
「senior member」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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senior memberの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 92


Another example is a member of the Odachi clan, a senior vassal of the bakufu government, who referred to himself as Sekioka yakata after he was given a title of yakata-go when he became adopted by his wife's family, Kitabatake clan, who was shugo of Ise Province and an owner of gosho (Shogun's palace). 例文帳に追加

また、幕府の重臣、大館氏は伊勢守護で御所を有する北畠氏の娘婿となり、屋形号を授けられ関岡屋形と名乗っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In September, Yorimori was appointed to the post of dazai daini (senior assistant governor-general of Government Headquarters in Kyushu), and on September 30, he was awarded the court rank of Jusanmi, thereby becoming the third member of the Taira clan to join the ranks of Kugyo. 例文帳に追加

頼盛は7月に大宰大弐となり、仁安(日本)と改元された8月27日には従三位に叙せられて、平氏で3人目の公卿となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, Norinaga NAKASHIMA (the 13th generation of MINAMOTO no Toru) was the Senior Inspector of Owari Province (Western Aichi Prefecture), and participated in the Jokyu War as a member of the Imperial Court; the negotiations after the war is noted in the "Azuma Kagami" (Mirror of the East) medieval chronicles. 例文帳に追加

また尾張(愛知県西部)大介職にあった中島宣長も源融13代目の子孫とされており、承久の乱に朝廷方として参加し、乱後の領地交渉の模様が吾妻鏡に記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The senior member of the family, Hirotsune, approached Yoshitomo, because Yoshitaka was seriously wounded, arrangements were made with Hirotsune to thwart the enemy seizing the head of Yoshitaka it was reported. 例文帳に追加

上総介八郎の家人は、義朝に追いつき、義隆が痛手を負っているので、敵方に義隆の首を取られぬ様、主君介八郎が打ち合っていると報告した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Yoshitomo did not look and he suppressed his tears; he had a senior member of the family Hirotsune sever the head from the body and, so that the enemy would be none the wiser of Yoshitaka's death in battle, Yoshitomo mounted a horse and made his escape. 例文帳に追加

義朝は目も当てられずに涙を抑えて、上総介八郎に首をとらせ、馬に乗って落ち延びて行ったものの、義隆の討ち死にを敵方には知らせまいとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Later, he was promoted at a fast pace as a member of the Seiga family and served as jiju (chamberlain), Konoefu (the Headquarters of the Inner Palace Guards) and other positions in his early years until he became Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank), Chunagon (vice-councilor of state) by 1580, but he died young the next year. 例文帳に追加

その後、清華家として速いスピードで出世し、幼くして侍従・近衛府などをつとめ、天正8年(1580年)までには正三位・中納言となっていたが、その翌年に早世している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1181, Kagesue was recognized for his Kyusen (Bow and arrow) expertise and appointed a member of Yoritomo's bedchamber guards along with children of important senior vassals including Yoshitoki HOJO, Yoshimochi WADA, Kiyoshige KASAI, and Yoshitsura MIURA. 例文帳に追加

治承5年(1181年)景季は弓箭に達する者として、北条義時、和田義茂、葛西清重、三浦義連ら有力御家人の子弟とともに頼朝の寝所を警護する武士に任じられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the clan had been senior vassals of the Kamakura bakufu as maternal relatives of the Hojo clan, they lost their power due to the Incident of the Iga clan, and then they worked as governmental officials responsible for practical works such as Hyojoshu (a member of Council of State) and Hikitsukeshu (Coadjutor of the High Court). 例文帳に追加

以後、北条氏の外戚として鎌倉幕府の有力御家人であったが伊賀氏の変以後勢力を弱め、評定衆、引付衆など幕府の実務官僚として活躍した家系である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nobusada was a member of the Oda clan of Shugodai (Deputy Millitary Governor) of Owari Province, and as a branch family of 'the Oda Yamato no Kami family' (the Kiyosu ODA clan) of Owarishimoyongun Shugodai, he served as one of the three magistrates of Kiyosu, a senior vassal of the master's house. 例文帳に追加

信定は尾張の守護代織田氏の一族で、尾張下四郡守護代の「織田大和守家」(清洲織田氏)に仕える庶流として、主家の重臣たる清洲三奉行の一人であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


By this point, SAKUMA had taken command of the biggest army among the Oda family in the Kinki region, and taking account of the fact that he had been a senior member since Nobunaga's succession, he was in a position which was called the "vice-president of Oda Joint-Stock Corporation," as novelist Yo TSUMOTO says. 例文帳に追加

この時点まで佐久間は近畿の地に織田家中で最大規模の軍団を統括し、信長相続前からの古参であることもあわせ、作家津本陽いわく”織田株式会社の副社長”ともいうべき位置にあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Later, having served as Kachi-metsuke (a person in charge of night duty and inspection), Goyobeya-shoyaku (a clerical of the senior councilor's office) and so on, he took a leading role in the domain duties as a chief member of the Seichugumi organization including Takamori SAIGO and Toshimichi OKUBO, and promoted Sonno-tobaku (literally, reverence for the emperor and the overthrow of the shogunate) movement. 例文帳に追加

のち、徒目付や御用部屋書役などを務め、西郷隆盛・大久保らと始めとする精忠組の中心人物として藩政をリードし、尊皇討幕運動を推進した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He served as kaito (society president) of Osaka Prefecture Chamber of Commerce and Industry, administrative director of Osaka Fertilizer Exchange, councilor of Osaka City and Osaka Prefecture, and a member of the House of Representatives, and also he was awarded the rank of Shorokui (Senior Sixth Rank), the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays in 1903, and the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette in 1906. 例文帳に追加

大阪商工会議所会頭、大阪肥料取引所理事長、大阪市会議員、大阪府会議員、衆議院議員を務め、正六位、明治36年勲五等、明治39年勲四等旭日小綬章。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the article dated June 28, 1242, of "Azuma Kagami", he became hyojoshu (a member of Council of State) at the age of 30, and according to the article dated December 21, 1253, 'the former Kai no kami (the governor of Kai Province) Shogoinoge (Senior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) Oe Ason (second highest of the eight hereditary titles) Yasuhide passed away (at the age of 42). 例文帳に追加

そして『吾妻鏡』1242年(仁治3年)6月28日条によれば、30歳で評定衆となり、そして同1253年(建長5年)12月21日条には単独で「前甲斐守正五位下大江朝臣泰秀卒す(年四十二)」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition to MINAMOTO no Yorimitsu himself, the most famous warriors of the Settsu-Genji included MINAMOTO no Nakamasa and his sons, as well as MINAMOTO no Yorimasa, the only senior member of the family to survive the Heiji War. 例文帳に追加

摂津源氏で名の残る武士は、源頼光以外では、源仲政と、その子で、平治の乱の後、唯一生き残った源氏の長老の源頼政だろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Its patriarch was Hideatsu OHARA (Shosanmi - Senior Third Rank), Konoefu (member of the Headquarters of the Inner Palace Guards) (1704 - 1758), adopted by Shigenaga NIWATA (Juichii - Junior First Rank), Dainagon (chief councilor of state) (1650 - 1725). 例文帳に追加

江戸時代に庭田重条(にわた しげなが)(従一位・大納言)(1650年~1725年)の養子大原栄敦(おおはら ひであつ)(正三位・近衛府)(1704年~1758年)を祖とする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He successively served as Gaimu taijo (Senior Secretary of the Foreign Ministry), Envoy Extraordinary to the Qing Dynasty, minister-counselor to the Russian Empire, chairman of Japan's Genroin (Chamber of Elders), a member of Japan's Privy Council, and Imperial Court Councilor; subsequently, he was awarded the rank of count. 例文帳に追加

外務大丞、清特命全権公使、ロシア帝国公使、元老院(日本)議長、枢密院(日本)、宮中顧問官を歴任し、伯爵に叙された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A senior staff member at the Ministry of the Environment said, "Cool Biz is not just good for the environment. It also helps with communication. Men look fashionable in their Cool Biz clothes and that gives people something to talk about."例文帳に追加

環境省のある上級職員は「クールビズは環境に良いだけではない。コミュニーケーションにも役立つ。クールビズの服を着た男性はおしゃれに見えるので,それを話題にできる。」と話した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

When the chairman is unable to discharge his functions owing to his absence, illness or any other cause, the Vice-Chairman and in his absence the senior most Member shall discharge the functions of the Chairman until the date on which the Chairman resumes his duty. 例文帳に追加

部長が不在,病気,又はその他何らかの理由により職務を遂行できないときは,副部長,及びその不在のときは最上級審判官は,部長がその職務遂行を再開する日まで,部長の職務を遂行する。 - 特許庁

Kinkodo Co., Ltd. (4 family member employees,1 regular employee and capital of 10 million yen )in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, is an established store that has provided premium made-to-order shirts to a primarily senior clientele since its founding in 1932.例文帳に追加

石川県金沢市の金港堂(家族従業員4名、従業員1名、資本金1,000万円)は、1932年の創業以来、シニア層を中心とする顧客層の高級オーダーシャツの老舗として営業している。 - 経済産業省

58. We endorse the 2012 Senior Officials' Report on APEC's work program, including the recommendations contained therein, note the 2012 Annual Report of the APEC Secretariat Executive Director, and approve the 2013 APEC budget and member contributions.例文帳に追加

58.我々は,付属の提言を含む,APEC作業計画の2012年版高級実務者報告を承認し,APEC事務局長による2012年版年次報告に留意し,2013年のAPEC予算及びメンバーの貢献を承認する。 - 経済産業省

These efforts contribute to the stable supply of merchandise to senior citizens in the region and strengthening of the local infrastructure. 15 member companies Delivery of ordered DCD Ltd. (wholesalers, manufacturers and products retailers of daily goods) 例文帳に追加

日販品製造販売会社・卸売業会員企業15 社(有) ディ・シィ・ディ中山間地を含む食品小売店へ共同物流インフラ提供個別に各社へ発注(毎日) - 経済産業省

We endorsed the 2011 Senior Officials' Report on APEC's work program, including the recommendations contained therein, noted the 2011 Annual Report of the APEC Secretariat Executive Director, and approved the 2012 APEC budget and member contributions. 例文帳に追加

我々は,APEC作業計画に関する2011年高級実務者報告を,そこに含まれる提言を含めて支持し,APEC事務局長の2011年年次報告に留意し,2012年APEC予算及びメンバー分担金を承認した。 - 経済産業省

In the cabinet officials of the Shogunate in the early Edo period, Tokugawa family members, who were deeply trusted by Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, such as Sadakatsu MATSUDAIRA and Tadaakira MATSUDAIRA, (Masayuki HOSHINA in the Ietsuna TOKUGAWA era occupied a similar position), or senior vassals, such as Naotaka II and Tadayo SAKAI (there are different opinions about whether both of Ii and Sakai were appointed to the Tairo post) played a role of Genro (an elder statesman), and it is considered that this Tairo post was established for having this role assumed by the senior member of Roju. 例文帳に追加

初期の幕閣では松平定勝や松平忠明といった徳川家康の信頼が厚い親族(徳川家綱時代の保科正之もこれに近い)や井伊直孝・酒井忠世などの重臣(井伊・酒井両名が大老に就任したかどうかについては意見が分かれている)が元老としての役割を果たしていたが、その役割をベテランの老中に担わせた職掌とみることができる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Saionji was not directly involved in the Sei-Koku alliance (Seiyu-kai Party-National Party alliance) or the campaign speeches aimed at the citizens, and senior members of Seiyu-kai Party, such as Takashi HARA and Masahisa MATSUDA, Yukio OZAKI, a member of Seiyu-kai Party, and Tsuyoshi INUKAI of National Party played central roles in these events. 例文帳に追加

ただし、政国提携や国民に向けた演説会などには西園寺は直接タッチしておらず、これらは政友会の幹部である原敬や松田正久、政友会会員尾崎行雄、国民党の犬養毅らが中心となっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He assumed a post of roju (member of shogun's council of elders) in 1610 and became an influential political person under the second shogun, Hidetada TOKUGAWA, and conflicted with a father and son of Masanobu HONDA and Masazumi HONDA who were senior vassals of Ieyasu in the dual political system where Ieyasu, Ogosho (retired shogun), still had an influential power in Sunpu. 例文帳に追加

慶長15年(1610年)には老中に就任し、第2代将軍・徳川秀忠の政権の有力者となり、大御所となった家康が駿府で影響力を行使する二元政治の中、家康重臣である本多正信・本多正純父子と対立する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Court nobles agreed with the plan that a newborn princess called Imperial Princess Yoshiko would marry the new emperor, but the Retired Emperor Gosakuramachi and the former Kanpaku Uchisaki KONOE, who was regarded as a senior member among Court nobles, supported Imperial Prince Fushiminomiya Sadayoshi, who was four years old at that time and was a child of Imperial Prince Fushiminomiya Kuniyori. 例文帳に追加

生まれたばかりの皇女欣子内親王を新帝の后とする事で公卿の意見は一致したが、後桜町天皇と長老格の前関白・近衛内前は、伏見宮邦頼親王の子で4歳の伏見宮貞敬親王を推した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yasumori ADACHI was a member of the Adachi clan, the senior vassals since the Kamakura government was established, and he supported the regent Tokimune HOJO as a maternal relative of the Tokuso Family of the Hojo clan, and was a key figure experienced in important positions like an Ossobugyo (temporary position in charge of retrials and accepting appeals in Kamakura bakufu) and Goon bugyo (commissioner in charge of issuing the deed of rewards.) 例文帳に追加

安達泰盛は幕府創設以来の有力御家人安達氏の一族で、北条氏得宗家の外戚として執権北条時宗を支え、越訴、御恩奉行などの重職を歴任した幕政の中心人物であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the traditional protocol, the court rank and the medal for merit were formally put as the title without the decorations like 'Senior Third Rank, the First Order of Merit, Taro NIPPON,' which was seen as an example in the message of condolence for a member of the Diet read in the Diet. 例文帳に追加

肩書として位階と勲等を用いる場合、古くからの儀典の慣例として、「正三位勲一等日本太郎」のように勲章を省くのが正式とされ、たとえば国会議員が死亡した場合の国会での弔詞でもそのような勲章省略の肩書で故人を呼称した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is commendable that, as the first step, the World Bank has achieved decentralization, resulting in the improved quality of policy dialogue in developing countriesPRSP process.We also welcome that the World Bank has enhanced the capacity of the Executive Directorsoffices with 20 or more member countries in their constituencies by appointing one senior advisor and two advisors additionally. 例文帳に追加

世銀内部での現地事務所に対する権限委譲が途上国のPRSPプロセスにおける対話の質を高めたことや、20カ国以上の国々を代表する理事室の職員を3名ずつ増員したことは、このような成果の第一歩として評価したいと思います。 - 財務省

In the event of any vacancy in the office of the Chairman by reasons of his death, resignation or otherwise, the Vice-Chairman and in his absence the senior most Member shall act as Chairman until the date on which a new Chairman, appointed in accordance with the provisions of this Act to fill such vacancy, enters upon his office. 例文帳に追加

部長の死亡,辞任,その他の理由により部長職が空席となった場合は,副部長,及びその不在のときは最上級審判官は,当該空席を満たすため本法の規定に従い任命される新部長の就任の日まで,部長職を代行する。 - 特許庁

To provide a system for distributing information to a pachinko hall client member, with which even a client who is older than middle aged or senior person bracket unskilled in the operation of a portable terminal can easily receive an information distribution service and the player collection ability of a pachinko hall can be improved.例文帳に追加

携帯端末の操作に不慣れな中高年層以上の顧客においても容易に情報配信サービスを享受でき、パチンコホールの集客力を向上することができるパチンコホール顧客会員への情報配信システムを提供する。 - 特許庁

At the senior officials meeting held in February in Hiroshima, Japan, as chair of the APEC, Japan suggested areas for assessment of Bogor goals. In meetings of trade ministers held in Sapporo in June, ministerial discussions were held with the participating countries and regional member countries regarding the evaluation method of Bogor goals.例文帳に追加

2 月に広島で開催した高級実務者会合において、日本は議長としてAPEC参加国・地域に対してボゴール目標達成評価案を提示し、6 月に札幌で開催の貿易担当大臣会合において、ボゴール目標達成評価案について参加国・地域の閣僚級で議論が行われた。 - 経済産業省

The objective was to confirm the compliance with the IAEA’s safety standards, as in the conventional review, and, in addition to this, a wide range of political dialogue with the senior regulators from Member States on the regulatory concerns.例文帳に追加

従来の国際規制レビューチームがもっぱらIAEAの安全基準への適合の確認が目的であったのに対し、我が国へのIRRSでは、それに加えて、規制上の懸案事項について各国の上級規制者との政策対話を広範に実施した。 - 経済産業省

57. We endorsed the 2010 Senior OfficialsMeeting Report on APEC’s work program, including the recommendations contained therein, noted the 2010 Annual Report of the APEC Secretariat Executive Director, and approved the 2011 APEC Budget and member contributions.例文帳に追加

57. 我々は,APEC作業プログラムに関する2010年高級実務者会合報告書をそれに含まれる提言を含めて承認し,APEC事務局長の2010年APEC年次報告書に留意し,2011年のAPEC予算及びメンバー分担金を承認した。 - 経済産業省

According to the "Ishibashi Clan Family Tree" handed down to Dr 石橋 of Yame City, Fukuoka Prefecture, the Ishibashi clan in the Yame region started when Uemon-morikiyo ISHIBASHI (died in 1601), a senior vassal of the lord of the Shimoda-jo Castle of the Chikugo Province 貞元 who was a Seiwa Genji-lined samurai from Hizen Province and a family member of the Otomo clan of the Bungo Province, settled in Hoshino-mura village, Ikuha County, Chikugo Province in a certain point of the Tensho era (1573 - 1593). 例文帳に追加

福岡県八女市の医師石橋正良宅に伝わる『石橋氏系図』によると、八女地方の石橋一族は、清和源氏の血を引く肥前出身の武士で豊後大友氏の門族である筑後国下田城主堤貞元の重臣石橋右衛門盛清(慶長6年没)が天正年間(1573年から1593年)に、筑後国生葉郡星野村に定住したのがはじまりである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The first aid medical information-containing container for a refrigerator may have a first aid medical information mark on the surface of a lidded container, may have a character display and related area group mark of a first aid medical information kit, has an installation member on the opposite side, and has medical information about a senior patient in the container.例文帳に追加

本発明の冷蔵庫用救急医療情報入容器は、蓋付き容器の表面に救急医療情報マークを有していてもよく、救急医療情報キッドの文字表示及び関係地域団体マークを有していてもよく、これらの反対側に設置部材を有し、かつ該容器中には高齢患者の医療情報を有している。 - 特許庁

The first APEC Senior OfficialsMeeting (SOM1) was held on February 22 and 23 in Hiroshima City. Mr. Shigeru Nakamura, Ambassador for International Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Hidehiko Nishiyama, Director-General for Trade Policy, Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, chaired the meeting and twenty-one member economies attended the meeting.例文帳に追加

2月22日及び23日、広島市において、第1回APEC高級実務者会合(SOM1を開催(中村滋外務省国際貿易・経済担当大使及び西山英彦経済産業省大臣官房審議(通商政策局担当)が議長を務め、平松賢司外務省経済局審議官及び塩田誠経済産業大臣官房審議官(国際地域政策担当)を含めた21エコノミーの高級実務者が参加)。 - 経済産業省

A headquarter of the system provides branches operated directly or by member stores, the branches recruit senior members, the branches provide meeting halls for rest possible for members to live or stay, the members can use the hall to pleasure, the member can purchase daily commodities and the system is characterized in being controlled by personal computers.例文帳に追加

シルバー社会福祉扶助システムの本部は直営あるいは加盟店によって運営される支部を設備する、支部はシルバー会員を募集する、支部は会員が居住あるいは宿泊する事ができる憩いの集会場を設備する、会員は集会場を遊楽のために使用することができる、会員は本部が斡旋する生活関連物資を購入できる、シルバー社会福祉扶助システムはパーソナルコンピュータで管理することを特徴とする。 - 特許庁

Further to the discussions among Senior Officials and Trade Ministers, the Round Table was the first opportunity for the APEC member economies to focus on comprehensive and dedicated discussion with regard to the APEC Growth Strategy, enabling the participating heads of delegations to lead the discussion and to employ their expertise to add significant value to the Growth Strategy and to develop a shared understanding on the direction thereof before it is finalized for consideration by APEC Ministers and Leaders. 例文帳に追加

高級実務者及び貿易担当大臣によるこれまでの議論に加え、ハイレベル会合は、APEC成長戦略に集中して包括的な議論を行う初めての機会であり、APEC成長戦略がAPECの閣僚や首脳によって最終的に取りまとめられる前に、各エコノミー首席代表が議論をリードし、成長戦略に対して高い付加価値を提供し、方向性に関する共通認識を醸成することを可能とするものである。 - 経済産業省

The next year, he set up a preparatory office for to establish Kyoto Hosei School within the building of Asahi Life Insurance Company, and received cooperation in educational affairs from ex-professors at Kyoto Imperial University, Yorozu ODA, Hisoka INOUE, and Santaro OKAMATSU among others, cooperation in office procedure to establish the school from Yoshi NISHIDA (Senior managing director, Asahi Life Insurance Company), Atsushi Hashimoto (Directing manager, Daido Life Insurance Company), Yoshinao YAMASHITA (Member of Kyoto Prefectural Assembly), Kashiichiro KAWARABAYASHI (Executive director, Toyo Rayon Co., Ltd.), and Kametaro HAMURO (Directing manager, Keishin Densha (Keishin Electric Tramway), among others, and also received support from prominent figures in the Kyoto business circle (Ninsaburo UCHINUKI, Kotetsu HAMAOKA, Gentaro TANAKA, Eisuke NAKAMURA, Kikutaro AMEMORI, Bunpei TAKAGI, and Yoshio KAWARABAYASHI) as patronage members. 例文帳に追加

翌年、教学面での協力を京都帝国大学教授だった織田萬、井上密、岡松参太郎らから得るとともに、学校設立事務については、西田由(朝日生命株式会社専務取締役)、橋本篤(大同生命保険株式会社初代支配人)、山下好直(京都府議会議員)、河原林樫一郎(東洋レーヨン常務取締役)、羽室亀太郎(京津電車支配人)らの協力を得て、また設立賛助員として京都政財界の大物(内貴仁三郎、浜岡光哲、田中源太郎、中村栄助、雨森菊太郎、高木文平、河原林義男)の力を借り、京都法政学校設立事務所を朝日生命保険株式会社の一角に設置した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, banks based on unconventional business models such as Seven Bank and Sony Bank were founded at the same time as the establishment of the Incubator Bank of Japan, and I have received a report from the administrative authority that it was not particularly premature to provide them with a license given that Seven Bank and Sony Bank are still functioning properly to this day. That said, Mr. Takenaka was Minister of State and a Diet member at the time; given that Mr. Kimura served as a consultant to FSA and issued a license while Mr. Takenaka served as Minister, he cannot evade moral responsibility, as I stated last week. As the Chief Cabinet Secretary had mentioned that further inquiries should be conducted by the Minister, Senior Vice Minister, and Parliamentary Secretary of the FSA, we will heed this very seriously and tackle this issue accordingly. 例文帳に追加

ただし、設立の時は、この前申し上げましたように、セブン銀行だとかソニー銀行だという普通のビジネスモデルとは違う銀行が同じ時期に、同時に設立されましたし、今もセブン銀行、ソニー銀行というのは、きちっと機能を生かしておりますので、そこのところは特別早かったということはないというようなことは、報告を事務当局から受けていますけれども、私がこの前言いましたように、私は竹中平蔵さんというのは(当時の)国務大臣でございまして、なおかつ国会議員もしておられたわけでございますから、なおかつ自分のときに金融庁の顧問、そして自分が大臣のときに免許を出したわけでございますから、道義的責任は免れないということをこの前私は申し上げましたが、そのことはきちっと認識をいたしておりますし、また官房長官も、(再検証は)この(金融庁の)政務三役にというような発言があったようでございますが、そのことも大変重たく視野に入れつつ、きちっと今後とも対処していきたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁


In fact, the reason why I was late in arriving here today was because FSA Senior Vice Minister Azuma was briefing me about the results of a discussion held yesterday, adding that he is having a fairly difficult time. In any case, this represents a Cabinet decision. As there are various hitches, and politics is involved on top of that, an attempt to create a whole new comprehensive exchange inevitably comes with birthing pains, considering the long tradition and history that we have to move on from. However, I heard that Mr. Naoshima – a Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) member who happened to be the DPJ policy chief in the party's opposition days when I was the policy chief of the People's New Party – has put together recommendations on the issue of the creation of a comprehensive exchange as the chair of the DPJ New Growth Strategy and Economic Revitalization Project Team. I appreciate the support that they are apparently providing to the government. With still some time left before the year ends, we are thus intent on working hard on this initiative. 例文帳に追加

実は今日ここに来るのが遅れたのも、我が金融庁の(東)副大臣から、昨日話をした結果の話がありまして、なかなか苦労しているという話を聞いてきたわけでございます。いずれにいたしましても、これは閣議決定したことでございますから、色々山やら谷やらがあり、政治の世界でもございますし、長い間の伝統と歴史を乗り越えて、新しい総合取引所を作ろうということですから、それは産みの苦しみはあります。しかしながら、民主党の直嶋さんは、私が国民新党の政調会長だった時に偶然、野党(時代の民主党)の政調会長をした人でございますけれども、(民主党成長戦略・経済対策プロジェクトチームの座長として)総合取引所の創設に関わる提言についてまとめられたということでございまして、政府を応援して頂けるということでありがたいと思っております。そういったことで、年が越えるまでもう少しありますから、頑張りたいとこう思っております。 - 金融庁


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