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(Hanyu City, Saitama Prefecture. TOASHUZO sold the distillery, but the company that bought it withdrew from whisky production.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Needing some cash, I sold my cash bonds and bought futures as a hedge. - Weblio英語基本例文集


Next, let us examine the sources of advice on sell-offs that are available to SMEs. - 経済産業省


However, whereas only 41.1% of enterprises consider price factors to be a problem when selling their business, 67.3% of enterprises say that they find itdifficult to find suitable buyer” (Fig. 3-2-32), suggesting that considerable numbers of enterprises do not know how to go about finding a buyer. - 経済産業省



In that case, when 'selling priority' is set as a first newly buying term in a newly buying auction (D14 and D15), after successfully bidding the selling commodity, bidding processing of the bidding commodity designated as a newly buying object of the selling commodity is executed (D16 and D17). - 特許庁



Ryotei Koyo had been sold to Japan Leisure Service Group Co., Ltd. in Kyoto City, which is abbreviated to JLS, before the bankruptcy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Its land and buildings had been on the verge of being auctioned off, but after the plan was changed the trustee was looking for potential buyers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Ryotei Koyo was sold off to the Japan Leisure Service Group (Kyoto City, abbreviated name is JLS) prior to the bankruptcy of the Marutama Tourism Co. Ltd..  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


We welcome the recent decision by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to put its concessional lending facilities on a self-sustained footing, using the windfall profits from sales of gold.  - 財務省



When 'bidding priority' is set as a second newly buying term (D18), after successfully bidding the bidding commodity, selling processing of the selling commodity designated as a newly buying object of the bidding commodity is carried out (D19 and D20). - 特許庁



In a drawing 1, a person desiring selling registers 3 the specifications of the used articles of the car and the personal computer or the like and the contact address of the person on a home page 2 which an agent generates through the terminal 1 of the person desiring selling as the electronic sales mediating system. - 特許庁


Selling order recording parts 101 and 102 record an order to sell credit or credit futures under selling conditions of specific items according to information on a contract made between a commodity seller 21 and a buyer 22 or a contract expected to be made. - 特許庁


A website 21 refers to the right status of a right to be sold and a database holding evaluation data used to evaluate the right, determines a value-evaluated amount of the right to be sold, obtains a first listing price inputted on the basis of the value-evaluated price determined here and invalidates the first price when the obtained first price exceeds a prescribed upper limit price. - 特許庁

第五十九条 不動産の上に存する取特権、使用及び収益をしない旨の定めのある質権並びに抵当権は、売却により消滅する。例文帳に追加

Article 59 (1) Any statutory lien, any pledge with provisions not to use or make profits from real property and any mortgage existing on real property shall be extinguished upon sales.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Additionally, the head family ended up in court for a conflict over apportionment of the property left by the previous headman, and they were sentenced to sell inherited costumes and masks and apportion the proceeds of the sale among the family members of the deceased at the first and the second trials.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The gokenin (an immediate vassal of the shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods) at the time were suffering from the expenditure due to Mongol invasion attempts against Japan, and had made a living by selling land they inherited from ancestors and borrowing money from merchants.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There has been a media report that an employee of Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ purchased shares in an unlisted company from a business client and earned profits totaling tens of millions of yen by selling some of them  - 金融庁


The person desiring to purchase the corporeal object contacts a contact destination displayed on the display member and obtains sale information stored in the electronic storage means from the mediator. - 特許庁


Anonymous information grasped by sales office managers regarding customerssales and acquisition needs is posted on an internal company bulletin board, and when matching cannot be arranged in-house, the bank seeks matching partners using external intermediary agencies.  - 経済産業省


From this it may be concluded that when considering whether to sell off their business, SME entrepreneurs generally put their employeesjob security before their own personal gain. - 経済産業省


In the meantime, oil refining companies seem to be carrying out trading to secure profit by purchasing forward crude oil in advance (expansion of demand for crude oil) and selling forward petroleum products, because of anticipation of higher crude oil prices reflecting the worldwide expansion of crude oil demand. - 経済産業省


Furthermore, given that financial institutions can keep their exposure relatively low by selling their loans for a short time on the market, not only is it feasible that there will be an expansion of borrowers for financial institutions,but there will also be an increase in lenders for individuals and companies. - 経済産業省


For the same purpose the government allowed kome-kitte (rice voucher) to be used as money orders (this resulted in a pre-date transactions of rice), encouraged the stockpiling of rice, and controlled or restricted the domains transporting the rice, and the Kurayashiki (Warehouse-residences) from selling the rice.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When a selling applicant and a buying applicant access a prescribed Web page with personal computers and input the destinations to contact, selling and buying target articles and desired selling and buying conditions (such as desired prices), the inputted information is stored as a database in a server device 30 of a mediating dealer and disclosed on the Web page. - 特許庁


About a plurality of vehicles under a vehicle management company, data including vehicle specifications, careers, affiliations, and real locations are registered into a vehicle management database, a surplus vehicle to be sold off is selected out of the registered vehicles, and an estimate request is issued. - 特許庁


A condition matching part 105 compares the selling conditions recorded in the selling order recording parts with the buying conditions recorded in the buying order recording parts to make dealings in the credit or credit futures whose conditions meet each other. - 特許庁


When information of the effect of the closure of the customer account is inputted, an account deletion processing part 190 performs processing for deleting the customer account of the customer after a remittance part 140 remits a sellout money amount of the stocks to a remittance destination designation account previously designated by the customer. - 特許庁

8 破産管財人は、買受けの申出があったときは、前条第一項の期間が経過した後、裁判所に対し、第百八十六条第三項第一号の財産を買受希望者に売却する旨の届出をしなければならない。この場合において、買受けの申出が複数あったときは、最高の買受けの申出の額に係る買受希望者(最高の買受けの申出の額に係る買受けの申出が複数あった場合にあっては、そのうち最もにされたものに係る買受希望者)に売却する旨の届出をしなければならない。例文帳に追加

(8) When a purchase offer is made, a bankruptcy trustee, after the period set forth in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article has expired, shall notify the court to the effect that he/she will sell the property set forth in Article 186(3)(i) to the applicant for purchase. In this case, if two or more purchase offers are made, a bankruptcy trustee shall notify to the effect that he/she will sell the property to the applicant for purchase who has made the purchase offer with the highest offered purchase price (in cases where there are two or more purchase offers with the highest offered purchase price, the applicant for purchase who has made the first offer).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第百六十四条 第百五十条に規定する債権について、転付命令若しくは譲渡命令が確定したとき、又は売却命令による売却が終了したときは、裁判所書記官は、申立てにより、その債権を取得した差押債権者又は買受人のために取特権、質権又は抵当権の移転の登記等を嘱託し、及び同条の規定による登記等の抹消を嘱託しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 164 (1) When an assignment order or a transfer order has become final and binding for the claim prescribed in Article 150, or when a sale based on a sale order has been terminated, a court clerk shall, upon petition, commission registration of transfer of the statutory lien, pledge or mortgage for the obligee effecting a seizure or the purchaser who acquired such claim, and commission cancellation of registration under the provisions of said Article.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


There were some examples of Edo merchants who did daimyogashi mainly to domains in the Kanto and the Tohoku regions, but Edo did not become a stable financial source for domains because annual rice tax and special products of the Edo bakufu or hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu) who lived in Edo to guard the bakufu were sold in Edo, and sometimes the bakufu ordered restriction of rice delivery out of Edo for rice-price keeping operation for the bakufu's fiscal stability (as a result most of rice that were dealt in Edo were from the bakufu, hatamoto, and some merchants, and only partial amount of rice from domains in the Kanto region and the Tohoku region were dealt).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

四 差押えの登記前に登記(民事保全法第五十三条第二項に規定する仮処分による仮登記を含む。)がされた取特権(第一号又は第二号に掲げる債権者が有する一般の取特権を除く。)、質権又は抵当権で売却により消滅するものを有する債権者(その抵当権に係る抵当証券の所持人を含む。)例文帳に追加

iv) Obligees holding any statutory lien (excluding general statutory liens held by the obligees set forth in item (i) or item (ii)), pledge or mortgage which was registered (including provisional registration based on the provisional disposition prescribed in Article 53(2) of the Civil Preservation Act) prior to registration of the seizure and which shall be extinguished through the sale (including the holder of mortgage securities pertaining to such mortgage  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 担保権(特別の取特権、質権又は抵当権をいう。以下この項において同じ。)の目的である財産が破産管財人による任意売却その他の事由により破産財団に属しないこととなった場合において当該担保権がなお存続するときにおける当該担保権を有する者も、その目的である財産について別除権を有する。例文帳に追加

(2) Where property that is the subject matter of a security interest (meaning a special statutory lien, pledge or mortgage; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) no longer belongs to the bankruptcy estate due to sale by private contract by a bankruptcy trustee or for any other reason, the person who has such security interest, if it still exists, may also have a right of separate satisfaction over the property that is the subject matter of the security interest.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In November 21, 2008, Kyoto City announced the introduction of naming rights for the three facilities (athletic stadium, ballpark, and gymnasium) in The Nishikyogoku Comprehensive Sports Park and as for the ballpark; it solicited for the buyer, the right from January 8 to 30, 2009 under the condition that the amount of yearly contract should be more than 25 million yen, the term of contract should be more than five years, the name of the facility should include the word 'Kyoto' or 'Nishikyogoku,' and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group has already entered negotiations about the acquisition of Nikko Cordial Securities and Nikko Citigroup based on its preferential negotiating right. This would be the first time for a megabank and a major securities company to be integrated with each other so tightly. What is your view on the integration of a bank and a securities company?  - 金融庁


Regarding the Greek crisis, it seems that Japanese financial institutions, mainly megabanks, are receiving many offers from European financial institutions to sell operations in Asia in order to reduce assets, and such deals would represent a rescue in some respects. How do you view this trend and the possibility of megabanks making investments or acquiring assets in the future?  - 金融庁


Regarding the IMF’s financial situation, I am grateful that, under the strong leadership of the Managing Director, the Board recently agreed on both expenditure and income measures.Refocusing and streamlining the IMF’s operations will contribute to achieving expenditure cuts amounting to about 100 million USD in FY 2011.Increased revenue generated by the expansion of the IMF’s investment mandate, the investment of post-Second Amendment gold sale profits, and other measures will contribute toward closing the remaining gap in IMF finances of around 300 million USD.  - 財務省

第百八十六条 破産手続開始の時において破産財団に属する財産につき担保権(特別の取特権、質権、抵当権又は商法若しくは会社法の規定による留置権をいう。以下この節において同じ。)が存する場合において、当該財産を任意に売却して当該担保権を消滅させることが破産債権者の一般の利益に適合するときは、破産管財人は、裁判所に対し、当該財産を任意に売却し、次の各号に掲げる区分に応じてそれぞれ当該各号に定める額に相当する金銭が裁判所に納付されることにより当該財産につき存するすべての担保権を消滅させることについての許可の申立てをすることができる。ただし、当該担保権を有する者の利益を不当に害することとなると認められるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 186 (1) Where there exist any security interests (meaning a special statutory lien, pledge, mortgage, or a right of retention under the provisions of the Commercial Code or the Companies Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Section), at the time of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, against property that belongs to the bankruptcy estate, if it is in the common interests of bankruptcy creditors to cause said security interests to be extinguished by selling by private contract said property, a bankruptcy trustee may file a petition to the court for permission for the measure to sell by private contract the property and cause all security interests to be extinguished by paying to the court the amount of money specified in each of the following items for the cases listed in the respective items; provided, however, that this shall not apply if such measure would unduly harm the interest of the persons who hold the security interests in question:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二百八十一条 受託信託会社等は、信託財産に関して負担した公租公課、第二百三十一条の規定により行った資金の借入れに係る債務その他の費用又は信託事務を処理するため自己に過失なくして受けた損害の補償については、信託財産を売却し、他の権利者に立ってその権利を行使することができる。ただし、その権利を行使することが信託の目的に反することとなる場合には、その間、行使することができない。例文帳に追加

Article 281 A Fiduciary Trust Company, etc. may, with regard to taxes and other public charges borne in relation to the trust property, obligations pertaining to borrowings of funds made pursuant to the provisions of Article 231, or any other costs, or with regard to compensation for damages incurred while processing trust affairs in the absence of negligence, sell the trust property and exercise its right in preference to other right holders; provided, however, that it may not exercise the right in cases where the exercise of said right would run counter to the purpose of the trust.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

④ 顧客の生活、経済活動及び金融商品市場の機能維持の観点から重要な業務(顧客に対する金銭の払出し、MRF又はMMFの解約、保護預り株式等の売却注文、信用取引、物・オプション取引の決済のための注文及び既約定未受渡の取引の決済等)を、暫定的な手段(手作業、バックアップセンターにおける処理等)により再開(リカバリー)するまでの目標時間が具体的に計画されているか。例文帳に追加

(iv) Whether a specific target period has been set for the recovery of operations vital for the maintenance of the lives of customers, economic activities and the functions of the financial instruments markets (e.g., cash withdrawals by customers, cancellation of MRFs and MMFs, sell orders for stocks in custody, orders for the settlement of margin transactions and futures and options transactions and the settlement of executed transactions for which delivery has not been made) through provisional measures such as manual operations and processing by back-up centers.  - 金融庁


In this situation, this scheme is expected to be effective in easing selling pressure when banks and corporations decide to sell their shareholdings in light of the state of their portfolios or based on their management policies. In this sense, as I said earlier, I expect that this scheme will provide a sense of security amid hopes for the stability of the stock market.  - 金融庁

(e) 各共有者は,自己の持分を何時でも移転させることができる。共有者は,移転申出の通知から3月の期間中は,買権を享有する。価格について,合意できない場合は,裁判所によって決定されるものとする。当事者は,判決の通知又は上訴の場合は確定判決の通知から1月の猶予期間中に,当初の共有持分の売却又は購入を断念することができる。ただし,支払を要することがある損害賠償金の請求権を損なわないものとする。費用については,断念した当事者が負担しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(e) Each joint owner may transfer his share at any time. The joint owners shall enjoy a right of preemption during a period of three months as from notification of the proposed transfer. Failing agreement on the price, it shall be laid down by the Court. The parties shall have one month from notification of the judgement or, in the case of an appeal, of the decision, to forego the sale or the purchase of the joint initial share without prejudice to any damages which may be due; the costs shall be borne by the renouncing party. - 特許庁

2 差押債権者が、前項の規定による通知を受けた日から一週間以内に、優債権がない場合にあつては手続費用の見込額を超える額、優債権がある場合にあつては手続費用及び優債権の見込額の合計額以上の額(以下この項において「申出額」という。)を定めて、次の各号に掲げる区分に応じ、それぞれ当該各号に定める申出及び保証の提供をしないときは、執行裁判所は、差押債権者の申立てに係る強制競売の手続を取り消さなければならない。ただし、差押債権者が、その期間内に、前項各号のいずれにも該当しないことを証明したとき、又は同項第二号に該当する場合であつて不動産の買受可能価額が手続費用の見込額を超える場合において、不動産の売却について優債権を有する者(買受可能価額で自己の優債権の全部の弁済を受けることができる見込みがある者を除く。)の同意を得たことを証明したときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(2) When the obligee effecting a seizure fails to make an offer or to provide a guarantee, as provided in each of the following items for the cases set forth respectively therein, within one week from the day of receipt of a notice under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, by deciding, where there is no preferential claim, a price that exceeds the estimated amount of procedural expenses, or where there is a preferential claim, a price that is not less than the total of the estimated amount of procedural expenses and that of the preferential claim (such a price shall hereinafter be referred to as the "obligee's offered price" in this paragraph), the execution court shall rescind the procedure of a compulsory auction pertaining to the petition filed by the obligee effecting a seizure; provided, however, that this shall not apply when the obligee effecting a seizure has proved, within said period, that none of the items of the preceding paragraph apply, or that in the case set forth in item (ii) of said paragraph, the minimum purchase price of the real property exceeds the estimated amount of procedural expenses and that the consent has been obtained from the persons who have the preferential claim (excluding a person who is expected to be able to receive full performance of his/her preferential claim at the minimum purchase price) for the sale of the real property:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第百九十三条 第百四十三条に規定する債権及び第百六十七条第一項に規定する財産権(以下この項において「その他の財産権」という。)を目的とする担保権の実行は、担保権の存在を証する文書(権利の移転について登記等を要するその他の財産権を目的とする担保権で一般の取特権以外のものについては、第百八十一条第一項第一号から第三号まで、第二項又は第三項に規定する文書)が提出されたときに限り、開始する。担保権を有する者が目的物の売却、賃貸、滅失若しくは損傷又は目的物に対する物権の設定若しくは土地収用法(昭和二十六年法律第二百十九号)による収用その他の行政処分により債務者が受けるべき金銭その他の物に対して民法その他の法律の規定によつてするその権利の行使についても、同様とする。例文帳に追加

Article 193 (1) Exercise of a security interest in the claim prescribed in Article 143 or the property right prescribed in Article 167(1) (hereinafter referred to as "any other property right" in this paragraph) shall be commenced only when a document proving the existence of the security interest (or, for a security interest in any other property right for which registration is required in the case of transfer of the right and which is not a general statutory lien, any of the documents prescribed in Article 181(1)(i) to (iii) or Article 181(2) or (3)) has been submitted. The same shall apply to extended exercise of a security interest by a person having a security interest, conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Civil Code or any other Act against money or any other property to be received by the obligor as a result of a sale, lease or loss of or damage to the subject matter, establishment of a real right on the subject matter, or expropriation under the Land Expropriation Act (Act No. 219 of 1951) or any other administrative disposition.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



(ii) When providing credit to a small- or medium-size company, does the institution conduct credit management operations including credit rating management with due consideration for the overall status of the company's corporate management in light of the nature of small- and medium-size companies in general, such as their vulnerability to the economic cycle and their liability to fall into the status of having excess debt due to one-time factors. - 金融庁


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