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該当件数 : 426



2) Effective approaches to raising the rate of retention of younger workers and generating a positive effect on enterprise performance are the adoption of an explicit policy on training after hiring, raising of vocational abilities and motivation, and creation of a more hospitable atmosphere for younger workers to work. - 経済産業省


In such a circumstance, it has become important to evaluate whetherspillovers” are caused to the Japanese economy and become a driver to value-added by providing Japanese intermediary goods in production of products of other countries, not simply by competing with these products. - 経済産業省


This so-called "hollowing-out" phenomenon should be prevented not by putting a brake on globalization but rather by making Japan's tax system and social infrastructure (e.g., airports and harbors) so internationally appealing as to attract business operations that produce added value and jobs to Japan. - 経済産業省


For example, if Japan achieves a ratio of direct investment income to GDP which is equal to that of the U.S., this would add ¥7.3 trillion to its current ¥4.1 trillion of direct investment income (receipts), will be expanded to ¥11.4 trillion, thus the effect of expanding Japanese disposable income (GNI) by over 1%. - 経済産業省



The "new approach," by assigning significant authorities to the European Committee for Standardization, accelerates standardization efforts within the territory and is playing significant roles in setting the stage for Europe to play a leading role in the international standardization efforts, as mentioned later in this document. - 経済産業省



On the one hand, this way of thinking had various positive effects such as the establishment of ideas regarding Gei that are peculiar to Japan, respect for artistic views that place special importance on one's feelings and mental state, the correct passing on of arts knowledge from one generation to the next, and the deepening of arts not only through acquisition of its skills but also by speculation; on the other hand, it had a number of negative effects, such as worship of the powerful in the world of arts, mysticism, denial of universality, and development of a uniquely closed nature as represented by tsu (experts at certain arts).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When Mitsuo's older brother Masahiro MAKINO was as young as twenty to overcome adverse situations such as the loss of his family's house in a fire in 1928 and the loss of many actors and actresses who quit Makino Productions, he produced a masterpiece of period drama "Roningai" with Itaro YAMAGAMI, but upon Shozo's death on July 25, 1929 the next year, it became difficult to continue the operation of Makino Productions and there was a conflict about the non-payment of salaries at the end of 1930.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Therefore, there needs to be further study on determining the optimal legal framework for corporate governance of listed companies from a broader perspective, but at the same time it has been suggested that the legal framework provided by the CA and FIEA do not mesh seamlessly, resulting in overlaps and gaps.  - 金融庁


Does that answer your question? Funds should flow to growth industries and business sectors that create new jobs, as I mentioned earlier in relation to how money should be used. I will examine what support measures will truly lead to the improvement of business management and what measures should be taken.  - 金融庁



Two or more articles are spatially separated respectively when an article is used or not. And, those have independently fixed structure or shape, And, value of use is produced where those relate to each other functionally by using those. In the above circumstances, that is called “combination.” For example, the fastening tools which consists of a bolt and a nut.  - 特許庁



A magnetically driven micro-tool 8 is assembled in a flow channel to provide a side-by-side advancing motion, or a two-freedom motion, or a rotary motion, or a peristaltic motion, or a vibration, and protrusions 9 are provided on a part 6 of the flow channel or a magnetically driven micro-tool to thereby produce effects of high-speed and efficient removal of the zona pellucida. - 特許庁


In each processing iteration, there is a first Max-Log-MAP decoding operation (6') giving rise to a systematic error due to the Max-Log approximation, and a first weighting operation to weight extrinsic information from the first decoding operation to be applied as a prior information to the second Max-Log-MAP decoding operation. - 特許庁


This is followed by a second Max-Log-MAP decoding operation (4'), also giving rise to a systematic error due to the Max-Log approximation, and a second weighting operation to weight extrinsic information from the second decoding to be applied as a prior information to the first Max-Log-MAP decoding of the next iteration. - 特許庁


Since the exhaust duct is formed upward, stack effect generating an updraft in the exhaust duct is enhanced and since an air flow is induced in the direction from the inside of the exhaust opening toward the outside thereof on the leeward side by wind passing through the vicinity of the exhaust opening, sufficient ventilation of the building is ensured. - 特許庁


To provide a system which can minimize the temporal and monetary loss that a person or a company who desires to purchase in the country and create smooth business chances for oversea related construction material/component makers and supplies without any awareness of differences in language, commerce custom, and culture. - 特許庁


When the normal rotation is started, a selection circuit 12 selectively outputs the magnetic pole position detection signal of the magnetic sensor 8, and a control circuit 14 controls a switching circuit 13 to start the DC motor so that the teeth 4a, 4b are directed in the conducting direction of the motor coil 6 relative to the magnetic pole of a magnet rotor 2 to generate repulsion. - 特許庁


In fact, in EPA/FTA negotiations worldwide, not only tariff rates but also the rules of origin are used as a means to adjust the levels of trade liberalization among contracting countries. This is one of the unavoidable factors behind the global inconsistency among the rules of origin under the EPA/FTAs. - 経済産業省


They are pushing ahead with improving curriculums and educational methods, such as developing industry?university cooperative education programs, providing long-term internships, and enhancing extracurricular activities for strengthening studentsoriginality and ingenuity. In addition, they are also inviting instructors from companies and improving instructor’s teaching abilities through teaching staffs training programs at companies.  - 経済産業省


To meet this challenge, companies are changing and enhancing their human resources requirements. For example, engineers are expected to have broad expertise as well as creativity that enables improvements in production systems, while technicians are expected to be not only highly skilled and versatile but also capable of making proposals and executing them on the shop floor so that streamlined operations and high value creation can be fostered, thereby improving the company’s financial standing (Chart 2-2). - 経済産業省


In other words, South Korea has beenleveragedeffectively by export as well as import and foreign capital. When the economy mainly in Europe and the U.S. is strong, a virtuous cycle is created; on the other hand, when the world economy becomes weak, such factors as slowdown in exports, outflow of foreign capital and a sharp decline in the South Korean won are likely to cause a risk falling into a vicious cycle. - 経済産業省

このように、東アジアとのEPA は、我が国にとって重要な意義を持つだけでなく、東アジアの他の国々にとっても、エリアワイドで障壁をなくすことによる域内分業・域内取引の増大、投資の促進等を通じた一層の経済成長や、これに基づく政治、経済の安定等のメリットを生じさせ、それが更なる投資を呼び込んで経済的発展を生むという好循環が見込まれる。例文帳に追加

EPAs with East Asia are not only significant to Japan, but are also expected to accrue benefits for other East Asian countries. Such benefits include a further economic growth (resulting from an increase in the intra-regional division of labor and the intra-regional trade and investment promotion expected from the elimination of barriers to trade and investment) across a broad region and a consequential political and economic stability. A good economic environment is expected due to these benefits, attracting more investment and achieving economic development. - 経済産業省

従来、地域密着性が主要な企業の競争力の源泉となってきたサービス産業にとって、その事業規模は限られ、結果として規模の利益を享受することに限界があったと考えられるが、以上のように、IT 投資の積極的拡大や大量調達とグローバル展開を同時に進めることで規模の利益を実現し、双方が成果を生む好循環を生み出していると考えられる。例文帳に追加

In the past, regional bonding was the main source of competitive strength for companies in service sector, business scale became limited, and as a result there were limits to obtaining economies of scale. But as mentioned above, achieving economies of scale by simultaneously pushing forward with active expansion of IT investments, large volume purchasing and global expansion can bring a favorable cycle of benefits from all these factors. - 経済産業省


This section introduces policies contributing to the promotion of company efforts to generate innovation ("Volume Zone innovation") that would allow unconventional low-cost technologies, marketing, and production processes, as well as those contributing to licensing production, investment, local production and reflow of profits that would be necessary for such a business model. - 経済産業省


However, this text produced various theories: Nichiren focused on the meaning of a word 'myoji' (family name) and considered 'myoji soku bodai' (family names are Bodhi) as similar to 'bonno soku bodai' (earthly desires are Bodhi) and indicated conversion by 'myojisoku (when you listen to Shobo (the phase lasting 1,000 years following the death of the Historical Buddha) the first time, you realize that all laws are Buddhism teaching),' not just denial of religious precept; or laws of Shakyamuni and precepts are not valid in mappo, so only Kongoho kikan clarified by Nichiren, the principal object of worship, is the precept in Mappo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

これに関連する論点として、ECBが保有するギリシャ国債についてどう取り扱うのか、PSIに応じないフリーライダーを避けるために遡及的に集団行動条項(Collective Action Clauses: CACs)が適用されることが決定されたが、これをどう考えるのか、ギリシャ国債に関するCredit Default Swap (CDS)もトリガーされることになったが、そのことは他の国債市場にどのようなスピルオーバーを生む可能性があるのかなど、様々な論点があるが、ここでは詳細に触れない。例文帳に追加

Related issues include how Greek government bonds held by the ECB should be treated; what we should think of the “Collective Action Clauses (CACs)” that will be retrospectively applied to avoid free-riding by bondholders unwilling to join the PSI; and what kind of impacts the activation of the Credit Default Swaps (CDS) on Greek bonds would have on other countriesgovernment bond markets; and so on, although I will not delve into these issues today.  - 財務省



In the case of the US Trade Act, the final criteria for the president in determining measures are whether the measures will contribute to positive adjustment, and whether the socioeconomic benefits produced will outweigh the socioeconomic costs. In Korea, the key question is whether the measures will prevent or relieve serious injury to domestic industry, while measures must be within the scope necessary to facilitate the adjustment of domestic industry. These are much the same standards as in the WTO Safeguards Agreement. - 経済産業省


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