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emerging countryの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 86


In addition, according to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) statistics, with regard to the foreign credit balance of banks in each country (unlike the flow of funds based on the balance of capital account where the U.S. leads), European financial institutions have a major presence in emerging countries in Africa, the Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe, and Asia.例文帳に追加

また、BIS統計によって、各国銀行の対外与信残高の状況を見ると、米国中心の資本収支ベースの資金フローと異なり、欧州金融機関が高いプレゼンスを示している。 - 経済産業省

On the other hand, common gokenin had to shoulder new burdens such as Ikokukeigobanyaku (military service imposed on gokenin in the Kyushu area by the bakufu in order to protect themselves against the invasion force of the Yuan dynasty) and Nagato keigoban (guards to protect Nagato Province against an invasion by a foreign country), which made it difficult for them to cope with the emerging monetary economy; moreover, their territories were broken up due to divided inheritance, so the social hierarchy rapidly diversified. 例文帳に追加

その一方、一般の御家人層では、異国警固番役や長門警固番役などの新たな負担を抱えるとともに、貨幣経済の普及に十分対応しきれず、分割相続による所領の細分化などもあり、急速に階層分化が進んでいった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A breakdown of the worldwide crude oil demand by country and region indicates that the demand in developed countries such as the United States has decreased or undergone only a slight increase in the last several years, while most of the demand increase has occurred in China and other emerging countries (see Figure 1-1-37).例文帳に追加

原油需要の国・地域別内訳を見ると、米国をはじめ先進国の原油需要はこの数年間減少若しくはわずかな増加にとどまっている中で、世界の需要増加のほとんどが中国を始めとする新興国の需要増加で占められている(第1-1-37図)。 - 経済産業省

In terms of consumption volume by country and region, the consumption of copper and crude steel, for example, has been steady or has decreased in the United States and other developed countries. However, the demand expansion in emerging countries such as China has pushed up the global consumption of such commodities (see Figures 1-1-38 and1-1-39).例文帳に追加

銅や粗鋼の各国・地域別の消費量も、同様に米国等先進国の消費量が横ばいないしは減少傾向で推移する中、中国を始めとする新興国の消費量の拡大が世界全体の消費量を押し上げている(第1-1-38図、第1-1-39図)。 - 経済産業省


In the background where Japanese company cannot get the share of the low income level country and lower-middle income class completely; there may be some causes such as improved technology of companies in the emerging countries, and commoditization (generalization) of products that Japanese companies were once dominant previously.例文帳に追加

我が国企業が、所得水準の低い国や下位中間層以下のシェアを獲得しきれていない背景には、新興国企業の技術力が向上し、かつて我が国企業が優位にあった製品がコモディティ化(汎用化)しつつあることが一因にあげられる。 - 経済産業省


In order to grow in the changing global economy, Japan needs to correspond to the new demand structure of the world with the following keywords, emerging country, attraction of Japan, safety, sense of security, infrastructure and environment, in mind, then strive for good circulation of domestic and foreign demand while contributing to the development of the foundation of global economy.例文帳に追加

我が国は、世界的な変動を見せるグローバル経済下で成長するために、新興国、我が国の魅力・安全・安心、インフラ、環境、をキーワードに世界の新しい需要構造に対応し、グローバル経済基盤整備に貢献しつつ、内外需の好循環を図っていく必要がある。 - 経済産業省

In relation to the strategic issues involved in the development of emerging country markets by Japanese companies, the following specific issues were pointed out in a report that discussed the marketability of the environmental business in China and Japanese companiesbusiness strategies.例文帳に追加

具体的な我が国企業の新興国市場開拓における事業戦略上の具体的な課題としては、中国市場における環境ビジネスの市場性と日系企業の事業戦略について論じたレポートにおいて、以下の課題が指摘されている。 - 経済産業省

Looking at the scale of the medical equipment market in the world, the advanced countries including the U.S., Europe, and Japan are ranked top at present; however, the growth rate of the medical equipment market is larger in emerging countries, and manufacturers of each country are actively promoting overseas business development (Figure 3-3-2-27).例文帳に追加

現在、世界の医療機器市場規模を見た際に、上位は米欧日の先進国が占めているものの、新興国の医療機器市場は成長率が大きく、各国のメーカーは積極的に海外事業活動を進めている(第3-3-2-27 図)。 - 経済産業省

When examining the company's answers saying that they will expand sales functions in the future according to country/region, the ratio of expansion in emerging countries such as China, Thailand, India, and Vietnam is highest in that order (Figure 3-2-1-5), and as for the ratio by business category, all industries have a high ratio for expansion, but the electric machine industry is especially high (Figure 3-2-1-6).例文帳に追加

今後販売機能を拡大するとした回答を国・地域別に見ると特に中国、タイ、インド、ベトナム等の新興国での割合が高く(第3-2-1-5 図)、業種別で見るといずれの業種も高いが特に電気機械が高い(第3-2-1-6図)。 - 経済産業省


Localization in emerging countries tends to contribute positively to the Japanese economy, by bringing in the necessity for increased research and development activities and opportunities for capital investments in Japan, through the repatriation of profit to the home country, along with an increase of intermediate commodity exports from Japan to overseas countries and an increase in income in the form of direct investment of profits earned abroad or income from patent rights, etc.例文帳に追加

新興国への「現地化」は、現地への我が国からの中間財輸出の増加や直接投資収益・特許等収入の拡大に伴う国内への還流等を通じて、国内の研究開発・設備投資の増大をもたらすことにより、我が国経済にプラスに寄与する傾向にある。 - 経済産業省


In general, emerging nations tend to be hesitant about measures such as reducing the source-country taxation of investment income, because of their desire to secure as much tax revenue as possible. It‟s important for us to talk to them effectively so that they would agree to start negotiations for revising the bilateral tax treaties (see Table 5-2-2-6).例文帳に追加

一般に、新興国は税収確保のため、投資所得に対する源泉地国における限度税率の引下げ等に消極的であることから、今後は、新興国等が日本との既存の租税条約の改定交渉に応じるよう効果的に働きかけることが重要である(第5-2-2-6 表)。 - 経済産業省

In June 2009, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. started a new factory for vehicle fabrication in St. Petersburg. In April 2010, Uniqlo Co., Ltd. opened its first retail shop in Moscow. Investments which expect the future growth of emerging country, Russia, have been made.例文帳に追加

2009 年6 月には、日産自動車がサンクトペテルブルクに新たな車両組み立て工場を稼働させた他、2010年4 月にユニクロがモスクワに1 号店をオープンさせるなど、新興国ロシアの今後の成長に期待した投資が行われている。 - 経済産業省

According to JBIC (2009),the most attractive country or region for business expansion from a medium-term perspective (approximately three years), was China, while India ranked second and Vietnam ranked third. From among the developed countries, the U.S. came in seventh, but it is obvious that many Japanese-owned companies, in general, find emerging economies as targets which are more attractive than developed countries.例文帳に追加

JBIC(2009)によると、中期的(今後3年程度)に有望な事業展開先国・地域の第1位は中国、第2位はインド、第3位はベトナムの順番となっており、先進国では第7位に米国が入っているものの、全体的に先進国よりも新興国を有望な事業先と見なしている企業が多い。 - 経済産業省

The OECD composite leading indicators (released in April 2012) continued to fall to the second half of 2011 on both advanced and emerging economies; however, on OECD member economies, as of February 2012 the index of the indicators rose for four consecutive months from December 2011 indicating a recovery trend (Figure 1-1-2-26), although varying from one country/region to another.例文帳に追加

OECD景気先行指数(2012年4月公表分)をみると、2011年後半にかけて先進国、新興国共に低下が続いたが、OECD加盟国については2012年2月時点で前年(2011年)12月から4か月連続の上昇と、回復基調が見受けられた(第1-1-2-26図)。ただし、国・地域によるばらつきがある。 - 経済産業省

In recent years, a group of emerging economies referred to as BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) has been increasing its presence in the global economy in light of its extensive land area and large population as well as abundant natural resources. The rate and level of growth, however, varies by country.例文帳に追加

近年、BRICS(ブラジル、ロシア、インド、中国、南アフリカ)と呼ばれる新興工業国は国土面積、人口の規模の大きさ、豊富な天然資源等を背景に世界経済の中で存在感を高めているが、その成長の速度や水準は国によって様々である。 - 経済産業省

Examining the ratio of current balance in relation to GDP of major advanced and emerging countries / regions it was found that during the time span from 1990 through 2006 or 2010, there were large imbalances in trade with such countries/ regions as NIEs and Middle East country which let the scale of current-account surplus increase. The same thing happened in case of South European countries in the euro zone, which also allowed the current-account deficit to widen.例文帳に追加

主な先進国と新興国・地域の経常収支の対 GDP 比率をみると、1990年から2006年もしくは2010年に向けて、いずれの場合も、NIEs、中東諸国をはじめ経常収支黒字幅を拡大させた国・地域、あるいはユーロ圏の南欧諸国をはじめ赤字幅を拡大させた国が多い。 - 経済産業省

Also, aggressive resource development in Africa and Central Asia by new emerging country companies such as from China and India and the trend toward oligopolization through mergers of resource development related companies is increasing international competition in resource development.例文帳に追加

それに加え、資源関連企業の合併による寡占化の動きや、中国、インド等の新興国企業によるアフリカや中央アジアにおける積極的な資源開発により、資源開発における国際競争が激化している状況である。 - 経済産業省

Through understanding of the medical care needs and systems in each country and discussions with other countries, we will promote introduction of medical devices and drugs originating from Japan, human resource development, acceleration of regulatory review process in other countries for products approved under the Japanese regulation, and development of various medical systems in emerging countries.例文帳に追加

各国の医療ニーズ・制度等の把握や諸外国との協議を通じて、日本発の医療機器・医薬品の輸出や人材育成、日本で承認された製品の諸外国での許認可迅速化及び諸制度の整備支援を促進する。 - 厚生労働省

A study byte Japan economic foundation (2010) on problem with Japanese companies internally and externally toward exploration of emerging economies showed that 55% of the companies answered that they have problem that is associated with securing/fostering manpower in the local country, which is the highest in proportion, followed by 53.4% of the companies that have problem associated with sales/marketing in the local country, and 43.8% of the companies said they have problem that is associated with clarification of business vision/strategy (Figure 3-2-1-24). Now, new measure to solve such problem is required to be taken.例文帳に追加

財団法人国際経済交流財団(2010)によると、我が国企業の新興国市場の開拓に向けた社内外の課題としては、「現地における人材育成・確保」が55.0%と最も多く、次いで「現地における販売・マーケティング」が53.4%、「事業ビジョン・戦略の明確化」が43.8%となっており(第3-2-1-24 図)、これらの課題克服に向けた新たな対応が求められる。 - 経済産業省

The Bank is expected to share sufficient information with the Fund and to play an active part in ensuring that emerging lenders and donors take debt sustainability issues into account in all lending practices, increase aid transparency, and respect other internationally agreed frameworks, through strenuous discussions for Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) and other policy dialogue. 例文帳に追加

世銀には、IMFと情報を共有しつつ国別パートナー計画(CPS)などの策定過程や政策対話を通じて、新たな貸手・ドナーに対して、債務持続性を考慮した貸付の実施や援助の透明性の向上など、貸手・ドナーとしての国際的に合意された枠組みの実施についても、積極的に働きかけることを期待します。 - 財務省

I do not deny that exchange rate flexibility in emerging Asia could play a certain role in the course of reducing imbalances, but I believe what is paramount now for each member country and region is to implement steadily the policy measures needed to strengthen its respective economic fundamentals, which would contribute to resolving global imbalances in a smooth and orderly manner while maintaining sustainable growth. 例文帳に追加

新興アジアの為替相場制度の柔軟化などを通じた調整もその過程で一定の役割を果たすことを否定するものではありませんが、世界経済の持続可能な発展を確保しつつ、不均衡を円滑かつ秩序ある形で解消していくためには、各国・各地域がその経済基盤の強化のために必要とされる施策をそれぞれ実施していくことがより重要であると考えております。 - 財務省

For example, South Korea expressed in November2010 a shift from a trade structure centering on advanced countries to a trade structure focusing onG20, including emerging economies, as "direction of trade and investment policy measures in the G20era" and based on the measure, the country is strengthening the trade infrastructure, including the expansion of support for globalization of SMEs/mid-sized enterprises and KOTRA's (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency) overseas offices.例文帳に追加

例えば、韓国は、2010 年11 月に、「G20 時代の貿易投資政策の方向性」として、先進国中心の貿易体制から新興国を含むG20 中心の貿易体制への転換を図ることを表明し、中小・中堅企業のグローバル化支援、KOTRA(大韓貿易振興公社)の海外事務所の拡大等、貿易インフラの強化を実施している。 - 経済産業省

Although it is absolutely essential to respond to middle income class in emerging countries which is and will be the present and the future big market, it will be important for Japanese company to keep the market of high-income class making use of the advantage of high value added products of our country, in order for Japanese company to establish a standing position of "admiration" from the middle income class which will become more wealthy in the near future.例文帳に追加

現時点及び将来的に大きな市場である新興国中間層への対応は不可欠であるものの、近い将来、富裕化していく中間層にとってのあこがれ的な立ち位置を我が国企業が確立するため、我が国の強みを活かした高付加価値品により富裕層向け市場を確実に押さえていくことも重要であろう。 - 経済産業省

The central role retail investors play in emerging equity exchanges in the country is also mentioned as one of the causes of wild fluctuation of stock prices there. Especially, with the recent spread of stock trading on the internet, the number ofday traders,” individuals who continually buy and sell in a short period of time, is increasing. Some believe they are another factor that makes share prices volatile. Proportions to the companies delisted of those due to disclaimer of audit opinion, misstatement, protection of public interests/investors, and breaches of listing agreements 例文帳に追加

また、個人投資家中心の取引が、我が国の新興株式市場の株価が大きく揺れ動く理由の一つでもあると言われている。特に、近年、インターネット株式取引の普及に相まって、「デイトレーダー」と呼ばれる短期に売買を繰り返す個人投資家が増加していると言われており、一層、株価が不安定化する原因になっているとも言われている。 - 経済産業省

Japan is an advanced country having not only an aging society98 but also world-leading medical technology, and, by accommodating these emerging countriesdemands, it will be able to contribute internationally and achieve both ensuring the quality of medical care and reducing social security expenses under the pressure to suppress the growth in social security costs.例文帳に追加

我が国は、高齢化先進国であるだけなく98、世界トップレベル水準の医療技術を有しており、これら新興国の需要に応えることで、国際貢献に寄与するだけでなく、社会保障費の増加抑制が求められる中でも、医療の質の確保と社会保障費用抑制の両立を達成することができると考えられる。 - 経済産業省

There is a growing voice from the business community with regard to the tax matters related to emerging countries such as those in Latin America and Asia. Among the major tasks ahead are reduction in the source-country taxation of investment income (dividends, interest, royalties), improvement with regard to provisions related to the transfer pricing taxation, and introduction of arbitration systems.例文帳に追加

現在、租税条約の締結・改定について、産業界からは、特に、中南米、アジア等の新興国に関する要望が強くなっており、投資所得(配当・利子・使用料)に対する源泉地国における限度税率の引下げ、移転価格税制の関連条項の整備、仲裁制度の導入等が主な課題である。 - 経済産業省

As each country is actively implementing its support measures, this section introduces our measures including acquisition of emerging markets that show remarkable growth, support for development of overseas packaged infrastructure business, support for overseas business development of small and medium-sized enterprises, removal of import restrictions that have been imposed against Japanese agricultural, forestry and fishery products due to the nuclear accident, and global human resources development.例文帳に追加

各国で積極的に支援策が実施されている中、成長著しい新興国市場の獲得、パッケージ型インフラ海外事業展開支援、中小企業の海外事業展開支援、原発事故の影響による我が国農林水産品に対する輸入規制の撤廃、グローバル人材の育成等について紹介する。 - 経済産業省

Efforts for attracting demand of rapidly growing markets in emerging countries should be made strategically for each country by classifying them into three categories based on levels of economic development, status of Japanese companies' business expansion, and the environment for competition with foreign rival companies in respective countries, while taking into consideration local needs for infrastructure and the perspective of ensuring the supply of resources. 例文帳に追加

成長著しい新興国市場の需要を獲得するに当たり、経済発展度合い、我が国企業の進出状況、他国企業との競争環境を踏まえ、新興国を3つに分類し、現地のインフラニーズや資源供給確保の観点も考慮した上で、各国毎に戦略的に取り組むことが重要。 - 経済産業省

MIURA and so on noted that medieval Europe was supported by the knights who were 'armed suzerain' emerging on the frontier by the Great Barbarian Invasion of Germanic peoples, positioned the bushi, who flourished in the frontier society centering on Togoku (the eastern part of Japan, particularly Kanto region) from the middle of Heian period in Japan, as 'armed suzerain' who were the same as the knights, 'discovered' that there also existed medieval times in Japan, which was the only country in Asia, and insisted that Japan could be modernized. 例文帳に追加

三浦らは、ヨーロッパの中世が、ゲルマン民族の大移動によって辺境で発生した「武装した封建領主」である騎士によって支えられていたことに着目し、日本で平安時代中期から東国を中心とした辺境社会で活躍した武士を騎士と同じ「武装した封建領主」と位置づけ、アジアで唯一日本にも中世が存在したことを「発見」し、日本は近代化できると主張した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

China may be broadly developed into four regions in which heavy concentrations of industry have formed: 1) the Bohai Sea Rim Economic Zone around the northeast and north (including, for example, Beijing, Dalian, and Tianjin); 2) the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone around the east of the country (including Shanghai, Suzhou, and Hangzhou); 3) the Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta Economic Zone around the south (including Guangzhou and Shenzhen); and 4) the emerging Central West Economic Zone around Chongqing and Sichuan (Fig. 2-2-7). 例文帳に追加

このような市場開放への足取りが、地域ごとのビジネスモデルの違いへ影響を与えてきた。中国では大きく分けて、〔1〕東北・華北(北京・大連・天津など)をとりまく環渤海経済圏、〔2〕華東(上海・蘇州・杭州など)を中心とする長江デルタ経済圏、〔3〕華南(広州・深など)を中心とする珠江デルタ経済圏、〔4〕重慶・四川省を中心とした新興の中西部経済圏に多くの産業の集積が認められる(第2-2-7図)。 - 経済産業省

These were: 1) Easy-credit pattern: United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Ireland, etc. Pattern where domestic consumption largely declines due to the collapsing housing bubble and disruption to the financial system. 2) Export-led pattern: Japan, Germany, South Korea, Singapore, etc. Pattern where exports largely decline due to a rapid drop in demand in developed countries such as the United States. 3) Emerging country boom pattern: Pattern where an inflow of funds from abroad drops rapidly due to economic decline in Western European countries that supply funds.例文帳に追加

具体的には1)信用膨張型:米国、英国、スペイン、アイルランド等住宅バブルの崩壊と金融システムの混乱により、国内消費が大幅に減退したパターン。2)輸出主導型:日本、ドイツ、韓国、シンガポール等米国等の先進諸国における需要が急減したことにより輸出が大きく後退したパターン。3)新興諸国ブーム型:中東欧諸国等西欧等資金供給国の景気後退により、海外資金の流入が急減したパターン。 - 経済産業省

It cannot be denied that some companies show hesitation in involving in BOP business stating the reason such as lack of local information or obscurity with regard to contribution toward short-term profit. However, in the middle to long term perspective, an involvement in BOP business by Japanese companies including small-medium business entities are deemed such an innovative challenge toward capturing new markets. Not only that, such companies could gain benefit more or less in ways they get an opportunity in laying out stepping stones to capture prospective middle-income class, enhancing international reputation (evaluation), gathering information that are closely related to the local country, procuring excellent staff in emerging markets, etc.例文帳に追加

現地情報の不足や短期的な収益への貢献の不透明さなどから参入にちゅうちょする企業も少なくないが、中長期的な視点に立つと、中小企業を含め、我が国企業のBOPビジネスへの参入は新たな市場獲得に向けたイノベイティブな挑戦と捉えることができるのみならず、将来の中間層取り込みへの布石及び国際的レピュテーション(評価)の向上、現地に密着した情報の収集、新興国市場における優秀な人材の獲得等、企業にとっての恩恵も少なくないと考えられる。 - 経済産業省

The World Bank (2008) has pointed out that the ratio to GDP of inward direct investment of flow to East Asia and the Pacific region was 2.8%in 1990s, and that it fell to 2.3% in the early 2000s, following the Asian monetary crisis; meanwhile, the ratios to fixed capital formation were 12.2% and 8.4%, respectively. At the same time, it has-been pointed out that foreign direct investment (including M&A) in developed-country companies, by companies in emerging and developing countries, has expanded in recent years, reaching US$100billion (i.e., 9% of the world's M&A) in 2006, and that this investment has become an important route for the introduction of technology.例文帳に追加

世銀(2008)では、東アジア大洋州地域へのフローの対内直接投資は、90年代にGDP比2.8%を占め、その後、アジア通貨危機の影響等を受け、2000年代に入り、2.3%に低下していること、それぞれ固定資本形成の12.2%、8.4%を占めていたことを指摘するとともに、近年拡大し、2006年で1000億ドル(世界のM&Aの9%)に達した、新興国・途上国企業による先進国企業に対するM&A等の対外直接投資も重要な技術導入の経路となっていると指摘している。 - 経済産業省

I would also like to point out that since the Lehman Brothers crisis two years ago, the financial world in nations around the globe was plunged into a grave situation. What is relevant here is the fact that the economy became divided by national borders in the wake of the Great Depression in 1929, which, according to present-day historians, is one of the remote causes of the Second World War. Looking back on the truly sober human history like that, we have worked painstakingly to address the situation by holding G8 and G20 meetings and the meeting of the Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervision, which just wrapped up as you know, and we also have the November Seoul Summit ahead of us. As I often say, every countrybe it the U.S., in Europe or an emerging economy in Asia – has different circumstances to deal with. In that light, I find it quite significant in the context of world history that the Basel III accord has, for the most part, been reached successfully. 例文帳に追加

それから、もう皆様方ご存じのように、2年前のリーマン・ブラザーズ・ショック以来、世界の金融が非常に各国に大きな危機になる。しかしながら、1929年の世界大恐慌の後で各国の経済がブロック化しまして、それが第二次世界大戦の遠因の一つだと今の歴史家は判断していますが、今回はそういった本当に苦しい人類の歴史の反省に立って、曲がりなりにもG8、G20をやってきまして、この前、ご存じのように中央銀行代表、また金融監督庁の長官会議が終わりまして、あとはまた11月のソウル・サミットがございますが、私がよく言いますように、アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、あるいはアジアの新興国、それぞれに色々とあるわけでございますけれども、そういった中でバーゼル III が大体合意に達したということは、私は世界史的な大変意義のあることだと思っています。 - 金融庁

Over the past decade, systems and institutions for ventures have been greatly developed. For instance, emerging equity exchanges were opened, minimum capital requirements for joint-stock companies were abolished, and systems for financing without the need for collateral or a guarantor were introduced. During the global IT boom around 2000, many IT service-related start-ups also came into the spotlight in Japan. In the country as a whole, however, the opening rate of establishments (the proportion of start-ups among existing businesses) stood at 5.1% (2004 - 2006), smaller than the closing rate (the proportion of discontinued companies among existing businesses) of 6.2%. This has also stayed at a lower level than that in the United States (10.2%), the United Kingdom (10.0%), and France (12.1%). (The year of reference is 2004 for all three countries). 例文帳に追加

この10年間、新興株式市場の整備や株式会社最低資本金規制の撤廃、新規創業者に対する無担保・無保証人融資制度の整備など、ベンチャー企業を取り巻く制度整備は大きく進展し、2000年頃には世界的なITブームに乗って我が国でも多くのIT・サービス系ベンチャー企業が注目されたが、我が国全体として見ると、開業率(新規開業企業数の現時点企業数に占める割合)は、5.1%(2004年~2006年)と、廃業率(廃業企業数の現時点企業数に占める割合)の6.2%を下回っており、米国(10.2%)、英国(10.0%)、フランス(12.1%)(米国、英国、フランスはいずれも2004年データ)と比して低水準にとどまっている。 - 経済産業省


In that sense, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) hopes that the strengthening of the margin regulation will help to protect investors and enhance the soundness of FX trading in Japan. As I already mentioned, FX trading using high leverages may cause customers to incur unexpected losses as a result of even minor movements in exchange rates.Regarding the margin regulation, the protection of investors has emerged as a greater challenge globally because of the Lehman shock of three years ago. As I stated in the Diet, this regulation is a democratic control of speculative money in a democratic country.While the economy contributes to the well-being of human beings, it tends to go out of their control, so it is necessary to protect investors and, depending on circumstances, even protect a country’s economy.I think that this regulation is necessary as part of the broad economic and fiscal policy that is emerging after the Lehman shock. 例文帳に追加

そういった意味で、金融庁といたしましては、この証拠金規制の強化によって、投資者保護、我が国のFX取引の健全性が図られることを期待しておりますし、繰り返しになりますけれども、高いレバレッジのFX取引は、わずかな為替変動であっても顧客が不測の損害をこうむる恐れがありまして、今回の証拠金取引規制は、今さっきから繰り返し申しておりますように、投資者保護ということが、3年前のリーマン・ショックにより世界的にも非常に大きな課題になってきておりまして、私は国会でも申し上げましたように、投機マネーというのが、民主主義国家において民主的にコントロールするかということで、ある程度、経済というのは人間が幸せになるためにあるわけでございますが、そういった意味で、人間のコントロールに及ばないところに行ってしまいがちでございますから、きちんと利用された投資者を保護する、あるいは場合によっては国の経済ですら保護するということが、非常に大きな世界の歴史の中において、いわゆるリーマン・ショックを契機とした世界の大きな経済財政政策の中の一環として、私は必要な規制ではないかというふうに考えております。 - 金融庁


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