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In regards to the legends of the birth of Shotoku Taishi including that 'he was born in front of a stable' and 'his mother Hashihito no Himemiko became pregnant with him when the Bodhisattva of Compassion entered her womb,' some scholars represented by Kunitake KUME insist on the possibility that 'when the Kojiki and the Nihonshoki were compiled, stories of the Bible and the like were introduced to Japan through Nestorian Christianity that had arrived in China so that the story of the birth of Jesus Christ was adopted to the legend of the birth of Shotoku Taishi as a story of the humble birth of a nobleman.' 例文帳に追加

「厩の前で生まれた」、「母・間人皇女は救世観音が胎内に入り、皇子を身籠もった」などの太子出生伝説に関して、「記紀編纂当時既に中国に伝来していた景教(キリスト教のネストリウス派)の福音書の内容などが日本に伝わり、その中からイエス・キリスト誕生の逸話が貴種出生譚として聖徳太子伝説に借用された」との可能性を唱える研究者(久米邦武が代表例)もいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Bronze Plaque with Line-engraved Zao Gongen' (in Soji-ji Temple of Nishiarai-taishi Shrine, Tokyo Prefecture) (National Treasure) which was excavated at Yoshino, is a bronze plaque with line-engraved Buddhas including Zao Gongen and has an inscription of 1001, so that it is suggested that the iconography of Zao Gongen had been established before around this time. 例文帳に追加

吉野から出土した、国宝の「鋳銅刻画蔵王権現像」(東京・西新井大師総持寺蔵)は、銅板に線刻で蔵王権現などの諸仏を表わしたもので、長保3年(1001)銘があり、この頃までには蔵王権現の図像も確立していたことがわかる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nichiren, the founder of the Daimoku sect (Nichiren sect, Hokke sect), defined Namu-myoho-renge-kyo as Shogyo (a correct practice); although, prior to Nichiren, it was not a center of the creed in Tendai and Tendai Jimon sects, which Tendai Taishi (Chigi or Zhiyi) founded, it was chanted by the ascetic priests of those sects. 例文帳に追加

題目宗(日蓮宗、法華宗)の宗祖日蓮が正行(しょうぎょう)として据えたが、日蓮以前の天台大師(智顗)を祖とする天台宗・天台寺門宗などでも教義の中心ではないもののこの五字七字の題目は修行僧が唱えていたとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The "Kondo Nikki" (Daily record of main temple structure), which was established in the late 11th century, contains a detailed description of Buddha statues which were enshrined in Kondo (the Golden Pavilion) of the Horyu-ji Temple at the time, but even here no mention is made about Kudara Kannon; similarly, "Shotoku Taishi Denshiki" (The private recollections on the life of Prince Shotoku) written by Kenshin, a monk of Horyu-ji Temple during the Kamakura period, does not mention Kudara Kannon. 例文帳に追加

11世紀後半成立の『金堂日記』には、当時法隆寺金堂内にあった仏像に関する詳細な記録があるが、ここにも百済観音に関する言及はなく、鎌倉時代の法隆寺の僧・顕真による『聖徳太子伝私記』も同様に百済観音には触れていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was written in classical Chinese and in chronological order, dealing with the national history ranging from Emperor Jinmu's reign to March 26 1094 (Emperor Horikawa's reign) in which chronicles of Japan and China based on a genealogical table of the Emperor were added, and besides that Rikkokushi and "Jikaku Taishi Den" (Biography of Bishop Jikaku), which contains the Buddhist related articles such as biographies of priests, history, and origins of temples were put in the book. 例文帳に追加

内容は、神武天皇より堀河天皇の寛治8年(1094年)3月2日(旧暦)までの国史について、帝王系図の類を基礎に和漢年代記を書入れ、さらに六国史や『慈覚大師伝』などの僧伝・流記・寺院縁起など仏教関係の記事を中心に、漢文・編年体で記している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, according to "Jogu Shotoku Hooteisetsu" (Biography of Shotoku Taishi) and "The Origin of Gango-ji Temple," official introduction of Buddhism was on October 12 in the Bogo year (in the old lunar calendar, and it is guessed to be in 537 because it was not under the reign of the Emperor Kinmei), which is commonly believed. 例文帳に追加

しかし『上宮聖徳法王帝説』や『元興寺縁起』は、欽明天皇の戊午年10月12日(旧暦)(同年が欽明天皇治世下にないため(宣化3年)と推定されている)に仏教公伝されることを伝えており、こちらが通説になっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Gendai Kyudo Koza (courses in the Modern Japanese art of archery)" described major schools such as Son school (), Shinto school, the Nihon school, Kashima school, Taishi school, Ban school, Ki school, Hidesato school, Henmi school, Takeda school, Heki school, Yamato school and the Ogasawara school, among which the Ogasawara school, Tekeda school, Heki school and the Yamato school were seen after recent times as well. 例文帳に追加

『現代弓道講座』では主な流派として尊流、神道流、日本流、鹿島流、太子流、伴流、紀流、秀郷流、逸見流、武田流、日置流、大和流、小笠原流をあげているが、そのうち近世以降に見られる流派は小笠原流、武田流、日置流、大和流である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the day, seven days prior to the day of boar, each house preparing Inoko mochi cakes for the Imperial Court had invited monks of either Zenpuku-ji Temple of Shingon sect (also called Dondoro Taishi Zenpuku-ji) in Kishiro village or Hossho-ji Temple of Hokke sect in Kirihata village in order to hold an incantation to purify the places, instruments and wells for cooking of Inoko mochi, in advance of commencing their cooking process. 例文帳に追加

亥の日7日前になると、献上する亥の子餅を作る家には、亥の子餅を調理する場所・道具・使用する井戸を木代村では、真言宗・善福寺(どんどろ大師善福寺)、切畑村は法華宗・法性寺の僧侶を請じて、それぞれ清めの加持を行った後に調理が始まる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Another theory is found in "Jogu Shotoku Taishi Den Hoketsuki" (Revised Biography of Prince Shotoku) (from the early Heian period) and "Shotokutaishi Denryaku" (Biography of Prince Shotoku) (written by FUJIWARA no Kanesuke in 917), and according to it, the temple was built by three persons from the Paekche Kingdom, Kai hoshi (Buddhist priest), Enmyo hoshi, and Shimotsui no Niimono, after the original Horyu-ji Temple was burned down. 例文帳に追加

今一つの説は『上宮聖徳太子伝補闕記』(平安時代前期成立)および『聖徳太子伝暦』(延喜17年・917年、藤原兼輔著)に見えるもので、創建法隆寺の焼失後、百済の開法師・円明法師・下氷新物(しもつひのにいもの)の3人が建てたとするものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He had more than 20 nyogo and koi, and he had 36 children followed by Prince Yasuakira (Bunken-gen-taishi), Prince Yoshiakira, Prince Shigeakira (Riho-O), MINAMOTO no Takaakira (who was demoted from nobility to subject (commoner)), Prince Kaneakira (Saki no chusho), Prince Hiroakira (the Emperor Suzaku), Prince Nariakira (the Emperor Murakami) and so on. 例文帳に追加

20人に近い女御・更衣をかかえ、保明親王(文献彦太子)・代明親王・重明親王(吏部王)・源高明(臣籍降下)・兼明親王(前中書王)・寛明親王(朱雀天皇)・成明親王(村上天皇)をはじめ、36人の子女をもうけた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "Okina gusa," by Teikan KANZAWA, the Emperor was called the return of Shotoku Taishi (Prince Shotoku), since they had similarities such as a New Year's birthday and there was a fire on the day of birth, or that they both achieved a lot in politics; moreover, the famous historian and court noble, Motomitsu YANAGIHARA, referred to the Emperor as 'the first Saint Emperor since the peaceful era of Engi and Tenryaku.' 例文帳に追加

神沢貞幹の『翁草』によると生まれが元旦でそのとき火事があり且つ実績も立派という共通点から聖徳太子の再来といわれ、歴史家としても知られた公家の柳原紀光も「延喜・天暦の治以来の聖代である」と評したという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Around 1108, she was ordered by the Chiten (person in power) at that time, Emperor Shirakawa to make bridal entry in to the Imperial Palace to the young Emperor Toba, who was eight years younger than her, although her father, Tadazane kept rejecting the order from the In, he accepted it positively after Emperor Toba himself recommended Taishi enter into the Imperial Palace after 1113. 例文帳に追加

天仁元年(1108年)頃、八歳年下の幼帝・鳥羽天皇に入内するよう時の治天白河天皇に命ぜられ、父忠実は院の要請を固辞したが、永久の頃(1113年以後)、鳥羽天皇自身が泰子入内を勧めると、あろうことか積極的に応対した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Shotoku Taishi Den Hoketsuki," Okoma no hoshi (Buddhist priest) (also called Koma no Daihoshi who were selected as one of ten supreme Buddhist leaders in 'Edict of monks and nuns in the Taika era' issued by Emperor Kotoku on September 6, 945 after Taika no Kaishin [Great Reformation of the Taika Era]) killed YAMASHIRO no Oe no o's son, YUGE no miko who was in Ikaruga-dera Temple six days later after the incident. 例文帳に追加

『聖徳太子伝補闕記』には皇極天皇2年(643年)に大狛法師(狛大法師、大化の改新後大化元年8月8日に孝徳天皇の「大化僧尼の詔」により十師に選ばれた)が事件後6日後に斑鳩寺にいた山背大兄王の息子弓削王を殺したと記述されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan) reported that the Empress Suiko wished in her will to be buried in Takeda no miko's graveyard, it is said that his graveyard is Shinaga no Yamada no Misasagi (the Yamada Imperial tomb) (Oaza Yamada, Taishi-cho, Minamikawachi-gun, Osaka Prefecture), designated as the burial mound of the Empress Suiko (The "Nihonshoki" did not record the name of the burial mound.) 例文帳に追加

皇子の墓は日本書紀に推古天皇が竹田皇子の墓に合葬するように遺詔した事から、推古天皇陵として治定されている磯長山田陵(大阪府南河内郡太子町(大阪府)大字山田)とされる(書紀は陵墓名を記さず)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many other sided with those who resigned, and Yuzo HAYASHI of Seikanron and Kenkan Taishi-ha (supporters for sending both an army and ambassadors to Korea), Toshiaki KIRINO, Kunimoto SHINOHARA, Gumpei FUCHIBE, Shuichiro KONO and Jurota HEMMI, and about 600 other politicians, soldiers and governors resigned one after another. 例文帳に追加

この一連の辞職に同調して、征韓論・遣韓大使派の林有造・桐野利秋・篠原国幹・淵辺群平・別府晋介・河野主一郎・辺見十郎太をはじめとする政治家・軍人・官僚600名余が次々に大量に辞任した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Yukichi is known as 'the person on the largest denomination bill' today, the Ministry of Finance, Financing Bureau first planned to issue a 100000 yen note featuring Shotoku-taishi, a 50000 yen note featuring Hideyo NOGUCHI, and a 10000 yen note featuring Yukichi FUKUZAWA as new banknotes on November 1, 1984. 例文帳に追加

現在「最高額紙幣の人」としても知られているが、昭和59年(1984年)11月1日の新紙幣発行に際して、最初の大蔵省理財局の案では、十万円札が聖徳太子、五万円札が野口英世、一万円札が福澤諭吉となる予定だった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The article about Empress Suiko, a consort of the Emperor Bidatsu, in the "Nihonshoki" (720) describes '皇后 二男五女 曰 菟皇女 皇女 東宮聖德,' in which the name 'Shotoku Taishi' does not appear. 例文帳に追加

『日本書紀』(養老4年・720年):敏達天皇の妃推古天皇についての記事に「豐御食炊屋姬尊為皇后是生二男五女其一曰菟道貝鮹皇女更名菟道磯津貝皇女也是嫁於東宮聖德」と見えるが、「聖徳太子」という名称は記されていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

"Zuisho" describes these two things but describes neither Empress Suiko nor Umayatoo, which indicates that the existence of Umayatoo (Shotoku Taishi), the Crown Prince of Empress Suiko, is denied bibliographically; therefore, the existence of Umayatoo can be only seen in the relics of the Ikaruga no Miya palace and Ikaruga-dera Temple. 例文帳に追加

さらにこれら2つにしても、『隋書』に記載されてはいるが、その『隋書』には推古天皇も厩戸王も登場しない、そうすると推古天皇の皇太子・厩戸王(聖徳太子)は文献批判上では何も残らなくなり、痕跡は斑鳩宮と斑鳩寺の遺構のみということになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Oyama classifies the historical sources about Shotoku Taishi into two groups of 'Jushichijo Kenpo' written in the "Nihonshoki" and 'the halo inscription of the statue of Yakushi Zo in Horyu-ji Temple, the halo inscription of the statue of Shaka Sanson Zo in Horyu-ji Temple, Tenjukoku Shucho (embroidery representing Tenjukoku paradise), and Sangyo Gisho' in Horyu-ji Temple, and argues that both groups were created in the ages quite after the days of Umayatoo. 例文帳に追加

また、聖徳太子についての史料を『日本書紀』の「十七条憲法」と法隆寺の「法隆寺薬師像光背銘文、法隆寺釈迦三尊像光背銘文、天寿国繍帳、三経義疏」の二系統に分類し、すべて厩戸皇子よりかなり後の時代に作成されたとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He also argues 'that the theory which states that Shotoku Taishi was created in the Nihonshoki is doubtful because the letters 'Shotoku no Sumera' appear on 'To Robanmei' of Hoki-ji Temple, which was made 14 years before the completion of the Nihonshoki and that Oyama's theory is largely based on supposition and lacks sufficient evidence in insisting that the Robanmei is a forgery.' 例文帳に追加

また「日本書紀が成立する14年前に作られた法起寺の塔露盤銘には聖徳皇という言葉があり、書紀で聖徳太子を創作したとする点は疑問。露銘板を偽作とする大山氏の説は推測に頼る所が多く、論証不十分。」とする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Around the time the banknote with a portrait of Shotoku Taishi (Prince Shotoku) was discontinued (1983), when those involved in designing the new banknotes were considering the use of a woman's portrait, Seishonagon, Lady Murasaki Shikibu, Ichiyo HIGUCHI and Akiko YOSANO (in birth order) were proposed as candidates, but none of them was adopted at the time. 例文帳に追加

聖徳太子の紙幣使用の終わり(1983年)ごろ、新紙幣の図柄を決める関係者の女性を採用してはという意見の中で、清少納言、紫式部、樋口一葉、与謝野晶子(出生順)の4人が候補に上がったが、当時はいずれも採用にはいたらなかったという逸話がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 760, Nakamaro became Taishi (Grand Minister) and also Asakari, who was the Mutsu Chinju Shogun, was praised for his performance in Mutsu Province (He had constructed Okachinoki Castle without a blow by converting the Araemishi people to the Imperial system) and was given the position of Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade). 例文帳に追加

天平宝字4年(760年)仲麻呂は太師(太政大臣)となり、陸奥守兼鎮守将軍であった朝狩も陸奥国での功績(荒蝦夷を導いて天皇に順化させ、無血で雄勝城を完成させた)が認められ、従四位下に叙される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In "Jogu Shotoku Hooteisetsu (Biography of Shotoku Taishi)," it is recorded that her mother was a daughter of Kazuraki no Tagima no Kura no Obito Hiroko, Ihiko no Iratsume, while it is also said that she was a daughter of Kazurakinoatahi Ihamura, Hiroko (according to "Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan)"), and she had an older brother-uterine, Prince Toma. 例文帳に追加

『帝説』は葛城当麻倉首比里古(かづらきのたぎまのくらのおびとひろこ)の女、伊比古郎女(いひこのいらつめ)と書く)、葛城直磐村(かづらきのあたひいはむら)の娘、広子(ひろこ)とも言われ(『日本書紀』)、同母兄に当麻皇子がいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the Meiji period, as the rakusui-shi in Tokyo had been highly estimated, the development of large-size fusuma paper was very popular even in the Echizen region which took pride in the long tradition, and the tesuki-fusumabari-taishi (handmade large paper for fusuma) was invented at the Takano paper mill in Shinzaike, Imadate-cho, Fukui Prefecture (present Shinzaike-cho, Echizen City) in 1885. 例文帳に追加

明治時代に入っての東京の楽水紙の評価が高まるにつれ、長い伝統に誇りを持つ越前でも一枚貼りの大判のふすま紙の開発に関心が高まり、明治18年(1885年)に福井県今立町新在家(現越前市新在家町)の高野製紙場で、手漉襖張大紙を漉くことに成功している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While the effect of these principles on politics and culture was insignificant at first, after Kanroku, the pioneer of Onmyodo in Japan, arrived from Baekje in 602 and lectured to 34 selected bureaucrats, including Shotoku Taishi (Prince Shotoku), they began to have a major impact on national politics. 例文帳に追加

当初はこれら諸学の政治・文化に対する影響は僅少であったものの、602年(推古天皇10年)に日本における陰陽道のパイオニアとも言うべき存在となった観勒が百済から来日し、聖徳太子をはじめとして選ばれた34名の官僚に諸学を講じると我国の国政に大きな影響を与えるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The influence of inyo gogyo became significant when the almanac (Genka-reki or Genka calendar) was adopted as the official calendar for the first time in Japan, and when Kenzuishi (Japanese delegates to the Sui Dynasty) were dispatched to the culturally advanced Sui commencing in 607 to absorb Buppo (Law of Buddhism/ Dharma), the principles of Inyo Gogyo and rekiho (method of making calendars), and when the Seventeen-Article Constitution and Twelve-cap rank system were established by Shotoku taishi. 例文帳に追加

初めて日本において暦(元嘉暦)が官暦として採用され、仏法や陰陽五行思想・暦法などを吸収するために607年(推古天皇15年)には先進文明国である随に向けて遣隋使の派遣が始められたほか、聖徳太子の十七条憲法や冠位十二階の制定においても陰陽五行思想の影響が色濃く現れることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, according to "Taima-dera Temple Engi" (The History of Taima-dera Temple) in "Jogu-taishi Shui-ki" (a collection of the stories about Prince Shotoku) (1237), the Taima-dera Temple was founded by the Prince Maroko as the Manhozo-in Temple which honzon was Kuze Kannon in 612 and it was originally located in the place named Misoji () in the south of present Taima-dera Temple and moved to the present place in 692. 例文帳に追加

一方、『上宮太子拾遺記』(嘉禎3年・1237年)所引の『当麻寺縁起』によれば、當麻寺は推古天皇20年(612年)、麻呂古王が救世観音を本尊とする万宝蔵院として創建したもので、当初は今の當麻寺の南方の味曽路という場所にあり、692年に現在地に移築されたとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 552, budda statues and sutras; sacred literature telling religious techniques, were introduced to Japan from Paekche while It is argued that Buddhism was introduced in 538 based on descriptions in "Jogu Shotoku Hooteisetsu" (Biography of Shotoku Taishi), "Ganjo-ji temple garan engi", (the history of Ganjoji temple), (both saying 538 is the year when Buddhism came to Japan. 例文帳に追加

552年(欽明天皇13年)に百済から仏像と経文が伝来する(仏教伝来そのものに関しては、『上宮聖徳法王帝説』(「志癸島天皇御世戊午年十月十二日」)『元興寺伽藍縁起』(天國案春岐廣庭天皇七年歳戊午十二月)を根拠として戊午年・538年とする説が有力である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Historical sources about Shotoku Taishi include "Nihonshoki" (Vol. 22, Suikoki), 'Sangyo Gisho,' 'Tenjukoku Shucho' (Tenjukoku Mandala Shucho), 'The halo inscription of the statue of Yakushi Zo in Horyu-ji Temple,' 'The halo inscription of the statue of Shaka Sanson Zo in Horyu-ji Temple,' 'The text written in sumi inside the pedestal of the statue of Shaka Sanson Zo in Horyu-ji Temple,' 'Dogo yuokahimeibun (=Iyo yuokahibun, recorded in the Iyo no Kuni Fudoki Itsubun)', 'Hokijito Robanmei,' "Joguki," and "Jogu Shotoku Hoo Teisetsu." 例文帳に追加

聖徳太子については『日本書紀(巻22推古紀)』、「三経義疏」、「天寿国繍帳(天寿国曼荼羅繍帳)」、「法隆寺薬師像光背銘文」、「法隆寺釈迦三尊像光背銘文」、「法隆寺釈迦三尊像台座内墨書」、「道後湯岡碑銘文(=伊予湯岡碑文、伊予国風土記逸文に記録。)」、「法起寺塔露盤銘」、『上宮記』、『上宮聖徳法王帝説』などの歴史的資料がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nakamaro, who backed up the Emperor Junnin, started unique politics by promoting Tokuji policies (ruling a nation by virtue of a sovereign), which included raising the age of chunan (men between 17 to 20 years of age) and seitei (men between 21 and 60 years of age) and halving the amount of zoyo (irregular corvee), and also by adopting more Chinese-style systems such as renaming of the government posts in a Chinese style, (i.e. Daijokan [Grand Council of State] was changed into Kenseikan, and Daijo-daijin [Grand Minister] into Taishi. 例文帳に追加

淳仁天皇を擁立した仲麻呂は独自な政治を行うようになり、中男・正丁の年齢繰上げや雑徭の半減、問民苦使・平準署の創設など徳治政策を進めるとともに、官名を唐風に改称させるなど唐風政策を推進した(太政官→乾政官、太政大臣→大師など。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The entire village operated in a manner similar to an industrial estate, with craftsmen all specializing in a particular facet of firearm production such as those who manufactured important components such as the barrels, others known as 'taishi' who crafted the stocks, and those called 'karakuri' who made the mechanical parts and various metal components as well as the decoration and inlaying that was applied to the barrel and base plate. 例文帳に追加

村がひとつの工業団地的性格を持ち、銃身等主要部分を作る鍛冶のほかに、銃床を作る「台師」、「からくり」と呼ばれる機関部や各種の金属部品それに銃身や地板(機関部基板)等に施す装飾の象嵌等にそれぞれの専門職人が居り、分業体制がとられていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Michio MAEZONO (Professor, Nara College of Arts) and Taichiro SHIRAISHI (Professor, Nara University) argue that it is highly possible Prince Anahobe (uncle of Prince Taishi, assassinated by SOGA no Umako) and Prince Yakabe (prince of the Emperor Senka) are the ones that were buried in this tumulus, because the tumulus was built when an assassination happened in June 587 according to "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan). 例文帳に追加

前園実知雄(奈良芸術短期大学教授)や白石太一郎(奈良大学教授)は、2人の被葬者が『日本書紀』が記す587年6月の暗殺時期と一致する事などから、聖徳太子の叔父で蘇我馬子に暗殺された穴穂部皇子と、宣化天皇の皇子ともされる宅部皇子の可能性が高い事を論じている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Sho Taishi Ryonin, priests of the Tendai sect, were performing the ascetic practices at Ohara Raigo-in Temple (Sakyo-ku Ward, Kyoto City) on June 16, 1117 during the end of Heian period, he was given Gemon of 往生 (the way for one to reach Buddhism quickly from Amida Nyorai(Amitabha Tathagata)), '一人一切 一切一人 一行一切 一切一行 十界一念 融通念仏 百万 功徳円満' from Amida Nyorai and founded the Yuzu Nenbutsu sect. 例文帳に追加

平安時代末期の永久(元号)5年5月15日(旧暦)(1117年6月16日)に天台宗の僧侶である聖応大師良忍が大原来迎院(京都市左京区)にて修行中、阿弥陀如来から速疾往生(阿弥陀如来から誰もが速やかに仏の道に至る方法)の偈文「一人一切人一切人一人一行一切行一切行一行十界一念融通念仏億百万編功徳円満」を授かり開宗した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, there were several Oe such as Yatatamakatsu no Oe, who was a son of Emperor Kinmei; Oshisaka no hikohito no Oe, who was a son of Emperor Bidatsu who succeeded Emperor Kinmei; Tachibana no toyohi no Oe (later, Emperor Yomei), who was an older maternal half-brother of Emperor Bidatsu; Yamashiro no Oe, who was the eldest son of Shotoku Taishi, a son of Emperor Yomei and a regent for Empress Suiko; and Furuhito no Oe, who was the eldest son of Emperor Jomei, however, only a few of them succeeded to Amenoshita shiroshimesu ookimi. 例文帳に追加

その後の大兄には欽明天皇の子である箭田珠勝大兄(やたたまかつのおおえ)、欽明天皇を後継した敏達天皇の子である押坂彦人大兄皇子(おしさかのひこひとのおおえ)、敏達天皇の異母弟である橘豊日大兄(たちばなのとよひのおおえ、用明天皇)、用明天皇の子聖徳太子(推古天皇の摂政)の長子である山背大兄王(やましろのおおえ)、舒明天皇の長子である古人大兄皇子(ふるひとのおおえ)がいるが、これらの大兄のうち治天下大王位に就いた例の方が少ない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Article 6 of the treaty stipulated that large-scale reforms should not be carried out during the absence of government leaders, saying 'A big reform for inland business is to be made after taishi (commander-in-chief) returns to Japan, so it is not necessary to pursue a new reform immediately,' while Article 7 stipulated that affairs of Haihan-chiken should be wound up quickly, saying 'Since accomplishing Haihan-chiken is essential to carry out inland business, it should be done reasonably and effectively.' 例文帳に追加

その第6条には「内地の事務は大使帰国の上で大いに改正するの目的なれば、其内可成丈新規の改正を要す可らず」として留守中に大規模な改革を行わないことを約する一方で、次の第7条には「廃藩置県の処置は内地事務の統一に帰せしむべき基なれば、条理を逐て順次其効を挙げ、改正の地歩をなさしむべし」として廃藩置県の後始末については速やかに行うように指示されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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