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該当件数 : 764


さらに、十分な調達量が確保できる時期(見込み)については、素材産業では、回答企業のうち調達済みの8%を含めて、7 月までに54%、10 月までに85%が調達を正常化できる見込みである。例文帳に追加

Furthermore, about time (estimation) by which enough quantity of procurement can be secured, in the raw material industry, 54% of companies (including 8% which have completed procurement in respondents) are expecting normalization of procurement by July, 85% are expecting by October. - 経済産業省


Of the plurality of groove parts 7, 8, groove length L1 of the groove part 7 formed at one end side of the bearing surface 4 is set larger than groove length L2 of the groove part 8 formed at the other end side of the bearing surface 4. - 特許庁


Electric heaters 13, 8 are directly attached to the exterior surfaces of the temperature-regulating on-off valve 12 and the temperature-regulating three-way valve 7. - 特許庁


Afterwards, by attaching the platen glass 3 while being linked to this positioning block 8, the platen glass can be located at the adjusted position. - 特許庁



The obtained bird and animal repellent 10 is a brown sphere having an outer diameter of about 3 to 30 mm and the mass of one sphere is about 0.1 to 8 g. - 特許庁



When a plate 3 is heated to cook food S to be cooked on the surface of the plate 3, an oil component O come out of the food S to be cooked flows down in a grooved portion 8 and stays in a space 16 between the grooved portion 8 and an oil guard 11. - 特許庁


Inversely, when the adjusting parameter value for the already identified recording medium 1 is not found in the storage devices 5, 8, the normal adjustment for the writing and/or reading unit 2 is carried out, then the calculated adjusting parameter values are preserved in the storage devices 5, 8 after that. - 特許庁

(1) 特許庁は,特許出願が第8条(2),第9条,第10条,第30条(1)及び(2)並びに第36条の要件を満たしているか否かを審査する。特許の実体審査の過程では,特許庁は,第5条,第7条及び第8条(1)の要件に基づく発明の特許性審査を行ってはならない。例文帳に追加

(1) The Patent Office shall examine whether the patent application conforms with the requirements of Section 8, Paragraph two, Section 9 and 10, Section 30, Paragraphs one and two and Section 36 of this Law. The Patent Office shall not carry out the patentability examination of an invention during the process of the substantive examination of a patent in conformity with the requirements of Sections 5 and 7 and Section 8, Paragraph one of this Law. - 特許庁


This resin product is made by disposing lame materials with a side 2 to 8 mm long into the transparent or translucent resin product of 2 to 8 mm thickness where the lame pieces are disposed 200 to 5000 pieces per 1 cm2 of the surface of the resin product. - 特許庁



In the range hood unit which is provided with the range hood 7 at least above a range part, the range hood 7 is provided with a suction port 8 on the side of the range part, and also a suction port 8' is arranged at the rear, too, thus this unit can suck the vapor or smoke at cooking from both suction ports 8 and 8'. - 特許庁


政府調達に関しては、国内産品を優先的に購入することが、GATT 第3条項⒜において認められ、内国民待遇原則の例外となっている。例文帳に追加

GATT Article III:8(a) permits governments to purchase domestic products preferentially, making government procurement one exception to the national treatment rule. - 経済産業省


The hinge means 7 are constituted of male hinges 8 attached to the door bodies 6 and female hinges 10 attached to the enclosures 2, 3, 4, etc., and having recessed bearing sections 9 which rotatably hold the shaft sections 8c of the male hinges 8 inserted into the sections 9 and have L-shapes in their top views. - 特許庁


Umedani - Bunkobashi - Umemidai 5-chome - Kunimibashi-Higashi - Kunimidai 8-chome - Kunimibashi-Higashi - Ichisaka - Kizu Station - Kizu Junior High School - Yamadagawa Station - Hightouch Research Park - Nanyo High School - Kabutodai 1-chome - Takanohara Station  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the case of reproduction, the images recorded in the recording medium 6 are collected by the images of the same camera and read sequentially, an expansion means 7 expands the image, a reproduction temporary storage memory 8 stores the expanded images, the images read from the reproduction temporary storage memory 8 and expanded in a display memory 9, and a monitor 11 displays the images. - 特許庁


The length of a coaxial cable 8 for connecting both parts can be shorter than a conventional one, and the phasing characteristic can be prevented from decreasing. - 特許庁


Therefore there was a pressing need to prevent such disparities, and surveys were conducted nationwide in 1666, 1680, 1697 and 1788 in order to investigate and find out the actual situation and to correct the situations to obtain appropriate values.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When preserved, the adjusting parameter values are read out from the storage devices 5, 8 and can be used as the start values for adjusting the writing and/or reading unit 2. - 特許庁


Further, since an immersion testing ultrasonic probe 6 is provided, the thickness when a normal echo is generated is obtained from a CRT monitor 13 of an ultrasonic thickness meter 8, and data obtained from the RFEC method at its position is constituted. - 特許庁


This device is provided with an image recognizing part 8 for reading information to be used for identity confirmation from picture patterns and characters printed on the cover of a bankbook 9. - 特許庁


To solve the problem that the granular characteristics of a reticle appears on a finder image, as for a camera having a diagonal length of 8 to 18 mm in an image pickup field. - 特許庁


In August 1621, Nagamori OKABE came to the domain from the Kameyama Domain in Tanba Province with 50,000 koku, but he was transferred to the Ogaki Domain in Mino Province in September 1624.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


An indicator controller 8 outputs a signal for adjusting an opening of the seal water adjustment valve so that a temperature of drainage becomes equal to a set temperature according to the deviation of the detected temperature from the predetermined drainage temperature. - 特許庁


Long bristles 5a are projected from the smoothly curved surface 7 and short bristles 5b are projected from the sharply curved surface 8. - 特許庁


In this vibration and expansion contraction generator, drive signals 7a, 7b for driving respectively a vibrating part 8 and an expansion contraction part 12 are irregular signals formed in accordance with data read from a ROM 2 when chaos data, or the like, originated by a CPU 3 are written in the ROM 2, so that sexual sensation is enhanced. - 特許庁


The user data read from the demodulated data memory 7 are decoded by a decoder 8 whereas the result of decoding by the decoder 8 is supplied to a delay measuring unit 10, where a delay time relative to the processing of the user data is detected. - 特許庁


The temperature adjustment means 8, 9 each have an upper surface 81 at one end, a knob 82 on the center of the upper surface 81, and a circular recessed groove portion 83 around the knob 82 on the upper surface 81. - 特許庁


The biological tissue 8 is irradiated with an ultrasonic wave in a two-dimensional scanning fashion by using a pulse-excitation type ultrasonic microscope 2, and an acoustic impedance is computed based on the intensity of a reflected wave from the surface of the biological tissue 8. - 特許庁


A fingerprint deciding means 6 decides the finger 1 to be genuine only when the difference being equal to or more than the prescribed value is recognized as a result of comparing the image signal with the database 8 and also when characteristics coincide as a result of collating with the database 8. - 特許庁


So, Suebe was dissolved and its members were absorbed in a private group of craftsmen in the eighth century at the latest, and the Imperial Court was considered to have been given earth wares including Sueki from private sectors through tributes or exchanges with the rice tax.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The surface-side central section 8 and the back-side central section 12 are located inside the width-directional both side edges of the absorber 6, and the width-directional length (a) of the back-side central section 12 is shorter than the width-directional length (b) of the surface-side central section 8. - 特許庁


A data compression circuit 7 for compressing the data amount of data stored in the image memory 8 is provided in the preceding stage of the image memory 8 used for the motion compensation prediction and a data expansion circuit 9 for returning compressed data read from the image memory to the original is provided in the poststage of the image memory 8. - 特許庁


Also, an imaginary plane passing through apexes 3a, 4a, 5a of at least three guiding portions 3, 4, 5 mostly protruding from the attaching surface 8, of the plurality of guiding portions 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, is in parallel to the attaching surface 8. - 特許庁


The reflecting surfaces 7 and 8 form a perpendicularly upward pointed shape and are formed as the reverse surfaces of sound absorbers 5 and 6, and the reflecting surfaces 7 and 8 are smooth as to the wavelength of a sound wave. - 特許庁


In addition, as Ieyasu was appointed to Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") in 1603 and began construction of Edo-jo Castle and commenced the establishment of a samurai government, Hideyori was virtually ousted from the seat of power and absorbed into the Tokugawa government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The lens housing 13 can easily be detached from the camera housing 8 and respective adjustments can be made upon occasion by operating a zoom adjusting knob 6 and a focus adjusting knob 7 provided to the lens barrel 4. - 特許庁


The hollow percussion instrument (drum) 8 is provided with an opening part 5 for ventilation, a foot stepping type air pump 3 is connected thereto through a pipe 4, and the air pressure in the percussion instrument (drum) 8 is varied to vary the surface tension of a diaphragm 6 of the percussion instrument (drum) 8, thereby obtaining interval change. - 特許庁


A light source section 8 emits illumination light L having different wavelengths in a switchable manner, and an illumination light source 9 guides the illumination light L emitted from the light source section 8 to a recognition mark M (a thin-film member) and illuminates it. - 特許庁


When a distortion or the like takes place in a transfer part, the position adjusting bolt 66, etc. are loosened and the mounting tool 11 is shifted on the outside walls of the rotating bodies 8, thus enabling easy position adjustment. - 特許庁


If the provisions contained in Article 8 of the Regulation or Articles 92 and 93 of this Kingdom Act have not been complied with, the Office shall so inform the applicant in writing within one month of the filing of the application for a certificate or the request for an extension of the term of a certificate, stating the requirements that have not been met. - 特許庁


In September of the same year, Emperor Bidatsu died and at his funeral ceremony, Sakau read a eulogy, 'To prevent the devastation of the Imperial Court, I will serve as if I were a mirror which is purified to govern peacefully,' and gathered the Hayato (an ancient tribe in Kyushu) and guarded Mogarimiya.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Masako TOKUGAWA (November 23, 1607 - August 2, 1678) was the 5th daughter of Hidetada TOKUGAWA and Emperor Gomizunoo's Chugu (second consort of an Emperor).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The packet described in subsection (8) shall, until the expiration of the term during which a patent for the invention may be in force, be kept sealed by the Commissioner, and shall not be opened except under the authority of an order of the Minister of National Defence.  - 特許庁


The guide beams made into the approximate parallel light beams are cast to the guide surface 9b by an objective lens 8 via a wavelength separation mirror 7. - 特許庁


One end of a tether belt 10 provided inside an airbag 8 is connected to the position corresponding to an opening upper end 4a forming an upwardly inflection point of the airbag 8, and a constricted portion of the airbag 8 by the tether belt 10 is just agreed with the upwardly inflection point, and the airbag 8 is easily bent upwardly. - 特許庁


An upper electrode substrate 8 and a lower electrode substrate 4 are arranged on the top side and reverse side of a movable mirror 1 and electrode pads 2a and 2b and electrode pads 3a and 3b are arranged on the respective substrates 8 and 4 at proper intervals from the mirror 1 to face the edge of the mirror 1. - 特許庁


D1 discloses in its figure 8 and the corresponding parts of the description an exterior mirror system comprising an exterior mirror assembly including a reflecting element contained within a housing, the reflecting element being adjustable within the housing.  - 特許庁


An adjustment value extract section 4 reads a white balance adjustment value corresponding to the four parameters on the basis of area and weather data set and received in advance and data and time data outputted from a clock section 8. - 特許庁


The indoor apparatus of the air conditioner furnished with a wiring 8 to electrically connect the indoor apparatus constitutes its characteristic feature of providing a groove 21 to house the wiring 8 on an outer peripheral surface of a casing 20 and removably providing a cover body 22 to cover the groove 21. - 特許庁


Additionally, by adjusting the screw-in length of a set screw 8 into a screw hole 34 for position adjustment formed penetrating the lower coupling 3 in the axis line L direction, position adjustment of the tip of a dish-shaped tool A is performed in the axis line L direction. - 特許庁



It seemed that when he left for the coup on September 30, while Kondo and Hijikata wrapped themselves up in Kacchu (armor and helmet), Sannan as the head did not receive Kacchu, so he was mad but Chuji MATSUBARA served as a buffer to ease his anger.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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