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religious priestの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 112


Thereafter, after finishing the morning religious service, even if it was wet or blustery, Genkyo, wearing a priest's robe and carrying a soiled Zudabukuro (a bag for carrying such items as a text of a sutra or tableware, and which is hung from the neck when a priest travels) ran handing out the temple's ofuda (paper charms) in the streets every day. 例文帳に追加

以降、毎日、雨が降っても風が吹いても、一日も欠かすことなく、朝の勤行が終わると托鉢に出て、法衣を着て、汚れた頭陀袋を振り分けて担いだ姿で、市中を寺のお札を配りながら走り回った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Koso (a founder) was the Tendai Daishi Chigi (538 - 597) from the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties to the Sui Dynasty (China), and the founder of a religious sect was the Chisho Daishi Enchin (child of the niece of Kukai Kobo Daishi (a posthumous title of the priest Kukai)) (814 - 891), who had the title of fifth Tendai-zasu (head priest of the Tendai sect) during the Heian period. 例文帳に追加

高祖は南北朝時代(中国)から隋の時代の天台大師智顗(538年~597年)、宗祖は平安時代の第5代天台座主の智証大師円珍(814年~891年)(弘法大師空海の姪の子)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 826 he was appointed to Gon no Risshi (generally in Shingon sect, fifteenth-ranking Buddhist priest, literally, "supernumerary master of discipline") and to Risshi (the third rank of priest following Sojo and Sozu) in 827, the next year, after he lectured in the court on the doctrine of the sect at the Buddhist religious service of the memorial ceremony for the completion of Yakushi Nyorai-zo (statue of Yakushi Nyorai, the Healing Buddha). 例文帳に追加

826年(天長3年)権律師に任じられ、翌827年(天長4年)には宮中薬師如来像慶讃の法座で宗義を講じ律師に任じられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, similarly, Ieyasu thought that the Nichiren sect, which had strong influence over townspeople, was dangerous for the following reasons: In holding Senso-kuyo (a religious ritual where 1,000 priest were invited) at the Daibutsu-den hall of Hoko-ji Temple, ordered by Hideyoshi, the Nichiren-sect was divided into the Jufuseha group, which admitted receiving offerings from other religious sects, and Fu-jufuseha group led by Sogi, which did not admit receiving offerings from other religious sects; In this situation, Ieyasu decided that the latter group did not follow orders of the bakufu and had also the feeling that the Nichiren set was rather aggressive to other religious sects. 例文帳に追加

また、同様に町衆に対し強い影響力を有する日蓮宗に対しても、秀吉が命じた方広寺大仏殿の千僧供養時に他宗の布施を受ける事を容認した日蓮宗受布施派と、禁じた宗義に従った日蓮宗不受不施派の内、後者を家康は公儀に従わぬ者として日蓮宗が他宗への攻撃色が強い事も合わせて危険視した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, since 'kimi' generally means female priest (Noro) who administers religious rites in Ryukyu, and 'tezuri' means rubbing one's hands at the time of prayer, Kimitezuri is interpreted as a name of a religious ceremony, not as the name of a god in a different theory. 例文帳に追加

しかし、一般に「君」は琉球の祭祀をつかさどる祝女(ノロ)を意味し、「手摩」は祈祷の際に手をすり合わせることを意味すること、また君手摩を行事として記載する別の史料もあることから、君手摩は神名ではなく、宗教儀式名であると解釈する説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In general, the term Tanritsu is understood as 'a religious corporation that is set up independently,' however, one theory holds that they linked one temple to 'Tan,' the space that every priest has in a meditation hall at a temple, to create the term Tanritsu to express a condition in which one is independent from a religious school. 例文帳に追加

一般に「単独で設立された宗教法人」の意味と理解されているが、一説に寺院の僧堂内にある各僧侶1人1人のスペースを「単」といい、そこから1寺院を単になぞらえ、宗派という集団から独立した状態を指すようになったともいう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

By this incident, Hongan-ji Temple, which had the biggest religious influence at the time, was split into West (current Jodo Shinshu Hongan-ji School, Shinshu Kosho School, etc.) with Junnyo (1577-1630), Kennyo's third son, as the 12th head-priest, and East (current Shinshu Otani School, etc.) with Kyonyo, the oldest son, as the 12th head-priest. 例文帳に追加

これにより、当時最大の宗教勢力であった本願寺は、顕如の三男准如(1577年-1630年)を12世宗主とする西(現在の浄土真宗本願寺派、真宗興正派など)と、長男教如を12世宗主とする東(現在の真宗大谷派など)とに分裂することになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the eleventh month, the plague ended and an abundant harvest ensued when Taneko OTA (believed to be a child or descendant of Omononushi) was appointed as the priest to perform religious rituals for Omononushi (at present-day Omiwa Shrine, which worships Mt. Miwa as its sacred deity) and Ichishi no Nagaochi as the priest for a Shinto god named Yamato no Okunitama no Kami. 例文帳に追加

11月、大田田根子(大物主神の子とも子孫ともいう)を大物主神を祭る神主とし(これは現在の大神神社に相当し、三輪山を御神体としている)、市磯長尾市(いちしのながおち)を倭大国魂神を祭る神主としたところ、疫病は終息し、五穀豊穣となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For example, in Okinawa, where Shinto is said to remain in its original form, women were called 'kaminchu' (men were called uminchu) and no men were admitted in the place where Shinto priest (such as Noro) would perform religious services, as opposed to nyonin kinsei. 例文帳に追加

一例として神道の祖形を留めているといわれる沖縄では女性は「神人(かみんちゅ)」と呼ばれ(男性は「海人(うみんちゅ)」、ノロなどの神職が祭祀を行う場では女人禁制とは逆の男子禁制が敷かれていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While Sessai had religious influence as a chief priest of Sunpu Rinzai-ji Temple (Shizuoka City), he was also called 'administrative ruler' or 'general' of the Imagawa clan and supported Yoshimoto with impressive ability in politics, military affairs and foreign policy. 例文帳に追加

雪斎は駿府臨済寺(静岡市)の住持として宗教的な影響力を持ちながら、今川氏の「執政」・「軍師」とも呼ばれ、政治・軍事・外交に秀でた手腕で義元を補佐した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1531, a conflict within the Hongan-ji religious group occurred (it is called the Kyoroku-Tenbun War (Kyoroku-Tenbun Rebellion) including the later incidents until when Yamashina Hongan-ji Temple was burned down), but Syonyo resolved this conflict and made efforts to strengthen the leadership of Hoshu (high priest). 例文帳に追加

1531年には本願寺教団内部で対立(後の山科本願寺焼討事件まで含めて享禄・天文の乱と呼ぶ)が起こるが、証如はこれを抑えて法主の指導力強化に努めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although he came from a fisherman's family in Etchu Province, he entered a religious order of Ji Sect after realizing the retribution over killing animals, and devoted himself to social work as a kanjin-hijiri (priest who collects donated money for social work). 例文帳に追加

越中国の漁師の家に生まれたが、殺生の報いを悟って時宗の教団に入り、勧進聖として当時の社会事業に尽くした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1876, as the Shoretsu School of Nichiren Sect was dissolved into each school, Nissonmon School organized an integrated religious order together with other head temples and their branch temples of Fujimon School, nominated its own superintendent priest and officially named itself the Komon School of Nichiren Sect (Komon School). 例文帳に追加

1876年(明治9年)日蓮宗勝劣派は門流ごとに解体、日尊門流は富士門流の他の本山末寺とともに統一教団を結成、管長を設置し、日蓮宗興門派(興門派)と公称する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He changed his Homyo (a name given to a person who enters the Buddhist priesthood) from 'Nokan,' which he used soon after he became a priest at Ninna-ji Temple, to Jogyo (also referred as Teigyo) after practicing asceticism further, keeping himself away from the world of everyday affairs by climbing Mt. Koya to confine himself for religious training. 例文帳に追加

仁和寺に入って法名を「能寛」と名乗り、更に修行を重ねた後、法名を貞暁と改め、高野山に登ってより一層俗界から遠ざかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under such circumstances, the religious order tried to survive by organizing an underground organization consisting of hocchu (Buddhist priest), horyu (, believers of fujufuse) and naishin (, believers who ostensibly pretended to believe in other sects or schools). 例文帳に追加

このような状況において教団は、法中(僧侶)-法立(不受不施信者)-内信(外見上他宗他派を装う信者)という地下組織化の道をとり、教団の存続を図った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After he first received religious precepts as a priest and learnt Tendai doctrine at Mt. Shosha, he studied the same at Sennyu-ji Temple, too and went to Hakata to visit the Sung dynasty in China in 1257, but he met Goku Kyonen and was inspired by him, and he converted to the Rinzai Sect. 例文帳に追加

初め書写山で出家受戒して天台教学を学び、泉涌寺でも学び、中国の宋(王朝)へ渡ろうと1257年(正嘉元年)博多へ下ったが、悟空敬念にあい心服して臨済宗に改宗した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He took Rennyo, who later became the eighth chief priest of Hongan-ji Temple, as his disciple, as a result of a connection on his mother's side, maintaining a good relationship with him throughout his life as master and disciple, even though they belonged to different religious schools. 例文帳に追加

母方の縁で後に本願寺8世となる蓮如を弟子として預かり、宗派の違いを越えて生涯にわたり師弟の関係を結んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Consequently, one of the systems of religious teachings of Shinnyoen Buddhism, called Shinnyo mitsu (Shinnyo Esoteric) (named by the head priest Yushu OKADA, who was from the Daigo school of the Shingon sect) was established as 'Shinnyo Sanmaya School.' 例文帳に追加

これによって真如苑の法流、すなわち真如密(真言宗醍醐派の故岡田宥秀門跡が命名)が、「真如三昧耶流」という一流派として確立された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1914, though he was expected to become the next chief priest in place of his elder brother, who resigned his position due to a case of suspected bribery, he was also involved with the case himself and retired from the front line of the religious world. 例文帳に追加

1914年、疑獄事件により門主の座を退いた兄に代わって次期門主が期待されたが、自身も事件に連座して宗政の第一線から身を退いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1941, at Daigo-ji Temple, he completed the teachings of Kintai-ryobu denpo-kanjo, Daiho (great traditions of Esoteric practices) for priests to become Great Ajari, but he devoted himself to the management of his own religious sect and the establishment of his own teachings without aiming to become zasu (temple's head priest) of Daigo-ji Temple. 例文帳に追加

1941(S18)年、醍醐寺にて出家の大法である金胎両部伝法灌頂を法畢し、大阿闍梨となるが、醍醐寺の座主を目指すことなく自身の教団運営と教法の確立に専念。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later he went into Mt. Koya to learn the Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, and in 1235, he became Saidai-ji Hoto-in Temple Jisai-so (a priest who keep one's purity by upholding religious precepts for Buddhist services at Saidai-ji Hoto-in Temple) intending to revive the precepts of Buddhism. 例文帳に追加

のち高野山に入り真言密教を学んだが、1235年(嘉禎元年)戒律の復興を志して西大寺宝塔院持斎僧となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kurama kokyo is a religious school that was established in October 1947 by Shigaraki Koun, the chief priest of Kurama-dera Temple who was affected by Theosophy, separating from Tendai-shu sect. 例文帳に追加

鞍馬弘教(くらまこうきょう)とは、神智学の影響を受けた鞍馬寺貫主信楽香雲が昭和22年(1947年)10月に天台宗より独立して立てた宗派。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although it was not as serious as banishment from a religious group, there were other punishments such as removing the rights of priest for a certain period, or to be forced to live separately from other priests, and Manatta (マーナッタ, suspension for six days and nights). 例文帳に追加

教団追放までいかなくても、一定期間に渡り僧尼の権利を剥奪するもの、他の僧と別居させられるもの、マーナッタ(六昼夜に渡る謹慎)などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Those who newly becomes Rengyoshu (Shinnyu (a priest who newly becomes the member of Rengyoshu in Shuni-e) and those who firstly becomes Daidoshi (who chants the prayers and essence of religious texts and leads the whole ceremony in Shuni-e) go into Bekka from February 15 and the other Rengyoshu from February 20. 例文帳に追加

初めての練行衆(新入しんにゅう)と初めて大導師をつとめる人は2月15日から、それ以外の練行衆は2月20日から別火に入る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It emphasizes Honcho (Japan) more than Tenjiku (India) and than Shintan (China), and contains anecdotes related to Busshism including hosshin-tan (tale of religious awakening), tonsei-tan (tale of seclusion from the world), gokurakuojo-tan (tale of salvation), bukkyoreigen-dan (tale of Buddhist miracle) and koso-den (tale of high-priest). 例文帳に追加

天竺・震旦よりは本朝に重心を置き、発心譚・遁世譚・極楽往生譚・仏教霊験談・高僧伝など、仏教関係の説話を集録。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Thereafter, he served as an instructor and officiating priest at various religious services including the Yuimae at Kofukuji Temple, and during the Showa era (834 - 848), he reconstructed the Oigawa River embankment, thereby called a second Gyoki. 例文帳に追加

以後、興福寺維摩会など様々な法会の講師や導師をつとめ、承和(日本)年間(834年-848年)には大堰川の堤防を改築するなど行基の再来と称された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 854, he served as an instructor in a religious service Saishoe held at the Council Hall in the Imperial Palace, in 857, served as the head priest at the Buddhist ceremony in the imperial presence 'Gozen Rongi', and in 864, he was appointed as Gonrisshi, an administrative position, and later promoted to a higher position Risshi. 例文帳に追加

854年(斉衡元年)に大極殿での最勝会講師、857年(天安(日本)元年)に御前論議座主をつとめ、864年(貞観6年)には権律師に任じられ、その後律師に昇任している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that the deep-seated grudge of Kiyohime was removed by the religious service held by the temple's daisojo (high priest) and the bell came to give off the beautiful sound, and it has been passed down as a sacred treasure in the temple. 例文帳に追加

寺の大僧正の供養により清姫の怨念が解けて美しい音色を放つようになったとされ、霊宝として同寺に伝えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the medieval period, Onmyoji referred mainly to non-bureaucrats who performed divination, magic, and religious services independently among the civilian population in various locations, today, they are a type of Shinto-priest who recite prayers and perform divination in the private sector. 例文帳に追加

中世以降は、主に各地において民間で個人的に占術・呪術・祭祀を行う非官人の者を指すようになり、現代においては民間で私的祈祷や占術を行う神職の一種として定義付けられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Naishi was the female priest (shrine maiden) of Itsukushimajinja shrine, being in charge of not only the religious services but also do some performances including singing Imayo song and showing a bugaku dance to relieve a nobleman who was confining himself in the shrine for prayer from the tedium of a journey. 例文帳に追加

厳島神社の女性神職(巫女)で、神事のほかに、同神社に参籠する貴人の旅情を慰めるために今様を朗詠したり舞楽などを行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it was the Temple's responsibility to regulate begging Zen priests, and the reason was not clear as to why Kamiya changed his outlook to pretend to be the begging Zen priest, whether he had religious intentions or had another thought. 例文帳に追加

しかし虚無僧の管轄は寺社方であり、外見からは神谷が虚無僧に身を替えていたのは信仰を理由としたものか、それとも別の思惑からなのかは判然としない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Hongan-ji Temple of Jodo Shinshu sect (the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism), which was the largest armed religious power in the Sengoku period, Kyonyo, the eldest son of Kennyo, the eleventh chief priest of the temple, and Junnyo, the third son of him confronted after Kennyo died. 例文帳に追加

戦国時代最大の武装宗教勢力であった浄土真宗本願寺は第十一世門主・顕如の死後、顕如の長男・教如と三男・准如が対立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He intended to become a priest and studied at a Seminario (Seminary) in Arima, but Seminario at the time only allowed sons that had strong religious belief who were from a certain level of family lineage, and Juliao may have been from a family befitting to that certain social status. 例文帳に追加

彼は司祭を志して有馬のセミナリヨに学んでいたが、当時のセミナリヨは信仰堅固である程度の家柄の子弟しか入学させなかったので、それなりの身分の家の出身であったと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the following year of 737, he was appointed as a high priest and entered a naidojo (palace chapel, the space of which was reserved particularly for esoteric rituals and in which Buddhist sculptures were installed and religious services performed), where his prayers for FUJIWARA no Miyako (mother of Emperor Shomu) resulted in her recovery and a reward granted to him for that. 例文帳に追加

翌737年(天平9年)僧正に任じられて内道場(内裏において仏像を安置し仏教行事を行う建物)に入り、聖武天皇の母藤原宮子の病気を祈祷により回復させ賜物をうけた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is recorded that, when visiting the Hokuriku area from the capital to preach, Rennyo Shonin (a famous priest of Jodo-shu Sect in the Muromachi period) used a road that passed this village, and made many villagers in villages along the road changed their religious sects from Shingon-shu Sect or Nichiren-shu Sect to his Jodoshin-shu Sect. 例文帳に追加

蓮如上人が京より北陸へ布教をする際、当村を含む街道を通り、村々を真言宗・日蓮宗等から改宗させたと記録されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Jinin were armed guards at the front of shrines and at religious services, and thus, from the times of insei from the Heian period to the Muromachi period, records show that along with priest warriors, they frequently committed violence and organized petitions. 例文帳に追加

神人は社頭や祭祀の警備に当たることから武器を携帯しており、平安時代の院政期から室町時代まで、僧兵と並んで乱暴狼藉や強訴が多くあったことが記録に残っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Usually, green bamboo logs are placed at each of the four corners of the construction site with shimenawa (sacred rice straw ropes) hung between them to form a ceremonial site, after which the ceremony is conducted by a Shinto priest, who plays the role of master of religious ceremonies, in the presence of the builder and the client. 例文帳に追加

一般には、土地の四隅に青竹を立て、その間を注連縄で囲って祭場となし、斎主たる神職のもと、建築業者・施主の参列の上で執り行う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The last part corresponds to the generations between Gohyakudo the 25th and Deno the 32nd, the era of Jogan when the kabane 'atai' ('Amabe-no-atai') and the word 'hafuri' (religious services) were added to their surname and first name, respectively, while footnotes in the family tree show how many years the person in question served as a hafuri (Shinto priest) of Kono-jinja Shrine. 例文帳に追加

第25世伍佰道から貞観時代の第32世田雄までの、「海部直」の姓を持つとともに名前の下に「祝」字を付け、籠神社の祝(神職)としての奉仕年数を注記する祝部時代。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

So, regardless of the presence or absence of the word 'Miyaza,' the group consisting of village inhabitants without the status of Shinto priest, which conducted rituals, was called 'Miyaza' in the field of academic research such as history, folklore, and religious studies. 例文帳に追加

このため、「宮座」の語の有無を問わず、神職を持たずに村の住人のみを構成員として祭祀を行う組織を歴史学・民俗学・宗教学などの学術研究の分野においては「宮座」と呼称している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for Shinto religion in Japan, old materials show several cases in which shinkan was used as a term designating a Shinto priest (a person involved in religious services and office work in a shrine), and it is still used as common name for Shinto priests in everyday talk. 例文帳に追加

日本の神道に関しては、古文献に神職(神社の祭祀や事務に従事する者)を指す語として用いられる例が散見され、現在も日常語では神職の通称として用いられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nonetheless, he enjoyed the backing of the powerful imperial princess Hachijoin Akiko (cloistered emperor Goshirakawa's younger sister by a different mother), who owned enormous shoen (manor in medieval Japan); he was adopted by her, and electing not to take religious vows and become a priest (which would have disqualified him from the imperial succession), he kept his hopes fixed on being raised to the imperial throne. 例文帳に追加

それでも、莫大な荘園をもつ八条院暲子内親王(後白河法皇の異母妹)を後ろ盾に、彼女の猶子となって、出家せずに皇位へ望みをつないでいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The descendants of Kamatari declared themselves the Fujiwara clan while the original line continued to use the name of Nakatomi and maintained their hereditary position of Shinto rituals and religious services providers such as Jingikan (department of worship) and a Shinto priest of Ise-jingu Shrine for generations. 例文帳に追加

以後鎌足の子孫は藤原氏を名乗ったが、本系は依然として中臣を称し、代々神祇官・伊勢神官など神事・祭祀職を世襲した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To establish religious groups of Nichiren Shoshu Sect, the chief priest of the branch temples needs to be the chief kyoshi of the religious group to submit the application 'Soshiki Kessei Kyoka Negai' (the application for approval to establish an organization), in the joint signature with the representative of the people who wish to establish the group, to Shumuin, and after the application is processed, 'Soshiki Kessei Kyoka sho' (Approval to establish the organization) will be signed and imprinted with his seal by Hoshu, kancho of Nichiren Shoshu Sect, and approval will be given to XX Ko via the chief kyoshi. 例文帳に追加

日蓮正宗の信徒団体を作るには、末寺の住職が信徒団体の指導教師となって信徒団体を作ろうとする代表者と連名で「組織結成許可願」を宗務院に提出し、宗務院での審議を得て日蓮正宗の管長である法主が「組織結成許可書」に署名押印して「組織結成許可書」が交付されて指導教師から○○講に手渡される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoriyuki acted as advisor and regent to Yoshiakira's son Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, who was still a child, and carried out policies like experimenting with a new hansei (half-tax) law, which was designed to protect existing land holdings, and he attempted to negotiate with the Southern Court, but he also became embroiled in a religious conflict between Mt. Hiei, the powerful old Buddhist sect, and Nanzen-ji temple, a center of the rising new Zen sect; he opposed the Mt. Hiei faction because he was supporting the Nanzen-ji faction, yet he also clashed with Nanzen-ji's own powerful religious leaders, for example, when he opposed chief priest Myoha Shunnoku's seclusion from public life. 例文帳に追加

頼之は義詮の子で幼少の足利義満を補佐し、半済令の試行や南朝との交渉などの政策を実施するが、旧仏教勢力の比叡山と新興禅宗の南禅寺との対立においては南禅寺派を支持していたため叡山派と対立し、南禅寺の住職春屋妙葩が隠棲して抗議するなど宗教勢力とも対立していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1941, Shinjo ITO took the position of a special chief priest as管長, after receiving an order from the chief priest of Ein (shugen) Temple, ',' one of the historic old branch temples of Daigo Sanpoin Temple and the only one left in Murayama Village, Kita-tamagun, Tokyo Prefecture, while many temples were abolished, returned to secular life, or changed into another religious school during the time of disorder within the movement for the excision of Buddhism. 例文帳に追加

昭和16年3月末(1941年)には、東京府北多摩郡村山村に唯一残った、醍醐三宝院末の古刹で、廃仏毀釈時代の混乱期に多くの法類寺院が廃絶、廃毀、還俗、転派した中を乗り切った恵印(修験)寺院、「福聚山一住坊常宝院」住持の辞令を受け、醐山管長命による特命住職として晋山。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While Shinto and Buddhist deities progressed to commingle and the position of the Emperor was transformed, with the entry of Emperor Shomu into priesthood (God to Buddha) and the re-enthronement of the Retired Empress Koken (Buddha to God), Dokyo, who entered the imperial court as a nursing-dhyana-priest for Empress Koken (Empress Shotoku) and had been favored by her, was enthroned as the Priest Emperor, acting correspondingly with the Emperor, and he became the de-facto co-governor with the Empress, in charge of the management Buddhism business and religious ceremonies for gods of heaven and earth. 例文帳に追加

聖武天皇の出家(神⇒仏)、孝謙太上天皇の再即位(仏⇒神)など神仏混交が進み天皇の地位が変質するなか、孝謙天皇(称徳天皇)の看病禅師として宮中に入り、寵愛されるようになっていた道鏡は、天皇に準ずる法王に即位し、家政機関も設置されるなど事実上の女帝との共同統治者となり仏教事業や神祇を司った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition to these newly-emerging religious sects, Ieyasu also cared about the older Tendai sect, Shingon sect, and Hosso sect concerning their connections with the Imperial court through the Monzeki posts (the head priest posts of these temples), and he newly added the Monzeki post to Chion-in Temple of the Jodo sect and furthermore, to Rinno-ji Temple as the pinnacle temple of the Tendai sect and of the Shingon sect, monopolizing the head priest posts of the Tendai sect. 例文帳に追加

これら新興の宗教以外の古い天台宗・真言宗・法相宗にも独占した門跡を通じ朝廷との深い繋がりを懸念し、新たに浄土宗知恩院を門跡に加え、更に天台宗・真言宗の頂点として輪王寺に門跡を設けて天台座主の座を独占した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Monshu is the chief priest of Hongwan-ji Temple and a person who 'succeeds the light of Buddhism integrates this sect and directs duties (宗務)' (Article 6 of the sect law), and the representative of religious cooperation is Shumu-socho, who is elected at the shukai (representative assembly) (among Shinshu sects, but only Hongwan-ji-ha calls it socho). 例文帳に追加

門主は本願寺住職という地位と共に「法灯を伝承して、この宗門を統一し、宗務を統裁する」(宗法第6条)と定められており、法人を代表するのは宗会(議会)で選出された宗務総長である(真宗各派の中で本願寺派のみ総長と呼称する)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The rank of the chief priest of Taiseki-ji Temple remained the same as Hoshu, while the position of the chief abbot was sometimes assumed by those from Hobo which was an unusual and humiliating situation for monks and other people of Taisekiji School, and the religious group itself was in an insecure situation. 例文帳に追加

大石寺派僧俗にとってみれば、大石寺の住職は依然変わりなく法主(ほっす)の地位ではあるが、管長の地位は謗法の人間が占めている場合もある、などという、信仰上極めて耐え難い異常事態が続き、教団の存立そのものも危ぶまれる事態となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Originally, everyone could become a priest if he had the approval of ten senior members of Buddhist society (sanshi-shichisho (three leaders and seven witnesses) and an oath to obey religious precepts, but because they were exempted from labors, tax payments, and military service in China and in Japan, many people became priests one after the other and developed into a situation threatening the national finances. 例文帳に追加

本来、僧侶になるには、仏教教団の10名の先輩構成員(三師七証)の承認があり、戒律を護る事を誓えば誰にでもなれるものであったが、中国や日本に於いては、労働、納税、兵役を免除されていたため、僧侶になる者が続出し、国家の財政を脅かす事態となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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