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該当件数 : 132



The pipe receiving base is characterized in that the upper surface of the cylindrical base (1) is processed into the crescent-shaped with a semicircle groove (2) matching the outer diameter of the hard vinyl drain pipe. - 特許庁


The balloon catheter 1 includes a balloon extension lumen 23 in the shape of a crescent in section at a wire port fusion part 50. - 特許庁


Nanate-gumi indicates military units which Hideyoshi selected about 10,000 elite warriors and divided into seven during his life, and they worked as bodyguards of the Toyotomi family and for rituals for the Imperial Court, and the like.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One wide-angle projector 3 is installed on one side of a round section long-length material (for example, a steel pipe) 1 on an hourglass-shaped conveyance roller 2, and a plurality of spot light receiving units 4 are installed on a side opposite to the round section long-length material 1, across the hourglass-shaped conveyance roller 2. - 特許庁



After the fall of the Toyotomi clan, Nagamasu retired and gave 10,000 koku to Nagamasa ODA (daimyo), the fourth son, and Naonaga ODA, the fifth son.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



If a patent application under this Part has a date of filing, includes one or more claims and is not withdrawn or deemed to be withdrawn the Controller shall, on the request of the applicant made within the prescribed time, accompanied by the prescribed fee (“the search fee”) cause a search to be undertaken in relation to the invention and a report (a “search report”) of the results of the search to be prepared.  - 特許庁

(1) 登録済みか又は未登録かを問わず,何れの意匠も権利全体又は非分割部分を証書によって法的に譲渡可能ではあるが,このためには所定の手数料を納付の上,特許庁において記録しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(1) Every design, whether registered or unregistered, is assignable in law, either as to the whole interest or any undivided part, by an instrument in writing, which shall be recorded in the office of the Commissioner of Patents on payment of the prescribed fees.  - 特許庁


The inclination adjusting ring 1 has the protrusion 18 movably fitted into the recessed groove 371 in the state of superposition on the one surface 31. - 特許庁


The seal roll apparatus for the three-way seal packaging machine is equipped with a box frame 1, the seal rolls 2 and 3, fixed side bearing metals 4 and 4, movable side bearing metals 5 and 5, a bearing metal positioning screw 6, a bearing metal positioning bolt 7, a seal pressure adjusting coil spring 8, and a gap adjusting means 9. - 特許庁



Nobutomo BAN argued that the preface declared that "Kaifuso" contained poems 'from Tankai to Heito,' but Prince Otomo was the only one poet of the Tankai (Omi) period, indicating that this one was the emperor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The electromagnetic signal transmitter includes a waveguide 6 and receives a signal to be given to either of two function modules 1, 1' that are organized to obtain two-for-one redundancy from one input IN of the waveugide. - 特許庁


A web or an endless belt is stretched over a rubber roll 2 having a crown shape in which the quantity of a crown covering a surface of a bar-shaped rotary shaft 1 is 1-15 mm so that the rotary shaft is deflected, and the tension therein is within a range of 0.1 to 5 kg/cm. - 特許庁


In the squeezing-contraction processing method for squeezing a pipe end in a tapered shape, or contracting the partial length or the entire length of the pipe by pressing a stock pipe consisting of an electroseamed steel pipe 1 into a hole die 2, the pipe end on the pressing side of the stock pipe is heated to 450-550°C before pressing the stock pipe into the hole die. - 特許庁


Private capital flows which had been driving economic growth in the developing countries sharply declined from their peak of around $1 trillion in 2007, and are now projected to turn negative in 2009.We must assist the developing countries to mitigate the negative impacts of this precipitous drop in capital flows.  - 財務省


This bucket 1 is characterized in projecting latch object parts 4 latched to the latch piece 3 from left/right outside surfaces 5 and having such a shape as being stacked on top of one another. - 特許庁


This mobile communication apparatus includes the lower case 1 and upper case 2 which are jointed to each other with a hinge 21 and rotated by an electric motor 12 into an arbitrary rotation state, and a control part 11 when executing requested service controls the electric motor 12 to place the lower case 1 and upper case 2 in a predetermined rotation state corresponding to the service. - 特許庁


One terminal of an expanded part 1b, with which the aperture dimension is expanded by protruding outward, is formed at the opening terminal of a waveguide 1 and an emitting part 2b of a dielectric feeder 2 inside the waveguide 1 protrudes from the expanded part 1b so that a gap 5 can be formed between the expanded part 1b and the outer surface of the dielectric feeder 2. - 特許庁


Since the member for adjustment is composed only of the flat substrate 1 and the eye members 2 of the front loop, the member has an extremely simple structure and naturally an inexpensive manufacturing cost. - 特許庁


The polycarbonate resin contains at least 0.01 mol% of two valent phenol residue represented by formula (1), and content of a chloroformate residue is not more than 0.3 μmol/g, wherein, R^1 represents single bond or two valent group, at least two of R^2, R^3. - 特許庁


A couple of mount holes 1a are formed to a waveguide 1 formed by winded with metallic plates, the mount holes 1a are bored within one plane passing through the center axis of the waveguide 1, and the interval of both the mount holes 1a is selected to be about 1/4 of the guide wavelength along the guide axis direction along the guide axis direction of the waveguide 1. - 特許庁


On September 17, Yukinaga MIYOSHI, who had escaped to Koga-gun, Omi Province where he won the support of the local lords, rushed back to the capital; together with the Takakuni forces, Yukinaga captured Yushoken in one stroke, causing Sumiyuki HOSOKAWA to commit suicide since it was the last of his strongholds.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, the messenger from Kamakura who brought the news that Yoriie had died of disease on September 1 arrived at the Imperial court in Kyo in the early morning of September 7, 1203, and the emperor demanded to appoint Sanetomo as Seii Taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians"), which was recorded in Iezane KONOE's diary, "Inokuma Kanpaku-ki," "Meigetsuki" by FUJIWARA no Teika, and "Prince Narisuke's Diary" by Prince Narisuke SHIRAKAWAHAKUOKE.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The resin composition contains a polymer having a divalent phosphate residue having a spiro ring expressed by formula (1) in the molecule and having a number-average molecular weight of ≥2,000. - 特許庁


The slope reinforcing technique comprises laying resin foam blocks 2 in multiple layers inside the wall face material 1 and placing a netted sheet 3 between the resin foam block layers and fixing the netted sheet at one end to the wall face material 1 or/and to a fitting connecting the wall face material 1. - 特許庁


Prior to the fixation, the blade holding plate 2 is made to slide toward the leading and base ends of the blade 1 to adjust the protrusion amount of the leading end portion of the blade 1 from the blade holding plate 2, accordingly, the length of the solely bent portion of the blade 1 is adjusted when pressed against the plate surface, and the apparent rigidity of the entire blade 1 protruding from the blade holders 3 and 4 is changed. - 特許庁


The percutaneous absorption type adhesive skin patch agent kit 10 has a first adhesive skin patch agent 1 including a first drug containing part 11 containing the non-steroidal analgesic anti-inflammatory agent having a carboxyl group in the molecule and l-menthol, and further a second adhesive skin patch agent 2 including a second drug containing part 21 substantially free from the non-steroidal analgesic anti-inflammatory agent. - 特許庁


A base part (11) is provided with an annular net (18) extending form inside its opening end and there is provided means (18a) capable of expanding or shrinking the end part of the net (18), thereby it is possible to fasten the neck part of the PET bottle (1) to be stored. - 特許庁


The delivery slip is affixed to the edge of the mail, being turned down from the addressing surface to the reverse side, so that reading and writing of the data out of and into the carrier affixed to the mail can be made from the outer circumference of the bundled mails and the outside of a carrier case 1. - 特許庁


(2) apparent viscosity in a shearing speed of 200s^-1 at -40°C is less than 1-Pas, (3) yield stress at -40°C is less than 100 Pa, and (4) immiscible consistency at -40°C is larger than 160. - 特許庁


The roof tile 1 is so constituted that elastic members 15 are pasted or embedded to parts with which the surface of the lower roof tile comes into contact when plural numbers of roof tiles are stacked. - 特許庁


The haft 4 is set to be 10 cm thick at the haft head 1, and 11 cm thick at the border to the sword blade 3 in a gradually thicker oval form in cross section. - 特許庁


An extension line Y1 of a tube axis of a photomultiplier 1 is shifted from the center of gravity position G of the front face of a case 10A_F, and thereby a space is formed at the opposed side in the case. - 特許庁


In the humidity controller 1, air in a space between the reflection plate 38 and a case 32a advances along an auxiliary reflection part 382, and flows to first and second heaters 321, 322 through an opening 381. - 特許庁


Further, there is also reinforcement effect of the film member 92, the film member 92 is hardly deflected by air pressure and sliding with the air-conditioning case 1 can be made smooth. - 特許庁


In the case body device with the label capable of being recycled, the case body 1 has a separation part 3 capable of being easily separated from the case body 1 by impact or pressure, and labels 2a and 2b are plastered on the separation part 3 or a part of the separation part 3 and the case body 1. - 特許庁


This sleeve comprises a base member 1 fixed to a form CP, a spiral insertion member 2 vertically installed on the base member 1, and a cylindrical member 3 allowing the insertion member 2 to be inserted from the end face 3a thereof. - 特許庁


Accordingly, it becomes unnecessary to dispose an infrared ray transmission filter on the light receiving section 10, and the air conditioner can be provided more inexpensively in comparison with a case when the light receiving section is disposed on a front surface of a housing of the indoor unit 1. - 特許庁


When the secondary battery 2 is swollen, only the thin-walled part 5 is curved, and a thick-walled part 6 of the cabinet center part 4 moves almost perpendicularly to the bottom part 7 of the battery pack cabinet 1. - 特許庁


The device for preventing forward inclination of the exhibiting frame is provided with lug parts (1) for grasping a frame edge formed at one side of a solid, and a depth part (2) for holding a hanging wire of the frame tightly formed at the other to pull and stand the frame with the tensional force of the suspending wire. - 特許庁


The ear hung hearing aid 1 has a removable wind cover 3 and identifiers 10, 11 are provided on the side 3a of the wind cover 3 facing the head to detect the left or right side of the hearing aid to wear. - 特許庁


The both fire hoses are achieved by connecting the flat hose 1 foldable at the time of not passing water through and cylindrically expanded by a water pressure at the time of passing the water through and a flexible and curvable shape keeping hose 2 whose one end part is connected to the end part of the flat hose 1, which keeps a cylindrical cross section at all times. - 特許庁


The coating composition contains metal oxide ultrafine particles surface-modified with an organic acid, light scattering particles, and a monomer having two or more ethylenically unsaturated groups, and includes an organic solvent content of ≤1 mass% relative to the total amount of the composition. - 特許庁


A slope formation form is so constituted that four bearing frames 1 bent in an approximately L-shape are connected with two joint members 2a and 2b at right angles to them and that diagonal sections of the bearings frames 1 are inserted in four openings 4 bored in six longer wall surface members 3 formed of timber from thinning to pile them up and are assembled. - 特許庁


When the optical film composed of a thermoplastic polycondensation polymer with a fluorene ring is manufactured by a method for manufacturing a coating film using a solution, a light which contains at least a light of some single wavelength in the wavelength range of 400 to 450 nm and has an irradiation energy of 0.01 mJ/cm^2 to 1 kJ/cm^2, is emitted. - 特許庁


On January 26, 1185, with support from Koreyoshi OGATA, a Gozoku (local ruling family) in Bugo Province, Noriyori was able to get army provisions and ships, convince Yoshimori WADA and other busho who wanted to go back to Kamakura even without permission and finally was able to go to Bungo from Suo Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The sight trainer 1 of the shape of an eyeglass frame consisting of a front frame part 2 and temple parts 3 having earpiece parts 3a connected to both of the sides of this part 2 has holes 6, e.g. bored as indexes for visual recognition in the range of the visual field of the parts 2. - 特許庁


Relating to a pipe 1 of synthetic resin which is hollow and cylindrical, a bending part 1a for bending a peripheral wall 1w in the longitudinal direction is formed over the entire length in the axial direction, at least at three points of the peripheral wall 1w in cross sectional view, so that it is collapsed flat to allow folding. - 特許庁


The cylindrical, expandable tire vulcanizing bladder 1 extending vertically has a first contact domain 7 ranging from a position 5 corresponding to the tire equatorial plane 22 of the tread part 21 of an unvulcanized tire 20 to a position 6 corresponding to one bead part 23 when the unvulcanized tire 20 is held from the inside by expansion and a second contact domain 9 ranging from the position 5 to a position 8 corresponding to the other bead part 24. - 特許庁


The photosensitive ceramic composition comprises photosensitive organic components including a silane compound having a structure represented by formula (1) or (2) and an inorganic powder, wherein the photosensitive organic components include a polymer having a carboxyl group in a side chain and the ratio of the number of carboxyl groups to the number of aminic nitrogen atoms in the photosensitive organic components is 10:1 to 100:1. - 特許庁



The shrinkage-reducing agent for a cement composition contains at least one kind of compound represented by formula (1) and is characterized by containing less than 5 mass% of the one having 140°C boiling point among these compounds on the basis of the whole mass of these compounds. - 特許庁


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