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該当件数 : 52





Points or the like are paid to the users having carried out investment in response to a result of the investment event. - 特許庁


In the future, Japan will steadily implement EPAs already concluded. - 経済産業省





scientific research that requires massive capital investment but is expected to yield very significant results  - 日本語WordNet


第一条 この法律は、投資信託又は投資法人を用いて投資者以外の者が投資者の資金を主として有価証券等に対する投資として集合して運用し、その成果投資者に分配する制度を確立し、これらを用いた資金の運用が適正に行われることを確保するとともに、この制度に基づいて発行される各種の証券の購入者等の保護を図ることにより、投資者による有価証券等に対する投資を容易にし、もつて国民経済の健全な発展に資することを目的とする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 The purpose of this Act is, inter alia, by establishing a system whereby persons other than investors collect investors' funds and invest them mainly in securities, etc. by using investment trusts or investment corporations, and distribute the results thereof to the investors, and by ensuring investment trusts' and investment corporations' appropriate investment of funds, as well as taking measures to protect the purchaser, etc. of the securities issued under the system, in order to facilitate investors' investments in securities, etc., thereby contributing to the sound development of the national economy.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide a system for managing business investment which enables development of promising particular business, without being affected by the particular business situation of a proprietor and also enables improvement in investment accomplishment. - 特許庁


The time it takes to package our pasta products has been cut in half, which is a favorable outcome for the investment we made in the equipment. - Weblio英語基本例文集


We hope that findings from this study could be utilized in Bank's efforts to enhance infrastructure investments in the Latin American and Caribbean region.  - 財務省



In the event of a disaster, even a small additional investment in each project plays a great role in protecting human lives and development achievements.  - 財務省



Contribute to tangible outcomes, for example, where problems are transnational in nature or have significant implications for trade and investment;  - 経済産業省


The G20, MDBs, UNCTAD, UNDP, ILP and OECD will, based on the outcomes of this and other work, assist developing countries, in particular LICs, to develop action plans with the view to strengthen financial markets to boost small and medium enterprises (SMEs),improve the business investment climate, maximize the value-added of private investment and support the regulatory framework for foreign and domestic investment.  - 財務省


Since its inception in 1993, the MIF has steadily achieved tangible results in supporting micro and small business, and in improving business environment. Its activities are highly appreciated by recipient countries, and many of them are considered most innovative.  - 財務省


The medium-term strategy which is designed to promote private investments, with a primary focus on the financial sector and small and medium enterprises, is expected to generate noteworthy results.  - 財務省


I urge the ADB to make further efforts and provide more supports for this initiative to achieve more concrete progress by utilizing such schemes as the ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (ABMF) and the Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (CGIF).  - 財務省

ASEAN+3 マクロ経済リサーチ・オフィス(AMRO)及び信用保証・投資ファシリティ(CGIF)の設立とともに、我々の強固なコミットメントと ASEAN+3メンバーの協力の成果となるもの。例文帳に追加

This achievement along with the establishment of the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO) and the Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (CGIF) add to our solid commitment and concerted efforts of ASEAN+3 members.  - 財務省


Moreover, by gauging complex risks by way of capitalizing on the latest results of financial engineering, this enables financial institutions to achieve price setting on the basis of risk, and contributes to attracting funds from investors all over the world. - 経済産業省

また、APEC において投資、サービス、国際物流円滑化等の分野別イニシアティブを推進することによりその成果が最終的にFTAAP に結実するとの認識を共有した。例文帳に追加

Additionally, recognition was shared that promotion of sectoral initiatives such as investment, services and facilitation of international supply chain by APEC would finally produce a result of FTAAP. - 経済産業省

10. 我々は,貿易・投資委員会(CTI)による2010年の年次報告書及び同年の成果を承認するとともに,経済委員会(EC)によって実施された様々な活動を歓迎した。例文帳に追加

10. We endorsed the 2010 Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI) Annual Report and its outcomes for 2010, and welcomed the various activities conducted by the Economic Committee (EC). - 経済産業省

APECは、参加メンバーの自発的な行動を重んじ、域外に対しても貿易・投資の自由化・円滑化の成果を共有することを目的とした「開かれた地域主義(open regionalism)」を標榜していることを特徴としている。例文帳に追加

APEC is characterized by its respect for spontaneous activities by its members and its call for open regionalism aimed at sharing the fruits of free and open trade and investment in areas outside its region. - 経済産業省


The return of investment is Japan's direct investment outstanding in the emerging nations of Brazil, India and Russia has been lower than that in the emerging nations of China and ASEAN nations, and the return on investment in regard to the former is very volatile. Such direct investment pushed up the Japanese income surplus, which has exceeded trade balance surplus since 2005. - 経済産業省

1989年に誕生したAPECは、参加メンバーの自発的な行動を重んじ、域外に対しても貿易・投資の自由化・円滑化の成果を共有することを目的とした「開かれた地域主義(open regionalism)」を標榜していることを特徴としている。例文帳に追加

The APEC forum, established in 1989, respects voluntary actions by its member countries and has the motto of "Open Regionalism" which aims to share with external regions the benefits of liberalized and facilitated trade and investment. - 経済産業省


As concrete examples of (i) innovation capital, research and development (hereinafter referred to simply as "R&D") investment can be cited along with patent rights, trade secrets and copyrights, which are legally protected forms of products resulting from R&D investment. - 経済産業省


The Bank as a group should maximize outcome from its private sector activities by having all its relevant arms-the Bank's Private Sector Department, the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC), the Bank-administered Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) for which we all agreed on the replenishment of the resources in Okinawa, and regional departments in charge of improving business climate- closely coordinate with each other under the Office of the Private Sector Coordinator.  - 財務省


This plan is made based on the consensus between Japan’s Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, and the result of the Japan-Russia Investment Forum held September 6-7, 2006 in St. Petersburg. It is aimed at increasing steadily the amount of trade and investment between Japan and Russia in the medium term.  - 経済産業省


The revamping of the Securities and Exchange Act as the FIEA (put into effect on September 30, 2007), is intended to promote financial innovation, in order to reap further benefits from the reform measures already implemented and to ensure appropriate protection of users through the establishment of comprehensive and cross-sectoral rules concerning the protection of investors.  - 金融庁


In order to accelerate the shift of funds “from savings to investment,” the supervisory authorities will need to take advantage of the results of the past reform measures while dealing with Financial Instruments Business Operators, etc., in an appropriate manner under the cross-sectoral legal framework, as their businesses are becoming increasingly diverse.  - 金融庁


I would like to recommend that the AfDB take into full account the results of the dialogue, with a view to developing effective cooperation with other related organizations, and by doing so, actively working to support the North African countries in the fields of social development, including for improving the labor sector and governance reform, in addition to the Bank's continued support for enhancing investment environment and other agenda in the economic field.  - 財務省


We welcomed the outcomes of the London Summit on 2nd April 2009, which intends to restore growth and jobs, to strengthen financial supervision and regulation, to strengthen our global financial institutions, to resist protectionism and promote global trade and investment, and ensure a sound and sustainable recovery for all.  - 財務省


We acknowledge the useful observations of the study on common food security concerns in all APEC economies, including growing population, climate change, natural resource constraints, decreasing investments in agriculture, natural disasters, rising cost of food, and lack of nutrition education. - 経済産業省


ARCAM Dialogue participants engaged actively to produce a set of consensus outcomes, including on actions for APEC economies to advance the deployment of Smart Grid and to prevent the emergence barriers to trade and investment in Smart Grid technologies.  - 経済産業省

オバマ大統領は1 月27 日に実施した一般教書演説で、政権発足以降の取組の成果を訴えるとともに、政権2 年目は雇用対策を明確にし、中小企業に対する支援や環境・エネルギー分野への投資を通じて雇用創出を実現する方針を強調した(第1-2-1-38 表)。例文帳に追加

In his State of the Union Address on January 27, as well as appealing to the achievement of measures that he has taken since his inauguration, President Obama stressed that during his second year in office, the government will present clear employment measures and realize job creation by supporting SMEs and investment in the areas of environment and energy (see Figure 1-2-1-38). - 経済産業省


As something that complements the above empirical analysis that examined the relation between R&D investment and corporate performance, an empirical study was conducted to analyze the relationship between the number of patents and corporate performance by using the number of patents as a scale for measuring the interim results of R&D. - 経済産業省


University ventures as such usually have much more difficulty in financing than ordinary start-ups: (i) because there are few who have the sort ofkeen eyenecessary to understand and assess their business due to their advanced, tate-of-art research and development; (ii) because it generally takes longer to complete R&D for commercialization as they try to put achievements of cutting-edge research to practical use; and (iii) because, in part as a result of the disadvantages mentioned above, risks of their business are more difficult to assess, which leads to fewer venture capitalists that are willing invest in university ventures and to limited, smaller scale of investments for those that do.  - 経済産業省


As for approaches to promoting economic development, it is said that Asia is an area where "the Japanese-style of support for developing countries that combines trade, investment and aid yields significant results lead to a departure of the aid ultimately" and where "a double-truck approach in which 'rural and local development spread of benefit of development political and social stabilization economic development' and 'development of infrastructure creation of investment environment advancement of export-driven industrialization economic development'" has taken hold. - 経済産業省

その成果を各エコノミーの具体的行動に結びつけるため、「イノベーションの創出により生じた競争力の向上が貿易投資を拡大し、また、自由で開かれた貿易投資が、ヒト・モノ・カネ・アイディア等の国境を越えた自由な移動を促しイノベーションを促進する、という双方向の流れを加速化させ、イノベーションと貿易の相乗効果を向上させていくことが、アジア太平洋地域の更なる成長にとって必要である」という観点の下、我が国の主導により、「自由で開かれた貿易や投資の活動が、どのように国境を越えたイノベーションの促進に活用できるか」をテーマとして、「APEC イノベーションと貿易会議」を 2012 年 4 月に開催。例文帳に追加

With the purpose to connect the outcome with specific action to be taken by each economy, and from the viewpoint that “it is necessary for further growth of the Asia-Pacific region to improve the synergy between innovation and trade, by accelerating the bidirectional flows, in which, on the one hand, improved competitiveness originating from created innovation will expand trade and investment, while on the other, free, open trade and investment will promote free movement of people, goods, money, ideas and etc. and will lead to innovation,” the “APEC Conference on Innovation and Tradewas held in April 2012 under the leadership of Japan, focusing onspecific steps for utilizing a free and open environment for trade and investment for the promotion of cross-border innovation. - 経済産業省


While institutional reforms implemented since the financialBig Bang” have brought about benefits, a series of incidents involving problematic conduct occurred, including placement of large-scale erroneous orders in the financial instruments market, system troubles at securities companies, etc., insider trading cases, illegal transactions by investors, such as those aimed at market manipulation, and inappropriate practices by issuer companies, such as including false representations in financial statements.  - 金融庁


Knowledge cluster” are promoted under regional initiatives. Knowledge cluster conduct R&D activities to meet the needs of companies, with core universities and other public research institutions, and seek to attract human resources, information, and investment from other regions and countries by taking advantage of the results of R&D to advance regional industries, develop new products, and improve services. - 経済産業省

日・ASEAN 包括的経済連携が ASEAN の経済統合によって利益を得るべきであり、ASEAN の経済統合との関係で補完的であるべきであるとの認識を共有し、また ASEAN 自由貿易地域の成果がひとつの地域市場としての ASEAN の価値を高め ASEAN への投資を引きつけること、及び ASEAN 加盟諸国間の共通有効特恵関税制度が時宜を得て施されることを考慮し、例文帳に追加

RECOGNISING the different stages of economic development among ASEAN Member States and between Japan and ASEAN, and the need to facilitate the increasing participation of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Lao PDR, the Union of Myanmar and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, (collectively, "the newer ASEAN Member States") in the Japan-ASEAN CEP; - 経済産業省


Japanese exports of products and technology, along with Japanese FDI, can contribute to solving economic problems in East Asia and the Asia-Pacific region by sowing the seeds of economic growth, and sharing in the benefits. To uphold this kind of relationship a set of fair and transparent rules is needed, and herein lies the significance of continuing the negotiations for economic cooperation in East Asia and the Asia-Pacific region. - 経済産業省


The creation of "knowledge clusters" is being promoted under regional initiatives. Knowledge clusters conduct R&D activities with core universities and other public research institutions in order to meet the needs of companies, and they seek to attract human resources, information, and investment from other regions and foreign countries by taking advantage of the results of R&D to advance regional industries, develop new products, and improve services. - 経済産業省

FTAAP に含めるべき次世代型の貿易・投資課題について議論を行い、イノベーション政策における保護主義的な措置を APEC 域内で抑止するべく「効果的、無差別かつ市場主導のイノベーション政策の推進」に合意したほか、「中小企業のグローバル生産網への参加強化」について成果がまとめられた。例文帳に追加

Next-generation trade and investment issues, which should be included in the FTAAP, were discussed; with the purpose of restricting protectionist measures in innovation policies within the APEC region, “promotion of effective, non-discriminatory, and market-driven innovation policy” was agreed; and results ofstrengthening participation of SMEs in global production network” were summarized. - 経済産業省

2012 年は、ロシアが議長を務め、(1)貿易・投資の自由化及び地域経済統合、(2)食料安全保障の強化、(3)信頼あるサプライチェーンの構築、(4)イノベーションを通した経済成長の推進、の 4 つの優先課題の下に議論を行っており、その成果が、9 月にウラジオストクにて開催されるAPEC 首脳会議・閣僚会議においてとりまとめられる。例文帳に追加

Future prospects In 2012, Russia chaired the discussions under four priorities: (1) trade and investment liberalization, and regional economic integration, (2) strengthening food security, (3) establishing reliable supply chains and (4) intensive cooperation to foster innovative growth; the outcome will be summarized at the APEC top-level meeting and Ministerial Meeting to be held in Vladivostok in September. - 経済産業省

従来、地域密着性が主要な企業の競争力の源泉となってきたサービス産業にとって、その事業規模は限られ、結果として規模の利益を享受することに限界があったと考えられるが、以上のように、IT 投資の積極的拡大や大量調達とグローバル展開を同時に進めることで規模の利益を実現し、双方が成果を生む好循環を生み出していると考えられる。例文帳に追加

In the past, regional bonding was the main source of competitive strength for companies in service sector, business scale became limited, and as a result there were limits to obtaining economies of scale. But as mentioned above, achieving economies of scale by simultaneously pushing forward with active expansion of IT investments, large volume purchasing and global expansion can bring a favorable cycle of benefits from all these factors. - 経済産業省


However, I think that the FSA needs to conduct a study on measures such as strengthening punishment against false reporting and fraudulent solicitation - as you know, false reports were made in this case - establishing a mechanism that ensures effective checks by third-parties like companies entrusted with funds, auditing firms and trust banks - the checking function did not work at all in this case - and including in investment reports additional information useful for pension fund associations to judge the reliability of companies managing customers' assets under discretionary investment contracts and the investment performance.  - 金融庁


For details, I would like you to consult the SESC. In any case, I hope that the SESC will strive to conduct securities inspection in a more effective and efficient manner based on the results of the announced review project. I also hope that the SESC will make further efforts to maintain the trust of investors in the markets, by properly examining securities companiesinternal control environments, including the soundness of their financial positions and risk management systems.  - 金融庁


In this regard, I would like to ment ion that a joint study on infrastructure development in East Asia by the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation was released in March.This study points out a number of important issues related to infrastructure developmentThe public sector cannot cover all financing needs for infrastructure development.To attract private financing, government should play a key role in improving investment climate.§ To strengthen accountability, it is important to involve civil society in infrastructure projects and introduce infrastructure service competition.I hope that future infrastructure projects by the World Bank will be guided by these findings.  - 財務省


Enhance food security policy coherence and coordination and increase agricultural productivity and food availability, including by advancing innovative results-based mechanisms, promoting responsible agriculture investment, fostering smallholder agriculture, and inviting relevant international organizations to develop, for our 2011 Summit in France, proposals to better manage and mitigate risks of food price volatility without distorting market behavior.  - 財務省


2. The greatest achievement of this meeting is that we were able to establish a firm launching pad for the successful conclusion of the DDA. Especially, I would like to emphasize the importance of the comprehensive development package, which will enable developing countries to benefit fully from the liberalization of trade and investment. This will surely give momentum to the progress of this Round. Moreover, the success of the Hong Kong Ministerial is an extremely important message for the sustainable growth of the world economy.  - 経済産業省


6. 我々は,自由で開かれた貿易及び投資というボゴール目標に向けたAPECの5つの先進エコノミー(豪州,カナダ,日本,ニュージーランド及び米国)並びに途上エコノミーのグループ(チリ,中国香港,韓国,マレーシア,メキシコ,ペルー,シンガポール及びチャイニーズ・タイペイ)による実績を評価する「ボゴール目標に向けたAPEC2010年エコノミーの進展に関する報告書」の成果について,討議を行った。例文帳に追加

6. We discussed the outcomes of the Report on APEC’s 2010 EconomiesProgress Towards the Bogor Goals, which assessed the performance of 5 industrialized economies (Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and the United States), as well as the group of developing member economies (Chile; Hong Kong, China; Korea; Malaysia; Mexico; Peru; Singapore and Chinese Taipei) toward the Bogor Goals of free and open trade and investment. - 経済産業省


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