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該当件数 : 57



The cover is provided with a stopper 6 cable of controlling the groove depth which regulates the groove depth in contact with the jamb surface. - 特許庁


An added band tension measuring device (14) is arranged between a metal fitting (2) and the band tension devices (5, 6), and the band (4) deflects laterally and establishes a relation between deflection (17) and force (15). - 特許庁


The reseparating and resticking label 1 is formed by protecting the reseparable and restickable tacky adhesives with protective paper 6 and by previously providing the surface in contact with the tacky adhesives on the protective paper 6 side for protecting the reseparable and restickable tacky adhesive 3 surface with a filler layer 61 not containing a silicone separating agent. - 特許庁


An undesired ultrasonic wave is attenuated by the rear face load member and a heat of the piezoelectric element 1 is absorbed by the rear face load member 6 to dissipate the heat so as to reduce a surface temperature of the ultrasonic wave probe. - 特許庁



In the ultrasonic wave probe provided with a piezoelectric element 1 and a rear load member 6 provided to one side of the piezoelectric element 1, the rear load member 6 is configured with a main material having a high attenuation characteristic with respect to an ultrasonic wave and a filling material filled in the main material with a high thermal conductivity. - 特許庁



This peripheral surface portion 2bh, which is not in contact therewith, is formed in a depth so as not to reach a virtual cylindrical surface 6 formed by extending the peripheral surface portion 2bs on the outer ring front side even if an outer ring 2 with the peripheral surface portion 2bh is thermally expanded. - 特許庁


The belt is constituted by fitting a plurality of the blocks 2 to the tension band 3 and the high load transmission belt 1 is characterized in that at least one side of the tension band 3 is covered with the cover canvas 6 and the cover canvas 6 contains the material for reducing the friction coefficient. - 特許庁


A guided flowing wind generating apparatus 9 for generating a forcible upward gas flow a little obliquely rising toward the upper range hood 6 from the top face of a work top 2 in the neighborhood of the cooking instrument in such a way that the waste gas generated in the cooking instrument 3 surely rises to the upper range hood 6 and is caught therein is attached. - 特許庁


In the ruler for cutting, the metal fitting part 2 is previously matched at an effective width of the object 5 to be cut or at the deepest place for cutting, and the mark is put to the previously placed object 5 to be cut and the cutting line is put by abutting the projection 1 to the objecting shape 6 and by moving it in parallel. - 特許庁



The apparatus has a load means 2 for applying a stress or the like to a test piece 5 having a through hole 6, a detecting means 3 for detecting an area of the through hole 6 of the test piece 5, and an operating means 4 for calculating an apparent crack length L from the detected area of the through hole 6. - 特許庁



The outer surface of the rod body 2 is wound with a tape at the pitch of 10 cm from the tip, and depth-measuring graduation 6 is provided thereon over the whole length. - 特許庁


The instruction processing device for successively executing the plurality of instructions of different lengths is equipped with: data buses 11-14 to transfer the instruction code of the maximum instruction length to the post stage at once; and a pointer control circuit 8 for adding a value to a pointer in accordance with an instruction length bit 6 added to the instruction code. - 特許庁


In addition, printing sheets 5 consist of printing surfaces 6 printable with a printer, self-adhesive layers 8 each formed on the rear surface side of each printing surface 6 and release sheets 9 each laminated to each self-adhesive layer 8 and can be pasted to the recording pages 2. - 特許庁


Fuke sect was introduced into Japan by Kakushin SHINCHI who went abroad to China (Southern Sung Dynasty) from Japan in 1249, and came back home with Hofuku (伏), Kokusa (佐), Risho (), and Sojo (), the four lay Buddhists that were disciples of SON Chosan, the sixteenth generation teacher of Fuke sect in China, in 1254.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


One or two or over of recessed parts 10 (recessed holes 8 or recessed grooves 9) whose depth is shallower than a wavelength λ of a surface acoustic wave are placed on a region between the IDT 6 and an end face of the major side in a propagation direction of the surface acoustic wave stimulated by the IDT 6. - 特許庁


The structure of water discharge pit for discharging from the bottom layer without bubbles by reducing bubble generated by air entrainment, dispersing falling water stream with a perforated plate and shallowing the penetration depth of bubble into the water tank is characterized by constituting of the perforated plate 6 and a sill 10 placed on the upper surface of the perforated plate 6 for weakening water force. - 特許庁


To provide air cleaning units 3 and 8, and air conditioners 1, 6, and 7 capable of enhancing the speed of decomposing, wiping out, or inactivating odor molecules, bacteria, viruses or the like. - 特許庁


A measurement container whose inner diameter is 19 mm, and whose depth is 28.5 mm is filled with the insulating varnish liquid to the limit at the upper edge, and viscosity is adjusted so that the insulating varnish can fall in 5 to 6 seconds from the bottom measurement port whose aperture is 2 mm. - 特許庁


In cushion-pad for seat A, both right and left sides of leg seat part 3, which catch and support the femur on seat part 1, both slits 4 and 6 having predetermined depths, are formed along longitudinal direction, and the rear end parts of these two slits 4, 6 are connected to each other with holizontal slit 7 having right and left directions. - 特許庁


These 19 Oaza became Oaza of Fukakusa town after the town system took effect in 1922 and were reorganized into 21 towns prefixing the name 'Fukakusa' when Fushimi Ward was established in 1931. (Oaza Kitashin was divided into Kita Shin-machi, Yoshimoto-cho and Yoshinaga-cho while 2-chome to 11-chome Sujikaibashi were counted as one town.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


From the diffracted lights reflected by the etched object 6 and a diffraction grating pattern 7, the height H1 of the diffraction grating pattern 7 before etching, the distance from the long wavelength semiconductor laser for measurement-side surface of the diffraction grating pattern 7 after etching to the bottom face of a trench, and the depth of the trench, are found. - 特許庁


In an illumination control device, having a control device that turns on or off or dims illumination loads according to external signals, the illumination loads are provided by a plural number and grouped into two or more groups, and the control part 15 is connected to the grouped illumination loads 2a, 2b which output wires 6 and turns on or off or dims the grouped illumination loads with a delay. - 特許庁


In a vehicular engine stop/start control device for stopping/starting an engine 6 under predetermined driving conditions, when a power steering motor 1 is predicted to be in an over loaded state while the engine 6 is stopped, the engine starting motor 5 is started to start the engine 6. - 特許庁


The ultrasound probe is provided with a rear-side load material 2, a piezoelectric element 4, a 1st acoustic matching layer 6, a 2nd acoustic matching layer 8, and an acoustic lens 10, which are sequentially layered on the material 2. - 特許庁


A pin 6 provided to a horn 5 for supersonic welding is pressed into depth to enter a light transmission plate 3 by breaking the various sheets 2, 3 from the side of the various sheets 2, 3. - 特許庁


To provide an oxide ceramic which has a larger negative thermal expansion coefficient than those of conventional ceramics and especially shows an extremely large negative thermal expansion coefficient of -2 to -13×106/°C which was impossible to realize by conventional techniques. - 特許庁

(2) 不可抗力に関する主張は,産業財産公報に当該特許が消滅した旨の公告が行われた後6月の間に限って行うことができる。また,当該主張は前記公報に公告されるものとし,これに関し関係当事者は1月以内に意見を述べることができる。例文帳に追加

(2) The claim of force majeure may only be brought during the six months following the publication of the forfeiture of the patent in the Official Bulletin of Industrial Property and it shall be published in the said Bulletin within a period of one month so as to allow any interested party to formulate observations thereon. - 特許庁


The rotation of the driving gear 3 is forcibly stopped by butting a circumferential projection 2b on a side of the coupling gear 2 to a fixed projection 6 of a load amplification means, and engaging them and the rotation torque in the rotating direction is increased so that the pulse motor M is stepped out and output is stopped. - 特許庁


Since a large frictional force is generated between a protrusive part 11 of an arm 10 and a column member 4 by the load of self-weight, the transmission part 2 makes rotating movement with the slope of the end part 7c vertically thrusted by the projection part 6. - 特許庁

出願人は,終結させられた登録出願処理の再開を請求することができる。ただし,出願人が,不可抗力又は出願人若しくはその代理人に係わりのない他の障害のために,登録出願における不備の除去又は説明の提出に係る特許庁の要求に,第31条 (3)又は(6)により定められた期間の満了までに応じることができなかった場合に限るものとする。例文帳に追加

An applicant may request that the processing of a registration application which has been terminated be resumed if the applicant failed to respond to the demand of the Patent Office to eliminate deficiencies in the registration application or to provide explanations by the end of the term established pursuant to subsection 31 (3) or (6) of this Act due to force majeure or some other impediment independent of the applicant or the applicant’s representative.  - 特許庁


In a document output apparatus 1 using a printer 6 to print out a document, a CPU 2 generates a copy-protected image by combining an image that is made invisible by copying with a remaining image that is clearly visible by copying and produces a document image the important data of which comprise disappearance character strings which are made invisible by copying. - 特許庁


In the shock absorber connected with a mobile object 1, vibration damping members 14, 16, 15 capable of being easily deformed to pressure load, are mounted on all of a pressure application face of the shock absorber piston 8, a bottom face of the shock absorber cylinder 6 and an inner side face of the shock absorber cylinder 6, or several places of their combinations. - 特許庁


In this low-temperature air processing equipment, oxygen is taken out from a rectifying column 7 as a state of gas and temperature- recovered up to around a normal temperature by an air heat exchanger 13 and then the oxygen gas is boosted up to a target product pressure by functioning as an oxygen blower 16 a brake on a normal temperature side of an expansion turbine 6. - 特許庁


A control means 8 controls an inverter 5 involving a first switching element 6 which makes common use of a harmonic wave restraining means of input current and a supply means of high-frequency current to an induction heating load in order to make a uniform magnetic field generate in a space formed between an upper heating coil 14 and a lower heating coil 15 and to restrain harmonic waves of the input current. - 特許庁


In this tire for winter use, a plurality of shallow grooves 6 setting depth and width of the groove to 0.1-0.8 mm, respectively, are formed to extend in the direction of radiation from a central part of a block 4 toward an edge part and open at an edge end of the block 4 on a surface 4 of the block in addition to a sipe 5 extended in the direction of tire width. - 特許庁


In an overload condition in the heater operation of this air conditioner, a defrosting operation is executed by determining a stop time of an outdoor blower 6, and by integrating time only when frost is attached to the outdoor heat exchanger 3, whereby the air conditioner is allowed to always effectively execute the defrosting operation without damaging a compressor 1. - 特許庁


Introduction information indicating melody, tempo, genre, keyword, etc., of each music content is added to the music contents, and a controller 18 selects and plays back the music contents having the introduction information coincident with each piece of the information detected by the optical sensor 12 and the microphone section 6. - 特許庁


A plurality of projections 6 are formed in a groove wall of a lug groove 3 to demarcate a block 4, and a recessed groove 7 having the width w equivalent to 20-40% of the groove width W on a tread surface of the lug groove 3 is formed on the bottom side of the groove wall along the extension direction of the lug groove 3. - 特許庁

(ロ) 車内エアコン本体の一部であるフィルター(5)にトルマリン二次素材(2)を内包した、分割構造(ハニカムなど)のセパレータ()を有する装置本体3(7)を付加、トルマリン特殊塗料(8)を塗布、またはトルマリン超微細綿状繊維(9)を絡める。例文帳に追加

(b) There is added on a filter, part of an indoor air conditioner body an apparatus body 3 (7) including a tourmaline secondary raw material (2) and having a separator (6) of a division structure (honeycomb and the like), there is applied a tourmaline special coating (8) or tourmaline ultrafine flocculent fibers (9) are entangled. - 特許庁


The rolled Fe-Cr-Ni alloy foil for a resistor of a multilayer board has a chemical composition comprising, by mass, 12 to 26% Cr and 6 to 21% Ni, and the balance Fe , inevitable impurities, has a thickness of50 μm, and has a volume resistivity of500 nΩ×m. - 特許庁

(6) OSIM が,特許出願を分析した後に,出願はそのクレームの全部又は1 部のみを基礎として技術水準に関する有意義な調査を行うための規定を満たしていないと判断した場合は,OSIM は,調査は不可能であると宣言するか(この場合は,手数料は返還しない),又は,適用可能な範囲において,部分的調査報告書を作成するものとする。その宣言及び部分的報告書は,その特許出願について行われるその後の手続の目的で考慮される。例文帳に追加

(6) If after the analysis of the patent application OSIM considers that it does not meet the provisions for carrying out a meaningful search in the state of the art, on the basis of all or only some claims, it shall either declare that the search is not possible, situation in which the fee shall not be refunded, or shall, in so far as applicable, draw up a partial search report; the declaration and the partial report shall be considered for the purposes of the subsequent proceedings that the patent application undergoes. - 特許庁

(a) その商標と同一又は実質的に同一の商標の最先の登録出願がその商標と同種の商品又はサービスに付随して使用するために行われた日及び同盟国を明示した宣言を含み又は添付してあるカナダでの出願が,その日の後,延長不可の6月以内に行われた場合例文帳に追加

(a) the application in Canada, including or accompanied by a declaration setting out the date on which and the country of the Union in or for which the earliest application was filed for the registration of the same or substantially the same trade-mark for use in association with the same kind of wares or services, is filed within a period of six months after that date, which period shall not be extended.  - 特許庁


This smooth plane material 1 capable of forming a sliding surface 7 of the slider 8 by arranging and securing has a meshing mechanism (a protruding line 5, a recessed line 6) capable of reducing the depth size of a gap C to prevent the foreign matter from entering the gap C formed between the adjacent smooth plane materials 1 when arranged side by side. - 特許庁


The angles of the surfaces 5b and 6b of a TEOS film 5 and a P-type SiN film 6 formed on the resistor 4 are adjusted so that the laser light projected upon the peripheral regions 5a and 6a of the resistor 4 may reach the end section 4a of the resistor 4 by controlling the depth of the step 3c and the thicknesses of the TEOS film 5 and SiN film 6. - 特許庁


When pouring liquid putty into a coaming pipe 2, vertically penetrating through the deck 1, from above the coaming pipe, or in a period of time until the liquid putty is cured, ultrasonic vibration is applied by using an ultrasonic vibrator 6, thereby remarkably enhancing the flowability of the liquid putty to spread the liquid putty into the inside of the meshes of a braid armour 33 of each braided cable. - 特許庁


When the pressure of the first pressure sensor 6 is higher than the pressure of the second pressure sensor 7 by a prescribed pressure or more, the narrowing degree of the variable valve 8 of the hydraulic cylinder 5 for adjusting the resistance of the bending and stretching of a knee joint part 9 is controlled by the detection information of the pressure difference of both sensors 6 and 7. - 特許庁

ASEAN10 か 国 に 日・ 中・ 韓 の 3 か 国 を 加 え た「ASEAN+3」による東アジア自由貿易圏(EAFTA)構 想 と、ASEAN+3 に 豪・NZ・インドを加えた「ASEAN+6」による東アジア包括的経済連携(CEPEA)構想については、2009 年から政府間で具体的分野を定めて議論が進められており、これらの構想を踏まえた概念としての東アジア地域包括的経済連携(RCEP:アールセップ)について、2012年4月のASEAN 首脳会議において、年末までの交渉開始を目指す旨の議長声明が発出された。例文帳に追加

ASEAN10 か 日・ 中 の 3 か 加 え たASEAN+3」による東アジア自由貿易圏EAFTA構 想 と、ASEAN+3 に NZインド加えたASEAN+6」による東アジア包括的経済連携CEPEA構想については、2009 から政府間で具体的分野定めて議論進められておりこれら構想を踏まえ概念としての東アジア地域包括的経済連携(RCEP:アールセップ)について、20124月ASEAN 首脳会議において年末までの交渉開始を目指す旨の議長声明発出された - 経済産業省


The solid-state image pickup device is characterized in that the closed space 11 of the light receiving region formed on a solid-state image pickup element as an upper layer of a silicon substrate 1 with a frame wall 6 and a sealing glass plate 7 is filled with transparent inert oil 10 of ≤1.3 in refractive index, especially, fluorine-based oil typically of perfluoro-polyester oil. - 特許庁


Honenbo Genku (1)->Seikanbo Genchi (first period of 2)->Horenbo Shinku (latter period of 2)->Shoshinbo Tanku (3)->Gudobo Keito (4)->Sogetsubo Eke (5)->Suganbo Jinku (6)->Jikanbo Hanku (7)->Gaganbo Unku (8)->Sozen Jogen (9)->Butsuryu Eisho Kokushi (Sonin Nadohiro) (10)->Yoshihide Sojin (11)->Seimi Aen (12)->Sokai Rachin(13)->Soshu Ryogyoku (14)->Iteri Ryoshin (15)->Shoyo Shukei (16)->Gokuyo Risei (17)->Eiyo Eishin (18)->Saiyo Unsei (19)->Koyo Denshin (20)->Seiyo Hozan (21)->Dozan Genryu (22)->Kanyo Genryo (23)->Enyo Kyugan (24)->Choyo Genzen (25)->Kinyo Seirin (26)->Ryoteki (27)->Chodon (28)->Ninyo Genju (29)->Ganyo Donya (30)->Seiyo Ganshin (31)->Danyo Juno (32)->Koyo Juncho (33)->Kyoyo Shuson (34)->Tsuyo Chorin (35)->Kunyo Jakusen (36)->Juyo Shaetsu (37)->Toyo Junkyo (38)->Koyo Shuntaku (39)->Kanyo Manryu (40)->Hoyo Chishun (41)->Koyo Nencho (42)->Toyo Choon (43)->Kenyo Reishi (44)->Shinyo Kanrei (45)->Kakuyo Reicho (46)->Yuyo Shunkai (47)->Rinyo (48)->Joyo Gencho (49)->Meiyo Kenkai (50)->Yuyo Tenju (51)->Senyo Kyodo (52)->Kanyo Gakuzen (53)->Juyo Myozen (54)->Zaiyo Yurin (55)->Kurotani Joen [Ryoyo] (56)->Shishiku Kanjo [Ryoyo] (57)->Sato Zeimon [Kaiyo] (58)->Shishiku Kanjo [Ryoyo] (59)->Shuho Jogen [Seiyo] (60)->Kissui Kenyu [Butsuyo] (61)->Oka Binjo [Shinyo] (62)->Ikuho Zuien [Soyo] (63)->Mochizuki Shinko [Ikuyo] (64)->Hoi Kyogan [Doyo] (65)->Kawabata Nobuyuki [Genho] (66)->Watanabe Kyozen [Senyo] (67)->Chiba Ryodo [Myoyo] (68)->Fukui Shudo [Kanyo] (69)->Sawazaki Ryoju [Joyo] (70)->Fujiwara Hiromichi [Hoyo] (71)->Inaoka Kakujun [Toyo] (72)->Tsuboi Shunei [Jinyo] (73)->Takahashi Koji [Manyo] (74)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The switchgear includes a three-position switch having interrupting and disconnecting functions, a protective relay that supplies interrupting and disconnecting commands to the switch, a circuit switching device 6 that allows switching between cases where the command from the protective relay is an interrupting command and cases where the command is a disconnecting command, a bus bar for supplying power to the switch, and a cable for supplying power from the switch to the load side. - 特許庁


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