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○ 中小企業等の集中的再生に向けた整理回収機構(RCC)の再生機能の見直し及び保有債権の流動化の促進、事業再生ファンドの一層の活用、デット・デット・スワップ(DDS)の適正な活用例文帳に追加

Review of the RCC’s corporate revival function aimed at the intensive revival of SMEs, promotion of the liquidation of loans held, further utilization of business revival funds, and appropriate use of Debt-Debt Swaps (DDS)  - 金融庁

2 前項第一号の資金の貸付けは、当該資金の貸付けに係る貸付金債権の回収が確実であると認められることその他の内閣府令・財務省令で定める要件を満たすものでなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) The loan of funds of item (i) of the preceding paragraph shall comply with the requirement that the calling of loan claims pertaining to the loan of funds is found to be certain and with other requirements specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance and Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


It is desirable for payment collectors to become established and developed in Japan, taking into consideration the provision of article 72 of the Lawyer Law, which forbids legal practices by parties other than lawyers and legal-profession corporations. - 経済産業省


Such information shall include information that is foreseeably relevant to the determination, assessment and collection of such taxes, the recovery and enforcement of tax claims, or the investigation or prosecution of tax matters.  - 財務省



The loan collection method used by this company is partly regarded as problematic, while there were apparently some fund needs, mainly from SMEs.  - 金融庁



To provide a new credit transaction system which makes credit transaction active by remarkably improving the flexibility of the timing of the debt collection of a seller and the timing of the debt payment of a buyer. - 特許庁


For instance, possible reasons behind the large appraisal loss recorded in 1999 are foreign currency losses triggered by the Asian currency and economic crises, appraisal loss of securities, and unrecoverable credited loans. - 経済産業省


(ii) Does the problem Loan Management Division, in accordance with the Credit Risk Management Rules, appropriately grasp and manage the status of corporate management at problem borrowers and provide guidance on the formulation of business rehabilitation plans or collect loans as necessary?  - 金融庁


Such information shall include information that is relevant to the determination, assessment and collection of such taxes, the recovery and enforcement of tax claims, or the investigation or prosecution of tax matters.  - 財務省



Since the host management corporate body does not stand in debt to the supporter when a debt cannot be collected after carrying out investment or financing, a cumulative periodic loss through a business recognition period of the host management corporate body is prevented. - 特許庁



Of the secondary losses that arose in the process of collecting jusen loans, which totaled around 1,390 billion yen, the government shouldered around 690 billion yen, as I remember it. At that time, I was a Diet member of the ruling party and there was a sit-in protest in the Budget Committee.  - 金融庁


The sale of a patent by a pledgee or attaching creditor for the purposes of recovering a claim shall take place in public before an authorised civil-law notary. - 特許庁


In particular, development of transparent and fair accounting systems and establishment and proper enforcement of bankruptcy legislation (as a last measure for debt collection) are important. - 経済産業省


I know from press coverage that Japanese Bankers Association Chairman Oku did make such a statement, but it is currently up in the air how to dispose of the secondary losses from the jusen loan claims. Accordingly, we would like to proceed as we discuss the matter fully with stakeholders The Resolution and Collection Corporation (RCC) is, in accordance with statutory requirements, in the process of drawing up a disposal plan designed to complete the collection and other actions regarding the jusen loan claims by December 2011, which reflects the RCC's ongoing effort to collect debts so as to minimize the burden on taxpayers and also in consideration of the circumstances on the part of debtors.  - 金融庁


To provide a business apportionment management system and a method therefor that can apportion demand business depending on business characteristics and can take a business action suitable for each demand business when a financial institution collects credits in arrears of members. - 特許庁


Many of the creditor banks moved to foreclose on the loans regardless of the collaterals held in order to minimize their losses in the event of insolvency when the promissory notes issued in connection with the construction project by Osaka Electric Tramway Co., Ltd. were found to be worthless.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a system, method and program for fluidization management in order to support servicing business (fund recovery business) in fluidization of loan bond. - 特許庁


To provide a commodity sales system and a commodity sales method which can provide information timely to a customer and reduce the risk of an unrecoverable debt when the customer purchases a commodity. - 特許庁


A lack of credit information on prospective customersdue to an unavailability of local informationmakes it difficult to screen potentially good customers. As a result, overdue payments become a problem. - 経済産業省


To provide a remittance request data preparation device capable of preparing remittance request data having a proper remittance destination such that risk related to collection of a credit can be reduced. - 特許庁


To provide an electronic demand and payment management processing system which performs speedy payment complying with on-line shopping, etc., by shortening the time of payment processing from remittance to reception and instantaneously grasp a debt collection result. - 特許庁


To enable a credit card member shop to recover accounts receivable in an early stage and to accelerate the utilization of credit cards by the increase of the credit card member shops by making a credit card company purchase the credit immediately after a customer utilizes a credit card and the credit transaction is approved and pay a charge to the credit card member shop within one or two days after the purchase date of the credit. - 特許庁


A data management part 106A of a bond security loan management system 100 receives the scores of a rezept computer counted according to the charged sum of medical compensation charged based on a medical compensation bond and the medical act of a medical institute through a terminal 101 of a master servicer 10A, and manages any recovery risk in financing. - 特許庁


For the purchasing of NPLs by the Resolution and Collection Corporation, relevant legislations are currently being discussed by the ruling parties in order to make the pricing more flexible and to purchase intensively by the end of 2003.  - 金融庁


I have a stark memory of the circumstances around jusen loan claimswell, I am sure that all of you know that the RCC (Resolution and Collection Corporation) is in the process of developing a disposal plan designed to complete the debt collection and other related procedures by December 2011 in accordance with law. The RCC is currently working hard to collect debts to minimize the burden on taxpayers, taking into account, at the same time, the circumstances of debtors, and the FSA is also examining ways how to eventually close the RCC's jusen account.  - 金融庁


Traditionally, the more important functions that wholesalers were expected to perform by manufacturers of consumer goods included not only selling to large numbers of retailers, recovering payment from them and guaranteeing credits, but also the logistical capacity required for regular delivery and placement of orders on behalf of retailers. - 経済産業省

ホ 所有権移転外ファイナンス・リース取引におけるリース投資資産(破産更生債権等で一年内に回収されないことが明らかなものを除く。)のうち、通常の取引に基づいて発生したもの及び通常の取引以外の取引に基づいて発生したもので一年内に期限が到来するもの例文帳に追加

(e) lease investment assets (excluding Bankruptcy or Reorganization Claims, etc. of which collection is evidently impossible Within a Year) in non-ownership-transfer finance lease transactions, which were generated based on Ordinary Transactions, or which were generated based on transactions other than Ordinary Transactions and whose due date falls Within a Year;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Money collected from a debtor is divided into a floating portion and a non-floating portion in an institution other than a servicer and the floating portion is put in the account of the transferee of claim without interposing the account of the servicer or even when it is passed through the account of the servicer, the retaining period is shortened. - 特許庁


They described their measures to resolve bad debt problems in the banking sector, including their plans to encourage banks to adjust their provisioning in response to market signals regarding major borrowers, and to strengthen and expand the role of the Resolution and Collection Corporation (RCC).  - 財務省


Such information shall include information that is foreseeably relevant to the determination, assessment and collection of such taxes, the recovery and enforcement of tax claims, or the investigation or prosecution of tax matters  - 財務省


Source: Current Status and Operation of Bankruptcy Legislation in Nine Asian Countries (2000) (Ministry of Finance), Survey on Actual Status of Debt Recovery Litigation in APEC Countries (2003) (METI), Survey on Economic Cooperation in East Asia FY2005 (2006) (JETRO), J Imaizumi & Abe (2005), HIGASHI AJIA NO KIGYOUTOUCHI TO KIGYOUHOUSEI KAIKAKU. - 経済産業省


However, such a strategy carries with it major risks, such as the difficulty of developing sales channels and creating a brand, and the problems regarding collection of receivables from local enterprises described later. SMEs therefore have to overcome high barriers if they wish to successfully enter host markets.  - 経済産業省


When some section owner is in arrears of the management fee etc. for a fixed period, a storage manager of the management fee etc. informs the guaranty company of the arrears online, and the guaranty company insures the same amount of money as it to the management association, and collects the management fee etc. in arrears, that is a credit. - 特許庁


Another issue is who should ultimately cover losses that may arise in the process of recollecting purchased loans. I recognize that as was mentioned in the question, we must consider whether the existing framework should be used or a new organization should be established.  - 金融庁


As discussed in Chapter 2, Section 2, Japanese companies are creating international business networks by expanding business operations with overseas local companies. In so doing, it is crucially important that they correctly understand their partners' business and financial conditions and conduct adequate debt collection. - 経済産業省

このような状況の下、APEC経済法制度整備コーディネートグループ(SELI Coordinate Group)において、我が国のイニシアティブで、2003年に債権回収に関する法制度及び手続に関する包括的な調査を実施したほか、アジアの会社法等に関する制度整備を進めている。例文帳に追加

Under such circumstances, Japan took a leading role for the Strengthening Economic Legal Infrastructure (SELI) Coordinating Group of the APEC in conducting a comprehensive research into legal systems and procedures regarding debt collection in 2003, and is currently working on the development of systems including corporate laws of Asian countries. - 経済産業省


The Business Safety Mutual Relief System for the Prevention of Bankruptcies of SMEs is a system for the provision of interest-free, unsecured, unguaranteed mutual relief money to SMEs, determined according to the amount of past premiums made, in the case of difficulty collecting amounts receivable due to the bankruptcy of a business partner.  - 経済産業省


The factor company receiving the purchase request performs the purchase when the money amount of the account receivable to be the object of the purchase request is within the range of the transaction limit amount (S3), performs collection till a due date (S3) and also performs adjustment concerning the EC market operator (S4). - 特許庁


That is a very good question. The Resolution and Collection Corporation (RCC) is preparing a disposal plan for the collection of jusen debts and other such matters based on the laws with the view to complete the plan in December 2011. RCC is currently endeavoring to collect the debts to minimize the public burden while giving consideration to the circumstances of creditors. The FSA is also conducting studies on such topics as how to close RCC’s jusen accounts in the future. Nevertheless, I cannot say anything for certain at this time on the prospects for such matters as the disposal method of secondary losses associated with jusen debts. We will conduct studies while engaging in extensive discussions with interested parties.  - 金融庁


For the purchasing of NPLs by the Resolution and Collection Corporation, relevant legislations are currently being discussed by the ruling parties in order to make the pricing more flexible and to purchase intensively by the end of 2003. The Corporation will also be actively involved in corporate rehabilitation, for which we are promoting the establishment of funds.  - 金融庁

商工中金等の関係機関と連携し、中小企業から金融機関へ譲渡した付保輸出代金債権に係る保険事故後の回収義務(保険事故が発生し、保険金を受け取った後も、金銭の回収に努める義務)等の被保険者義務をNEXI が一部免除すること等により、中小企業に対する資金供給を促進した。例文帳に追加

Financing of SMEs was promoted in collaboration with Shoko Chukin and other related agencies through such means as a partial waiver by NEXI of certain obligations of insured parties, including the obligation to recover an insured export receivable that has been transferred from an SME to a financial institution after the insured event (i.e., the obligation to seek to recover monies even after receipting the payment of insurance claim following the insured event).  - 経済産業省

しかしながら、AMCによる不良債権の処理については、①十分な経営責任の追及がなされない場合、国有商業銀行及び国有企業のモラルハザードを助長するおそれがあること、②不良債権処理が約半分程度進む中で、現金回収率の低いAMCが見られること、③債務の株式化(DES、Debt Equity Swap)がうまくいかずAMC自体が赤字化している可能性が高い中、最終的な負担者が明らかにされていないこと、等の問題点が指摘されている。例文帳に追加

But a range of problems exist regarding the disposal of nonperforming loans using AMCs. First, moral hazard may occur among the state-owned commercial banks or state-owned business corporations if the management’s responsibility is not fully pursued for the business slump. Secondly, some AMCs are seen to have trouble sufficiently recovering cash from the bad loans they have purchased, although the disposal of such loans has been halfway through at the commercial banks. The third problem is that although AMCs must have been in the red with their Debt-Equity Swap (DES) making little headway, which parties would finally shoulder the bad loans is not clarified. - 経済産業省


To alleviate operational burdens on a customer by setting the extent of extension at the transfer charge of the amount of payment and a payment scheduled date, and redundantly operating the collation of a payment origin and an invoice unit, and enabling the more strict collation of credit and payment when performing a series of processing including billing related with the collection of funds by transfer to payment reconciliation. - 特許庁


In order to maintain a business environment in foreign countries where Japanese SMEs have established a presence, JETRO will utilize specialists to provide information, "traveling" coaching, and seminar hosting in operational problem areas that are highly specialized, such as transaction fairness, including problems with the collection of debts. (partial modification) - 経済産業省


As long as this is kept to a problem of individual banks, the impact on the real economy is minor. But if there is a shortage of equity capital across the whole banking sector, then financial institutions will frequently tighten their lending standards, be reluctant to lend, and recover loans; and concerns of a credit crunch will grow. - 経済産業省


(ii) When providing credit to a small- or medium-size company, does the institution conduct credit management operations including credit rating management with due consideration for the overall status of the company's corporate management in light of the nature of small- and medium-size companies in general, such as their vulnerability to the economic cycle and their liability to fall into the status of having excess debt due to one-time factors. - 金融庁

2 前項の買取りは、保険契約に係る支払のすべてを停止している期間内に、前項の保険金請求権等を、その保険金請求権等に係る債権者の請求に基づいて、補償対象契約の保険金その他の給付金の額に当該補償対象契約の種類、予定利率その他の内容、当該請求に係る保険事故が発生した時期等を勘案して内閣府令・財務省令で定める率を乗じて得た額(以下「買取額」という。)で買い取ることにより行うものとする。ただし、加入機構は、その買取りに係る保険金請求権等の回収をした場合において、当該回収によって得た金額から当該買取りに要した費用として内閣府令・財務省令で定めるものの額を控除した金額が、当該買取りに係る買取額を超えるときは、その超える部分の金額を当該保険金請求権等に係る債権者に対して支払うものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) The purchase under the preceding paragraph shall be made in such a way that the Right to Insurance Claim, etc. under the preceding paragraph is purchased based on the request of the creditor pertaining to the Right to Insurance Claim, etc., within the period during which all payments pertaining to the insurance contract are suspended, at the amount of the insurance claim of the Covered Insurance Contract and of other benefits, multiplied by the rate specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance and Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance by taking into consideration what is the kind of that Covered Insurance Contract, the expected interest rate, other content, the time when the insured event pertaining to that request took place, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Purchase Amount"); provided, however, that the Participating Corporation shall, in the case that it called for the Right to Insurance Claim, etc. pertaining to the purchase and when the amount which was collected from the calling deducted by the amount specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance and Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance as the cost of said purchase exceeds the Purchase Amount pertaining to said purchase, pay this excess amount to the creditor pertaining to said Right to Insurance Claim, etc.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

5 第一項第六号に規定する短期劣後債権とは、劣後特約付貸付金(元利金の回収について劣後的内容を有する特約が付された金銭の消費貸借による貸付金をいう。次項において同じ。)又は劣後特約付社債(元利金の回収について劣後的内容を有する特約が付された社債をいう。次項において同じ。)であって、次に掲げる性質のすべてを有するものをいう。例文帳に追加

(5) The Short-Term Subordinated Claims prescribed in paragraph (1), item (vi) shall be Subordinated Loans (which means loans made by loan agreements with a special clause of subordinated contents with regard to the recovery of the interest and principal; the same shall apply in the following paragraph) or Subordinated Bonds (which means bonds payable with a special clause of subordinated contents with regard to the recovery of the interest and principal; the same shall apply in the following paragraph) which have all the following characteristics:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



After the transfer of the business operations of Incubator Bank of Japan to the Second Bridge Bank of Japan, DIC, as the financial receiver, will have the right to pursue criminal and civil responsibility, while Resolution and Collection Corporation (RCC), which is a fully owned subsidiary of DIC, will also continue to have the same right as the receiver of non-performing assets. There is no change in the principle that the responsibility of the former management team and other people concerned will be pursued during the process of loan collection. That decision concerns the transfer of business operations to the Second Bridge Bank, not the sale to a private company, and some operations will be transferred to RCC. I am also aware of the so-called eight-month rule. Therefore, the pursuit of responsibility will not end there.  - 金融庁


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