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After the death of the prince, Henjo was entrusted with management of the Urin-in Temple, and even after Henjo passed away, Sosei lived there and the temple was known as the place where the gatherings of waka poetry and Chinese poetry were held. 例文帳に追加

親王薨去後は、遍照が雲林院の管理を任され、遍照入寂後も素性は雲林院に住まい、同院は和歌・漢詩の会の催しの場として知られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Meiryo-kohan historical records," because Shigetsuna's only son Toyotaka was too young, the information had been entrusted to the son-in-law Shigeuji YOSHIDA (Insai school so - founder of Insai school). However, it is said there was a quarrel because the manual was not returned to Toyotaka after he grew up. 例文帳に追加

『明良洪範』によれば、重綱の嫡子豊隆は幼少であったため、婿の吉田重氏(印西派祖)に伝書類が預けられていたが、豊隆成長後に返伝がなされず騒動になったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, at present, the nominal distinction between 'Udon noodles' (Hoso-Udon) and 'Hiyamugi' has partly become vague, because such distinction is entrusted to the traders concerned as far as they observe the standard and codes. 例文帳に追加

現在では「うどん(細うどん)」と「ひやむぎ」の名前の区別は基準・規約に沿った上で取り扱う業者に委ねられているため、乾麺・生麺等において曖昧となっている部分がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In those days, sake brewing was what is now called leading-edge biotechnology and major temples were in the following situations which were so favorable as to make it possible for them to be entrusted with and take charge of such state-of-the-art technology. 例文帳に追加

この時代の醸造は、今風に云えばバイオテクノロジーの最先端であり、当時の大寺院はそれを委譲されて担っていくだけの、以下に挙げるような数々の好条件に恵まれていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Ueda family did not directly instruct tea ceremony to the disciples as is the case with daimyo (Japanese territorial lord), and had the Nomura family and tne Nakamura family work as the entrusted instructors giving a stipend of 100 koku. 例文帳に追加

大名家における茶道の常として上田家においても家元自ら門下を指導することはなく、野村家と中村家より茶道預師範として禄100石を与えて茶道の役を務めさせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Formerly, the whale meat for commercial use was sold at the central wholesale market of each prefecture through Nihon-kyodo-senpaku-kabushikikaidha (literally, Japan joint ship Co., Ltd.) where the actual jobs related to the scientific whaling was entrusted. 例文帳に追加

市販用については、従来は、調査捕鯨の実務を委託されている日本共同船舶株式会社を通じ、各都道府県の中央卸売市場での販売などが行われてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is a system that was put in place so that national affairs could be entrusted to someone in the event of the emperor's illness or accident, without going so far as appointing a regent. 例文帳に追加

これは、摂政を置くほどのものでない天皇の疾患や事故がある場合に国事行為を委任することができるようにするために設けられた制度である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hokoshu was entrusted to the management of local goryosho (shogunate's estate) and was also given the rights to prevent Shugo (provincial constable) from entering their own lands and to collect tansen (a kind of provisional tax in medieval Japan). 例文帳に追加

地方の御料所(将軍直轄領)の管理を任されており、所領地の守護不入や段銭(田畑に賦課される税)の徴収などの特権を与えられていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In a legal code book, "Satamirensho" published in the Kamakura Period, it is defined as 'Azukaridokoro is the local clerical manager in the manor entrusted by honjo.' 例文帳に追加

鎌倉時代の法制書である『沙汰未練書』には「預所者本所御領所務代官也(預所は本所の御領における所務代官である)」と記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Then, middle or lower Kizoku members successfully entrusted with such a function or had the right position to acquire the function or the right to execute it as their family business, came to inherit it as a hereditary family business for generations. 例文帳に追加

そうすると、機構・権能の請負いに成功した中下流貴族は、その機構・権能を家業と位置づけ、それを世襲する家業の継承を行なうようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, he called back FUJIWARA no Kusuko to the Imperial Palace and ordered her to become Naishi no Tsukasa, and she was entrusted with the handling of day-to-day things in the palace; additionally, the Emperor restored an article of the incident FUJIWARA no Tanetsugu being killed from "Shoku Nihon GI (Continuation of Chronicles of Japan)." 例文帳に追加

その一方で藤原薬子を呼び戻して内侍司に任じて宮廷内部の事を一任し、『続日本紀』から削除した藤原種継暗殺事件の記述を復活させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Those who criticize this theory insist that it is not understandable why the Emperor's family had to think that it needed to give facilitations to the Fujiwara clan to the degree that the Emperor's family entrusted its own succession to the hand of the Fujiwara clan. 例文帳に追加

この説への批判者は、天皇家が自家の継承まで委ねるほど藤原氏に奉仕しなければならないと考えた動機が不明だとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After KONDO surrendered himself to the army of the new government, Toshizo, besides pleading for KONDO's life, entrusted Shinsen-gumi in the care of Hajime SAITO (Jiro YAMAGUCHI) and made them go to Aizu; Toshizo took only a few members including Kai SHIMADA and joined the army led by Keisuke OTORI and others, which was formed by men who escaped from the army of the former Shogunate. 例文帳に追加

近藤出頭後、助命嘆願のかたわら新選組を斎藤一(山口二郎)に託して会津へ向かわせ、島田魁ら数名の隊士のみを連れて大鳥圭介らが率いる旧幕府脱走軍と合流。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoritomo, while he entrusted Yoshitsune and his other brother, MINAMOTO no Noriyori to take control of the expeditionary forces, decided to settle down at his home base in Kamakura to concentrate on the administration of Togoku (the eastern part of Japan). 例文帳に追加

頼朝は、義経ともう一人の弟の源範頼に遠征軍の指揮を委ねるようになり、本拠地の鎌倉に腰を据え東国の経営に専念することになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, after the Battle of Ichinotani, when the imperial court celebrated Kojimoku (small-scale ceremony for appointing officials) in June 1184, three military commanders including Noriyori were entrusted as Kokushi (provincial governor) thanks to the recommendation of Yoritomo, but the name of Yoshitsune was not found there although he was willing to be appointed. 例文帳に追加

一ノ谷の合戦後の元暦元年(1184年)6月、朝廷の小除目が行われ、頼朝の推挙によって範頼ら源氏3人が国司に任ぜられたが、そこに任官を願っていた義経の名は無かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

January 4, 1859, he entrusted Masaharu IJICHI, Toshimichi OKUBO and Sadaka IJICHI with future affairs, and left Yamagawa port, then rode out to the Shichito-nada ocean area through Naze and arrived at the place of refuge called Atansaki, Tatsugo-mura, Amamioshima on January, 12. 例文帳に追加

安政6年(1859年)1月4日、伊地知正治・大久保利通・伊地知貞馨等に後事を託して山川港を出航し、七島灘を乗り切り、名瀬を経て、1月12日に潜居地の奄美大島龍郷村阿丹崎に着いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Emperor Uda followed the example of the preceding emperor and delegated all power to Mototsune, requesting that TACHIBANA no Hiromi, the Sadaiben (major controller of the left), write a draft and issue an Imperial Rescript declaring, "The decisions on all political matters shall be entrusted (kanpakusuru) to the Daijo daijin (Grand minister of state), and so be it." 例文帳に追加

宇多天皇は先帝の例に倣い大政を基経に委ねることとし、左大弁橘広相に起草させ「万機はすべて太政大臣に関白し、しかるのにち奏下すべし」との詔をする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His wife's older sister Anshi became the wife of Emperor Murakami and gave birth to Imperial Prince Emperor Reizei, Imperial Prince Tamehira, and Emperor Enyu, and entrusted Takaakira as the chugudaibu (The chief administrator of the Empress's household). 例文帳に追加

また、妻の姉の安子は村上天皇の中宮であり、東宮(皇太子)冷泉天皇、為平親王、円融天皇を産み、高明は安子に信任され中宮大夫を兼ねた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because Yoshiko won the favor of the emperor, her father Tamemitsu held equal weight in the court as compared to FUJIWARA no Yoshichika (the emperor's relative on its mother's side and Tamemitsu's younger brother-in-law & Tamemitsu's son-in-law), and Tanemitsu's influence is exemplified by his appointment to Naikyusho (the office entrusted by the emperor in exchange for some rewards). 例文帳に追加

忯子は天皇の寵愛を受け、父親である為光も内給所を任されるなど、外戚で為光の義弟・婿でもある藤原義懐と並んで重きをなした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Yoriyuki became Kanrei and was engaged in national politics, Yoriari was entrusted with domain management as Shugodai (deputy provincial governor) and fought with Kono clan, which sided with the Sourthern Court (Japan), while striving to vassalize local lords and samurai. 例文帳に追加

頼之が管領に就任して幕政に関わると守護代として領国経営を任され、国人の被官化などに務め、南朝(日本)方の河野氏と戦う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(Afterward, in her "Makura no Soshi" (the Pillow Book), Seishonagon made a fool of Korenaka's brother Taira no Narimasa who was entrusted to take care of Teishi, which suggested that she was angry towards Korenaka for abandoning the Nakanokanpaku family.) 例文帳に追加

(この後、定子の世話を任された弟の中宮大進平生昌が、清少納言に色々と物笑いの種にされているのが『枕草子』に記されているが、これには中関白家を見限った惟仲に対する清少納言の怒りも込められている。) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1890, in Maebashi in Gunma Prefecture, Joe collapsed while working to found Doshisha, and passed away while recuperating at the Mukade-ya, a Japanese-style inn in Oiso, Kanagawa Prefecture; he entrusted his ten-item will to Soho TOKUTOMI and Hiromichi KOZAKI. 例文帳に追加

明治23年(1890年)、同志社設立運動中に群馬県の前橋で倒れ、静養先の神奈川県大磯の旅館・百足屋で徳富蘇峰、小崎弘道らに10か条の遺言を託して死去する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Hayashi (or RIN) family provided the Director of the Bureau of Education from the time of Hoko HAYASHI (grandchild of Razan and the third generation of the family), and would later provide officials for the inherited post responsible for education in the bakufu (they were also entrusted with the management of the Suruga library). 例文帳に追加

なお、大学頭(だいがくのかみ)は、3代林鳳岡(羅山の孫)の時代からであり、以後林家は代々幕府の学問の責任者を担ってゆく(駿河文庫の管理を担う)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On advice from Nagamasu YOSHIOKA, a member of his staff, from September to December of the same year Sorin entrusted his soldiers to Teruhiro who was dependent on the Otomo clan and ordered him to land secretly in Suo Province with the help of the Otomo navy headed by Shigeoki WAKABAYASHI. 例文帳に追加

宗麟の参謀である吉岡長増の進言により、宗麟は寄食していた輝弘に兵を与え、同年8月から9月にかけて、若林鎮興らの大友水軍を付けて、密かに海上から周防国に上陸させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After her father, Yoshitomo, was killed in the Heiji War and Yoritomo and MINAMOTO no Mareyoshi, her brothers, were exiled, Bomon-hime was entrusted to Sanemoto GOTO and was brought up in the capital secretly. ("Heiji monogatari") 例文帳に追加

父義朝は平治の乱で討たれ、同母兄弟の頼朝・源希義が流罪となったのち、坊門姫は後藤実基に預けられ、都で密かに匿われて育てられた(『平治物語』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In April of that year, Masamitsu was appointed to Kurodo no to (head chamberlain), the second-tier position after Kugyo, and two year later, in 998, he was entrusted to be Okura-kyo (Minister of Treasury), as well. 例文帳に追加

この年の4月には正光は公卿に次いで重要な役職である蔵人頭に任じられ、さらに2年後の長徳4年(998年)には大蔵卿を兼ねた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1593 he as well as Munenaga YAMAGUCHI took charge of the land survey of the Bungo Province which was deprived of Yoshimune OTOMO as a punishment, and in the same year he opened Inaba Ginzan (silver mine) in Arai-mura Village, Gamo-gori, Kono no kori County, Inaba Province, and was entrusted with the management of the Ginzan by Hideyoshi. 例文帳に追加

文禄2年(1593年)には、大友義統が改易された、豊後国の検地を山口宗永と共に担当、また同年因幡国巨濃郡蒲生郷荒井村に因幡銀山を開き、秀吉から銀山経営を任されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Oshi was originally established as a fief of 100,000 koku given to Ieyasu's fourth son, Tadayoshi MATSUDAIRA; however, as Tadayoshi was still a child, the fief was entrusted to Ietada until Tadayoshi came of age. 例文帳に追加

本来忍は家康の四男・松平忠吉が10万石で与えられたものだが、忠吉はまだ幼少のため、彼が成人するまでは家忠が預ったものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, Hiroaki entrusted monks on pilgrimages throughout the country and guests who came and went as well as personally traveling to not only Kyoto but also as far as the Kinai, Togoku, and Hokuriku regions to finally obtain the five volumes of the missing portion. 例文帳に追加

このため弘詮は諸国を巡礼する僧徒、または往還の賓客に託して、京はもちろん畿内・東国・北陸に至まで尋ねまわり、ようやくにして欠落分の内5帖を手に入れる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For those who served the Otomo clan which had lost a lot of powerful vassals in the Battle of Mimi-kawa and was in rapid decline, it should have deserved exceptional promotion to be entrusted to defend the border. 例文帳に追加

耳川の戦いにより有力な臣下を多数失い、急速に衰退しつつある大友氏にあって、国境線の守りを任されると言うことは充分に抜擢であったのであろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Before the battle, Hideyori had a shoryo of 2.2 million goku (approx. 330,000 tons), but he was robbed of the shoryo that was entrusted to the daimyo, and his shoryo decreased to amounts from Settsu, Kawachi and Izumi Provinces, 650 thousand koku (approx. 97,500 tons) in total. 例文帳に追加

秀頼は戦前は日本全国に220万石あった所領の内、大名への預け地となっていた分をとられて摂津国・河内国・和泉国65万石まで減らされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Witnessing the decline of the Ouchi and the Amago clan in Aki Province, he began to re-evaluate his position as a minor lord who was entrusted with watching out for more powerful daimyo. 例文帳に追加

しかし大内・尼子氏の安芸国内における影響力の低下を受けて、常に大大名の顔色を窺う小領主の立場から脱却を考えるようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While Takatsune was taking the reins of government, he couldn't bear to watch the slow moving construction of Gojo-bashi Bridge, which was entrusted to Doyo SASAKI, and Takatsune did it himself. 例文帳に追加

高経が政権を掌握していた時期、佐々木道誉に任せた五条橋の架橋工事が遅々として進まないのを見かね、高経が全て終わらせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While working as a guard for Innomiya (Imperial Prince Asahiko), he knew patriots from various provinces and came to be entrusted by senior vassals, such as Tatewaki KOMATSU, a chief retainer (karo). 例文帳に追加

尹宮(朝彦親王)附きの守衛列藩を務めるなど諸国の志士たちと交際し、家老・小松帯刀ら藩の重臣から重用されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hisanao was a grandson (or a son) of MINAMOTO no Mitsusue of Saga Genji who was transferred to Hizen Province as a shokan (officer entrusted with local management by the lord of the private estate) of the Kanzaki Manor of Tobain-ryo Estates (Hizen Province), a private estate of the Imperial Family. 例文帳に追加

肥前国の天皇家直轄荘園の神埼荘(鳥羽院領神埼荘)に荘官として下向した嵯峨源氏の源満末の孫(あるいは子)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 836, when King Heungdeok died, a race for successor among the royal family members occurred in Kyongju (Gyeongju City), the capital of Silla; King Sinmu who lost entrusted himself with Bogo JANG. 例文帳に追加

836年に興徳王が死去すると、新羅の都・金城(慶州市)では王族間の後継争いが起こり、一旦は敗れた神武王が張保皐のもとに身を寄せてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At this point, Nobunaga planned to have local ruling family including the Ikeda clan as his retainers to stabilize his ruling in Settsu Province and he entrusted ruling of Settu Province to Katsumasa, Chikaoki ITAMI and Koremasa WADA, then those three were called 'three military governors of Settsu Province.' 例文帳に追加

信長はこのとき、摂津国の有力豪族である池田氏などを臣下に置いて摂津国支配の安定を図ろうと考え、勝正、伊丹親興、和田惟政の3名に摂津支配を任せたため、勝正らは「摂津の三守護」と称された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Setaka, there was a shoen (a manor in medieval Japan) of the TOKUDAIJI family, a branch of SANJO Family (the Hose of Fujiwara North, Kan'in Line), and Yasumune was in charge of managing the shoen as a shokan (an officer entrusted with local management by the lord of the private estate). 例文帳に追加

瀬高には、藤原氏藤原北家閑院流の三条家から分かれた徳大寺家の荘園があり、宇都宮泰宗は荘官としてその管理とも関わっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Keichu was a prolific writer, whose works included "Manyo Daishoki" (Commentary on Manyoshu [Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves]), which was entrusted to Keichu by Mitsukuni TOKUGAWA, "Kogan-sho" (Commentary on Verses in Kojiki [A Record of Ancient Matters] and Nihonshoki [Chronicles of Japan]), "Kokin Yozai-sho" (Commentary on Kokin Wakashu [Collection of Ancient and Modern poems]), "Seigo Okudan" (Conjectures on Ise Monogatari [The Tales of Ise]), "Genchu Shui" (Addenda to Commentary on the Tale of Genji), "Hyakunin Isshu Kaikan-sho" (Rectified Commentary on One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets), and "Waji Shoran-sho" (Corrections to Errors in Japanese Characters). 例文帳に追加

著書は、徳川光圀から委嘱を受けた『万葉代匠記』をはじめ、『厚顔抄』、『古今余材抄』、『勢語臆断』、『源註拾遺』、『百人一首改観抄』、『和字正濫抄』など数多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In October, 1142, Yoshiyasu donated the Ashikaga manor to the Anrakuju-in Temple built by Emperor Toba, which became Honjo (the administrative headquarter) of the Ashikaga manor, and then became Shokan shiki (officer entrusted with local management by the lord of the private estate). 例文帳に追加

康治元年(1142年)10月、鳥羽天皇が建立した安楽寿院に足利庄を寄進、足利庄の本所となり、義康は荘官職となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On this occasion, Shigetsugu who was entrusted to take care of Omandokoro treated her crudely, and by stacking up firewood around her building, he threatened to burn her to death if something had happened to Ieyasu in Kyoto. 例文帳に追加

その際、大政所の世話役を任された重次は、大政所を粗略に扱い、大政所のいる建物の周辺に薪を大量に積みあげ、もし上方で家康の身に変事があればただちに大政所を焼き殺す姿勢を見せた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the lord of domain implored him to take moderate approach but he did not listen to the lord's pleading, saying that he accepted the charge under the words that 'once having entrusted, nobody would interfere in the affaire afterwards,' and he brushed off the chief retainer in service 例文帳に追加

藩主の懇望を受けたが辞して承諾せず、「一度任せたからには、後から口出しをしない」という約束の下に、これまでの家老をやめさせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A fierce clash ensued over the acceptance of Buddhism between the minister of the pro-Buddhist faction SOGA no Umako, and MONONOBE no Moriya of Muraji who belonged to the anti-Buddhist faction, as well as KATSUMI no Nakatomi who belonged to the clan that was entrusted with the oversight of rituals of the Shinto gods. 例文帳に追加

仏教の受容を巡って、崇仏派の大臣の蘇我馬子と排仏派の連の物部守屋、神祇を司る氏族の中臣勝海は激しく対立していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Entrusted with a letter (with the sovereign's message) composed by Nobuyoshi SAWA (the Minister of the Foreign Affairs in Japan) and addressed to the Minister of Rites (in Joseon), he left Tokyo for Joseon via Tsushima, together with Shigeru MORI (as a Gaimu-shosakan officer) and Hironobu HIROTSU. 例文帳に追加

彼は澤宣嘉(外務大臣(日本))による(朝鮮側)礼曹判書宛の書契(国書)を携えて森山茂(外務少録)・広津弘信らとともに東京を出発、対馬を経由して朝鮮に赴いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In short, the delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs including Yoshioka entrusted a copy of the letter by the name of the Gaimu-taijo So with officials of the Joseon government in April 1872 and no further progress was made in diplomatic negotiations with Joseon. 例文帳に追加

結局のところ、吉岡ら外務省使節団による国交交渉は、1872年4月、朝鮮政府の役人に宗外務大丞名義の文書の写しを預けた以上には進展しなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As at Amino Station, the management of the station and ticket-related work are entrusted to officers at the local Amino-cho Tourist Association, making it a station whose simple station jobs are outsourced as at the adjacent Tango-Kanno Station. 例文帳に追加

網野駅と同様に地元の網野町観光協会の係員に、駅の管理と出改札業務を委託されているが、隣の丹後神野駅と同様、鉄道駅簡易委託駅となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later, in 1971, Nihon Kyuko Bus became totally funded by Meitetsu, whereupon its operation was entrusted to Nagoya Kanko Jidosha (the Nagoya sightseeing car company) in 1979, and the announcement of buses was discontinued. 例文帳に追加

その後、1971年に日本急行バスが名鉄資本に一本化され、さらに1979年には運行が名鉄傘下の名古屋観光自動車に委託されたことから案内は取りやめられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Official ones are those performed by religious organizations like shrines, and include exorcism for specific things, ground-breaking ceremonies, and exorcism, and praying for traffic safety are often entrusted and performed by shrines. 例文帳に追加

プロフェッショナルなものには神社などの宗教法人によってなされるものがあり、特定の事物に対する祓、地鎮祭や交通機関の安全を願うお祓いなどは神社などに委託されて行われることが多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is described that, to Ogurahime, a daughter of Amakunitama, she entrusted a document entitled the Kumokushi-fumi, containing the inner mysteries of waka songs, as well as honoring her with her own name of Shitateruhime. 例文帳に追加

他界するとき、アマクニタマ(天津国玉)の娘のオグラヒメ(小倉姫)に、和歌の奥義を記したクモクシ(雲奇)文を授けて、下照姫を襲名させたとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


But thereafter, the feud between Takauji's younger brother Tadayoshi ASHIKAGA, whom Takauji had entrusted with the running of the government, and the Ashikaga family steward, Ko no Moronao, spilled out into the open, and during the Kanno era, the shogunate experienced an internal struggle known as the Kanno Disturbance. 例文帳に追加

しかしその後、尊氏が政務を任せていた弟の足利直義と足利家の執事の高師直が対立が表面化し、観応年間には観応の擾乱とよばれる幕府の内紛が起こる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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