



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 英語表現辞典 > それはその人の自由だの英語・英訳 






英訳・英語 That would be all up to him/her.




該当件数 : 14



As he understood it, it meant the complete liberty to all, freedom of worship, among Christians, who worshipped upon the same foundation.発音を聞く  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


Sugihara Chiune, a consular agent in Lithuania, issued visas so that a number of Jews could travel to Japan and then on to freedom in other countries. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


We will not only reverse the postal privatization law but also correct the flawed thinking that underlay the postal privatization, although some people are clinging to that thinking.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

(1) 特許庁は,正当な利害関係が納得できるように証明された場合で,かつ,その範囲においては,請求する何に対してもファイル並びにファイルに付属するひな形及び見本の閲覧を許可する。なお,何も登録簿及び特許ファイルを,それに係る減縮又は取消の手続(第64条)のファイルを含め,自由に閲覧することができる。例文帳に追加

(1) The Patent Office shall permit any person so requesting to inspect the files and the models and samples belonging to said files if and to the extent that a legitimate interest has been credibly shown. However, any person may freely inspect the Register and the patent files, including the files of limitation or revocation proceedings (Section 64).発音を聞く  - 特許庁


To those who seek peace and security. We support you. And to all those who have wondered if America's beacon still burns as bright, tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope. - Tatoeba例文


In my view, politics must have a vision as to "whether to give short-term benefits or deliver a policy that will be beneficial over time." Currently, 16.5 million individuals, or one person in every three households, own stocks. As 70 percent of the Japanese people are making five million yen or less in annual income, this means that common people own stocks. We live in a capitalistic society, so the question is how great an effect can be expected from the movement of money and rises in stock prices that a policy entailsas stocks are capital, a stock tax break carries a meaning different from other tax breaks.発音を聞く  - 金融庁



The U.S. is a free country, and I also see the U.S. as a country of extremely fast changes and also of an extreme diversity – a country of diverse values, indeed. Those qualities pushed the U.S. to embark on regulatory reforms that led to, notably in the area of financial services, advances in financial engineering in the last 20 to 30 years that were most prominent on Wall Street. Helped also by the fact that global investment money, of which there was so much, was just poured into the U.S., Americans explored a new field by exerting their characteristic frontier spirit. However, things escalated to the point where it became impossible for companies to take risk on their own, resulting in, as you know, the failure and bankruptcy of the Lehman Brothers investment bank. This brought about the global financial crisis because the world's economic center was, all in all, the U.S. The question is whether the cost is going to be passed on to taxpayers in the end.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!




People love freedom.


He is wax in your handsclay in the potter's hands.


people who are free


a person whose arms are paralyzed


You must not make free with others' possessions.




Man is a free agent.


He is the only man who can do this.


How does he take his pleasure?


He never did anything on his own initiative.


Match-making is his hobby.


He takes a delight in prying into people's secrets.


Man is a free agent.


What is his hobby?


I can trust him.


What is his forte?


He dogmatizes on everything


He does everything with an eye to the main chance


He only consults his own convenience.


He can do anything.


He does everything in his own way―after his own fashion.


What is his strong point?―his forte?


He will dance to anybody's tune.



該当件数 : 14



To provide a totally new holding apparatus for maintaining seated position allowing a user such as an elderly person having physical difficulties and hardly voiding excreta by oneself to maintain his/her seated position in excretion for ease of excretion by himself/herself and to provide holding equipment for holding the seated position in a toilet provided with this holding apparatus so as to reduce a nursing labor. - 特許庁


In particular, the fact that economic and financial fields have become highly globalized is common knowledge to all of you, so globalized that even 100 million dollars can be moved in a flash by means of computers. In times like this, it is, put simply and as far as I see it, a challenge to humanity in the 21st century to deal with the question of how to democratically control the advancement of financial engineering, or the economic globalization and financial globalization, and we are indeed in the process of tackling it, but imposing excessively harsh regulations on markets might cause them to shrink. Government control may pose another issue in that process, but the lack of it, which means applying a laissez-faire or no-restriction approach, might impose one negative effect after another on manufacturing and other industries, as was the case in the economic recession two years ago. In that sense, unlike the 1929 Great Depression, what I think the recent crisis is making us face is a challenge to human wisdom.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Previously, the FSA was following the path of mandatory application. However, as political leadership is important now, as a person elected by voters, I am acting on my own responsibility regarding matters of principle while holding frequent discussions with everyone. Corporate accounting is the basis of the economy, as I mentioned earlier, and “accounting standards” are not merely technical issues, but much broader issue highly relevant to the countrys tax system, company acts, economy and cultural backgrounds, such as how companies emerged in the country, as companies are extensively related to various matters. In many European countries, industrial revolution occurred as a natural process, as in the case of the United Kingdom. Moreover, there are countries like the United States where capitalism prospered freely, and there are countries, like Japan, which have adopted development-oriented capitalism.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

1この条約の適用上、文脈により別に解釈すべき場合を除くほか、(a)「日本国」とは、地理的意味で用いる場合には、日本国の租税に関する法令が施行されているすべての領域(領海を含む。)及びその領域の外側に位置する区域であって、日本国が国際法に基づき主権的権利を有し、かつ、日本国の租税に関する法令が施行されているすべての区域(海底及びその下を含む。)をいう。(b)「オランダ」とは、オランダ王国のうちヨーロッパに位置する部分(領海及びその領海の外側に位置する区域であって、オランダが国際法に基づき管轄権又は主権的権利を行使する区域を含む。)をいう。(c)「一方の締約国」及び「他方の締約国」とは、文脈により、日本国又はオランダをいう。(d)「租税」とは、文脈により、日本国の租税又はオランダの租税をいう。(e)「者」には、個、法及び法以外の団体を含む。(f)「法」とは、法格を有する団体又は租税に関し法格を有する団体として取り扱われる団体をいう。(g)「企業」は、あらゆる事業の遂行について用いる。(h)「一方の締約国の企業」及び「他方の締約国の企業」とは、それぞれ一方の締約国の居住者が営む企業及び他方の締約国の居住者が営む企業をいう。「国際運輸」とは、一方の締約国の企業が運用する船舶又は航空機による運送(他方の締約国内の地点の間においてのみ運用される船舶又は航空機による運送を除く。)をいう。(j)「権限のある当局」とは、次の者をいう。(i)日本国については、財務大臣又は権限を与えられたその代理者(ii)オランダについては、財務大臣又は権限を与えられたその代理者(k)「国民」とは、次の者をいう。(i)日本国については、日本国の国籍を有するすべての個、日本国の法令に基づいて設立され、又は組織されたすべての法及び法格を有しないが日本国の租税に関し日本国の法令に基づいて設立され、又は組織された法として取り扱われるすべての団体(ii)オランダについては、オランダの国籍を有するすべての個及びオランダにおいて施行されている法令によってその地位を与えられたすべての法、組合又は団体(l)「事業」には、自由職業その他の独立の性格を有する活動を含む。(m)「年金基金」とは、次の(i)から(iii)までに掲げる要件を満たす者をいう。(i)一方の締約国の法令に基づいて設立され、かつ、規制されること。(ii)主として、老齢年金、障害年金若しくは遺族年金、退職手当その他これらに類する報酬を管理し、若しくは給付すること又は他の年金基金の利益のために所得を取得することを目的として運営されること。(iii) (ii)に規定する活動に関して取得する所得につき当該一方の締約国において租税を免除されること。例文帳に追加

1. For the purposes of this Convention, unless the context otherwise requires: a) the termJapan”, when used in a geographical sense, means all the territory of Japan, including its territorial sea, in which the laws relating to Japanese tax are in force, and all the area beyond its territorial sea, including the seabed and subsoil thereof, over which Japan has sovereign rights in accordance with international law and in which the laws relating to Japanese tax are in force; b) the termthe Netherlandsmeans the part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands that is situated in Europe, including its territorial sea and any area beyond the territorial sea within which the Netherlands, in accordance with international law, exercises jurisdiction or sovereign rights; c) the terms “a Contracting State” and “the other Contracting Statemean Japan or the Netherlands, as the context requires; d) the termtaxmeans Japanese tax or Netherlands tax, as the context requires; e) the termpersonincludes an individual, a company and any other body of persons; f) the termcompanymeans any body corporate or any entity that is treated as a body corporate for tax purposes; g) the termenterpriseapplies to the carrying on of any business; h) the termsenterprise of a Contracting State” and “enterprise of the other Contracting Statemean respectively an enterprise carried on by a resident of a Contracting State and an enterprise carried on by a resident of the other Contracting State; i) the terminternational trafficmeans any transport by a ship or aircraft operated by an enterprise of a Contracting State, except when the ship or aircraft is operated solely between places in the other Contracting State; j) the termcompetent authoritymeans: (i) in the case of Japan, the Minister of Finance or his authorised representative; and (ii) in the case of the Netherlands, the Minister of Finance or his authorised representative; k) the termnationalmeans: (i) in the case of Japan, any individual possessing the nationality of Japan, any juridical person created or organised under the laws of Japan and any organisation without juridical personality treated for the purposes of Japanese tax as a juridical person created or organised under the laws of Japan; and (ii) in the case of the Netherlands, any individual possessing the nationality of the Netherlands and any legal person, partnership or association deriving its status as such from the laws in force in the Netherlands; l) the termbusinessincludes the performance of professional services and of other activities of an independent character; and m) the termpension fundmeans any person that: (i) is established and regulated as such under the laws of a Contracting State; (ii) is operated principally to administer or provide old age, disability or survivor’s pensions, retirement benefits or other similar remuneration or to earn income for the benefit of other pension funds; and (iii) is exempt from tax in that Contracting State with respect to income derived from the activities described in clause (ii).発音を聞く  - 財務省


Put simply, the issue of over-the-counter sales of life insurance by banks frequently came up on the agenda when I was a Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) member, which remained the case for a long time. Being providers of loans to a variety of businesses and individuals, banks are always in a very dominant bargaining position. Therefore, the significant worry was the possibility of the party in such a dominant bargaining position taking advantage of it for sales purposesfor instance, making a customer purchase a life or non-life insurance product by tying it to a promise to make a loan. It was for that reason that the 2007 amendment, which approved the insurance product sales by banks in a phased-in form, was passed only after steps for the prevention of harmful practices, including non-disclosed information protection, were set in place as a sort of firewall.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


1. For the purposes of this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) the termHong Kong Special Administrative Region”, when used in a geographical sense, means the land and sea comprised within the boundary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, including Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, the New Territories and the waters of Hong Kong, and any other place where the tax laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China apply; (b) the termJapan”, when used in a geographical sense, means all the territory of Japan, including its territorial sea, in which the laws relating to Japanese tax are in force, and all the area beyond its territorial sea, including the seabed and subsoil thereof, over which Japan has sovereign rights in accordance with international law and in which the laws relating to Japanese tax are in force; (c) the terms “a Contracting Party” and “the other Contracting Partymean Japan or the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as the context requires; (d) the termtaxmeans Japanese tax or Hong Kong Special Administrative Region tax, as the context requires; (e) the termpersonincludes an individual, a company and any other body of persons; (f) the termcompanymeans any body corporate or any entity that is treated as a body corporate for tax purposes; (g) the termenterpriseapplies to the carrying on of any business; (h) the termsenterprise of a Contracting Party” and “enterprise of the other Contracting Partymean respectively an enterprise carried on by a resident of a Contracting Party and an enterprise carried on by a resident of the other Contracting Party; (i) the terminternational trafficmeans any transport by a ship or aircraft operated by an enterprise of a Contracting Party, except when the ship or aircraft is operated solely between places in the other Contracting Party; (j) the termnationalmeans, in the case of Japan, any individual possessing the nationality of Japan, any juridical person created or organised under the laws of Japan and any organisation without juridical personality treated for the purposes of Japanese tax as a juridical person created or organised under the laws of Japan; (k) the termcompetent authoritymeans: (i) in the case of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Commissioner of Inland Revenue or his authorised representative; and (ii) in the case of Japan, the Minister of Finance or his authorised representative; and (l) the termbusinessincludes the performance of professional services and of other activities of an independent character.発音を聞く  - 財務省



In addition, I have obtained approval at today’s cabinet meeting to go on a business trip to China and Hong Kong starting today. During this trip, in Beijing, I will take part in the third high-level economic talks between Japan and China as one of the economic ministers.発音を聞く  - 金融庁



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