
「hon」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(6ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










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After Takashi HARA was assassinated, Korekiyo TAKAHASHI was hastily invited to be the new president, for which the party split into two factions; one supporting Takahashi led by Sennosuke YOKOTA, and the other which opposed led by Takejiro TOKONAMI that separated from the party and organized the Seiyu-hon Party. 例文帳に追加

原敬の暗殺後、急遽新総裁に迎えられた高橋是清を支持する横田千之助と、それに反対する床次竹二郎の2派に分裂、床次らは分離して政友本党を結成する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The splitting problem of this occasion may be regarded as the second splitting problem to distinguish it from the one caused by a conflict between Sennosuke YOKOTA and Takejiro TOKONAMI (establishment of the Seiyu-hon Party) at the end of Taisho period which is regarded as the first splitting problem. 例文帳に追加

なお、この時の分裂問題を大正末期の横田千之助と床次竹二郎の争いによる分裂(政友本党結党)を第1次として、これと区別するために第2次分裂問題と規定する場合がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shoko-ji Temple, which became the Imperial Palace, is considered to mean Kosho-ji Temple which was at Ishimaru (Ishimaru, Takaoka City) next to Hojozu-jo Castle and has now moved to Hon-machi, Imizu City. 例文帳に追加

御所となった正光寺は、放生津城に隣接する石丸(高岡市石丸)にあった光正寺(現在は射水市本町へ移転)を指すと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Families chosen as the juninshu were the followings: Miyabe, Nishimura, Shimomura, Tanabe in Hon-cho, Ando in Gofuku-machi, Higuchi, Oyori, Kawasaki in Ote-machi, Imamura in Uoya-cho (魚屋), and Yoshikawa in Funa-machi (). 例文帳に追加

十人衆に選ばれたのは、本町の宮部・西村・下村・田辺、呉服町の安藤、大手町の樋口・大依・川崎、魚屋町の今村、舟町の吉川家だった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The height of a nageshi is sometimes determined by the horizontal size of the pillars and a nageshi whose height is 80% to 90% of the pillar size is called a hon-nageshi, and a nageshi whose height is 60% to 70% of the pillar size is called a han-nageshi. 例文帳に追加

長押のせいの大きさは柱寸法を基準として決められることがあり、その8~9割のせいを持つものを本長押、6~7割のものを半長押等という。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When temperature of a fixing unit 10 is less than a predetermined temperature, a CPU 35 changes turning on and off of electricity to a heater at every zero cross point by switching an HON signal at an ON state or an OFF state according to three conditions.例文帳に追加

定着ユニット10の温度が予め定める温度未満である場合、CPU35は、3つの条件に従ってHON信号をONまたはOFFに切り換えて、ゼロクロス点ごとにヒータへの通電のオン、オフを変化させる。 - 特許庁

For example, 8 of the top 10 exporting companies in China are accounted for by Taiwanese companies such as Hon Hai Precision Industry (Foxconn), and in the food industry, Taiwanese companies have won a large share of the Chinese market, such as Tingyi, Uni-President, etc. (Figure 3-3-3-9).例文帳に追加

例えば、中国の輸出企業の上位10 社中の8 社は、鴻海(Foxconn)など台湾企業が占めており、食品産業でも康師博、統一などの台湾企業が中国市場で高いシェアを獲得している(第3-3-3-9 図)。 - 経済産業省

The basic routine of religious service for self awareness (Nichiren Shoshu Sect) is to read and learn Hoben-bon of Myoho Renge-kyo Sutra (Skillfulness, chapter 2 of the Lotus Sutra), Nyoraijuryo-hon (Duration of the Life of the Tathagata, chapter 16 of the Lotus Sutra) (in chogo (prose) style, also known as Jigage), intone the Nichiren chant (to chant 'Namu Myohorenge-kyo') and they are proceeded with the ancient custom of 5 morning services and 3 evening services. 例文帳に追加

自行としての日常の勤行(日蓮正宗)は、妙法蓮華経方便品・如来寿量品(長行、自我偈)の読誦、唱題(「南無妙法蓮華経」の題目を唱えること)を基本構成とし、古来からの朝五座・夕三座の格式を守って行われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, adopting the idea of 'Shu-hon Ittai' (which means the sect and head temple are undivided and united), the reformist group legally dissolved the religious corporation 'Honganji' (meaning Higashi Hongan-ji Temple), which had maintained an intricate relationship with the religious corporation 'Shinshu Otani ha' (the Shinshu sect Otani school), in order to merge the two bodies on December 14, 1987. 例文帳に追加

さらに、宗派と本山は不離一体のものであるという「宗本一体」の理念を掲げ、1987年(昭和62年)12月14日、それまで、宗教法人「真宗大谷派」と包括関係にあった宗教法人「本願寺(東)」を法的に解散し、宗教法人「真宗大谷派」に吸収合併させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1950 when Nichijo ADACHI was the chief abbot, Yoho-ji temple and 50 of its branch temples became independent from Nichiren Sect (some of the branch temples remained in Nichiren Sect and became members of Shimane Sonmonkai (島根) of Koto Hoenkai () and since then, they have been officially calling themselves Nichiren Hon Sect up to the present time. 例文帳に追加

1950年(昭和25年)足立日城貫首代に要法寺(京都府)と末寺50ヶ寺は日蓮宗から独立し(末寺の一部は日蓮宗に残存し興統法縁会島根尊門会の一員となる)、日蓮本宗と公称して現在に至る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For example, Komon school, which preached goju sotai (five successive levels of comparison set forth by Nichiren) and montei hichin (literally, "hidden in the depths of the text"), combined the term "gohyaku jin-tengo" with the words," I have followed Bodhisattva's Path and attained a life which has not ended yet," also from Juryo-hon, and treated the same as referring to the time of "yushiyushu" (literally, "every beginning has an end") as realized by Buddha. 例文帳に追加

五重相対や文底秘沈を説く興門派などは、この五百塵点劫と、同じく寿量品の「我れ本の菩薩道を行じて成せし所の寿命は、今も猶(なお)未だ尽きず」を組み合わせて、釈迦が覚った有始有終の時を示す経文と捉えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nichiren said in "Kaimokusho" (Liberation from Blindness) that 'the doctrine of Ichinen sanzen sunk under the words of Hokekyo Honmon Juryo Hon, and even though Ryuju and Tenjin knew about it, they couldn't reach the doctrine, and only the men who earned enlightenment in my Tendai can get a hold of it.' 例文帳に追加

日蓮は『開目抄』で「一念三千の法門は但法華経の本門・寿量品の文の底にしづ(沈)めたり、竜樹・天親・知ってしかも・いまだ・ひろ(拾)い・いだ(出)さず但我が天台智者のみこれをいだ(懐)けり」と述べている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

High-quality machine-made torinoko, with a touch is close to that of handmade torinoko, since the fibers are tangled with one another sufficiently by making the shoshi-ki machine run at a very slow rate in order to create a handmade feel, is often more favored for use than the handmade hon-torinoko because of its homogeneity of fibers in the paper. 例文帳に追加

上質なものは、手漉きの風合いをつくりだすために、抄紙機を非常に緩慢な速度で動かし、繊維の絡みを十分に行うように漉くため、紙の肌合いが手漉きに近いものができ、その紙質の繊維の均質さから、用途によっては手漉きの本鳥の子よりも好まれることも多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(Fushikaden is a discussion on Noh, Cha no hon is a discussion on the tea ceremony however, neither is a treatise as such. For example, on occasions when people have thought about introducing Fushikaden in foreign languages, it has been felt that giving the book a title of 'Treatise on Noh drama' would be unnatural and, not appropriate for it to be called a treatise on the arts.) 例文帳に追加

(風姿花伝は能楽論であり茶の本は茶道論であるが、共に芸道論ではない。仮に風姿花伝を外国語訳で紹介することを考えた場合、題名を能楽論とすることは不自然ではないが芸道論とするのは適切ではない。) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At night on every October 19 (the day before Ebisu ko [a fete in honor of Ebisu for the purpose of asking for good fortune]), "Bettara Market" is held to sell bettarazuke mainly in the Takarada-jinja Shrine in Tokyo (Nihonbashi Hon-cho, Chuo Ward, Tokyo), and on streets around Nihonbashi Bridge (Chuo Ward, Tokyo), Nihonbashi Odenma-cho, Nihonbashi Horidome-cho and Nihonbashi Ningyo-cho. 例文帳に追加

毎年10月19日の夜(えびす講の前夜)には、東京都の宝田神社(中央区(東京都)日本橋本町)を中心とした日本橋(東京都中央区)、日本橋大伝馬町、日本橋堀留町、日本橋人形町近辺の通りで「べったら市」が開かれ、べったら漬が売り出される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, enslavement due to human trafficking was widely spread in rural areas since management of agricultural village society was unstable at that time and peasant folk who were not able to manage farms and hon-byakusho (peasants) who were annoyed with lack of labor shared a mutual interest. 例文帳に追加

だが、当時の農村社会の経営は不安定であり、農業経営の出来なくなった小農民と労働力不足に悩まされる本百姓層の利害の一致によりこうした人身売買による隷属化が農村部において横行した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His theory, as endorsed by Hokekyo (Lotus Sutra), which supports Kuon jitsujo--a view that Buddha had been in nirvana long before he was born into this world--further influenced Zhiyi of the Chinese Tendai Sect, thus providing a basis for the development of Hokekyo's educational interpretations and the division of its scripture into "Jaku-mon" (the first half) and "Hon-mon" (the second half). 例文帳に追加

僧肇の説は、法華経が久遠実成(釈迦仏は現世で悟ったのではなく久遠の昔に悟っていた)と説くことから、さらに中国天台宗の智顗に影響を与え、法華経の前半部を“迹門”、後半部を“本門”として、教学的解釈が発展した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Between Japan and the Ming dynasty, Nichiji Kango or Nichijigo Kango (a tally or a trading license with the Japanese letter of nichi []) and Honji Kango (a tally or a trading license with the Japanese letter of hon []) were used; to trade, a Honji Kango (of which there were one hundred copies: Honji Nos.1 to 100) was brought by the Japanese envoy ship to the seaport in Ming (Ningbo), and compared with the Honji Kango teibo that the Ming dynasty possessed. 例文帳に追加

日明間では、日字勘合(日字号勘合)と本字勘合があり、本字勘合(百道:本字一号~百号)を日本の遣明船が明の港(寧波)に持参し、明の所有する本字勘合底簿と照合する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Excavation of the Ote michi-road connecting the southern foot of Mt. Azuchi and Honmaru (the keep of a castle), the resident attributed to Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI and that attributed to Toshiie MAEDA, both of which were adjacent to pathway, as well as the Hon-maru Palace modeled after Seiryo-den (an imperial summer palace) in the Imperial Palace which were constructed for the Imperial visit, is disclosing the castle's appearance in those days. 例文帳に追加

南山麓から本丸へ続く大手道、通路に接して築造された伝豊臣秀吉邸や伝前田利家邸、天皇行幸を目的に建設したとみられる内裏の清涼殿を模った本丸御殿などの当時の状況が明らかとなりつつある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, when it comes to the first builder, it is absolutely unknown, and rather if we were to guess, it could be someone related to Kadokawa Ito clan who occupied Agata no sho, however it is also necessary to consider the relationship with the 'Furushiro' (Old Castle), 'Nakano-jo Castle' or 'Naka no shiro Castle' mentioned later, as well as that this area was called 'Hon-mura' (main village) until recently. 例文帳に追加

しかし、最初の築城者となるとまったく不明であり、あえて推定するならば、縣荘を支配していた、門川伊東氏関連かと思われるが、後述の「古城」や「中野城」あるいは「中城」との関係や、この地域を最近まで「本村」と呼んでいたことも考慮して考える必要がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

We expect the high-level commission chaired by former Mexican president Hon. Zedillo, in addressing such issues, to have discussions from a broad perspective, considering the future of the Bank, and to provide insightful suggestions, based on the Bank’s mandate as a development institution. 例文帳に追加

セディージョ元メキシコ大統領が議長を務めるハイレベル委員会に対しては、この課題に当たって、世銀の開発機関としてのマンデートを基本に据えつつ、世界銀行の将来を見据えた大所高所から議論を行い、示唆に富むインプットを行うことを期待しております。 - 財務省

A distribution business company 2 is provided with a music database 23a which stores music data and a personal database 23b which stores personal data each including identification data SD, a flag HON indicating existence of automatic distribution, flags HN and FIL for selecting distribution contents, etc., by users.例文帳に追加

音楽データを記憶する音楽データベース23aと、識別データSDおよび自動配信の有無を表すフラグHON、配信内容を選定するフラグHN,FIL等を備える個人データを各ユーザ毎に記憶する個人データベース23bとを配信事業者2に設ける。 - 特許庁

He insisted that 'the compassion and relief of the real Buddha Shakyamuni in Honmonjuryo-hon in Hokke-kyo Sutra' was the reason why the teaching of Nichiren, the founder of sect, (Daimokushu) was superior than other creeds, which was argued in the important dialogue of Nichiin, the master of his master (Nichijo) between the priest of the Tendai sect at the Palace of Kamakura bakufu (source: 'Kamakura denchu mondo'). 例文帳に追加

師(日静)の師にあたる日印が鎌倉幕府殿中にて大ヤマであったとされる天台僧との問答で論破した(出典、「鎌倉殿中問答」)点である「法華経本門寿量品の本仏釈迦如来の慈悲救済」こそ宗祖日蓮の教え(題目宗)が他の教義よりも勝っている箇所であるとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Amabe-shi Keizu are genealogical documents passed down by the Amabe family, a shake (family of Shinto priests serving a shrine on a hereditary basis) of Kono-jinja Shrine located in Miyazu City, Kyoto Prefecture, which comprises one book of "Kono-myojin-yashiro Hafuribe-uji Keizu" (Family Tree of the Family Serving for Kono-jinja Shrine, hereinafter referred to as 'Hon-keizu)' (main family tree)) and one book of "Kono-myojin-gu Hafuribe Tanba Kuninomiyatsuko Amabe Jikito-uji no Hongi" (Records of the Amabe family, an ancient local ruling family in Tanba Province, Serving for Kono-jinja Shrine, hereinafter referred to as 'Kanchu-keizu' (genealogical records based on surveys)). 例文帳に追加

海部氏系図(あまべしけいず)は、京都府宮津市に鎮座する籠神社の社家、海部氏に伝わる系図で、『籠名神社祝部氏係図』1巻(以後「本系図」と称す)と『籠名神宮祝部丹波国造海部直等氏之本記』1巻(以後「勘注系図」と称す)とからなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for when the Hon-keizu was drawn up, it is speculated that from the words 'Jushiinoge Kono-myojin' (Kono-jinja Shrine, Junior Forth Rank, Lower Grade) of the central phrase, it was drawn up between July 3, 871 and January 24, 878, when Kono-jinja Shrine was ranked as Junior Forth Rank, Lower Grade (Reference: "Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku" (sixth of the six classical Japanese history texts)), supported by a footnote in the 'Kanchu-keizu' (see below) that says it was drawn up during the Jogan era (859 to 877). 例文帳に追加

また成立年代については、標記中に「従四位下籠名神」とあることから、籠神社が「従四位下」であった期間、すなわち貞観(日本)13年(871年)6月8日(旧暦)を上限とし、元慶元年(877年)12月14日(旧暦)を下限とするが(『日本三代実録』)、下述「勘注系図」の注記にも貞観年中(859~77年)の成立とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Hon. and Rev. Mr. Herbert, a most trustworthy authority, not only asserts as the result of his own observations and experiments that many hybrids are quite as fertile as the parent species, but he goes so far as to assert that the particular plant 'Crinum capense' is much more fertile when crossed by a distinct species than when fertilised by its proper pollen! 例文帳に追加

もっとも信頼できる権威であるハーバート氏は、自分の観察と実験の結果として、多くの雑種がその親の種と同じくらい繁殖力があるばかりか、 Crinum capense【1】という特定の植物では、異なった種と交配したほうが、その種固有の花粉で受粉したときより繁殖力があると断言しています。 - Thomas H. Huxley『ダーウィン仮説』

27 temples in Koyasan - (in Koya-cho, Wakayama Prefecture), Hoki-in Temple, Yochi-in Temple, Tentoku-in Temple (in Koya-cho), Shochi-in Temple, Saizen-in Temple, Myoo-in Temple (in Koyasan), Ryuko-in Temple (in Koya-cho), Shinno-in Temple, Soji-in Temple, Nishimuro-in Temple, Nan-in Temple, Kongosanmai-in Temple, Ryusei-in Temple, Kodai-in Temple, Fukuchi-in Temple (in Koya-cho), Hongaku-in Temple (in Koya-cho), Hon no-in Temple, Fumon-in Temple (in Koya-cho), Ichijo-in Temple (in Koya-cho), Fugen-in Temple, Saimon-in Temple, Daien-in Temple, Jimyo-in Temple (in Koya-cho), Tamon-in Temple (in Koya-cho), Sanbo-in Temple (in Koya-cho), Henjoko-in Temple, Shojoshin-in Temple, Entsuritsu-ji Temple 例文帳に追加

高野山内27寺-(和歌山県高野町)(宝亀院、桜池院、天徳院(高野町)、正智院、西禅院、明王院(高野山)、龍光院(高野町)、親王院、総持院、西室院、南院、金剛三昧院、龍泉院、光台院、福智院(高野町)、本覚院(高野町)、本王院、普門院(高野町)、一乗院(高野町)、普賢院、西門院、大円院、持明院(高野町)、多聞院(高野町)、三宝院(高野町)、遍照光院、清浄心院、円通律寺 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One consideration regarding the "model providing pseudo regular software" is, where a person offering such program modifies a trial version into a pseudo regular version by oneself, whether this act will constitute an infringement of the rights of adaptation ("hon-an ken" in Japanese) (Article 27 of the Copyright Law). On this issue, it may appear reasonable to argue that such act is not an infringement of the rights of adaptation because the fundamental function of the software is, aside from the processing routine discriminating the trial version, not modified at all, and therefore the modification to software takes on no creativity. On the other hand, however, one can also reasonably argue that such model infringes the rights of adaptation, considering the changes made to the creative portion of the work when the trial version is compared with the regular version. 例文帳に追加

まず、疑似完全版提供型のうち、提供者自らが制限版を疑似完全版に改変している場合、翻案権(著作権法第27条)を侵害しないかが問題となる。この点については、一部が改変されているとはいえ、ソフトウェアとして本来的に予定されている部分には何ら改変がなされていないうえ、改変部分は制限版か否かを判定している処理部分を無効にしているだけであり、何ら創作的な改変はなされておらず翻案権侵害を構成しないとも考えられるが、他方で、いわばソフトウェア全体を制限版から完全版へ改変するものであるから、創作性に変更がないとはいえないとして、翻案権侵害を構成するとも考えられる 。 - 経済産業省


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