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該当件数 : 375



As far as I know, around 50 individual shareholders attended it and many of them criticized Mr. Kimura (former chairman of Incubator Bank of Japan) for earning profits by selling shares after things went bad. Regardless of whether you have received a report on that situation, what do you think of the fact that individual shareholders voiced such criticism?  - 金融庁


The criteria for the purchase of J-REIT will be prescribed by a Cabinet Office ordinance in light of the supplementary resolution attached by the relevant committees of the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors to the bill for this legal amendment. For example, the criteria will include that an eligible J-REIT needs to have been held by a bank or other entity for more than six months, that the issuer needs a credit rating of triple-B minus (BBB−) or higher and that the issuer must stipulate under its internal rules that domestic real estate should be the main investment target.  - 金融庁


(ii) In cases of a credit rating agency that is a foreign corporation, whether it has described asmeasures for ensuring legal compliance” (Article 318(iii)(C) of the FIB Cabinet Office Ordinance): . specific procedures for identifying the scope of credit ratings that are subject to the FIEA (see III-2-1(4)(iii)); and . with respect to the prohibition of name lending, the details of measures it has taken so that each credit rating can be recognized as having been determined by the credit rating agency (see III-2-2(3)).  - 金融庁


For details, after the claimed invention and one or more cited inventions have been identified, one of the cited inventions most suitable for the reasoning is selected, and the claimed invention and cited invention are compared to find the correspondences and differences between the matters used to specify the claimed invention and matters used to specify the cited invention. Then, reasons for denying the presence of an inventive step of the claimed invention are sought based on the details of this or other cited invention(s) (including well known and commonly used arts) and the common general knowledge.  - 特許庁



Concretely, after finding the claimed invention and one or more cited inventions, one cited invention most suitable for the reasoning is selected.1 And comparison of the claimed invention with the cited invention is made, and the identicalness and the difference in matters defining the inventions are clarified. Then, the reasoning for lacking an inventive step of the claimed invention is attempted on the basis of the contents of the selected invention, other cited inventions (including well-known or commonly used art) and the common general knowledge.  - 特許庁



After determining what is described in a claimed invention and one or more cited inventions, one cited invention most suitable for the reasoning is selected. And comparison of the claimed invention with a cited invention is made, and the identicalness and the difference in matters defining the inventions are clarified. Then, the reasoning for lacking an inventive step of the claimed invention is attempted on the basis of contents of the selected invention above, other cited inventions (including well-known or commonly used art) and the common general knowledge.  - 特許庁


In the foreign language application, it is the description, claims and drawings that are, in principle, subject for the substantive examination on the premise that the contents of the foreign language document coincides with the content of the description, claims and drawings. The foreign language document and the description, etc. are checked with each other only in cases where doubt arises concerning the consistency between the foreign language document and the description, etc., specifically in the cases shown in 5.2.1.If such a check reveals any new matter beyond the original text, it constitutes a reason for refusal.  - 特許庁

中小企業政策審議会中小企業経営支援分科会商業部会報告書(地域コミュニティの担い手)としての商店街を目指して)(平成 21年1月 30日経済産業省)「地域コミュニティの担い手」としての商店街の取組を促すに当たり、商店街をめぐる現状と課題、取組の具体的内容、商店街をめぐる多様な主体との支援・協働関係の構築、行政の施策のあり方などの審議結果をまとめたもの。例文帳に追加

Report by the Commerce Unit, Small and Medium Enterprise Support Division, Small and Medium Enterprise Policy Making Council (Aiming for Shopping Areas as a Supporter of Local Communities) (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, January 30, 2009) Summarizes the result of deliberation on the current situation and challenges concerning shopping areas, the specific content of efforts, the construction of the support and collaboration relationship with various entities concerning shopping areas, ideal policies of governments, and so forth in order to promote efforts by shopping areas as a "supporter of local communities"  - 経済産業省


In internet trading, an "inducement to have a customer request a contract contrary to the will of the customer specifically refers to (i) cases where there are no measures which enable the customer to understand easily that the application results in the formation of a fare-paying contract (Subparagraph 1, Paragraph 1 of the Regulations for the Enforcement of the Specified Commercial Transactions Law) and (ii) cases where there are no customer-friendly measures which enable consumers to confirm and/or to revise the content of his offer easily (Subparagraph 2, Paragraph 1 of the Regulations).  - 経済産業省



Japan proposes that each Member set a target level of a trade- weighted average tariff rate according to a formula while giving consideration to the level of development of each Member, with less than full reciprocal treatment for developing countries which have higher trade weighted average tariff rates, and that each Member reduce its trade-weighted average tariff rate to that level. Each Member will retain flexibility on ways to realize the target tariff level. Tariff peaks and tariff escalations should be rectified through "Zero-for-Zero" or "Harmonization" approaches for sectors referred to in Point 3 below.  - 経済産業省



This is a program that provides outstanding and enthusiastic trainees with additional two years of training after the current three years, which offers an opportunity to acquire more sophisticated skills. More specifically, those who have passed a skill examination equivalent to Level 3 of the National Trade Skill Test upon the completion of the three year training will be permitted to re-enter Japan after a certain period of time if they wish in order to learn more advanced technical and managerial skills. - 経済産業省

統計情報の収集や管理、提供を行うことは、事業者団体における重要な役割の一 つであるが、「事業者団体の情報活動を通じて、競争関係にある事業者間において、 現在又は将来の事業活動に係る価格等重要な競争手段の具体内容に関して、相互間での予測を可能にするような効果を生ぜしめる」(事業者団体ガイドライン) 場合には、競争法上の疑義を招くおそれがある。例文帳に追加

Collecting, managing and sharing of statistical data is an important role of trade associations. However, if "as a result of the information activities of trade associations, businesses in a competitive relationship are able to make predictions among themselves concerning specific details of important means of competition, such as prices relating to current or future business activities" (Trade Association Guidelines), there is a risk of inviting suspicion under competition law. - 経済産業省

その内容を見ると、インフラにかける費用が対GDP 比で見るとタイよりも少ないこと、高速道路の拡張がタイに比べ短いこと、鉄道輸送量がタイに比べ少ないことなどが挙げられており、具体な解決策としてはスービック、マニラ、バタンガスを結ぶインフラ整備に集中すべきとの提言がなされ、その他、産業廃棄物処理場の早期建設、電力不足や高い電気料金といった電力問題、首都圏のごみ・大気汚染・交通渋滞といった課題の早期解決を政府に求めている。例文帳に追加

The report said that infrastructure developments were needed more in the Philippines. Specifically, the Philippinesexpenditure for infrastructure as a percentage of GDP is smaller than that of Thailand, expressways extend over shorter distances, and railway transport capacity is smaller. The report recommended that specific measures to solve these problems should focus on infrastructure development to link Subic, Manila and Batangas. The report also requested the government to promptly address such issues as construction of industrial waste treatment facilities, power shortages and high electricity charges, and municipal waste, air pollution, and traffic congestion in the Manila metropolitan area. - 経済産業省


It is regrettable that, before this Annual Meetings, we could not agree on a concrete package for the second round quota reform, but it is important to overcome our existing differences to advance the discussions in a constructive manner. Based on last year’s Resolution of the Board of Governors, Japan continues to participate pro-actively in the ongoing discussions to complete the quota and voice reform by the Spring Meetings of 2008, and no later than the next Annual Meetings.New ways of thinking give rise to the redefinition of core competencies and priorities.The income of the IMF, which relies on interest generated by lending, is decreasing against the background of the stabilization of the global financial markets and the reduction in the number of countries borrowing from the IMF.As a consequence, the IMF has been in the red since FY 2007, and its deficits are forecast to expand rapidly.In this critical situation, the Fund’s measures to increase income are currently being examined, based on the recommendations by the Crockett committee.  - 財務省

特許,実用新案及び意匠の所有者は,保護製品又は保護の客体を如何なる態様であれ製造,販売若しくは商品化し,それを如何なる態様であれ使用し,また与えられた権利に関連する諸種の行為を行うことができる。保護客体に応じて具体に述べると,次の内容の権利が認められる。(a) 製品特許,実用新案特許又は意匠の場合は,対象の製品,実用新案又は意匠を製造し,販売申出し,輸入し,商品化し又は使用すること (b) 方法特許の場合は,目たる結果を得るために当該方法を使用し,また販売その他商業のために当該方法を提供すること。例文帳に追加

The owner of a patent of invention, utility model and industrial design shall enjoy an exclusive right to make, sell or commercialize the protected product or object in any form, to use it in any form and to celebrate any type of acts relative to the right conferred upon him, with the following faculties: a) in the case of a patent for a product, utility model or industrial design, to make, offer for sale, import, commercialize or use said product, utility models or industrial design for commercial or industrial use; b) in the case of a patent for a process, to use said process in order to attain the claimed results, or else to offer said process for sale or commercialization.  - 特許庁

商標の所有者は,商標の対象である製品,サービス又は商業上若しくは産業上の施設の識別のために使用する排他権利を有する。この内容具体に示すと次の通りである。(a) 当該商標,又は当該商標に類似しそれが登録されているクラスの製品若しくはサービスに関する公衆の誤解若しくは取違を生じさせる虞のある商標を第三者が使用することに異議を述べること (b) 商標の所有者に損害を及ぼす可能性があるか又は商標の識別性若しくは商業価値を減殺する可能性のある商標その他の標識の使用又は出願を防止すること。例文帳に追加

The trademark grants to its owner the exclusive right to use it and apply it to distinguish the products, services, commercial or industrial establishments for which it has been granted, with faculty to: a) oppose to the use or application of the trademark that may be made by third parties, or of a trademark that may be similar and may lead the common public into error or misunderstanding regarding the products or services in the classes where it has been registered; b) prevent the use or application of the trademark and any other sign that may cause harm to the owner of the privilege or when this lessens the distinctive or commercial value of the trademark.  - 特許庁


As a rule, only one view of each invention can be shown in the IPO Gazette illustrations. The selection of that portion of a drawing best calculated to explain the nature of the invention or its specific improvement would be facilitated and the final result improved by judicious execution of a figure with express reference to the IPO Gazette, but which must at the same time serve as one of the figures referred to in the specification. For this purpose the figure may be a plan, elevation, section, or perspective view, according to the judgment of the draftsman. All its parts should be especially open and distinct, with very little or no shading, and it must illustrate only the invention claimed, to the exclusion of all other details. When well executed, it will be used without curtailment or change, but any excessive fineness or crowding or unnecessary elaborateness of detail will necessitate its exclusion from the IPO Gazette. - 特許庁


This program requires municipal governments to (1) sort out the situations of public assistance recipients and the factors inhibiting their independence and set up support programs for independence for each of them to describe the details and procedures of independence support, (2) choose the appropriate program for each public assistance recipient and provide independence support pursuant to it in an organized manner, in cooperation with related departments, public health centers, medical institutions, welfare centers, and specific nonprofit corporations. Independence support is divided into 3 categories: (i) support for financial independence, (ii) support for independence of everyday life, and (iii) support for independence of social life. These are provided according to the abilities of each public assistance recipient. More effective efforts are underway with regard to employment support for public assistance recipients as part of the above. - 厚生労働省


The Regulatory Guide for Reviewing Safety Design of Light Water Nuclear Power Reactor Facilities requires that “the nuclear installation be designed to reflect appropriate preventive considerations against operatorsmisoperation”, and its explanatory document requires that “In designing, attention should be given in consideration of ergonomics-oriented factors, to panel layout, operability of operating devices, valves, etc., instrument and alarm indication for accurate and quick recognition of reactor status and prevention of errors during maintenance and check,” and that in designing, measures should be taken so that necessary safety function is maintained without operator’s actions for a certain length after the occurrence of an abnormal condition. - 経済産業省

破産等手続開始の申立てにより金融商品取引業者の経営に重大な影響を与え得る者(以下Ⅴ-2-3において「親会社等」という。)が破産等手続開始の申立てを行った場合は、当該金融商品取引業者に対する金商法第 56条の2第1項に基づく報告徴求命令を通じて、当該親会社等の直近の状況を踏まえた財務の状況、親会社等との間の取引関係、顧客との契約の状況(顧客からの預り金がある場合にはその具体内容)及び業務の継続に関する方針等を速やかに把握するものとする。例文帳に追加

In cases where the party who is likely to have a material impact on the business management of a financial instruments business operator by filing a petition for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the “parent company, etc.in V-2-3) has actually filed a petition for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, etc. against the financial instruments business operator, supervisors shall, by issuing an order for production of a report under Article 56-2(1) of the FIEA, quickly identify the financial instruments business operator’s financial conditions in combination with the most recent conditions of the parent company, etc., the business relationships with the parent company, etc., the status of contracts with customers (if the business operator has received deposits from customers, the specific content thereof), and the business operator’s policy for continuing the business.  - 金融庁

破産等手続開始の申立てにより金融商品取引業者の経営に重大な影響を与え得る者(以下Ⅶ-2-3において「親会社等」という。)が破産等手続開始の申立てを行った場合は、当該金融商品取引業者に対する金商法第 56条の2第1項に基づく報告徴求命令を通じて、当該親会社等の直近の状況を踏まえた財務の状況、親会社等との間の取引関係、顧客との契約の状況(顧客からの預り金がある場合にはその具体内容)及び業務の継続に関する方針等を速やかに把握するものとする。例文帳に追加

In cases where the party who is likely to have a material impact on the business management of a financial instruments business operator by filing a petition for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the “parent company, etc.in VII-2-3) has actually filed a petition for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, etc. against the financial instruments business operator, supervisors shall, by issuing an order for production of a report under Article 56-2(1) of the FIEA, quickly identify the financial instruments business operator’s financial conditions in combination with the most recent conditions of the parent company, etc., the business relationships with the parent company, etc., the status of contracts with customers (if the business operator has received deposits from customers, the specific content thereof) and the business operator’s policy for continuing the business.  - 金融庁


Do the provisions on administrative work related to economic sanctions such  - 財務省

実用新案登録の存続期間中は,何人も,所定の手数料を納付して,次の何れかの理由に基づき,実用新案登録の取消を局長に申請することができる。 (a)クレームされている考案が実用新案としての登録に適格でなく,登録性の要件を満たしていないこと。具体には, (1)IP法第23条及び第24条に規定する通り新規でない場合 (2)IP法第27条に規定する通り産業上の利用性がない場合 (3)IP法第22条に規定する通り特許による保護から除外されている場合 (b)明細書及びクレームが所定の要件を遵守していないこと (c)考案の理解に必要な図面が提供されていないこと (d)実用新案登録の所有者が考案者又はその権原承継人でないこと (e)実用新案登録が原出願の内容を超えていること例文帳に追加

At any time during the term of the utility model registration, any person, upon payment of the required fee, may petition the Director to cancel the utility model registration on any of the following grounds: (a) That the claimed invention does not qualify for registration as a utility model and does not meet the requirements of registrability, in particular: (1) if it is not new as provided in Sections 23 and 24 of the IP Code; (2) if it is not industrially applicable as provided in Section 27 of the IP Code; or (3) if it is excluded from patent protection as provided in Section 22 of the IP Code. (b) That the description and the claims do not comply with the prescribed requirements; (c) That any drawing which is necessary for the understanding of the invention has not been furnished; (d) That the owner of the utility model registration is not the inventor or his successor in title; or (e) That the utility model registration extends beyond the content of the application as originally filed. - 特許庁

具体に は、被申立国は申立国に対し仲裁廷の裁定から一 定日以内に(20日以内:日マレーシア(152条2 項)、日シンガポール(147条1項)、日メキシコ (156条2項)、45日以内:日フィリピン(157条 1項)仲裁判断の内容の実施に要する期間を通知 するものと規定しており、申立国が被申立国から 通知された期間を不服とする場合には、日マレー シア(152条2項)、日シンガポール(147条1項 及び同条4項)及び日フィリピン(157条1項) においては協議を経たうえで、日メキシコ(156条 2項)においては協議を経ずに、それぞれ各締約国 は仲裁廷に対し期間の決定を要請できるとしてい る。例文帳に追加

Specifically, the respondent is required to duly notify the complainant of the period necessary to implement the award within a certain period of time (for example, 20 days under Japan - Malaysia EPA, Article 152, Paragraph 2; 20 days under Japan - Singapore EPA, Article 147, Paragraph 1; 20 days under Japan - Mexico EPA, Article 156, Paragraph 2, and 45 days under Japan - Philippines EPA, Article 157, Paragraph 1). If the complainant is not satisfied with the time period notified by the respondent, either party may request that the arbitral tribunal, after conducting consultations with the parties, determine such time period (see, for example, Japan - Malaysia EPA, Article 152, paragraph 2; Japan - Singapore EPA, Article 147, Paragraphs 1(c) and 4(b); and Japan Philippines EPA Article 157, Paragraph 1), or without conducting such consultations (see, for example, Japan - Mexico EPA, Article 156, Paragraph 2). - 経済産業省


10 第七項第三号又は第八項第三号の承認を受けようとする商品取引員は、次に掲げる 事項を記載した承認申請書に契約書の写し又はこれに準ずる書類を添付して、主務大臣 に提出しなければならない。 一商号 二許可年月日又は許可更新年月日 三期限前弁済等の額(外貨建てである場合にあっては、期限前弁済等の額及びその円 換算額)四現在及び期限前弁済等を行った後の短期劣後債務又は長期劣後債務の額(外貨建て である場合にあっては、短期劣後債務又は長期劣後債務の額及びその円換算額)五期限前弁済等を行う理由 六期限前弁済等の予定日 七十分な純資産額規制比率(法第二百十一条第一項に規定する純資産額規制比率をい う。以下同じ。)を維持するための資本金調達その他の具体措置の内容 八期限前弁済等を行った後の純資産額規制比率の推定値例文帳に追加

(10) When a Futures Commission Merchant intends to receive approval under paragraph 7, item 3 or paragraph 8, item 3, he/she shall submit a written application for approval including the following matters to the competent ministry with a copy of contract or an equivalent document attached to it: (i) trade name; (ii) the date of receiving permission or the date of the renewal of permission; (iii) the amount of the Payment before Maturity, etc. (in the case where the amount is denominated in a foreign currency, the amount of the Payment before Maturity, etc. and the amount thereof in Japanese Yen); (iv) the amount of the current short-term subordinated debts or long-term subordinated debts and those after making the Payment before Maturity, etc. (in the case where the amount is denominated in foreign currency, the amount of the short-term subordinated debts or long-term subordinated debts and the amount thereof in Japanese Yen); (v) the reasons for the Payment before Maturity, etc.; (vi) the scheduled date of the Payment before Maturity, etc.; (vii) the financing methods and other concrete measures for maintaining the sufficient Net Assets Regulation Ratio (which means the Net Assets Regulation Ratio prescribed in Article 211, paragraph 1 of the Act; the same shall apply hereinafter); (viii) the estimated Net Assets Regulation Ratio after making the Payment before - 56 - Maturity, etc.  - 経済産業省


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