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該当件数 : 2592


購入した特定の物に隠れた欠陥があった場合前記ⅰのように、出品物が容易に代替品を市場で調達できる不特定物の 場合には、売主は表示に従った欠陥のない商品の引渡義務があり、買主は欠陥のない商品の引渡しを請求できる。例文帳に追加

(B) Cases where latent defects are found in a specific good purchased As described in (A) above, if a good offered for exhibition is an unspecified good and replacements for such good are easily available in the market, a seller is liable to deliver defect-free goods complying with the description and a buyer may claim for the delivery of defect-free goods.  - 経済産業省


If the deal does not concern specific goods, and if the goods can be replaced with other goods available in the market, the seller is responsible to deliver the product free of defect in accordance with the description thereof and the buyer may demand to exchange a defective product with a non-defective product as described in the exhibit information (description).  - 経済産業省

出品物が容易に代替品を市場で調達できる不特定物の場合には、売主は表示に従った欠陥のない商品の引渡義務があり、買主は売主に対し、欠陥のない商品 表示に従った商品を引き渡すよう請求できる。例文帳に追加

If the goods on exhibition are unspecific and can be replaced with other goods available in the market, the seller bears the responsibility to deliver goods free of defect in accordance with the description and the buyer may demand that the seller deliver the goods which both comply with the description and are free of defect.  - 経済産業省


There are many venture entrepreneurs who are too busy in, for instance, business expansion, marketing, and financing to have enough time to think about recruitment, human resource development and organization building. As described above, however, there are really many cases where shortage of people hampers growth of ventures.  - 経済産業省



Start-ups that lack track records could develop business and realize growth by achieving public procurement from national or local governments or other public institutions, using this as a springboard to expand their business base into other customers and improve their products and services. That would be one of their options.  - 経済産業省



In 2008, a new model program of multi-phase competitive selection was introduced. In the program technical assignments are set, based on procurement needs, and a feasibility study is carried out to select the appropriate high-quality R&D activities. The scheme is more similar to the US SBIR.  - 経済産業省


Eliminate, consistent with our WTO obligations, existing local content requirements that distort environmental goods and services trade in the region by the end of 2012, and refrain from adopting new ones, including as part of any future domestic clean energy policy.  - 経済産業省

被災した漁港の多くは、陸揚岸壁等について、2013 年度末までの復旧工事の完了を目指しており、漁港機能の回復に必要な加工流通施設・設備や漁船のための資金調達等に対して引き続き支援が必要といえる。例文帳に追加

The reconstruction works for the landing docks at many of the damaged fishing ports are scheduled for completion by the end of fiscal 2013, and continued support is needed, including assistance in securing funds for processing and distribution facilities and equipment and for fishing boats as required for recovery of the fishing port functions.  - 経済産業省


His family advised him to quit, but he decided to maintain the business at least until the Cooperative Association regained stable operations because if he quit the other businesses in the Cooperative Association that were struggling with funds procurement and personnel shortages before the great earthquake would also be forced to close their businesses, and the history of Ogatsu ink stones would be lost.  - 経済産業省



Large enterprises especially are increasingly taking steps to gain a general grasp of their supply chains, and the resulting changes in procurement policies will necessitate that SMEs also take measures to consider improving their risk management to cope with the effects of disasters and shutdowns by business partners.  - 経済産業省



With the acceleration of global development, there are increasing demands for common facilities at customersJapanese and Chinese factories and for local procurement of equipment. Kyoto Seiko has been able to respond to these customer needs by having production bases in both Japan and China.  - 経済産業省


By making every stage from materials procurement through to production and distribution transparent, Hasuna is inciting demand among the young generation, centered on women with a strong social awareness that their “once-in-a-lifetime wedding ring should not be based on some else’s unhappiness.”  - 経済産業省

そのため、政府では、中小企業の経営力の強化を図るため、①支援事業の担い手の多様化・活性化、②海外展開に伴う資金調達支援の措置を講じる「中小企業経営力強化支援法案」を2012 年3月に閣議決定した。例文帳に追加

In working to strengthen the management capabilities of SMEs, the government adopted the SME Business Capabilities Enhancement Support Bill as a Cabinet decision in March 2012. This bill stipulates (1) diversification and activation of parties providing support and (2) fundraising support measures for overseas development.  - 経済産業省

被災者が復興に向けて再スタートを切るにあたり、既往債務が負担になって新規資金調達が困難となる、いわゆる二重債務問題に対応するため、政府は平成23 年6 月17 日に「二重債務問題への対応方針」を決定した。例文帳に追加

On June 17, 2011, the Government adopted the “Policy to Solve Overlapping Debt Problemsin response to the so-called overlapping problem where the burden of existing debt makes it difficult for victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake to raise the funds to make a fresh start.  - 経済産業省


It also incorporated a number of measures to expand opportunities for SMEs to win orders from the public sector. These include calling for companies to show consideration for SMEs in areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and consideration when diversifying their procurement and contracting practices, enhancement of anti-dumping measures, and issuance of requests to special companies to ask that they pay particular attention to SMEs’ interests.  - 経済産業省

(1 建設業の資金調達の円滑化を図るため、建設企業が公共工事等発注者に対して有する工事請負代金債権について、未完成部分を含め流動化を促進すること等を内容とした地域建設業経営強化融資制度を実施した。例文帳に追加

(1) In order to facilitate the raising of funds by building contractors, use was made of the finance system to strengthen the business of local building contractors, which incorporates mechanisms to encourage securitization of construction fee receivables (including fees for unfinished portions of work) held by building contractors against orderers of public works.  - 経済産業省


In order to facilitate the raising of funds required for the modernization of automobile wrecking and maintenance operations, loan guarantees and interest subsidies will be provided by making appropriate use of the automobile maintenance modernization fund program. (New lending was concluded at the end of fiscal 2010.) (Continuation) (See p. 214.)  - 経済産業省


In future, therefore, SMEs need to strengthen their profitability by continuing to take steps to, for example, increase sales strength through developing new products and developing new markets and outlets, restraining purchasing prices by rethinking their suppliers, and improving the profit ratio by increasing the value added of products. - 経済産業省


Regarding the size of these new direct finance markets, Hercules was capitalized at ¥2 trillion43) in December 2004, twice what it was two years ago, providing evidence of the growing importance of direct finance to the financing activities of SMEs. - 経済産業省


They reaffirmed their joint view, shared by other interested countries, on the need for China to withdraw the implementation of its certification rules for government procurement of 13 IT security products - rules which are inconsistent with international norms.  - 経済産業省


In this context, participants stressed the importance of developing roadmaps for innovative technology, promoting demonstration projects, discussing regulation, monitoring methodology, social acceptance and funding for CCS, such as inclusion of CCS in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), and strengthening international cooperation to promote technology transfer.  - 経済産業省


These seminars looked at issues such as financing, regulation, trade promotion (from the perspective of what is required to facilitate the business environment), and public-private partnerships that support SME sustainability, innovation, and the development of green technology.  - 経済産業省


In a changing financial environment, various efforts are being made to facilitate financing by SMEs.  - 経済産業省


A recent sharp increase in quick loans is playing a certain complementary role in fund-raising. But loan assessments are still being done based on statistically calculated bankruptcy probabilities, etc. Future prospects positive changes as a result of new business or organizational revitalization ? are not adequately taken into account.  - 経済産業省


The Singapore government has worked to develop Singapore as a logistics hub and site for foreign enterprises to locate their regional headquarters, and despite the island state’s fading attractiveness as a site for production due to rising costs, its potential as a hub for international procurement of parts remains high.  - 経済産業省


Singapore and Hong Kong function as financial centers and hubs for logistics, procurement, and intermediary commerce in East Asia and to China, Taiwan’s function is as a hub for development of human resources and provider of manufacturing know-how, and Japanese enterprises have long invested heavily in the island’s economy, especially in manufacturing.  - 経済産業省


Put the other way around, one might say that these difficulties with the local procurement environment are also an indication of the high regard in which Japanese enterprises have traditionally been held, and highlight the fields in which Japanese SMEs are at a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.  - 経済産業省


In other words, as enterprises are able to pursue low costs without being worrying about existing customers or patterns of transactions, they are now able to use cheap East Asian products and establish manufacturing overseas manufacturing operations with a view to local procurement in East Asia.  - 経済産業省


As manufacturing economies of scale cannot be obtained when producing large varieties of products in small lots, it is inevitably necessary to switch between a broad range of product types and constantly tweak procurement and management of materials, and reducing costs both financially and time-wise is a key concern.  - 経済産業省


According to METI’s Survey of Human Resource Needs (2004), the number of methods used by enterprises to procure human resources (recruitment routes) is extremely low, averaging only 1.7, and in the case of mid-career recruitment in particular, many enterprises rely solely on methods revolving around the “Hello Workpublic job-placement program for the unemployed. - 経済産業省


Ships sunk at the time of the blockage of the Suez Canal Responses European countries and other countries attempted to achieve independence from their conventional oil supply systems, which had become fully dependent on certain geographical areas (diversification and decentralization of supply sources). The OEEC (the predecessor of the OECD) recommended the special stockpiling of oil, and oil reserves were increased. - 経済産業省


National governments have taken various measures to address these problems, but their goals can be categorized as I. diversification of energy sources, II. decentralization of supply sources, III. building of safety nets, IV. ensuring safety and stability, and V. ongoing technological development on a long-term basis. - 経済産業省


In Asia, except that foods are located in the upper-right corner with a high local sales ratio and a high local procurement ratio, many industries such as transport machinery are distributed near the center of the diagram. This shows the supply chain is developed in a local country but is not closed within the country. - 経済産業省


As seen above, regarding the recent international division of labor in East Asia, demand areas for final goods have shifted towards within the region, the suppliers of companies have increasingly been localized, and the competitive relationship has gradually strengthened while the complementary relationship of supplying parts and components is maintained. - 経済産業省

次に、2011 年(暦年の輸入をみると、輸入の増加(前年比+12.1%に最も寄与した地域はアジア(寄与度+4.74%ポイントと中東(同+4.02%ポイントであり、震災による代替調達の一時的増加やエネルギー価格の高止まり、燃料需要の増加を裏付ける結果となっている。例文帳に追加

As far as imports in 2011 (calendar year) are concerned, the largest contributors to the increase in imports (a 12.1% increase from the previous year) were Asia (4.74% point in contribution, in terms of ratio to the same month of the previous year) and the Middle East (4.02% point in contribution). This resulted from a temporary increase in substitute procurement in the wake of the earthquake, the soaring energy prices and the increase in fuel demand. - 経済産業省

先述の国際協力銀行(2011のアンケートによれば、震災により何らかの影響を受けた企業(全体の9 割弱の中で、「部品・材料の調達面で影響を受けた」と回答した企業(全体の約7 割が最も多かった。例文帳に追加

According to the aforementioned survey conducted by the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (2011), out of the companies affected by the earthquake in any way, which account for nearly 90% of the total respondents, the largest number (corresponding to about 70% of the total) answered that the earthquakeaffected their procurement of materials and components.” - 経済産業省


As analyzed in the White Paper of 2011, a ratio of imports/exports to industrial input/output was originally high in Kyushu due to its geographical proximity to Asia. There is a possibility that progress of global procurement would promote industrial agglomeration of the automobile industry in the Kyushu region as a production base. - 経済産業省


At first, in line with progress of the localization in emerging countries, material exports from Japan may increase, but it is considered that the growth will gradually slow down in the medium term due to competition with Chinese, Korean, and Taiwanese enterprises in materials supply and also due to increases in the local content rate. - 経済産業省

しかし通常のFTA/EPA では、関税以外にも、サービス、投資、知的財産、政府調達など様々な分野について規定しており、特に今後取組が加速化されると見られる広域経済連携では、地域をカバーする新たなルール作りの意義が大きいと考えられる。例文帳に追加

However, FTAs/ FPAs usually stipulate matters in various areas including services, investment, intellectual property, government procurement and others. Establishment of new rules covering a whole region is especially meaningful in the regional economic partnership for which efforts for accomplishment are supposed to be accelerated in the future. - 経済産業省


At that time, as an entry condition for generation firms, the state government made it an obligation (local content requirement) to use more than a certain ratio of added-value facilities of solar power generation and wind power generation (assembling or procurement of raw materials) that were added in-state. - 経済産業省

欧米を中心としたインドからの調達の拡大に伴い、コールセンター業務に代表されるビジネスプロセス・アウトソーシング事業、ソフトウエアの委託開発事業などといったIT 関連産業も、急速に売上高を伸ばしている。例文帳に追加

The increased procurement from India principally by major Western countries has seen rapid growth in sales in business process and outsourcing services, such as call centers, and IT-related industries such as the outsourcing of software development. - 経済産業省

特に、大規模な民間企業は、産業ライセンス制度によって硬直的で厳しい許認可行政の対象とされた一方、小規模工業部門(SSI:Small Scale Industriesは、当該規制の対象外とされ、税制上の恩典、政府調達、金融面などで様々な優遇措置が受けられるものとされた。例文帳に追加

While large private-sector companies were subject ta rigid and severe license administration under the industrial license system, small scale industries(SSI) were not and received preferential treatment including tax breaks, government procurement contracts, and financial advantages. - 経済産業省

電機メーカーにおいても、部品をいかに低コストで調達できるかが競争力の鍵の一つとなっており、直接投資又は地場企業の育成等を通じて、こうしたニーズにこたえうる体制が中国・ASEAN で整いつつあると考えられる。例文帳に追加

The key to competitiveness is the extent to which electrical equipment manufacturers can procure parts at a low price, and it seems that a system to respond to these needs through direct investment and development of local companies is being set in place in China and ASEAN. - 経済産業省

これは、先に述べた我が国製造業の東アジア現地法人の調達先の約5 割が日系企業で占められているという結果からも推察されるように、まずは現地において日系企業との取引を確保することで、事業基盤を固めることが重要との姿勢が表れていると考えられる。例文帳に追加

As previously shown, approximately 50% of the suppliers of the local corporations of Japanese manufacturing industries in East Asia are Japanese-affiliated companies, which indicates that companies consider it important to solidify their business base by first securing business with Japanese-affiliated companies in the local area. - 経済産業省


Buyersconsolidation is a system whereby, for example, Japanese buyers procure goods from sellers in China on condition that the goods are delivered to a bonded logistics park. After storing the goods in the bonded logistics park as its own asset and repackaging, the buyer ships the goods to destinations within Japan as necessary. - 経済産業省


With regard to service sectors, especially service sectors offering products in addition to services, there may arise a case where progress in international business expansion and success in capturing a larger market would enable the procurement of such products under more favorable conditions, due to an increase in buying power. - 経済産業省


In addition to the government’s policy measures and research institutestechnology development, there has been a movement where private sectors implement resource recycling projects and the commercialization of alternative materials. - 経済産業省


The labor market test is a system of accepting foreign workers into the country, which is used only when recruitment in the domestic labor market is proven to be impossible in such a case that domestic workers cannot fill job vacancies within a certain period. - 経済産業省


For financial institutions to seize earning opportunities and for businesses to engage in timely low-cost financing, human resources equipped with advanced and extensive knowledge of financial and business affairs who are capable of using such knowledge in practice are required. - 経済産業省



M&A has become one of the important growth strategies for companies faced with intensifying global competition, and financial institutions may be increasingly expected to provide advisory functions such as the development of appropriate financing schemes. - 経済産業省


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