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war fightingの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 91


Although there were times when some retired emperors existed, only one person was called Chiten, there was even an incidents of fighting between a retired emperor and the emperor to take the position of Chiten (the Hogen War). 例文帳に追加

複数の上皇が併存することもあったが、治天となりうるのは1人のみであり、治天の地位を巡って上皇・天皇同士の闘争さえ発生した(保元の乱)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On January, 13th, 4th year of Keio, Boshin War started with the Battle of Toba Fushimi; in place of Isami KONDO, who was wounded in Sumizome Incident, Toshizo lead Shinsen-gumi and fought as a deputy of commander but was defeated against the army of the new government in gun fighting. 例文帳に追加

慶応4年1月3日鳥羽・伏見の戦いに始まる戊辰戦争が勃発し、歳三は墨染事件で負傷した局長近藤勇の代わりに新選組を率いて戦うが、新政府軍の銃撃戦の前に敗北する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the Hogen War in 1156, Tameyoshi, in command of the clan, including his sons, MINAMOTO no Yorikata and Tametomo, was defeated fighting for Daijo-tenno (a retired emperor) against Yoshitomo and TAIRA no Kiyomori on the Emperor's side. 例文帳に追加

保元元年(1156年)、保元の乱では、為義は子の源頼賢、為朝ら一族を率いて太上天皇方につき、天皇方の義朝、平清盛らと戦うが敗れる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Taking on the Eastern Camp during the Onin War, he was later named Shugo in the Tango Province and ordered to conquer the Isshiki clan of the Western Camp, but the fighting did not go well and he was often attacked in Wakasa. 例文帳に追加

応仁の乱で東軍に組し、のちに丹後国の守護にも任命され西軍の一色氏の征伐を命ぜられたが苦戦し、逆に若狭に攻め込まれることも多かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Nitta forces crossed the Tamagawa River on the following day, fighting a decisive battle with Yasuie Hojo of the bakufu forces at Kasumi no seki (Sekido, Tama City, Tokyo) which culminated in a great victory (Sekido War). 例文帳に追加

翌日、多摩川を渡り、幕府の関所である霞ノ関(東京都多摩市関戸)にて幕府軍の北条泰家と決戦が行われ、新田軍が大勝利を収めている(関戸の戦い)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


She was described as a female warrior fighting with a long sword and a strong bow who, together with Yoshinaka shitenno (the four most loyal retainers to Yoshinaka), joined Yoshinaka's subjugation of the Taira family and fought in the Jisho-Juei War. 例文帳に追加

義仲四天王とともに義仲の平氏討伐に従軍し、治承・寿永の乱で戦う大刀と強弓の女武者として描かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshinari was victorious in the opening engagement of the war, which was fought on October 25, and in the battle that occurred on October 29 he routed the forces of Kageakira ASAKURA and continued fighting against both the forces of Yoshiie YAMAZAKI and Kosaburo AHAKA, who were allied with the Asakura clan, and against Asai clan allies like Genba ASAI and the Hatamoto (direct shogunal vassal) Nagamasa ASAI. 例文帳に追加

9月16日の緒戦において勝利し、9月20日の戦では朝倉景鏡隊を追い返し、同じく朝倉方山崎吉家隊、阿波賀小三郎隊、浅井方の浅井玄蕃允隊、浅井長政旗本らと交戦。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, he made less than small achivements including that he predicted a war would occur between the bakufu (shogunate) and the imperial government sooner or later, and developed a flag design of the Imperial standard (made of gold brocade) in order to encourage the fighting spirit of the imperial army. 例文帳に追加

さらに玉松は、早晩幕府との交戦があることを予想し、官軍の士気を鼓舞するための錦の御旗のデザインを考案するなど、その功績小ならざるものがあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After his coming of age in 1572 and fighting his first battle in Kohoku, he engaged in consecutive battles in various places alongside his father Nobunaga in the Ishiyama War, the attack of Nagashima in Ise Province and the Battle of Nagashino. 例文帳に追加

元亀3年(1572年)に元服し、江北攻めで初陣して以来、信長に従って石山合戦、伊勢国長島攻め、長篠の戦いと各地を転戦する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In his thirties, however, the nature of his critical philosophical activities changed from one of fighting and criticism to a moderate one, for instance beginning to issue the Mezamashi-gusa (Eye-awakening grasses) magazine after the Sino-Japanese War and publishing joint reviews in it. 例文帳に追加

もっとも三十歳代になると、日清戦争後に『めさまし草』を創刊して「合評」をするなど、評論的啓蒙活動は、戦闘的ないし論争的なものから、穏健的なものに変わっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, with the outbreak of the Onin War in 1467, Bizen Province also became entangled in the world of the Warring States and, between 1483 to 1484 there was an outbreak of fighting known as the Fukuoka (Setouchi) battles. 例文帳に追加

しかし応仁の乱(応仁元年(1467年))に始まる戦国の世が備前にも及ぶこととなると、文明(日本)15~16年(1483~1484年)には、「福岡(瀬戸内市)合戦」と呼ばれる騒乱が勃発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He joined the campaign of MINAMOTO no Noriyori and MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune to search out and destroy MINAMOTO no Yoshinaka, perishing the army of Kiso clan at the Battle of Uji-gawa River in 1184; then he participated in the exterminating war against the Taira clan and continued fighting until the decisive Battle of Dannoura on April, 1185. 例文帳に追加

元暦元年(1184年)、源義仲を追討するための源範頼・源義経軍に参加、宇治川の戦いで木曽軍を討滅した後、平氏追討軍に参加、文治元年(1185年)3月の壇ノ浦の戦いまで戦う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On February 20, the troops led by Shinsuke BEPPU, who left first, arrived at Kawajiri and encountered the reconnaissance troops of Kumamoto Chindai Army, which was the onset of the actual fighting of the Seinan War (Satsuma Rebellion). 例文帳に追加

2月20日、先発した別府晋介の部隊が川尻に着し、熊本鎮台偵察隊と衝突し、西南戦争(西南の役)の実戦が開始された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the Russo-Japanese War, he advanced from the Yalu River to the Battle of Mukden fighting various battles along the way as the commander of the First Troop (Japanese Army), and the Russian army was afraid of him, calling him 'Kurokinsky' (after his family name Kuroki). 例文帳に追加

日露戦争では、第1軍(日本軍)司令官として鴨緑江から奉天会戦まで連戦し、ロシア軍からは、「クロキンスキー」と恐れられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Murakuni clan was the most powerful local family in the Kakami district of Mino Province, and thanks to MURAKUNI no Oyori winning distinction in the fighting during the Jinshin War (of 672), their fame appears to have grown enough to be known to the Imperial Court. 例文帳に追加

村国氏は美濃国各務郡の豪族で、村国男依が672年の壬申の乱で功を立てたことにより、朝廷でも知られるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Murakuni clan was the most powerful local family in the Kakami district of Mino Province, and thanks to Shimanushi's grandfather MURAKUNI no Oyori winning a name for himself in the fighting during the Jinshin War, their clan reached sufficient prominence in the capital to begin turning out great numbers of middle-ranking government officials. 例文帳に追加

村国氏は美濃国各務郡の豪族で、島主の祖父、村国男依が壬申の乱で功を立ててから、都で中級官人を輩出するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, during the Muromachi period the pilgrimage to the Grand Shrine at Ise, as well as the pilgrimage to the Thirty-Three Temples in Kinki with a statue of Avalokitesvara, were very much in vogue, and combined with the construction opportunities afforded by the fighting and conflagrations of the Onin War, this contributed to the growth and development of a wide variety of urban areas. 例文帳に追加

また、室町時代には伊勢詣や西国33ヵ所など寺社参りが流行し、応仁の乱の戦火などは各種都市の発達をもたらした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even during the later the Genpei War, they negotiated through either Kokuga or shoen (manor in medieval Japan), called as 'Karimusha' when mobilized due to civil rights, and were not a central fighting force of a battle. 例文帳に追加

その後の源平の争乱時にも、彼らは国衙を、或いは荘園を通じ、公権に基づき動員される場合には「駆武者」(かりむしゃ)と呼ばれ、戦闘の中核部隊ではなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Rusuiyaku (guards of castles when the lords were absent) of Kannonji-jo Castle, Yukitaka IBA fought against him, because both the lord, Takayori ROKKAKU and the Jindai (representatives of lords), Masatsuna YAMANOUCHI were in Kyoto, fighting in the war. 例文帳に追加

城主六角高頼、陣代山内政綱らは京都におり東西の戦闘に参加していたので、観音寺城の留守居役の伊庭行隆が迎え出た。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even after the equipment for manufacturing ammunition for Snider rifles was confiscated, Saigo's army continued fighting with Enfield guns, and therefore, the government army was forced to spend lots of war cost to suppress the attacks of the Saigo's army. 例文帳に追加

スナイドル弾薬製造装置を取り上げられても西郷軍がエンフィールド銃で戦い、巨額の戦費を費やしてこれを鎮圧せざるを得なかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As Japan was fighting a war with China, many objected to accept the Taiwanese of the Han race as soldiers, but the shortage of soldiers caused the government to introduce the volunteer soldier system and then the draft system in 1945. 例文帳に追加

日本は中国と戦争を行っていたことから、台湾の漢民族を兵士として採用することには反対が多かったが、兵力不足からやむをえず志願兵制、そして1945年からは徴兵制が施行された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, many buildings of Daigo-ji Temple, including Sanbo-in, were lost in fires caused by fighting in the Onin War started in 1467, laying ruin to the temple. 例文帳に追加

しかし醍醐寺は1467年(応仁元年)に始まった応仁の乱の兵火に巻き込まれ、三宝院を含む多くの建物が焼失し、一帯は荒廃してしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Abe clan continued to predominate over Yoriyoshi throughout all battles, but after the Kiyohara clan, the master of Fushu in Senboku of Akita, participated in the war after accepting Yoriyoshi's repeated requests, Sadato was unable to continue fighting, and was defeated. 例文帳に追加

安倍氏は頼義に対し終始優勢のうちに戦いを続けたが秋田仙北の俘囚主清原氏が度重なる頼義の要請に応えて参戦すると、これを支えきれず貞任は敗北。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Bush said that going to war in Iraq was the right decision, although a tough one, and he would go on fighting against terrorists around the world. 例文帳に追加

ブッシュ大統領は,イラクで戦争を始めたことは難しい決断であったが,正しい決断だったと語り,世界中でテロと戦い続けて行くと述べた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

Even while individual players interrupt the play, fighting of a camp versus camp is also progressed for 24 hours by the other players, thereby the players minds the change of the war situation and frequently access the server.例文帳に追加

個々のプレイヤがプレイを中断している間も、他のプレイヤによって陣営対陣営の戦いは24時間進行するため、プレイヤは戦局の変化を気にして頻繁にサーバにアクセスするようになる。 - 特許庁

Bang-gyeong KIM said, "an art of war teaches us not to fight with an army that has come from far away. It means that entering into the enemy's territory, far away from home, rather raises the morale and fighting strength of the army. Our army is small, but already in the enemy's territory. Although we ourselves are to fight, it is in accordance with historical lessons such as 'burning his own ships to fight' of Ming MENG, who served Duke Mu of Qin, and 'fighting with his back against the river' of Xin HAN, who served the Han Dynasty. Please let us fight again." 例文帳に追加

金方慶「兵法に『千里の県軍、その鋒当たるべからず』とあり、本国よりも遠く離れ敵地に入った軍は、却って志気が上がり戦闘能力が高まるものである。我が軍は少なしといえども既に敵地に入っている。我が軍は自ずから戦うことになるがこれは秦穆公の孟明の『焚船』や漢の韓信の『背水の陣』の故事に沿うものである。再度戦わせて頂きたい。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The diary is praised as a work that surpasses simple war records for its impressive stories of individuals such as those of Sadato's followers who had surrendered used a comb to, while in tears, tidy the hair of his decapitated head after it arrived in the capital; the death of an old samurai named Tsunenori SAEKI who died after fighting bravely; ABE no Norito's wife who jumped to her death with her baby in her arms. 例文帳に追加

都に届けられた貞任の首級に降人となった郎党が泣きながらクシで髪を整えたこと、老武士の佐伯経範の奮戦死、安倍則任の妻の幼子を抱いての投身等。個人の印象的な説話により、単なる合戦記録を超えた文学として評価されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It would not be too much to say that, of the retainers, the hatamoto played the central role in the Sengoku period, although they could not attain brilliant military achievements, because they, for example, Kagechika CHIZAKA (CHISAKA), a retainer of Kenshin UESUGI, were deployed around the main war base in fighting.. 例文帳に追加

例えば上杉謙信の家臣の千坂景親のように戦闘時に常に本陣周辺に配置されるため、華々しい戦果を残すことはあまりないが、戦国時代の家臣団の中枢を担うのは、この旗本家臣層にあったといっても過言ではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In February 1470, right in the middle of the Onin War, Noriyuki OUCHI planned a rebellion against Masahiro OUCHI in Suo no kuni (Suo Prefecture, currently Yamaguchi Prefecture) who was away fighting in Kyoto at the time, getting on his side people including Takemori NAITO, Moriyasu NIHO, Nobuyori YOSHIMI and Kazukane SUFU, through Chikashige OTOMO and Katsumoto HOSOKAWA of the Eastern alliance which was attacking the family estate. 例文帳に追加

大内教幸は応仁の乱真っ只中の1470年2月、家督を奪うべく東軍側であった大友親繁や細川勝元と通じて、内藤武盛・仁保盛安、吉見信頼や周布和兼を味方に付け、京都に出陣中であった大内政弘に対し周防国で謀叛を起こした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At first, the Hojo clan was highly motivated in fighting the war, beating the Sanada and Ida clans invading from Usui-toge Pass, and scouting to discover the force levels of warlords on the Toyotomi side in the Suruga-Izu border, and so so on, but after Hideyoshi arrived at Numazu, the Hojo clan lost the following battle and was forced to surrender Yamanaka-jo Castle. 例文帳に追加

当初は碓井峠を越えてきた真田・依田に対して勝利し、駿豆国境方面でも布陣する豊臣方諸将に威力偵察するなど戦意は旺盛であったが、秀吉の沼津着陣後には、緒戦で山中城が落城。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although "Nihonshoki" (Chronicle of Japan) has no description of Kunimi's role in the Jinshin War, "Shoku Nihongi" (Chronicle of Japan Continued) describes that he was given a salary of a hundred fuko (100 taxed families) for his merit, which shows he played some important role fighting for Oama no Miko in its article about July 21of the first year of the Taiho era (May 7, 701). 例文帳に追加

壬申の乱時の国見の行動は『日本書紀』に見えないが、『続日本紀』の大宝元年(701年)7月21日条には、かつて功臣として100戸の封戸を与えられたことが記されており、天武方で何らかの活躍をしたことが分かる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Battle of Minatogawa and the 'Sakurai no wakare' (separation in Sakurai) in which Masashige sent his son and heir Masatsura KUSUNOKI back to his headquarters in Kawachi Province were dramatized in pre-war Emperor-centered nationalistic views and songs depicting Masashige fighting loyally for the emperor despite the fact that he knew the battle could not be won. 例文帳に追加

湊川の戦いや、正成が出陣前に嫡子の楠木正行を本拠地の河内国へ帰した「桜井の別れ」などは、戦前の皇国史観教育や唱歌などで、正成が勝てぬ戦と知りながら天皇のために忠義を尽くして死んだなどと脚色して伝えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the time of a battle in Japan, gunners (teppo-ashigaru, foot soldiers fighting with firearms) were organized in small groups under the command of high-ranking warriors, and these units vied for exploits of war, therefore accuracy rate of individual gunners was of high concern. 例文帳に追加

日本の合戦では戦闘時、上級武士の指揮下に少人数ずつの銃手(鉄砲足軽)が組織化されて、この戦闘単位ごとに勲功を競うといった運用形態をとっていたこともあり、個々の銃手の命中率が重要視されたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The fact that the government army, mostly composed of conscripted soldiers, won the war against Saigo's army, mainly consisted of persons in the warrior class, verified that the fighting ability of soldiers from the warrior class and that of those from farmers were not different; accordingly, a system of general conscription was established. 例文帳に追加

士族を中心にした西郷軍に、徴兵を主体とした政府軍が勝利したことで、士族出身の兵士も農民出身の兵士も戦闘力に違いはないことが実証され、徴兵制による国民皆兵体制が定着した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mitsuaki TANAKA, who joined the war as a retainer of the Tosa clan and later became Minister of the Imperial Households and Secretary of the Cabinet, witnessed the white-faced soldiers of the Edo shogunate retreating at the sight of the Imperial standards in the battle fields, saying, 'We'd better stop fighting, otherwise we will become the enemy of the Emperor.' 例文帳に追加

当時土佐藩士として戦いに参加し、のちに宮内大臣や内閣書記官長などを歴任した田中光顕は、錦の御旗を知らしめただけで前線の幕府兵達が「このままでは朝敵になってしまう」と青ざめて退却する場面を目撃している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Though Aterui, a leader of the Emishi/Ezo army, survived, Tamuramaro decided to suspend hostilities against the Ezo army seemingly due to the predominant war situation, which may be presumed now from the fact that, in the year after he had returned to Kyoto, Tamuramaro went back to Mutsu Province in order to construct Isawa-jo Castle in the area he procured by fighting against the Ezo. 例文帳に追加

このとき蝦夷の指導者アテルイは生存していたが、いったん帰京してから翌年、確保した地域に胆沢城を築くために陸奥国に戻っていることから、優勢な戦況を背景に停戦したものと見られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Mongolian invasion attempts against Japan, at the Bunei War (the first attempt), Japanese warriors experienced that the traditional Japanese samurai fighting style, one-on-one battle, did not work against Mongolian army, which attacked as a group, so that at the Koan War (the second attempt), under the regent Tokimune HOJO, he dispatched Tokuso's vassals, Miuchibito, to the battle fields and they commanded the army predominated by Gokenin (direct shogunal retainers). 例文帳に追加

元寇の際、文永の役において、一騎打ちを主な戦法とする日本軍が元(王朝)軍の集団戦法に苦戦した経験から、弘安の役においては、作戦指令が執権北条時宗の名で出され、得宗被官たる御内人が戦場に派遣されて御家人を主体とする軍の指揮にあたった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1578, when Kenshin UESUGI died, Kagekatsu UESUGI, his nephew, and Kagetora UESUGI (Saburo HOJO, legendary Ujihide, as his name), his adopted child and the younger brother of Ujimasa, started fighting over the succession of the reigns (the Otate War) (Although Ujihide HOJO had been identified as Kagetora, a new theory suggests that Ujihide is not Kagetora but the younger brother of Ujishige HOJO who served as the lord of the Edo Castle). 例文帳に追加

天正6年(1578年)、上杉謙信が死去すると、その後継者をめぐって謙信の甥・上杉景勝と氏政の弟で謙信の養子・上杉景虎(北条三郎、名は氏秀と伝わる。しかし氏秀は北条氏繁の弟で江戸城主であり景虎とは別人との説がある)の後継者争いである御館の乱がおこった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With reference to this, the trend came to have content that emphasized not the traditional techniques but the educational effect, or mental training, from the end of the Meiji period to the Taisho period, just after the Japanese-Sino War (in the song of the kendo master Sasaburo TAKANO, 'As kendo is the way of God's instructions, cultivate the "yamato-gokoro" (Japanese spirit) by way of the sword'), and Japanese bujutsu as the way of Japanese traditional fighting skills was adopted in school education as a means to promote mental training in the subject under the Empire of Japan. 例文帳に追加

これを参考に日清戦争直後の明治末から大正にかけて、これまでの技術が主となる内容ではなく教育的効用や精神修養を重んじる風潮となり(剣道家の高野佐三郎の歌にも「剣道は神の教えの道なればやまと心をみがくこの技」とある)日本の伝統的な戦闘技法である日本武術を大日本帝国臣民としての精神修養としての道とし、学校教育に採用した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Now that they lost the production equipment of Snider Ammunition, the Snider rifle, which had symbolized the Satsuma Domain as the new weapon, meant nothing to them and they had to be armed with the outdated muzzle-loading Enfield rifles; it is said that SAIGO shouted 'Damn!' to hear the report because he had realized in the Boshin War that a difference in the burst speed between the muzzleloader and the breechloader makes a crucial difference in fighting power. 例文帳に追加

スナイドル弾薬の製造設備を失った事は、薩摩を象徴する新兵器だったスナイドル銃が無用の長物と化し、既に旧式化していた前装式のエンフィールド銃で戦わなければならなくなった事を意味しており、後装式と前装式の連射速度の違いがもたらす決定的な戦力差を戊辰戦争での実体験として知る西郷は、この報を聞いて「ちょしもたー」(しまった)との言葉を発したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Dou XIN said, "the Art of War by Tzu SUN tells us that an obstinate attitude leads a small army to being captured by a large army. If the small army fiercely fights against the large army without considering the deference of their fighting strength, it will end up being captured. It is not a perfect plan to force tired soldiers to fight against the enemy that is increasing in number. We should withdraw." 例文帳に追加

忽敦 「孫子の兵法に『小敵の堅は、大敵の擒なり』とあって『孫子(書物)』謀攻編「故善用兵者、屈人之兵、而非戰也。;拔人之城、而非攻也。;毀人之國、必以全爭于天下、故兵不頓、利可全、此謀攻之法也。故用兵之法、十則圍之、五則攻之、倍則分之、敵則能戰之、少則能守之、不若則能避之。故小敵之堅、大敵之擒也」、少数の兵が力量を顧みずに頑強に戦っても、多数の兵力の前には結局捕虜にしかならないものである。疲弊した兵士を用い、日増しに敵軍が増えている状況で相対させるのは、完璧な策とは言えない。撤退すべきである。」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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