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While the venue's office was inundated with complaints, Motoya, who was supposed to be ill, appeared that night in a TBS live program (Nagano World Figure Skating Championships) and arose suspicion. 例文帳に追加

会場窓口には苦情が相次いだが、病気のはずの本人は同日夜、TBSの生放送番組(世界フィギュア長野大会)に出演し、疑惑を呼んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On November 24, 2005, Motoya was arrested by Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department on suspicion of violation of the Road Traffic Act based on the fact that he had illegally parked a car six times in two years and had not appeared at the police in spite of the notice of appearance. 例文帳に追加

2005年11月24日、元彌は、2年半の間に計6回にわたる駐車違反の出頭要請に応じなかったとして、道路交通法違反の容疑で警視庁に逮捕された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Shigetada HATAKEYAMA's Rebellion of July 17, 1205, he allied with the Hojo clan and was very successful, however, between September and October in the same year, he fell under suspicion from the Hojo clan of taking part in a revolt as a coconspirator in the Shigetada incident. 例文帳に追加

元久2年(1205年)6月22日(旧暦)の畠山重忠の乱では北条氏側に与して功を挙げたが、同年8月、逆に北条氏から重忠事件の共謀者として謀反の嫌疑をかけられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, when the Sakuradamongai Incident occurred in tandem with his retirement life, on July 2, 1860 Tadahiko was suddenly captured by Fushimi Magistrate's office on suspicion of involvement in the incident. 例文帳に追加

だが、隠居と相前後して桜田門外の変が起こると、忠彦は同年(万延元年に改元)5月14日(旧暦)、事件への関与の疑いで突如伏見奉行に捕らえられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Later, knowing that Naomasa was really the son of Naochika II, who had been killed on suspicion of collaborating with him after the Battle of Okehazama, Ieyasu took Naomasa as his pageboy (child page) and loved him as a sexual partner. 例文帳に追加

その後、家康は直政がかつて桶狭間の戦いの後に自分と内通していた疑いで殺害された井伊直親の実子であることを知り、直政を自分の小姓(児小姓)として取り立て、衆道相手として深く寵愛したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Once the unrest in Mikawa Province was transmitted to the neighboring Totomi Province, the whole territory became wrapped in suspicion with people in panic wondering who would be friend or foe amid the chaos and whether the news was true or false (Enshu [Totomi Province] Confusion). 例文帳に追加

このような三河の動揺が隣国・遠江へも伝播すると、正・誤の判別がつかない情報が飛び交う遠江領内は敵味方の見極めさえ困難な疑心暗鬼の状態に陥ってしまう(遠州錯乱)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A week later on August 20, Masanori FUKUSHIMA and some others visited Hidetsugu to pass on the order of committing seppuku given by Hideyoshi; Hidetsugu and others under suspicion including his pages committed seppuku that day. 例文帳に追加

それから1週間後の15日に秀次のもとへ福島正則らが訪れ、秀次に対し秀吉から切腹の命令が下ったことを伝えられ、同日、秀次及び秀次の小姓らを含めた嫌疑をかけられた人々が切腹することになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Masamune was summoned and confronted with an evidential letter by Hideyoshi Toyotomi upon the suspicion of instigating Osaki Ikki (the revolt of the former retainers of Osaki clan with the peasants of the region), Masamune made an excuse regarding the letter by indicating the lack of a pinhole on the letter at his seal mark of wagtail. 例文帳に追加

大崎一揆煽動の疑惑で豊臣秀吉に呼び出され、証拠の文書を突きつけられた際証拠文書の鶺鴒の花押に針の穴がない事を理由に言い逃れを行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1550, Yoshitaka conspired with Motonari to support the pro-Kagetaka faction lead by Kageoki NOMI, held Shigehira in custody under suspicion of naitsu (engage in secret communication) with the Amago clan, and forced him to retire and enter into priesthood. 例文帳に追加

天文19年(1550年)、義隆は元就と共謀し、乃美景興を中心とした隆景擁立派を支持、尼子氏との内通の疑いで繁平を拘禁し、隠居・出家に追い込んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1917, on suspicion of tuberculosis, he moved for a change of air to a rental villa in Kugenuma, Fujisawa-cho, Kanagawa Prefecture where his friend, Saneatsu MUSHANOKOJI, lived (it is said that tuberculosis was a mistaken diagnosis). 例文帳に追加

大正6年(1917年)、結核を疑われ、友人武者小路実篤の住んでいた神奈川県藤沢町鵠沼の貸別荘に転地療養の目的で居住(結核は誤診だといわれる)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, because Nakayo, his legitimate son, was one of friends of Mitsunari ISHIDA after the Battle of Sekigahara, there was a growing suspicion that Junnyo (Nishi Hongan-ji Temple) sided with the Western army so he disinherited Nakayo and Nakataka also confined himself at home. 例文帳に追加

だが、関ヶ原の戦い後は嫡男下間仲世が石田三成の友人だった事から准如(西本願寺)の西軍加担疑惑が持ち上がり、仲世を廃嫡して仲孝自身も謹慎している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the same year, he came under suspicion that he directed the Empress Myeongseong's assassination, with the cooperation of Lieutenant Colonel Yukihiko KUSUNOSE, who was a military officer to the Legation and the adviser to the military of the Korean Government, and Kenzo ADACHI, the president of a Japanese newspaper company, 'Hanseong Shinpo.' (Itsubi Incident). 例文帳に追加

公使館付武官で朝鮮政府軍部顧問の楠瀬幸彦中佐や、邦字新聞「漢城新報」社長の安達謙蔵らの協力を得て、同年の閔妃暗殺を指揮したとされた(乙未事変)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This followed the death of retired Mitsuyuki KURODA, whereupon Tsunamasa KURODA (who had been waiting for his chance) took the drastic step of obliterating the Mitsuyuki faction and suspicion fell upon Minehira TACHIBANA that he was involved in the purge. 例文帳に追加

これは、隠居黒田光之の死後、その機を待っていた黒田綱政による光之派一掃の荒療治であり、立花峯均はこの粛清事件に巻き込まれた恰好であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Specifically, Kinga's close associate, Genba YOSHIDA who was a Karo (senior retainer) of Obata Domain of Kozuke Province, fell victim to slander and was imprisoned for suspicion of treachery together with Ryuso YAMAGATA, who was a political advisor to the Lord on domain duties. 例文帳に追加

親交の深い上野国小幡藩の家老吉田玄蕃が讒言にあい、藩政の顧問山県柳荘とともに謀反の嫌疑をかけられ投獄されてしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1878, her husband Munemitsu received a sentence of five years' imprisonment for suspicion of taking part in the movement to overthrow the government, and he was imprisoned in the Yamagata prison (later moved to the Miyagi prison). 例文帳に追加

1878年(明治11年)、政府転覆運動に荷担した疑いで夫の宗光が禁固5年の刑に処せられ、山形監獄(のちに宮城監獄)に収監された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On this occasion, due to the suspicion that Okuma and Yukichi FUKUZAWA were trying to set up a new cabinet to replace the han-dominated government, many government officials who graduated from Keio Gijuku and were greatly influenced by Fukuzawa left their positions. 例文帳に追加

この際に、大隈や福澤諭吉が藩閥政府に代わる内閣を組織しようとしていたとの疑惑から、福澤の影響が強い慶應義塾出身の官僚が多数官を辞することになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, he was dismissed from his position on the suspicion of counterfeiting the work of Tanyu KANO and expelled from the castle town of Kochi-jo Castle, while Kano school expelled him from its school member list. 例文帳に追加

しかし、狩野探幽の贋作を描いた嫌疑を掛けられたことで職を解かれ高知城下所払いの処分となり、狩野派からは破門を言い渡される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the section on the tenson-korin (the descent to earth of the Sun-Goddess's grandson), Konohanasakuyabime became pregnant after spending only one night with Ninigi, who thought the father of the babies was a kunitsukami (Earthly God), and Hosuseri no Mikoto was a second child out of the three gods, who were born in a fire to eliminate Ninigi's suspicion. 例文帳に追加

天孫降臨の段において、一夜で身蘢ったためにニニギに国津神の子ではないかと疑われ、コノハナノサクヤビメがその疑いを晴らすために火中で生んだ三神の第二子である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Then, he started negotiations with the Ming Dynasty, however the diplomatic relationship between Japan and Ming was not established at that time due to "the Koiyo no goku" (the incident in which Koiyo was executed on the suspicion of espionage) broke out in the Ming in 1380. 例文帳に追加

対明交渉を開始するが、1380年には明で胡惟庸の獄が起り、胡惟庸が通牒している疑惑などがあり、日明関係は成立しなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hideyoshi, who had given up having his own biological child become his successor, designated his adopted son, Hidetsugu TOYOTOMI (Hideyoshi's nephew) to be his successor, and executed Hidetsugu and his family on suspicion of a rebellion in 1595. 例文帳に追加

秀吉はすでに実子の誕生をあきらめて、養子の豊臣秀次(秀吉の甥)を後継者に指名していたが、文禄4年(1595年)に謀反の容疑で秀次およびその一族を全て処刑した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Besides Morichika, Okiaki HOSOKAWA was ordered by his father to commit jijin (suicide with one's sword) by his father, Tadaoki HOSOKAW, Nagamori MASHITA committed jijin in Iwatsuki Ward where he was banished to compensate for Moritsugu's crime, and Shigenari FURUTA did so for the suspicion of harboring Kunimatsu. 例文帳に追加

盛親以外には、細川興秋は父・細川忠興から自刃を命じられ、増田長盛は盛次の罪を背負う形で配流先の岩槻区で、また古田重然は国松を匿った疑いでそれぞれ自刃した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Then, after Emperor Kanmu, who was not a descendant of Emperor Tenmu's imperial line (Emperor Tenmu was enthroned after the Jinshin War), was enthroned, Yakamochi was transferred again under suspicion of involvement in HIKAMI no Kawatsugu's War. 例文帳に追加

その後、壬申の乱で擁立した天武天皇の皇統が断絶し、その血を全く引かない桓武天皇が即位すると、今度は氷上川継の乱への関与を疑われて、また左遷されてしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because of the uniquness of this treaty, a part of the allied western powers had a suspicion that they made a secret agreement on the military alliance, or had an opposing argument on the exterritoriality, so the ratification was delayed. 例文帳に追加

なお、この条約の特異性から一部欧米列強から軍事同盟の密約の疑惑を持たれるなどしたことや、治外法権の存在などに対する反対論があり批准が遅れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the frequent talks with Ieyasu fanned suspicion in Yodo-dono (Lady Yodo) and Harunaga ONO who were unable to assess the truth of their state of affairs, resulting in Katsumoto being forced out of the Toyotomi camp. 例文帳に追加

しかし度重なる家康との交渉が、現実が見えない淀殿や大野治長らの内通疑惑を招き、遂に且元は豊臣氏から退去するに至った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the Owari Domain was the head of gosanke (three privileged branches) and the Nagoya-jo Castle was the bakufu's defending facility against the west, Yoshikatsu was always seen with suspicion though he took the stance near to the Imperial Court. 例文帳に追加

尾張藩は御三家筆頭、その名古屋城は幕府の西に対する防御施設であったため、いくら慶勝が朝廷よりの姿勢をとっても常に疑いの目で見られていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Later, Shigetada's bereaved son, Chokei HATAKEYAMA, who became a priest, was executed in October 1213 on suspicion of planning a rebellion and the 3rd shogun MINAMOTO no Sanetomo said, "Innocent Shigetada died in vain." 例文帳に追加

その後出家していた重忠の遺児畠山重慶は建保元年(1213年)9月に謀反の疑いを受けて殺害され、その際に3代将軍源実朝は「重忠本より過ちなくして誅を被る」と述べている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Oei War occurred in which Yoshihiro OUCHI raised an army, but a suspicion was raised that Ryoshun instigated Ujimitsu ASHIKAGA, Kamakura kubo (Governor-general of the Kanto region), to support Yoshihiro. 例文帳に追加

やがて大内義弘が挙兵する応永の乱が勃発するが、一時これに加担する動きを見せた鎌倉公方の足利氏満を焚き付けたのが了俊である、との疑念を掛けられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Moroe died on New Year's Day of the ninth year of Tenpyo-shoho era (757), his son TACHIBANA no Naramaro lost in the power struggle between him and FUJIWARA no Nakamaro, and died in prison in July 757 on the suspicion of conspiring a rebellion (Revolt of TACHIBANA no Naramaro). 例文帳に追加

諸兄が天平勝宝9歳正月に薨去すると、その子橘奈良麻呂は、藤原仲麻呂との政権争いに敗れ、同年7月に謀叛の疑いをかけられ獄死した(橘奈良麻呂の乱)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Yorinori committed suicide when attacked at the Shuzen-ji temple in Izu on suspicion of organizing a rebellion, Yoshiminosho, Yoshimi District, Musashi Province was distributed to his second son MINAMOTO no Yorien and third son MINAMOTO no Akira by their maternal great-grandmother Hiki Zenni. 例文帳に追加

範頼は謀叛の疑いで伊豆の修善寺にて攻撃され自害するが、その次男の源範圓・三男源昭が外曾祖母 比企禅尼から、武蔵国横見郡吉見庄を分与された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

AIJ Investment Advisors and others concerned are under criminal investigation on suspicion of having committed fraud in relation to the conclusion of discretionary investment contracts under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. We will make strenuous efforts to identify facts. 例文帳に追加

金商法等による投資一任契約の締結に係る偽計の嫌疑で、今、AIJ投資顧問ほか関係先に対して強制捜査に着手しているわけでございまして、これはしっかりと内容把握に努めていきたいと、そう考えています。 - 金融庁

Lately, however, there is a growing suspicion that Kato used his political funds for personal purposes such as paying for apartment rents and other living expenses. 例文帳に追加

しかし最近になって,加藤氏が自身の政治資金をマンションの家賃やその他生活費の支払いのような,個人的な目的のために使用していたという疑惑が高まってきた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

On Jan. 23, President Horie Takafumi of Livedoor, an Internet services company, and three other company executives were arrested on suspicion of Securities and Exchange Law violations. 例文帳に追加

1月23日,インターネットサービス会社ライブドアの堀(ほり)江(え)貴(たか)文(ふみ)社長ほか3人の同社幹部が証券取引法違反の疑いで逮捕された。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

At the same time, the Japanese Government considers it a serious matter that a suspicion of misconduct by a member of the Board of Directors was revealed early this year, in association with the bank's operations, as this incident may affect the integrity of, and confidence in, the EBRD's activities. 例文帳に追加

他方、我が国政府は、今年初め、EBRDの業務に関連して理事が関与する不正が行われているとの嫌疑がかけられたことは、EBRDの業務の廉潔性及び信頼保持に影響を与える重大な問題と考えています。 - 財務省

A case where there is an offer of information to the effect that new matter beyond the original text exists in the description, claims or drawings, and the result of the examination provides a suspicion that new matter beyond the original text may exist in the description, etc. 例文帳に追加

明細書、特許請求の範囲又は図面に原文新規事項が存在している旨の情報提供があり、その内容を検討した結果、明細書等に原文新規事項が存在している旨の疑義がある場合。 - 特許庁

In such cases, the examiner checks the information or the argument and may have a suspicion that matters beyond the foreign language document are described in the description, etc. 例文帳に追加

その場合、審査官はその内容を検討し、外国語書面に記載されていない事項が明細書等に記載されている旨の疑いを抱く場合がある。 - 特許庁

To perform intrusion suspicion level determination on the basis of filter policy and configuration information in a plurality of sites, and to easily perform central analysis of log information by a log analysis means.例文帳に追加

複数のサイトで、フィルタポリシー及び構成情報に基づいて侵入容疑レベル付けを行うことができると共に、ログ分析手段でログ情報を容易に集中分析する。 - 特許庁

To provide an outer wall cleanser damaging no outer wall, free from any suspicion of endocrine disruptive action, high in biodegradability, and also low in foamability and having high cleansing power.例文帳に追加

本発明の目的は、外壁を損傷することがなく、内分泌攪乱作用の疑いがなく、生分解性に優れ、更に泡立ちが低く、優れた洗浄力を有する外壁用洗浄剤を提供することにある。 - 特許庁

To provide a method for efficiently producing a copolymer transparent, excellent in flexibility and heat resistance and capable of containing no halogen viewed with suspicion from a viewpoint of environmental pollution.例文帳に追加

環境汚染の観点で問題視されているハロゲンを含有しない構成をとり得る、透明で、柔軟性、耐熱性に優れた共重合体を効率よく製造する方法を提供すること。 - 特許庁

To improve controlling power for pest worms by diffusing an attracting component over a wide area and attracting the pest worms to a poison bait in a container without raising suspicion by the insects as far as possible.例文帳に追加

誘引成分を広範囲に拡散させるとともに、匍匐害虫をできるだけ警戒させないようにして容器内の毒餌剤まで誘き寄せることができるようにして、匍匐害虫の防除力を向上させる。 - 特許庁

When the instruction of the axial movement is issued in the next block, and the instruction flag set in the first modal information table 1321 is "0", there is a suspicion that the modal G code whose instruction flag is "0" is not set.例文帳に追加

次ブロックにて軸移動の命令があった場合、第1モーダル情報テーブル1321に設定された指令フラグに「0」がある場合、指令フラグが「0」であるモーダルGコードの記載漏れの疑いがある。 - 特許庁

To provide a flame-retarding pressure-sensitive adhesive and a flame-retarding pressure-sensitive adhesive tape, not using a halogen-based flame retardant or antimony having problems in environmental protection and human body safety (suspicion of carcinogenicity), and having compatibly both high flame retardancy and excellent adhesiveness.例文帳に追加

環境保全、人体安全性(発ガン性の疑い)に問題のあるハロゲン系難燃剤やアンチモンを使用せず、高い難燃性と優れた接着性を両立した難燃性感圧接着剤及び感圧接着テープ類を提供する。 - 特許庁

To keep players from feeling suspicion for a special game state such as the variable probability state in a game machine which uses the combination of background figures corresponding to variable probability jackpot figures and a ready for win performance.例文帳に追加

確変大当り図柄に対応する背景図柄の組み合わせとリーチ演出とを用いる遊技機において、遊技者に、確変状態等の特別遊技状態に対する不審感を抱かせないようにする。 - 特許庁

To improve the reliability of a paper money dispenser 1 by effectively copying with when suspicion is aroused in a user and an illegal practice of the user.例文帳に追加

利用者に疑義が生じた場合や利用者の不正行為に対し有効な対処ができるようにし、紙幣入出金機1に対する信頼を向上させる。 - 特許庁

As a result of the support of the diagnosis, when an area concerned representing the suspicion of disease is outputted (S205), the imaging conditions for detailed imaging of the area concerned is determined (S206), a stopping means and the state of a lying table are altered.例文帳に追加

診断支援の結果として、病気と疑わしい関心領域が出力されれば(S205)、関心領域の詳細撮影のための撮影条件が決定され(S206)、絞り手段、臥位テーブルの状態が変更される。 - 特許庁

CT images are interpreted while sequentially displaying them (step S16), and when a CT image with suspicion that there is a lesion is observed, a 'mark' button is clicked for marking the CT image (steps S18 and S20).例文帳に追加

CT像を順次表示しながら読影し(ステップS16)、病変の存在が疑われるCT像が観察された場合には、そのCT像に目印を付けるために[目印を付ける]ボタンをクリックする(ステップS18、S20)。 - 特許庁

Thus, whether or not the state change in the game machine main body or near the game machine detected by the state detection means is the change with the suspicion of the fraudulent action is surely distinguished.例文帳に追加

よって、状態検出手段によって検出された遊技機本体や遊技機近傍における状態変化が不正行為の疑いのある変化であるか否かの区別を確実に行うことができる。 - 特許庁

To provide a slot machine preventing a player from holding a suspicion of so called double winnings, in the slot machine in which a bonus winning combination can be won when a specified small winning combination is won internally or won.例文帳に追加

特定小役の内部当選あるいは入賞に伴ってボーナス役が入賞可能な状態が発生し得るスロットマシンについて、遊技者が、いわゆる無駄引きの疑念を抱くおそれを抑制したスロットマシンを提供すること。 - 特許庁

Corporation may establish rules on recording the sources of information when the corporation acquires confidential information of a competitor through legal means, such as in the course of price negotiation, so that suspicion will not arise under competition law.例文帳に追加

価格交渉の現場等で、競合他社の機微情報を合法的な手段で取得した場合には、その情報源等を記録するルールを設け、競争法上の疑義を招かない対策を取ることが考えられる。 - 経済産業省

The quarantine stations may indict if it considers that any crime is committed, for example, submission of a false import notification document and illegal importation of foods violating the Act and or foods with a high possibility of suspicion, as well as make a publication of such indictments.例文帳に追加

検疫所は、虚偽の輸入届出や法違反又はその可能性の高い食品等の不正輸入など、犯罪があると思料するときは、告発するとともに、当該告発内容について、適時公表を行う。 - 厚生労働省


The quarantine stations may indict if a violation is serious and malicious, for example, submission of a false import notification document and illegal importation of foods violating the Act and or foods with a high probability of suspicion, as well as make a publication of such indictments.例文帳に追加

検疫所は、虚偽の輸入届出や法違反又はその蓋然性の高い食品等の不正輸入など、法違反の態様が悪質な事例等については、告発を行うとともに、当該告発内容について、適時公表を行う。 - 厚生労働省


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