
「先般」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 145



My understanding is that an agreement was reached at a meeting of a special committee of the Japan Securities Dealers Association on March 31 that the negotiations with the OSE should be continued with a view to approving the purchase of a majority stake in Jasdaq by the OSE.  - 金融庁


Under these circumstances, Japan's financial sector's exposure to subprime-related products and other similar high-risk assets has been limited, compared with the exposure of U.S. and European financial institutions, as I have been saying.  - 金融庁


In particular, the recent amendment of its constitution regarding the establishment of the Monitoring Board consisting of financial regulators representing Japan, the US and Europe, along with the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), holds great significance in the progress toward optional application.  - 金融庁


I understand that on July 14, based upon an allegation that the Incubator Bank of Japan and its senior officers evaded an inspection, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department arrested a total of five persons, including former Chairman Kimura and incumbent President Nishino.  - 金融庁



Furthermore, in a market for specified investors, or professional investors, that will be established under the revised Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, Japan will allow the use of accounting standards based on decisions made for trading reasons, with international accounting standards in mind.  - 金融庁



Furthermore, the Government will steadily implement the Comprehensive Measures to Accelerate Reforms released recently, in line with the implementation of the Program, and take any means necessary to ensure that people can make a living with peace of mind and companies can concentrate on business.  - 金融庁


In my recent speech on fiscal policy, I stated my views on the course of public finance in the period ahead. At this committee today, as Minister of Finance and Minister of State for Financial Services, I would once again like to present my views on the issues that need to be tackled in the period ahead in the areas of fiscal policy and financial administration.  - 金融庁


I am aware of the Ministry of Justice's announcement on June 7 that the notification of death for people who went missing after the Great East Japan Earthquake and whose bodies have not been found may be accepted by municipal governments based on statements made by the persons who are submitting the notification.  - 金融庁


In response to the administrative action taken on May 31, the Mizuho Group submitted business improvement plans to the Financial Services Agency (FSA) on Wednesday, June 29. I understand that the group announced the outline of the plans.  - 金融庁



Immediately after the earthquake, I visited Sendai and Ishinomaki Cities in Miyagi Prefecture, and the other day, I visited Fukushima Prefecture and met with, in particular, the presidents of regional banks, Shinkin banks and credit cooperatives in the area affected by the nuclear power station accident.  - 金融庁



As for the double loan problem, as was mentioned now, consultations were held on the revisions of the bill on the reconstruction support organization for companies damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and on October 20, an agreement was reached on the revisions among the working-level officials of the three parties.  - 金融庁


When I recently visited New York, I met with various financial industry officials, including those who are in charge of operations in the Americas at Japan's mega banks - the New York branch managers of some Japanese banks are in charge of operations in South and Central America as well.  - 金融庁


The Bank of Japan (BOJ) has recently announced that economic problems such as the European debt crisis are the greatest downside risk.  I believe that, as a whole, the European debt crisis has had the largest impact on the global economy.  - 金融庁


From this perspective, Minister of Finance Azumi recently expressed an intention to announce Japanese financial support worth 60 billion dollars for the IMF at the G-20 meeting. I hope that this Japanese action, combined with Europe's own efforts, will help to resolve the European debt problem.  - 金融庁


The Act to Partially Amend the Act on Financial Institutions (,etc.)', Limits for Share, which was submitted as a bill sponsored by lawmakers, was enacted on June 26. Following the enactment of this act, the FSA will put the share purchase scheme into practice quickly by adopting relevant Cabinet orders and ordinances.  - 金融庁


In this context, Mizuho Financial Group revised downward its earnings estimate for the fiscal year that ended in March 2008 for the third time and some other financial institutions also announced downward revisions of their earnings estimates.  - 金融庁


Over the coming year, we will probably need to tackle new tasks. As for what we must continue to tackle, like I said the other day, there are three tasks in which we have been engaged for the past year as a very broad theme, and they will continue to be important.  - 金融庁


Recently, the FSA has agreed with the financial industry on 14 principles concerning the financial sector, and the way in which these principles should be utilized will be a very important theme from now on.  - 金融庁


When we agreed with the financial industry on 14 principles, we stipulated in the guideline of the Supervisory Bureau that voluntary improvement efforts made in accordance with the purpose of those principles should be taken into account as an attenuating factor when a business improvement order is under consideration.  - 金融庁


The OECD's recently-approved core principles on corporate governance, and the World Bank's continuing work with the OECD and other international institutions to encourage their broadest possible adoption and implementation in emerging market and industrial countries.  - 財務省


In this connection, the measures taken by the Argentine authorities during the process leading to their exchange offer for the bonds whose principal and interest payments had been suspended since the end of 2001, could establish an unfavorable precedent and raise a number of questions regarding sovereign debt restructuring.  - 財務省


I welcome the recent steps taken by China and Malaysia toward increased flexibility in their foreign exchange regimes. These reforms should increase the latitude of economic policies and enhance the flexibility of their economies to absorb shocks, thereby contributing to the growth and stability of the global economy.  - 財務省


We are pleased that as a result of such Japanese leadership, an agreement was reached on an increase of more than US$450 billion in IMF resources at the G-20 Summit in Los Cabos in June this year.  - 財務省


The Industrial Revitalization Corporation of Japan (IRCJ),which was established in April 2003 for the purpose of revitalizing Japan's corporate sector, is set to purchase financial institutions' loans to potentially viable firms. Recently, the IRCJ selected a few companies as the first batch of candidates to receive assistance.  - 財務省


In addition, Mr. Kuroda actively planned and implemented assistances for fragile countries, notably Afghanistan, and organized ADB's swift and effective assistances in the aftermath of the recent global financial and economic crisis, thereby demonstrating his superb leadership in strengthening the ADB's support for growth and poverty reduction in the Asia-Pacific region.  - 財務省


3. We intend to promote drastic reform of the tax system, while presenting a clear path toward the reform, based on the outline of tax reform announced recently by the ruling parties, in order to realize a fair and vigorous economy and society by tackling various challenges, such as establishment of a sustainable social security system and promotion of decentralization. - 財務省


In promoting fiscal structural reform, we will accordingly make efforts to ensure a recovery in the primary balance through continued study of the relationship between receiver and provider in parallel with improvements in the quality of expenditure, its reduction and other measures, on the basis of the "Structural Reform and the Medium-term Economic and Fiscal Perspectives" which was decided in a previous cabinet meeting. - 財務省


The recent release of revised negotiating texts on agriculture and non-agricultural market access (NAMA), and other Chairs' reports on services and rules, are significant new developments that move the Round into a new phase that should lead us into final negotiations. - 経済産業省


As for the other question, the state of disclosure, a report issued on April 11 by the FSF (Financial Stability Forum) stated in relation to the disclosure of securitization products that financial institutions, in reference to examples of leading disclosure practice, should make appropriate disclosure regarding risk exposures that are most closely related to current market conditions.  - 金融庁


As I said the other day in response to a similar question, a conclusion was reached on the securities investment-related tax system at the end of last year. It is important that we consider what to do with the tax system as a whole while maintaining consistency with that conclusion. As for the specifics of our request and details of the relationship between it and last year's tax revision, I would like to refrain from making a comment for now.  - 金融庁


From the standpoint of the FSA, I would like to refrain from offering any definitive opinion regarding the future course of the financial markets. As I have been saying, while we have seen some positive developments, there are also many negative factors, so I expect that it will take much more time before the global financial market turmoil will subside.  - 金融庁


The important thing is that substantial international debate is held regardless of whether the subject be the capital adequacy ratio, the quality of capital, risk assets as the denominator (of the calculation formula of the capital adequacy ratio), the reliability of the comprehension of risks, or the mitigation or prevention of the procyclicality (the effect of amplifying economic cycles).  - 金融庁


In the case of a realignment that would place a major bank and a major securities company in the same group, which I think was mentioned in the previous press conference, it is very important that governance and risk management are properly conducted so as to prevent the conflict of interests and the abuse of a superior position.  - 金融庁


Although this has nothing to do with the cabinet meeting, I would like to talk about our continuing efforts regarding the facilitation of financing for small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs).  - 金融庁


Recently, I visited Sendai and Ishinomaki Cities and listened to the opinions of various financial institutions, including regional banks, Shinkin Banks and credit cooperatives. As you mentioned just now, the burden of double loans is looming as a very serious problem for small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) and individuals.  - 金融庁


As part of such efforts, I invited the executives of financial institutions to a meeting and requested once again their cooperation in enhancing smooth financing for SMEs.Furthermore, in order to ensure that financial institutions exercise adequate financial intermediary functions in local economies, including the smooth provision of credit to SMEs, through strengthening the capital base of financial institutions by the government's capital participation, I will submit to the Diet later today a bill for amendment of the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions and the Act on Special Measures for Promotion of Organizational Restructuring of Financial Institutions. At the same time, I will submit a bill for amendment of the Insurance Business Act for the purpose of protecting insurance policyholders and maintaining credibility of the insurance industry. I sincerely look forward to your cooperation in reviewing and supporting these bills in a prompt manner.  - 金融庁


In light of the fact that the Act on Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs(Small and Medium-Size Enterprises) has recently been extended for the last time until March next year, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) will steadily implement the policy package to support the management of SMEs, which was announced in April, so as to contribute to the efforts to pull Japan out of deflation and stimulate the Japanese economy.  - 金融庁

先般のソウルサミットでは、バーゼル III 合意した事項の着実な実施が重要とされているとともに、金融規制改革の更なる検討課題について合意をしたところでございまして、今回はそれを受けてG20の財務大臣・中央銀行総裁会議において合意した事項の実施状況や、新たな検討課題に関する作業の進捗状況について、議論される見込みだと思っております。例文帳に追加

At the Seoul summit, it was agreed that it is important to steadily implement measures agreed under the Basel III and it is necessary to further work on financial regulatory reform. At the forthcoming meeting of G-20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, I understand that discussions will be held on the implementation of measures agreed at the summit and on the progress in the work on new financial regulatory reforms.  - 金融庁


As the administrative action has been taken as a result of a system problem, we hope that the Mizuho Group will implement measures included in the business improvement plans with a sense of urgency. The FSA will examine the content of the business improvement plans and appropriately follow up on their implementation.  - 金融庁


Recently, the Diet passed and enacted an amendment bill to extend the period of the SME Financing Facilitation Act for one year for the last time and an amendment bill to extend the deadline for the determination of support by the Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation of Japan, over which Minister of Economic and Fiscal Policy Furukawa has jurisdiction, for one year, and the new laws were promulgated and put into force.  - 金融庁


This act expands the scope of items that may be purchased by Banks' Shareholdings Purchase Corporation, which resumed the purchase of stocks in March 2009, to include preferred stocks and securities, ETF (exchange-traded funds) and J-REIT so as to further strengthen the functions of the corporation in line with a supplementary resolution adopted by the House of Councillors' Committee on Financial Affairs.  - 金融庁


Regarding this case, I am aware that Minister Yosano called for stricter management of information. The FSA will use various opportunities to urge financial institutions to take necessary and appropriate measures as necessary to ensure secure management of information based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.  - 金融庁


While there may be various opinions about methodology, we have recently put forth the points of debate related to corporate governance that have come to our attention for now. I expect that this matter will continue to be discussed from various angles so as to ensure appropriate development of Japan's financial and capital markets.  - 金融庁


As for the global economic and financial situation, real GDP in the euro zone posted negative growth of 0.1% on a quarter-to-quarter basis. In the United States, the FRB issued a statement to the effect that economic activity is bottoming out and that the condition of the financial markets has been recovering further over the past several weeks.  - 金融庁


It turned out that in the G7 (Group of Seven Financial Ministers and Central Bank Governors) meeting that was held recently, the dominating subject was the trend of nations vying to keep their exchange rates or currencies lower, but the Japanese yen still remains at high levels. Can you please give your evaluation of this G7 meeting?  - 金融庁


The FSF report, which was issued on April 11, recommended that financial institutions properly disclose their exposure to the risks most closely related to current market conditions based on the leading disclosure practices.  - 金融庁


I would like to remind you that on April 28, the FSA issued a notice to all securities companies, asking them to take prompt action for the purpose of checking their internal control systems. I hope that securities companies, in cooperation with self-regulatory organizations, will make industry-wide efforts toward devising and implementing effective measures with a view to preventing the recurrence of similar cases.  - 金融庁


I expect that details of a proposal to be made at the November 15 summit will be deliberated mainly by the Prime Minister's advisory staff. In any case, I understand that the Prime Minister has outlined his broad perspective on problems to be tackled at the summit.  - 金融庁


I am sorry for asking you about the same matter again, but there is an unclear point regarding the basic policy for the fiscal 2009 budget, which was decided by the cabinet recently. While I understand that the basic policy stipulates that the ceiling should be maintained, it is doubtful whether the ceiling would be maintained if the one-trillion-yen reserves are added to the budget. How would you explain this?  - 金融庁



In this regard, a report recently issued by the Financial System Council's Study Group on the Internationalization of Japanese Financial and Capital Markets, entitled "Toward Stronger Corporate Governance of Publicly Listed Companies," recommends that information disclosure concerning the status of shareholdings should be institutionalized, as such information is important for investment decisions.  - 金融庁


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