藤原忠平の従者ともなっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Having no idea what to do with hiimself, TAIRA no Sadamori left for Kyoto via Tosando Road in Feburary 938, but was chased by Masakado with his 100 horsemen who feared action from the Imperial Court; Sadamori escaped following a battle at Shinano-gawa River in Shinano Province, although many of his men were killed. 例文帳に追加

承平8年(938年)2月、身の置き所のなくなった平貞盛は東山道をへて京へ上ろうと出立するが、朝廷に告訴されることを恐れた将門は100騎を率いてこれを追撃、信濃国信濃川で追いついて合戦となり、貞盛側の多くが討たれるも、貞盛は身ひとつで逃亡に成功。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Imperial Court, afraid that Masakado would make an attack on Kyoto, posted soldiers at the 14 gates of the Imperial Palace and, to tighten security, they sent FUJIWARA no Yoshiyuki to the gate of Yamashiro Province in Yamazaki on February 22, but Yamazaki was burned down in an anonymous arson attack on February 26. 例文帳に追加

朝廷は純友が京を襲撃するのではないかと恐れて宮廷の14門に兵を配備して2月22日には藤原慶幸が山城国の入り口である山崎に派遣して警備を強化するが、26日には山崎が謎の放火によって焼き払われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Toshimasa HONDA, who succeeded Toshihisa and served under Hideyoshi after Hidenaga died, joined the Eastern camp in the Battle of Sekigahara and fought bravely against the Western camp attacking Yamato Province, and for this effort, the landholdings of the domain was increased to 25,000 koku (or 30,000 koku in another theory). 例文帳に追加

利久の後を継いだ本多俊政は、秀長の死後は秀吉に仕えたが、関ヶ原の戦いでは東軍に与して大和に攻め寄せてきた西軍相手に奮戦したことから、戦功により2万5000石に加増された(異説として3万石とも)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Empress Shotoku who wanted to make Dokyo Emperor was indignant after listening to the report and demoted Kiyomaro to Inaba no Ingainoge for the time being, later made him change his name to 'WAKEBE no Kitanamaro' and exiled him to Osumi Province; his sister Hiromushi was also punished by being forced to change her name to 'WAKEBE no Hiromushime.' 例文帳に追加

道鏡を天皇に就けたがっていたと言われる称徳天皇は報告を聞いて怒り、清麻呂を因幡員外介にいったん左遷、さらに「別部穢麻呂(わけべのきたなまろ)」と改名させて大隅国へ配流し、姉の広虫も「別部広虫売(わけべのひろむしめ)」と改名させられて処罰された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Okitsugu was overthrown the following year, as he was a feudal lord of pro-Tanuma group, he was imposed sanctions for committing fraud and violating service regulations while in Fushimi bugyo on June 9, 1788, and left to the Okubo family, the lord of the Odawara Domain, Sagami Province, by Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA who tied to purge the Tanuma group thoroughly. 例文帳に追加

翌年に意次が失脚すると、親田沼派の大名であったということから、田沼派の徹底的な粛清を図る松平定信によって天明8年(1788年)5月6日伏見奉行在職中、不正、服務規程違反などがあったために改易され、相模国小田原藩主大久保家にお預けの身となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Around the same time as raising an army in Ishiyama, another Ikko Ikki started from Nagashima Gansho-ji Temple (Nagashima Ikko Ikki) which exhibited its hostility against Nobunaga by destroying Nobunaga's younger brother Nobuoki ODA's Kokie-jo Castle in Owari Province, and, in June 1571, Nobunaga tried to exterminate Nagashima but failed with a lot of soldiers lost. 例文帳に追加

石山挙兵とほぼ同時に長島願証寺で一向一揆が発生(長島一向一揆)し、信長の弟織田信興が守る尾張の小木江城を滅ぼすなどして公然と信長に敵対するようになると、元亀2年(1571年)5月に信長は長島殲滅を図るが失敗し、多数の兵を失った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The second largest ikki, Kaga Ikko Ikki, in which the ikki force fought against Katsuie SHIBATA, continued even after Nobunaga and Kennyo ordered them to cease the battle because the peace agreement included a provision to return the two districts, Enuma and Nomi in Kaga Province to Hongan-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

石山の次に大きい一揆であった加賀一向一揆は柴田勝家と交戦していたが、講和条件には加賀江沼・能美2郡を本願寺に返付する条項があったため信長と顕如がそれぞれ停戦を命じたものの戦闘は続いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Sadayori ROKKAKU was the family head (or Jindai, a deputy whose role was to proceed to battlefield on behalf of his load during the Muromachi period thereafter), Rokkaku clan entered into the height of its prosperity such as dominating in effect the Azai clan who was the warring load of Kita Omi Province and being granted the post of Kanrei-dai (representative of a shogunal deputy) by Muromachi Shougunate. 例文帳に追加

六角氏は六角定頼が当主(あるいは陣代)の時代、北近江の戦国大名であった浅井氏を事実上の支配下に置き、さらに室町幕府からも管領代の地位を与えられるなどして全盛期を迎えていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On March 3 (March 31), Perry landed in Yokohama Village of Musashi Province in Kanagawa (present-day Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture), where a 12-article treaty between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan was signed (the Treaty of Kanagawa), that is, the agreement between Japan and the United States became official, and Japan's 200 years of national isolation that stretched back to the regime of Iemitsu TOKUGAWA came to an end. 例文帳に追加

3月3日(3月31日)、ペリーは約500名の兵員を以って武蔵国神奈川の横浜村(現神奈川県横浜市)に上陸し、全12箇条に及ぶ日米和親条約(神奈川条約)が締結されて日米合意は正式なものとなり、徳川家光以来200年以上続いてきた、いわゆる鎖国が解かれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Chokyo-Entoku Wars were campaigns conducted by the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) twice in 1487 and in 1491 in the late Muromachi period against Omi no kuni shugo (the provincial constable of Omi Province) Takayori ROKKAKU, and it is also referred to as Rokkaku Seibatsu (suppression). 例文帳に追加

長享・延徳の乱(ちょうきょう・えんとくのらん)とは、室町時代後期の長享元年(1487年)と延徳3年(1491年)の2度に亘って室町幕府が行った近江国守護・六角高頼に対する親征で、六角征伐とも言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The contents were as follows: Munekata, Suruga no Kami (governor of Suruga Province), was killed today (around noon) because he conducted an intrigue; You should understand the situation; For this incident, you should make persons in Kyoto, jito (managers and lords of manors) and gokenin (immediate vassals of the Shogunate in the Kamakura) in the western region know that they should not come to Kamakura (the original Chinese passage was converted into this Japanese passage by Shigeo OSOKAWA). 例文帳に追加

その内容は、「駿河守宗方、陰謀の企て有るにより、今日(午刻)誅されおはんぬ、その旨を存ずべし、かつがつこの事につき、在京人ならびに西国地頭御家人等、参向すべからざるのよし、あひ触れらるべし...」(読み下しは細川重男による) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Azamaro stopped his enveloping attack only for Mutsu no suke (assistant governor of Mutsu Province) Matsuna OTOMO and transferred him to Taga-jo Castle, while, the residents in the castle town entering the Taga-jo Castle tried to protect it, however, ISHIKAWA no Kiyotari, the jo (secretary of provincial offices), and Matsuna escaped together secretly from the rear gate then the residents scattered out of necessity. 例文帳に追加

陸奥介大伴真綱だけは囲みを開いて多賀城に護送されたが、城下の住民が多賀城の中に入って城を守ろうとしたのに対し、真綱と掾の石川浄足はともに後門から隠れて逃げ、住民もやむなく散り散りになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The detailed outline of "the Battle of Matsukawa" is described as "the battle between Uesugi and Date" in the volume 42 of the "Kaisei Mikawago Fudoki," the revision of "Mikawago Fudoki (The Topographical Records of Mikawa Province)" by Motonao NARUSHIMA, an inner Confucian (teacher to a shogun) of the Tokugawa shogunate in 1833 of the late Edo period. 例文帳に追加

“松川合戦”の概要は、徳川幕府の奥儒者である成島司直により、幕末期の天保4年(1833)に『三河後風土記』を改撰した『改正三河後風土記』の第42巻に、「上杉伊達合戦の事」として詳細が記述されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On October 6 at night, Hyobe SAITO (兵部), a retainer of Noto FUJITA who was a vassal of Kagekatsu UESUGI visited the Date's headquarters in Mt. Kunimi with about 4,000 peasants and others from Date and Shinobu Districts to hold secret communication, and Takumi Gokurakuji (極楽寺), the head of the artillery for Yamashiro no kami (governor of Yamashiro Province) NAOE offered Shigesane DATE his cooperation. 例文帳に追加

6日夜、伊達の国見山本陣に、上杉景勝家臣藤田能登家士斉藤兵部が、伊達・信夫の百姓等4千人を伴い内通してきた他、直江山城守鉄砲頭極楽寺内匠が伊達成実に協力を申し出てきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the Qing dynasty was cornered when a secretary of the Japanese Embassy was assassinated by the soldiers of Tofukusho that guarded Beijing after being dispatched from Gansu Province in June 1900, and Klemens von Ketteler of the envoy of German Empire, was killed several days later by Boxers. 例文帳に追加

1900年6月、甘粛省から呼ばれて北京を警護していた董福祥(とうふくしょう)配下の兵士に日本公使館書記が殺害され、数日後今度はドイツ公使ケットラー(KlemensvonKetteler)が義和団に殺害されると、清朝は一層の窮地に立たされたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, what drove the Qing dynasty to the 'proclamation of war' was the ongoing interference in the administration of justice such as the previous Kyukyo Incident, and oppression by powerful western nations demanding Shandong Province's junbu (government official title that existed from Ming to Qing dynasty) be handed over (this was described by Gangyi as the 'build up of anger over generations of reign'). 例文帳に追加

さらに言えば、これ以前からあった仇教事件のような列強の司法への介入、山東巡撫の更迭要求等のいくつもの列強の圧力、すなわち「累朝の積憤」(積もり積もった怒り。剛毅の言)が次第に清朝を「宣戦布告」へと追いやったと言える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Inryoken Nichiroku" (Inryoken's Diary), Yoshimitsu at first thought to end up the family line of the Toki clan, but held back the idea by the intervention of Unkei Shizan, a monk; in the end Yoriyo was ordered by Yoshimitsu to donate some places to the monk as a graditude, and Yoriyo donated Tamamura no ho of the province of Mino. 例文帳に追加

『䕃涼軒日録』によると義満は土岐氏の断絶を考えたが、雲渓支山のとりなしでこれを思い止まり、義満は頼世へ支山に感謝して在所を寄進するよう命じ、頼世は美濃国玉村保を寄進したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Then, Jitsunyo decided to entrust the management of the religious community to Ennyo, his 2nd son and successor and Renjun, his younger maternal half-brother, the 6th son of Rennyo, a father-in-law of Ennyo, and the chief priest of both Omi Kensho-ji Temple and Gansho-ji Temple in Ise Province. 例文帳に追加

そこで実如は寺の実務を次男で後継者となっていた円如と自分の同母弟で蓮如の6男にして円如の舅でもあった近江顕証寺・伊勢国願証寺両寺の住持を兼ねていた蓮淳に教団運営を任せることにした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Rennyo had five wives in his lifetime and left thirteen sons, the children of the last wife Renno were expelled by 'Osaka ichiran' mentioned above, and Rengei, the child of the 4th wife died before Rennyo after he built Kyogo-ji Temple in Tomita, Settsu Province, and the 3rd wife did not have a son. 例文帳に追加

さて蓮如には生前に5人の妻を娶り、13人の男子があったが、最後の妻蓮能の子供達は先の「大坂一乱」で排斥され、4番目の妻の子蓮芸は摂津国富田(高槻市)に教行寺を建てた後に実如に先立って死去、3番目の妻には男子がいなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On November 5, around the Tedori River in Kaga Province, the allied troops of Norikage (Soteki) ASAKURA and Gashu Sanka-ji Temples once defeated the troops of Hongan-ji Temple, but in the Battle of Tsubata in November the counterattack by Hongan-ji Temple's side killed Ietoshi HATAKEYAMA and annihilated his troops and Kokyo-ji Temple, the last temple of Gashu Sanka-ji Temples was captured. 例文帳に追加

9月26日_(旧暦)、加賀国手取川において朝倉教景(宗滴)・賀州三ヶ寺連合軍が本願寺軍を一旦は破るものの、11月の津幡の戦いでは逆に本願寺側の反撃によって畠山家俊らが討ち死にして潰滅し、賀州三ヶ寺最後の光教寺も陥落した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As countries, which served choko to the Qing dynasty (or referred to as hanzokukoku or zokushu [a state or province belongs to a nation]) Ryukyu, Taiwan and Vietnam withdrew from Kaichitsujo, the Qing dynasty started to deal with international law and place Korea as its subject state under modern international law (Okamoto 2004 and 2008). 例文帳に追加

琉球・台湾・ベトナムなど朝貢国(あるいは「属邦」・「藩属国」ともいう)と言われる地域が華夷秩序から離脱したことにより、清朝は遅まきながら国際法への対応を開始し、朝鮮を近代国際法下における属国に位置づけ直そうとし始めたのである(岡本2004、並びに2008)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Different versions were produced in different periods, but as the basic format, the general outline of the Japanese archipelago was formed by arranging (partly overlaying each other) tawara (straw bags for rice) or oval shapes (mainly ellipses or circles) expressing ryoseikoku (provinces) centering around Yamashiro Province where Heian-kyo (ancient capital in current Kyoto). 例文帳に追加

作成年代によって違いはあるものの、基本的な形態として平安京のある山城国を中心として、令制国を俵あるいは卵状(主として楕円もしくは円(数学))に表して、これを連ねることで日本列島の大まかな輪郭を形成している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that the oldest 'Gyoki-zu' was the one which was donated to Shimogamo-jinja Shrine in 805, but the existing one is merely a copy which was handwritten in the Edo Period and its contents do not reflect the condition of the period (with the addition of Kaga Province which did not exist at that time). 例文帳に追加

また、最古の「行基図」とされるものは、延暦24年(805年)に下鴨神社に納められたものであるとされているが、現存しているものは江戸時代の書写に過ぎず、内容も明らかに延暦年間当時の状況の反映でない(延暦期にはなかった加賀国が記載されている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nobunaga ODA, who conquered Owari, Mino, Ise and Omi Provinces, came up to Kyoto, making him Shogun Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA's servant; then he conquered the areas in and around Kyoto, and, in alliance with Ieyasu TOKUGAWA of Mikawa Province, promoted the siege of the Ishiyama Hongan-ji Temple (battles at Noda-jo Castle and Fukushima-jo Castle).例文帳に追加

尾張国を平定し、美濃国、伊勢国、近江国へと進出した織田信長は将軍足利義昭を奉じて上洛し、三河国の徳川家康と同盟し畿内の平定や本願寺攻め(野田城・福島城の戦い)を進めていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though Aterui, a leader of the Emishi/Ezo army, survived, Tamuramaro decided to suspend hostilities against the Ezo army seemingly due to the predominant war situation, which may be presumed now from the fact that, in the year after he had returned to Kyoto, Tamuramaro went back to Mutsu Province in order to construct Isawa-jo Castle in the area he procured by fighting against the Ezo. 例文帳に追加

このとき蝦夷の指導者アテルイは生存していたが、いったん帰京してから翌年、確保した地域に胆沢城を築くために陸奥国に戻っていることから、優勢な戦況を背景に停戦したものと見られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Nihonkiryaku" (The Abbreviated History of Japan), Tamonokimi Aterui and Iwagunokimi More together with more than 500 soldiers surrendered to Tamuramaro, and although Tamuramaro had an opinion to spare the lives of Aterui and More and to let their fellow armies lay down arms, his vassals opposed his suggestion and executed Aterui and More in Kawachi Province. 例文帳に追加

『日本紀略』には、同年の報告として、大墓公阿弖利爲(アテルイ)と盤具公母禮(モレ)が五百余人を率いて降伏したこと、田村麻呂が2人を助命し仲間を降伏させるよう提言したこと、群臣が反対しアテルイとモレが河内国で処刑されたことが記録されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While the Cloistered Emperor Shirakawa was utilizing Yoshiie's military power to guard himself, he did not allow the promotion of Yoshiie from zuryo (provincial governor) of Mutsu Province, and moreover he tried to suppress the power of Yoshiie by issuing the senji (imperial decree) prohibiting peasants in various districts from donating the fields to Yoshiie in 1091. 例文帳に追加

白河法皇は義家の武力を身辺警固に大いに活用する一方で、前陸奥国受領のまま昇進はさせず、あまつさえ寛治5年(1091年)には諸国の百姓に義家への田畑の寄進の禁止を命じる宣旨を出し、その力を抑え込もうとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, the Cloistered Emperor created a rival to Yoshiie by making active use of his brother, MINAMOTO no Yoshitsuna, to crush the insurrection led by TAIRA no Morotae and TAIRA no Morosue in Dewa Province in 1093; the outcome of this saw Yoshitsuna return to Kyoto in triumph, proudly parading the severed heads of Morotae and Morosue. 例文帳に追加

一方で、法皇は義家の対抗馬を用意し、弟の源義綱を積極的に起用し、同7年(1093年)に出羽国で平師妙・平師季が叛乱を起こすと起用して鎮圧させ、義綱は師妙・師季の首を掲げ堂々行列して京都へ凱旋した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshisada NITTA descended the mountain with two imperial princes of the Emperor Godaigo: the Imperial Prince Tsuneyoshi and the Imperial Prince Takayoshi, and successfully escaped to the Hokuriku region where they were welcomed by Ujiharu KEHI who was Guji (chief of those who serves shrine, controls festivals and general affairs) of Kehi-jingu Shrine, then entered Kanegasaki-jo Castle in Echizen Province (Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture) on November 24. 例文帳に追加

新田義貞は、後醍醐天皇の二人の皇子恒良親王と尊良親王とを伴って下山し、北陸へ落ち延び、氣比神宮の宮司である気比氏治に迎えられ、10月13日_(旧暦)に越前国金ヶ崎城(福井県敦賀市)に入城した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In case the warehouse was required to be opened, each province had to submit a dajokanpu called Fudoso kaiken shinsei-ge to Daijokan for permission; then receiving a document called Fudo kaiyofu or Fudo-jufu issued from Daijokan along with the key, it was able to be opened. 例文帳に追加

開封が必要な場合には不動倉開検申請解と呼ばれる解_(公文書)を太政官に提出して許可を求め、不動開用符または不動充符と呼ばれる太政官符の交付とともに鑰の返送を得て初めて開封が行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Rice in husk collected through Soyocho tax system and placed in a shoso of kokuga (provincial government office compounds) became fudokoku after inspection and sealing when the shoso was filled, while the rice in husk before inspection and sealing was used in case of emergency, like almsgiving, according to the judgement of kokushi (an officer of a province). 例文帳に追加

租庸調として国衙などに置かれた正倉に納付された稲穀は、正倉の中身が満載となると検封を経て不動穀とされたが、これに対して検封されていない正税の稲穀は国司の判断によって賑給などの非常の出費などに用いられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Yoshitaka's death, Takafusa concluded a secret treaty with Yoshishige OTOMO of Bungo Province just before rise in rebellion to adopt Yoshishige's younger paternal brother, Haruhide OTOMO (his real mother was Yoshioki OUCHI's daughter and Yoshitaka's sister) in return for transfer of interests in the territory of Ouchi Family in northern Kyushu. 例文帳に追加

義隆の死後、隆房は謀反を起こす直前に豊後国の大友義鎮と密約を結んでおり、北九州における大内領の利権を割譲する代わりに、義鎮の異母弟・大友晴英(生母が大内義興の娘で、義隆の姉妹)を貰い受けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Battle of Sattatoge (also referred to as the Battle of Mt. Satta) was a battle fought between the troops of Takauji ASHIKAGA and Tadayoshi ASHIKAGA at Sattatoge (Satta-toge Pass) in Suruga Province (Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture) in December 1351, during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts. 例文帳に追加

薩峠の戦い(さったとうげのたたかい、薩山の戦いとも)は、南北朝時代(日本)の1351年(正平(日本)6年/観応2年)12月、駿河国薩た峠(静岡県静岡市清水区)において、足利尊氏の軍勢と足利直義の軍勢との間で行われた合戦である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The conflict continued even after the premeditated murder of KO no Moronao and his brother KO no Moroyasu by the Tadayoshi faction, and in 1351, Tadayoshi fled from Kyoto with busho (Japanese military commander) who belonged to his faction, including Tadatsune MOMONOI, Takatsune SHIBA and Tokiuji YAMANA, and reached Kamakura City via Hokuriku Region and Shinano Province. 例文帳に追加

直義派による高師直・高師泰兄弟の謀殺後も対立は止まらず、1351年(正平6年/観応2年)直義は桃井直常・斯波高経・山名時氏をはじめ自派の武将を伴って京都を脱出し、北陸地方・信濃国を経て鎌倉市へ至る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although his disease worsened further, Ogurihangan was guided by Yugyo Shonin and supported by the kindness of the Princess Terute and many benevolent people and managed to make a pilgrimage to Kumano Sanzan, where he completely recovered due to the medicinal effects of 'Tsubo-yu' of Yunomine-onsen Hot Spring, which was a cleansing place for pilgrimages to Kumano Sanzan, and this time he was offered a territory in Hitachi Province and even given a title of Hangan (judge). 例文帳に追加

病はさらに重くなるが、遊行上人の導きと照手姫や多くの善意の人々の情を受けて熊野に詣で、熊野詣の湯垢離場である湯の峰温泉の「つぼ湯」の薬効のにより全快し新たに、常陸国の領地を与えられ、さらに判官の地位まで授けられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Battle of Ishizu was fought on June 10, 1338, during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), in Ishizu of Sakaiura, Izumi Province (areas in and around present-day Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture) between Akiie KITABATAKE, who supported the Southern Court, and KO no Moronao, who supported the Northern Court. 例文帳に追加

石津の戦い(いしづのたたかい)とは、南北朝時代(日本)の延元3年/暦応元年5月22日(旧暦)(1338年6月10日)に和泉国堺浦・石津(現在の大阪府堺市一帯)において、南朝(日本)方の北畠顕家と北朝(日本)方の高師直が戦った合戦。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Emperor Godaigo, who escaped from Kyoto to Yoshino at the end of 1336 in order to stand in opposition to Takauji ASHIKAGA, ordered Akiie KITABATAKE, who was at Taga-jo Castle in Mutsu Province, to defeat Takauji in Kyoto in support of the Imperial Prince Norinaga (later the Emperor Gomurakami). 例文帳に追加

延元元年/建武(日本)3年(1336年)暮れに、足利尊氏に対抗するために京都を脱出して吉野に逃れた後醍醐天皇は、陸奥国多賀城にいる北畠顕家に対して義良親王(後の後村上天皇)を奉じて上洛して尊氏を討つ様に命じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Especially, because the latter idea was to incorporate Iwami Province in Shimane Prefecture into Hiroshima Prefecture and establish the Prefectural Office in Yonago town, Aimi County, and at the same time, a request was made by residents in Iwami district to incorporate the district into Hiroshima Prefecture, a lot of petitions were made to the parliament and cabinet. 例文帳に追加

特に後者の案は島根県の石見国を広島県に編入させ、会見郡米子町に県庁を設置するものであり、同時期に石見地方から広島県への編入を求める請願がなされたこともあり、議会や内閣に対して盛んに請願が行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is presumed that Soonoiwaki meant Kokubu-jo Castle (Osumi Province) and Shimizu-jo Castle and Himenoki meant Himeki-jo Castle and Tachibanaki-jo Castle, while there are conflicting theories concerning other five castles: one claiming that the castles were concentrated near the Kokubu Plain and the other claiming that they were widely dispersed in southern Kyushu. 例文帳に追加

このうち曽於乃石城は国分城(大隅国)と清水城、比売之城は姫木城と橘木城であったと考えられているが、他の5城については国分平野付近に集中していたとする説と九州南部に広く分散していたとする説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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