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world of laborの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 47


an international organization called the World Confederation of Labor 例文帳に追加

国際労働組合連合という国際組織 - EDR日英対訳辞書

an international labor organization named {World Confederation of Trade Unions} 例文帳に追加

世界労働組合連合という,国際的な労働組織 - EDR日英対訳辞書

Although women do twothirds of the world's labor例文帳に追加

世界の労働の3分の2は女性がしているのに - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

In addition, it published the labor movement's journal "Rodo sekai" (Labor world), and the number of its members reached 5700 in 1899. 例文帳に追加

また、機関紙『労働世界』を発行するなどし、1899年には会員が5700人にも達した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is a network of affiliated societies spreading all over the world of labor. 例文帳に追加

それは労働の世界津々浦々に広がる、結びあった社会のネットワークなんです。 - R. Landor『カール・マルクス Interview』


United States labor leader and militant socialist who was one of the founders of the Industrial Workers of the World (1869-1928) 例文帳に追加

米国の労働指導者、好戦的な社会主義者で、世界の労働者の創始者のうちの1人(1869年−1928年) - 日本語WordNet

In this section, we discuss the international division of labor surrounding Japan and analyze its recent change. We begin with the analysis of the trade structure in East Asia and overview the trend of trade flows in the world.例文帳に追加

本節では我が国を取り巻く国際的な分業の構造を考察するとともに、最近の変化を分析する。 - 経済産業省

For decades since the end of World War II, Japan had hardly any horizontal competitive ties or divisions of labor in the economic realm with its neighbors.例文帳に追加

我が国は、戦後長らく、経済面で周辺諸国との水平的な競争・分業の関係をほとんど持たずに過ごしてきた。 - 経済産業省

For example, prices of products around the world may become closer to those of similar products made in China, which features cheaper labor.例文帳に追加

例えば、労働賃金の低い中国で作れるモノは、中国製品の価格に世界中の製品の価格が近づいていく。 - 経済産業省


United States labor leader (born in Ireland) who helped to found the Industrial Workers of the World (1830-1930) 例文帳に追加

米国の労働組合のリーダー(アイルランド生まれ)で、世界産業労働組合の創立を援助した(1830年−1930年) - 日本語WordNet


A public pension reform plan announced by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has met with opposition from the business world. 例文帳に追加

厚生労働省によって発表された公的年金制度改革案は,経済界からの反対にあっている。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

She was assigned to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2002 by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and started to work on outbreak responses and pandemic preparedness.例文帳に追加

2002年に厚生労働省から世界保健機関(WHO)に派遣され,感染症の発生や世界的流行への対策に取り組み始める。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

The relationships between national accounting and globalization, which records overseas transactions involving labor, goods, capital, etc. , are shown in the rest of the world account in Table2-2-1.例文帳に追加

国民経済計算とグローバル化の関係は、海外とのヒト、モノ、カネ等の取引を計上する「海外勘定」に現れる(第2-2-1表)。 - 経済産業省

To provide a video fusing device for executing the accurate fusion of a real world and a virtual world without depending on a peripheral environment by reducing any labor on a user.例文帳に追加

使用者への負担が少なく、周辺環境に依存せず現実世界と仮想世界のより的確な融合を可能とする映像融合装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

There once existed a professor who came to work on foot because he had no money to get on the streetcar, and also, some professors who underwent the mobilization of students for labor during the World War 2, but most of them passed away, and even the atmosphere of the Showa era, perceived in the generation of 1960s' student movement, is becoming a thing of the past. 例文帳に追加

かつての、市電に乗る金がなくて歩いたという大学教授や、学徒動員を経験した教授らも多くは物故し、学生運動を経験した世代など昭和の影さえも既にきえつつある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As have observed, there is developing an international division of labor taking advantage of each country and region’s strengths in the East Asian region, which has since the 1990s grown rapidly to become the “workshop of the world.” 例文帳に追加

これまで見てきたように、1990年代以降、急速に成長し「世界の工場」となりつつある東アジア域内では、それぞれの国・地域が強みを活かした国際的な分業体制が確立しつつある。 - 経済産業省

The rest of the world account is divided into the current transaction account (which records income transfers arising from imports and exports of goods and services and cross-border movement of labor and capital) and the capital transaction account (which records all the financial transactions).例文帳に追加

海外勘定は、財・サービスの輸出入や労働・資本の国際移動に伴う所得移転を計上する経常取引勘定と、金融取引を計上する資本取引勘定とに分けられる。 - 経済産業省

After the Second World War, labor laws were drafted and the period of compulsory education was extended to nine years under the order from the General Headquarters of the Allied Powers. 例文帳に追加

第二次世界大戦後、連合国軍最高司令官総司令部の指令により労働法規が整備されたことや、義務教育の年限が9年に延長された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Before the World Wars, legislation - which included the recognition of women's suffrage, allowing labor unions to set-ups and expanding the Imperial University - was taken to the Diet and passed by the House of Representatives but never passed by Kizokuin. 例文帳に追加

戦前にも婦人参政権の導入、労働組合の容認、帝国大学の増設などの法案が議会に提出され、衆議院では可決されているが、こうした「進歩的内容」の法案が貴族院を通ることは決してなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore, in order to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the IMF’s financial assistance, in particular to low-income countries, it is essential to further strengthen collaboration with other international organizations, including the World Bank, while establishing a clear division of labor. 例文帳に追加

したがって、IMFが特に低所得国に対する資金支援を効率的、効果的に行うためには、これまで以上に世銀その他の国際機関と緊密な調整及び作業分担を行うことが重要となります。 - 財務省

Efficient recycling of the existing catalysts via the network 100 can reduces cost and labor under a load on environment in the world and also can contributes to solve the problem of the global wastes.例文帳に追加

また、既存触媒の再生利用をネットワーク100を介して効率的に行うことにより、世界が環境に負担するコスト、労力を低減すると共に、地球規模の廃棄物問題の解決に貢献することができる。 - 特許庁

To provide the control program of an image forming apparatus for providing operability with which an operator deals with equipment in a real world to a virtual space, and for reducing the labor of a user.例文帳に追加

操作者が現実世界で機器を扱うような操作性を仮想空間に提供することができ、ユーザの負担を低減することができる画像形成装置の制御プログラムを提供する。 - 特許庁

Also, with regard to the employment system, although the Growth Strategy sets out a major policy shift from a policy ofemployment stabilitytomovement of labor fluidity without unemployment,” there are other issues that need to be addressed in order to create a world-leading employment environment. 例文帳に追加

また、雇用関連制度については「行き過ぎた雇用維持」から「失業なき労働移動」といった大きな政策転換がなされたが、「世界でトップレベルの雇用環境」にするための課題は残されている。 - 経済産業省

We included exports from East Asia in the analysis because in this section we discuss the structure of division of labor in East Asia. Rather, China is highly expected to expand imports as an importer from the world.例文帳に追加

本節は東アジアの分業構造の考察をしているため、東アジアからの輸出を分析対象としたが、むしろ中国は世界の需要地として輸入拡大の期待が高い。 - 経済産業省

We welcome and encourage the cooperation of the World Bank Group (WBG) with member governments and other partners,such as the G20, the International Labor Organization and the International Monetary Fund(IMF), to pursue a comprehensive approach to job creation for women and men. 例文帳に追加

世銀グループが、包括的な、男女の雇用創出アプローチを追求するため、加盟国政府やG20、国際労働機関(ILO)及び国際通貨基金(IMF)などのパートナーと協力することを歓迎、かつ慫慂。 - 財務省

This explains its geographical importance and such factors as a diligent, cheap, abundant labor force and strong needs for infrastructure development highlight the country's economic potential, attracting a high level of interest from many countries around the world (Figure 4-2-1-4).例文帳に追加

また、勤勉・低廉・豊富な労働力や高いインフラ開発ニーズといった同国の経済的ポテンシャルを背景とし、世界各国が高い関心を寄せている(第4-2-1-4 図)。 - 経済産業省

As is described in detail in Chapter 2, during the 2000?s the division of labor in Asian regions became more developed and this region established its position as the "world's factory".例文帳に追加

第2 章で詳述するが、アジア地域においては、2000 年代を通じて域内分業の高度化が進められ、同地域は「世界の工場」としての地位を確立した。 - 経済産業省

As discussed above, the Danish model adopts "flexicurity" with respect to labor. Can this be a case of success in the globalizing world?例文帳に追加

今、ここにお話しいたしましたデンマークの話、労働における「フレキシキュィリィテイ」を掲げるデンマーク・モデルは、グローバル化する世界において成功モデルとなりうるのでしょうか。 - 経済産業省

As mentioned in the section for Maiko in Kyoto, after becoming apprentice geigi out of superficial longing or by interpreting geigi to be another profession such as hostess of a club or companion girl, in fact, many of them quit due to the competitiveness of the world of geigi and they cannot accept the relationship between labor and pay. 例文帳に追加

これは京都の舞妓の項にも記述がある通りに単なる憧れや一職業としてホステスやコンパニオン感覚で入門した場合にその世界の厳しさや労働と賃金との対価が納得できずに辞めてしまう者も事実、多数存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Asian region, triggered in particular by the direct investments of Japanese companies, as the globalization of "goods" has advanced, the inter-process division of labor has also progressed; these changes have resulted in the development of a production network (the "East Asian production network")104 and Asia's probability as for the position as "factory of the world."例文帳に追加

「モノ」のグローバル化が進む中、アジア地域では、特に日本企業の直接投資等をきっかけに、工程間分業が進展し、広く域内で生産ネットワーク(「東アジア生産ネットワーク」)が発達し、「世界の工場」としての地位を確立してきた。 - 経済産業省

Hence, establishing a clearer division of labor and effective collaboration with the World Bank and other agencies is called for.This is particularly true at this juncture, as the importance of the IMF providing effective policy advice and technical assistance in analyzing and managing the macroeconomic impact of an expected rise in aid flows has increased. 例文帳に追加

よって、IMFは、世銀及びその他の機関との間の役割分担の明確化とより効果的な協働に努めることが求められており、現下にあっては、増大する援助フローのマクロ経済的影響の分析及びその管理に係る効果的な政策助言及び技術支援の重要性が特に高まっております。 - 財務省

166 The after-mentioned joint report by the World Bank and Development Research Center of the State Council of China points out the following: Developing economies can, in an early phase of development, gain high productivity increase by shifting labor force and capital from the low-productivity sector including agriculture to the high-productivity sector including manufacturing industries.例文帳に追加

166 後述する世銀と中国国務院発展研究中心の共同レポートによれば、途上国は、発展の初期には、労働力や資本を農業のような低生産性部門から高い生産性を持つ製造業にシフトさせることで高い生産性上昇を得ることができる。 - 経済産業省

Particularly, in Asia, the inter-process division of labor has progressed, resulting in production and distribution networks of companies within not only single countries, but also across the whole of the continent. Techniques and know-how (namely, "knowledge" and "skills") have flowed in this network, and the region's position as "the world's factory"91 has thus been established in recent years.例文帳に追加

その中でも、アジアでは、工程間分業が進展し、企業の生産・流通ネットワークが一国だけではなく、アジア地域全体で形成されるようになり、そこに技術やノウハウ、すなわち「チエ」や「ワザ」が流れ込み「世界の工場」としての地位を確立した。 - 経済産業省

Therefore, the Government will aim to raise the women’s labor participation rate to the world’s highest level by providing childcare arrangements and other services so that working couples can raise their children with a sense of security and by supporting women’s return to the workplace following their childcare leave as well as promoting the proactive recruitment of women. 例文帳に追加

このため、保育の受け皿の整備などにより夫婦が働きながら安心して子供を育てる環境を整備すると同時に、育児休業後の職場復帰の支援、女性の積極登用などを通じて、女性の労働参加率を抜本的に引き上げることを目指す。 - 経済産業省

While sharing common perspectives and consulting closely with the World Bank and other international organizations, it is crucial for the IMF to establish a clear division of labor with other institutions and focus its work on its core responsibilities, such as setting up macroeconomic frameworks and institution building in fiscal and monetary areas, where it has expertise and a comparative advantage. 例文帳に追加

IMFとしては、世銀その他の国際機関と視点を共有し、緊密に協議を行いながら、マクロ経済の枠組や財政金融部門における制度構築など、自らの持つ専門性を活かせる分野に作業を集中し、他の機関と有効に作業を分担することが重要です。 - 財務省

From among emerging economies, Asian countries such as China and ASEAN countries have accelerated the division of labor process, and established a production network within the region, based on which they have been actively carrying out intraregional intermediate products trading and exporting final products worldwide to regions including Europe and the U.S., and thereby they have affirmed their position as the “world’s factory.”例文帳に追加

新興国のうち、中国やASEAN諸国等のアジア諸国は、地域内で工程間分業を進めて生産ネットワークを構築し、域内で中間財貿易を積極的に行うとともに、生産した最終財を欧米等世界全体に輸出し、いわゆる「世界の工場」としての地位を確立した。 - 経済産業省

The debate onhollowing-outsubsequently calmed, only to become topical again with the sudden burgeoning of the trade deficit in the early 1980s, which was accompanied by a surge in imports from Asia, Mexico and other parts of the developing world, as well as growing foreign direct investment by US companies in search of cheap labor (Figs 4.1.4, 4.1.5).例文帳に追加

その後、「空洞化」をめぐる議論はいったん沈静化したが、1980年代前半に貿易赤字が急激に拡大したことに加え、発展途上国(アジア、メキシコ等)からの輸入急増、低廉な労働力を目的とした米国企業の海外直接投資の増加等により、再びホット・イシューとなった(第4―1―4図、第4―1―5図)。 - 経済産業省

Japan’s economic development was brought about by a combination of both domestic and international factors: Domestic factors included a policy and institutional framework that is sound, a macroeconomic management framework that is stable, labor force that excels, and a set of enabling infrastructure.International factors can be attributed to stable international financial conditions under the Bretton Woods system coupled with international assistance by development partners including the World Bank. 例文帳に追加

我が国の経済発展は、良好な制度・政策環境、安定的なマクロ経済運営の枠組、質の高い労働力、良質なインフラといった国内要因に加え、ブレトンウッズ体制における安定的な国際金融環境、そして世銀などの国際的な支援によるものでありました。 - 財務省

71 However, the study result of NESDB/World Bank (2010) indicates that the skilled labor ratio in the electric/electronics industry is high in the southeast of Bangkok and low in the north, such as Ayutthaya Province, which is contrary to its industrial cluster. Still, the study concludes that the result is consistent with the reality that new investments are in progress by multinational enterprises in the southeast region.例文帳に追加

71 ただし、NESDB・世界銀行(2010)の調査結果では、電機・電子産業の熟練労働者比率は、バンコク東南部が高く、アユタヤ県等の北部は低い結果となっており、集積の状況と反しているが、同調査ではこの結果は多国籍企業の新たな投資が東南部で進んでいることと整合的であるとの分析をしている。 - 経済産業省

This reflects the fact that East Asian countries and regions have increased export and import of parts, etc. as "the factory of the world" playing an important role in the international division of labor, while increasing export of finished products to advanced countries including Japan, the U.S. and European countries which are end user countries. In addition, they have become more attractive as user countries of finished products as a result of the improvement of their income standards, and have increased import from countries in and outside the region.例文帳に追加

これは、東アジア諸国・地域が「世界の工場」として国際分業の重要な担い手となり部品等の輸出入を増加させていることや、最終需要地である我が国、米国、欧州等の先進国への完成品の輸出量を増加させていることに加え、東アジア諸国・地域の所得水準の向上により完成品の需要地としての魅力を増し、域内外からの輸入量も拡大させてきたことを反映している。 - 経済産業省

The labor force participation rate of women in Japan, unlike in Western European countries where the rate has risen substantially in the past 40 years, was higher than in other countries at the time of the 1920 Population Census , which put the figure at 53%, due to the high proportion of self-employment including in farming households. The rate fell until the mid-1970s owing primarily to the decline in the ratio of self-employed households after the Second World War, and then went through a period of increase due to the spread of part-time employment of full-time housewives in salaried workers' households (Fig. 3-1-2).例文帳に追加

我が国の女性の労働力率は、西欧諸国においてこの40年間に大きく上昇したのとは異なり、農家を含めた自営業の比率の高さのため1920年の国勢調査においても53%と諸外国より高く、戦後自営業世帯比率の低下を主因として1970年代半ばまで低下し、その後サラリーマン世帯の専業主婦のパート労働の普及により上昇するという変動過程を経てきた(第3-1-2図)。 - 経済産業省

For these reasons, the trade in East Asia is characterized by a production network made up of the various countries and regions, which operate under a cross-border division of labor based on their particular strengths. Production through this network depends upon the mutual supply of intermediate goods-mainly electrical machinery products that are relatively cheap to transport due to modularization-that are produced in various regions, transported elsewhere in the region for assembly as finished products, and then shipped to countries outside the East Asian region. In a sense, then, this production network fulfills the role of “the world’s factory.”例文帳に追加

このことから、東アジアの貿易の特徴は、モジュール化が進展し輸送費が比較的少額な電気機械製品を中心に、域内各国・地域がそれぞれの比較優位に基づく国際分業を展開して、中間財を多様な地域で生産し相互供給しながら最終財に組み立て域外に輸出するという「世界の工場」としての役割を担っている生産ネットワークが生み出す貿易だということがうかがえる。 - 経済産業省

The investment environment in Japan has been developed in recent years through various systemic reforms designed to promote inward FDI (which will be described later). Moreover, Japan has many advantages which include the fact that it is the second biggest market in the world and has a wealth of qualified labor resources and high technological capabilities. Japan is also endowed with good living conditions in terms of high standard medical services, public health, education and other areas. Therefore, it is likely that Japan has many potential merits in assessing its investment environment.例文帳に追加

我が国の投資環境は、近年の対内投資促進のための様々な制度改革等によって整備されつつあり(後述)、また、我が国は世界第2位の大規模な市場、良質で豊富な労働力、高い技術力等の利点に加え、高水準の医療サービス、公衆衛生及び教育等生活環境の面においても優れている等、投資環境を評価する上で多くの潜在的メリットを有していると考えられる1)。 - 経済産業省

As the benefit of alliance between Japanese companies and Taiwanese companies to create synergy, Taiwanese companies offer the commonality with China in terms of language and culture, the labor management capability over Chinese workers, the facilitation skills to obtain authorization from central and local governments, the ability to establish networks (especially sales networks) in China, the management skills with fast decision-making capability15 and its business sense while Japanese companies provide technologies including research, development and quality control skills, its brand that is widely recognized in the world, and its project management skills.例文帳に追加

日台企業アライアンスのメリットとしては、台湾企業が有する、中国との言語的・文化的な共通性、中国人に対する労務管理力、中央・地方政府の許認可への対応、大陸でのネットワーク構築力(特に販売ネットワーク)、経営力(意志決定スピードの速さ等)、ビジネスセンス等と、日本企業が有する、技術力(研究開発、品質管理)、世界的なブランド力、プロジェクトマネジメント力等の相乗効果が挙げられる。 - 経済産業省

Through the initiative, Japan should promote the development and exchange of high-quality Asian human resources by expanding employment opportunities in Japan. Japan should also establish a "promotion panel" comprising people from the industrial, governmental, academic, and labor sectors to accelerate the acceptance of high-quality human resources from across the world. The panel should study numerical targets and necessary policies. The relevant government ministries should develop an action program by the end of 2008 to increase the acceptance of high-quality foreign human resources such as researchers, engineers, and corporate managers and to promote employment of foreign human resources in Japanese companies. In order to create an environment where it is easy to utilize highly skilled foreign human resources, we will promote global human resource management in Japanese companies by formulating and publicizing the internationalization indicators to measure the degree of responsiveness to global human resource management. We also aim to enhance English-language education in Japan.例文帳に追加

加えて、世界から高度人材の受け入れを加速するため、産官学労で構成する「推進会議」を設置し、数値目標の設定や必要な施策について検討を進め、平成20年中に関係府省でアクションプログラムを策定し、優れた外国人研究者・技術者・経営者等の高度外国人材の受入れを拡大するとともに、日本企業における外国人材活用を促進し、優秀な人材を惹き付けるため、企業の人材国際化レベルを測る「国際化指標」の策定・公表等を通じて日系企業等におけるグローバル人材マネジメントの推進を図るとともに、国内の英語教育の充実などを図る。 - 経済産業省

9. The Fund should closely consult with G-20 countries throughout the process when assessing the sustainability and stability of an individual country's macroeconomic policy. In adopting these principles, the Fund's report on alternative policy scenarios should clearly describe the global effects of adjustment, as well as the implications for member countries across a spectrum of indicators. We will ask the World Bank to advise us on progress in promoting development and poverty reduction as part of rebalancing of global growth. We also look forward to contributions from other international organizations, including the FSB on financial policies, the ILO on labor market policies, the WTO on trade policies, and the OECD and UNCTAD where appropriate. 例文帳に追加

9.IMF は、個別国のマクロ経済政策の持続可能性や安定性を評価するプロセス全体を通じて、G20各国と緊密に協議すべきである。 これらの原則を用いて、政策シナリオ案についての IMF の報告は、調整のもたらすグローバルな影響や幅広い指標に亘るメンバー国への影響を明確に記述すべきである。 我々は世界銀行に対し、グローバルな成長のリバランスの一環として、開発と貧困削減の推進に関する進捗について我々に助言するよう求める。また、我々は、金融セクター政策に関する FSB、労働市場政策に関する ILO、貿易政策に関する WTO、適切な場合における OECD と UNCTAD から等々の、他の国際機関からの貢献に期待している。 - 財務省


This means that we are struggling hard to make ends meet and, as everyone well realizes, international meetings have become extremely important in the world of finance since the Lehman crisis, because it is now indeed a very critical global issue to decide how to harmonize on an international scale a given country's domestic economic trends or the financial condition, or economic condition, that it has traditionally been situated in. Therefore, what has to be done on an international scale must be done properly in the form of policy coordination or as G20 initiatives, as otherwise no effect could be expected in an era of increasing globalization in finance or the economy that we live in now, and each country is equally struggling to achieve that end, which explains why there are so many international meetings. That is, as you see, the situation we have now, and I also happened to hear just yesterday in connection with this subject that our Office of International Affairs is in serious shortage of labor, a fact that stands in contrast to such critical importance of the FSA, to which a mere 22 billion yen is given as its budget, and the extremely significant role that financial policies play in an economy. As I have just said, though, now is a very important and delicate period of time both internationally and domestically and we are accordingly charged with a weighty responsibility. Seeing as the FSA is a public office with labor costs representing its main spending category, I did emphatically asked that attention should be paid to that point and, actually, similar comments were also made by the National Police Agency and the Ministry of Justice, both of them being ministries with a hefty payroll as well. In the case of the FSA, it is not really my particular intention to make a case to represent an interest of the FSA, but the fact still remains that it is in charge of a very important field. 例文帳に追加

ということで非常に苦労しておりますし、そういった皆様方もよくお分かりのように、金融というのはリーマン・ショック以来、国際的な会議というのは非常に重要でございまして、国内の景気の動向、あるいはその国が置かれた伝統的な金融の状態、あるいは経済の状態、それを国際的にどうハーモナイズするかということが非常に世界的な大事な問題でございまして、国際でやるべきところはきちっと協調政策、G20でやっていかねば、なかなかこういった金融のグローバル化、あるいは経済のグローバル化の時代に効果がございませんから、その辺を非常に苦労を各国やっておられるわけでございますから、国際会議というのは実は非常に多いのでございますし、ご存じ、その中で国際室の昨日もたまたま話を聞きますと、非常に国際室の人手が足らないという話を聞きまして、そういった非常に大事な金融庁、予算は220億で少ないのですけれども、極めて経済の中で果たす金融政策は大事でございまして、それが今も申し上げましたけれども、国際的にも国内的にも非常に大事な難しい時期でもございまして、それゆえに責任が重たいわけでございますが、そういった中で、なかなか人件費を主とした役所でございますから、そのことはぜひ考慮していただきたいということをこれは実は警察庁も法務省もそういうことを申されまして、これも人件費が多い省ですから、特に金融庁の場合は何も私は省益を代表して言う気はございませんが、現実にこれは非常に大事な分野でございます。 - 金融庁


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