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該当件数 : 46



Kiyomura's main rival refused to engage in extremely competitive bidding on the best tunas. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


A major management challenge for monodzukuri organizations is to give high priority tohigh quality and accuracy,” “short delivery times,” and “price competitivenessin order to succeed in international competition. - 経済産業省


Japanese companies have a competitive advantage in their high quality products and services. - 経済産業省


...offers high quality ultrabright LED diode and Laser Diode at extremely competitive price  - コンピューター用語辞典



On the other hand, quality competition with competitors is fierce, and the company must continually improve quality in order to gain an edge, leading it into a dilemma. - 経済産業省



Creating an environment in which high-quality services are properly evaluated and fair competition occurs based on the quality of services. - 経済産業省


In time, with the emergence of competition regarding the quality of sake, the brewing of sake in seasons other than winter was not considered.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a beverage dispenser which can make a high-quality beverage quickly, can be easily used and maintained, and is competitive in cost. - 特許庁


The competitiveness of the manufacturing industry was traditionally considered to lie in product quality and cost, with quality positioned as the key to sales. - 経済産業省



To provide a system to sustain and improve maintenance quality, and to enable competition by urging the participation of many maintenance companies in order to conduct adequate maintenance even under a competitive maintenance environment. - 特許庁



The president of Narita Koi Farms said, “Japan needs to provide high-quality koi to win the international sales competition.”  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


In the past, at times the "intangibility" characteristic of services made it difficult for customers to evaluate quality or value. It also made it difficult to have legitimate competition regarding quality and value. - 経済産業省


It does not, however, mean the industry loses competitiveness completely. In general, the industry competes in both domestic and world markets by specializing the differential product with high quality and high function, utilizing the advanced technologies as well as the established brand names. - 経済産業省


Furthermore, in some industries there are business customs and practices that can prevent the reflection of the quality and value of services in the price and can also be a cause of obstruction to fair quality and value competition. - 経済産業省


It is hoped that in response to these issues there will be policy-type support for measures to make it possible for customers to fairly evaluate the quality and value of services, and for there to be fair competition regarding quality and value. - 経済産業省


To provide a non-price mechanism destruction net dealing system, capable of functioning competition principle of net dealing itself and stabilizing the shipping and quality. - 特許庁


To provide a method for producing a multifilament carbon fiber having high quality, productivity of the facility and cost competitiveness and producible at a low cost. - 特許庁


They developed a "deep-fried kamaboko (processed fish paste)"with a quality that even fish market professionals acknowledge. Without becoming mired in price cutting competition they have greatly increased sales. - 経済産業省


Examining the causes for not reflecting the quality and value of services in the price shows a high proportion of enterprises citing an intensification of price competitiveness, the economic slump, and a reduction in demand - 経済産業省


The company underwent a difficult time when competing to capture overseas markets, but it has continued its efforts by taking advantage of its meticulous quality, delivery management and technological responsiveness, which brought about good results. - 経済産業省


If this is so, then it would appear that selection of contractors is taking place in an increasingly competitive domestic transaction environment in which considerably high (and at times even overspecced) levels of quality are required.  - 経済産業省


And it is important to review quality, value and price balance, and commodity and services to ensure that they meet local needs. The more visible approach is also the expected high-level technology of our country, including for the environment and our reputation for high quality in a hidden competitive edge. - 経済産業省


You could say, however, that companies, as purchasers that avoid buying unproven goods or services that have in fact good performance and quality only because they have little proven record would be weeded out one after another through competition among purchasers because they are likely to be less competitive than those which have abilities to assess by themselves the performance and quality of goods and services and buy anything good even if the products concerned have little to show in terms of their past record.  - 経済産業省

我が国の事業所が抱えている具体的な課題をみると、3年前と比較して「製品の価格が下がっている」とする事業所が大多数を占めるほか、「製品の品質をめぐる競争が激しくなっている」、「顧客のニーズが多様化している」とする事業所も多く、製品の価格が下落している一方で、品質をめぐる競争が激しくなっているなど困難な局面に立たされていることが分かる(図表3-1) 。例文帳に追加

With regard to specific challenges facing enterprises in Japan, a great number of enterprises pointed out that "product prices have gone down" compared to three years ago, that "competition in terms of product quality has intensified," and that "the needs of customers have diversified." It is evident that they find themselves in a difficult situation where, while product prices have dropped, quality competition has become more severe. (Chart 3-1)  - 経済産業省


Local content requirements, for example, illustrate this distinction between short-term advantage and long-term disadvantage. Local content requirements may force a foreign affiliated producer to use locally produced parts. Although this requirement results in immediate sales for the domestic parts industry, it also means that the industry is shielded from the salutary effects of competition. In the end, this industry will fail to improve its international competitiveness. - 経済産業省


Ai Rental considers vendors that sell suitcases cheaply as its competitors, rather than other companies in the same industry. In order to differentiate itself from these vendors, the company is particular about the quality of its suitcases and has formed ties with major manufacturers in Japan, with whom it places special orders for high-quality suitcases, even at a high cost. - 経済産業省


In order to fuse the communication times with communication quality, the station apparatus assigns the frequency segment which has fewer competitors to share the same segment and has a high average and distribution of the communication capacity, to each terminal apparatus. - 特許庁


Kitanihon Seiki, one of the world‘s largest miniature-bearing producers, has built a price-competitive production arrangement to ensure that the products made by its Chinese subsidiary (with some 600 employees) are of the same quality as those made in Japan. - 経済産業省


In order to survive competition in global markets where customer needs have been diversified and rivalry has been intensified, a company would have to offer customized products at the same prices, same quality and the same delivery time as are seen under a mass-production system. - 経済産業省


Normally an industry which has entered the 3rd quadrant will compete in domestic and world markets by specializing and differentiating products with high quality and high function utilizing the established brand names and advanced technology it gained in the development process. - 経済産業省


With regard to specific challenges facing Japanese companies, nearly 90% of companies pointed out that "product prices have gone down" (including companies that recognized a slight drop) compared with three years before, about 75% said that "competition in terms of product quality has intensified," and about 70% pointed out that "the needs of customers have diversified." It is evident that Japanese companies find themselves in a difficult situation where, while product prices have dropped, quality competition has become more severe. - 経済産業省

一 商品又は役務の品質、規格その他の内容について、一般消費者に対し、実際のものよりも著しく優良であると示し、又は事実に相違して当該事業者と競争関係にある他の事業者に係るものよりも著しく優良であると示すことにより、不当に顧客を誘引し、公正な競争を阻害するおそれがあると認められる表示例文帳に追加

(i) Any representation by which the quality, standard or any other matter relating to the substance of goods or services are shown to general consumers to be much better than the actual one or much better than that of other entrepreneurs who are in a competitive relationship with the entrepreneur concerned contrary to the fact and thereby which tends to induce customers unjustly and to impede fair competition;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


At the same time, in order to achieve the abovementioned improvement in the quality of financial reporting and in the international competitiveness of Japanese markets and companies, there are issues than must be solved regarding the practicability and application of IFRS.  - 金融庁


The concept of high quality/high added value is vague. In many cases, consumers in emerging markets capture the meaning of it in their senses. Hence it becomes necessary for the future tovisualize hidden competitivenessfor the quality of the product/service or added value, which has been Japanese companies' strength. - 経済産業省


Also, even during the time when the competitors became involved in low price competition, Mos Burger did not mark down much and followed its own course, which is high quality, high-value added, and clearly differentiated its brand from other competitors. - 経済産業省


As was discussed earlier, while working on domestic deregulation, correcting international price differentials, and building a regenerating market environment, it is important to maintain appropriate competition in price and quality between companies which are currently participating in the market. - 経済産業省

これに対し、2008 年に我が国企業が中心となり、記録型DVDに保存された情報が読み取り可能な期間を測定する方法が国際標準化され、高品質・高付加価値品の「隠れた競争力の見える化」を可能とする1 つの方法として示されている40。例文帳に追加

Meanwhile, the method of measuring readable time of stored information on the record type DVD was standardized globally, led by a Japanese company, which now serves as a tool to make possible ofvisualization of hidden competitiveness―for high quality/high added value product. - 経済産業省


But thanks to these efforts, levels of services by local companies have been upgraded so much that some of them have enabled "just-in-time" transportation services. Under this system, makers are required to supply necessary amount of products without keeping inventories. - 経済産業省

③ 海外展開をしている企業にとって、海外拠点の財務経理面での経営管理の効率性向上やグループ・関係会社における会計基準の統一による財務報告の品質の向上、ひいては我が国企業の国際競争力の強化に資するとの観点例文帳に追加

(iii) For Japanese companies engaged in overseas business operations, it is expected to contribute to the improvement in the efficiency of financial management at their overseas offices and operations and to the improvement of financial reporting as a result of the unification of accounting standards across the member companies and the affiliate companies of a corporate group, and ultimately to enhance international competitiveness of Japanese companies.  - 金融庁


Examining the causes for the quality and value of services to not be reflected in the price reveals a high proportion of enterprises that indicate an intensification of price competitiveness. However, a not insignificant percentage of enterprises indicated such factors as the unilateral price demands of business partners and restrictions imposed by the practices and customs of the industry - 経済産業省


Given this situation, the company provides total service as an expert in the complicated and diverse plastic processing industry, working consistently from the consulting stage through design and analysis, production of forging dies, trial forming and mass production, to quality assurance in order to differentiate itself from competitors and increase its price bargaining power. - 経済産業省


However, developments such as the progress of IT have made it increasingly easier for customers to obtain information on the quality and value of services, and made it possible to select services in advance and to import services through international electronic commerce. In these and other ways, the operating environment of small and medium service enterprises is changing significantly and competition between them is also intensifying to an even greater degree. - 経済産業省


Normally, in the industrial production of chemicals, there are incentives to produce higher quality (containing fewer impure substances) products amid free competition. Even when Class I specified chemical substances are generated as by-products, the content of Class I specified chemical substances is assumed to converge with a technically and economically feasible level of reduction through such efforts to enhance the value of products and efforts in line with the above-mentioned duty.  - 経済産業省


The proprietor of a trade mark is not entitled to prohibit third persons from using in the course of the trade their name and surname, corporate name or name or address, indications concerning the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin, the time of production of goods or of rendering of services, or other characteristics of goods or services, a sign where it is necessary to indicate the intended purpose of a product or service, in particular as accessories or spare parts, provided they use them in accordance with honest commercial practices, good morals and competition rules.  - 特許庁

(1) 商標の所有者は,第三者が自らの姓名,法人名称若しくは名称若しくは宛先,商品の種類,品質,数量,用途,価格,原産地,生産時期,サービスの提供時期,又は商品又はサービスのその他の特性に関する表示,及び生産品又はサービスの(特に付属品又は予備部品としての)用途を表示するのに必要な標識を業として使用することを禁止することはできない。ただし,このことは,第三者が誠実な商慣行,良俗及び競争規則に従ってこれらを使用する場合に限る。例文帳に追加

(1) The proprietor of the trade mark is not entitled to prohibit third persons from using in the course of the trade their name and surname, corporate name or name or address, indications concerning the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin, the time of production of goods or of rendering of services, or other characteristics of goods or services and a sign necessary to indicate the intended purpose of products or services, in particular as accessories or spare parts, provided they use them in accordance with honest commercial practices, good morals and competition rules. - 特許庁



Improvements were seen in July 1999 with a new agreement obligating institutions that were formerly exempt from the agreementlocal government institutions, education committees and other organizations using public funds to procure academic research, insurance or servicesto adhere to non-discriminatory, transparent and fair procedures in their procurement processes. However, Canada still maintains some exceptions. For example, institutions can give preferential treatment to domestic suppliers if the price difference is less than 10 percent, and can limit bidding to Canadian suppliers if Canadian markets are found to be sufficiently competitive and Canadian products are found to be sufficiently high in quality. - 経済産業省

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